--- Log opened Fri Mar 15 00:00:29 2024 01:42 < setavenger> For context, after reindexing it appears that there's only a ~38% reduction in the number of tweaks. I was assuming 75% of all transactions, which is why I wasn't alarmed by the very low numbers of the first run. But the 75% are probably just related to a subset of transactions, namely those which have spent all UTXOs? 05:47 < josie> setavenger: ah good catch! it is over only spent utxos (which is incorrect). it should be over all taproot utxos 05:49 < josie> i updated the notebook to split txs into two sets: txs with all of their taproot utxos fully spent, and txs that still have at least one unspent utxo (not fully spent). from jan 2023 - present, about 40% fall into the "fully spent" category and 60% in the not fully spent 05:51 < josie> which makes more sense with your number of 38% 05:52 < josie> i reran the numbers for different scan times with the corrected data and for scanning every 3 days, a client would average 95mb per month 05:52 < josie> for scanning once a month, a client would average 83mb per month 05:53 < josie> (ill clean up the notebook a bit and push the corrected version) 06:35 < setavenger> Good that you are getting similar numbers. This validates that my implementation is getting into the correct ballpark. 06:47 < setavenger> Josie: 83/95mb is pretty high. I did a run over one mainnet block ~900 tweaks and it took more than 2min on mobile. Definitely something that I have to investigate. Scanning on mobile will not be feasible otherwise. 06:48 < setavenger> Cool, I'd like to have a look once it's pushed 07:00 < josie> setavenger: considering the worst case would be 500 mb per month with no cut through and assuming every single output is taproot, im still pretty happy with 100mb even with frequent scanning. the 2mins per 900 tweaks sounds very suspect to me. im guessing this is due to the JS ECC code 07:15 < setavenger> Josie: Yeah it's 100% the slow pure JS implementation. But I'll find a solution for that as well. --- Log closed Sat Mar 16 00:00:34 2024