
--- Log opened Wed May 08 00:00:20 2013
-!- klafka [~klafka@c-67-174-253-229.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]00:11
@kanzurecool, a legitimately alright article on lesswrong http://lesswrong.com/lw/z0/the_pascals_wager_fallacy_fallacy/00:58
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@kanzurerandom_dude: hi09:49
random_dudekanzure: yes09:52
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delinquentmekanzure, you mining bitcoins?10:10
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@kanzure"For that matter, people on Death Row might sell you their DNA for cigarette money."10:18
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delinquentmekanzure, you're looking for cheap public open DNA data sources?10:21
delinquentmealso do you know who is currently shipping bitcoin miners?10:21
@kanzureno, it' just a curious idea.10:21
@kanzureno, go ask the butterflyface people or whoever.10:21
-!- ElixirVitae is now known as Shehrazad10:21
-!- Shehrazad is now known as ElixirVitae10:21
@kanzurehah diybio is getting lamer by the minute. yesterday it was "you can't perform science without academic credentials" and today it's "you can't do biology without licenses".. why are these people even involved in diybio projects if they don't actually agree with the concept of not caring about those things.10:23
bkeroto submarine it10:24
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@kanzurei think submarine attacks have to be more subtle10:25
ParahSailinlicenses now?10:25
@kanzureParahSailin: ". You need to get licensed to hold human cells, you need all the paperwork to prove that the people the samples came from consented to every possible thing you might do with them (as does anyone who gets those samples from you) and god help you if someone sends in DNA that's not their own."10:25
@kanzure"Avoid human genetic testing unless you're prepared for an ethical minefield;10:26
@kanzureyou can be on the hook for telling someone a truth they didn't want to hear.10:26
@kanzureEven worse is when you learn something that you're not sure they do or do not10:26
@kanzurewant to hear, and even presenting the choice to them after the fact might be10:26
@kanzure"distressing", and grounds for a legal case."10:26
@kanzurei wish everything wasn't so disappointing.10:26
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bkerocitation needed for an actual conviction for distressing someone in this manner10:27
@kanzurealso, i can't figure out what this guy is talking about:10:27
@kanzure"What I mean is: ord(data[31]) >> 4 means the the top 4 bits in the byte are the 4 low bits of gyroX we are looking for: XXXX____."10:28
@kanzurehe is talking about the top 4 bits, but then is talking about the lower 4 bits.. i don't understand which one he is talking about.10:28
ielokanzure, how are you10:28
@kanzureielo: who are you?10:28
ieloim just a random, i come here and mostly lurk for about 3 years, i read the things you say on this channel10:29
ieloi used to use the nick lumos10:29
ParahSailindidnt know the arsenic in rice came from arsenic in the manure of livestock fed arsenic10:30
@kanzurei remember lumos was in here on 2011-06-25 writing lots of spam10:30
@kanzurean elephant never forgets10:30
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ielokanzure did you check logs10:31
ieloor do you really remember that10:31
@kanzurei stalk all spammers10:31
@kanzurei have an intricate stalking system10:31
ielowhat was i spamming10:31
@kanzureat the moment it has 65,997 entries10:31
@kanzureoh, i don't actually care about that. i just know that i don't like you.10:32
@kanzureand something about ngrams10:32
ieloso you dislike me because i spammed once10:32
@kanzurethat is a very accurate statement10:33
ielothats kind of extreme10:33
ieloi mean maybe i was spamming because i was anxious10:33
ieloor because i needed help10:33
@kanzurealso because that conversation with fenn looked more like you bugging him; i have no idea what that was about.10:33
@kanzurebut in general you shouldn't assume that people will just not remember things10:34
@kanzureoh wait that guy means 0x0F not 0xFF10:34
@kanzurethat makes way more sense10:34
-!- toiletexplosion is now known as AshleyWaffle10:46
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ParahSailinlol http://gnusha.org/logs/2011-06-25.log10:59
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@kanzureParahSailin: ah i didn't even bother to check11:03
@kanzurefenn: who is that11:03
ParahSailinyou remembered the date he said something without checking logs?11:03
delinquentmei find it hard to believe we dont have crazy bitcoin kids here11:04
ParahSailinthere's a channel on this network for bitcoin i think, but i can't think of what it might be called11:05
ParahSailin#notbitcoin perhaps?11:05
ParahSailinno, that's not right, maybe #bitcoin11:06
@kanzuredelinquentme: they are all in #bitcoin and #bitcoin-dev11:06
@kanzurecrazy bitcoin people are pretty lame; they all the same ideas. "ASICS!!!"11:06
@kanzureexcept they can't design sha-computing asics worth a damn.11:06
@kanzure*they all have the same ideas11:07
ParahSailinhey, its not like you need more than one person who can design an asic11:07
@kanzuresure you do11:07
@kanzureplus, your design can change significantly depending on what you are trying to do11:07
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ParahSailinyou need as many people as you have millions of dollars to commission an asic run on a foundry11:07
@kanzurei.e.. cards that go into pci slots? something that goes on a custom power supply?11:08
@kanzureno you don't need millions to do foundry runs for asics -_-11:08
@kanzureyou need about $3k11:08
ParahSailin5um process maybe11:08
-!- augur [~augur@129-2-129-34.wireless.umd.edu] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]11:10
ParahSailinyeah im looking on there11:11
@kanzureoh and smaller11:11
@kanzurewhy are they using "mic" to mean "micron" wtf11:12
@kanzurethey use "nm" for "nanometer"11:12
delinquentmeOOO kanzure so this is a page talking about the fab which we can handle?11:14
delinquentmederp I mean costs and feature sizes?11:14
delinquentmeI wonder what simple cell manipulations could be handled on-chip11:14
ParahSailintheir actual runs came out on the order of millions https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=95762.011:17
@kanzureoh, the butterflymonster people? yeah probably.11:18
ParahSailinstuff isnt cheap11:19
ParahSailinspeculation on gate count https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=108243.011:20
ParahSailintalkign 100 mm^2 dies11:21
ParahSailinwhat is your spam stalking system?11:23
@kanzureParahSailin: http://quantifiedself.com/2011/08/bryan-bishop-on-meetlog/11:30
ParahSailinah, i remember meetlog11:31
@kanzureeventually i will do a writeup of various types of results from this data11:32
@kanzurei would say that the biggest value i regularly get out of it is detecting people that show up "once in a while", like someone from 2009 that talked with me about a particular subject only saying hello 4 years later, it's really handy.11:33
ParahSailinhow do you have it implemented11:36
@kanzuregiant yaml files then lots of python to dump the data into sqlite for querying11:36
@kanzureyaml files are under version control11:37
ParahSailini mean what interface, you have desktop and mobile apps, or is it web based11:38
@kanzurei used to have a gmail plugin, android app, and pidgin (im) plugin, but versions change and compatibility broke and i just stopped caring11:39
@kanzureso i just put in entries by hand11:39
@kanzureas in, i write yaml- mostly this means tags (what was talked about), comments/notes, names/identities/ip addresses/email addresses/phone numbers, how long (especially if it was a phone call)11:40
@kanzuresometimes i include links that were exchanged or relevant, but i sort of don't because i already have a bookmarking system anyway...11:41
ParahSailini think i need a better "bookmarking" system11:42
@kanzurepinboard.in is supposed to be okay11:43
ParahSailinwhat do you use?11:43
@kanzureflat files11:43
ParahSailintags and such per url?11:44
@kanzurei used to use firefox's html format, then opera's bookmarking system until the file got corrupted (it was multiple megabytes and i guess it had a bug maybe), then i switched to not caring, then flat files and sprinkling url.txt files around on my hard drive to indicate where i got these files from.11:44
@kanzurenot even tags11:44
ParahSailintaxonomy and titles per url?11:45
@kanzureyeah there was an elaborate taxonomy. i think i stole most of it from superkuh.11:45
@kanzurewhich is ironic because superkuh lost everything in the raid and asked for a copy.11:45
* superkuh nods.11:46
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superkuhI was very grateful for the backup.11:46
@kanzurebookmarking sucks11:46
ParahSailinyou were probably faster than me getting to that cmp asic page, because my route getting to there was the google query to get to the stackoverflow page that i originally found the page through11:47
ParahSailini need a better system, but havent really gotten around to it, because i never seem to have a year to year stable machine11:47
@kanzurethe other problem with bookmarking is that pages go poof, so i was thinking (a few years ago) to just run everything through squid proxy to cache pages11:48
@kanzurehistorio.us is supposed to do that, but it's really not built for people who have more than 10,000 bookmarks11:48
@kanzurei think something like pinboard.in plus local backups plus local clients would possibly work, especially if i can add bookmarks from my shell with tags without having to mouse some gui things or load new web pages11:50
@kanzurethe problem with firefox's bookmark manager was that after a few thousand bookmarks it would become unbearably slow to search through11:50
superkuhOpera's bookmark system simply fails after 10k.11:53
superkuhThe entire browser becomes unusable.11:53
bkerokanzure: You're hitting the limits of sqlite.11:53
bkeroYou might have luck transitioning to a real database or use PICL.11:53
ParahSailinthat can't be the limits of sqlite11:53
@kanzurebkero: that might have been before firefox was using sqlite for bookmarks11:54
ParahSailini've done ncbi taxonomy database on sqlite11:54
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@kanzurealso something that could be used in multiple browsers or from a phone would be nice, in case i have a lapse of judgement and want to use a different client12:15
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delinquentmeso for DNA nanomachine12:20
delinquentmelike sequence based ones12:20
delinquentmewe're putting in novel DNA ... the organisms is going to begin expressing that modification12:20
delinquentmeand the the "nanomachinery" part12:21
delinquentmeis handled strictly in translation12:21
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delinquentmealso does anyone have a solid replacement for google reader?12:22
@kanzurerss2email. kongregate.12:22
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superkuhI use RSSOwl.12:24
delinquentmeurl on kongregate? ... search is useless12:24
@kanzuresudo apt-get install kongregate12:24
ParahSailinkongregate sounds like kde something12:24
delinquentmefiguring out ways to amp brain power / spread is a real thing12:27
delinquentmeI think im starting to get the idea behind the CEO thing12:28
delinquentmebc really I just want something that I can add more RSS feeds to which allowe me to read them on this android app press12:28
@kanzure"CEO thing" ?12:28
delinquentmeyeah like the value that they can provide is best in managing people12:29
delinquentmeit (might ) be trending to less12:30
delinquentmebut like managing people effffff12:30
delinquentmethick shit12:30
@kanzureyou are not completing your sentences again12:30
delinquentmeanyways I gotta relocate ... kanzure chat later on the hello world of dna nanofolding :P?12:30
@kanzuretake some time to type out what you actually mean to say12:30
delinquentmekanzure, I mean to say that in noticing the need to amplify the spread of ones mental computational power ... its really awesome to pawn tasks off on other people12:31
@kanzurebut we were talking about rss12:31
delinquentmebut I wonder about that trend when code / computation / some shit like NN is incorporated12:31
ParahSailinwhat can we task delinquentme to do12:31
delinquentmeyeah its what spurred the discussion :D12:31
delinquentmeParahSailin, I wanna transfect and make purple moss12:32
delinquentmehow do12:32
delinquentmeohhh damn.12:32
ParahSailinno thats not your task12:32
delinquentmea dogs pissing on my bike.12:32
delinquentmeOK TOODULS!12:33
delinquentmeoff to feed le flesh boat12:33
-!- delinquentme [~asdfasdf@64-13-15-38.eug.clearwire-dns.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving]12:33
ParahSailinoff his meds i guess12:33
@kanzurei have no idea what that guy is talking about12:33
@kanzureceo of dna nano rss folding12:33
@kanzure"In addition to the free features listed above, Pinboard offers a bookmark archiving service for an annual fee of $25. The site will crawl and store a copy of every bookmark in your account, and display a special icon you can click to see the cached copy:"12:38
@kanzurethis seems to only do searching https://github.com/badboy/pinboard-cli12:40
@kanzureah i guess i could write a suitable tool around https://github.com/mgan59/python-pinboard/blob/master/pinboard.py12:43
brownieswhat are you trying to do kanzure?12:43
@kanzurebut "You can set up Pinboard to automatically sync your links from a number of outside services, including Pocket, Delicious, Twitter, Readability and Instapaper." why not just sync to my browser?12:43
superkuhCreate a local cache/mirror of bookmarks.12:43
superkuh(+he is trying to)12:44
@kanzurei'm okay with using a third-party service as long as it also stores a local copy. also i don't understand why it wouldn't have a hook into firefox or chrome or whatever.12:44
browniessync to your browser?12:45
browniesthey have a bookmarklet, if that's what you mean12:45
@kanzureno. that is not syncing.12:45
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@kanzurei suppose browser sync isn't that important. i really just need a shell command.12:46
@kanzureideally the command line syntax would be something like "url https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Firefox_Sync mozilla firefox firefox-sync documentation mdn bookmarking"12:47
@kanzureand then it would fetch a copy and get the <title> or <meta name="description">12:48
@kanzureoh also it should be able to detect a taxonomy like "url http://.... mozilla firefox firefox-sync browsers.firefox.sync" so that i don't have to manually bookmark multiple times into different categories (because, to be honest, i don't completely trust tagging)12:49
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@kanzure12:33 <delinquentme> hey just realized i dont have your ... if you want me to have your contact info :P13:09
@kanzureerm.. i edited that wrong13:09
@kanzure12:33 <delinquentme> hey just realized i dont have your #... if you want me to have your contact info :P13:09
@kanzurehow is that possible. it's on every one of my emails for the past 9 years.13:09
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ParahSailini think delinquent's credit for a single useful act has run dry13:24
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superkuhpaperbot: http://iopscience.iop.org/0004-637X/769/2/96/pdf/0004-637X_769_2_96.pdf14:32
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/50bdf6f975a24991460e893c1c6c25ba.txt14:32
superkuhpaperbot: http://iopscience.iop.org/0004-637X/769/2/9614:33
paperbotHTTP 403 http://iopscience.iop.org/0004-637X/769/2/96/pdf/0004-637X_769_2_96.pdf14:33
superkuhIt was on axiv anyway.14:36
superkuhEr, arxiv.14:36
superkuhI forgot to check.14:36
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ParahSail1ninteresting http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-2235551518:06
ParahSail1npaperbot, http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2013/04/24/1301474110.abstract18:06
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Ash%20from%20the%20Toba%20supereruption%20in%20Lake%20Malawi%20shows%20no%20volcanic%20winter%20in%20East%20Africa%20at%2075%20ka.pdf18:06
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@kanzureheh two-factor authentication phishing attacks18:35
@kanzurehttp://wikileaks.org/Transcript-Meeting-Assange-Schmidt.html assange/schmidt interview18:38
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ParahSail1njmil, you do any molecular work?19:15
jmilsure, what kind you looking for? i also do hydrogel molecular engineering19:15
ParahSail1nis a nanodrop going to be part of your startup grant equipment spending?19:16
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ParahSail1npaperbot, http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/Determine_Quantity.cfm?nber_id=w1899220:05
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/f89618126a0b44f2116d90403e300ddc.txt20:05
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klafkaman i wonder how much longer till good cheap 3d printers become available21:08
klafkado they have neon filament colors yet21:10
klafkaor uv reactive ones21:10
klafkayes there is21:13
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paskyklafka: alternatively, how long till cheap 3d printers become good ;)21:42
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klafkawell you could say there are no cheap 3d printers21:42
paskyso what's cheap?21:42
klafka100 bucks!21:44
bkeroYou could make one for 100 bucks21:45
bkeroif you put effort into it21:45
bkero3d printed parts are ~ $40 in material if you find someone generous enough to print some for you, then $60 in electronics/non-printable hardware21:46
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