--- Log opened Fri May 17 00:00:58 2024 04:53 < josie_> hey all, since more and more people are starting to build silent payments stuff, felt like a good time to create a delving bitcoin working group: https://delvingbitcoin.org/c/implementation/wg-silent-payments/12 04:53 < josie_> i started a post about PSBT support, will be posting about descriptors, and i think it would be great to start discussing the light client protocol notes that setavenger has been working on 04:53 < josie_> setavenger: would you be interested in starting a topic for the light client protocol work? 05:29 -!- cygnet3 [~cygnet3@] has joined #silentpayments 13:43 < setavenger> josie_: yup will start one tomorrow. Haven’t worked with the page yet 14:52 -!- cygnet3 [~cygnet3@] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 20:53 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: josie_ 20:59 -!- josie_ [~josibake@suhail.uberspace.de] has joined #silentpayments 21:04 -!- josie [~josibake@suhail.uberspace.de] has joined #silentpayments 21:04 -!- josie_ [~josibake@suhail.uberspace.de] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] --- Log closed Sat May 18 00:01:00 2024