--- Log opened Sun Feb 26 00:00:55 2023 06:44 < w0xlt> > "Servers that want to avoid sending the 64-bit value will now have to multiply the ECC by a slower 256-bit value." 06:45 < w0xlt> I didn't understand this part. There is only ECC multiplication per transaction and it is done with a 32-byte secret key (ECDH). 06:45 < w0xlt> The hash of the outpoints is multiplied by the secret key, so it's a scalar multiplication operation. 06:46 < w0xlt> The issue is that secp256k1's `secp256k1_ec_seckey_tweak_mul` only supports 32-byte data structure (C-style array), so you need to convert to 256-bit anyway. 06:46 < w0xlt> Do you think padding the remaining bits with 0 is a better solution? Or are you thinking of another approach ? 13:45 < Murch> "Murch: That seems like a general..." <- Yeah, either not spend it or try to spend it alone 16:07 < w0xlt> * There is only one ECC multiplication per transaction ... --- Log closed Mon Feb 27 00:00:56 2023