
--- Log opened Fri Apr 26 00:00:08 2013
@kanzurepaperbot: http://arxiv.org/abs/1304.6780v100:04
yoleaux[1304.6780v1] Practices in source code sharing in astrophysics00:04
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@kanzureoh right00:04
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superkuhpaperbot: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11207-013-0286-801:44
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/441897c27f230ab55b0c48bc94fb1ab.txt01:44
@kanzurewhy oh why is paperbot failing more often.01:45
ThomasEgipaywalls getting higher?01:49
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nmz787i have access to that paper02:02
archels`paperbot: http://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs11207-013-0286-8.pdf02:03
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/a53e1a93963beb41463895c6561ac517.txt02:03
nmz7872 - 3 min delay because this isn't automated/assisted in some way02:04
superkuhThank you.02:04
nmz787kanzure: i'm just ssh-ing these over02:05
nmz787kanzure: is there a way to do that via js?02:05
nmz787or can you help me run an upload server and the accompanying bookmarklet to upload with?02:06
@kanzureyou can do an XHR HTTP PUT from javascript02:06
@kanzureif you have a specific upload server in mind then i'll take a look at it to see if it's safe to run, sure..02:07
nmz787well like i said, currently i'm just scp-ing these paperbot failures to the same server paperbot is on02:08
@kanzuresimplest way would be to add some wsgi python application to your user account via .htaccess or something02:09
nmz787so that's the target in this case02:09
@kanzureand then tack on user authentication with a password or something02:09
nmz787flask based?02:09
@kanzuresure why not02:09
nmz787or what is wsgi in your case?02:10
@kanzurethe vserver is serving up web pages with apache so it would involve mod_wsgi02:10
@kanzurei am currently sleeping but i am sure that joey would love to be bugged to do apache things at 4am02:11
nmz787if you lived here you'd have more time to program tonight02:12
@kanzurenope i spend all of my midnight hours complaining about phantomjs02:12
@kanzureit is a very strict schedule02:12
@kanzure12-1 is scheduled for complaining about callbacks02:12
@kanzure1-3am complaining about commonjs/require/assholes overriding require02:13
@kanzure4am is spent resolving existential crises brought about by javascrpt02:13
nmz787well i actually did some physicalwork earlier so i am tired too, guess i have no reason to stay awake02:14
nmz787can you apt-get install python-flask?02:15
nmz787on gnusha02:15
nmz787kanzure: beat ya by downloading the libs myself http://diyhpl.us:5000/02:28
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ParahSail1ni wonder how much http://www.alibaba.com/product-gs/761650376/Nanodrop_Spectrophotometer_wavelength_range_230nm_260nm.html is07:27
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ParahSailinwow, iontorrent did not give root on the proton one server10:01
@kanzurethose bastards10:14
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@kanzurenmz787: lots of people do random port scanning of that server, so that needs to be really secure.10:35
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@kanzureextropy-chat mailing list archives going back to pre-2000 http://extropians.weidai.com/12:18
@kanzure"10% of the book figuring out Tamara was a simulacra built out of Danlo's memories? I thought that guy proved theorems and shit? Holy shit, really, why couldn't Hanuman li Tosh be in this one too? He was the ONLY likeable character in the series! At least Nikolos Daru Ede doesn't put a pause in every sentence he says. Honestly, all that comes out of Danlo's mouth is "But, truly... To live, life itself... The shimmering interconn...ectedness. ...12:20
@kanzure... Yes?". Christ, is the cerebral callus getting in the way of the aneurysm again?"12:20
@kanzure"I seriously hope Hanuman shows the fuck up in the last book or I'm back to Greg Egan."12:20
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eudoxiai'm glad you like my comedy kanzure12:24
@kanzureanyway yes he shows up in the last book12:24
eudoxiai know, i read it month ago :P12:25
eudoxiai should update that part12:25
@kanzurei was just remembering how much i hate most fiction and how disappointing it all is12:25
@kanzureneverness has ftl which is inexcusable.12:26
@kanzureand charlie stross is just trying to show off how many words he knows (or something)12:26
@kanzureand somehow i ended up on your page.12:27
@fennpretty sure i read through all of neverness, but i barely remember any of it12:29
@fenndunno if that says something about me or the book12:30
@kanzure6 or 7 years ago i realized that if i was going to get any reasonably good hard scifi in my lifetime that i would have to be the one to write it12:31
@kanzureso i started squirreling away tiny fragments once in a while into an archive12:31
eudoxiaohhh i'd like to read that12:32
eudoxiawas it version controlled?12:32
@kanzurei dunno why zindell did all that stuff about ftl.. there's a lot of room for story with relativistic travel..12:32
@kanzureno, it's just a place i dump text files into. i haven't actually looked at the collection.12:33
@kanzureor edited anything ever12:33
@fennthe problem with relativistic space travel is all the trips are one-way12:34
@fenn(the problem with non-relativistic space travel is it's equivalent to time travel)12:34
@kanzurehow are they one-way? you send your software there, then you can send it back. what's the big fucking deal.12:35
@fennconsider you blast off to a star 1000 light years away at 99% of the speed of light; it takes you 10 perceived years to get there, and 10 years to get back, but 2000 years have passed in the meanwhile12:35
@fennso much has changed in the time since you left that what you come back to is as different as the destination was compared to where you started12:36
@kanzurehow is that a problem?12:36
@fennnobody knows how to think that way12:36
@kanzurei think authors are just lazy12:36
eudoxiayeah fenn if everyone you know and love died or moved away you should just lump it12:37
@fenn"lump it"?12:37
ThomasEgifenn, and your spacecraft woud have 9 times the mass compared to when it is not moving12:37
eudoxia>To endure, accept, put up with a situation one does not like.12:37
@fennand your front would be longer than your side, but who cares12:38
@fennor was it the other way around12:38
@kanzurealso the authors could tie in longevity to get around the "no familiar characters" problem.12:39
@kanzureor cryonics.12:40
@kanzureor clones, ancestors, emulated copies, and all manner of other tricks. again, authors are lazy.12:41
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@fennbut a world in which people are still recognizable after 2000 years wouldn't be that interesting12:41
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@fenneveryone would be sitting around frozen in tanks of liquid nitrogen, or side-effect free S expressions or whatever12:42
@kanzure"wouldn't be that interesting" isn't true.. there are many ways to tie in those elements in clever ways i think.12:43
@kanzureto be fair there are many uninteresting things in current stories, i think they could be done better heh12:44
@fenni guess arthur clarke wrote about relativistic space travel12:47
@kanzurei don't often see stories that use relativistic space travel plus brain emulation, or forked copies of individuals, or longevity, or cryonics. i mean, there's a lot of fodder for scifi that has gone unused.12:48
@fennhm. cryonics for space travel is so common it's cliche12:49
@fennspace travel + brain emulation is rare though, i'll grant you that12:49
@kanzurebut isn't space travel plus emulation obvious?12:49
eudoxia_not hard sci fi cryonics12:49
@kanzureeudoxia_: ?12:50
@fennit's not obvious, it just may be the only thing that would work though12:50
@kanzuresaurik: do you have a rom dump of google glass yet? and if so can i have a look?12:51
@kanzurefenn: i've also been disappointed in "biopunk". none of these authors seem to be molecular biologists. their "hard scifi biology" is pretty bonkers.12:53
@kanzuregreg's white knight concept was fun i think12:54
@fennyeah egan is the only one who gets it right on both counts12:54
@kanzure"Google Glass runs Android 4.0.4, which is subject to the adb restore race condition; com.google.glass.logging fits the needed configuration."12:54
@kanzureoh i see.12:54
@kanzurewell it's nice that it's android, but i was expecting it to be more challening to break.12:55
@fennoh look "science fiction stories with good astronomy and physics" http://astrosociety.org/edu/resources/scifi06.html12:57
eudoxia_kanzure: cryonics with a bunch of technical details/discussion of difficulties12:57
@kanzureeudoxia_: i haven't seen that in fiction yet12:58
eudoxia_neither have i12:58
@kanzurenobody seems to read fahy or ben best or whatever. that would seem to be a necessary first step to writing good cryonics fiction.12:58
@fennusually they just assume "it's just like bears hibernating" and leave it at that12:59
@fenncould a human hibernate 1000 years?12:59
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@fennseeds can be dormant for that long, no problem13:01
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@fenn"Vitrification in cryonics is different than vitrification in mainstream cryobiology because vitrification in cryonics is not reversible with current technology." does that mean that "mainstream" vitrification is reversible?13:10
saurikkanzure: yeah, its just Android with a custom launcher/home thingee13:15
@kanzurefenn: i'm pretty sure you still move around during hibernation.13:18
@kanzurefenn: having never hibernated, i am not entirely sure.13:18
@kanzuresaurik: so there's a specific google glass apk that i could possibly poke at?13:19
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@kanzuresaurik: btw there should be a way to get a screenshot off of /dev somewhere.. i used to use "adb -d pull /dev/graphics/fb0 fb0" all the time.13:20
@kanzureerm.. -d because i was using an emulator in that case.13:20
@kanzurethen you have to reformat the file: ffmpeg -vframes 1 -vcodec rawvideo -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb32 -s 480x800 -i fb0 -f image2 -vcodec png $outputpng13:20
@kanzureor whatever the resolution is (480x800 is probably wrong)13:20
@fennWhy this effect works is a matter of dispute, but it is known that static electric fields enhance ice nucleation  so perhaps oscillating electric fields have the opposite effect. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cells_Alive_System13:21
ParahSailinwhen they vitrify cell lines or sperm, its reversible13:22
@fenni always figured "stasis field" was just pure poppycock technobabble13:22
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@fennsomething like the "cells alive system" would make cryo preservation super cheap; no need for a team of surgeons to drill holes in your skull13:25
@fennand not needing high concentrations of chemicals should reduce the challenge of reanimation13:26
eudoxia_but you'd need to keep it powered constantly13:26
@fennno, once you're frozen you're frozen13:26
eudoxia_i think13:26
eudoxia_right, right, past T_g13:26
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@fenn"ABI’s “Cells Alive System” (CAS) vibrates water with magnetic fields, preventing freezing, even at supercool temperatures of -10 degrees Celsius (According to the Patent.) When the field is turned off, the water in the food instantly freezes."13:31
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@fenni'd think something similar could be done with immense hydrostatic pressure; the phase diagram for water is pretty complicated http://www.lsbu.ac.uk/water/phase.html#intr213:39
@fennraise pressure to 200MPa, lower temperature to -20C, lower pressure to 013:40
@fenn200MPa is quite achievable13:41
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@fennah i guess i'm not the first person to have thought of this http://www.benbest.com/cryonics/pressure.html13:46
@kanzureahem i explicitly said something about reading ben best things heh13:46
@fenncome on who wants to read about phase diagrams, where's the space aliens and lazers13:48
@fennit's surprising that additions to the phase diagram have been made as recently as 2002, i thought all that stuff was figured out in the 50's13:53
jrayhawka 200MPa swing seems a bit unhealthy for tissues14:00
jrayhawkthough i suppose density is probably a good idea anyway since the expansion from Ih ice would also be bad for tissues14:01
jrayhawki suppose humans at least can survive pressurization just fine, it's depressurization that causes problems, so just compress further into III and V to get the rapid freezing effect14:04
@fennhigh pressures drive organic condensation reactions equilibrium toward polymerization14:05
@fenni guess i'd be worried about cracking bones because of the relative expansion difference14:07
@fennhow come nasa isn't doing this stuff14:09
jrayhawk1044 feet: world record for deepest scuba dive14:10
@fenni read 548 meters (50bar) but not very impressive14:10
@fennso i guess the liquid air stuff in abyss isn't really used14:10
@fennoxygenated perfluorocarbons14:11
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ParahSailinok i got shell access to the iontorrent box14:46
ParahSailinkanzure: you got any rootkit advice?14:46
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@kanzureParahSailin: uname -a15:19
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@fennpaperbot: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/tjsrae/26/4/26_4_371/_pdf15:35
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/d342b279e3522a3ac91e3fa3820813f.txt15:35
@kanzureheh japanese javascript15:36
@fennthis paper is probably misleading anyway15:37
@kanzure<form id="AY01S010KijiSearch" name="AY01S010KijiSearch" action="/AY01S010KijiSearch" method="POST">15:37
@fenn"In this study, the effect of weak magnetic field (about 0.0005 T) on freezing process of several kinds of foods was investigated by using a specially designed freezer facilitated with magnetic field generator. "15:37
@fennbut the patent says "fields of between 1 and 20000 G" which is like 2T15:37
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ParahSail1nsome crazy eastern european gave a talk at a sens conference once about using magnets in cryonics16:12
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chris_99what for ParahSail1n?16:36
ParahSail1ncooling through a quantum physical chemistry effect16:37
chris_99oh is it the magnetocaloric effect16:37
chris_99that sounds really interesting16:38
ParahSail1nyou need crazy teslas to do that16:38
ParahSail1n1 T per .1 C16:38
chris_99heh, so not esp. practical16:38
chris_99don't you need a rare-ish metal too16:39
ParahSail1nyou need a superconducting magnet of some sort16:39
chris_99according to wiki they use a Gadolinium alloy in the field16:39
chris_99whatever that is16:40
ParahSail1nmagnetocaloric effect is only really useful for going super cryogenic temperatures, like below he bp16:40
ParahSail1nbecause .1 C is a lot bigger if you're at 4K16:40
@fennthe idea is just to prevent ice crystals from forming while you supercool the sample16:44
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nmz787ParahSail1n: I'd think the japanese nanodrop ripoff would be better than a chinese ripoff18:58
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ParahSail1nnmz787, i dunno19:11
ParahSail1nwhere's the jp one?19:12
nmz787the jap one says it can do a full UV Vis spec19:13
nmz787while that chinese one only specifies 260 280 and i think one other19:13
ParahSail1nany idea on price?19:13
nmz787though it says it uses a xenon flash19:14
nmz787so i imagine the chinese one is simply using filters and photodiodes19:14
nmz787rather than a grating and linear/2d array19:14
nmz787no idea, i emailed them twice with no response19:15
nmz78710/2011 and 7/2012 with no response19:15
ParahSail1nno good at all if you can't buy it19:19
nmz787i've had some no reply alibaba inquiries too19:22
nmz787i imagine they don't respond due to IP/licensing19:22
ParahSail1nill keep you posted on this guanzhou outfit19:23
Juulkanzure, what's that?19:45
@kanzureopensourceecology's worst nightmare... technical documentation about their projects. in particular some cad files.19:45
Juuli'm part of a group who've been trying to build the CEB press19:46
@kanzureYEP applying some of that "evil computer magic"19:46
Juulwho did this?19:46
Juuli am familiar with the suck that is OSE documentation19:46
@kanzureUS STRATCOM did this or something19:46
@kanzurestarseeker is part of the US military.. dunno where he's stationed.19:46
@kanzureyeah i just wish i could convince OSE to seriously invest in CAD, file formats, and not "endless pages of wiki text"...19:47
Juulwe've found several bugs in their documentation so far19:47
Juuland apparently the entire crew ragequit19:47
nmz787he's done some tanks it looks like19:48
@kanzuredid you see the conversation with matt maier the other week?19:48
Juulkanzure, no19:48
nmz787and has got the ISS there19:48
@kanzureJuul: http://gnusha.org/logs/2013-03-26.log19:48
@kanzureJuul: check out some of the text near "On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 11:50 PM, Matt Maier <blueback09@gmail.com> wrote"19:49
@kanzurebasically they admitted that they have no plans whatsoever and that they have no engineering process..19:49
Juulyeah, that's what we've gathered after reading through the mailing list trying to find a consistent set of documentation19:50
@kanzurebecause fuck engineering, i guess19:51
@kanzureor.. something..19:51
nmz787kanzure: what is this http://brlcad.org/~starseeker/opennurbs/19:52
ParahSail1ntrying to build a CEB press eh?19:53
ParahSail1ntheir documentation is really that bad?19:54
@kanzurenmz787: opennurbs is a library from rhino. brlcad uses opennurbs in a number of places in their infrastructure.19:55
@kanzurenmz787: opennurbs has two versions. one is open source and freely licensed, but it has a number of important functions and algorithms disabled. the other is a commercial license.19:55
Juulit's scattered and there buggy, but the worst part is that there are several versions of the documentation and each version is only available in some formats, some of it is available as technical drawings but the newest version is only in an STL version, and it's never clear which version you're looking at or what is the newest "stable" version19:56
@kanzureis there a development repository?19:57
@kanzurealso, jonathan cline just posted a good overview of tecan's security measures:19:58
@kanzure"Tecan's software on Windows passes an authentication key to the robot hardware in order to allow 3rd party software to send the robot commands.  Otherwise, only Tecan's own software can send the robot any commands.  [*But see Note below]  If the Windows box does not have the authentication key, then the Tecan software doesn't allow 3rd party software any method to send commands to the robot.   Tecan does this to enforce royalties or ...19:58
@kanzure... licensing or other typical biz practices.  The hardware isn't really "open" unless you buy the key [*But see Note below]."19:58
@kanzure"Without the dongle, it was possible to run Tecan's own version of Gemini (PC software) to control the Genesis Robot. Other LIMS system software is 3rd party though, so might require the dongle.  Maybe for the Freedom, Tecan tightened up the controls."19:58
@kanzure"Certainly with the newer USB robots (no longer serial bus controlled), the robot makers are keeping the communications under tighter control.  I approached a couple companies as a 3rd party developer and they immediately requested signing NDA before any details of their robot would be provided.  Part of the NDA restricted any open source release of info, too.   They're trying to protect their turf more than in the past.   (Cavro became ad ...19:58
@kanzure... hoc industry standard for a while, so details were much more was open, and also the devices were simpler/dumber, so command formats were also simple.)"19:58
@kanzure"[*Note] - it is possible to send commands directly to some of Tecan's robots by using raw serial or CAN bus protocol.  The commands are documented in my open source Bio Robotics software (free for the taking).   This requires some low level computer knowledge.  For example, a USB-to-serial or USB-to-CAN bus converter could drive the robot directly from any host, if the correct communications protocol is used (simple header for device ...19:58
@kanzure... address, etc, if I remember right)."19:58
@kanzure"The cost of the key is something around $3000 +/- or at least that was the price when I saw a purchase order for one."19:58
nmz787well the price of an FTDI cable is <$2020:00
nmz787an can do USB to SPI, prob CAN too20:01
Juulthere seems to be no official repository for OSE, just a wiki with uploaded files20:01
@kanzurei wish OSE took itself more seriously :|20:02
@kanzurehey what was that biofab announcement the other day20:03
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Juuli don't know man, i haven't talked to drew for a while20:06
Juuli think he's been redefining what biofab is20:06
ParahSail1nthe optimist would hope that maybe the ose people are just too busy building stuff to upload schematics20:07
@kanzureaccording to http://gnusha.org/logs/2013-03-26.log they don't even believe in schematics20:07
Juulfrom what i've heard there are no-one on-site building anything now20:07
ParahSail1nnmz787, guangzhou lab outfit replied20:11
@kanzureParahSail1n: can you hook us up with cheap chinese lab equipment20:12
ParahSail1nthey said they cannot sell to the us, but i have family in guangzhou20:12
@kanzurei haven't seen anyone talking about how cheap the chinese can go on their science trash20:12
ParahSail1nin my response i said i was based in sg20:12
ParahSail1nthat shop has thermocyclers too20:13
ParahSail1ntheres absolutely no way i would do wetlab work without nanodrop20:14
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ParahSail1nthe nano is 6k20:22
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ParahSail1nnot cheap, but significant discount from the fisher one20:29
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ParahSail1ngradient thermocyclers 1800 and 250020:33
ParahSail1ni bet it wouldnt be that hard to resell these nanodrops20:43
@kanzurei think fisher nanodrop is 20k21:15
ParahSail1nit seems like its 10k21:20
ParahSail1nim just at least jmil will be needing one21:20
@kanzureyeah isn't now about the time when jmil is drafting his nih career grant thing for buying up lab equipment?21:21
@kanzuremaybe we should start suggesting toys for him21:21
ParahSail1ni bet i could sell 10 of them at the brc, rice, baylor, and md anderson21:21
@kanzuredo you want to?21:22
ParahSail1nits a prospect i will look into21:22
ParahSail1ni think for what that sort of spec does, it would be hard to open source make that for much less than 6k21:23
@kanzureopen source doesn't have to be cheaper, unless you're trying to get people to buy it21:24
ParahSail1nill for sure do an order of the nanospec, thermocycler, shakers, and analytical balance21:24
ParahSail1nless sure about resale21:25
ParahSail1nthe "lite" version that a&e sells might also be one that labs would buy21:27
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@kanzure"The key used with the older Tecan's are the typical old-school "parallel port security dongle" which has a serial number or something similar, which matches the hardware.  In the simplest cases the dongle internally is just a set of jumpers which hardwires the parallel port IO's to a fixed value (tied to vcc or gnd).  Or it could be an EPROM.  A hacker here emailed me the dump and instructions for the Tecan dongle a while back and reportedly ...21:58
@kanzure... got a clone working.   These parallel hardware-dongle keys used to be pretty common for different types of server software.  Nowadays companies use USB dongles for software-license-control, these are a bit more involved crypto-wise yet still pretty simple and I'm sure there are cloners out there.   (Cloners or crackers are not appropriate for a commercial installation though.)"21:58
@kanzure"When the dongle is installed, Tecan windows software allows 3rd party software to pass commands through a windows shared pipe (filename \\.\\pipe or similar) -- this is in my source code.  If the dongle is not installed, this windows pipe doesn't exist, so the user is stuck -- unless customized (but not difficult) hardware is used to pass the serial commands directly to the hardware, without Tecan in the middle.   For example, the typical ...21:59
@kanzure... Bio guy writes MS Visual Basic (yuck!) which writes commands through Tecan's command pipe, to the robot."21:59
@kanzure"So, the dongle is required if using Tecan software in an out-of-the-box configuration with 3rd party software like mine, where Tecan windows software requires being the "man in the middle" for all the robot commands."21:59
@kanzure"The better method is to send the commands directly to the robot with a USB-to-serial device.  For my Perl Robotics::Tecan software to work with such a setup, it would be a straightforward change to write to the correct device and prepend the comm byte header.  (Or similar.)    This isn't implemented right now though since I always used a PC with the dongle, and most labs do too."21:59
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yoleauxSimpsons - grad students - YouTube23:12
rigelgod dammit23:21
rigelthere are so many fucking books i need to read23:21
rigeli need to figure out how to get paid for this shit23:21
@kanzureyou could always sell your soul and go work for drchrono23:28
rigelwho what23:39
@kanzurerandom emr outfit23:40
rigeloh. i actually know someone who works there23:41
rigeli think23:41
@kanzurethere's a lot of them. but it seems a hard space because docs aren't always pro-computer anyway.23:41
rigelwe are going to have 20 years of docs accustomed to Epic now, before we have any FOSS stuff in that space i think23:42
rigelthough maybe the VA's OSEHRA program will change that earlier23:42
rigelEpic is a gigantic turd on a stick23:43
rigela lot of people are going to die because we decided we wanted to give a subsidy to the AMA and proprietary software for recordkeeping23:43
rigelsacrifices to the gods of the Free Market23:44
--- Log closed Sat Apr 27 00:00:09 2013

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