
--- Log opened Wed Jun 26 00:00:07 2013
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kanzurewhat sort of sdr toys should i get?06:59
kanzurealso maybe i should get an aircrack-compatible thing07:00
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ParahSai1inwhen is latest goog aapl lawsuit reaching verdict?08:44
kanzureask #startups08:48
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kanzurei guess crw didn't like it here09:00
kanzureor he finished catching up on email09:01
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kanzurechris_99: http://www.embecosm.com/2013/06/26/preparing-for-parallella-sunday-21st-july-2013-bletchley-uk/09:48
kanzurecrw: welcome back09:48
ParahSai1inah goodie, i hope i have time to play with mine10:07
archelsHas anyone here ever messed around with tDCS or tACS?10:14
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archelsIf yes, have you ever seen phosphenes?10:14
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crwkanzure: thanks :) sorry, stepped out for a late breakfast10:40
gradstudentbotMy parents keep asking when I'm going to finish.10:42
chris_99ooh cheers kanzure looks interesting (the parallela thing)10:45
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kanzurearchels: i think there's at least one person who has seen phosphenes in here12:02
archelskanzure: I listened to an interesting talk from a guy from Rutgers today. He claimed that these phosphenes originate in the retina, even if the electrodes are positioned over visual/posterior areas12:48
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kanzurearchels: i find it hard to believe that stimulating the visual cortex layers would not cause visual artifacts13:38
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kanzurejonathan__: hi16:12
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jonathan__what's the stanford syn bio lab up to these days?18:13
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kanzurejonathan__: no idea18:39
-!- yashgaroth [~ffffff@cpe-66-27-118-94.san.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap18:39
kanzureyashgaroth: hi18:39
kanzureklafka: are you back in the bay area?18:39
jonathan__drew lab still working on biobricks as far as I know18:40
jonathan__or at least, their version of biobricks which work, as opposed to the normal one18:40
kanzurewhen Juul shows up in here you should ask him18:42
kanzuresince he works for drew18:42
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kanzurejonathan__: dunno if you saw my last two messages, http://gnusha.org/logs/2013-06-26.log18:48
klafkakanzure:  yeah18:54
jonathan__oh, ok18:56
jonathan__the carlsbad lab has some interesting things going on19:01
jonathan__today there were 8 or 9 police squad cars with K9 unit outside19:01
jonathan__Gotta wonder what those dogs were sniffing for19:01
yashgarothlike, directly outside? they like to do training around there19:02
yashgarothor someone tipped them off to my massive grow op inside19:02
kanzurei dunno why smugglers don't use drug dogs more often. you can have a dog run a test over your car. wont work for false-negatives, but at least you would be able to optimize the case of the police using drug dogs.19:02
gradstudentbotThat's the control group, right?19:02
kanzure.botsnack +419:03
jonathan__because the dogs are corrupt and some studies show that the cops are directing the dogs to give false-positives?19:03
jonathan__yes directly outside, surrounding the building19:03
kanzureno, as a drug smuggler you would want your car to pass or something, so you would run drug dogs against your car for a test, and my point about false-negatives was that the dogs might not be well-trained enough, which doesn't tell you whether or not your car passed.19:04
jonathan__well drug smuggling ops just assume that a certain % will get captured anyway, the cost of doing business, so no need to bother with that.  plenty of profits from what gets thru.19:05
yashgarothdid you like go by to feed your kombucha and saw the cops and just u-turned back onto faraday?19:05
jonathan__my kombucha is probably dead, I cant believe no one can keep the lab open19:06
jonathan__and this nonworking operation about the keys, wth19:07
jonathan__I give it 2 more weeks then I'm abandoning the whole thing on account of the mismanagement19:07
jonathan__it's been several months and they could have charged $50 a month for people by now, with temporary agreements19:08
kanzuresee, you have the opposite reaction of jojack19:08
kanzureyour reaction is to call it quits19:08
jonathan__yet compaining there's no money in the till19:08
kanzurejojack's reaction is to stick with it for 10 years while complaining19:08
jonathan__my reaction is to go elsewhere19:08
browniesis this that biospace?19:08
browniesor whatever it's called19:08
browniesThe Place That Had No Customers19:08
kanzurei think membership fees is the wrong structure19:08
browniesAnd Didn't Know How To Price Anything19:09
gradstudentbotNo, you can't borrow my pipette.19:09
jonathan__sure, membership fees are the wrong structire long term19:09
kanzurehow about this: i pay for my own lab, and then i use it.19:09
kanzureit seems really simple to me19:09
jonathan__short term, they could be colleting cash, to use for actually buying a bench or two or whatever generic supplies19:09
jonathan__the idea is to share equip and reagent cost. simple idea.19:09
jonathan__I believe they could have had real experiments running by now19:10
jonathan__sure, a bunch of random hacker experiments19:10
jonathan__at least it would be used for something, then later with real contracts, kick the hackers out and start from the foundation19:10
jonathan__it's called:  startup19:10
jonathan__i've never been at a startup where people "leave early cause I've been here all day"19:11
jonathan__dude, at a startup, YOU'RE THERE ALL DAY  lol19:11
kanzurei am presently being paid by a startup and i leave exactly at 8 hours19:11
jonathan__you're a contractor, you're supposed to work per bill19:11
jonathan__those with equity are assumed to work like dogs, for the payoff19:12
klafkai left early today at my startup19:12
kanzurenot in a healthy relationship19:12
kanzuremost people understand that the equity is worthless19:12
klafkajonathan__:  have you worked at a startup? all the ones I've been to have been pretty reasonable by and large19:12
jonathan__it depends19:12
klafkaexcept when shit breaks down19:12
jonathan__I ahve worked at several startups19:13
klafkait seems like the 'omg work 20hrs a day drink mt dew and eat ramen' startups are all like yc startups that have like 5 people19:13
jonathan__if you dont meet the deadline, company is dead, period, there's no "well I'll do that tomorrow"19:13
kanzurein general, startups can't work you raw anymore because they know you have options when it comes to your employment19:14
kanzurealso, the chances are good that you started your own company anyway, so it doesn't matter19:14
klafkakanzure:  are you in the bay now19:15
jonathan__there's a difference between normal employees and hungry employees.19:15
kanzureanyway, the point is that you should leave if you are being manpussied into working 14 hour days19:15
kanzureklafka: yeah, i'm in san jose for another week or something19:15
klafkaoh cool!19:15
klafkaare you going to get up to sf?19:15
kanzurei think i already was and you missed it19:16
kanzuremaybe i will go again19:16
jonathan__I'd guess that the startups you guys have seen are really diluted equity.  not like 2-5% share19:18
jonathan__.01% of ownership is not real ownership19:19
jonathan__also I guess acquisition market is mostly dead so probably doesnt matter19:19
kanzuresure 2% approaches where actual work is reasonable19:19
klafkalike all the startups i've ever been at have given me like a couple basis points19:20
kanzurebut you don't see that sort of equity offer often, even employee #1 is lucky to see 3%19:20
kanzure(which is dumb)19:20
heathwhat has happened to seqify19:23
heaththey were up just a few months ago19:23
klafkajonathan__:  when were you seeing that out of curiosity?19:23
klafkalike in the last bubble?19:23
jonathan__couple years ago when joining semi company just prior to ipo, 90% of engineer staff was expected to work >10 hrs a day, average was probably around 12-13 hrs per day, tho in this company, it was obviously H1B abuse of immigrants19:25
jonathan__that means:  get to office at 9am, work until 1030pm,  1 hr lunch and 30 min dinner19:26
jonathan__one engineer was known for working to 1am regularly19:27
klafkai would be like f that19:27
klafkathe worst i had i was doing support engineering at my last place and it was super understaffedand we were expected to work on weekends some and i told them i wouldn't19:28
klafkaand i sometimes put in 10hr days19:28
kanzurejonathan__: there's no reason to work those hours. at all. unless they are paying you 3-4x market rate, maybe..19:28
jonathan__most startups have lower salaries, not higher19:29
kanzurethat doesn't mean you should accept lower salaries19:29
klafkathey may have lower salaries than like goog/fb/twitter19:30
klafkabut they have pretty decent salaries19:30
gradstudentbotYeah, I'm a 4th year. No wait, I'm a 6th year.19:30
jonathan__the basic rule is this:   let the people who get the job done, get the job done.  i.e. get out of their way19:30
jonathan__google has lower salaries, or had, from what I understood19:31
klafkawell i guess i only have glassdoor and hn to go on19:31
klafkabut it seems like they get quite well compensated19:31
kanzuregoogle pays significantly more according to my pile of anecdotal data that i got a few weeks ago19:31
jonathan__i dont think the reporting on those sites is accurate....19:31
klafkayah people were saying like 250k regularly for google19:31
kanzureyeah, glassdoor reports lower salaries for google19:32
kanzurebut that could be anyone working for google-- college grads, etc.19:32
kanzure*fresh college grads19:32
jonathan__ok so right now I make 120k.  when I got that, the recruiter had a hard time finding anything above it.19:32
kanzurewhen did you get it?19:32
jonathan__I heard one company might consider 150k in LA, for some medical comapny, as the sole software engineer, i.e. owner of all linux stuff19:32
kanzuredude btw you can make way the fuck more than that, just in terms of your output19:32
jonathan__2 years ago19:33
kanzure2 years the market was pretty hot.. well, for software.19:33
jonathan__I hear qualcomm is offering more now19:33
kanzurestrangely, i heard the same thing. but i heard it in a small town in the middle of nowhere in texas, so i wrote it off as maybe false.19:34
jonathan__tough to get people to state their numbers but one friend who was doing hiring said he was trying to compete with some companies (ie qualcomm) offering 140k-150k but that also included niche like security clearance maybe19:34
kanzuresomeone was working at qualcomm for the first time, some college student. anyway..19:34
kanzurequalcomm requires security clearances?19:34
kanzureoh, nevermind. i see.19:34
jonathan__I didnt get the details.  it's possible.19:34
kanzureyou had prior employment, right?19:35
-!- rk[xp] is now known as ryankarason19:35
jonathan__what I see in reality is this:  some guys get projects at high salaries but dont work full time for full year so in reality their annual rate is lower.19:35
kanzure(i can't remember)19:35
jonathan__I had one acquaintance claim he was making $220k19:36
jonathan__drill deeper into the facts and turns out he only worked 4 mos for that year.  so ... totally false measure.19:36
bkeroNot completely unheard of19:36
kanzuredoing embedded?19:36
kanzurewhat's wrong with making $220k in 4 months?19:36
kanzureyou have very high standards!19:36
bkeroOh, I was assuming $220k in a year.19:36
jonathan__nothing wrong with it, it's great, but when filling a survey or bragging, the comparative measure is vs. full year, not "big chunk in short time"19:37
jonathan__So in reality he was making what. less than $120k per year.19:37
jonathan__i.e. he couldnt fill subsequent contracts at $220k so was unemployed.19:37
jonathan__nothing wrong with that.  just false statistics.19:38
kanzureso, i'm not completely up on the hardware market, but in the software market if you have more than 2 years of experience it's easy to nail more than 120k.19:38
kanzurethe downside is that you would be working with things like ruby, perl, objective c, or even javascript19:39
jonathan__cool, new announcement for carlsbad lab: "We are in the lab every day now and hope you can join us in shifts to assist in the final set up needed before the unveiling event July 12th.  "19:39
kanzuredo you have a key?19:39
kanzureworst space ever19:40
jonathan__I have not taken the extra effort to figure out how to get one19:40
jonathan__i.e., if it were a real space I wouldn't have to reverse engineer access.19:40
kanzurejust upload an image of a key here http://shloosl.com/19:41
kanzure(yes i'm lame and don't pick all my locks..)19:41
jonathan__well it's not a house key - it's a business door key19:41
kanzureeasier than writing a script to copy a key yourself19:41
jonathan__the service may or may not handle that19:41
kanzurei mean, the imaging stuff19:41
jonathan__"why not just 3D print keys"19:42
kanzurei have zero experience with them. just fyi.19:42
jonathan__oh I know, cause those repraps dont really work for sh*19:42
yashgarothwhy not just 3d-print an entire lab19:42
kanzurethose repraps work for +- 1 cm tolerance i think19:42
jonathan__i'll 3d print YOUR MOM19:42
jonathan__looks like I'll have to get a high flyin job in palo alto and make the big buckz!19:43
yashgaroth"oh man we can't do meetings on the weekends, people have stuff going on...let's meet at 1 pm on a fucking weekday I'm sure no one's busy then"19:44
jonathan__yes you nailed it19:44
jonathan__never happen at a startup19:44
jonathan__the message would be:  "we are going to cram on saturday and expect you to be here"19:45
yashgarothwell usually at a startup people don't have other full-time jobs19:45
jonathan__sure they do!19:45
jonathan__at least before the co. is formed19:45
jonathan__that's the "incubate" part!19:45
yashgarothstartups also have equity and shit19:45
kanzurenah these days they want you on-site at the incubator. you know, for "physical presence" and "culture".19:46
jonathan__so could the lab.  it could easily draft a fake type of "equity" in terms of future lab hours19:46
jonathan__or lab space19:46
jonathan__and then completely steal it back later, as per normal business ethics19:46
kanzureyou mean "dilute"19:46
jonathan__yes in a word19:47
kanzurei think even glowing plant (for all of its problems) proves that by-project is better19:47
jonathan__well anyway there's plenty of ways to get around it.  yet current staff complains about no chump change money or this or that.19:47
yashgarothlike I get that they want a "no take backsies" clause on donated equipment b/c of babak, but if it all goes to shit I want my stuff back19:47
jonathan__that's the real topic of the day19:48
jonathan__what's the absolute easiest bio project with most glam appeal to rake in fake money on indie funding sites19:48
kanzuredifferent people have different tolerances of "going to shit", so that's problematic19:48
kanzurejonathan__: they dumped in $10k into that project on kickstarter the minute the project was posted. it was rigged.19:48
yashgaroththe money's real, the project can be as fake as you like...fuck it, glowing cats19:48
kanzure"look at our 'momentum'! $10k in 30 seconds, wow." etc19:49
jonathan__nah the project should be acheivable19:49
jonathan__so the scam can continue next time19:49
jonathan__why poison the well?19:50
yashgarothanything achievable has been done, pretty much19:50
kanzurewhy drink from the well? what if you just pay for your own projects.19:50
jonathan__pff, that's what they said about smart phones before iphone came out19:50
jonathan__hey $300k of free money is nothing to sneeze at19:50
yashgarothiphone didn't do anything new except be expensive and shiny, but yes you're right19:50
kanzureit did html apps at first19:51
kanzurewhich was, in fact, new19:51
jonathan__um without going into details, the iphone completely changed the market19:51
yashgarothgah fine whatever19:51
jonathan__not to mention unix in your pocket.  dude.19:51
jonathan__"HEY BABY, check out this unix... in my pocket.."19:51
jonathan__"wow, it's so.... SMALL"19:51
yashgaroththat's just the kernel, girl19:52
jonathan__"wait till you see my apps"19:52
jonathan__microsoft always pulls that stuff.  "we had a tablet first".   yea but no one bought it cause it was uber lame.19:53
gradstudentbotI am busy researching.19:53
yashgarothwe could do some hip new version of something, but it'd need to be 20 years old because patents19:53
jonathan__meanwhile, gradstudentbot has to go into the lab every 6 hrs to feed her adherent cells.19:53
gradstudentbotSomeone's sitting at my bench space.19:54
jonathan__ellington lab had some very simple novel stuff going on with rna19:54
jonathan__totally patentable, not 20 yrs old, and not so difficult technically speaking19:55
kanzurehow about a typical dna synthesis machine?19:55
yashgarothis it marketable to kickstarter suckers?19:55
kanzurenot a microfluidic dna synthesis device19:56
kanzurejust something that can be developed for 5-25k in parts19:56
kanzurei bet it would end up being less than 5k, of course19:56
yashgarothsurely you remember my warnings about LE and dna synthesis19:56
kanzurewhich LE19:56
yashgarothlaw enforcement, sorry19:57
jonathan__nothing microfluidic will get any nods from those who know19:57
kanzurei don't care about microfluidic (for the purposes of this conversation)19:57
jonathan__apparently no one is very interested in synthesis19:57
kanzurecambrian genomics seems interested19:57
kanzureit could be some plated/wells/arrays, or even just something more directly copied from an existing design19:58
kanzuree.g. reverse engineer something that works (buy some crap from ebay)19:58
jonathan__I bet cloning/growing extinct odd mammals would get great funding19:58
kanzuremost of the dna synthesizers on the market are actually from the 80s and 90s because nobody makes them anymore, not really.19:58
kanzureand the companies sued each other and cannibalized each other through mergers19:58
yashgaroththe oligo ladder method might work and doesn't need microfluidics, but that's a lot of r&d19:58
kanzurei'm not talking about anything that requires r&d19:59
kanzurewell, maybe development i guess19:59
kanzurei imagine it would take less than 5 bugfixing prototypes to make something that works19:59
yashgarothnot even prototypes, just different reaction conditions...oh and the 16,000 oligos you'd have to order19:59
kanzurewell, it wouldn't be from a library20:00
kanzuremodern dna synthesis machines don't necessarily work from a library20:00
kanzurei'm just talking the bare minimal stupid design of a dna synthesis machine20:00
yashgaroththat'd be some dude with a bunch of bottles20:00
kanzuresquirting phospholiquids into tubes and such20:00
kanzureit's not that many bottles. have you seen these machines?20:01
yashgaroth4 bases, wash, deprotect...yeah ok20:01
jonathan__I forgot to add to the salary discussion, an old coworker hinted I could get 150k if he hired me for firmware development.20:01
jonathan__bryan what's preventing others from building the same machine?20:02
kanzurenothing! why would i want to prevent that?20:02
jonathan__that means:  why isnt anyone else pursuing the idea20:02
kanzureit's not an investment, it's a functional tool that i need20:03
kanzurebecause nobody else has crazy projects like i do?20:03
kanzurethey are all institutionalized20:03
jonathan__smart people all see the same problems20:03
kanzurethat doesn't mean they are in a position to act20:03
kanzurekids, family, mortgage, being broke, who knows20:03
jonathan__what are the technology or business barriers20:04
kanzuredunno about making it into a business- sounds nice, but not a top priority until the device is mostly working20:04
jonathan__that means:  for other people, what is preventing them from making this business20:04
kanzuretechnology barriers: there's a lot of wash steps and chemical/plasitc compatibilities that need to be checked20:04
kanzureit's not a business (not yet)20:05
kanzureit was just a project, right?20:05
jonathan__maybe because there is no demand for such a device, ie low volume20:05
kanzurewhy would i want demand? if it's my own personal tool, i can do whatever i want for myself.20:05
jonathan__high dev cost, only a handful of customers in the world20:05
kanzurei don't think the cost is that high20:05
jonathan__because the topic was projects for kickstarter lol...   that means priority is on what other people want20:06
kanzure1000 hours of engineering time can make a pretty good start20:06
kanzureoh, for a kickstarter project. why? am i lacking money?20:06
kanzurebut yeah, i think people would buy a cheap dna synthesis machine. around the $500-$2k range.20:07
jonathan__like everyone is buying a 3d printer today too (sarcasm)20:07
kanzurehow do you explain makerbot's sales figures?20:07
kanzure20k printers sold in 2012.. not too bad.20:08
jonathan__I guess it's relative20:08
kanzureyeah nobody is claiming a 3d printer in every pocket20:09
kanzureunlike qualcomm's unfathomable goals20:09
yashgarothI've seen people claim that...well, every house anyway20:09
kanzurethose people are wrong :)20:09
yashgarothwell, yes20:09
kanzurejonathan__: so, besides my own personal benefit, i think a working, cheap dna synthesis machine would also be useful for others in the diybio scene. such as yashgaroth, ParahSai1in, cathal, etc.20:10
kanzurejonathan__: i also think that what's preventing others is possibly a focus on commercial machine design, which is problematic because you can't as easily get developers to sign on unless you have millions20:12
jonathan__"LIfe Technologies is seeking a Software Solutions Architect. The selected candidate will be tasked with overall software and systems architecture and design for strategic projects and initiatives related to product development and key business processes.   The successful candidate will lead technical teams, create design deliverables, participate in development, and partner with project management to ensure effective implement20:12
jonathan__and adoption.   Key technologies include cutting-edge cloud computing services, scientific instrument embedded systems, web software development, middleware architectures, purpose-build databases and data stores, mobile technologies, and custom analytics. "20:12
kanzure(commercial is compatible with open source, obv. i meant proprietary..)20:12
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jonathan__yes, biz model sometimes kills innovation20:13
klafkaheh life technologies isn't that the people who own ABI ?20:13
kanzurehah that job quote is funny, i think i know the guy who is currently in that role at life technologies20:13
yashgaroththey own a lot of stuff20:13
klafkai really hate how to do anything cool in comp bio / bioinformatics you have to have a phd :(20:13
kanzurewhy do you need a phd?20:13
kanzurejust do those things man20:13
klafka i mean companies want them20:13
klafkato higher you20:13
klafkayes hire20:14
jonathan__Supposedly my resume got to the pres at life tech.  guess they didn't like it that day lol20:14
klafkapast few hours have been a blur of organization for dancesafe20:14
jonathan__correction, vp engineering, must have been20:14
jonathan__"Strong architectural and software design experience is a must. Strong knowledge of OOD and Java is a must. Knowledge of Eclipse is a must. Experience in designing and implementation of mobile software and embedded systems is a must. Experience with JEE, C/C++, Oracle, MySQL and other databases is a strong plus. "20:15
kanzurei've seen other open source projects go up on kickstarter. they don't all have to be pre-startup projects.20:15
jonathan__probably because I dont to that stuff20:15
kanzuregosh, why would you want to work somewhere that wants eclipse and oracle20:15
jonathan__interview answer:  "yeah I'd just put it in the cloud"20:15
jonathan__"Experience with Hibernate, Spring, Service Oriented Architecture, scalable SOAP web services, security architecture. A working experience or knowledge of OSGI and Modularity is a strong plus.20:16
jonathan__Experience with entity relationship data modeling as well as designing, optimization and troubleshooting databases is a strong plus. "20:16
kanzurespring is at the heart of java territory (for web things, at least)20:16
jonathan__interview answer:  "Yeah I'd just use SOAP for that."20:16
jonathan__"I'd use SOAP and put it in the cloud."20:16
kanzureyou can also get bonus points for saying "RPC" in the same sentence as "SOAP".20:16
jonathan__"I'd make a soapy cloud.  Then turn on my LAMP."20:17
kanzureanyway, it sounds like they don't know what they want, or they are using really enterprisey stuff for no good reason20:17
kanzurethe reality is that their machines are actually python+django20:17
kanzurewhich is hilarious20:17
jonathan__"Must be proficient in multi-threading, client-server communications, data serialization, compression and encryption, GUI development. Experience with multi-core, signal processing, embedded and real-time software is a strong plus. "20:17
jonathan__Interview non-answer:  "Oh I am very familiar with cereals, I had some this morning before the interview."20:18
kanzureGUI development too? hah20:18
jonathan__basically no guy will satisfy that list of stuff...20:18
jonathan__"Experience with cloud-based IaaS services and traditional infrastructure technologies including LAN/WAN, SAN/NAS, and server hardware technologies. "20:18
jonathan__see, cloud, I told ya20:18
jonathan__"Let's call it SaaS but it's a lab so wait, that makes it LaaS !!"20:19
kanzurewell, i can nail all of those requirements except oracle at the moment. also my signal processing is weak.20:19
jonathan__real time embedded?  Umm20:19
kanzurealso i wouldn't want to actually use eclipse20:19
kanzureyes, i have written real-time things. -_-20:19
jonathan__when was the last time you wrote an rtos?20:19
kanzureyou are not the only person capable of reading whitesheets yo20:20
jonathan__"Experience with a formal software development methodology such as the Rational Unified Process or Agile is required. "20:20
gradstudentbotI could never be a PI.20:20
klafkaa gave that gave a talk at pydata on disco was from life20:20
jonathan__"yes we use Agile only here.  we don't even have schedules."20:20
klafkawe're so agile we make tests as we think of them20:21
kanzure"why test today what can fail tomorrow?"20:21
kanzuremaybe i have that backwards20:21
jonathan__"I'd make a SOAP multi-threaded signal processing real time event driven statistical data OSGI framework which operates via cloud based Oracle through NAS"20:22
jonathan__ok, hired!20:22
kanzureyou forgot CUDA things20:22
kanzureand to turn it into an eclipse plugin20:22
jonathan__why eclipse is even here I dont know20:22
klafkaso much java20:22
jonathan__that's like saying "Must be able to use Notepad"20:23
kanzurenobody in their right mind would choose eclipse these days20:23
klafkait's the programmers equivalent of 'must be profficient in ms office'20:23
klafkagoogle is even dropping eclipse20:23
kanzureintellij is supposed to be ok, but really you should just be using whatever text editor you prefer in the first place (emacs, vim, sublime, etc.)20:23
jonathan__infineon's latest SDK uses eclipse of course, for code generation20:23
jonathan__and so does TI's20:23
kanzureyes, because they are bad people20:23
jonathan__on the flip side, microchip uses netbeans!20:24
jonathan__go microchip!20:24
klafkaman i may have to write some java soon20:24
klafkait's been soo long20:24
jonathan__I hate java20:24
klafkaas do I20:24
jonathan__I wrote some java stuff and every five minutes was thinking: "this is lame, this is backwards"20:25
gradstudentbotYeah, but his project was so easy.20:25
jonathan__then again I dont like GUI programming anyway20:25
jonathan__btw what's the best python GUI?20:26
klafkaprobably pyqt20:26
klafkai haven't really done gui programming much since i'm a data person <_<20:26
jonathan__how about we all conspire to work at life technologies then take over their R&D?20:27
jonathan__then, build a dna synthesizer20:27
klafkafor the masses20:27
jonathan__oh no, not for the masses.  for bryan's use only.20:27
jonathan__and oh yea, it makes toast.20:27
klafkagod i keep trying to run this java LDA implementation and it keeps running out of JVM memory20:28
klafkafucking java jvm20:28
klafkai don't want to spin up a new instance right now20:28
jonathan__"Software Developers: Join the Life Technologies Cloud Computing Team"  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGUPG80CExo20:30
jonathan__well at least they know how to spend six figures on a marketing video..20:36
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yashgaroththeir products are about as good as any other big supplier's, so the competition lies in who spends the most on ads20:38
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jonathan__my next job will be in hr.  cuter girls there.20:39
jonathan__who wants to hang around engineers all day.20:39
yashgarothif you're into the 40+ I guess20:39
jonathan__oh. way to kill my dreams, mr. fancy pants20:40
kanzurefyi brownies is mr fancypants in here20:40
kanzureyou'll have to call yashgaroth something else20:40
jonathan__next you're gonna tell me I can't sleep my way to the top.20:41
yashgarothonly one way to find out20:42
kanzurewhy would you want to work for life technologies, making a dna synthesizer, i mean? i don't think they even do synthesis.20:43
kanzureand even if they did, you would do all the work for like zero upside.20:43
jonathan__brewing kombucha is a far superior business.20:47
jonathan__ever meet a microbrewer who was disliked by cute girls?20:47
gradstudentbotNobody has tried this before.20:48
jonathan__oh, many men have, ms. gradstudentbot20:48
kanzureyou broke it20:49
kanzuregradstudentbot is a bot20:50
gradstudentbotGod, why won't they just kick me out.20:50
jonathan__it's crass to refer to the female students as bots, mr. roll to save insanity20:51
gradstudentbotI am writing the abstract.20:53
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abetuskis gradstudentbot really a bot?20:54
gradstudentbotWe were out of the right dye, so I just used an equivalent.20:54
abetuskgradstudentbot, what is your thesis?20:55
gradstudentbotThe protocol is wrong.20:55
kanzurea brilliant thesis20:55
kanzureyes, gradstudentbot is an irc bot20:55
gradstudentbotI got in around 11.20:55
jonathan__dude grad students don't like being called bots20:55
abetuskgradstudentbot, how's the research coming?20:55
gradstudentbotYeah, I'm a 4th year. No wait, I'm a 6th year.20:55
jonathan__it's really rude20:55
jonathan__even though it's true20:55
abetuskyou have a bunch of canned answers?20:55
kanzureit's based on this:20:55
kanzure.title http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovEghdXC4tE20:56
yoleauxShit Graduate Students Say - YouTube20:56
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klafkagrad students dont' get a choice in what they're called!20:57
abetuskit just picks one of the pre-canned lines when it's name is mentioned?  It doesn't try and relate to the conversation at all?20:58
kanzureit's completely random.20:58
kanzuregradstudentbot: right?20:58
gradstudentbotI'm glad you brought that up, I'm going to do that right now.20:58
abetuskgradstudentbot, you should totally use an arduino!20:58
gradstudentbotI got in around 11.20:58
abetuskand sometimes it just randomely spits out a line?20:59
kanzuregradstudentbot is constantly working, yeah20:59
gradstudentbotI'm glad you brought that up, I'm going to do that right now.20:59
kanzuregradstudentbot: you can't say the same line that soon!21:00
gradstudentbotThe grant got rejected.21:00
jonathan__you should have seen the emails going back & forth about carlsbad lab possible demos21:00
jonathan__freaking crazy ideas that would never get done or even half put together21:01
jonathan__completely reminded me of being in a grad student lab.21:01
yashgarothwe're still going ahead with differentiating beating heart cells right?21:01
jonathan__"oh yea, so now I remember why I didnt go to grad school"21:01
jonathan__yeah, totally21:01
jonathan__I'm so working on that already with ms. gradstudentbot.21:02
gradstudentbotI think the centrifuge is broken.21:02
yashgarothoh god what if the digital chart recorder is the only demo21:02
jonathan__because anyway even though it fails, gradstudentbot is kind of cute21:02
gradstudentbotNo, you can't borrow my pipette.21:02
jonathan__what if the kombucha is the only friggin demo, dude.   then I hope gradstudentbot wears the bikini I insisted on21:02
gradstudentbotI hope they kick me out.21:02
yashgarothlet's just get jojack to wear a miniskirt, that'll generate all the word-of-mouth we need21:03
jonathan__what kind of statement would it be, if it didn't?21:05
jonathan__"yeah you remember that lab?  when gradstudentbot wore a bikini and jojack wore a kilt?  and they still didn't get any kickstarter funds?"21:05
gradstudentbotI am writing the abstract.21:05
yashgarothwhere the shit is the indiegogo or whatever? are they waiting to film a crowd of confused tipsy people from the opening?21:06
jonathan__damn I tell ya, they could have turned the lab into crossfit training center for 4 mos and collected $100/mo from 30-40 people21:06
yashgaroth'do one rep of lifting this tissue culture hood into place'21:06
jonathan__obviously the demo needs laserz21:07
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jonathan__I was going to put my circuitboard into a clear acrylic box for the demo, now I think I will put it in a black plastic box, and go into crazy detail about how complex it was to do21:08
yashgarothlet's pour a bunch of chemlights into a spinner flask and claim it's luminescent e.coli21:08
jonathan__it has to be yogurt because no one knows what e.coli is.21:09
jonathan__but they know pro-biotic yogurt is somehow good.21:09
yashgaroththen they'll want to eat it and I doubt that'll end well21:09
jonathan__I brought in 14 bottles of wine so I doubt anyone will care about much21:09
yashgarothpeople know what yeast is? fuck it let's do luminscent kombucha21:10
yashgarothdude there's gonna be like 100 people there, there were like 50 at the first opening when all we had were the building keys21:10
jonathan__"this is my scoby I mean the mother I mean  aww hell it's just magic"21:10
jonathan__maybe I should go over to life tech and hand out fliers to the marketing girls.  "wine tasting at bio incubator"21:11
jonathan__I guess the journal club is dead too unless someone does cpr21:12
yashgarothI ain't going all the fuck way up there again to watch richard explain j craig to non-bio people21:13
jonathan__unless they're hot?21:14
yashgarothwell obviously21:14
jonathan__"Ancient horse bone yields oldest DNA sequence"21:14
jonathan__paperbot http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nature12275.html21:15
jonathan__keep forgetting to call the science cheerleaders21:18
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jonathan__"In 2012, antibiotic development continues to stagnate. Two systemic antibacterial agents have been approved for use in humans by the U.S. FDA from 2008 through the current year. Compare that to sixteen that were approved from 1983-1987. In particular, we have had no new classes of antibiotics to treat Gram-negative bacilli (GNB) for more than 40 years ....  For example, the scientific and regulatory challenges markedly increas21:26
jonathan__cost and timeline of development, which greatly exacerbates the economic disadvantages of antibiotics. Conversely, if antibiotics were billion-dollar-per-year blockbuster drugs, companies would be willing to tolerate high barriers scientifically and from a regulatory perspective. Since antibiotics tend to sell much less than a billion dollars per year, there is instead low tolerance for scientific and regulatory barriers."21:26
jonathan__that's the only problem worth working on.21:35
jonathan__high need, not profitable, no business case, regulatory burden.  no company will really go near it.21:36
yashgarothgive it a few years for people to realize that totally drug resistant bugs will kill tens of millions21:41
heathClark and Parsia was awarded $100K for phase 1 and.. $380K or $89K for phase2 of the project?21:41
jonathan__hopefully I will be anchored away from land when the pandemic hits.21:45
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jonathan__here's a good use of the dna synthesizer for antibiotics.  doi:10.1111/j.1462-2920.2004.00664.x21:46
jonathan__paperbot http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00253-007-0945-521:51
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Metagenomics%2C%20biotechnology%20with%20non-culturable%20microbes.pdf21:51
yashgarothehh they're not really synthesizing anything21:53
yashgarothjust going 'oh we found a bunch of new ways that bacteria are resistant to antibiotics'21:53
jonathan__if you had a synthesizer, you could make libraries of whatever you want.  oh yay.  unless there's an interesting use for such libraries.21:55
jonathan__are you saying it won't be a problem once biopharma focuses attention on it?21:57
jonathan__meaning, they'll suddenly find new antibiotics?21:57
yashgarothwith enough money, sure21:58
jonathan__I thought the theme was:  these bugs are very interesting but difficult to culture.  i.e. easier to synthesize them directly than multiply them.21:59
kanzurewell, sometimes easier means.. easier than convincing someone to ship you a sample.21:59
yashgaroththey're just pulling out chunks of genome from soil bacteria and shoving them into e.coli, seeing which recipient e.coli live, and then sequencing the chunks they have21:59
jonathan__"with enough money, sure" -> I think this is overly optimistic.  considering biopharma cant do much with the tons of money thrown at other problems they're interested in.22:00
yashgarothit's a somewhat different landscape, but fair point22:00
jonathan__obviously what we need, are microfluidics.  with laserz.22:01
yashgarothcan never have enough22:02
jonathan__how much $ has bill gates shoved into malaria research by this point...  they cant even get mosquitos to stop reproducing.22:03
jonathan__by the way does anyone else sense the irony in bill Mr. Blue Screen of Death gates working on a cure for malaria?22:03
yashgarothnot directly22:04
yashgarothalso it'd be more efficient and effective to spend money forcing people not to misuse antibiotics22:05
jonathan__that won't happen.  prohibition didn't work either.22:07
yashgarothyeah but it's easier to just blame humans22:08
yashgarothalso it's like anti-prohibition because most misuse of antibiotics is under-use22:09
jonathan__I blame the biologists for not wanting to innovate anything they do.  pbbbt22:09
yashgarothalso true22:09
kanzurei think the mosquito lasers were working last time i checked22:09
jonathan__do they have microfluidic channels?22:09
kanzureof course, we might end up with laser-resistant mosquitos22:10
yashgarothworth it22:11
jonathan__"Although early prototypes of the mosquito laser worked, they were too expensive for use in developing countries. In the latest version, the mosquito laser is assembled from commonly availably technology. In fact, Myhrvold and his team found all the components on Ebay, which included parts from printers and projectors, and the zoom lenses from digital cameras. He estimates that the new version could cost as little as $50 to22:11
jonathan__manufacture, depending on volume.22:11
jonathan__Read more at: http://phys.org/news185463943.html#jCp"22:11
jonathan__if it only costs $50, then where's the schematics?22:12
kanzureeww "Read more" javascript injection22:12
jonathan__yea sorry22:13
kanzureprobably because they plan to "commercialize" it.22:13
jonathan__iphone has enough cpu to drive it.22:13
brownieswhy commercialize a device for poor people?22:13
jonathan__iphone mosquito laser accessory!22:13
kanzure"it *could* cost as little as $50, but why would we let it?"22:13
browniesthat seems like a bad market to cater to.22:13
brownies"it costs only $50. too bad no one in our target market has seen a dollar bill."22:14
jonathan__well if it is that fast, there only needs to be one per family quad22:15
jonathan__have the whole town chip in, sell their souls to buy just one22:15
jonathan__"At a brainstorming session in 2007, to think of solutions for malaria, Dr. Wood, one of the architects of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), also known as “Star Wars,” suggested designing a system to kill mosquitoes with lasers. Soon after, the idea was followed up by many scientists at Intellectual Ventures and mosquitoes were being shot down within a year.[4]"22:16
jonathan__number of subscribers to diybio list:  12,00022:16
kanzurehah, intellectual ventures. great.. :(22:17
jonathan__number of actual smart engineers required to design and produce a laser:  1222:17
kanzurei doubt that it takes 12 engineers to add a laser to a product.22:17
jonathan__[*] within one year22:17
browniesit takes one engineer, a bottle of scotch, and some duct tape.22:17
jonathan__obviously, it has to aim somehow...22:18
jonathan__ok it really only took 3 engineers, the rest were used as human targets for the test mosquitos22:18
jonathan__curiously, they would return home from work each day with tiny burn marks all over their skin22:19
yashgarothalso seems like having to be 100 ft from a laser machine would make it hard to subsistence farm22:20
jonathan__"Jordin Kare has published instructions on how to build a DIY photonic fence.[14]"22:20
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delinquentmenmz787_, can a spec be used to checkout quality of a drug?22:21
klafkanot of illicit ones - from a legal perspective22:21
brownieshm, this doesn't seem very DIY-friendly http://www.google.com/patents/US2010018628422:23
browniesi guess technically publishing the instructions as a patent does still count as "publishing the instructions" but... eh.22:24
jonathan__typically the bill gates foundation enforces price controls, I think22:24
yashgarothfig.4: mosquito butt22:24
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jonathan__" All three stages of the photonic fence can be made from this consumer technology. When the device is looking for mosquitoes that pass its field of vision, it uses basic infra-red LEDs, and light sensors from modern digital cameras.[5] To target and kill the mosquitoes it uses similar laser technology as what is in optical devices such as DVD, or Blu-ray disc drives.[11]"22:24
jonathan__totally iphone worthy22:25
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delinquentmeklafka, I mean lets say you've got some adderall from a not super reputable source and some from a reputable one22:25
delinquentmeyou'd like to check to see how close the chemical compositions are22:26
delinquentmeyou can dissolve both in solution and spectrometer the crap outa those samples22:26
delinquentmeand get their comparative components22:26
jonathan__"If you still haven’t flipped through the latest issue of Make Magazine, well here it is. Not the whole thing, just 3ric Johanson’s critically (do I qualify as a critic?) acclaimed article on the Photonic Fence. Creating a machine that shoots mosquitoes out of the sky with lasers has been no small task. 3ric gives the low down on everything from the preliminary eye-rolling brainstorms, to the three challenges in mosquito22:26
jonathan__assassination, as well as explanations of the hardware, software and methods he is currently using.  "    http://intellectualventureslab.com/?p=157422:26
brownieshow is it possibly that complicated?22:26
jonathan__slap "raspberry pi" on the front of that and kickstarter would hit 10 k easy!22:27
kanzureparalella pi22:27
kanzurewith ouya22:27
kanzurefor your iphone22:27
jonathan__mosquito pi - with mesh networking22:28
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kanzurepaperbot: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nature12323.html22:31
kanzureoh right22:31
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jonathan__mosquito death requires 50 - 100 millijoules22:35
jonathan__what physics gradstudentbot wants to convert that to blue ray laser wattage22:35
gradstudentbotNobody has tried this before.22:35
jonathan__ok the mosquito pi must use opencv22:39
jonathan__according to them.22:40
jonathan__""I had a look at LA Biohacker's website, it seems that you have a meet up event for every Sunday. At the moment Labster is offering a free version for everyone, that means all your members at LA Biohacker and others can actually use all of Labster cases for free! For example, you can incorporate Labster into your Sunday meet up. ""22:43
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kanzurejonathan__: yeah, they have been sppending that labster spam everywhere22:50
kanzurejonathan__: therefore i think they are spammers22:50
jonathan__it doesnt look that interesting anyway22:50
jonathan__oh yay, play a videogame virtual reality lab thing as educational experience22:50
kanzurenow i can experience the agony of lab work anytime i want!22:51
jonathan__"SGVI is seeking a post-doctoral level candidate who is highly skilled in microbiology and molecular biology and preferably, has experience working with bacteriophage, for the role of Scientist in the SGVI phage R&D team.  "22:53
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