On Oct 9, 2021, 11:36, Andreas Schildbach via bitcoin-dev < bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org> wrote: > I'm trying to finish off bitcoinj's implementation for sending to taproot addresses. For this, I'd like to test against a wallet that can receive to P2TR and spend back. > I've been trying to get a taproot address from Bitcoin Core 22.0 and spent many hours, but in vain. Can someone please simply send my a testnet wallet that has at least one taproot address? (I don't care about anyone stealing my testnet coins, so don't worry about the compromised private key.) Hi Andreas, You can construct a taproot-capable wallet in Bitcoin Core as follows: * Have or create a descriptor wallet (createwallet RPC, with descriptors=true). * Import a taproot descriptor (of the form "tr(KEY)"), as active descriptor (with active=true), where KEY can be a tprv.../* or any other supported key expression. * Get a new address with addresstype=bech32m I've also created one myself for testing: tb1p84x2ryuyfevgnlpnxt9f39gm7r68gwtvllxqe5w2n5ru00s9aquslzggwq If you send testnet coins there email me an address, I'll return them. Cheers, -- Pieter