--- Log opened Sun Oct 30 00:00:03 2022 21:04 < w0xlt_> Thanks for the feedback. If I understand correctly, this address format refers to a new scheme `X' = hash(i*X_scan)*G + X_spend` that requires two unrelated private keys from the sender. 21:04 < w0xlt_> 1) So in this case, the descriptor needs to be something like `sp(prikey1,privkey2)`, where prikey1 refers to the scan key and privkey2 to the spend key. 21:04 < w0xlt_> 2) The scheme as described in the proposal does not take the payment purpose tag / identifier into account, so the scheme would be something like `X' = hash(sum_of_sender_inputs * X_recipient_scan)*G + (X_recipient_spend + tag)`? --- Log closed Mon Oct 31 00:00:03 2022