This feels like someone should have published it before. But I can't find an obvious citation (eg in any of the documentation around keyless ephemeral anchors), so I'll publish one here. Maybe I'm the first to point this out explicitly? Probably not; I'd appreciate an earlier citation if one exists. tl;dr: _Anyone_ can do a replacement cycling attack on transactions where fees are paid via CPFP via keyless anchors and similar outputs that a third-party can double-spend. Secondly, for attackers who were already planning on making a transaction with a higher total fee and total fee-rate than the target, this attack is almost free. # The Attack Suppose that Alice has created a 2 transaction package consisting of low-fee or zero-fee transaction A, whose fees are CPFP paid via a keyless ephemeral anchor spent by transaction B. For B to pay fees, obviously it must spend a second transaction output. Mallory can cycle A and B out of mempools by broadcasting transaction B2, spending his own output and the keyless ephemeral anchor of A, at a higher fee/fee-rate than B. Next, Mallory broadcasts B3, double-spending B2 by spending Mallory's input but not the ephemeral anchor of A. Assuming Mallory needed to mine B3 anyway, the only cost to this attack is the small chance that B2 will in fact be mined between the time that B2 is replaced by B3. At this point A is no longer economical to mine as B has been cycled out, and A may be dropped from mempools depending on the circumstances. ## SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY Obviously, a similar attack is possible against SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY-using transactions, provided that _all_ signatures sign with SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY. # Countermeasures As with other replacement cycling attacks, rebroadcasting A and B fixes the issue. I think the existence of this additional type of replacement cycling attack suggests that adding an optional rebroadcasting module to Bitcoin Core that would keep track of dropped transactions and re-add them to mempools when they are again valid would make sense. This fixes all replacement cycling attacks and there's probably lots of nodes who have the memory and/or disk space to keep track of dropped transactions like this. Preventing the replacement of B2 with B3 is _not_ a viable countermeasure: if that replacement was prohibited, attackers could in turn exploit that rule as a new form of transaction pinning! # Privacy The fact that rebroadcasting is a countermeasure is a privacy concern. Each time a transaction is rebroadcast by the sender is a potential opportunity to track the origin of a transaction. Again, having third parties rebroadcasting transactions altruistically would mitigate this privacy concern. -- 'peter'[:-1] -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Bitcoin Development Mailing List" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To view this discussion on the web visit