--- Log opened Fri Oct 20 00:00:02 2023 06:51 -!- setavenger [uid621464@id-621464.helmsley.irccloud.com] has joined #silentpayments 07:09 < setavenger> Question to the group, when scanning do I need to check both even and uneven tweaks? I have been using both tweaks now but if I were able to skip one I would be able to cut scanning time down by a lot. Especially for production on mobile devices. Turns out scanning takes quite a while and atm I'm just testing signet 07:13 < RubenSomsen> setavenger: can you be more specific? what do you mean by "check both even and uneven tweaks" 07:18 < setavenger> when multiplying the tweak with the scan priv_key the tweak has to be in public key format. So then do I use the even or odd version of the tweak_as_pub_key? I think I remember when using only one of the two that I was missing some matches 07:21 < RubenSomsen> The scan key is 33 bytes now so it is known whether it is odd or even and this should no longer be an issue 07:28 < setavenger> ok then I'll make the change and try again. Do you mean scan or tweak is 33 bytes? --- Log closed Sat Oct 21 00:00:02 2023