On Mon, 2 Feb 2015, Levin Keller wrote: > Hello everyone, > I think this is my first email to this mailinglist so I will shortly introduce myself: > > I am Levin and the CEO of Coyno (www.coyno.com). Based in Berlin, mathematician. Bitcoiner since 2011. > > And now the reason for this email: Andreas (Schildbach) just released a new update of his wallet. It now provides an export functionality for the m/0' key in order to run read only copies > on other devices. We already support the format on our website. Of course we would love for this to become standard. I also updated the Wiki article for Andreas' > Wallet: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Bitcoin_Wallet Yes, standardizing on a format could be useful. > How do you like it? How does this format get standard? Shall I try to get a pull request to BIP32 passed? Just administrative trivia: this would be a new BIP, and not an amandment to BIP32. Excluding small language errors and clarifications in examples, BIPs are not changed after the fact. Wladimir