--- Log opened Thu Apr 01 00:00:12 2021
01:11 -!- shesek [~shesek@unaffiliated/shesek] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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02:51 < elichai2> jeremyrubin: is there no way to use JsonSchema without adding it to rust-bitcoin itself?
02:54 < elichai2> it looks like it is possible: https://graham.cool/schemars/examples/5-remote_derive/
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09:06 -!- Benny23Torp [~Benny23To@static.] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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10:19 < jeremyrubin> elichai2: it's sort of a last-resort for crates you can't add it
10:20 < jeremyrubin> because it then requires A) Keeping a sep repo with all types in sync with the parent B) manually overriding every time you use that type somewhere
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11:35 < BlueMatt> jeremyrubin: can you not automate it?
11:38 < jeremyrubin> Not easily
11:38 < BlueMatt> I mean that example page looks like you could do it with sed, no?
11:38 < jeremyrubin> Because, for example, suppose we have remote type A and RemoteA, and B which has a Vec, then I need to annotate Vec with Vec
11:39 < BlueMatt> still seems like you could do that with sed? maybe some python string manipulation at worst
11:39 < jeremyrubin> I don't see why it's a big deal to just add a feature flagged annotation
11:39 < BlueMatt> I mean I may also be underestimating the effort on such things...given I've spent...too much time parsing crates with syn
11:40 < BlueMatt> oh, I'm not saying no, I was just continuing the conversation to make sure its been explored, I dont have a horse in this race.
11:40 < jeremyrubin> BlueMatt: it still doesn't solve the issue of every downstream user needing to manually annotate every type with the remote type
11:40 < BlueMatt> ultimately the reason anything is a big deal is just that review is pretty slow around here, rust-bitcoin is no one's full-time job, sadly.
11:42 < jeremyrubin> BlueMatt: well it *was* merged at one point, and released, and then un-merged I think?
11:42 < BlueMatt> oh, well shows you how much I've been paying attention
11:42 < jeremyrubin> in bitcoin_hashes
11:42 < jeremyrubin> because a dev-dependency for testing it required higher than MSRV
11:42 < jeremyrubin> and we didn't catch it in integration testing
11:43 < BlueMatt> where was it reverted?
11:44 < jeremyrubin> https://crates.io/crates/bitcoin_hashes/0.9.3
11:45 < BlueMatt> ah, reversion was committed, not pr'd
11:45 < jeremyrubin> it was PR'd I think...
11:45 < BlueMatt> oh, it was just a part of another pr
11:45 < jeremyrubin> https://github.com/rust-bitcoin/bitcoin_hashes/pull/109
11:46 < BlueMatt> but, looks like the schemars stuff is impossible to use with rust 1.29?
11:46 < jeremyrubin> Nope
11:46 < jeremyrubin> the schemars stuff works fine
11:47 < jeremyrubin> it was a dev-dependency for testing jsonschema
11:47 < jeremyrubin> so the tests can live in another crate
11:47 < BlueMatt> can you make the dev-dependency flagged by a feature?
11:47 < BlueMatt> or, iirc, maybe there was some issue with doing that
11:47 < jeremyrubin> or, I'm working on patching the dev-dependency so that it works with a lower MSRV
11:48 < jeremyrubin> BlueMatt: correct, dev-dependency doesn't allow that
11:48 < jeremyrubin> https://github.com/mdboom/jsonschema-valid/pull/18
11:48 < jeremyrubin> Another solution is that I fork jsonschema-valid if this PR doesn't go through, and we just use that and keep tests inline
11:49 < BlueMatt> heh, that definitely sounds like less work than the external stuff, but ok
11:50 < BlueMatt> downstream users having to set some flags I get, but also it seems like you're the only one who wants this, so if only you have to add those annotations it sounds like less total work?
11:51 < jeremyrubin> it refers to?
11:51 < jeremyrubin> Adding a sep crate with remotes?
11:51 < jeremyrubin> Sorta, not really. It's any user of Sapio
11:51 < BlueMatt> maintaining a fork of jsonschema-valid to pin the msrv
11:52 < jeremyrubin> Ah, yeah, that's not much work.
11:52 < jeremyrubin> if we're worried about "supply chain" we can stick it inside of a dev-dependencies workspace repo in rust-bitcoin
11:53 < BlueMatt> I'm generally not toooo worried about dev-dependencies for such things
11:53 < BlueMatt> but others might be, dunno
11:53 < ariard> BlueMatt: yeah sleep over reviews last days, catching up today :)
11:53 < jeremyrubin> BlueMatt: well
11:53 < BlueMatt> ariard: thanks!
11:53 < jeremyrubin> imagine if i sneak a build.rs that sweeps your bitcoind
11:53 < BlueMatt> jeremyrubin: I only run cargo build in a vm :p
11:54 < jeremyrubin> i should probably do that too
11:54 < ariard> qubes for the win :p
11:54 < BlueMatt> ariard: nah lol, I just diy it
11:54 < ariard> BlueMatt: agree xen robustness isn't great
11:55 < ariard> they were talking about transitioning to some rust micro-kernel
11:55 < ariard> like redox, but dunno if it's still ongoing
11:55 < BlueMatt> honestly, I'd trust lxc over xen
11:55 < BlueMatt> not that lxc is great either
11:55 < ariard> i just love all the side-features you get with qubes
11:55 < BlueMatt> heh, writing a new kernel from scratch is a pipedream, honestly.
11:56 < ariard> a lot of them are no brainers
11:56 < ariard> BlueMatt: i've already written a small rust kernel back to school
11:56 < ariard> got so far to fork() excve()
11:56 < BlueMatt> ariard: right, i mean like a daily-use kernel
11:56 < jeremyrubin> in any case, maybe the best path forward is to 1-off fork jsonschema-valid for the dev dependency, write whatever JsonSchema stuff I want & get it merged for rust-bitcoin libs, and then if jsonschema-valid accepts then we can drop the custom dep
11:56 < ariard> yearsss of work
11:56 < BlueMatt> as the basis for an os people use
11:57 < jeremyrubin> that way I'm not gated on them releasing something
12:08 < jeremyrubin> BTW fwiw it's not super urgent since for the time being I have forked libs for rust-* crates, but the desire is to un-fork those
12:26 -!- tibo [~tibo@p3002252-ipngn18401marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #rust-bitcoin
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21:42 < ariard> BlueMatt: #838 sounds ready to squash and good to me
21:42 < ariard> #815 had a first look back to #815 will finish tmrw :)
22:23 -!- tibo_ [~tibo@2400:4050:2a83:7000:48e4:5940:716f:6888] has joined #rust-bitcoin
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--- Log closed Fri Apr 02 00:00:13 2021