--- Log opened Sun May 16 00:00:56 2021 01:00 -!- riclas [~riclas@] has joined ##taproot-activation 02:56 -!- belcher_ is now known as belcher 08:10 -!- pox [~pox@gateway/tor-sasl/pox] has joined ##taproot-activation 08:25 -!- faketoshi [~quassel@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 08:25 -!- bcman [~quassel@] has joined ##taproot-activation 09:18 -!- faketoshi [~quassel@] has joined ##taproot-activation 09:18 -!- Emcy_ [~Emcy@unaffiliated/emcy] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:18 -!- bcman [~quassel@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:19 -!- Emcy [~Emcy@unaffiliated/emcy] has joined ##taproot-activation 09:45 -!- yanmaani [~yanmaani@gateway/tor-sasl/yanmaani] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 09:47 -!- yanmaani [~yanmaani@gateway/tor-sasl/yanmaani] has joined ##taproot-activation 10:10 -!- belcher [~belcher@unaffiliated/belcher] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 10:10 -!- belcher [~belcher@unaffiliated/belcher] has joined ##taproot-activation 11:03 -!- ghosthell [~ghosthell@pool-173-48-112-26.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has left ##taproot-activation ["Leaving"] 11:35 -!- nioc is now known as DirkGently 11:50 -!- stortz [c8b9da80@unaffiliated/stortz] has joined ##taproot-activation 12:15 -!- stortz [c8b9da80@unaffiliated/stortz] has quit [Quit: Connection closed] 12:25 < copumpkin> binance pool just mined a signaling block! 12:26 < copumpkin> now modulo flip floppers we're just a couple percent away from 90 12:26 < copumpkin> btc.top would take us over 12:32 < DeanWeen> ...the top? 12:40 < midnight> har har 12:40 * midnight approves of your grabbing of the low-hanging fruit 12:40 < midnight> \o 13:03 < copumpkin> :) 13:22 -!- commmon [~common@unaffiliated/common] has joined ##taproot-activation 13:23 -!- common [~common@unaffiliated/common] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 14:28 < faketoshi> they went back to not signalling 14:28 < faketoshi> might have just been grinding 14:30 < copumpkin> likely a staged rollout like everyone else 14:51 -!- luke-jr [~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:52 -!- luke-jr [~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr] has joined ##taproot-activation 17:00 -!- andrewtoth_ [~andrewtot@gateway/tor-sasl/andrewtoth] has joined ##taproot-activation 17:01 -!- p0x [~pox@gateway/tor-sasl/pox] has joined ##taproot-activation 17:01 -!- _andrewtoth_ [~andrewtot@gateway/tor-sasl/andrewtoth] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 17:03 -!- pox [~pox@gateway/tor-sasl/pox] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 17:16 -!- r1clas [~riclas@] has joined ##taproot-activation 17:17 -!- common [~common@unaffiliated/common] has joined ##taproot-activation 17:17 -!- commmon [~common@unaffiliated/common] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:17 -!- valwal [~valwal@] has quit [Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)] 17:17 -!- riclas [~riclas@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:17 -!- valwal1 [~valwal@] has joined ##taproot-activation 17:19 -!- joerodgers [~joerodger@c-76-125-83-191.hsd1.ar.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 17:37 -!- joerodgers [~joerodger@c-71-238-223-242.hsd1.ar.comcast.net] has joined ##taproot-activation 17:43 -!- r1clas [~riclas@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 17:45 -!- _joerodgers [~joerodger@c-71-238-223-242.hsd1.ar.comcast.net] has joined ##taproot-activation 17:49 -!- joerodgers [~joerodger@c-71-238-223-242.hsd1.ar.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 18:24 -!- copumpkin [~copumpkin@unaffiliated/copumpkin] has quit [Quit: Hmmm] 19:56 -!- jeremyrubin [~jr@024-176-247-182.res.spectrum.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:56 -!- jeremyrubin [~jr@024-176-247-182.res.spectrum.com] has joined ##taproot-activation 20:14 -!- joerodgers [~joerodger@c-71-238-223-242.hsd1.ar.comcast.net] has joined ##taproot-activation 20:16 -!- _joerodgers [~joerodger@c-71-238-223-242.hsd1.ar.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 21:23 -!- copumpkin [~copumpkin@unaffiliated/copumpkin] has joined ##taproot-activation 22:40 -!- jeremyrubin [~jr@024-176-247-182.res.spectrum.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 22:40 -!- jeremyrubin [~jr@024-176-247-182.res.spectrum.com] has joined ##taproot-activation --- Log closed Mon May 17 00:00:57 2021