Session Start: Sun Oct 28 11:35:23 2007 Session Ident: #Chemistry [11:35] * Now talking in #Chemistry [11:35] * sets mode: +nt [17:57] * DrSturm has joined #Chemistry [18:03] * kchap has joined #Chemistry [18:04] Can you clearify what we are to learn from last lecture? It was a lot of information. thanks. [18:06] That is what the white sheets handed out in lecture are for, a summary of the important reactions, enzymes, regulatory molecules etc. [18:06] So everyhting on those sheets [18:06] sounds good [18:08] * Woof has joined #Chemistry [18:09] Do we need to know ALL of the enzymes in Purine/Pyrimidine metabolism, including those on the lecture notes but not on the white handout? [18:10] Just what is on the hand-out including the notes written on the board in class Wednesday [18:10] Whew! Thank you! [18:13] * Woof has quit IRC (Leaving) [18:16] * kchap has quit IRC (Leaving) [18:48] * Jicra has joined #Chemistry [18:50] For the quiz on monday, is studying the white worksheet handout enough? [18:51] Yes, with the notes from the board given on Wednesday [18:52] ok thanks [18:52] * Jicra has quit IRC (Leaving) [19:06] * Yuriy has joined #Chemistry [19:09] * Yuriy has quit IRC (Leaving) [19:32] * mischa has joined #Chemistry [19:34] Dr. Sturm, besides the structures for the purines and pyrimidines so we have to know any other structures like atp for the upcoming test? [19:35] do* [19:35] No just the bases [19:37] the quiz for tomorrrow is on Purine and Pyrimiidine synthesis? Wednesday's lecture right? [19:37] correct, focusing on the white hand-out from class and the extra notes on the board [19:43] just to mke it clear for purine biosynthesis, IMP is the precursor product, then it can be either degradaded or salvaged? [19:44] The products are GMP, AMP and GDP which come from the IMP [19:46] ... and those inhibit the PRPP? [19:47] IMP, GMP and AMp inhibit PRPP Synthase [19:47] PRPP Amidotransferase not the synthase, sorry [19:49] You can not inhibit PRPP because it is a molecule you can only have activation/inhibition of enzymes [19:50] PRPP amidotransferase catalyzes what pathway? [19:50] Purine synthesis, the conversion of PRPP to 5-phosphoribosyl amine [19:51] oh ok [19:52] which is most highly regulated step in the entire pathway? [19:52] yes [19:56] So salvage comes about as to recycle GMP, AMP? ..and HGPRT is the enzme that catalyzes it? [19:57] yes [19:57] k thanks [19:59] Any other questions [20:01] Degradation is basically ...all the useful products are used and the waste products are excreted as uric acid in urine? [20:01] See you in class [20:01] yes [20:01] ok see you tomorrow [20:01] * DrSturm has quit IRC [20:01] * Disconnected Session Close: Sun Oct 28 20:01:59 2007