--- Log opened Mon Oct 23 00:00:07 2023 02:01 < RubenSomsen> Great 04:26 < setavenger> What do you guys think about an out-of-band communication? Thought about using nostr to communicate but I believe there will be some metadata leakage. Any ideas on how to make the communication without leaking metadata? 04:50 < josie> setavenger: yeah, from what I understand, messaging over nostr reveals quite a bit of information. Ideally, what you want is some sort of p2p messaging protocol that wallets could implement, but I'm not aware of a mature protocol for this 04:51 < josie> was planning to look into simplex at some point to see how viable that would be, but haven't gotten around to it yet 08:42 < setavenger> p2p is difficult for light clients I suppose. Not sure how simpleX works as well, will check it out. 14:57 -!- setavenger [uid621464@id-621464.helmsley.irccloud.com] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 23:34 < S3RK> I think I'm missing some context. Out-of-band communication for what? --- Log closed Tue Oct 24 00:00:06 2023