--- Log opened Sun Jan 29 00:00:28 2023 05:28 < josie> w0xlt: I'm still reading up on descriptors to make sure I fully understand them, but I was envisioning `sp([m/[BIP-NUMBER]']xpriv)` and then the descriptor only allowing for two keys and enforcing that the spend key is `m/BIP'/0'/0'` and the scan key is `m/BIP'/0'/1'`. The flow I was envisioning was the BIP32 master key is generated on the hardware device and then is able to export a single 05:28 < josie> private key, `m/BIP'/0'/1'`, along with the spend public key. The wallet then uses the spend public key and the scan private key.. which isn't really a watch only wallet 05:32 < josie> If you aren't separating spend and scan, then the wallet can generate both keys using BIP32, export the scan key to the wallet and then encrypt the wallet so the wallet can scan even with the wallet locked. Not sure if this is possible today, but that's how I was thinking of it 05:33 < josie> s/export the scan key to the wallet/export the scan key to the node/ 05:55 < josie> sorry, typo: spend key should be `m/BIP'/0'/0'` and scan key should be `m/BIP/1'/0'` --- Log closed Mon Jan 30 00:00:30 2023