Session Start: Tue Sep 30 11:21:48 2008 Session Ident: #Chemistry [11:21] * Now talking in #Chemistry [11:21] * sets mode: +nt [16:00] * DrSturm has joined #Chemistry [17:12] * Hb has joined #Chemistry [17:13] hi Dr. Strum [17:16] is cooperative binding the same as the binding of O2 into the distal histidine? [17:17] No, cooperative binding is when Hb binds one O2 there is conformation change allowing it to more easily bind three more O2 molecules [17:18] so the first site is an O2? [17:19] If you are talking about the six coordination sites then O2 binds at the sixth site. [17:21] on the heme prost. group, when is the 6th site O2 and when is it a CO? or they are both there? [17:21] Some Hb has CO bound but mostly O2 [17:22] ic [17:25] does all O2 binding happen at the distal his only? [17:26] The distal His is not part of the binding other than ionic interaction [17:43] how does CO bind to the iron-heme complex? [17:45] At the sixth coordination site, same way as O2 [17:46] on the work sheet, you asked us to describe how it bind O2 with the aid of RESIDUES, what are these residues? [17:47] Proximal and distal His [17:49] ok. tnx. [17:49] * Hb has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [17:58] * DrSturm has quit IRC [17:58] * Disconnected Session Close: Tue Sep 30 17:58:22 2008