--- Log opened Mon Mar 11 00:00:25 2024 09:03 < setavenger> Hi guys, I was looking into light clients and tweak indices a bit more recently. I wanted to ask whether there have already been any discussions surrounding the topic or whether there are ongoing discussions happening somewhere? 09:09 < josie> hi setavenger, not much discussion. if you have questions or ideas, this is probably the best place to start a conversation! 11:40 -!- stickies-v [sid544753@uxbridge.irccloud.com] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:40 -!- stickies-v [sid544753@id-544753.uxbridge.irccloud.com] has joined #silentpayments 12:06 < setavenger> While talking with Sjors on this PR (https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/28241) the topic of tx cut-through with regards to a tweak index came up. My understanding is that if a light client has to do a complete rescan from seed, it won't find UTXOs resent to a used address. 12:08 < setavenger> Apart from that I would just be interested in other peoples approach to light clients for Silent Payments. I guess there are a couple of things that are not explicitly mentioned in the BIP but are yet relevant if someone wants to create a light client. 12:12 < setavenger> I was testing a mobile light client and I must say that a full scan of the chain will probably not be feasible for most people unless they are very patient. That opens up the question about out of band communication. Coming up with a schema or a "protocol" would also benefit interoperability between clients. --- Log closed Tue Mar 12 00:00:25 2024