--- Log opened Tue May 07 00:00:50 2024 03:19 < josie> setavenger: very cool! will try to run it today/tomorrow and give feedback. one thought that occurred to me is since you are using compact block filters + sending the tweak data, we can use your index / daemon as a PoC to start formalizing a light client protocol , and then see how easy it would be to make electrum or other wallet backends compatible with the protocol 03:20 < josie> that way, blindbitd could get data from any index that implements the "sp-light-client-protocol" 04:30 < setavenger> josie: Happy to hear any feedback! I’ll do a write up of the flow I’m currently using. I already have a bit of a write up but it’s probably a bit out of date. 04:31 < setavenger> Getting this properly into electrum would be pretty cool --- Log closed Wed May 08 00:00:49 2024