
--- Log opened Wed Apr 04 00:00:01 2012
--- Day changed Wed Apr 04 2012
katsmeowyou could still program, if there was a sim which converted a dna "program" into a simulated lifeform00:00
yashgarothnah I'll just learn python instead00:00
katsmeowhmm, i know someone else playing with py, why the attraction to it?00:01
yashgarothit's vaguely similar to english, while also not being visual basic00:01
yashgarothI don't need to do mad sql injection exploits, so it's powerful enough for me00:01
katsmeowthere's many otehr basics besides "visual" basic00:01
yashgaroththe big 3 for bio programming are python, java and perl00:02
yashgarothif I learned one thing about java it's slow as shit, and I know nothing about perl, so python is the logical choice00:02
katsmeowestablished mass and momentum then?00:02
katsmeowherd instinct00:03
yashgarothI will admit java is a close second since everyone learns it in undergrad, at least at my school00:03
katsmeowlots of libraries00:03
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yashgaroth'import bioinformatics'00:03
katsmeowwhen i was looking at py and php and ruby, php would run with no mods and no getting human permission on web servers, so i went with php00:04
katsmeowperl i ingored00:04
yashgarothalso the only good molecular viewers are written in C, python and java00:05
yashgarothand fuuuuuck C00:05
katsmeowtoday was the first day without the house being effectively underwater, and it was quite noticeably hotter upstairs00:05
yashgarothNWS shows an absurd weather pattern at your position00:06
katsmeowi expected better from the R19 insulation up there, the water makes more of a difference00:06
katsmeowweather? there's no weather here al day, or yesterday, that's the odd part lately00:07
katsmeowwe should be having mild thuderstorms00:08
yashgarothwhat about all that red junk on http://radar.weather.gov/Conus/full_loop.php?hurl00:08
yashgarothit's coming straight for you!00:08
katsmeowbut it isn't00:08
yashgarothbut then I'm speaking from the place that has the least weather in the US00:08
katsmeowthe mess over louisiana came down from Ark and Ok, and it's not headed here00:09
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yashgarothwell okay then00:09
katsmeowtehre was a mess over Miss headed this way yesterday, but at 6:44pm it faded to nothing00:10
yashgarothI saw a cloud last month00:10
katsmeowthere wwas a mess on the 2nd, same thing, at 8:14pm it dissolved00:11
* katsmeow logs weather radar (and other things) going back at least 10 years00:11
katsmeowon the 1st, there was  a small storm that was headed tis way, it vanished at 5:14am00:13
jrayhawkone time i saw the sun00:13
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katsmeow-afktwo 18-wheel trailers in the air by tornado: http://raycomgroup.images.worldnow.com/images/17323176_BG2.jpg01:02
diginetyashgaroth, build a GUI interface in Visual Basic, see if you can get an IP address01:29
diginetoh good you get it, I was worried you were going to be all WTF01:30
diginetinb4 smug lisp weenie01:31
yashgarothbest scene in modern television, after the one where they hunt a suspect in second life01:31
diginethold on01:31
yashgarothI think he's a furry too, can't remember, but it would fit01:31
diginetyou know how I was going on earlier about the sanctity of human life?01:31
yashgarothmy aunt unironically likes that show, and she heads the classics dept. at a top 5 university :/01:35
diginetoh dear lord01:35
diginetclassics professor? I almost went into classics01:35
diginetwhich uni, if you don't mind me asking?01:36
yashgarothit's in the UC system, I'll say that much01:36
diginetah okay01:36
diginetwell, that's cool01:36
yashgarothshe's good at classics I guess, just not tv01:37
diginetthe part about having a smart aunt, not that she likes that abortion of a television show01:37
diginetNUMB3RS gave me PTSD, now whenever I hear "Golbach Conjecture" I have flashbacks, convulsions, and acute psychosis01:37
diginetOH GOD NOT AGAIN01:37
diginet"Breaking News: NUMB3TS indicted for supposed rape of mathematics. This case will set a major landmark in the recognition that concepts, methodologies, and axiomatic systems can and are raped"01:40
diginet*can be01:41
Utopiahnot sure what that is but some here could be curious http://avaxhome.ws/software/software_type/graphics_cad_cam/cad_cam/AUTODESK.FACTORY.DESIGN.SUITE.ULTIMATE.2013.html01:46
Utopiah(makes me wonder if it has a Kiva plugin)01:49
Utopiah(also http://avaxhome.ws/software/software_type/graphics_cad_cam/cad_cam/AUTODESK.AUTOCAD.DESIGN.SUITE.ULTIMATE.2013.html but I guess more traditionnal)01:56
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katsmeow-afkSelf-assembled photosystem-I biophotovoltaics on nanostructured TiO2 and ZnO04:45
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_Sketch_For anyone attempting to use Ruby, I recommend using rvm. Distro packages for ruby suck.07:34
_Sketch_Still might require grabbing packages though, or at least know how to get the build libraries on your own.07:34
kanzureyep.. i use rvm07:40
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kanzurei should ban katsmeow for even mentioning php to yashgaroth07:41
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delinquentmeit really pisses me off that intra-email search on gmail sucks ass08:30
delinquentmeI was unable to locate oligonucleotide with oligo08:30
delinquentmew t f08:30
delinquentmekanzure, gnusha is what you use for keeping notes right?08:37
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kanzuredelinquentme: sorta. i also keep a wiki on diyhpl.us/wiki09:21
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kanzure2012-04-04T16:54:44+00:00 heroku[web.7]: Process running mem=614M(119.9%)09:56
kanzureoh god we're all going to die09:56
kanzure2012-04-04T16:54:33+00:00 heroku[web.29]: Process running mem=617M(120.5%09:56
kanzureyep definitely going to die09:56
Mokbortolan_Well, it is 201209:59
kanzureMokbortolan_: someone was in here complaining that piracetam prices are back up10:00
Mokbortolan_and as we all know, the Mayans predicted the return of Jesus, the establishment of the single caliphate,  and the end of the universe later in the year10:00
* Mokbortolan_ checks.10:01
Mokbortolan_nope, hard rhino's still at the same level10:01
Mokbortolan_maybe they're referring to Cognitive Whatsits10:02
Mokbortolan_they recently got some stock in10:02
kanzurealright then10:04
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kanzurehi nsh10:24
* nsh tips hat10:24
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kanzureF71: sup10:40
delinquentmeF71, i've never met a plane before10:40
delinquentmecool to meet you.10:41
delinquentmeif its not too personal... when can i get in you10:41
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F71I am very confused right now10:45
F71It will pass.10:46
delinquentmesorry im not house broken10:46
delinquentmeSO whatre you working on?10:46
delinquentmewish u guys were here atm10:48
delinquentmeits fucking lovely10:48
delinquentmeim out in the bamboo garden @ carnegie library =]10:49
delinquentmeso so fucking nice10:49
delinquentmekanzure, we dont yet have a list of clients huh10:50
delinquentmei mean other than "everyone with a lab"10:50
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MariuLOL delinquentme "F71, i've never met a plane before"10:51
* delinquentme humps uniqanomaly 10:51
delinquentmeMariu, they're cool man!10:51
delinquentmeIVE GOT IT UNDER CONTROL10:51
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F71I'll turn the Adium noises on so I'm not so touch-and-go10:52
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delinquentmeF71, airplane messenger protocol?10:53
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delinquentmeshow me your technologies!10:53
F71Of interest to this group, I've built a TDCS machine and I'm trying to test it so I can be sure it works right.10:53
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F71I've built other goofy things with electrodes out of cheap crap before10:54
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F71This latest one is a battery, three electronic components, copper tape, and a shamwow10:54
Mokbortolan_what circuit did you build?10:54
delinquentmeTCDS are showing well recently10:54
Mokbortolan_<-- was active in /r/tDCS until recently10:55
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F71It's just a constant current supply and some sponge electrodes10:55
F71I was not aware of that reddit, sweet10:55
delinquentmeafter the burial is pretty gnast kanzure does u lik?10:56
delinquentmeMokbortolan_, yeah you told me about them10:56
Mokbortolan_F71: yeah, but what sort of circuit?10:56
Mokbortolan_which components, etc10:57
Mokbortolan_it's sort of important10:57
F71It's a Jfet, a potentiometer/resistor and an LED10:59
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F71It makes a very good, stable, adjustible current supply10:59
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katsmeow-afkmost people use mosfets,, or still use bipolars11:00
F71Jfets are ancient and cool11:00
katsmeow-afka good darlington bipolar beats a mosfet in my book if you can deal with an extra volt of headroom11:00
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F71that and I had one that I desoldered, I could have easily made it differently if I had different scrap11:01
katsmeow-afkin fets, you haveto deal with the charge shoot-thru too11:01
katsmeow-afkditto mosfets11:01
katsmeow-afkbut a to-92 mosfet and bipolar cost about the same on ebay: $1 per 100 if you shop carefully11:02
F71Jfets cost between a dime and a quarter without even buying bulk11:04
F71that, and they're easy to find11:04
katsmeow-afkok, that beats a penny each, i spose11:04
F71oh I thought you said a buck per one, hahaha11:05
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kanzure"Nature Publishing Group (NPG) today is pleased to join the linked data community by opening up access to its publication data via a linked data platform. NPG's Linked Data Platform is available at http://data.nature.com"11:38
kanzure"The platform includes more than 20 million Resource Description Framework (RDF) statements, including primary metadata for more than 450,000 articles published by NPG since 1869. In this first release, the datasets include basic citation information (title, author, publication date, etc) as well as NPG specific ontologies. "11:39
kanzureThese datasets are being released under an open metadata license, Creative Commons Zero (CC0), which permits maximal use/re-use of this data.11:39
kanzurebleh "Non-commercial API key holders are allowed 5,000 requests per 24-hour period"11:40
katsmeow-afkbeats google, iirc they limit to 3000/month11:41
superkuhI just get 503, SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE.11:43
kanzurethis looks like a good query: describe <http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nm.2129>11:43
kanzurefirst person to replicate this entire dataset gets a cookie11:47
superkuhTrying from my Comcast IP returns 503, from a canadian VPS everything works fine.11:49
lichenso looks like google's actually making goggles11:51
lichenhopefully they dont suck incredibly11:51
delinquentmesoy restless11:58
kanzuresuperkuh: do you have a random canadian vps, or did you pick something bulletproof that you could share the name of?12:01
kanzurelichen: http://fennetic.net/irc/cyberfenn/hplus_proposal/12:02
kanzurelichen: http://fennetic.net/irc/cyberfenn/layout.yaml12:02
lichenheh, a pic from blame12:02
kanzurekeeping it real..12:03
superkuhI don't know about bulletproof, but I use BuyVM openvz. The primary quality being that it is extremely cheap. I just thought it odd that Comcast might (partially) be blocked.12:03
kanzureit's also possible that they are blocking you explicitly12:03
kanzurei am a little curious about how all the publishers aren't using the same blacklist or something.. surely i should be banned from everything by now?12:04
lichenwearable computers are wonderfully cyberpunk but im starting to have questions about how well they'll be picked up by society12:04
lichenbut its possible smartphones were the transitional technology needed to get there12:05
kanzurei don't think it matters if they are picked up by society or not?12:05
kanzuredoesn't it only matter if they provide function to you?12:05
lichennot necessarily, but it would mean funding and development would go to it12:05
lichenand more applications12:05
lichenand infrastructure12:05
kanzurethe amount of funding required isn't that high12:06
kanzurelike, at most you just need me to fund it12:06
kanzureor a couple of other people12:06
kanzurelook at his pricesheet12:06
lichenideally what i want to be working on right now is this sort of thing12:06
lichenprobably more on the software end12:06
lichenbtw i dont know what kinds of jobs you had in mind when you asked for my resume but if you want to chat about that i've got about half an hour before i leave12:08
kanzurei'm not ready to talk with you about that12:08
licheni was just wondering if it was something youre doing or if you meant to hand it off12:09
kanzurea little of both12:09
lichenwell stay in touch then12:10
kanzureoh i guess i should clarify that i am not ready to talk with you about anything that i might be doing12:11
kanzurebut the other stuff is just people i know who are hiring programmers for web app and mobile app development12:12
lichenits looking like everything is pointing me to do freelance app development12:12
lichenyoure the second person ive run into online who has mentioned hooking me up with people needing that12:12
kanzurethat's the vast majority of my paying work12:13
kanzureer, i mean, that's the vast majority of what i get paid to do12:13
licheni guess ill go grab a smartphone this weekend or so12:14
lichenlook over the APIs12:14
licheneveryone wants iphone development so maybe grab a used one somewhere12:14
kanzuredo you have osx?12:14
lichenive been using this same shitty flip phone for like 4 years now12:14
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kanzureiphone development is locked into apple12:14
lichenbut i can run it in virtual if needed12:14
kanzureso you will have to buy an apple computer or find a working virtual machine12:14
lichenthats stupid12:14
kanzureyes it's very stupid12:15
kanzurei suggest android12:15
licheni prefer android12:15
lichenbut like i said, most people want ios apps12:15
kanzuremost of the projects i've done have been both12:15
lichenkind of what i meant12:18
lichenthey want full platform coverage12:19
F71Oh, wearable computing12:19
F71I just read through your stuff you linked, Fenn12:20
F71I've got a little project I'm working on with my roomate, we're trying to make an HMD with full field of view12:20
F71I've got the optics down, aspheric lenses12:21
F71I can focus on my smartphone, see either edge by looking to the left and right12:21
ThomasEgiaspheric smartphone lens?12:22
F71I can focus on most flat things about an inch and a half from the surface of my eye12:22
F71I use the lens to adjust my eye focus really close12:22
ThomasEgiah. ok.12:22
F71the camcorder function on my smartphone just provides me with a video feed to test with12:22
lichenso what, you have the smartphone right against your face with a lens inbetween?12:22
F71Ideally, two12:23
F71since one eye can see all of it12:23
lichenreminds me of uh12:23
lichenmight take me a while to find a pic12:23
lichenbut the goggles in ghost in the shell12:23
F71it's easier than one screen with weird dimensions, and lets me work around the nose12:23
F71That'd be quite nice12:24
lichensounds like the end result of what youre doing is quite similar12:24
F71I've got a galaxy S2, so it's fairly large and high resolution as smartphones go12:24
F71it's still kind of grainy, like peering through a veil12:24
lichenid imagine it always would be until you get to massive resolutions12:25
F71It's good enough for the present12:25
F71I can get a line on replacement 'retina' iphone screens for fifteen bucks12:25
F71but I can find no information on driving them and the little connector is a nightmare12:26
lichenthat would make constructing these much easier12:26
lichenor cheaper, rather12:26
lichenrather than trying to sync two phones12:26
F71For twenty, I can get the much lower resolution PSP screens that hackers have been messing with for half a decade12:26
lichenand you dont need touch12:26
F71Current design philosophy is two controllers being driven by high-powered ARM12:27
lichenwould you run android on it or hook it into a phone or what12:27
F71controllers cost like five bucks, and another eight for an ARM9 or something12:27
lichennot bad12:28
delinquentme<3 GITS12:28
lichenand you could print or mold a shell for it all really cheaply12:28
licheni have kusanagi's hair, lol12:28
kanzuredelinquentme: we need something for after GITS...12:28
kanzurelike i said, an anime based off of ##hplusroadmap12:28
delinquentmetrue true12:28
delinquentmewe're out there :D12:28
lichenwrite a manga12:29
lichengraphic novel12:29
F71 I've got a laser cutter and a 3D printer at my hackspace. There's a decent mill for injection If I decide to get ambitious12:29
kanzureyes but what would the story be? "And then the character became a transhuman, and lived happily ever after"12:29
lichenthats not very creative kanzure12:29
delinquentmeF71, whut you charge for laser cutting acrylic?12:29
delinquentmeneds up to 10mm12:29
kanzurelichen: agreed!12:29
F71Members get a free hour of laser time per week12:30
F71membership is 25/month12:30
delinquentmei need some REALLY simple cut parts12:30
F71We haven't had anyone need more time than that yet.12:30
delinquentmeEFF that dude on youtube hasnt gotten back to me12:30
F71Our laser admin has SO-SAD right now so he's incommunicado12:30
F71What do you need?12:31
lichenfucking intel hasnt gotten back to me yet about a job12:31
lichenim on the verge of making the plunge, quitting my job, and doing app development12:31
kanzurewait wait, no..12:31
kanzurefirst, most people do not get back to you if you do not make it12:31
kanzureyou should generally expect that to um never happen12:31
lichenyeah im aware12:31
kanzuresecond! don't quit and then go into app development.12:31
licheni emailed the recruiter and asked if she heard anything12:31
kanzureget a contract first, then quit.12:31
lichenand she hasnt returned my email12:31
licheni have a contact12:32
lichenbut he seems shaky so far12:32
kanzurehas he paid you yet?12:32
nmz787kanzure: where is this now? http://heybryan.org/books/papers/New%20biotechnological%20applications%20of%20coconuts.pdf12:32
lichenid probably have one or two web design jobs from him12:32
licheni havent done anything for him yet12:32
delinquentmeF71, they're gonna be clear acrylic nothing more than like 24"^212:32
kanzurenmz787: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/bio/New%20biotechnological%20applications%20of%20coconuts.pdf12:32
kanzurelichen: you should generally ask for money upfront (call it a retainer)12:32
licheni would have had a job already if the client didnt fucking flake out12:32
F71@kanzure the link in the box is dead12:33
kanzurethe box?12:33
F71oh, just the link12:33
nmz787this is my new fav paper12:34
nmz787in-vitro transcription and translation IN A COCONUT???12:34
F71It's alive now.12:34
F71Schrodinger's link12:34
nmz787sounds a little far fetched actually... i will try it :D12:34
kanzurenmz787: oh man if this is your new favorite, then you might like this one..12:34
nmz787hmm, brazil12:34
kanzureoh damn.. i've lost it12:35
kanzurethere used to be one about using the breast as a bioreactor12:35
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kanzurehi nicotina_b12:35
F71Gilligan, do you have any idea how hard it was to build a bioreactor from a coconut?12:36
nicotina_bhey do u have the logs for the chat from yesterday? i posted that paper about l-theanine, bu ti cant find it no w:(12:36
nicotina_bcoconuts rock!12:36
kanzurenicotina_b: http://gnusha.org/logs/2012-04-03.log12:36
nicotina_bcoconut crabs are bad ass too12:36
nmz787F71: i came to school so i could be exactly that gilligan12:36
nicotina_bthank you kanzure :)12:37
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kanzurehello HIGHsemaj12:37
HIGHsemajWhat is this IRC channel?12:38
kanzureit's a bridge into the future12:38
HIGHsemajhelp us road map?12:38
nmz787kanzure: dangit, my gf is in india... she has coconut trees in her back yard :/12:38
nmz787I am not there...12:38
* delinquentme seconds what kanzure said12:38
HIGHsemajkanzure How so?12:38
lichenhplus = H+ = humanity plus = transhumanism12:38
kanzurehuman enhancement technology roadmap12:39
HIGHsemajI might be to stoned for this12:39
nmz787next time I go to india I'll pack a microscope and some GFP plasmids12:39
nmz787and I'll be a coco-nut12:39
delinquentmeOOC has anyone ever gotten official college transcripts without having paid off all school loans?12:39
nicotina_bdon't forget to drop acid12:39
HIGHsemajI'd rather take some mushrooms12:40
nicotina_bdelinquentme: you should be able to12:40
nicotina_bespecially for gradschool and such12:40
nmz787delinquentme: i think i have, for a summer internship12:40
HIGHsemajSo this is like some Cyborg shit?12:40
delinquentmeyeah grad school is what im interested in12:40
kanzureHIGHsemaj: yes.. something like that12:40
HIGHsemajNanotechnology and what not?12:40
delinquentmeHIGHsemaj, not yet but we have some people who are working towards that12:41
lichenCYBORGS N' SHIT12:41
delinquentmewe've got people scraping the surface of human augmentation12:41
HIGHsemajSounds badass!12:41
HIGHsemajIll stick around :)12:41
delinquentmeI've got an implanted LED tattoo12:41
kanzureHIGHsemaj: sure.. we have some nanotech experts. http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/nanotech/12:41
delinquentmechange it whenever you want12:41
delinquentmejk jk BRB!12:41
HIGHsemajThis is madness12:44
nicotina_bdelinquentme: do you have pics of your led tatoo? also have you tried contacting the school and asking for your transcripts to be sent and explaining that you're trying to go to gradschool?12:45
nmz787i think he was joking12:45
HIGHsemajThis is all very COnfusing and it seems as tho i have stumbled into something much bigger than my self! you all have fun! immah go try and figure out how to lucid dream :)!12:45
delinquentmenicotina_b, yeah was jking :D12:45
delinquentmeits in collections haha12:46
kanzurelucid dreaming is pretty neat.. where did that guy go who was doing the "Use a computer while you are lucid dreaming" project?12:46
lichenlucid dreaming is fun12:46
delinquentmebasically i've decided that its not worth shit12:46
delinquentmeso i really dont care to pay it off12:46
delinquentmelet them eat the debt12:46
delinquentmethey're financing parties and sex IMO12:46
lichen##neuroscience is full of people who can tell you how to work on that12:46
lichencholine and melatonin supplements are helpful12:46
kanzurelichen: were you around for that project?12:46
kanzuresomeone was watching eyeballs while sleeping12:47
kanzureand then using horizontal eye movements to control a computer12:47
kanzurebecause it turns out that when you do a HEM in your dream you make a physical HEM12:47
nicotina_bis that supposed to be a way to be more productive during sleep, or just to communicate w/ the outside world?12:48
lichenjust research probably12:48
kanzureno not research12:48
kanzureyou can to some extent get signals into a dream12:48
kanzurelike through the eyelids or auditory signals12:48
kanzureso if you can get input.. and you can get output.. you can really enhance the dreaming experience12:49
kanzurei've always wondered about brainport and lucid dreaming.. would you be able to show a virtual world in your dream?12:49
F71That's intriguing12:49
lichenor record the virtual world you see in your dream?12:49
kanzurebrainport is that tongue electrode array thing12:49
delinquentmeso like we've got this huge list of papers ... http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/nanotech/12:49
HIGHsemajBrb sorry12:49
delinquentmeand what of that has come to commercial realization?12:50
lichenalright, later12:50
lichenoff to work12:50
nicotina_bdidn't they already visualize brain images w/ computers and schit?12:50
kanzuredelinquentme: robert freitas and the molecular machinery institute are still going at it12:50
delinquentmelike do our best and brightest ... write a fancy thesis defend it12:50
kanzurenicotina_b: yes but nobody has proven that there is any "imagery" that exists during dreams12:50
delinquentmethen go have kids and work at BASF?12:50
delinquentmegame over?12:50
kanzuredelinquentme: well.. nanorex12:50
kanzurethey wrote nanoengineer but abandoned it after a few years12:51
nicotina_bfuck my school. they aren't letting me connect to science direct on this computer12:51
kanzureso i recovered it12:51
nmz787dna origami is weird12:51
nmz787it makes you realize how flexible DNA is12:51
nmz787bases and sugars really have a lot of kink freedom12:52
nmz787all those single bonds12:52
kanzureF71: did you see that latest kickstarter campaign for someone making an LED flasher to notify you when you're dreaming?12:52
delinquentmethey've got cool star scape printed foamy face pieces12:52
delinquentmeso kew12:52
nmz787kanzure: why get a flasher, you won't see it if you're asleep, right?12:53
nmz787or you're saying thats the kind of signal that could get through?12:53
nmz787what if you use it a lot, but then forget if you're in reality or a dream... and accidentally kill yourself12:53
delinquentmejump infront of a car .. LIGHTS OMG i can fly12:54
kanzurenmz787: yes you do see it in your sleep12:54
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delinquentmegirl i knew from HS posts a baby picture12:58
delinquentmeeveryones all CONGRATS CONGRATS12:59
delinquentmeim all12:59
delinquentmeHOLY SHIT is that ultrasound?? look @ that resolution!12:59
kanzuredamn i couldn't do that.. i don't have my baby pics12:59
nicotina_bi wish i had baby pics12:59
delinquentmekanzure, you can see me in my awesome bright orange overalls13:00
delinquentmeLOL funny personal note:13:00
nicotina_bkekeke, fucking university blocks sciencedirect.com13:00
delinquentmei told my parents I'd have no problems finding a mate bc i was brightly colored13:00
nicotina_bbut those bastards don't block dragonproxy~!13:00
delinquentmenicotina_b, <<< nice nice13:00
kanzurenicotina_b: do you need something from sciencedirect?13:00
nicotina_bhow old were you when u said that, delinquentme?13:00
delinquentmewhat are you after? PS can you get me a paper?13:00
delinquentmenicotina_b, like 8 hahah13:01
nicotina_byeah i got it already. idk why they wouldn't let me access the website. stupid shit.13:01
nicotina_bwhat paper u wanT?13:01
nicotina_boh shit, this paper is freely avaliable, so i couldn't get it. i can get you one when i'm on a different computer tho13:02
nicotina_bwhat u want13:02
kanzurehuh? i thought you just said you can't get papers13:02
kanzureoh you already got it because it's free13:02
nicotina_bi usually can, but i got that one cuz it's free and used a proxy.13:02
nicotina_bif i'm on a different computer that's not retarded, then yes i can hook u up13:02
delinquentmegot it!13:03
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F71@ kanzure I've seen the blinkenlight mask13:03
kanzure"A rat decellularized small bowel scaffold that preserves villus-crypt architecture for intestinal regeneration"13:03
nicotina_b"Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage"13:03
kanzureF71: no i mean remeeeeemememe13:03
nicotina_bask me some other day and i'll get u it.13:04
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F71@ Delinquentme Last time I saw an ultrasound on facebook, I remember thinking "tumors might be getting smarter"13:05
nshi remember these lucid-dreaming masks coming out in the mid 90's13:06
nshsurely by now we can say with some confidence whether they're crap or not13:06
kanzurethis one seems still a bit expensive for what it is ($80 for some LEDs and a chip??)13:06
delinquentmelike .. i think i just dont fit in with everyone13:06
delinquentmekanzure, correct .. but you're also kickstartering13:06
delinquentmekanzure, nmz787 how many total fluids are needed for the oligo chip?13:07
nshi suspect that for most of the effect you get from these masks, you may as well be wearing a banana skin over your eyes13:07
delinquentmensh, i dont think so13:07
nshwell, a lot of it is simply learning to associate going to sleep and waking up with mindfulness of the dream state13:07
kanzuredelinquentme: sorry bro, i don't have access to that paper13:07
* nicotina_b is going to eat. ttyl.13:07
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delinquentmekanzure, np np13:08
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delinquentmei got a similar one13:08
nshthe lights will obviously help you 'get lucid' but perhaps not that much more than a habit of reality checking13:08
delinquentmejust needed the formulas for the detergents13:08
HIGHsemajHow effective is the jounral keeping?13:08
HIGHsemajI have been reading this http://www.realityshifter.com/2007/mastering-the-art-of-lucid-dreaming-full-series/13:09
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HIGHsemajFor the daily reality check i wrote on my Lighter hah, thought that would be a good one ^.^13:11
kanzure"1,1′-Azobis-1,2,3-triazole: A High-Nitrogen Compound with Stable N8 Structure and Photochromism"13:13
F71@kanzure, think that microfluidics could make these from some kind of atmospheric chemistry?13:13
kanzureer anything's possible with enough effort?13:13
F71I'm just interested in seeing something useful and horrifically endo/exothermic being synthesized by automated small-scale reactions13:15
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kanzureF71: what do you think about the dna synthesis project13:21
F71reading it13:22
delinquentmekanzure,  where do we get the initial 9-mer DNA strand?13:24
delinquentmesource that? build a bunch and chop them?13:24
delinquentmeand how do we attach to the microbead13:24
kanzuremicrobead attachment is a known protocol.. check protocol-online.org for one13:27
kanzureinitial 9mers or w/e will come from a synthesis company13:27
delinquentmeand these are being built up a amino acid at a time ... so we need an individual pump for every amino reservoir13:27
kanzurepossibly just a drip pump.. and then block the channel, unblock to release some chemicals? not sure13:28
delinquentmei guess we could flush it13:28
delinquentme... how clean can you get a tube with a water flush?13:28
kanzurein dna synthesis chemistries you usually flush with a cleansing chemical13:28
nmz787nucleic acid13:30
nmz787not amino acid13:30
kanzurehah i didn't even catch that13:30
nmz787you don't need to order from a synth company if we are the synth company13:30
delinquentmeyeah so we make a bunch of the templates13:31
delinquentmeand then reuse them13:31
delinquentmeare the beads attached at the beginning of each synthesis13:31
delinquentmeor do you do a bunch then pick out 1 to run with13:31
delinquentmealso .. it looks like were adding 6 mer nucleic acid sequences13:32
delinquentmeso were going to need those bottled13:32
kanzurelibrary items are attached to beads. you take them out and "PCR" the strands off of the beads, then flush this to your reaction chamber13:33
nmz787that is going to change13:33
nmz787(what delinwuent said, not kanzure)13:33
delinquentmekanzure, is PCR the right operation?13:33
delinquentmei mean you're not replicating .. just chopping right?13:33
nmz787the 6mer addition strategy isn't perfect... only half of it is13:33
kanzureno you are definitely replicating from the library item.. you don't want to use your library supply because then you're boned13:34
nmz787show him the nicking enzyme diagram13:34
nmz787thats not in the ppt13:34
delinquentmenmz787, but we need that staggered effect in order to attach the subsequent nucleic acid 6-mer no?13:34
nmz787thats the idea, but there is research that it needs sufficient 3' DNA for the ligase to sit down13:34
nmz787so I have to rethink things13:35
nmz787originally i wasn't thinking to ligate the oligos at all, rather hybridize and use the oligos as the PCR template for a few nt13:35
nmz787so we may have to revert to that in light of the recent findings13:36
nmz787but that could be even better13:36
delinquentmeI dont see whats being synthesized between the operation @ 3 oclock and 8 oclock13:36
nmz787i dunno, i don't think its a big problem, i just need to sit down and think about it long and hard13:36
delinquentmedoes the nicking enzyme leave new code?13:37
nmz787there are two enzymes13:37
nmz787polymerase, and nicking nuclease13:37
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nmz787polymerase synthesizers the compliment of the red13:37
nmz787producing the green13:37
nmz787then the nicking enzyme cleaves the green which floats into solution13:37
nmz787and the polymerase goes to work again on the red, synthesizing a green13:38
nmz787the oligo is so short, temperature likely can stay constant13:38
delinquentmeOHHH this isnt for snythesis .. . this is for production of numerous sequences that we're using as raw inputs FOR the synthesis13:38
nmz787lowering the temp if you want to stop the reaction13:38
nmz787well, its biosynthesis13:38
delinquentmeooc am i the EE in this operation?13:39
nmz787are you?13:39
nmz787an ee?13:39
delinquentmeim not hahah13:39
nmz787we nee to build a laser cutter first13:39
delinquentmelike i can learn13:39
delinquentmeand ive built working shit13:39
nmz787didnt you build that liquid handler?13:39
delinquentmeyeah thats what used for?13:39
delinquentmehaha yeah i built the lh00113:39
delinquentmeso like i've got some experience13:39
kanzure(LH001 vid)13:40
delinquentmebut the laser13:40
nmz787basically we just need an XYZ gantry or XY slide stage13:40
nmz787i can do the optics13:40
nmz787already need to13:40
delinquentmebut what does it need to burn13:40
nmz787already getting into it13:40
delinquentmeor cut13:40
nmz787and acrylic13:40
delinquentmeyou need a laser cutter for?13:41
nmz787we'll either use CO2 or a solid state laser at 830nm13:41
delinquentmethats what you mean right13:41
nmz787making microfluidics quickly13:41
nmz787we cant make DNA without pipes13:41
delinquentmei thought thats what the stanford lab is for13:41
kanzurefour day turn around13:41
nmz787and no one makes a laser cutter for micro scale13:42
nmz787and much more expensive13:42
nmz787you start doing that when you are pretty sure a design is decent13:42
delinquentmei guess im missing why we need so many prototypes13:42
delinquentmelike build it once .. check it 12 times13:42
delinquentme4 days is fine13:42
delinquentmekanzure,  you sound like alex13:42
nmz787not for what we'll likely need for at least the first 3 months of serious microfluidic work13:42
kanzuredelinquentme: alex sounds like ME13:42
delinquentmeZOMG 1 week turnaround .. better buy 20 grand 3rdpinter13:42
nmz787its not gonna be like that13:43
delinquentmedoesnt make sense to me13:43
nmz787we will need lots of prototypes13:43
delinquentmewhats used to prototype these?13:43
nmz787there is a lot of integration to do13:43
delinquentmesoftware wise13:43
kanzurethere is basically a 0% chance that the first version will do anything at all13:43
nmz787kanzure says he'll figure out software13:43
nmz787basically we need custom CAD13:43
delinquentmelike i can go start bugging the shit out of people at CMU13:43
nmz787and ideally we would have some integrated fluidic simulation stuff13:44
nmz787i don't think its time yet to start going crazy13:44
delinquentmenmz787, but i wanna.13:45
nmz787first things first... we need pipes13:45
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delinquentmepipes being the microfluidics13:45
delinquentmekanzure, the majority of the microfluidics are simply valve / flow design right?13:45
delinquentmehttp://www.finelineprototyping.com/  I can call these guys and get some free prototypes13:46
delinquentmealso i'd love to design the control software for this once we've got the chemistry down13:46
kanzuredelinquentme: have you seen the usb controllers?13:47
delinquentme"the" usb controllers?13:47
delinquentmeyeahh you showed me this13:48
delinquentme$600 dollar  microcontrollers13:48
delinquentmethats excessive no?13:48
kanzureshould be way cheaper13:48
nmz787fineline doesnt have any materials i recognize13:48
nmz787well, for bioengi work13:48
nmz787polyprop might work13:49
delinquentmenmz787, they've got options for non-reactive for bio13:49
delinquentmei've attempted to order from them before13:49
nmz787for valving needs to be flexible13:49
nmz787yeah those controllers are overpriced and suck IMO13:50
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nmz787but I worked at a high-end EE company for 9months, though I was a lacky... :d13:50
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delinquentmethe thing is theres tons of extra stuff there13:51
delinquentmethe only EE operations we need are pumps13:51
kanzureyou also need to close individual valves13:52
delinquentmethis is why i believe in god13:52
delinquentmethe chick who works @ CMUs microfluidics lab is CUTE13:53
delinquentmekanzure, but yeah thats just pumps13:53
delinquentmelike if we're talking integrated optics for checking flourescent tags thats another thing13:53
delinquentmebut we can do pumps fucking cheap13:53
delinquentmenmz787, so you're in the process of building a laser sinterer or printer or some kind of subtractive method?13:54
delinquentmepardon but that seems like tons of work no?13:54
delinquentmewhat im saying is give me a reason to go flirt with the pretty chemist at CMU13:55
kanzurewe need custom optics anyway on a laser cutter13:56
kanzureso either spend $16k to get the cutter and some special optics13:56
kanzureor just build the cutter how we need it13:56
delinquentmeim missing something here13:57
delinquentmewhy is this needed13:57
kanzurethere's no commercial, affordable laser cutter that does 1 micron cuts13:57
delinquentmeyou're saying for rapid prototyping13:57
delinquentmeim saying thats ridiculous13:57
ThomasEgidelinquentme, it is not that unrealistic.13:58
kanzureit's also not difficult13:58
delinquentmehow many iterations do you need13:58
ThomasEgiblue ray even gets in the nm range13:58
delinquentmeok fine thats 2.5gs13:58
delinquentmeand we can start working on chemistry and channel cuts tomorrow13:58
kanzurei want prototyping turn around time of 30 minutes to, at most 2 hours13:59
kanzurenot "4 days"13:59
poptireyo kanzure14:00
kanzurepoptire: sup14:00
delinquentmethats fucking masturbation14:00
poptirehave you spoken to the person in charge of homecmos at all?14:00
nmz787no way14:00
kanzurepoptire: yes14:00
delinquentmewe're talking about making syringe pumps for this14:00
poptirei'm interested in it, but it seems quite dead14:00
kanzurepoptire: he's in here.. azonenberg14:00
nmz787i've done microfluidics prep in a clean room14:00
delinquentmeand thats hugely less complex14:00
nmz787but still PITA14:00
delinquentmeand you'd say "lets buy that" for a pump14:01
nmz787rapid prototyping is the way to go to not have to worry about the fab14:01
delinquentmebut lets proto the laser14:01
delinquentmethats nute14:01
nmz787of paying out the ass to get off the ground to pitch to VCs14:01
delinquentmehow many fluids do you need14:01
nmz787well appropriate pumps exist off-shelf14:01
kanzurei think there's at least seven separate chemicals?14:01
delinquentmewhat im saying is we're not working with 1000+ fluids14:01
kanzureno not 100014:01
delinquentmehow complex can that chip be?14:01
kanzurealso if we use enzymes..14:01
nmz787closest approximation of what i need is ~$150k14:01
delinquentmenot at all14:01
poptireis he still working on it?  looks like nothing's been updated since october14:01
kanzureazonenberg: ping?14:01
nmz787then $16k for a shitty version of what i want14:01
kanzurepoptire: iirc yes he's still working on it but he's also in college14:02
delinquentmebut why do we need that many prototypes14:02
delinquentmethe chip isnt complex14:02
kanzuredelinquentme: because things just don't work14:02
poptirekanzure: out of curiosity, you know where he goes to school?14:02
kanzurepoptire: let me check14:02
nmz787it will be part of a system14:02
nmz787i'm not aiming to stop at this one chip14:02
delinquentmenmz787, absolutely but the sooner we get a proof of concept14:02
kanzureannnd there's so many things you have to debug with eah prototype14:02
delinquentmei can call labs up14:02
delinquentmeand we can go right the customer money14:03
kanzurewhy call labs up?14:03
nmz787in my experience its just not how building something the right way/engineering works/goes14:03
kanzurewe don't even know if it works14:03
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delinquentmenmz787, but im arguing that its not that complex14:03
delinquentmeso i need a number of how many channels we're talking about14:03
delinquentmethe chip kanzure to mix 7 fluids14:03
delinquentmeis not complex14:03
kanzureit's not just "mix 7 fluids"14:03
nmz787the reason ppl havent done this is because its complex, but IMO worth the hassle in the long run14:03
kanzureit's "route and organize a million droplets"14:03
kanzureso droplet generation has to work14:04
kanzuredroplet mixing has to work14:04
nmz787and because i'm not an old person set in my research interests, who can't just say 'fuck it, lets stop the presses and do it the right way"14:04
kanzureyou have to make sure it mixes and has the right temperature14:04
delinquentmedroplets is simply channel width no?14:04
nmz787also generating droplets14:04
kanzuredroplet generation requires tweaking14:04
kanzurethere's a ton of variables14:04
nmz787getting PDMS/glass light pipes to work14:04
nmz787so we can get droplet counting to work14:04
nmz787and getting that synced with the valving and pumps14:04
delinquentmeso what if i called up 100 places with these laser printers14:05
nmz787there may be two different kinds of pumps14:05
nmz787and multiple of those14:05
delinquentmeand got a place which could give us turn around in a day14:05
nmz787no one has a micron scale laser cutter14:05
delinquentmecan we skip the laser14:05
delinquentmenmz787, they wouldnt advertise microfluidics if they didnt14:05
nmz787laser printers are shitty14:05
nmz787not reliable method14:05
delinquentmeand on top of that! you're saying no one has one of these and you're going to proto it?14:05
delinquentme^ that speaks for itself no?14:05
nmz787no one had an LH00114:05
kanzuredelinquentme: you should have more faith in us14:06
nmz787didnt hyou proto it?14:06
nmz787its really not much more complex, maybe less14:06
nmz787for the laser14:06
kanzurei find your lak of faith disturbing14:06
delinquentmenmz787, there are many liquid handlers14:06
delinquentmekanzure, its not faith lol14:06
kanzurelack of faith http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mI8GEidaMMI14:06
nmz787throughout my life i've made my own tools14:06
nmz787its why i own a hammer, wrenches, and a MIG welder14:06
delinquentmeso because thats what you've done14:06
delinquentmethats what you're going to do14:06
delinquentmewhats the timeline on this14:06
kanzuredelinquentme: no.. it's because we don't want to pay for a laser cutter14:07
delinquentmenmz787, i know we just met14:07
kanzurei estimate 6 months tops until a working prototype (with debugging)14:07
delinquentmebut like im trying to get an idea here14:07
delinquentmeand "just because"14:07
delinquentmeis what the justification is thusfar14:07
nmz787its because the $16k best laser out there in this exponent isnt right for the jo14:07
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kanzuredelinquentme: feel free to call up people and get customers14:07
delinquentmeexponent = resolution ?14:07
nmz78716k vs 160k14:07
delinquentmehow are you finishing the chips14:08
kanzurea foundry might be able to give us a 1-day turnaround but i doubt it.. they would also probably be pricier than stanford14:08
nmz787that massive hulk is closer than a $16k laser cutter to what we need14:09
delinquentmeno first go at a laser cutter or whatever this is will give us something production ready14:09
nmz787but also wayyyyy over qualified for the job14:09
nmz787its not a concern to me14:09
ThomasEgianyone knows how much piezo xy-tables go for?14:09
nmz787i need to develop my skill with optics for a multitude of reasons14:09
nmz787the XYZ is done as far as a laser cutter goes14:10
nmz787EMC, all that crap14:10
delinquentme1 thats a stupid-small resolution14:10
nmz787even then, if kanzure gets his CAD shit together, I can write a simple controllers14:10
ThomasEgiz is comparebly easy to do in DIY way14:10
delinquentmehow are they going to be ready made out of the machine14:10
delinquentmethe chips14:10
nmz787they aren't finished14:10
kanzurethey aren't.. you have a bonding step14:10
nmz787then you put the lime in the coconut14:11
nmz787i mean, hook it up to the pumps14:11
delinquentmeyes and you're saying that stepping and everything else14:11
delinquentmeon a DIY CNC machine14:11
kanzureno the bonding would probably be manual14:11
delinquentmewill cut smooth channels14:11
delinquentmeat this resolution14:11
delinquentmelike i cant see it14:11
kanzureyes we can get smooth cuts with 0.01 micron stepping14:11
kanzureor whatever14:11
nmz787i have already done 3D scanning with an interferometer on PDMS cut with a tradition CO2 laser optics setup14:11
nmz787ULS versalaser14:12
nmz787the problem is that they werent doing it right14:12
nmz787on a macro/meso level you can't tell because they're made to cut wood/acrylic14:12
delinquentmelike thats a finished machine14:12
nmz787but the step size, travel speed is just too big14:12
nmz787and they dont do any microstepping14:13
nmz787between macro and micro14:13
delinquentmethe chem protocol isnt even validated yet14:13
kanzureoligo synthesis has been done before in the literature14:13
kanzureligation is a more experimental thing that we'd like to try14:13
delinquentmein the literature != production ready14:14
nmz787you said validated14:14
kanzurethat's why we will need many prototypes14:14
nmz787it has been validated14:14
delinquentmethats mixing shit14:14
nmz787no one has picked it up for production14:14
nmz787because they aren't disgusted like kanzure and i14:14
delinquentmenot building the most accurate laser cutter this side of 160g14:14
nmz787i never said it would be most accurate14:14
kanzureman people think things are harder or more expensive than they actually are14:15
nmz7871/4 40 lead screws and 256 microstepping steppers should be fine for what we need14:15
delinquentmeif i could cut my right nut off14:15
delinquentmeid slam it on the table14:15
nshkanzure: don't bemoan that fact before it starts paying your living14:15
delinquentmeand say there is no way in hell14:15
delinquentmethat youll even be CUTTING14:15
delinquentmein 6 months14:15
kanzurensh: i charge by the value i provide not the material cost of bytes14:15
delinquentmeits just more STUFF14:15
delinquentmebefore we get to the actual work at hand14:15
nshkanzure: fair play :)14:15
delinquentmeare we building laser cutters or DNA synthesizers?14:16
nmz787but then we already have a product14:16
delinquentmebecause right now we're fucking halcyoning it14:16
nmz787a microfluidics rapid prototyping machine14:16
delinquentmethats for you kanz14:16
kanzureeven halcyon had a machine shop14:16
kanzureand a biology lab14:16
kanzureand a chemistry lab14:16
kanzureand then their SEM room14:16
delinquentmethey're funded.14:17
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delinquentmeif we landed $15014:17
kanzuredon't worry about the money/costs14:17
kanzurethat's MY job14:17
delinquentmeit sure as shit should not be spent building a laser cutter14:17
delinquentmethis is a hobby14:17
kanzurelaser cutter ain't going to cost much14:17
delinquentmethis is not a business14:17
nmz787this isn't really helping. I thought you would think putting the laser cutter together would be cake after your Lh00114:17
delinquentmenmz787, like i like the idea14:17
kanzuredelinquentme: yes right now we're just prototyping14:17
delinquentmedown the road yes14:17
kanzurewe don't have a product to sell customers, so that's why i'm not selling it14:18
delinquentmebut the laser cutter is a undertaking14:18
delinquentmethats between us14:18
delinquentmeand product14:18
kanzuremaybe it's not a product14:18
nmz787right but its the right way to do things14:18
delinquentme"right way"14:18
delinquentmeis subjective14:18
kanzurewell if you have a $160k laser cutter please let me know14:18
nmz787we will drown in fees before we ever get shit to work if we send out to stanford for evey chip14:18
delinquentmewe need a feature list for the chip14:18
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delinquentmebecause i have to be underestimating how complex it is14:19
nmz787already in the literature14:19
kanzurenmz787: to be fair it will probably be our own design?14:19
ParahSailinlaser is 160k?14:19
kanzureParahSailin: typical laser is 16k but we need special optics14:19
kanzureParahSailin: so we're building our own mini laser cutter14:19
kanzurebecause it's cheap enough to just build it14:19
nmz787kanzure: right, but we're definitely taking 2-5 devices and integrating into one chip14:19
kanzurerather than buying some crap14:19
kanzurenmz787: well that too.. (down the line)14:19
nmz787kanzure: right, and the end of the line is the product14:20
katsmeow-afk[OffTopic] when this topic is over, can someone please describe a laser that will melt the ends of the copper wire as shown in http://www.phys.unsw.edu.au/hsc/hsc/real_motors/large_images/DSC00079.jpg14:20
ParahSailininkjet photolithography mask, photolithography out some su-8 molds14:20
ParahSailinsoft lithography your pdms offa that shit14:20
nmz787which is why i think it is worth it to invest once in PDMS prototyping14:20
kanzureParahSailin: takes a bit too long for my tastes14:20
ParahSailinvs 160k, what is greater net present value?14:21
nmz787not if we build our own14:21
kanzureit doesn't cost us 160k to build our own14:21
kanzurerepeat: it is cheaper to just build it than to buy it14:21
ParahSailin16k plus optics?14:21
kanzure16k plus optics is buying a standard laser cutter14:21
nmz787we'll probably end up finding a XY stage on ebay for $150 or something, the optics won't be more than $200 or $30014:21
kanzurealbeit, 16k is a "new" cutter. i bought a laser cutter once for $600 but it had like 1mm resolution at best14:21
delinquentmewhat turn around time do you need to abandon the laser cutter14:21
delinquentmekanzure, nmz78714:22
delinquentmeon a prototype14:22
nmz787i want within the day14:22
ParahSailinhow much labor and cash will the laser cutter take14:22
kanzureParahSailin: <$15k14:22
nmz78710-20 hours of parts finding online and calling dealers, etc14:23
kanzure10-20 hours of arguing with me about what color it should be14:23
nmz78720-40 hours to go from parts to working gantry14:23
ParahSailini think its cool, you guys gonna open source that design?14:23
kanzurehell yeah14:23
nmz787another 40-100 hours for software (custom microfluidic cad software, and the motor controllers)14:24
kanzureuh plus "possibly weeks" for various delivery times14:24
ParahSailinkickstarter or glbse that shit14:24
kanzureParahSailin: nah we don't need kickstarter14:24
ParahSailinfree money14:24
kanzurenot really14:24
kanzurethen we have to make a crapload of stickers, give 5% to amazon, give 5% to kickstarter..14:25
kanzurethat's starting to sound like work14:25
ParahSailinglbse it then14:25
ParahSailinbitcoin stock exchange14:25
delinquentmespecifically what about making one chip per iteration and checking the shit out of it14:25
delinquentmeis so ridiculous to you guys14:25
delinquentmehow many variables does that $250 / pop make dissappear14:25
kanzurehave you ever written code14:25
kanzurewhere you run your code and you have an error14:26
kanzureso you fix your error and run it again14:26
delinquentmethis chip14:26
kanzurenow imagine it takes 24 huors to run it again14:26
delinquentmeis not code.14:26
delinquentmethis chip is not fucking code14:26
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delinquentmeto compare it to code14:26
delinquentmeis ludicrous14:26
ParahSailinwhen i was doing microfluidics we only ever had to make like 3 iterations of a mask14:26
kanzureParahSailin: yes but you probably had people that knew what they were doing14:26
F71When I'm protoboarding something, I spend most of the time screwing it up and trying to figure out workarounds14:26
kanzureParahSailin: please elaborate14:27
ParahSailindelinquentme, i think a cheap microfluidic patterning system has some value for other projects as well14:27
delinquentmeParahSailin, absolutely14:27
ParahSailinso while its a "delay" in the context of this one14:27
delinquentmebut are we making synthesizers or novel lasers14:27
ParahSailini can see it having good value14:27
kanzureParahSailin: so who designed your masks14:28
nmz787parahsailin: were you working with longtime engineers or any phds?14:28
delinquentmeyes but were inventing new technology when we could be working on real shit14:28
kanzurelaser cutters are very well known.. not new at all14:28
delinquentmesorry i dont mean that its not real14:28
nmz787delinwuentme: both IMO14:28
ParahSailini was working under a research scientist (phd)14:28
delinquentmebut its not as close to the bottom line as making the chips is14:28
kanzureParahSailin: did he do the masks?14:28
ParahSailinthe masks were real simple though14:28
delinquentmenmz787, you are correct14:28
kanzurewhat were your chips14:28
ParahSailinjust autocad stuff14:28
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kanzureyeah but what did they do14:28
ParahSailindraw 100 micron channels14:29
kanzurecan you describe it14:29
delinquentmebetter yet do you have schematics?14:29
ParahSailinlike lines, curvy lines, reservoirs, i linked the paper at one point -- is it in your papers2 dir?14:29
kanzureok one sec14:29
nmz787IMO we might need to have at least one or two peristaltic pumps14:30
F71There are decent peristalic pumps in a swiffer wetjet14:30
nmz787PDMS peristaltic pumps14:31
kanzurewhich link was it14:31
nmz787g2g to class14:31
kanzuredelinquentme: maybe you should post to mems-talk asking for quick turnaround14:33
delinquentmegoogle group?14:34
kanzureno it's hosted elsewhere14:35
delinquentmeafter the sequence is built up14:36
delinquentmehow do we cut it from its bead and isolate only the sequence we're after14:36
kanzurewash it with a particular chemical14:36
kanzurethen you send it off to sequencing..14:36
delinquentmeare we using the same initial bead + template for all sequences?14:36
delinquentmerestriction enzyme14:38
kanzuredelinquentme: the restriction enzyme method will only be used for the ligation strategy14:38
kanzurechemical oligo synthesis (with the crazy number of chemicals) does not use enzymes anywhere14:38
delinquentme400 solutions14:39
kanzureno it's more like 7-1214:39
delinquentmefor the nucleicacid pairs?14:40
delinquentme20*20 no?14:40
delinquentmethen all the other ones14:40
kanzureyou're thinking amino acids14:40
delinquentmeyeah amino14:40
kanzureonly four nucleic acids14:40
delinquentmeso we've got 2-mer sets of aminos14:40
kanzure20 amino acids. we're not working with amino acids.14:40
delinquentmewe need 1 of every combination14:40
kanzurenope.. no amino acids14:40
delinquentmearent all the additive 6-mers amino acids?14:41
kanzureno those are nucleic acids14:41
delinquentmethe sequences we use to build the chain?14:41
kanzureAAAAA, AAAAT, AAATT, AATTT, ...14:41
delinquentmelast page here: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/nucleic/su-slides.pdf14:41
delinquentmemiddle slide TCTTAC14:42
delinquentme6-mer sequence 2-mer amino14:42
delinquentmethose are injected into that bath as complete sequences no?14:42
kanzurethymine cytosine thymien thymine adenosine cytosine14:42
kanzurethose are all nucleotides14:42
delinquentmehow are those built14:43
delinquentmethose are nucleotides AND amino acids no?14:43
delinquentme6 nucleotides .. 2 amino acids14:43
kanzurethat diagram is explaining the ligation library method where you have 4000 droplets on the chip of different DNA sequences that you plug together14:43
kanzureno. no aminos!14:43
delinquentme3 base pairs = 1 amino acid14:44
F71what about guanine?14:44
kanzure3 base pairs can code for a "codon"14:44
kanzurefuck guanine! nobody likes guanine. what?14:44
kanzuredelinquentme: an amino acid is not made up of nucleotides.. nucleotides are just used by cells to remember /which/ amino acid to use when constructing a protein14:45
kanzureso think about this.. there are 20 types of amino acids right?14:45
kanzurewell a 3-sequence strand has 4^3 possibilities14:45
kanzure4^3 is waaay bigger than 2014:45
delinquentmeeach has some number of nucleotides which code for that amino acid14:46
F71I've never heard of thymien, what is this dickery14:46
delinquentmeok so back to the assembly kanzure14:46
kanzureF71: it's german14:47
delinquentmein what kmer sized blocks14:47
delinquentmeare we adding nucloetides in14:47
kanzurein the ligation synthesis method outlined in those slides.. it's just a 6mer being added to the growing strand14:47
kanzureonce you get up to >60mer you can use pcr to assemble things based on hybridization14:47
delinquentmeso we need reservoirs of each of those14:48
kanzureor you can ontinue using ligation of course14:48
delinquentmewhatever  mer is being added14:48
kanzuresure.. so that's why i think droplets are the way to go14:48
kanzureyou can just store droplets everywhere14:48
delinquentmewhatever 6mer is being added14:48
kanzurelike in a first-in first-out droplet queue for the library14:48
delinquentmecan you just take a droplet of As and Cs14:48
delinquentmeand they'll bond?14:49
delinquentmesurely not14:49
kanzureno you need more chemistry than that14:49
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delinquentmekanzure, the more chemistry part?14:51
delinquentmelike what is that process14:51
delinquentmeheating it?14:51
delinquentmesurely thatll bond some of them14:51
nshligation is an occult art14:51
nshyou tweak things on very expensive equipment, wait for hours, repeat for the next four days14:52
delinquentmelike i still dont have a clear idea as to the inputs required for the synthesis14:53
ParahSailinphone interview14:57
kanzuredelinquentme: read here.. http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/DNA/14:57
ParahSailincant wait to be not unemployed14:57
kanzureParahSailin: email me a resume kanzure@gmail.com14:58
ParahSailinsure, what you got?14:58
kanzurethings come and go14:59
ParahSailinhow complex do you see the microfluidics being?15:01
ParahSailinthis is the thing that has to valve and route a power of 4 different oligos?15:01
katsmeow-afk"route a power" ?15:03
kanzurei haven't done the whole layout yet but i imagine i will need to be able to control lots of wash lines, different lines for different chemicals (maybe), and be able to move droplets out of a first-in first-out channel15:03
kanzurea power of 415:03
kanzure4^6 different 6mers15:03
kanzure(or whatever)15:04
katsmeow-afkis the control area made of a flexable material?15:04
delinquentmealso for the beads to build up like they're shown there will need to be flow through at the Xed channels15:04
kanzureParahSailin: for the non-ligation-based-design which, imho we should probably try first, just the chemical oligo method.. it will probably be slightly less complicated but not significantly so15:04
ParahSailinthats.. challenging15:04
delinquentmekatsmeow-afk, yeah they expand with pressure to open/close15:04
kanzure4^6 droplets? nah15:04
kanzuredon't worry about that for now15:05
katsmeow-afkdelinquentme, you have that mechanical motion solved?15:05
ParahSailindroplets.. even more challenging15:05
delinquentmekatsmeow-afk, its just pump pressure15:05
delinquentmeyeah as pressure + the close off channel swells15:06
F71What about using piezo-based pumps?15:06
kanzurei don't imagine pumps will be a problem15:06
ParahSailinmy old boss was pretty adamant about electo-osmosis for flow -- i dont know how correct he is15:06
kanzureParahSailin: i did an electro-osmotic flow cfd simulation once..15:07
ParahSailinpressure driven flow has problems with the deformation of pdms15:07
kanzurewhy do i have 2000 views on that15:08
katsmeow-afkdunno about the pumps, but for 1000's of valves, controlling a pressure (which operates the valves) using electrorheologic system might be really cheap and instantaneous15:08
ParahSailin1000s of valves just sounds scary to fab15:08
katsmeow-afkit would be scarey, but with no movng parts, it can be fabbed on a cnc mill automagically15:09
F71Are you planning to have these 6mers in resovoirs?15:09
kanzurei don't know what the count will be15:09
kanzureF71: nope.. in droplets in a first-in first-out channel15:09
kanzure6mers attached to beads in droplets15:09
kanzureeach droplet has a different 6mer population15:09
ParahSailinoh macro sized valves?15:09
kanzureParahSailin: no i mean junctions.. like pdms pressure valves15:10
katsmeow-afkif your material lines are on the top of a surface, the control system can be on the bottom with "vias" drilled to connect them as needed15:10
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ParahSailinthe chips we made usually had 6 or 8 via reservoirs15:11
kanzureah sounds very simple15:11
kanzureParahSailin: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/nucleic/su-slides.pdf15:11
ParahSailinand still very difficult to fabricate15:11
kanzureyou said only 3 prototypes :P15:12
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kanzureyo yashgaroth.. backlog stuff15:13
ParahSailincould you maybe do p-amid chemistry on chip?15:14
katsmeow-afkok, i was just thinking of the control devices for the valve pressure control, sure the valve pressure operates the pdms, but you still have no control of the pressure that operates those valves, and for an array of 100's or 1000's, i think the electrorheology scales nicely down to the mvt system, can even be mounted near it on the same substrate/carrier, and the computer/control-fluid-pressure has no moving parts15:14
kanzureyes that's the irst plan15:14
kanzurechemical oligo synthesis first. then ligation when we show that our ligation strategy doesn't suck.15:15
ParahSailini dont know about electrorheology in microfluidics15:15
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: https://sites.google.com/a/lbl.gov/microfluidics-lab/valve-controllers/usb-based-controller15:15
katsmeow-afkselenoid valves, ouch15:16
katsmeow-afk"This controller provides valve switching times of 50ms or more", when i said "instant", i meant nanosecs15:17
delinquentmeok i gotta go make walks15:18
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katsmeow-afkplus no moving parts = the "selenoid" in the rheology device is merely two metalised strips15:18
ParahSailinwhat about the nanopore membrane filter as valve15:21
kanzurehow do you switch it?15:22
katsmeow-afkkanzure, which?15:22
ybitfenn: don't you use kde?15:22
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: ParahSailin's nanopore valve15:23
kanzureybit: he has switched to the dark side and uses gnome now15:23
ParahSailinyou "switch" it by applying voltage across it -- the only way fluid current will flow through it is the electromotive force15:23
kanzureuh but now we have to get electricity to it somehow15:23
ParahSailinno amount of pressure will make fluid flow through it15:23
katsmeow-afkhence the metalised side walls15:24
ParahSailinjust connectivity with your fluid channels15:24
* ybit can't think of any evil jedi who look like fenn 15:24
kanzureyes but the fabrication process will need to have something about embedding wires :|15:24
katsmeow-afkthere's nearly zero current involved, dip electroplating would suffice15:24
ParahSailinno thats not what i mean15:24
* katsmeow-afk points kanzure to the 1960's wire stiching machines15:25
ParahSailinX is two channels crossing \ is one layer, middle layer is your membrane filter, / is other channel15:25
ParahSailinvoltage applied at the four reservoirs controls the flow and the "gating"15:26
katsmeow-afkumm, you don't mean to apply voltage thru the fluid you are working with, right?15:26
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katsmeow-afkumm, you don't mean to apply voltage thru the fluid you are working with, right?15:29
ParahSailin_we did that, yah15:29
katsmeow-afknot all materials wil respond "properly" to voltage across them15:29
ParahSailin_the stuff we used was pretty low ionic strength, i dunno if thats a constraint here15:30
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katsmeow-afkerg, i need to go ~40ft afk , bbl15:31
kanzureParahSailin_: how does that work with multiple gates?15:34
ParahSailin_heh, we only ever needed one gate15:35
ParahSailin_so maybe ignore this suggestion15:35
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kanzuresomeone has really screwed up sciencedirect15:54
kanzureads are 30% of the screen15:55
kanzurefooter is 30% of the screen15:55
kanzureheader is 20% of the screen15:55
kanzure20% is the content15:55
ParahSailin_oh yah they really did15:55
ParahSailin_how is the pirate science repository coming15:56
kanzurebrb fixing a car15:57
ybitParahSailin_: eh, link?15:58
ParahSailin_kanzure's project15:58
* ybit steps away from computer15:59
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strangewarplollin' at Alex Knapp railing against Dyson Spheres as though they're a mainstream end-goal16:15
katsmeow-afklets see a dyson ring happen first16:17
Mokbortolan_is anybody familiar with the "MyBasis" device?16:23
Mokbortolan_'cos they're getting sued by BodyMedia: http://news.priorsmart.com/bodymedia-v-basis-science-l5mD/#Complaint16:24
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fennwords words words16:57
fenni like the electrorheology idea17:06
katsmeow-afkin the long line from the valve to the selenoid, how do you purge the microtube of air?17:07
fenn Mokbortolan_ has basis even released a product yet? why would you sue someone without a product?17:12
fenni'm rather sick of hearing about it actually, nevermind17:12
fennmake my own god damn watch17:13
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fennnmz787: i don't expect we'll have to write any code for the motion controller17:18
nmz787whats out there? the EMC type stuff?17:18
fenneven CAM should be fairly simple, as it's just lines17:18
fennyeah EMC will be fine for this17:18
nmz787is it extendable?17:19
nmz787cool, i've been wanting to do some custom Z direction stuff with PWMing the laser and/or defocusing the beam during a write... not for microfluidics per se (though I think kanzure sent me a doc recently that made a tapered channel in Z space that way)17:20
nmz787like a wheelchair ramp17:20
fennwhat's a tapered channel for?17:22
nmz787i imagine instead of through-layer hard-angle connections17:23
nmz787but with defocusing you can control the cut width at the same time17:23
nmz787so it could also taper in the X or Y17:24
nmz787but like i said, not necessarily for fluidics17:24
nmz787just for lasering in general17:24
fenni dont understand "instead of through-layer hard-angle connections"17:24
fennis this to control the turbulence when switching layers?17:25
nmz787to go from one layer of the fluidics to the other17:25
nmz787you need to go through them17:25
nmz787its a PCB term17:25
fennlike a via17:25
nmz787i know that in some cases sharp angles mess with flow17:26
fennwell anyway, Z axis is standard17:26
nmz787so it would be a nice software function for the custom CAD17:26
nmz787or CAM17:26
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fennwhy do we need 6"x6" travel?17:31
fenni'm seeing a lot of ~2.5"x2.5" stuff17:31
nmz787it would suck to build it too small17:31
nmz787esp since we can't really do more than 2 or 3 fluidic layers with the PDMS cut and transfer method17:32
nmz787the droplet library will be pretty big17:32
nmz787i've calculated the dimensions before once17:32
nmz787lemme thinkg17:33
fennhow are droplets stored anyway?17:33
nmz787in a channel17:34
nmz787next to each other/separated by some oil17:34
nmz787with no space between drops, 25000 drops of 20 microns each yields 50cm of channel17:35
kanzurenothing like pushing a car! roar17:35
nmz787with 5 microns of wall between channels, thats 25 microns per channel width including the walls17:35
nmz787make that into a square and its 3.55cm on side17:36
fennso the idea is to shuffle them back and forth like a choo choo train?17:36
nmz787so i'd say we want at least 10cm * 10cm of writeable space17:36
fennthen push it out the side when correctly aligned17:36
nmz787make it 15cm per side for good measure17:36
nmz787have a light-based droplet counterl17:36
kanzureif you want the one in the middle then you pop off the first half and tack them on to the end17:36
fenndefinitely want a counter17:37
kanzureexcept for the one that you want17:37
nmz787i originally thought something like a circle17:37
fenncan't pump a circle17:37
nmz787with a junction perpendicular to the tangent17:37
nmz787and a peristaltic pump to keep the droplets moving around the circle17:37
nmz787but we thought of a bunch of variations17:37
kanzurei think a straight line would be fine.. it might turn out that you can't pump 50k droplets at once17:38
nmz787you can def pump a circle17:38
nmz787i've done it b417:38
fennum. how?17:38
nmz787peristaltic pump17:38
nmz787need 3 'fingers'17:39
nmz787or solenoids, or a cam shaft with 3 lobes phased right17:39
fenni'm imagining some crazy zigzag thing and a peristaltic pump seems troublesome17:39
nmz787well the other option is some kind of thing that is spurting waste fluid17:40
nmz787just to move droplets around17:40
nmz787not even to do chemistry17:40
kanzuremaybe a giant grid array will be doable but i sorta doubt it17:40
fennyou only need 2 "pistons" full of fluid17:40
fennkanzure: i was originally thinking grid array but this sounds more feasible17:40
nmz787back and forth?17:40
fennright, like a slinky17:41
nmz787grid array?17:41
nmz787grid==matrix? matrix of arrays?17:41
fennyeah, like chinese checkers17:41
kanzuresorry.. grid array just means "a lot of addressable cells with tons and tons of valves"17:41
kanzuregrid, array, matrix, thing17:42
nmz787i dont like it as much as 'circular'/circulating buffer17:42
kanzureok cool17:42
kanzureno i prefer FIFO (first-in first-out)17:42
nmz787we'd really need to figure out cheap ass valves17:42
kanzurebut again: i do think it might turn out that you can't pump 50k droplets at once17:42
kanzureyou won't have the same velocity at the front as the end of the channel17:43
fennwhat you mean can't pump 50k droplets at once?17:43
kanzureeach additional droplet or micron will have some amount of resistance17:43
nmz787i would think just add another peristatlic pump or two17:43
nmz787or three17:43
kanzureso if the force is so strong at the front.. you end up bursting the droplets and smashing them into each other?17:43
nmz787thats still less actuators than a shitload of valves17:43
fenni think this is one of those things where you just do the experiment and see17:43
fennbtw this is oil/water droplets right?17:44
kanzurei am a little angry that i can't find a generic paper about the maximum droplet load of a N-lengthed channel17:44
kanzureseems like an obvious question17:44
kanzureyes water-in-oil17:44
fennok here's something i'm worried about17:44
nmz787fenn: right, which is another reason i think we need custom cutter17:44
fennif the droplets are touching the side walls, you get contamination17:44
nmz787so we can do lots of tests and iterations, we're bound to fail a lot17:45
kanzurethere's a "no-slip boundary condition"17:45
fennif the droplets are not touching the walls, they're just sort of floating around17:45
kanzurethe water at the walls isn't actually moving17:45
nmz787hmm, sheath fluid?17:45
nmz787that would require a pump to pump17:45
nmz787rather than peristaltic17:45
nmz787though... in a channel long enough, the pressure may get really high, too high for PDMS to withstand17:45
nmz78750 cm long channel17:46
nmz787i dunno17:46
kanzureyeah we need to do the math on the required pressure17:46
nmz787that seems like something already published17:46
kanzureon a 50 cm channel (or w/e)17:46
fennmake channel wider then17:46
kanzurei haven't seen a publication on that yet (wtf)17:46
nmz787but otherwise i think the multi peristaltic pump would solve that17:46
nmz787split it up into separate zones17:46
kanzurepapers! they must be found.17:49
nshwhy don't you ask a manufacturer?17:50
nshkanzure: ask someone who manufactures microfluidics channels about the droplet load17:51
nshthey'd maybe have better tolerance data than you might find in a published academic paper17:51
kanzuredoes any manufacturer actually do this though?17:52
kanzurefrom what i can tell most microfluidics stuff is really lame17:53
nshhmm, could be so17:53
kanzureParahSailin_: would your guy be the right person to ask?17:53
nshmaybe throw them a specification and see how confident they are17:54
kanzurefenn: can you look into this17:54
fennwhat is "droplet load" exactly>17:55
* fenn watching http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7rqq4DHckM17:55
kanzurei mean how many droplets you can pump in a channel without breaking them, for how far/long/pressure17:56
fennhow long is a string?17:56
fennwhy would the droplets break in the first place? both the droplet and the fluid around it are incompressible17:57
nmz787framerate of that video sucks17:59
azonenbergkanzure: syn+ack17:59
nmz787well they just said it was 2k fps18:00
nmz787so i guess they were going fast18:00
kanzureazonenberg: someone was wondering about your project status or something18:00
kanzurepoptire: ping18:00
kanzureazonenberg: i think poptire was also wondering about what university you go to18:00
azonenbergkanzure: you wont get anywhere with my v6 address lol18:00
kanzureaw :(18:01
azonenbergits a hurricane electric 6to4 into my apartment18:01
azonenbergbut i'm at RPI18:01
kanzurefenn: ah? incompressible? well then..18:01
poptireah. cool18:01
kanzure2-D transient incompressible flow in a rectangular duct using OpenFOAM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jx3DQn33MHE18:01
kanzurehmm that looks like a vortex to me18:02
kanzurecan't be laminar?18:02
kanzureok that's meters/second haha18:02
poptireazonenberg: i'm a sophomore EE and your project sounds quite interesting18:02
azonenbergso i just mentioned some stuff in the homecmos channel but i'll repeat a bit more here18:02
azonenbergi'm a phd student in CS at RPI18:02
azonenbergthis is a side project of mine18:03
azonenbergthings are going slowly because i'm busy working on other stuff too but there are definite plans18:03
azonenbergworking on a nice spin coater now18:03
azonenbergthe one i have is too big to fit in my fume hood18:03
kanzurenice.. i will probably need a spin coater in a few months18:03
azonenbergi mean it fits, but there's no airflow around it18:03
azonenbergi'll be publishing cad designs for mine18:03
azonenbergand a full BOM18:03
kanzuregreat! please attach an open source license to whatever too18:03
azonenbergkanzure: anything i publish will be BSD licensed18:04
kanzureyou've made me the happiest girl18:05
bkerokanzure is the happiest girl18:06
poptireazonenberg: if you have some time, could you go into detail about how you made the nyan cat?  i think i read somewhere that you used photolitho but i can't seem to find anything beyond that18:06
azonenbergpoptire: basic process is easy18:06
azonenbergblank piece of silicon, crystal structure unimportant18:06
azonenbergevaporate Cr adhesion layer + Cu metalization over it18:06
azonenbergi did this in the materials lab on campus, i have a vacuum chabmer at home but havent finished building a deposition rig yet18:07
azonenbergthen spin-coat photoresist18:07
azonenbergPrint out my mask at 600DPI on transparency film18:07
azonenbergReduce 10:1 optically through a microscope objective onto the die18:07
azonenbergthat gives me 6,000 DPI18:07
azonenbergwhich allowing for a ~5 pixel design rule gives roughly 20 micron feature sizes18:08
azonenbergthen develop and etch in HCl:H2O218:08
azonenberghttp://homecmos.googlecode.com/svn/wiki/images/die_i4_002_fullres.jpg is a SEM shot of parallel lines18:08
poptiredo you have any papers/links for more info on the Cr deposition process?18:08
azonenbergstandard thermal evaporation from a tungsten basket18:09
azonenbergi used a tool on campus for that18:09
azonenbergpump down to the 1E-6 torr range18:09
azonenbergheat filament until metal charge melts18:09
azonenbergkeep heating, vapor pressure increases18:09
azonenbergand metal starts depositing on whatever is nearby18:09
poptireis that sorta like sputtering?18:10
azonenbergvery different18:10
azonenbergboth are forms of physical vapor deposition18:10
azonenbergSputtering involves forming a plasma discharge in argon (usually) at around 1E-2 torr18:10
azonenbergthe argon atoms impact your target (the material being deposited) and mechanically dislodge atoms18:10
azonenbergwhich then deposit on your sample18:11
azonenbergThe mean free path at that pressure is much smaller than the distance from the target to the sample18:11
azonenbergwhich means metal atoms will bounce off other metal atoms or argon atoms on the way to your sample18:11
azonenbergand hit the sample from all directions18:11
azonenbergThat results in pretty uniform coverage from all directions18:11
azonenbergEvporation, on the other hand, just involves heating the metal18:11
azonenbergand it evaporates18:11
azonenbergthe pressure is much lower which means the atoms move in a straight line from it to the sample18:12
azonenbergthis means vertical walls will not be covered much, if at all18:12
azonenbergand if the surface of the sample isn't flat you can get "shadows"18:12
azonenbergin which there is no deposition18:12
azonenbergSome processes actually take advantage of this while for others it can be a problem18:12
azonenbergMy current vacuum apparatus gets deep enough for sputtering (or will once i fix a leak or two) but i need to figure out how to purge the chamber with argon18:13
azonenbergsince right now it just has air in it18:13
azonenbergi also dont have a HV power source18:14
azonenbergso i have a ways to go still18:14
azonenbergfor now i do metal deposition on campus and everything else in my own lab18:14
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delinquentmeusually when someone so convincingly takes over the channel its kanzure18:15
poptirei'd like to try my hand at this before the semester is over18:15
delinquentmeazonenberg, has FTWed18:15
azonenbergBe warned this is not an easy project18:15
azonenbergi've been working on it for years (though slowly)18:15
poptirehave you managed to make anything resembling a semiconductor device yet?18:17
azonenbergI havent attempted to18:18
azonenbergi've been working on lithography mostly18:18
azonenbergand MEMS18:18
azonenbergThe next step is to get a furnace for growing oxide and doing diffusion18:18
azonenbergMTI has a nice one for $1k18:18
azonenbergi plan to buy one in a month or two18:18
poptiredo you have a research budget for this, or are you doing it all out of pocket?18:18
azonenbergThis is entirely personal18:18
azonenberghence the slow progress18:18
azonenbergno funding18:18
kanzuredo you need funding18:18
azonenbergIf you're willing to donate to the project i wont complain, but i'm not asking for it at this point18:19
fennhmm. this is the only one i've found with >3" travel http://www.ebay.com/itm/C79802-X-Y-Yaskawa-Minertia-Motor-Motorized-Positioning-Stage-w-6-Wafer-Chuck-/390389796944?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5ae50b905018:29
kanzurewould not using an xy stage be the end of the world18:30
fenn172 pounds!18:30
fenna bridge configuration would be fine18:30
kanzurewoah what is this18:30
kanzurethis is a beast18:30
fenn2 of these would be fine http://www.ebay.com/itm/Brooks-Automation-anti-backlash-precision-linear-actuator-positioning-stage-THK-/120887003509?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c256d497518:31
kanzurethat looks more like what i'd expect?18:32
fennhere we go, this is perfect, and only $7k! :P http://www.ebay.com/itm/Parker-Positioning-Systems-Daedal-Division-X-Y-motorized-stage-/320775674700?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4aafb85b4c18:36
nmz787or this18:36
nmz7871/4 40 screws with anti-backlash nuts?18:39
fenncertainly needs new screws18:39
kanzurefenn: please use diyhpluswiki18:39
kanzure.. or something18:39
ParahSailin_we always got the masks with chrome already evaporated onto it18:40
ParahSailin_kanzure, yes bruce would be the person to ask18:41
kanzurewhat am i asking him again? how many droplets i can get into a channel or something?18:41
kanzurefenn which email do you want me to use as your primary18:42
ParahSailin_we never worked with droplets18:42
ParahSailin_plug flow only18:42
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kanzureoh. would bruce know about drops though?18:42
delinquentmewhy arent you guys buying a makerbot18:42
kanzuremakerbot sucks18:42
ParahSailin_i dunno, try him18:43
kanzuredelinquentme: why not use reprap instead18:43
delinquentmedo that then18:43
fennat least mendel is kinematically designed (sort of)18:43
fennkanzure: gmail18:43
nmz787i have a makerbot18:44
nmz787dont need to buy one18:45
nmz787well its the house's i guess18:45
ParahSailin_reprap seems i dont understand why 3d print when you could mill stuff out of blocks of plastic that you could cast in big molds18:46
kanzuremost people don't have mills18:47
ParahSailin_most people dont have 3d printers18:47
ParahSailin_why choose 3d printer to develop vs mill as a cheap open source hardware18:47
kanzureask fenn about the conspiracy against stewart platforms18:48
fennmills are more complicated than 3d printers; gotta think about work holding, cam algorithms, vibration damping (mass), rigidity18:49
ParahSailin_surely with development, an open source mill design could be of comparable price to a reprap18:49
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fenni doubt it18:50
kanzuremass is the largest issue iirc18:50
fennmass is one way of damping vibrations (but not the only way)18:50
kanzureyes but because they are so massive all the time, it's harder to keep mills18:50
fennalso, mass is easy to come by18:50
fennit's when you start building it into your machine components that it becomes annoying18:51
fenn<- not a fan of the egyptian roller method18:51
ParahSailin_how cheap could i build a mill suitable for plastic18:51
fennget a drill press and a $100 xy table from harbor freight18:51
nmz787kanzure fenn: do you think CDROMs have fine enough pitch screws?18:51
nmz787just use two CDROMs like hackteria, but with non-shitty controller?18:52
fennmaybe, it would be about 1 micron per microstep with 16 microsteps18:52
nmz787high microstepping, etc18:52
delinquentmefenn, why dont people just use water for mass18:52
fenni don't trust microstepping18:53
delinquentmeor concrete blocks18:53
fenndelinquentme: water isnt very dense18:53
nmz787fenn: why? the rest of the industry does18:53
kanzureexplain why you use mass18:53
kanzureit's because you are cutting steel or w/e18:53
fennbecause the fundamental frequency is inversely proportional to mass18:54
kanzuredelinquentme: yes?18:55
fennalso, for a given energy of resonance, the displacement is lower with more mass (because the momentum is higher)18:56
fenni'm doing a crap job explaining this18:56
delinquentmeidk whats going on kanzure18:56
kanzurewe're explaining why mills tend to be massive to you18:56
nmz787fenn: are you talking about microstepping or mills and mass?18:57
fenni think it's past my bedtime18:57
nmz787(i think mills)18:57
nmz787don't you have a rotating schedule?18:57
kanzurefenn: and why don't you trust microstepping?18:59
nmz787kanzure fenn: only problem i could see with  using CDROMs is that they probably couldn't hold the optics, but if we're only cutting a piece of silicon/teflon/acrylic coated in PDMS... it should be able to move that no prob, so the optics can be stationary18:59
nmz787which actually makes it easier I think, if we had to use CO2 rather than solid state18:59
fennkanzure: the amount of force between one microstep and the next is very small. if there's friction in the system (such as from an anti backlash nut) the leadscrew just won't turn until many microsteps ahve gone by19:00
nmz787i'm so sad that the glowing yogurt thread hasn't had much response since I posted the protocol of how to transform lactobacillus with linear DNA for chromosomal integration19:01
nmz787fenn: thats what an encoder is for, no?19:01
fennyeah but you don't want to mix steppers and encoders19:01
fennplease don't make me explain19:01
fennit's a control system mess19:01
audyomg glowing yogurt19:02
nmz787i've seen it19:02
audykids would go nuts over that.. glowing tube yogurt19:02
nmz787in fact the last pump i used had it19:02
kanzureglogurt is already a mass marketed product -_-19:02
nmz787it was built into the controller to work that way=19:02
kanzureoh that's gogurt19:03
nmz787256 microstepping19:03
nmz787on the pump we had, we were able to calculate nanoliter change in a hanging droplet with a wvga camera19:04
nmz787though that prob had less mass19:04
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nmz787and backlash had to be compensated for, but that wasn't too hard because it was just a pump19:05
fenni dont see anything about encoders19:06
kanzureOn Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 9:03 PM, Bruce Flachsbart <bruce-f@comcast.net> wrote:19:06
kanzure> I don't think the oil in water system is very stable, so I doubt trying to19:06
kanzure> store them would work that well.  If you could charge the droplets, then19:06
kanzure> that would help keep them from recombining.19:06
kanzure> There is a limit to the droplet size.  As the input channel gets smaller,19:06
kanzure> the droplet get smaller, but the flow velocity gets smaller closer to the19:06
kanzure> side wall, so this combines to sort of limit the lower end of droplet size.19:06
kanzure> Sounds like an interesting problem - good luck!19:06
audykanzure I recon it'd take a while to get GFP yogurt approved by the FDA19:06
fenn"optical switch" is for homing (setting origin accurately)19:07
nmz787nah the pump themselves had encoder options19:08
nmz787i guess we werent using that in retrospect19:09
fennthis looks interesting http://www.ebay.com/itm/Precision-XY-Slide-15-x-10-75-THK-Linear-Rail-w-RSR20VW-Bearing-Block-/251033050885?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3a72bc5f0519:22
fennhm. "There are 2 THK bearing blocks on the unit, but one is missing all its bearings"19:22
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fenni can't push to diyhpluswiki so i pushed to github instead https://github.com/fenn/diyhpluswiki19:33
kanzuretry pushing to diyhplus wiki now19:34
fennfatal: remote error: access denied or repository not exported: /diyhpluswiki.git19:34
kanzureare you pushing from gnusha19:34
fennno, why would that matter?19:35
kanzureif you were logged in on gnusha you would have to re-login because of how group permissions work on linux19:35
kanzuregit push fenn@diyhpl.us:/srv/git/diyhpluswiki.git master19:36
fennok that worked19:36
kanzurejrayhawk: LAME19:36
fennin .git/config origin url = git://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki.git19:36
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* fenn wanders off19:38
kanzurenmz787: this is what he committed http://diyhpl.us/wiki/projects/laser_etcher19:43
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nmz787not much of a wiki to have that URL20:01
nmz787well its just text, but the URL says wiki20:04
kanzureyeah, it's a wiki.. one sec20:04
kanzure"Error: projects/laser_etcher is not an editable page"20:05
kanzurewtf is this20:05
kanzurejrayhawk: whaaattt20:05
nmz787chrome wont let me access it20:06
nmz787"proceed anyway" does nothing20:06
nmz787that might be my issue tho20:07
kanzureyeah i think we disabled anonymous editing20:07
kanzurei don't remember why20:07
kanzurejrayhawk: why20:07
nmz787btw i got these, i can email or whatever20:07
kanzurenmz787: let's set something else up.. one sec20:08
nmz787they aren't storing in a row/single channel tho20:08
kanzurenmz787: so you can use that to upload files instead of emailing20:12
kanzureif you want to send files over http drop them into a folder called public_html in your home directory20:12
kanzureah so 045005 is a droplet array20:16
kanzure"Emulsion droplets with desired volumes and compositions are produced, addressably stored, manipulated and retrieved from a 4 × 4 array, which employs just 4 (= 2 × log24) control inputs for the operation"20:16
kanzureer, log base 2 of 420:16
kanzureanyway.. yes that paper looks useful20:17
ParahSailin_looks like bruce had a helpful answer20:32
nmz787nice pics in this one20:32
kanzureParahSailin_: yes somewhat20:32
kanzurenmz787: that ncbi one is in the folder already,20:34
kanzurei'd def. like that iop paper20:34
nmz787ok okokok20:35
delinquentmethe plans to prototype the chip in what software?20:45
kanzurepython CAD library i've been writing20:45
kanzuredump to svg and gcode and other stuff20:45
delinquentmefineline likes STLs20:47
-!- gene_hacker [~chatzilla@cpe-72-179-50-243.austin.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap20:47
nmz787isnt STL a pretty bad format?20:47
kanzureyes STL is pretty bad20:47
kanzurefinelines would be in svg20:48
delinquentmeActually STL file format is what we preferred because we quote and build from that. We can accept igs, step, prt files as well as long as they are not assembly files.20:48
delinquentme^ quote20:48
delinquentmealso you do realize that fluidigm is a company that just went IPO20:49
delinquentmewith the technology you're looking to build in 6 months20:49
gene_hackerIT'S AWFUL20:49
gene_hackerno really it is20:49
delinquentmewhat is20:49
delinquentmehow / why20:50
ParahSailin_fluidigm looks neat20:50
delinquentmeits like a jpeg20:50
delinquentmeyes you're not developing with it20:50
delinquentmebut you're exporting it for use20:50
delinquentmePSD >>> jpeg20:50
gene_hackersome problems with 3d printing resolution, were solved by going directly from CAD file to slice20:50
nmz787i dont see much similarity to us and fludigm20:50
delinquentmeim saying their technology20:50
delinquentmeis microfluidic prototyping20:51
gene_hackerand by resolution improvement, I mean by a factor of a lot20:51
delinquentmethey've got machines which integrate them but their big statement is how they did micro fab differently20:51
delinquentmeif you want to build lasers20:52
delinquentmebuild lasers / hardware20:52
gene_hackerfluidigm's the microfluidic building blocks company right?20:52
gene_hackerI'd assumed they'd make a whole bunch of the same blocks via photolithography20:53
ParahSailin_fluidigm has some pretty good patents to rip off20:53
delinquentmethey do20:53
kanzurethere is no way they use stl for microfluidics20:53
gene_hackerwhat do you want to do with said patents?20:53
kanzurewell i guess people sometimes use dxf. anyway.. i don't recommend stl.20:54
gene_hackerwhy would you use STL for microfluidics?20:54
kanzurehahah i have no clue20:54
gene_hackerdo you have complex 3d features?20:54
kanzurenope. don't mind it20:54
gene_hackerare you considering using microstereolithography to make them?20:54
kanzuregene_hacker: nope.. using a laser cutter20:57
delinquentmelike what am i supposed to say here?20:57
delinquentmeyou're not developing with STLS20:57
delinquentmeyou EXPORT to stl20:57
delinquentmeexplain how thats horrible20:57
kanzurenonono don't export stl20:57
delinquentmeim about to put a gun to my head20:58
delinquentmenot really but20:58
kanzurei'm actually on a phone call20:58
kanzureso you are getting about 20% of my brain20:58
delinquentmeyeh do what u need to do there20:59
delinquentmegene_hacker, you need to explain20:59
delinquentmebc you're tainting his mind20:59
delinquentmeand theres no real substance there20:59
delinquentmeother than you both think the web should be displayed via PSD files20:59
nmz787kanzure: dont they say you only use 10% anyway20:59
delinquentmethis is kanzure you're talking about21:00
nmz787who uses photoshop here?21:00
nmz787PSD is so closed21:00
nmz787XCF in the hizouse21:00
kanzurei have photoshop if you need something done..21:00
delinquentmeyes i support open soure21:00
delinquentmebut like21:00
delinquentmewhere is the line drawn21:00
kanzurewait wait21:00
kanzurestl thing first21:00
nmz787i used to use photoshop a lot more, but lately im totally satisfied with gimp21:00
kanzurethe reason stl is not a good plan is because you need vectors to do curves with a laser cutter21:01
nmz787especially after i learned of the seam carving plugin last night21:01
kanzureinstead of tesselations you want the actual hardware to determine the max resolution21:01
kanzure(or the document will say what it's meant for)21:01
gene_hackerSTL is triangulated21:01
gene_hackerwhen you make your part, you also make the triangles,21:01
gene_hackerin a sense you lose resolution with STL21:02
gene_hackerin addition, STL isn't the final machine code21:02
delinquentmeok aside from the fact that a company is using stls21:02
delinquentmewhat im after is21:03
delinquentmeyou're building a cad software to model the parts21:03
delinquentmeand you're building a laser to print those parts21:03
delinquentmeso while its awesome that youve found kindred spirits21:03
gene_hackeryou convert STL to slices, it's best to convert directly to slices21:03
delinquentmeis that truly the most efficient way to do this21:03
kanzurecad is not hard for this21:03
kanzureand a laser cutter is just a chip plus a gantry.. big deal21:03
kanzureoh and the laser.21:04
delinquentmekanzure, you're also saying that the laser for this is simple21:04
kanzureit is!21:04
delinquentmelisten man21:04
delinquentmeyou know i want to believe you21:04
delinquentmeyou fucking know that21:04
kanzureanyway, we can use proprietary cad if necessary, but it doesn't matter21:04
gene_hackeranyway, so why are you laser cutting microfluidic circuits?21:04
delinquentmebut like there is shit21:04
delinquentmeand there is fan21:04
kanzuregene_hacker: because i don't want to wait for lithography21:04
delinquentmehow does we minimize distance traveled21:04
gene_hackerisn't the surface roughness of laser cut parts pretty high?21:04
kanzureok sorry about that.. off the phone now21:05
kanzuredelinquentme: ok. so you're saying it's too much work?21:05
delinquentmeyou dont think it is?21:05
kanzuregene_hacker: that's only because most laser cutters aren't meant for micro work21:05
kanzuredelinquentme: no i'm ust trying to understand what you're saying first before i reply21:05
delinquentmelike the open source laser cutter in ITSELF21:05
delinquentmeis worth a fortune21:05
kanzurethere are many open source laser cutters out there21:05
delinquentmemicrofluidics laser cutter21:06
kanzurewhen you work on a cool project you usually have to make cool tools heh'21:06
kanzurelike for instance.. facebook21:06
kanzure"oh shit we have 800 million photos per second. nothing exists to do this yet. well. let's write some code."21:06
nmz787fb wrote a php compiler basically, right?21:07
kanzurenmz787: yeah21:07
nmz787bc all their code was, php21:07
nmz787making your own tools is pretty common IMO21:07
kanzureit was pretty fast. they did amazing things with php. but.. bleh21:07
gene_hackerok, so can laser cutters cut with the required surface roughness for microfluidic circuits?21:07
delinquentmewhat if!21:08
delinquentmewe just applied to y comb21:08
delinquentmeand then moved to sf21:08
gene_hackeralso have you looked into building a maskless microstereolithography machine?21:08
delinquentmeand you could get turn around on real chips21:08
delinquentmein a day21:08
delinquentmeand could probably work out something for lowered prices21:08
nmz787gene_hacker yes common laser cutters produce rought walls.... part of this is intrinsic to the lasers action, part is due to the large step size that they move with between spots21:08
kanzuredelinquentme: i think submitting a yc application is ok. but it's not open season at the moment?21:08
nmz787y comb is more techy too21:08
gene_hackeror  DLP projector hooked up to a microscope, pointing at a vat of photopolymer21:09
delinquentmeits the universal language21:09
kanzuredelinquentme: don't worry about money21:09
delinquentmethats what you say21:09
delinquentmewhat did you say about halcyon playing with electron microscopes?21:09
kanzurenothing? i just thought their longevity plan wasn't well thought-out21:10
delinquentmelisten i want to believe right21:10
kanzurebelieve what :)21:10
delinquentmeand id love just as much to put my foot in my mouth on this21:10
delinquentmebut like21:10
delinquentmego refine the plastic21:10
delinquentmediy is fun21:10
delinquentmeits cool21:10
kanzureok wait21:12
kanzureapply to yc -> move to sf [if they accept us]21:12
nmz787i also have constraints21:13
nmz787i can't just pick up and leave just like that21:13
kanzureyc doesn't require everyone to be there21:13
nmz787i mean, if it was planned21:13
nmz787and the opportunity was good enough21:13
kanzuredelinquentme: so.. you want me to just order chips from a foundry21:13
nmz787but i think we can do this on our own21:13
nmz787even if it takes 2 years to get to a good prototype21:13
nmz787by then we have a laser for microfluidic rapid prototyping21:14
nmz787and a dna synthesizer, and the know how to make modular microfluidics with out custom software that is designed for microfluidics21:14
nmz787and in that case we own all the equity21:14
-!- gnusha [~gnusha@] has joined ##hplusroadmap21:28
-!- Topic for ##hplusroadmap: biohacking, nootropics, transhumanism, open hardware http://gnusha.org/logs/ http://bit.ly/diybionews2 http://gadaprize.org/ http://groups.google.com/group/diybio21:28
-!- Topic set by kanzure [~kanzure@] [Mon Feb 13 12:33:20 2012]21:28
[Users ##hplusroadmap]21:28
[ _Sketch_ ] [ epitron ] [ nathaniel ] [ strages_home] 21:28
[ _sol_ ] [ fenn ] [ nchaimov ] [ strangewarp ] 21:28
[ AdrianG ] [ ferrouswheel ] [ nmz787 ] [ superkuh ] 21:28
[ anelma ] [ folmat_ ] [ nsh ] [ Thorbinator ] 21:28
[ archels ] [ gedankenstuecke] [ nuba ] [ thylne ] 21:28
[ audy ] [ gene_hacker ] [ ParahSailin_] [ uniqanomaly ] 21:28
[ augur ] [ gnusha ] [ pasky ] [ Urchin ] 21:28
[ azonenberg ] [ Helleshin ] [ phryk ] [ Utopiah ] 21:28
[ bkero ] [ HEx1 ] [ poptire ] [ Vicarious ] 21:28
[ charlieschwabach] [ ivan` ] [ qnm ] [ vrs ] 21:28
[ CIA-92 ] [ jrayhawk ] [ rdb ] [ yashgaroth ] 21:28
[ Coornail ] [ kanzure ] [ Replop ] [ ybit ] 21:28
[ delinquentme ] [ katsmeow-afk ] [ rkos ] [ ziyadb ] 21:28
[ devrandom ] [ lichen ] [ skorket ] 21:28
[ diginet ] [ Mariu ] [ splicer ] 21:28
[ drazak ] [ Mokbortolan_ ] [ Stee| ] 21:28
-!- Irssi: ##hplusroadmap: Total of 61 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 61 normal]21:28
-!- Channel ##hplusroadmap created Thu Feb 25 23:40:30 201021:28
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kanzuregnusha: welcome back.21:28
kanzurecan someone please contribute the missing logs21:28
kanzurehere's what it has: http://gnusha.org/logs/2012-04-04.log21:29
delinquentmeit looks like its covered kanz21:37
katsmeow-afkcan someone please describe a laser that will melt the ends of the copper wire as shown in http://www.phys.unsw.edu.au/hsc/hsc/real_motors/large_images/DSC00079.jpg21:42
kanzurenot ignoring you, i just don't have anything to contribute21:43
* katsmeow-afk nods21:44
kanzuregene_hacker: maybe you'd know?21:44
katsmeow-afki have several motors with welded leads21:44
katsmeow-afkwith severe vibration, otehr mechanical forces, extreme temp cycling, solder won't work and bolts work loose21:45
katsmeow-afkbolts may be too big or too heavy to21:45
katsmeow-afk4 April 2012 Last updated at 17:42 ; Print-your-own-robots developed in US ; Printed-on-demand robots might be a reality before the end of the decade if a US-based project achieves its goals. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-1761439221:46
nmz787(seriously my last post of the night21:49
nmz787katsmeow: google "copper laser melt nm"21:49
nmz787looks like UV21:49
nmz787aka excimer21:49
nmz787(excimer laser)21:49
nmz787ok bed 4 realz21:49
katsmeow-afkNo results found for "copper laser melt nm".21:50
yashgarothAbout 12,300,000 results (0.40 seconds)21:50
katsmeow-afki shall goto bed, it's been  day21:51
nmz787not in quotes21:52
kanzuredoesn't count as bed if you take your phone/laptop with you21:53
gene_hackerperhaps it's not a laser21:53
gene_hackerthat's a PCB motor right?21:54
-!- nsh [~nsh@wikipedia/nsh] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]21:54
-!- capiscuas [~capiscuas@ppp-58-8-213-19.revip2.asianet.co.th] has joined ##hplusroadmap22:01
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charlieschwabachI think copper is pretty difficult to laser cut bcs it reflects ir and conducts heat really well22:18
charlieschwabachi was trying to find something that could cut foil to make pcbs22:19
charlieschwabachor just cbs i guess if they are laser cut instead of printed..22:19
charlieschwabachhave you tried learning to read that?22:29
charlieschwabachi would be interested to see if that alphabet actually makes you read faster22:31
ParahSailin_nope looks pretty useless22:31
charlieschwabachyeah the story is cool, but not sure if it would work22:32
charlieschwabachi memorized all the letters last night, but still have to figure out words22:32
-!- amphetamine [~amphetami@unaffiliated/amphetamine] has quit []22:32
charlieschwabachsupposedly you learn the shapes of words, but it definitely doesn't work right away22:32
charlieschwabachbtw i don't mean to crash you guys room.. i am a coworker of kanzure and he turned me on to your project22:34
charlieschwabachvery cool22:34
-!- sylph_mako [~mako@118-92-207-0.dsl.dyn.ihug.co.nz] has joined ##hplusroadmap22:35
delinquentmecharlieschwabach, i was gonna say i thought a banker joined up earlier22:35
delinquentmebut iw as kinda in the middle of some hot hot heat22:35
charlieschwabachhaha yeah no relation22:36
kanzurecharlieschwabach: could you show off your webgl stuff?22:46
charlieschwabachnone of the cad stuff is usable at all yet22:47
charlieschwabachthis is kind of cool though22:47
charlieschwabachit uses the THREE.js library which is really great.. easy to get 3d stuff working the browser w/o much work22:48
kanzurecharlieschwabach: i was trying to get glge.js to load up this model.. http://www.blendernation.com/2008/12/17/hatsune-miku-rigged-blender-character-available/22:48
kanzuresurprised nobody has done it yet (the character was/is all over youtube for some reason)22:49
charlieschwabachi haven't looked at glge before.. looks cool though22:50
charlieschwabachif you can get the model into .obj, you should be able to get it into THREE22:50
kanzureoh three does .obj?22:51
charlieschwabachthe cad i am working on just imports / exports STL and does csg operations22:52
charlieschwabachi know you guys were knocking STL, but it is a txt format and works well for reprap22:52
kanzurewhat are the framesteps in .obj? i forget if this format supports animations22:52
charlieschwabachI think it does22:53
charlieschwabachnot sure if the converter will support it though22:53
charlieschwabachwhat is the cad you are working on?22:54
charlieschwabachcan you get away w/ 2d for microfluidics?22:54
kanzureit's all over the place.. http://diyhpl.us/cgit/lolcad has some notes/samples/stuff22:54
kanzurefor microfluidics i am trying out f-rep.. basically using piecewise inequalities and then oct-trees to resolve a picture for rendering22:55
kanzurelolcad is my nurbs-related cad work22:55
kanzurenone of it is very mature22:55
charlieschwabachahh cool22:56
kanzuref-rep overview http://cba.mit.edu/events/07.08.fab/McCarthy.odp22:58
charlieschwabachwhat reads odp on a mac?22:59
kanzureopenoffice.. or google docs22:59
charlieschwabachawesome :)22:59
charlieschwabachso google is failing me.. f-rep seems straightforward though23:02
charlieschwabachjust functions for the lines23:02
kanzurefunctions that define the surfaces23:03
kanzurecircle is (X+x)**2 + (Y+y)**2 <= r**223:03
kanzurestuff like that23:03
charlieschwabachis there z?23:03
kanzureoptional. but yes.23:03
charlieschwabachcool, yeah that makes a lot of sense23:04
charlieschwabachand has infinite resolution23:04
kanzurenurbs sorta has this resolution too but .. then i need to write all that nurbs math for lolcad23:04
kanzureand apparently people get PhDs for that?23:04
charlieschwabachyeah eyes on the prize23:05
kanzureif you're into haskell.. this is sorta similar https://github.com/colah/ImplicitCAD23:05
kanzureand http://shapesmith.net/ is worth knowing about23:06
kanzure(he just communicates with opencascade on his servers and sends everything via json to render with webgl)23:06
charlieschwabachahh, cool23:07
charlieschwabachshape smith looks awesome23:08
charlieschwabachthis is what i am basing my csg from:23:08
charlieschwabachjust writing it from scratch to work w/ three instead of lightgl23:09
kanzureiirc openjscad was some extra stuff on top of csg.js23:10
kanzureoh neat.. never saw that 'servo motor demo' before23:11
kanzureor http://joostn.github.com/OpenJsCad/gearsdemo.html23:11
charlieschwabachoh awesome!23:12
charlieschwabachmaybe i don't even need to write mine23:12
charlieschwabachalthough it is ~75% for fun so probably still will23:12
kanzurei think openjscad still uses lightgl anyway23:12
charlieschwabachi want to build these tables, which are a cloud of points joined to each other by various algorithms and then supporting a tabletop23:14
charlieschwabachand 3d print the joins and use aluminum tubing23:14
charlieschwabachso i want it to programatically generate the stl files to print23:14
charlieschwabachand then do assembly instructions w/ webgl23:15
kanzureironically i was working in a lab where someone was working on (dis)assembly instructions23:16
kanzurewrong way..23:16
delinquentmei like the walking robot23:16
charlieschwabachthanks, yeah i wanted to build one and thought would be cool to make a simulator first23:17
delinquentmeyou could sell processing power on someones computer while they browse something like NYT23:17
charlieschwabacha little like building a laser cutter to synthesize dna ;)23:17
delinquentmemonetize news papers and other sit and browse type website23:17
charlieschwabachi think there is a bit coin mining thing in js23:18
kanzurecharlieschwabach: also.. i host some fringe cad.23:18
charlieschwabachvery cool!23:22
charlieschwabachimagine if we could actually build that planetary gear :)23:22
charlieschwabachalright, i am out for the night23:22
charlieschwabachsee you23:22
Stee|hmm, may start becoming a reviewer at TechCast23:28
-!- gene_hacker [~chatzilla@cpe-72-179-50-243.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]23:39
--- Log closed Thu Apr 05 00:00:22 2012

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