--- Log opened Sat Oct 21 00:00:02 2023 01:35 < setavenger> so I tested it with using the 33 bytes directly but with that method I don't seem to find all the utxos. I always need to scan for both the even and odd version of the tweak to match the publicKey 07:31 < RubenSomsen> setavenger: Concretely, the output is calculated by `hash(outpoints_hash*bscan*A || n)*G + Bspend`. Taproot keys are treated as even, so we know the parity for every key in this calculation and there should be no ambiguity whatsoever. 07:31 < RubenSomsen> The only loss of information is that the resulting output is x-only, but that won't matter unless you're mistakenly trying to subtract `hash(outpoints_hash*bscan*A || n)*G` from each taproot output and are checking whether the result is equal to `Bspend`. 07:32 < RubenSomsen> We do that in the BIP, but light clients can't and shouldn't do that, as it only optimizes for the case where many labels are used (light clients should only check for the change label) and only works if you actually have access to all taproot outputs (light clients don't). 12:00 -!- setavenger [uid621464@id-621464.helmsley.irccloud.com] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] --- Log closed Sun Oct 22 00:00:04 2023