--- Day changed Wed Nov 14 2018 00:05 < gmaxwell> I wish that rust had range limited types like ATS and ada have. 00:17 < sgeisler> I hope const generics will be available at some point so we could build such types ourselves. 00:17 < sgeisler> And of course do generic stuff over arrays. 01:21 < dpc> stevenroose: In the `address_from_script` function all the `unwrap`s has to removed. I'm indexing mainnet with it and hitting the following cases: `Couldn't parse public-key in script Script(OP_PUSHBYTES_65 04f816b480f87144ec4de5862adf028ff66cc6964250325d53fd22bf8922824b6f1e1f2c881ae0608ec77ebf88a75c66d3099113a7343238f2f7a0ebb91a4ed335 OP_CHECKSIG); secp: malformed public key 01:21 < dpc> Couldn't parse public-key in script Script(OP_PUSHBYTES_65 0431415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066470938446 OP_CHECKSIG); secp: malformed public key` 01:22 < dpc> I wonder if it's worth investigating in detail what's wrong. 10:51 < stevenroose> dpc: I think I added those since the only requirement was the size 11:10 < stevenroose> dpc: I updated: https://github.com/stevenroose/rust-trezor-api/blob/master/src/utils.rs#L21 11:10 < stevenroose> Personally in that context, I don't care about the error, so I just return None. If you do care about the error, you'll have to add some question marks :D 11:44 < stevenroose> Aaaand, it's gone! GitHub reverted Rust color change :D 11:45 < stevenroose> The Creatures of Habit prevailed 11:54 < wumpus> heh,whoa, that did quite generate a discussion 11:55 < wumpus> "A wish that rust had range limited types like ATS and ada have." yesss 17:01 < TamasBlummer> @BlueMatt: The SPV node I build in rust-bitcoin-spv would preferably store only a subset of the blockchain data, that concerns its own level1 or lightning wallet. How should it implement install_watch_tx (for the parameter txid) and get_chain_utxo? without full blockchain? 17:03 < TamasBlummer> the BIP158 filter is useful for script_pub_key but not for txid or utxo id 18:31 <+andytoshi> lwn article today on rust/debian stuff https://lwn.net/SubscriberLink/771355/017272ccd1815e58/ .. looks like typical debian drama but some people here may be interested 18:35 <+andytoshi> links to a nice rant about rust's compiler changing dramatically every 6 weeks https://lwn.net/ml/debian-devel/d849ec2d-bb3c-3d01-7c80-c9c104e891c2@physik.fu-berlin.de/ 18:37 <+andytoshi> dongcarl: these discussions are why i like debian .. their culture is very antithetical to things moving as fast and recklessly as rustc does (though i understand why it moves so fast at this point in the language's history..), but they're willing to put a lot of work into trying to marry things up 19:35 <+andytoshi> this discussion is also relevant to us (hacking in symbol versioning for rust-secp so we can have multiple versions that can be compiled at once) https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/9wml68/introducing_mundane_a_new_cryptography_library/e9ozdne/?context=3