--- Log opened Tue Jan 31 00:00:31 2023 20:38 < w0xlt> josie: Interesting. I also couldn't say whether this approach would work. But we can do some tests by modifying the PR code to support BIP32 derivation. 20:39 < w0xlt> I added the `getsilentpaymentblockdata` RPC in the PR. It has the blockhash parameter and returns the txid and the sum of the public keys of the inputs of each candidate transaction. 20:39 < w0xlt> Example: 20:39 < w0xlt> https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/pU3obkHD/ 20:42 < w0xlt> 00000000000000000002cbdf64ae445b53b545ba1e960f9e83787130d1530484 is a mainnet block. The total time to sync the mainnet silent payment index on my machine was about 2 hours and the index has 66.7MB. 20:43 < w0xlt> The `data` field in the response has the format: `...` 20:44 < w0xlt> `total_tx` is the total transactions. 20:45 < w0xlt> With this RPC, it is easier to test light clients for the BIP. 20:52 < w0xlt> The RPC (as well as the index itself) only returns transactions that are candidates for silent payment. That is, P2TR transactions whose inputs have public key available in scriptSig (P2PKH, P2WPKH, PSH-P2WPKH, or P2TR). --- Log closed Wed Feb 01 00:00:32 2023