--- Log opened Tue May 14 00:00:55 2024 11:51 -!- halloy2295 [~halloy229@2001:861:39c1:ea70:ca00:8212:3c7e:809a] has joined #silentpayments 11:56 -!- halloy2295 is now known as louisinger 12:03 < louisinger> Hello all, I've built a Silent Payment index daemon (https://github.com/louisinger/silentiumd) making possible to run light wallets (https://app.silentium.dev). Both the app and the daemon are open source, reviews & suggestions are welcome 12:25 -!- louisinger [~halloy229@2001:861:39c1:ea70:ca00:8212:3c7e:809a] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 15:11 < setavenger> Hi, very cool! I'll have a proper look at it in the am. I'm currently drafting a specification for light clients. At the moment it's just me jotting down notes and ideas that come up during discussions. If you're interested you can add your learnings as well: https://github.com/setavenger/BIP0352-light-client-specification 15:13 < setavenger> louisinger: This PR could be interesting for you as well: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/28241 15:13 < setavenger> We are comparing the indexes of different implementations. Also with modifications like cut-through and dust limits. --- Log closed Wed May 15 00:00:56 2024