Right and everybody knows that Tether is the most clever sidechain ever invented far more sophisticated than lightning, which makes me think that a punishment should be added in the proposal for the cheater advertising a price < 50 k (or 100) and/or selling before 1-3 years (tbd) so all his coins go to the Bitcoin Mediator, a new notion here to sustain the community (I modestly apply for the position)

Le 01/04/2019 à 13:50, Dana L. Coe via bitcoin-dev a écrit :
I suggest in the spirit of the times that we not use USD as the reference, but USDT.

Everyone knows Tethers are much more flexible in tracking the true value of the US dollar.


On Apr 1, 2019, at 7:22 PM, Melvin Carvalho via bitcoin-dev <bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org> wrote:

On Mon, 1 Apr 2019 at 02:32, Luke Dashjr via bitcoin-dev <bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org> wrote:
Certain parts of the community have been selling bitcoins for unreasonably
low prices. This has halted Bitcoin's valuation at $20k and even driven the
price down below $15k! However, clearly Bitcoin is worth much more than
that, and there is widespread support for higher prices.

In light of this, I have written and implemented two BIPs: one to add a
signed price field to Bitcoin transactions, and the other to softfork a
minimum price of $50k USD/BTC a year from today.

The BIPs are here, as well as included at the bottom of this email for

A reference implementation is here:

Please review ASAP so we can get these deployed in Bitcoin Core v0.18.

This seems a little arbitrary.  Ask yourself, "Why the USD?".  Yes, it is the dominant currency now, but in 2, 6, 10, 14 years?  Who knows.

You could make equally an argument to denominate in euros.  Or a basket of currencies, or even the Bancor.

However the wider question is why even denominate in fiat at all? 

I suggest denominating the minimum value in satoshsis themselves, which would be a negligable upgrade to the network.


  BIP: ?
  Layer: Applications
  Title: Signed USD Price Indicator
  Author: Luke Dashjr <luke+bip@dashjr.org>
  Comments-Summary: No comments yet.
  Comments-URI: https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/wiki/Comments:BIP-????
  Status: Draft
  Type: Standards Track
  Created: 2019-04-01
  License: BSD-2-Clause


This BIP proposes a method to explicitly specify and sign the USD/BTC price
for transactions.


This BIP is licensed under the BSD 2-clause license.


Certain parts of the community have been selling bitcoins for unreasonably low
prices. This has halted Bitcoin's valuation at $20k and even driven the price
down below $15k! However, clearly Bitcoin is worth much more than that, and
there is widespread support for higher prices.

This problem can be fixed by setting a global minimum price for bitcoins.
Unfortunately, today, the consensus protocol is completely oblivious to the
price bitcoins are traded at. Therefore, we must first add a field to Bitcoin
transactions to indicate their price.


===New field and legal implication===

A new field is added to Bitcoin transactions. This field, if present, must
represent the honest and true USD/BTC rate used for the transaction. By
signing the transaction, the sender legally affirms this is the valuation of
bitcoins used for the transaction.

For the avoidance of doubt: when the transaction is valued in a currency other
than USD, any reasonable exchange rate may be used to come up with the USD


When serialising the transaction for any purpose, including signing, weight
calculation, and so on, the output count must be incremented by one. Prior to
the first real output, the following bytes must be inserted:

* Constant: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
* A single byte, the size in bytes of the remainder of the inserted data
* Constant: 6a 04 55 53 44 24
* A single byte, the size in bytes of the remainder of the inserted data
* The USD/BTC rate used for the transaction, in standard signed integer
serialisation, with all leading zeros removed (except as necessary to
preserve the sign bit).

==Backwards compatibility==


The new price field is serialised as a dummy output, with a value of zero, and
a scriptPubKey that begins with OP_RETURN (6a). Existing nodes will ignore
this dummy output, and the leading OP_RETURN in the scriptPubKey ensures it
is never considered spendable.

Therefore, current nodes will ignore the new field entirely, and accept
transactions using it.


Existing wallets do not typically generate price indicators as specified.
Under this BIP, this absence of the field is perfectly acceptable.

==Reference implementation==


  BIP: ?
  Layer: Consensus (soft fork)
  Title: $50k USD/BTC Minimum Price
  Author: Luke Dashjr <luke+bip@dashjr.org>
  Comments-Summary: No comments yet.
  Comments-URI: https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/wiki/Comments:BIP-????
  Status: Draft
  Type: Standards Track
  Created: 2019-04-01
  License: BSD-2-Clause
  Requires: usdprice


This BIP defines a minimum price of $50k USD/BTC for Bitcoin transactions.


This BIP is licensed under the BSD 2-clause license.


Certain parts of the community have been selling bitcoins for unreasonably low
prices. This has halted Bitcoin's valuation at $20k and even driven the price
down below $15k! However, clearly Bitcoin is worth much more than that, and
there is widespread support for higher prices.

bip-usdprice defines a new field to indicate the price of transactions. Using
this, we can softfork to require a minimum transaction price.


Beginning with block height 622370 (expected approximately 2020 April 1), a
block is reject as invalid unless all transactions it contains both declare a
USD/BTC price (as defined in bip-usdprice) and specify a price that is at a
minimum $50k USD/BTC.

==Backwards compatibility==

As a soft fork, older nodes will continue to accept the blockchain without
modification. Non-upgraded nodes, however, will not validate the minimum
price requirement, and may accept invalid blocks if miners choose to make
them. Since transactions not declaring a price are at this time still
common-place, the softfork activation has been set a full year into the
future to ensure time to upgrade both nodes and wallet software.

==Reference implementation==

bitcoin-dev mailing list
bitcoin-dev mailing list

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Peersm : http://www.peersm.com
node-Tor : https://www.github.com/Ayms/node-Tor
GitHub : https://www.github.com/Ayms