Session Start: Tue Nov 04 15:39:37 2008 Session Ident: #Chemistry [15:39] * Now talking in #Chemistry [15:39] * sets mode: +nt [16:01] * DrSturm has joined #Chemistry [16:17] * ATP has joined #Chemistry [16:17] Hi Dr. Sturm [16:17] will we have to draw ATP, AMP or ADP structures on teh test? [16:18] The only structures you need to draw are the base pairs CG, AT, AU [16:19] HGPRT is the enzyme responsible for the salvaging (breakdown) of guanine + hypoxanthine into GMP + AMP correct? Is it a breakdown or just a conversion? [16:21] That is correct [16:22] in the lecture note it says, Carbamoyl Phosphate Synthetase II (glutamine)... does this mean that CPS-II is a glutamine? [16:23] No glutamine is the substrate, CPS II the enzyme and carbamoyl phosphate the product [16:35] * charro has joined #Chemistry [16:36] What do you mean when you say CPS II is the primary site of regulation? does the reaction (Glutamine --> carbamoyl phosphate) occur on CPS II ? [16:37] It is the primary regulated reaction in the pathway [16:38] oh [16:41] how can someone get tested to see if they have inhereted gout or if it's the result of somethign else? [16:41] is testing even possible for such thing? [16:42] They wouldn't inherit gout they would inherit a condition that would cause over production or decreased excretion of uric acid [16:44] ok. thank you. [16:44] * ATP has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [17:33] * DNA has joined #Chemistry [17:35] Hi! Dr.Sturm, we will only study those list of terms on the purple sheet you gave us for the exam 3? [17:35] as well the nitrogen structures too? right? [17:36] I mean nitrogen bases [17:36] For DNA Synthesis, Mutation and Repair and RNA Synthesis and Processing [17:37] You need to know the structures of the base pairs, the Nucleotides: Composition/Structure and Purine/Pyrimidine Synthesis [17:38] the backbone of the DNA is made of phosphate-suger-phosphate-sugar right? [17:38] Yes [17:39] helicase cleaves the hydrogen bonding betwwen nitrogen bases [17:40] right? [17:40] No it unwinds the double helix [17:41] then leading and lagging strand will happen [17:42] Then the DNA has to be denatured exposing the two strands, templates. [17:42] is leading strand is 5 prime to 3 prime? [17:43] and laggaing strand is 3 prime to 5 prme/ [17:44] Yes, DNA polymerase moves 5' to 3' ---> Leading strand and Lagging strand which goes 3' to 5' takes five different steps [17:45] does the you can find ozaki fragment on the lagging strand? and DNA polymerase fix the little broken strand? [17:46] does little broken strand are ozaki fragments right? [17:46] * charro has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [17:46] First a primer is synthesized, then the primer is extended, primer removed, gap filled, fragments joined together [17:47] when DNA polymerase moves 5' to 3' to leading strand and lagging strand which goes 3' to 5' then after that it winds the two strand back [17:47] The second step, the short segments of DNA are called Okazaki Fragments [17:49] where does intron and exon happen? where you can find slicesosome? [17:49] splicesosome I mean [17:50] DNA polymerase can never move 3' to 5' only 5' to 3' [17:52] An exon is a nucleic acid sequence that is represented in the mature form of an RNA molecule? [17:53] Introns are DNA regions in a gene that are not translated into proteins? [17:55] Any last questions? [17:56] does RNA polymerase snythesize prteins during transcription? [17:56] It synthesizes RNA [17:56] thank you. [17:56] * DrSturm has quit IRC [17:57] see you tomorrow [17:57] * DNA has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [17:57] * Disconnected Session Close: Tue Nov 04 17:57:17 2008