
--- Log opened Wed Jul 25 00:00:18 2012
-!- sylph_mako [~mako@] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:05
kanzureregarding xprize, i was apparently misinformed on the insurance scheme.00:30
kanzure"The insurance policy still cost a couple million dollars, which they had to raise. And they didn't purchase the insurance policy until several years after the competition was launched."00:30
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delinquentmeok so its like added abstraction08:30
delinquentmeIDK why thats a big deal08:30
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delinquentmeBIO HACKER BOOT CAMP09:04
delinquentme" PAY US MONEY "09:04
kanzureit looks like just bench techniques09:12
kanzurethose are certainly important09:13
kanzurebut it would be nice if they also covered things like thermocycler construction09:13
kanzureand spectrophotometer construction.09:13
kanzurehmmm "I'm new entrant to the Open Science list. My name is Ethan Perlstein, I'm an evolutionary pharmacologist at Princeton, and my lab gives psych drugs to yeast."09:16
-!- charlieschwa [u6938@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-wxndpnarffoqlell] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:24
AdrianGthey are treating yeast schizophrenia09:25
-!- nmz787 [~Nathan@] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:42
kanzurenmz787: mac's trailer thing was something different09:47
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delinquentmekanzure, trailer?09:55
kanzurehe got funding for his diybio-in-a-trailer project back in 200809:56
delinquentmeoh so hes got a lab in a trailer?10:00
kanzurehe had10:08
delinquentmeO_o did he like sell it off?10:10
delinquentmeand wouldn't that be rough on all kinds of equipment?10:11
nmz787yashgaroth: i ran the jetta on pure biodiesel in berkeley last summer, its harder to come by out here, but last week i filled up in a B5 station (5% biodiesel)... no conversion needed, in colder NY I'd need/want to add a fuel line pre-warmer (hot coil around fuel line) but that's about it10:30
nmz787kanzure: did you watch the german guy's DIYbio documentary10:31
nmz787they had a DNA trailer in germany in that vid10:31
kanzureno wait, sascha is the chicago person10:31
kanzurei watched a few minutes of it10:31
nmz787i don't remember his name10:31
kanzuredidn't see a trailer.10:32
kanzurefablab had a trailer for a while. they were calling it their mobile fablab.10:32
nmz787from here: http://tequals0.wordpress.com/2012/06/24/diybio-fbi-outreach-conference-san-fransisco/10:34
nmz787is this :http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1724278/10:34
nmz787Sascha (you're right)10:34
nmz787the german thing was more of a bus though, it was sortof like a postal truck or UPS truck10:35
kanzureoh there was also biobus10:35
nmz787apparently Sascha was a Knight (Tom??) fellow http://web.mit.edu/knight-science/fellows/former/2008-09.html10:37
kanzurehaha that would be hilarious if tom knight already has fellowships named after him10:38
nmz787emailed them to ask10:40
delinquentmewhat is pushState10:57
kanzurejust a fancy way to manipulate history in a browser10:58
nmz787is this too crazy for me to put on my wishlist? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1682417617711:00
nmz787when 24" goes for $200???11:00
nmz78730 bit color sounds pretty nice, but not sure I would ever use it, and not sure if my laptop's graphics card can even drive that much depth11:01
nmz787the resolution for the size seems really nice though11:01
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nmz787"The Knight Fellowships are named after James and John Knight, who built the Knight newspaper chain and the Knight Foundation for Journalism."12:22
delinquentmekanzure, data migrations to add users?12:32
delinquentmeis that right?12:32
delinquentmeI've oly ever used migrations to modify schema12:32
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kanzuredelinquentme: uh i guess you might do that if you were migrating between databases12:37
delinquentmethanks ( currently doing coding for interview _12:37
kanzurethings be crazy over in china12:46
kanzure"Shanghai China - 11th April, 2012 - Madhouse, the largest and most intelligent mobile advertising network in China, today issues a statement about SmartMad ad display error caused by Guohead. Due to the special handling of Guohead, developers who uses Guohead Mediation Platform will have maximum 75% of the ads being displayed outside the mobile phone screen, which results in abnormally significantly drop of CTR and loss of developer's income."12:47
kanzure"Since 5th December 2011, without Madhouse’s knowledge, Mobile in-app mediation platform Guohead made special handling to SmartMad SDK. In Guohead Android SDK v1.2.1 released on 5th December 2011, the ads would display outside the mobile phone screen up to twice for every three requests."12:47
-!- lichen [~lichen@c-24-21-206-64.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]12:54
nmz787who is guohead?12:56
nmz787so that's a bug or it was intentional?12:58
kanzuremight have been intentional13:02
kanzureto inflate ad view metrics.13:03
kanzurebut it's a very weird way to do it; why not just increase the number instead of making phones make requests to see ads13:03
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kanzureobscurite: what's up?13:20
nmz787kanzure: I guess I'm kind of lame, mixed up dates and showed up at genspace yesterday for a talk that was happening today... now I don't feel like commuting an hour there and hour back to go to the talk today13:25
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kanzureno man, the way to look at it is that THEY are a day late13:28
obscuritekanzure: was wondering if there are any projects that have been shown to be usefull for DNA concentration measurement13:29
obscuritekanzure: then i realized you mentioend spectrophotometers earlier13:29
kanzurewell, nmz787 made an open source spectrophotometer13:29
kanzureso, i would start by bugging him13:29
obscuritewhat's his real name? i may have seen it13:29
nmz787nathan mccorkle13:29
obscuriteoh nathan13:29
kanzurelord dr. mccorkle13:30
nmz787dark lord13:30
nmz787no no no, wait, I don't wanna be taken down by the white side13:30
nmz787whitesides lab13:30
obscuritenmz787: looks nice. can you make practicla measurements yet?13:31
obscuriteor I should say, what can you measure13:31
nmz787obscurite: the hard part about spectrometers is getting everything aligned right.... or right enough that signal:noise isn't shit, and that you can standardize the output so you can trade results with others having the same/similar setup13:31
nmz787i got the CCD working but not optics, then stopped because of school, then failed school because it wasn't as fun or fulfilling as the spectrometer work... then... well, here I am13:32
obscuritenmz787: did you check out http://www.asdlib.org/onlineArticles/elabware/Scheeline_Kelly_Spectrophotometer/index.html13:33
obscuritenmz787: I've been in and out of school for similar reasons btw.13:35
nmz787i might have, but the image there is using a transmission grating, so its no bueno for DNA13:35
obscuritenmz787: ahh, figured.13:35
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nmz787i wanna know the prices for these http://sales.hamamatsu.com/en/products/solid-state-division/mini-spectrometers.php13:37
nmz787the other thing for DNA is 260 and 280nm LEDs, but they're currently $100-200/piece13:38
nmz787so still not 'cheap'13:38
obscuritenmz787: ouch13:38
yashgarothcan't you use a uv lamp with a prism? bear in mind I don't physics13:40
nmz787yashgaroth: sure, a deuterium or xenon flashbulb would be fine, that's what the pros use... but with the prism you're back to aligning optics13:41
obscuritenmz787: was looking at these too http://www.google.com/patents?id=F5nKAAAAEBAJ (do not look if you don't want to be infected by IP)13:46
-!- Urchin [~urchin@unaffiliated/urchin] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:47
nmz787i've taken apart a nanodrop before13:49
nmz787it didnt have a filter wheel in it though, only a xenon flashbulb13:49
yashgarothyou sure it wasn't just after the sample?13:51
nmz787yeah, it was the xenon light source into a fiber, into the swing arm, through the droplet into the base, into a fiber, into a USB2000 Ocean Optics spectometer13:53
nmz787it was one of the original nanodrops tho before thermofisher bought them13:53
nmz787so maybe their higher up models use the selector for changing the light source13:54
nmz787deuterium is a little flatter in the lower end than xenon... but can't remember if its worse in other areas13:54
nmz787protein assays (bradford) i think happen in the visible, so maybe you'd want to use LEDs or a fluorescent source to save energy and heat... or to reduce usage on the UV source... UV can foul up some optics over time, so maybe that's why you'd want a selector13:56
obscuritenmz787: i'm feeling intimiated by all this optics13:56
nmz787or maybe the selector was for filtering out the source, in something like a fluorescence assay13:56
nmz787obscurite: do you need a spectrometer?13:57
obscuritenmz787: that diffraction grading project was about as advanced as i'm willing to get probably13:57
obscuritenmz787: was just curious how far you could get with an easy diy project. have nanodrop at lab.13:57
obscuritenmz787: how far do you think you have to go to finish your project, if you were to resume it or pass it on?13:58
nmz787I got as far as identifying a concave holographic aberration-corrected grating as probably being the best for DIY UV spectrometers... its basically a concave mirror with lines on it so you 'reflect' the light from a slit onto a CCD13:59
nmz787i wasn't sure how to build a cheap 3D printable mount for it14:00
obscuritenmz787: why specifically would that cheap grating i linked be unsuitable? bad optics?14:00
nmz787the classic (these days) czerny-turner design have multiple pieces to adjust, it's small but not ideal for DIY14:01
nmz787I could be wrong but I think it would attenuate the UV since it's plastic14:02
nmz787if you're on DIYbio, Simon Field and I have discussed this a lot on there14:02
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nmz787so I don't know how much a transmission grating would attenuate the UV, it could be enough to kill the signal, or it could be minor... but pro setups don't use them... for what it14:04
nmz787's worth14:04
obscuritenmz787: gotcha14:04
nmz787obscurite: what do you do?14:06
obscuritenmz787: I'm a student at the moment, so I learn for a living. :) Used to be a software guy, so that's my mindset, which doesn't always mesh with bio.14:07
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obscuritenmz787: currently working on iGEM, some computational bio stuff, classes14:08
nmz787cool, what geolocation are you near?14:12
obscuritenmz787: based in NYC. in pittsburgh most of the summer for work.14:13
nmz787dang, I'm in NYC (possibly for another month if gf gets a job elsewhere, or for the next 1-2 years)... from PGH as a kid14:14
nmz787was just in pgh last week14:14
obscuriteships passing in the night!14:14
Steel2isn't carl in pgh?14:14
nmz787Steel2: sortof, about 25 miles east of there14:15
nmz787obscurite: PGH is a really chill place, don't know if you're bored there compared to NYC... but its pretty sweet IMO, and I've been traveling for the past 7 years still in top 5 places14:17
nmz787(though I hated it when I left at age 18)14:18
nmz787I don't think I knew about hackerspaces back then, and I doubt any existed in PGH either14:18
obscuritenmz787: i'm enjoying it. i'd probably be fine living here, though i like having an overwhelming number of people around because I like being part of communities. though, lately i've been wondering if local communities are overrated. ;)14:18
obscuriteI've been chatting with the hack pittsburgh group and may visit them14:18
obscuriteI just resigned from the hackerspace I founded last year in NYC, so i'm temporarily unenthused about them.14:19
nmz787i felt like there wasn't much opportunity for me when I left... I think it is true that out west people are more willing to forego bachelors degree == you get a job that seems to predominate in today's culture14:19
nmz787i went to hackpgh once, it was alright... I'm generally a shut-in though, so I prefer having my own tools, etc14:20
obscuritenmz787: yeah, nyc has far more jobs for sure.14:20
obscuritenot a bad place to be a student/postdoc/faculty type14:20
nmz787i don't know if i'm unique, or if I have the true american spirit... i.e. living in middle of nowhere frontier-ville14:21
nmz787i used to just want a cabin where i could just live away from society14:22
obscuritenmz787: i think it's good to have exposure to people, though breaks are good14:23
obscuritenmz787: for scientists/researchers it's essential and i don't think internet is good enough.14:23
nmz787yeah people are alright, but NYC isn't really the place for a shut-in type... too expensive!14:23
obscuritenmz787: that's why i'm in school, so i can interface in person with as many smart people as i want14:23
obscuritenmz787: it's not cheap, but i don't see what that has to do with personality14:24
obscuritenmz787: unless you like to eat out 100% of the time14:24
nmz787yeah we've talked about organizing internet seminars recently, and some folks are for it (kanzure) and others aren't so much (jules... who i don't think hangs out in this IRC room)14:24
obscuritenmz787: oh, right, yeah. decent sized apartments are expensive, so if you're home a lot, not so great in that sense, though there are parts of NYC that are comparable to other smaller cities.14:25
nmz787obscurite: well if I can be content with internet and my house, it'd be a lot cheaper elsewhere... NYC seems like the place to be /if/ you like going out14:25
nmz787obscurite: I actually felt the same way about my university.... I called it my personal think tank14:25
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nmz787obscurite: make sure to visit mike and tony's gyro shop on 15th and carson in southside14:45
nmz787best gyros in world that i've found14:45
nmz787also the pretzel shop between 23rd and 24th streets on carson in southside14:45
nmz787kanzure: how do I make this command a shortcut in bash?14:54
nmz787kanzure: cclive "" --exec "ffmpeg -i '%f' '%f.mp3'"14:54
nmz787kanzure: where the first "" needs to have a URL added14:54
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kanzurenmz787: $114:55
kanzure$1 is the first argument to a script14:56
kanzureso if you put that into a chmod +x'd file "super-cclive" somewhere on your $PATH then "super-cclive http://.." should work14:56
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kanzurenmz7871: i typed out a reply.. http://gnusha.org/logs/2012-07-25.log14:59
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obscuritenmz7871: back. i'm a vegan, so no gyro for me, but thank you for the pointer.15:04
nmz7871ahh, well, the pretzel shop has the best pretzels i've ever had, lol15:05
nmz7871do you eat milk products?15:05
obscuritenmz7871: actually there's a place in town that serves vegan waffle icecream sundaes. that's my next stop.15:06
yashgarothwouldn't be a vegan if he did15:06
obscuritenmz7871: nope. vegans don't consume animal byproducts15:06
obscuritei only make exceptions for certain humans15:06
nmz7871so that's anything that has nerves?15:06
obscuritenmz7871: not sure if nerves is a good metric. maybe15:06
nmz7871i.e. yeasts (animolecules) are OK to eat?15:06
obscuritenmz7871: yeasts are OK15:07
obscuritenmz7871: i guess anything you ingest without even eating is OK15:07
obscuritenmz7871: yeast would be consumed whether we tried to or not15:07
nmz7871so why isn't having nerves the metric?15:09
nmz7871what do vegans eat with nerves?15:09
nmz7871all animals have nerves, right, and nothing but animals have nerves.. I think15:10
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obscuritenmz7871: don't know enough biology to say for sure. i wouldn't eat sponges, I don't think.15:11
obscuritenmz7871: don't think they have nerves...15:12
obscuritenmz7871: mostly i'm all about voiding the multicellular creatures15:12
Sankywhat about mycetozoa?  they don't have nerves, but they can get through mazes and stuff15:12
nmz7871first google link for15:12
obscuritenmz7871: but i don't think most vegans make such fine distinctions. maybe go with "anything with a face"15:12
nmz7871"sponge nerves" gives "Origin of Nerves Traced to Sponges"15:12
nmz7871but yeah no nerveds15:12
nmz7871"Sponges are the only multicellular animals without anervous system. They do not have any nerve cells or sensory cells"15:13
nmz7871they also don't have faces15:13
nmz7871but then milk doesn't have a face15:14
obscuritenmz7871: byproduct of something with a face15:14
Sankyanimals which produce it do15:14
obscuriteSanky: dunno15:14
nmz7871maybe this is an off-the-deep-end question, but do you think babies should be vegan (not drinking mother's milk)15:14
yashgarothI think they have the mother's consent for that one15:15
obscuritenmz7871: i consider human milk to be vegan15:15
nmz7871they're at least supposed to drink it thanks to evolution, vs us drinking cows milk15:15
obscuritenmz7871: at least, during the development period where it's useful15:15
Steel2obscurite: would you eat vat grown meat?15:15
nmz7871a 30 y/o asking on craigslist for mother's milk and claiming it was to satisfy his vegannes would be weird15:16
obscuriteSteel2: i've been avoiding having an opinion on that one for years now15:16
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Steel2it's just protein chains :-/15:16
nmz7871well Steel2 it would be cellularly similar as well15:16
nmz7871maybe have some hormones15:16
Steel2no cns15:16
obscuriteSteel2: there's the genetic link back to some animal who was bred for the process15:17
Sankyonce artificial meat becomes affordable I will probably refuse to eat animal meat15:17
yashgarothwould macroscopic heterotrophs be a good definition of what you don't eat?15:17
Steel2eating/supporting artificial meat is the only effective way to cut down animal based meat15:17
obscuriteSteel2: would that alone make me morally opposed? i still abstain15:17
Steel2through helping their economy of scale15:17
obscuriteSteel2: i have no reason to believe it will ever be more resource efficient than farm meat. so far it's less.15:18
obscuriteSteel2: and both are far less efficient than plant based diets in terms of environmental/economic impact15:18
Steel2you don't have to grow the extraneous parts, and you can go straight from mass/energy -> food15:18
obscuriteSteel2: but in terms of consume adoption, yes, it will win15:18
Steel2eh, environmental/economic impact isn't something I take into consideration, to be fair15:18
obscuriteSteel2: it's still inherently in terms of physics a lot of energy compared to plants15:19
obscuriteSteel2: i believe15:19
Steel2energy isn't something that will be scarce, if PR gets off the ground15:19
obscuritelet's not speculate on unlimited free energy :P15:19
obscuritewhat's PR?15:20
yashgarothphusion reactors?15:20
Steel2planetary resources15:20
Steel2and I mean, energy is easy, just not politically viable15:20
obscuritestupid humans. we'll be wrangling planets and still bitching about not having a steak.15:21
Steel2what's wrong with that, if steak is more or less a tiny cost?15:21
Steel2hedonism is good15:22
Steel2and no plants/animals involved15:22
obscuriteSteel2: yeah, well, then please priotize sexbots over fake meat15:22
obscuritethat's my vote.15:22
Steel2fake meat is a) more ethical b) more profitable and c) more plausible15:22
obscuritenot if the sexbots are made of fake meat...15:23
yashgarothok this is getting a little weird15:23
Sankyi was just going to say that15:23
Sankybut continue15:23
Steel2go to humanityplus magazine for sexbots >_>15:23
Sankyobscurite: i realize you don't see the appeal in meat yourself, but wouldn't it be better (from a vegan standpoint) if other (most) people started eating artificial meat?15:25
obscuriteSanky: yes, less suffering is quantitatively more ethical15:25
obscuriteSanky: but philosophically it's still a gray area15:25
obscuritei'd give it the thumbs up if it would put factory farms out of business15:25
obscuritebecause they are the worst part of humanity15:26
Sankylet's hope15:26
Steel2mmm, I wouldn't call those the worst part of humanity15:26
obscuriteSteel2: i had a moment of passion. point taken.15:26
obscuritelove it when my teammates sent me a picture of a gel on a 45 degree angle with the ladder upside down15:29
obscurite(molecular bio gripes)15:29
strangewarpIf vat-meat causes any plurality of factory-farm owners to switch over to vat-meat, even if they still end up killing a few animals to harvest cells, then it will reduce both pollution and animal suffering15:32
strangewarpReducing suffering in both humans and animals is important, if you have ny estimation that you might be in either a simulation or a Big Universe, because the superrational interpretation of the prisoner's dilemma implies that the way you are willing to treat animals might be isomorphic to how superintelligences would be willing to treat /you/15:33
obscuritestrangewarp: there are still deep philosphical/cultural/psychological questions about the idea of meat in general15:35
strangewarp.. actually it doesn't even require simulism or Big Universe now that I think about it; the ethics of past people have some effect on the ethics of future people15:35
obscuritestrangewarp: lab grown meat won't satisfy those15:35
obscuritestrangewarp: but yes, it will reduce suffering immensely15:36
strangewarpIt's imperfect, certainly15:36
strangewarpbut, yeah15:36
Steel2strangewarp, finish your tools >_>15:37
obscuritestrangewarp: and, i love your description of the problem in temrms of enlightened self interest15:37
nmz7871i see the advantage of animals is that they eat grass, which grows in the sun15:38
strangewarpSteel2: The editor is almost done, and snazzy. The music-sequencer is in first-draft form. Lemme send you an in-progress pic...15:38
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nmz7871if you could just cut out the CNS stuff and the limbs, it seems like the best way efficiency wise and in cheapness to distribute and run/operate15:38
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nmz7871CNS and PNS15:39
strangewarpobscurite: With enough superrational prisoner's dilemma, rational self-interest and compassion for others tend to converge15:39
Steel2nmz: or cover that same area with solar panels?15:39
nmz7871or algae/cyanobacteria?15:39
Steel2solar panels could be used for a multiplicity of purposes15:39
Steel2granted, turning all farmland into solar would lead to an albedo increase...15:39
Steel2eh, just build a ton of nuclear reactors and space solar15:40
nmz7871I guess I was saying animals parts as in immune system and digestive tract15:40
nmz7871reproduction, etc15:40
Steel2why not just...the muscle?15:40
Steel2in perpetuity?15:40
Steel2in a factory?15:40
obscuritenmz7871: the transformation of plant -> animal is not an efficient process. much better if you can utilize the plants directly.15:41
nmz7871wouldn't you need chems to keep it sterile in such big cultures?15:41
obscuritenmz7871: in areas where plant growth is limited, and only grasses can grow, animals make more sense15:41
nmz7871and defined/rich media to feed the muscle, vs digestive system+immune system15:41
Steel2much better if you can utilize animals directly15:42
strangewarpnmz7871: The problem of keeping it sterile is already solved, I think; you just need artificial blood vessels to keep the interior from rotting, and they're already 3D-printing artificial blood vessels for that, I think15:42
obscuriteSteel2: throw in some A1 and you get free energy right?15:42
Steel2not quite :P15:42
Steel2man, I wish I could have all my veggies taste and look and feel like meat15:43
obscuriteSteel2: second best approach is to make every vegetable into tempura15:43
strangewarptempura <315:43
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yashgarothif you can make high-quality meat in vitro, immune/digestive systems wouldn't be a stretch...or you could just irradiate the feedstock15:49
yashgarothor just make like, really ridiculously stupid cows15:49
Sankyjust remove any pain reception15:50
eudoxiacows have lots of non-meaty parts though15:50
yashgarothremoving the sensation of "I'm stuck in this me-sized cage for my entire life" would be more difficult15:51
Sankyremove free will15:51
Sankymaybe replace the brain with a computer and make wire it up to the meaty parts15:51
Sankythen you won't have to worry about that stuff15:51
obscuriteI almost said "use republicans". Good thing I exercised restraint.15:52
yashgarothnow that sounds expensive15:52
yashgaroththe computer thing, not republicans15:52
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nmz7871computer vs bio is a lot more expensive IMO.... if you could store the egg/stem cell well... has anyone looked into sporifying animal cells?16:14
obscurite* so lost *16:15
yashgarothehh they'll last indefinitely in LN216:15
nmz7871yashgaroth: I think you'd remove that stuff early on during development, and possibly look for genes to turn off to silence it in the germ line16:15
obscuriteI think that growing cows without intelligence is just as bad as growing humans without intelligence. The stuff of nightmares.16:16
yashgarothit'd be tough to find the right combination where they'd still be smart enough to eat, unless you go full feed-tube16:16
nmz7871feed tube could still be grass slurry right?16:17
nmz7871as long as you didnt overfill the stomach?16:17
yashgarothsure why not, their gut bacteria don't care16:17
nmz7871maybe ever continuous process then?16:17
nmz7871it would be interesting to see how long the meat would keep regenerating if you just surgically removed cuts...16:18
obscuritei'd prefer to use humans before I use animals16:18
yashgarothreminds me of that D&D scenario where you keep a cow around for food and just cast a healing spell on it after16:19
obscuriteat least we'd be desecrating our own form16:19
Steel2I find the word desecrate to be meaningless :P16:19
obscuriteI use the word artistically.16:19
strangewarpGrowing humans and cows without brains, for food, isn't ethically any different from vat-meat... but I have a feeling most people would prefer vat-meat, really16:20
Steel2strangewarp: vat meat is better...no need to grow the bones etc.16:21
eudoxiavat meat doesn't have all the extra stuff, bones et cetera.16:21
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strangewarpBOOONE STOOOORM16:21
obscuritestrangewarp: it *is* ethically different. respect for the form of the hull is a practical concern.16:21
* strangewarp cough16:21
obscuritestrangewarp: we don't even yet know the mass psychological effects of the concept of meat16:21
strangewarpParticular body shapes have no essence that must be respected, tha I can tell16:21
strangewarpIt's just uncomfortable because it would look like us, maybe16:22
obscuritesymbols are important16:22
obscuriteour brains care about them16:22
strangewarppolitically, diplomatically, sure16:22
strangewarpobjectively, no16:22
nmz7871Steel2: eudoxia: bones are where the immune system is born16:22
obscuritepsychology matters here16:22
Steel2vat meat is no different than tofu from a symbolic perspective16:22
Steel2well, you can cut it into whatever shapes16:22
strangewarpobscurite: I'm agreeing with you I think? Just for slightly different reasons16:22
nmz7871why buy a vat when it will just develop on its own from the single cell progenitor?16:23
obscuritei suspect the psychological impact of cell cultures vs carving meat from a body-like hull is different16:23
Steel2it's all steak shaped on your plate16:23
Steel2for the end consumer16:23
eudoxianmz7871: is the immune system necessary when you're growing it in a sterile container?16:23
eudoxianot saying it isn't, just asking16:23
obscuriteSteel2: ecept that it's not and that dissonance has mass psychological effects, i believe.16:24
nmz7871well biofilms concern me16:24
Steel2ehhhh, we have so much food that is not actually what it looks like these days16:24
Steel2I honestly don't think end consumers will care16:24
Steel2I think you underestimate humanity's capability to eat whatever is tasty16:24
obscuriteSteel2: i do NOT underestimate your ability to do so16:24
nmz7871they like growing on plastics, and viruses could also attack vat meat... though I guess you could do hourly PCR panel checks for that stuff16:24
Steel2no, but I mean16:25
yashgarothwe've been able to keep fed vats sterile for a while now16:25
nmz7871yeah I don't my version would look any different to the consumer, neither would vat meat16:25
obscuritei'm not talking about consumer adoption of a product. i'm talking about the same kind of subtle mass psychological effects that occur from an emphasis on say, violence in media16:25
eudoxiaso you would need some kind of biocompatible container to prevent the tissue from attaching to the vat?16:26
strangewarpSteel2: I imagine what obscurite is getting at is, stupid political rhetoric would make people go "fuck no" to brainless-grown humans, "blurgh" to brainless-grown cow meat and vat-grown human meat, but "hey whatever" to vat-grown cow meat16:26
Steel2obscurite, other than make us less desensitized to killing animals cuz we have alternaties?16:26
obscuritestrangewarp: i'd agree with that16:26
Steel2I'm really not sure what you're getting at16:26
Steel2what sort of consequences do you see from vat-grown meat16:26
obscuriteSteel2: yes, the relationship to our food source I believe has a much greater psychological importance than we believe16:27
obscuriteSteel2: but certainly an importance greater than zero16:27
Steel2[Citation Needed]16:27
obscuriteSteel2: i did acknowledge it's not well understood16:27
Steel2also, once again, why do you think it will be a negative/difficult psychological effect instead of a positive one?16:27
eudoxiawhat strangewarp said16:28
obscuriteSteel2: i suppose it depends on your value scale. i think dominating behavior is overrated.16:29
eudoxiablurgh blurgh guttural sounds16:29
Steel2I mean16:29
Steel2we will be introducing less animals in the world to kill them16:29
nmz7871i think the avg farmer would rather have something that was a little less like a biolab...16:30
Steel2also, I think we differ very much on dominating behavior16:30
obscuriteSteel2: i'm not against domination when it's pleasurable between consenting people, but interspecies not so much16:30
Steel2this would reduce that16:30
nmz7871if they had to have birthing incubators but then it was pretty self-contained otherwise... i think that'd be alright16:30
Steel2nmz: the average farmer is a corporation.16:30
nmz7871bio is a machine, so why are we scared to acknowledge that16:31
eudoxiayou can't dominate a slab of meat yo16:31
obscuritenmz7871: because we don't want to be just machines16:31
nmz7871i accept it16:32
nmz7871it makes sense16:32
Steel2I want to be just a machine16:32
Steel2seriously though16:32
Steel2vast majority of our food comes from massive conglomerates16:32
Steel2they'll have no issues with vat grown if it turns them a profit via economy of scale16:32
nmz7871god and afterlife and mythos and hoohaa like that confused the hell outta me growing up16:33
Steel2also less chance of disease (mad cow, etc.)16:33
obscuriteSteel2: of course16:33
Steel2it turns food production into literally factory farming16:33
Steel2as in, a facility somewhere with large machinery16:33
obscuriteeudoxia: having a slab of meat is domination, if that meat came from an unwilling victim16:34
Steel2'came from'16:34
Steel2we already have the dna for all these things16:34
obscuriteeudoxia: but if it's lab grown... maybe not16:34
nmz7871I think the main thing is that we want to improve the cleanlieness and efficiency overall16:34
nmz7871so reducing emissions, etc16:34
eudoxiathere's no victim, unless scraping a few cells from an unwilling cow is domination16:34
nmz7871I think a lot of that might be solved if they didn't have legs16:35
jrayhawkfactory meat already has a pathological lipid and micronutrient profile, i don't think removing organs is going to help the situation any16:35
obscuriteeudoxia: right, maybe no victim... just philosophical conundrums16:35
eudoxiathe cow doesn't get recognition or property rights but that's just fine because they're pretty dumb16:35
obscuriteeudoxia: intelligence of non-humans has no decent measurement technique, so, premature16:35
eudoxiaI can concede that16:36
nmz7871jrayhawk: couldn't you grass-feed leg/CNS-less cows?16:36
eudoxiathen again, how many things do we do every second that are against other "maybe conscious" lifeforms16:36
obscuriteeudoxia: I'm not convinced intelligence is the most valuable biological trait16:37
obscuriteeudoxia: I think the celebration of intelligence above other aspects is highly self-congratulatory16:37
Steel2why bother growing the rest of the cow you won't eat, nmz16:37
jrayhawkI'm sorta expecting hormone profiles to be affected by the central nervous system, too, but that'd actually be interesting to explore16:37
eudoxiaobscurite: that's an interesting point16:38
obscuriteeudoxia: on rational scales of ingelligence, we don't even win sometimes16:38
eudoxiaso, how do we treat other forms of life without an objective measurement scale of intelligence or worth in general?16:38
eudoxiawhat is 'worth'?16:38
eudoxiaoh god16:38
obscuriteeudoxia: we use our ability to dominate them as a scale.16:38
obscuriteeudoxia: that's about it16:38
obscuritehouse pets: A OK. no eat. farm animals. bah. eat em.16:39
Steel2ehhh, I might try dog/cat16:39
obscuriteSteel2: i'm shocked :P16:39
Steel2Anyway, I'm a nihilist16:40
Steel2well, sort of16:40
obscuritewait, were you in the big lebowski16:40
Steel2no >_>16:41
jrayhawknihilism is a belief in the supremecy of action over reason16:42
jrayhawkare you sure you are a nihilist16:42
nmz7871Steel2: grow the rest of the cow just because it's cheap to setup and maintenance is essentially the same as veal16:42
Steel2long term economy of scale, don't think it is16:42
Steel2jrayhawk: nihilism is the belief in lack of meaning16:43
nmz7871hmm, well, it could be the hybrid -> electric approach then...16:43
jrayhawkNo, that's post-modernism16:43
Steel2rather, I'm an existential/moral nihilist16:43
jrayhawkor dadaism, or a couple other things in the field of irrationalism16:44
Steel2not an epistemelogical nihilist16:44
jrayhawknihilism is fairly specific16:44
Steel2ignore the 'without change' part16:44
eudoxiai think Steel is right though16:44
eudoxiahe sees there's no universal scale for a subjective thing like "ethics" and "morals" and sets his own16:44
Steel2http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nihilism#Moral_nihilism (I believe morals are subjective, but you can make them universal subjectively)16:45
* obscurite eats everyone in the channel, just in case they were planning to eat him first16:45
nmz7871i figure life evolved so it's really just complex energy patterns.... it is what it is thanks to physics which is the same physics everywhere... so in respect to our immediate space neighborhood life is pretty cool16:45
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eudoxiawell of course, morals can be objective but under a subjective set of axioms, ie "what is good" etc.16:45
nmz7871but meaning i think is limited to a self-perpetuating chain of patterns16:45
Steel2ahahaha, I bounced a grenade off a dead body in hard reset >_>16:46
obscurite(so, you see, ethics is biologically based, going back to the discussion of enlightened/rational self interest)16:46
strangewarpMeh, ethics can be objective, but in your analysis you have to account for the set of all possible ethical situations, of which our knowledge is incomplete. Thus we have to rely on estimates instead...16:52
obscuritestrangewarp: there are probably many more poits in the "ethics state space" than we could ever evaluate/simulate16:52
strangewarpuh huh. ;)16:53
eudoxiaethics state space16:53
eudoxiatranshumanism is so fun16:53
Steel2dennett covers ethical statespace recently iirc16:53
obscuritestrangewarp: but we have to at least admit that ethics emerge from biological imperitive (what behavior with those linked genes will propagate)16:53
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strangewarpBut that influences.. personal interpretations of ethics? As opposed to attempts of unbiased weighting of all of ethical state-space.16:55
obscuritestrangewarp: without biology there is no ethics and ethics are determined i would argue by the current biological snapshot for the species16:55
obscuritestrangewarp: morals are of course another story right? ;)16:56
Steel2...same difference?16:57
obscuriteSteel2: i don't think anyone thinks they're the same thing :)16:57
obscuriteSteel2: oh, sarcasm16:57
Steel2I, uh, have an issue differentiating when you define them harshly enough16:57
obscuriteor not16:57
Steel2how do you define them to be different?16:58
obscuritemorals have cultural legacy that doesn't track biology and can totally depart from biology16:58
Steel2they both have such hazy definitions16:58
obscuriteethics are derived from need16:58
strangewarpHmmmm... Without biology there are no creatures to act upon ideas of ethics, but that doesn't mean ethics are determined by biology. A person's actions upon the construct of ethics are determined by every part of a person and their environment..16:58
Steel2morals and ethics are a set of relational principles between yourself, your environment, and others in your environment.16:58
Steel2two words for the same thing, not categorizably different16:59
obscuriteSteel2: tell that to people who make careers of one or the other ;)16:59
obscuritebut not both16:59
strangewarpSteel2: Hmmm.. I provisionally agree16:59
Steel2I'll tell them they're using hazily defined terms.16:59
Steel2internet encyclopedia of ethics defines it as moral philosophy17:00
obscuriteanother way to put it even more simply -- morals are tied to a belief system that is primarily cultural, while ethics are supposedly objective, though in practice, are often affected/infected by morals.17:00
Steel2yeah, I'm not seeing a differentiation here, except in perhaps your own personal choice of definition17:01
obscuritethen again, I have exposure to formal philosophy which emphasizes the logical nature of ethics17:01
Steel2if you take the set of all meanings of the word 'ethics' for which it's commonly used, and do the same for 'morals', they pretty much overlap17:01
obscuritephilosophy does not treat ethics like morality17:02
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Steel2I just cited the IEP17:02
obscuriteI'm just saying, in the philosophy papers, there is a clear distinction17:03
* yashgaroth pulls the philosophy alert lever17:03
obscuritein the vernacular, sure, it's fuzzy17:03
obscuritedude, trans/posthumanism is philosophy until people start living forever.17:03
nmz7871obscurite: http://www.malcom.co.jp/eng/product/es-2.html17:03
obscuritethe lever is permanently pulled17:04
Steel2philosophy is theoretically banned in this channel17:04
eudoxialife extension is only a small part of the transhumanist 'project'17:04
Steel2we're supposed to focus on the science17:04
eudoxiasome forms of enhancement are available now17:04
obscuriteeudoxia: just picked longevity as an example17:04
obscuriteeudoxia: i get emails about them all the time17:04
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Steel2I had a czech dude email me asking for blueprints17:05
Steel2through my website17:05
obscuritenmz7871: nice. prices?17:06
nmz7871obscurite: no idea, they don't distribute in U.S. and ever replied to my emails17:06
obscuritenmz7871: good sign...17:06
eudoxiaall i'm saying is some forms of enhancement are outside the real of philosophy already17:06
obscuriteeudoxia: nothing is outside the realm of philosophy, nor should it be17:07
nmz7871there's this, which if cheap enough could be modified for a microdrop sample pedestal17:07
obscuriteeudoxia: but point taken17:07
Steel2be careful with alibaba17:07
strangewarpphilosophy about things that already exist deals with how they should be used. philosophy about everything else is more speculative. shrug17:08
* strangewarp infinite shrug17:08
* strangewarp goes back to codin'17:08
obscuritenmz7871: just FYI, I do have access to a Nanodrop device when I need it. was more just interested in DIY possbilities for cheap/reaosnable time sink.17:09
* strangewarp or possibly readin' because bluuurgh codin'17:09
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kanzurepasky: what is it?17:41
kanzureah a good ol trolling.17:42
kanzure"lib果合网站使用说明文_v1_2_2.a" what have i got myself into..17:46
obscuritegood lord. James Holmes is being billed as the first federally funded (NIH research grant) massacre17:54
AdrianGfinally somebody put NIH money to good use18:16
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strangewarp...... ... what.. what?18:52
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nmz787is daniel packer in here?19:19
@yashgarothyou were talking with him earlier19:20
nmz787whats his name here?19:21
@yashgarothit starts with an o19:22
@yashgarothand ends with an bscurite19:22
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jrayhawkre: evolution: somebody should've told the original poster he should switch operating systems on account of all the daemons that are resident on his computer19:45
nmz787jrayhawk: who?20:05
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kanzurenmz787: he was commenting on the link that pasky pasted20:18
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nmz787kanzure: pasky?20:27
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kanzurenmz787: http://gnusha.org/logs/2012-07-25.log20:31
nmz787i tried there20:32
kanzurenmz787: 17:31 < pasky> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=108978220:36
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nmz787did gnusha get netsplit/20:41
nmz787"But like the previous poster said, we got other things to worry about (~5 billion souls on their way to hell)."20:43
jrayhawkHuh, I didn't realize the judgement of souls fell on that guy.20:44
delinquentmeFED bill passed20:44
delinquentmefed bill passed20:44
jrayhawkfed bill passed?20:44
nmz787oh weird, I guess I was hitting ctrl-f too fast before the log loaded fully20:44
delinquentmeOH did i mention the largest body of money ownership is now going to be held accountable for its actions?20:44
nmz787wtf is fed?20:45
delinquentmeTHE fed20:45
delinquentme" The Federal Reserve"20:45
delinquentme( if you coudn't tell that was a rage comic where they zoom in on the eye )20:45
delinquentmeyeah. dude its fucking HUGE.20:45
jrayhawkhuge how20:47
nmz787jrayhawk: what was that weird named protein/enzyme you were telling me about20:47
jrayhawkPossibly gliadin?20:48
jrayhawk"CXCR3" and "zonulin" are the important things to look for20:49
nmz787i think it had a z or k in it20:49
jrayhawkgliadin is part of a larger family called prolamines which seem to have similar, less well studied activity20:50
nmz787delinquentme: find a way to efficiently map and display (and connect under the hood to SNPs and gene refs, protein function, family(s), 3D data, etc) the pathway that jrayhawk is talking about20:52
nmz787then backload the rest of the PDB and entrez20:52
nmz787and voila you have an interactome map20:53
nmz787add some search features and protein docking stuff into the UI20:53
delinquentmejrayhawk, Did you know that the US doesnt own its currency?20:53
delinquentmeYour dollar bills are actually on loan20:54
delinquentmea loan that " THE UNITED STATES "20:54
delinquentmepays interest on20:54
delinquentmeInterest TO the federal reserve20:54
delinquentmewhich up until today20:54
delinquentmeActed entirely autonomously... UNCHECKEd20:54
jrayhawkUh, the audit thing only passed the house, dude.20:55
jrayhawkThere's a whole 'nother half of congress.20:56
jrayhawkAlso, of our public debt, the Federal Reserve owns slightly less than half.20:58
jrayhawkAnd, for the record, I support central banking.20:59
nmz787I wish this country were run by buddhists20:59
kanzurewtf is going on in here20:59
nmz787we're all nuts21:00
strangewarpsecond time in a row I've looked at this room and went "whut"21:00
strangewarpcome on H+, pull yourselves together21:00
kanzureyashgaroth: you're not doing your duty21:01
kanzureyou were supposed to ban everyone21:01
kanzureone day hplusroadmap will be an exclusive group of zero again21:01
nmz787at least /something/ is going on21:02
jrayhawkwell, #hplusroadmap is empty21:03
@yashgarothsoooo the new futurama ep touches on transhumanism sort of21:03
nmz787oOo which one?21:04
@yashgaroththe one that aired tonight21:04
jrayhawktranshumanism is talking heads in jars21:04
@yashgaroththis one has hermes gradually turn into a robot21:04
kanzurethere are new episodes?21:05
@yashgarothseason 7 brah21:06
jrayhawkit isn't even turning out to be a complete disaster, unlike every other belated cartoon renewall21:06
delinquentmejrayhawk, absolutely21:07
delinquentmeI do too21:07
delinquentmeWho runs the fed21:07
delinquentmeThe 10 something of the heads of the largest financial institutions in the US21:08
jrayhawkare you angry about the long terms?21:09
delinquentmejrayhawk, fox guarding the hen house21:10
delinquentmeOh and the hen is the largest, most powerful economy on earth21:10
delinquentmeif you've got 2 hours and want to get really angry21:11
delinquentmeyou should watch aeitgeist21:11
delinquentmeit explains it better than I can21:11
jrayhawkYeah, so far you've polemicly mischaracterized basically everything.21:11
nmz787delinquentme: i see it this way, it's not my field because it's not as interesting as science and lasers (pyew pyew)21:12
nmz787delinquentme: so if it's not my field, why bother... it's all crazy and unlogical21:12
delinquentmenmz787 can I say something unchecked without making you mad?21:12
nmz787delinquentme: i'm not mad at all!21:13
delinquentmebc i realllly like you hahah but its also something really near and dear to me21:13
delinquentmeOh well I havnt said it yet :D21:13
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delinquentme" Spoken like a true academia trained mind "21:13
delinquentmereductionist approached dont work!21:13
delinquentmeisnt science teaching that?21:14
kanzurejrayhawk: i don't think he even understood that21:14
nmz787delinquentme: huh?21:14
kanzuredelinquentme: you sure do cause a lot of fuss in here about nothing21:14
delinquentmejrayhawk, go21:14
* delinquentme holds gun to head21:15
* delinquentme pulls trigger21:15
kanzurei don't negotiate with hostage takers21:15
strangewarpI heard Zeitgeist unites impotent leftist angst with vacuous mystical spiritual empowerment narratives21:15
delinquentmestrangewarp, zeitgeist21:15
delinquentmethats all you got21:15
delinquentmejrayhawk, talk ? speak! make assertions21:16
jrayhawkman, that sounds better than What The Bleep Do We Know and The Secret combined!21:16
delinquentmenmz787, to say " its illogical " Ok sure.. its illogical while there are people out there who are scraping off more cash in a month than your entire lineage has made adjusted for inflation21:16
kanzurehow is that illogical? i thought it's a well known fact?21:17
delinquentmeI was trying to say you can call it silly names21:17
delinquentmebut theres HUGE HUGE HUGE cash at play here21:18
delinquentmeand were all like21:18
delinquentmeOMG JERSEY SHORE21:18
delinquentmeno fuck that21:18
delinquentmethis is real shit21:18
delinquentmejrayhawk, I still havn't heard anything that I"m supposed to respond to here21:18
delinquentmeyou too strangewarp21:18
nmz787well i mean the way the media overdramatizes things it seems just like a waste of time to lull people into wasting time21:19
kanzuredelinquentme: i don't think anyone in here watches jersey shore21:19
kanzurei don't know what you're talking about.21:19
kanzurego back to reddit21:19
nmz787if you're not /in/ politics how can you change it?21:19
strangewarpYou seem so enthusiastic over an immovable object's potential momentum that I think you will end up torturing yourself over it21:19
delinquentmenmz787, so thats the thing21:19
delinquentmeyou dont want to be in politics21:19
delinquentmeyou want to be in money21:19
delinquentmeHUGE fucking moeny21:19
delinquentmemoney hahah21:19
nmz787most of us are /in/ science or computers or whatever... so we can get shit done in those fields21:19
delinquentmepolitics changes stupid piddly shit like what gets taught in schools21:20
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delinquentmekanzure, dont patronize me because you're above your head21:20
delinquentmeI love you but seriously dont pull that shit on me21:20
kanzurei'm above what now?21:20
nmz787well after my experience with school it's not my first line of education for any offspring I may have21:20
delinquentmeyou're *in* above your head on this topic21:20
kanzureall i see is you ranting about jersey shore and the federal reserve21:21
kanzureand zeitgeist21:21
delinquentmethe money supply21:21
delinquentmea private21:21
nmz787kanzure: dude, you ARE above your own head... out of body experience... i believe man has mated with machine21:21
delinquentmeunchecked company owns the fiat currency that everyone works for21:21
delinquentme2045 project?21:22
kanzuredelinquentme: why do you need to talk about this in here21:22
strangewarpzeitgeist was developed as a platform to make money off young liberals who want to feel like revolutionaries without touching the ground21:22
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [-bbb DrJackParsons!*@* gl00m!*@* JackParsons!*@*] by yashgaroth21:22
nmz787prepare for a world of pokemon games taking over every last electronic display on earth21:22
delinquentmekanzure, money.21:22
delinquentme*throws up hands*21:22
nmz787who wants money?21:22
jrayhawkdelinquentme: I'm not good enough with the psychology of moral outrage to help you. The Federal Reserve board is structured like the supreme court, and for the same reason. This is not a conspiracy.21:22
jrayhawkIt is politically infeasible to fully centralize banking. The Federal Reserve is a tradeoff.21:23
nmz787I want a fast car and a tricked out off-road pickup truck and a helicopter and a speed catamaran and a private island and a sweet ass microfluidics and tricked out laptops21:23
delinquentmefor christ fucking sakes21:23
delinquentmelets put the sillyness aside ok?21:23
delinquentmeNo its not a stinking "conspiracy"21:23
delinquentmebut its a bunch of smart people in power21:23
nmz787I don't think anyone in here is "out for money"21:23
delinquentmewho have tinkered with what exists *JUST ENOUGH*21:24
delinquentmeto give themselves HUGE advantages21:24
kanzurenmz787: there is nothing wrong with earning money.21:24
delinquentmeALSO consider that people dont like direct control21:24
delinquentmeIf you were the most powerful person on earth and wanted to keep it that way21:24
delinquentmeyou want something subversive no?21:24
delinquentmeyou want it quiet21:24
kanzurenmz787: except inasmuch that it signals to others that you might agree that money is a good idea21:24
nmz787I do think /most/ people are kinda dumb, whether that's the genetic downfall of random mating or its that training/education is just sucky/inefficient.... or its all conspiracy for the rich to keep being rich.... i don't know21:25
delinquentmenmz787, like its no about cash per se ... but21:25
delinquentmeSo here:21:25
delinquentmeCan we agree that the largest banking corps21:26
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delinquentmecontrol alot21:26
delinquentmethey're paying for lobbyists21:26
delinquentmethey're paying off representatives21:26
delinquentmethey're paying to fund presidential campaigns21:26
delinquentmemoney talks ja?21:26
delinquentmeSure vote. pick someone21:27
jrayhawkis there a specific conflict of interest you'd like to point to21:28
delinquentmeand yeah I need to make sure that i'm not trying to be like CONSPIRACY21:28
delinquentmejrayhawk, yes.21:28
delinquentmebiggest economy on earth21:28
delinquentmeloans money21:28
delinquentmefrom a private corp21:28
jrayhawkit's private for a reason21:28
delinquentmethat corporation is operated by the largest banks21:28
delinquentmeand what would that reason be21:28
nmz787so what tho, banks are good are keeping money, right?21:29
jrayhawkto exist outside the influence of congress21:29
nmz787contracting it out21:29
jrayhawkjust as the supreme court does21:29
delinquentmejrayhawk, ok sure21:29
delinquentmebut should they be operating unchecked21:29
delinquentmeand when I say unchecked21:29
delinquentmethey're literally answers to no laws21:29
delinquentmethey answer to no oneeeeee21:29
delinquentmenot us, not the president21:30
delinquentmeMoney fucking runs shit.21:30
delinquentmeTHEY own that money21:30
delinquentme*mind explodes*21:30
delinquentmeif you cant gather that I cannot help you21:30
delinquentmesorry im too angry to talk moe21:30
delinquentmei love you guys21:30
delinquentmebut I gotta chill21:30
strangewarpHopefully the greed-and-puppet show won't collapse until after there's a way for people to grow food out of computers21:31
jrayhawktheir job is to maximize economic parameters. they do this by manipulating economic faith. if what happened in september of 2008 was publicly revealed as it played out, what do you think the result would've been?21:31
strangewarpI think helpless anxiety can only go so far, though21:31
delinquentmeeveryone fucking wants it21:35
delinquentmeand the discrepancy between what weve seen and what those in control have seen21:36
delinquentmewell its like trying to visualize the expanse of our local group21:36
delinquentmefucking big.21:36
strangewarpThis has definitely been a superb pummel, but I am somehow demotivated by the awareness of how shitty the world is, combined with how wild-eyed and mayflyish the people who realize it become21:39
delinquentme... im sorry?21:40
delinquentmei dont follow?21:40
delinquentmeerm strangewarp21:40
delinquentmeah heres a nice excerpt21:41
delinquentmeInstead, with some notable exceptions, the senators themselves turned the cross-examination into a coronation, and exposed the extent to which elected officials still feel compelled to genuflect to powerful financial interests.21:41
delinquentmeSo. Who governs who?21:41
delinquentme“You’re obviously renowned, rightfully so I think, as being one of the most, you know, one of the best CEOs in the country for financial institutions,” crooned Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN).21:42
delinquentmeactually this is whildly offtopic21:42
jrayhawkOH REALLY21:42
delinquentmeso yeah21:42
delinquentmele sigh21:42
* delinquentme huge jrayhawk21:42
delinquentmeI hope we're still ok-ish21:43
jrayhawkMy opinion of you has not changed significantly, if that helps.21:43
jrayhawkI am also fucking baffled that I've wound up on the pro-establishment side of anything.21:44
strangewarpOn this issue there is no solution short of burning everyone responsible in the streets, and that would entail too much resource diversion away from the H+ project, so hopefully H+ will solve the scarcity-economy thing, and the scarcity-economy thing won't stop H+ in the interim21:47
nmz787glad to be here to see it jrayhawk21:48
delinquentmestrangewarp, you're totally hitting at things near and dear to my heart21:49
delinquentmeyes you're thinking in the right vein here21:49
delinquentmeand zeitgeist mentions the jacque guy21:50
delinquentmeand thats where the flower power kind of kicks in .. like its a wonderfully idealist view21:50
strangewarphave not heard of this person21:50
strangewarpoh, is it one of those crazy non-technological post-scarce people?21:51
nmz787being in scarcity is why i was saying to grow CNS and leg free cows.... less techno dependence IMO than vat meat21:52
nmz787damn it's good to come full circle :D21:53
kanzurei don't think your knowledge of post-scarcity topics should come from fucking "Zeitgeist"21:54
kanzureat the very least read what paul wrote he tends to cite helpful things21:54
kanzuredelinquentme: http://pdfernhout.net/21:54
delinquentmekanzure, so I think its OK to say that some of his concepts21:55
delinquentmereference post-scarcity in a reasonable light21:56
delinquentmewell.. specifically automation.21:56
* strangewarp tabs that link, hugs kanzure, goes to bed21:56
jrayhawkalso i often cook with beef shins and feet and i am resentful of your techno-cows21:56
delinquentmeill leave it at that21:56
jrayhawki would eat cow-brain, too, but i haven't found a good source for it21:56
kanzurejrayhawk: what about horse-brain? don't you have a bunch of that?21:56
jrayhawkhorses are brainless already21:56
delinquentmekanzure, i do like this "The biggest challenge of the 21st century is the irony of technologies of abundance in the hands of those thinking in terms of scarcity."21:56
delinquentme    --Paul Fernhout21:56
kanzureunfortunately, paul is very anti-diybio21:58
nmz787how is that?21:58
kanzurenmz787: he thinks that i will probably be the cause of world plague21:59
strangewarpIf you are, it had better be a good one. Something monstery22:00
jrayhawkit'll be an exceptionally nerdy plague. The white plague.22:00
kanzuremeanwhile joe's brother thinks i'll probably blow up the world through other means22:01
kanzurei get no breaks :(22:01
jrayhawkhe thinks everyone will blow up the world through rational indiscipline22:01
jrayhawkincluding himself22:01
jrayhawkyou don't get to feel special, there22:01
kanzurewell okay, that's true22:01
kanzureif SIAI was to formulate an opinion about transhumanism, at least a more publicly-espoused one, then i suspect it would be negative22:02
kanzure(or of the same form like "you guys are going to blow up the world")22:03
jrayhawkMaybe anti-diybio; lesswrong is loosely transhumanist.22:04
jrayhawkEh, I guess that's pushing the definition a bit.22:05
kanzurecan anyone find me an android mobile ad network for russia or saudi arabia?22:09
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AdrianGlol CNS and leg free cows22:36
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delinquentmekanzure, have you read these papers that Fernhout wrote on vitamin D?23:02
kanzurenot thoroughly23:02
kanzureask fenn23:02
ParahSailin__solution to peak phosphorus?23:03
ParahSailin__seasteading + kelp farms23:04
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