
--- Log opened Fri Jan 25 00:00:39 2013
--- Day changed Fri Jan 25 2013
@kanzurea unit test is a systematic way to confirm that something is working00:00
@kanzureyou pass certain values in and you say you expect a certain value in return00:00
@kanzurewhen something breaks, the system tells you00:01
@kanzurethe function i linked to (line 8154) is testing for whether or not my "detect whether or not a line of assembly source code has a comment or not" still works00:05
nmz787so x is that function?00:07
nmz787line 815500:07
nmz787making a reference to a func?00:07
nmz787or is line_has_comment_address a string?00:08
@kanzuremaking a reference to a string00:09
@kanzuremaking a reference to a function called line_has_comment_address00:09
-!- ArmilusDajjal [~safitan@75-105-12-23.cust.wildblue.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:09
@kanzurei didn't want to type line_has_comment_address in each of the individual calls, you see00:09
@kanzurei thought x would be simpler00:09
nmz787so my pH experiment will be a unit test?00:17
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@kanzurenmz787: they could be00:18
@kanzurenmz787: but a simpler test would be something like, "if i pass in an ordereddict with nothing in it, what is supposed to happen"00:18
rigelok, so my laptop is shutting down for no apparent reason lately, im not sure which logs i need to be looking in00:22
nmz787kanzure: so using your python-spectrometers example00:24
nmz787how would you do spectrometer.calculate_pH(filePath)00:24
@kanzurewell, there's no unit tests in python-spectrometers because python-spectrometers doesn't do anything :P00:24
@kanzurewell, open up test_spectrometers.py00:25
nmz787just to separate the helper functions00:25
nmz787like plotter and calcPh00:25
@kanzureand i would add a new "def test_calculate_ph(self):" and in this function i would say something like self.assertTrue(calculate_pH(filepath) == [1]) (just to start with)00:25
@kanzurethen i would run the test, and it should fail (unless calculate_pH is returning [1].. which i doubt...)00:25
nmz787no i mean00:25
nmz787how would i move it from the spectrometer class00:25
nmz787to a spectrometer subclass00:26
nmz787that is in a helpers.py file00:26
nmz787or something00:26
@kanzuresorry, i still don't understand00:26
@kanzurecopy and paste?00:26
nmz787i guess those funcs can just stay in spectrometer class00:26
@kanzureoh i see what you mean00:27
@kanzurewell, first, let's say you were making a more general function like min() if min did not exist00:27
@kanzureand we were going to be put it in spectrometers/helpers.py as a function00:27
@kanzureif we want to be able to do "from spectrometers import min" elsewhere on our computer, we would add "from .helpers import min" in spectrometers/__init__.py00:28
@kanzureif we want to do "from spectrometers.helpers import min" elsewhere on our computer, no other changes would be necessary00:28
nmz787which is better to do?00:29
nmz787would either allow us to say import spectrometer00:29
@kanzurethe first one would let that work00:29
nmz787without first saying g=spectrometer(); g.min()00:30
@kanzurein python-spectrometers, spectrometers is a module not a class00:30
@kanzurespectrometers.Spectrometer is a class though00:30
nmz787i wrote this00:30
nmz787class o:00:30
nmz787...     def i(self):00:30
nmz787...             return 300:30
nmz787 o.i()00:30
nmz787Traceback (most recent call last):00:30
nmz787  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>00:30
nmz787TypeError: unbound method i() must be called with o instance as first argument (got nothing instead)00:30
@kanzureyou should use the @staticmethod decorator and get rid of the "self" parameter if you want to use i as a static method on o00:31
@kanzurethen you can call o.i() without an instance of o00:31
@kanzurehowever, it is also okay to just put functions inside modules00:31
@kanzureand inside other files00:31
brownieshave you not learned about pastebins yet -_-00:31
browniesalso what are you smoking that would drive you to name variables like that?00:31
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nmz787so brownies which variables?00:34
browniesall of them.00:34
@kanzureo and s are both really really bad names00:34
@kanzureo and i00:34
@kanzureif you named them something reasonable, maybe i would have been able to type them00:35
nmz787you don't use interactive mode to test ideas?00:35
@kanzuresure i do. but i type things.00:35
nmz787i suck at typing00:40
nmz787compared to you00:40
browniesi don't know why, but not-descriptive-enough-variable-naming is a common mistake for beginning programmers00:42
nmz787so i've been programming for 15+ years00:43
browniesjust remember that your editor has autocomplete, so you really have no excuse for not using gratuitously long and descriptive naming00:43
browniesyou have?00:43
brownieswild. what language?00:43
nmz787qbasic in the beginning00:43
browniesand why have you been using single-letter variable names for 15 years00:43
nmz787then c00:43
nmz787visual studio, html, c++00:43
nmz787then python, c, python, bash once in a while00:44
browniesi see00:44
nmz787.bat files00:44
* brownies counts on fingers00:44
nmz787brownies: i've been saving lots of typing over the years00:44
browniesi think i've been doing it for 15-16 years too. clearly you are slacking.00:44
nmz787less wear on the keyboard00:44
brownieskanzure probably clocks in at about the same.00:44
@kanzureha ha ha00:44
@kanzurebrownies: you forget how old i'm not00:44
browniesi think i might actually be at 17 years. memory is hazy.00:45
brownieskanzure: yeah, but didn't everyone start programming when they were toddlers?00:45
@kanzure15 years ago was 8 for me00:45
nmz787brownies: i always thought they were 'variables' and the label didn't matter00:46
nmz787kanzure: didn't you write some dirty var word obfuscator?00:46
@kanzurethe label highly matters for maintainability00:46
nmz787you put code in and it swore at you00:46
@kanzureyes, that's to *remove* terrible variable names00:46
@kanzure"fuck" is way better than "p"00:46
nmz7874x the bytes00:46
@kanzureit's not about bytes00:46
@kanzureit's about things like: are other people going to understand this?00:46
nmz787when it's just for interactive mode its fine00:46
@kanzurewill you understand this when you come back to it in 3 hours? what about 3 years?00:47
@kanzurewill the code still *work* in 3 years?00:47
@kanzurewhat about 30?00:47
browniesyeah ok it's just over 16 years for me.00:47
nmz787that 3 liner that didn't work anyway?00:47
nmz787i'm not gonna be scanning the logs for tha tone00:47
brownieshere is an example line of code00:47
browniesreturn false if self.account.present? && self.account.plan.string_identifier == Plan::Types::V3_CREDITABLE00:47
browniesgrabbed from what i'm working on currently. i bet you can figure out exactly what it's doing even though you have no idea what i do.00:47
nmz787not really00:48
nmz787something about a credit rating?00:48
browniesi was just making a point about descriptive variable names -_-00:48
nmz787for some account holder00:48
@kanzureit's returning false if the account is present and it's on plan v300:48
@kanzurealthough self.account is sorta wonky. what is self!00:49
nmz787what's the ? mark?00:49
browniesself is a User object00:49
brownies"?" signifies (in Ruby) that the method call returns a bool00:49
@kanzurein ruby you can use ? in function names because ruby is silly like that00:49
phmIf you like ruby.. have you tried using a real smalltalk?00:55
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@kanzurenmz787: index_min doesn't make sense to me. isn't the smallest index of any list always going to be 0?01:02
nmz787wheres that?01:02
eleitlhow would you port a web application to run inside a web browser, on a mobile?01:28
eleitlkanzure, check pm01:29
@kanzurewell, it depends on the browser on mobile01:31
@kanzurei think firefox for mobile has extensions (fennec)01:31
eleitlit has to be able to do iOS01:31
eleitlcurrently it's an apache/perl/cgi-bin dog calling search engines in C/C++01:32
@kanzureit ?01:32
@kanzureoh the current web application01:32
eleitlwritten by retarded monkeys01:32
@kanzureeleitl: i actually have direct experience making mobile applications, if this is for infochem i'd be happy to talk about a formal arrangement :P01:32
@kanzuresometimes putting it in a browser on mobile is not the best idea01:33
eleitlthe issue is that this is for firefighters, so no Internet access01:33
eleitlyou might want to bypass the Apple market01:33
@kanzurein fact, i have direct experience making mobile apps for fire fighters01:33
eleitlI'll try to hook you up with the project, how expensive are you?01:34
eleitlInfochem is a cheap shop, as you know01:34
@kanzureat this time i can't quote you, but i would be happy to engage in an agreement to write a proposal to write a proposal01:34
eleitlthe problem is that the search engines are proprietary01:35
eleitlI presume it will be required to port them to JavaScript, or maybe rewrite the app to bypass the current webstack cgi-bin logic01:36
@kanzureif it's portable C, it could be recompiled for the target platforms01:37
@kanzurei shouldn't be that quick to propose mobile app projects, they aren't that fun :)01:48
nmz787kanzure: so i found a bug using JSON01:54
nmz787it can't handle numbers as keys01:55
@kanzurewhat? really?01:55
nmz787it converts the wavelengths to strings on save to file01:55
@kanzureIn [3]: json.dumps({500: 700})01:55
@kanzureOut[3]: '{"500": 700}'01:55
nmz787you mentioned yaml01:55
@kanzureIn [5]: simplejson.dumps({500: 700})01:56
@kanzureOut[5]: '{"500": 700}'01:56
@kanzuresudo pip install pyyaml01:56
nmz787can you test it first01:56
@kanzureIn [2]: yaml.dump({500: 700})01:56
@kanzureOut[2]: '{500: 700}\n'01:56
nmz787kanzure: so just like this is where the django module lives C:\Users\Nathan\portablePython\Portable Python\App\Lib\site-packages\django01:58
nmz787would i put the spectrometer module in site-packages?01:58
nmz787it i wanted to add it to this portablePython 'distro'01:59
@kanzurei don't know anything about portablePython01:59
@kanzureyou would have to read its documentation for how to add modules01:59
@kanzurethere's probably a build script01:59
nmz787well do you thin kthats where it would go?01:59
@kanzurea folder would be placed there, but other things might happen too01:59
@kanzureread the documentation01:59
nmz787someone says MyPythonPath\App\python MyDownloadPath\setup.py install02:00
@kanzurewindows is weird02:01
@kanzurehave you considered just using cygwin's version of python02:01
@kanzurehave you ever used cygwin?02:01
nmz787unless portableCygwin exists02:01
nmz787i specifically want this for the school right now, where I can't install things02:02
@kanzurei think you should learn about py2exe and how python distributions work02:02
nmz787yeah that's included in portablePython02:02
@kanzureok, well, that's a huge problem. just replace their computers with your own.02:02
nmz787no dude02:02
nmz787you're crazy sometimes02:02
@kanzureit's crazy that they would place that restriction02:02
@kanzurehave you considered wiping their machine?02:02
nmz787viruses did that02:02
nmz787not at all02:03
@kanzuretell them it was a virus02:03
@kanzurewhat's the point of a computer if you can't use it02:03
nmz787i can02:03
nmz787damn dude02:03
nmz787it's not that big of a deal to let people run shit how they see fit02:04
@kanzurehuh? that's exactly what they are *not* doing02:04
nmz787i'd have to go all rms and get the IT dept pissed off to try any of your ideas02:04
nmz787no kanzure THEY see fit to place resitrictions, that's how THEY see fit to RUN THEIR operation02:05
@kanzureon a related note, you can boot linux from a usb stick02:07
nmz787no normal people use linux02:07
nmz787don't you get that?02:07
@kanzurelots of scientists use linux btw.02:08
nmz787that isn't really what you're talking about02:08
nmz787many academic IT infrastructures are windows02:08
nmz787and i don't care to fight them02:08
nmz787you can02:08
@kanzurethis isn't about fighting anything02:09
@kanzurethis is about using that spectrometer02:09
nmz787but in the mean time i'm just gonna write this software, put it on portablePython and hand it to them and say 'copy this fold and shortcut, click the shortcut' done.02:09
nmz787no you keep bitching about me working around their shitty system that I'm not gonna fight against02:09
nmz787by giving me shit answers like 'wipe the schools hard drive'02:10
nmz787that's not a solution02:10
nmz787are you not understanding this or are you screwing with me?02:10
@kanzurewhat about plugging in another computer instead? like a $50 crapbox.02:10
nmz787i'm not donating new crap computers to every workstation they own02:11
nmz787in very lab with a biowave II02:11
nmz787any way02:11
nmz787you obv aren't comprehending02:11
@kanzureis that more than one lab?02:11
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nmz787come one man02:11
@kanzurei don't think you should be upset at me about this02:13
nmz787you just keep hammering though and not getting that your ideas suck in this context02:14
@kanzurei want to use spectrometers with good software just as much as you do02:14
nmz787i know that02:14
nmz787but the library in general is going hand-in-hand with me wanting to help out the labs at this school a bit02:15
nmz787the rest of the students were copying numbers from the LCD display these things by hand02:15
@kanzurewhy would they agree to that?02:15
@kanzureanyone :)02:17
@kanzurestudents, staff, etc.02:17
nmz787you must be slightly autistic about normal people02:17
nmz787they don't know what com ports and baud rates are02:17
browniesfirst of all, they're not normal people, they're scientists02:20
browniessecond of all, what do baud rates have to do with it?02:20
nmz787because tha is how i interfaced to the spectrometer02:23
nmz787their computers weren't even hooked up because they didn't seem to have software02:23
eleitlscientists have tech people to take care of details, if they're computer-tarded02:23
nmz787and i'd say they're science students02:23
nmz787these are teaching labs, not research labs02:24
eleitldoes your spectrometer have ethernet?02:24
nmz787eleitl: HAH02:24
eleitlif it has ethernet, use a web stack02:24
nmz787it has tetris and sudoku though02:24
eleitlit should have ethernet, ethernet SoCs are effectively free02:24
nmz787it has USB but you can't plug a flash drive into it to save data02:25
browniesi don't know. i'm not willing to agree that it's ok for a scientist to not know how to use his tools.02:25
nmz787eleitl: oh openSpectrometer?02:25
@kanzurewebsatck doesn't work because he can't install a server to listen to com02:25
eleitlyes, OpenSpectrometer02:25
eleitlyou're talking about your current closed box?02:25
nmz787eleitl: we have been on the school's spectrometer yes02:26
nmz787eleitl: whizet chips?02:26
eleitlwhizet what?02:26
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nmz787eleitl: http://www.sainsmart.com/sainsmart-ethernet-shield-w5100-for-arduino.html02:28
nmz787eleitl: the free ethernet02:28
eleitlyeah, something like that02:28
nmz787it will support that I/O interface, but it would be optional02:28
eleitlold arduinos are a bit weak, but newer and related open hardware can do it02:28
nmz787i'm probably using a propeller02:29
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nmz787otherwise i'd need a small CPLD to handle the CCD timing02:29
nmz787at least that's how the pros do it02:29
Juulpaperbot, help02:29
@kanzureJuul: ask "paperbot: http://..."02:30
Juulkanzure, cool. is the code for paperbot available?02:30
@kanzureJuul: https://github.com/kanzure/paperbot02:30
@kanzureJuul: and you can find some architecture discussion here https://groups.google.com/group/science-liberation-front02:30
Juulyeah i was reading through the threads02:31
@kanzureare you doing the noisebridge hackathon?02:31
Juulyeah, tomorrow02:32
Juuldidn't go to the memorial though02:32
Juulfigured staying at home and coding was more important02:32
@kanzureted nelson gave a speech02:32
@kanzurei thought that was pretty cool. "oh by the way, the inventor of the fucking hyperlink would like to say a few words."02:33
nmz787kanzure: so this patch doesn't seem to be in the latest version of pyyaml02:34
@kanzure"don't use tabs in yaml" is a sane piece of advice02:35
gedankenstueckekanzure: "don't use tabs" is a sane piece of advice02:35
@kanzuregedankenstuecke: i don't want to be commander in chief in charge of that war02:35
@kanzurenmz787: you can set vim to use spaces with :set tabwidth=402:36
@kanzureerm.. and one other thing. i forget. i am tired.02:36
@kanzurealso the cyaml package might support tabs02:36
nmz787kanzure: i guess yaml don like tabs02:37
@kanzurei had to switch from pyyaml to cyaml for meetlog.yaml because pyyaml would take >10 hours to parse my data02:37
@kanzurewhereas cyaml would take 4 seconds.02:37
@kanzureJuul: paperbot uses https://github.com/zotero/translators and https://github.com/zotero/translation-server02:38
@kanzureJuul: actually i had to write a patch to translation server, i just pushed it up..02:42
eleitlMy friend remarked to me that a century and half of cheap energy in the form of fossil fuels has attenuated our awareness of energy flows so much that we as a society have become essentially unconscious of energy.02:43
sivoaisfor the spaces for tabs it's :set tw=4 sw=4 sts=4 et02:44
@kanzureet is expandtab i think02:45
@kanzuretw is tabwidth02:45
@kanzuresw is sodomywanker02:45
sivoaislol, shiftwidth02:45
@kanzureah right02:45
@kanzureyes that one02:45
nmz787kanzure: so i made a helpers.py file02:46
nmz787and pasted this into it https://gist.github.com/84438802:46
nmz787you said something about __init__ in a file02:47
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@kanzureyou can tell python that a folder is a module by dropping a __init__.py file into the folder02:47
nmz787ahh i found it02:47
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nmz787where you saif02:47
nmz787reading logs02:47
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nmz787kanzure: why did you name the module spectrometer but the class Spectrometer02:48
@kanzurein python, class names tend to be capitalized02:48
@kanzureexcept for default types02:48
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@kanzurei named the module spectrometers and the class is Spectrometer because it represents a generic spectrometer02:49
@kanzurethe namespace is spectrometers in general.02:49
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eleitl"you attemted to close 435 tabs"02:53
@kanzureyou must transcend beyond tabs.02:54
eleitlmy devs are so clueless02:55
eleitltold them they can't expect java in the browser02:55
eleitlespecially in the future02:55
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@kanzurean easy call to make..02:55
eleitlit's funny how incompetent shops manage to stick around for decades02:55
eleitlnot that I'm complaining... not much02:55
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@kanzurewell you don't rely on technical excellence02:56
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@kanzureyou rely on fat springer monopolies02:56
eleitlnope, the unit has always been in the green, on its own02:56
@kanzureah neat02:56
eleitlit wasn't always owned by springer02:56
eleitlit's just the niche is cushy, or used to be02:57
eleitlnow CAS has started to kick our butt02:57
@kanzureis CAS the one doing chemspider?02:57
eleitlwe're effectively just contractors to them02:57
eleitland contractors are exchangeable, if the code quality is adequate02:57
@kanzurenmz787: business unit02:57
nmz787eleitl: you're working for springer the paper ppl?02:57
eleitlso the current major refactoring project could be heralding... something02:58
eleitlindirectly, nmz787. but the payroll is from springer, yes.02:58
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nmz787kanzure: should I change from .biowave2 import Biowave203:01
nmz787to from .biowave2 import Biowave_II03:01
nmz787since that's how the manufacturer termed it03:02
@kanzurei rarely see underscores in python classnames03:02
@kanzurealso i dunno if it was BioWave or Biowave, i didn't check that one..03:03
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nmz787so do all functions in spectrometer.py and helpers.py need to be in __init__.py?03:04
eleitldo you think if you buy a pig cadaver from a butcher for an experiment, it would count as an animal experiment, in the eyes of the law?03:04
nmz787eleitl: i think the liability ends at the butcher03:04
eleitlyeah, at least it's not vivisectioni03:05
nmz787eleitl: liability for mistreating the animal by faulty slaughtering03:05
@kanzurenmz787: nope, look up how __all__ works03:05
@kanzurenmz787: btw, the ascended god of python is kenneth reitz. you should read his code.03:05
gedankenstueckeeleitl: under german law animal experiments are defined as experiments on living animals03:06
eleitlok, so it seems we might be covered03:06
eleitlnow to find a butcher who would't bleed out the animals03:06
nmz787kanzure: i dont get it03:06
@kanzurenmz787: also he wrote some helpful things, http://docs.python-guide.org/en/latest/03:06
@kanzurenmz787: i mean, take some time to understand how requests work because it's all very general and applies to tons of other projects03:07
@kanzureit might be for http requests, but the way it's written is generic and widely applicable.03:07
eleitlI think they use electrostun and/or shooting a bolt into the brain03:07
nmz787kanzure: so what should i do re __init__.py03:08
eleitlbut then they bleed out. the latter wouldn't do.03:08
nmz787you said i needed to say .helpers import min03:08
nmz787so i could say from spectrometer import min03:08
@kanzurenmz787: you can do from whatever import * if you want03:08
eleitlof course we could still train surgery, but perfusion would be fucked03:08
nmz787so what is __init__.py for?03:09
@kanzure"If __all__ is not defined, the statement from sound.effects import * does not import all submodules from the package sound.effects into the current namespace; it only ensures that the package sound.effects has been imported (possibly running any initialization code in __init__.py) and then imports whatever names are defined in the package."03:09
@kanzure"The __init__.py files are required to make Python treat the directories as containing packages; this is done to prevent directories with a common name, such as string, from unintentionally hiding valid modules that occur later on the module search path. In the simplest case, __init__.py can just be an empty file, but it can also execute initialization code for the package or set the __all__ variable, described later."03:09
nmz787eleitl: i got a rabbit from a country farm girl, and read up on USDA slaughtering for rabbits03:09
@kanzurenmz787: __init__.py is to tell python that it's a module03:10
nmz787so as long as init__.py is there03:10
nmz787i can say import dirName03:11
@kanzurenot quite03:11
@kanzureimport my_package.helpers; my_package.helpers.some_helper()03:11
@kanzureor in my_package/__init__.py you could say "from helpers import *"03:11
@kanzurethen you could do: import my_package; my_package.some_helper()03:12
@kanzureit's worth playing around with to see how it works03:12
nmz787the latter i like03:12
@kanzureand the reason why i told you to read kennethreitz's stuff is because i'm sleeping now03:12
nmz787i don't want people to type helpers03:12
nmz787i should too03:13
eleitlrabbits are a bit too small03:13
eleitlit's probably pigs or sheep03:13
nmz787eleitl: too smal for?03:13
eleitlyou also don't have to shave the pigs03:13
eleitltraining surgery and perfusion03:14
nmz787aren't some hairy?03:14
eleitlwell, shaving them would be easier, in any case03:14
nmz787heh, roadkill?03:14
nmz787get a bunch of salt lick blocks, place them near your local motorway... wait03:14
nmz787i guess that's not responsible03:15
nmz787what about breeding nude rats or mice03:15
eleitleuthanized large dogs would be optimal03:15
nmz787chihuahuas are nude i think03:16
nmz787no that was just in Austin Powers03:16
nmz787and that was a cat03:16
nmz787eleitl: http://www.taconic.com/wmspage.cfm?parm1=77303:17
eleitlI've worked with rabbits, they're too small03:17
eleitlplus, they mush up at RT very quickly03:17
nmz787eleitl: i've immunized mice in their tail before03:17
eleitlif you try to cannulate the whole vessel disintegrates03:17
nmz787and done a bunch of organ extractions03:17
nmz787cannulate means interface with a tube?03:18
@kanzureeleitl: didn't you run some part of alcor for a while?03:18
@kanzurehm i should be sleeping instead of making these things up03:18
nmz787eleitl: if they mush up seems like you're doing something wrong03:18
eleitlI never ran anything, I worked at 21CM and CCR.03:19
eleitlwe did R&D03:19
eleitlAlcor uses X1000, which I helped develop03:19
nmz787eleitl: prices seem decent http://www.taconic.com/user-assets/Catalog/2013_european/BALBNU.pdf03:20
nmz787eleitl: though this probably isn't the best strain for ease of population expansion/maintenance03:21
eleitlour lab can't even do rodents03:21
eleitlregulation burden way too high03:21
nmz787hmm, would they work though?03:22
nmz787like, really, does mushy mean dead?03:22
eleitlI think the time is now to start looking for emergency funding for 3 months03:22
eleitldead can mean many things03:22
eleitlin principle rabbits have a higher metabolism than people, so they're not a very good model for humans03:23
eleitlso just because your vessels start to disintegrate at +15 min at RT, it doesn'03:23
eleitlt mean that human ones will03:23
eleitlit's really shitty to do this part time03:29
eleitleven with my negligible duty cycle03:30
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nmz787well gnight03:44
nmz787kanzure: https://github.com/nmz787/python-spectrometers/tree/master/spectrometers04:16
eleitlshipping from china takes awhile04:18
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Juulpaperbot, http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.005474205:16
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Comprehensive%20Analysis%20of%20DNA%20Methylation%20in%20Head%20and%20Neck%20Squamous%20Cell%20Carcinoma%20Indicates%20Differences%20by%20Survival%20and%20Clinicopathologic%20Characteristics.pdf05:16
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Juulpaperbot, http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.005446605:19
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Green%20Tea%20Phenolic%20Epicatechins%20Inhibit%20Hepatitis%20C%20Virus%20Replication%20via%20Cycloxygenase-2%20and%20Attenuate%20Virus-Induced%20Inflammation.pdf05:19
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-!- Topic for ##hplusroadmap: biohacking, nootropics, transhumanism, open hardware | sponsored by george church and the NRA | http://gnusha.org/logs http://diyhpl.us/wiki http://groups.google.com/group/diybio | friends don't let friends do super college07:30
-!- Topic set by kanzure [~kanzure@] [Fri Aug 10 08:01:18 2012]07:30
[Users ##hplusroadmap]07:30
[@fenn ] [ brownies ] [ gnusha ] [ lolcat ] [ Sanky ] [ Thorbinator] 07:30
[ _Sol_ ] [ Charlie_ ] [ guest43256] [ Mariu ] [ saurik ] [ underscor ] 07:30
[ abetusk ] [ chido ] [ heath ] [ nmz787 ] [ SDr ] [ upgrayeddd ] 07:30
[ AdrianG ] [ chris_99 ] [ Helleshin ] [ nuba ] [ seba- ] [ Urchin ] 07:30
[ AlonzoTG ] [ Coornail ] [ Hu_Meanan ] [ OldCoder_ ] [ sivoais ] [ Vicarious ] 07:30
[ archels ] [ curtiss ] [ indigenous] [ panax ] [ smeaaagle ] [ Viper168 ] 07:30
[ ArmilusDajjal] [ devrandom ] [ ivan` ] [ ParahSailin] [ strangewarp] [ wizrobe ] 07:30
[ augur ] [ eleitl ] [ joehot ] [ pasky ] [ streety ] [ xx ] 07:30
[ balrog ] [ eleitl2 ] [ jrayhawk ] [ phryk ] [ superkuh ] [ xx2 ] 07:30
[ barriers ] [ ElixirVitae ] [ juri_ ] [ qu-bit ] [ Thomas42 ] [ yoleaux ] 07:30
[ bkero ] [ gedankenstuecke] [ lichen ] [ rigel ] [ ThomasEgi ] [ yorick ] 07:30
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Mariuwho ?07:35
Mariuright, operator I'm guessing07:35
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kanzurenuclear snorkeling10:06
nmz787kanzure: setup.py", line 12, in <module>10:13
nmz787    long_description=open("README.rst", "r").read(),10:13
nmz787IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'README.rst'10:13
nmz787i think you need a relative URL10:13
nmz787oh it works when i run setup from the same dir that its in10:14
kanzureimport os10:15
kanzureopen(os.path.join(os.path.basename(os.path.realpath(__FILE__)), "README.rst")10:16
kanzuresomething like that10:16
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* heath feels like he should play the Matrix soundtrack now that he has 5 monitors.. not including the laptop and tablet screens :)10:45
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strangewarponly got 2 screens here, one of which isn't in use, but my setup uses 5 ATMEGA chips, which makes me happy10:54
Mariufollow the blue rabbit10:58
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-!- Topic for ##hplusroadmap: biohacking, nootropics, transhumanism, open hardware | sponsored by george church and the NRA | http://gnusha.org/logs http://diyhpl.us/wiki http://groups.google.com/group/diybio | friends don't let friends do super college11:38
-!- Topic set by kanzure [~kanzure@] [Fri Aug 10 08:01:18 2012]11:38
[Users ##hplusroadmap]11:38
[@fenn ] [ chido ] [ Helleshin ] [ nuba ] [ seba- ] [ Vicarious] 11:38
[ _Sol_ ] [ Coornail ] [ He||eshin ] [ OldCoder_ ] [ sivoais ] [ Viper168 ] 11:38
[ AdrianG ] [ curtiss ] [ Hu_Meanan ] [ panax ] [ smeaaagle ] [ wizrobe ] 11:38
[ AlonzoTG ] [ devrandom ] [ indigenous] [ paperbot ] [ SolG ] [ xx ] 11:38
[ archels ] [ eleitl ] [ ivan` ] [ ParahSailin] [ strangewarp] [ xx2 ] 11:38
[ ArmilusDajjal] [ eleitl2 ] [ joehot ] [ pasky ] [ streety ] [ xxx ] 11:38
[ augur ] [ ElixirVitae ] [ jrayhawk ] [ phryk ] [ superkuh ] [ yoleaux ] 11:38
[ augur_ ] [ EnLilaSko ] [ juri_ ] [ Proteus ] [ Thomas42 ] [ yorick ] 11:38
[ balrog ] [ gedankenstuecke] [ kanzure ] [ qu-bit ] [ ThomasEgi ] 11:38
[ barriers ] [ gnusha ] [ lichen ] [ rigel ] [ Thorbinator] 11:38
[ bkero ] [ gnusha_ ] [ lolcat ] [ Sanky ] [ underscor ] 11:38
[ brownies ] [ guest43256 ] [ Mariu ] [ saurik ] [ upgrayeddd ] 11:38
[ Charlie_ ] [ heath ] [ nmz787 ] [ SDr ] [ Urchin ] 11:38
-!- Irssi: ##hplusroadmap: Total of 73 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 72 normal]11:38
-!- Channel ##hplusroadmap created Thu Feb 25 23:40:30 201011:38
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nmz787kanzure: is there a way to have a class return something?12:07
nmz787would you put the return in the class destructor?12:07
kanzureyou can return a value from a function inside the class12:07
kanzureDog.say("woof") could return "woof" for instance.12:08
nmz787so i can't return a value when this class closes https://github.com/nmz787/python-spectrometers/blob/master/spectrometers/helpers.py#L21412:10
nmz787which is used here https://github.com/nmz787/python-spectrometers/blob/master/spectrometers/helpers.py#L15812:11
kanzureno, what are you actually trying to do?12:11
nmz787fig1.show() does the displaying, but it's blocking12:11
kanzurefig1 = spectrum_plotter() means that fig1 is an instance of the "spectrum_plotter" class.12:11
nmz787and it doesn't unblock until the fig is closed12:11
kanzureyes, i think that's normal for gtk12:11
nmz787but i want to return a value selected from the fig12:11
nmz787i can't call a function on fig1 because the data isn't selected until during show()12:12
nmz787could i modify show to return?12:12
nmz787that's show()12:12
kanzurea simple solution is to pass in a variable that holds the state for your program, and the gui class will modify this state12:13
kanzurethen when it is done the state variable will still exist12:13
nmz787ahh ok show() can return the val12:14
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nmz787kanzure: so now if you clone https://github.com/nmz787/python-spectrometers12:43
nmz787then run setup.py install12:43
nmz787import spectrometers; spectrometers.calculate_pH("./examples/pH_experiment_data/pH_experiment_config.txt")12:44
nmz787should work12:44
nmz787import spectrometers;12:45
nmz787that should do it, starting in the dir with setup.py12:46
nmz787ok heading outside12:49
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klafkahey can anyone help me get the article at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23273775 ?15:09
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bkeroYou should be able to get that from logigng in at your school's library.15:26
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klafkabkero: I'm not in school?15:51
sivoaisklafka: <http://ge.tt/7m607WW/v/0>15:52
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kanzureyashgaroth: hi17:02
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kanzuredoes anyone have an athens login they could share temporarily?17:49
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2327377517:49
kanzureklafka: ^17:49
klafkaoh nice17:49
klafkai'll remember that in the future17:49
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S037687161200457717:49
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Methamphetamine%20use%3A%20A%20comprehensive%20review%20of%20molecular%2C%20preclinical%20and%20clinical%20findings.pdf17:50
kanzureklafka: there's the real version. have fun.17:50
klafkawooh i will17:50
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juri_gah. too far behind.19:28
juri_kanzure: no, i'm an author of xrdprlpd, which was not merged, because i submitted it under the GPL, and the authors were more interested in selling their product, so threw out all the GPL contribs, and went BSD.19:28
kanzureah okay19:29
kanzurewell, still, maybe you have some thoughts about a sane way to do drivers for spectrometers.19:29
kanzureKanoh: hi19:29
juri_kanzure: i've been doing drivers forever.. ;)19:30
kanzureyes but i said sane19:30
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juri_that said, isn't a spectrometer usually something you'd use in a workflow?19:31
juri_i don't know-know, because while i've owned three.. i've never gotten them to work.19:31
juri_most 'modern' devices are using some sort of a standardized language on serial.19:35
juri_you don't have need of higher information speeds.19:36
KanohWhat are your thoughts on the recent development regarding data storage on DNA?19:36
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kanzurejuri_: what standard?19:39
kanzuremaybe this is one of those standards that doesn't actually have a standard19:39
juri_kanzure: it is. i'd start with g-code, honestly.19:39
kanzurespectrometers don't use gcode19:40
juri_after all, its got standardized commands for 'bring up to temp' 'give me the current temp'.19:40
juri_(sorry, i keep thinking GC)19:40
juri_all of these devices that i've seen before (GC, MS) speak serial at a high speed. its just a question of what they're using on the wire. recently, i've seen either things that abstract to jason (GPSd), or things that abstract to g-code. they're not REALLY standardized, but it allows for reuse of some of the parsers.19:48
kanzurethe spectrometers just dump lists of numbers for the most part19:51
juri_no firmware setting (for parameters), event triggering, or such? then i'd go the 'json' aproach. however, if you want to change variables, and get events at a point in time, i'd consider gcode.19:52
yashgarothkanoh: that's not a recent development20:03
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delinquentmepaperbot, http://www.nature.com/nm/journal/v16/n8/full/nm.2193.html22:08
paperbotHTTP 401 unauthorized http://www.nature.com/nm/journal/v16/n8/pdf/nm.2193.pdf22:08
kanzuredelinquentme: https://groups.google.com/group/science-liberation-front22:17
delinquentmei wrote shit tons of code22:18
delinquentmeno ones using it22:18
delinquentmeall it needs is a password22:18
juri_I spent six months of my life writing nothing but documentation, to enable other programmers to follow me into a codebase. no-one followed.22:18
kanzuresome of your code is redundant, delinquentme22:18
kanzureespecially because of zotero/translators.git22:18
kanzurethis isn't a bad thing, but there's >200,000 users using zotero scrapers22:19
delinquentmecan you guys get access to the above paper?22:20
kanzuredelinquentme: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/nm.2193.pdf22:22
kanzurei've moved it,22:23
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delinquentmeyeah just downloaded it22:33
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