--- Log opened Thu Mar 14 00:00:27 2024 02:25 < josie> setavenger: yeah, i dont think a JS ECC is going to be performant enough for this. iirc, there are already JS bindings for libsecp256k1? but JS is a bit out of my depth 02:41 < setavenger> Josie: There is a binding but it doesn't work with React Native out of the box. That's the extra credit getting this sorted for React Native as well. But I'll be doing this in the coming weeks probably as this might not be super trivial. 02:43 < setavenger> Josie: BTW indexing overnight is done. I uploaded the stats to a repo here. Still planning to enhance it a bit. But the stats are pretty crazy if I may say. Link to repo: https://github.com/setavenger/BIP0352-light-client-specification 02:47 < setavenger> I'm currently uploading the files in csv format for easy comparisons between implementations. But I can already say the space reduction on tweaks through cut-through is more than 100x 02:47 < setavenger> That is from 709632 -> 834636 on mainnet. 05:07 < josie> setavenger: nice, thanks for running these numbers! this is great 05:09 < josie> another note about using cut-through: not only is it a reduction, but the index should also remain fairly constant in size, considering data can be pruned from the index as utxos get spent 06:49 < setavenger> Josie: Did some analysis and spotted a bug in the cut-through. Will have to do another run to get the real value :/ 11:12 -!- harding [quassel@newmail.dtrt.org] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:13 -!- harding [quassel@newmail.dtrt.org] has joined #silentpayments 23:59 < setavenger> Josie: I have a question regarding the analysis you made with regards to cut-through for the BIP here https://github.com/josibake/bitcoin-data-analysis/blob/main/notebooks/silent-payments-light-client-data.ipynb 23:59 < setavenger> Is the analysis made over the spent UTXOs or all in general. In other words, are 75% of all created taproot UTXOs spent within 326 blocks or are only the UTXOs that are spent, will be spent within 326 blocks? --- Log closed Fri Mar 15 00:00:29 2024