--- Log opened Wed Oct 19 00:00:52 2022 04:02 -!- josie[m] [~josiem]@2001:470:69fc:105::2:47a6] has joined #silentpayments 05:25 -!- andytoshi [~apoelstra@user/andytoshi] has joined #silentpayments 05:46 -!- Murch [~murch@user/murch] has joined #silentpayments 05:46 < Murch> Howdy 05:59 < andytoshi> hiya 07:00 < kanzure> hi 08:34 -!- LarryRuane [sid473749@id-473749.uxbridge.irccloud.com] has joined #silentpayments 09:03 -!- jesseposner_ [~jesse@c-24-5-105-39.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #silentpayments 09:10 -!- jesseposner_ [~jesse@c-24-5-105-39.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com] 09:11 -!- jesseposner [~jesse@user/jesseposner] has joined #silentpayments 09:16 < andytoshi> RubenSomsen: heads up that if you haven't registered this channel somehow, it might be worthwhile to op everyone you recognize, because if you lose ops then it's really annoying to get back 09:16 < andytoshi> (you have to go on #Libera and ask a staff member to join, then we all have to say yes, yes, ruben is the true owner of the channel, and in theory a bunch of trolls could come in all at once and sybil this process) 10:28 -!- jesseposner [~jesse@user/jesseposner] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 11:13 < josie[m]> two questions: is this gist still the most up-to-date description of the scheme? https://gist.github.com/RubenSomsen/c43b79517e7cb701ebf77eec6dbb46b8 11:13 < josie[m]> second question: there is a tutorial for signet mentioned in the comments but the link appears to be dead. does anyone have a good link for the signet tutorial? 11:23 -!- jesseposner [~jesse@user/jesseposner] has joined #silentpayments 14:29 -!- jesseposner [~jesse@user/jesseposner] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 14:34 -!- jesseposner [~jesse@user/jesseposner] has joined #silentpayments 15:54 <@RubenSomsen> hey all 15:57 <@RubenSomsen> andytoshi: Thanks, I did /chanserv register and it worked, so I assume that's enough. I also tested it by exiting and re-entering and giving myself op status again. 15:59 <@RubenSomsen> josie[m]: There is nothing more recent at the moment. I should probably update it with some of the stuff that was discussed in the comments. I believe w0xlt replied to you about the signet tutorial. --- Log closed Thu Oct 20 00:00:53 2022