--- Log opened Wed Feb 08 00:00:39 2023 01:41 < josie> w0xlt, RubenSomsen: so the scheme will be `(i*<8-bytes-hash-outpoints>)*sum_pub_key)` and then the index can store the tweak data with the hash and pubkeys separately to avoid doing an EC multiplication, or it can do an EC multiplication when creating the index to save space (<8byte hash>*sum_pub_key) and then would also do an EC multiplication when computing the tweak i*(<8byte 01:41 < josie> hash>*sum_pub_key) 01:41 < josie> w0xlt: also agree with keeping the index consistent with normal operation 01:45 < josie> w0xlt: I'm not sure I follow your point regarding UX. If a full node user wants the index, they will need to wait 2 hrs before using the wallet. If they don't use an index, they can start using the wallet immediately, but will need to wait 2hrs if they need to import a SP descriptor or do a rescan. I'm not sure if this is true for import, but rescan runs in the background and they can get 01:45 < josie> updates with `getwalletinfo` on the scan progress, so this seems okay in terms of UX for me 01:50 < josie> ideally, we have an optional index which can be used for serving light client data and can also be used for wallet recover, but the only way I can think of to make this work is if the we use blockfilters when rescanning --- Log closed Thu Feb 09 00:00:40 2023