--- Log opened Wed Feb 01 00:00:32 2023 02:37 < josie> w0xlt: very cool! I'll take a look. For the data from your RPC, I think we can use a single 32 byte pubkey per candidate tx: tweak_data = hash(txoutpoints)*sum_input_pubkeys 02:39 < josie> presumably, the light client would also be using BIP158 filters, so you wouldn't need to pass the txids. The flow I was envisioning would be something like: request tweak data per block, compute outputs. request bip158 filter for block, check if any of the computed outputs are present in the block. If yes, download block and add process the txs 07:41 < w0xlt> I agree. This seems to be a better flow. 07:41 < w0xlt> Could you detail `hash(txoutpoints)` ? Is it `hash(txid,index)` ? Or `hash(txid1, txid2, index1, index2)` in the variant using all inputs ? 10:23 < josie> In the variants using all inputs, it would be `hash(outpoint1 || outpoint2 || .. )`, where an `outpoint = txid || vout` 10:25 < josie> an added benefit of doing the it this way is you can get the outpoints directly from the serialized transaction 11:10 < w0xlt> Sounds good. I will try to change the PR to use `hash(outpoint1 || outpoint2 || .. )` in the silent payment calculation. --- Log closed Thu Feb 02 00:00:32 2023