
--- Log opened Thu Apr 24 00:00:10 2014
--- Day changed Thu Apr 24 2014
xentracif φ(3, n, 0) = 4, then you can calculate 4 - 3 = n = 100:00
xentracif φ(3, n, 1) = 12, then you can calculate 12 / 3 = n = 400:00
xentracif φ(3, n, 2) = 81, then you can calculate log₃ 81 = 400:00
xentracbut it's quite difficult to come up with a general way to solve φ(a, b, c) = d00:01
xentracconsider, for example, that calcjulating φ(n, 4, 2) = 81 involves instead calculating ⁴√8100:03
fennfwiw there is no general solution to even quintic polynomials00:03
xentracnow there are clearly things that you have to express with loops and conditionals and mutation and so on00:04
xentracbut by expressing things as algebraic formulas when you can, instead of using those more expressive and powerful constructs, you preserve more power of manipulation00:04
xentracfinding zeroes of quintic polynomials is not particularly hard; you just can't do it with an equation00:04
xentracyou need an algorithm instead00:05
xentracbut there are lots of other things you can do with quintic polynomials that you can't do with general algorithms00:05
fennthis isn't selling me on equations00:05
fennyour solutions for n explained what the ackerman function does a lot better than the wikipedia article did, though00:06
xentracit's basically the same thing that you were saying earlier about web pages00:07
xentracwhen a web page is expressed sufficiently abstractly, it's easy to manipulate it to appear as, for example, white text on a dark gray background00:07
xentracbut when it's expressed with inline images replacing some of the text, you lose that manipulability00:08
xentracsimilarly when you express a relationship between some variables with an equation, instead of an algorithm to compute one of them from the others, you retain the ability to solve for any of the variables (with more or less difficulty: as you point out, quintics and above don't have closed-form equational solutions, but even the general closed-form solution for quartics is extremely fucking hairy)00:09
xentracso you should use the less expressive, but more manipulable, representation when you can00:10
fennwhy is "code" necessarily an algorithm?00:10
xentracwell, I've been talking about code in Turing-complete languages as the alternative to equations00:11
fennparameters are undefined until a function is called00:11
xentracas to whether it's easier to read Q = 2 \pi \sqrt{V (\frac{L'} {S})^3} or00:12
xentrac          ______00:12
xentrac         /   L00:12
xentracQ = 2π \/ V (-)³00:12
xentrac             S00:12
fennoh, of course it's harder to read when it's full of escape codes00:12
xentracI suspect that it's largely a matter of familiarity00:12
xentracescape codes?00:13
xentracyou can name your functions without backslashes and use parens instead of {} if you like, I don't think it makes much difference00:13
fennbut i would write Q = 2 * pi * sqrt(V * L_prime/S)^300:13
xentracI was addressing your earlier point about00:13
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fennit still leaves unresolved what is pi and what is sqrt and how is L related to L_prime00:15
fennbut at least i can type it into an irc channel00:15
fennor a python console00:15
fennoh i missed a )00:16
fenntoo busy trying to decipher the \frac notation00:16
fennwhy does tex mix () and {}00:17
xentrac() get typeset00:17
xentrac{} is just for grouping00:17
fenn... and now i'm thinking (there's a difference?)00:17
fennbecause that's a typesetting markup, not code00:18
xentrachmm, I should really leave the office00:19
fenni'd also argue that equations are a historical artifact of typesetting that has nothing to do with whether it's analytical form or algorithm00:19
fennmove into your desk, save the planet!00:19
xmjxentrac: i find latex-ish equations easy to read00:19
xentracI really think the serialization format is one of the less important things about them00:24
fennbut it's the one that causes the most grief00:24
xentracthe serialization of equations is a historical artifact of writing by hand instead of keyboard00:24
xentracI have a similar notation for algorithms when I write them on paper00:25
xentracx | y for "while (x) y"00:25
xentracxs | f(x)  for "for x in xs: f(x)"00:25
xentracx  |00:26
xentrac a | b for "if (a) b; else c;"00:27
xentrac   |00:27
xentracleft out the c00:27
xentracf x  for "def f(x):"00:28
fennisnt x | y the same as a | b00:29
xentrack x y for "class k: def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x; self.y = y"00:29
xentracno, the a | b one has a horizontal line underneath it00:29
fennheh "k x y" is some semantic sugar i wouldn't mind00:30
xentracand I use funky hieroglyphs and Greek letters for variables instead of entire words that I have to write out each time00:30
xentracyeah, a double underline is a lot easier to write in my notebook than the word "class"00:30
fennit's nice to be able to specify default values tho00:30
fennso i write a lot of stuff in my log books, but i use long form because i know i'm going to type it in eventually00:32
fenni could use some shorthand but i know i'll forget what it means00:32
xentrachmm I think I was using @x for self.x at some point00:32
xentracI should go back and formalize that notation00:32
fenn@ is self.a :P00:32
xentracyeah, but I mean00:33
xentrack @x @y (doubleunderline)00:33
xentracby putting self.x (@x) in the parameter list itself, I'm implicitly assigning to self.x00:33
xentracbut maybe that's not really necessary00:34
fennif you're using both x and self.x you're probably doing something wrong00:34
xentracI just mean, is it worthwhile being explicit about storing variables for later use?00:35
fenn"Be liberal in what you require but conservative in what you do"00:35
fennthis is more of what i was going for00:35
xentracbecause it's kind of an important semantic clue to intent00:35
xentracokay now I really am going to go home00:36
xentracI was really going to go to bed before 5 AM00:36
fenng'night, and good luck00:36
xentracyou too00:36
fennhuh, weird. "In her talk The Science of Insecurity, Meredith Patterson makes the point that the principle of least power is important for security of interfaces which may be exposed to attack."00:45
fenni always thought "principle of least power" in a security context meant you rescind privileges not required for the task at hand, guess it's more abstract than that00:46
fenn.title http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kEfedtQVOY00:47
yoleaux28c3: The Science of Insecurity00:47
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fennwow look at that moon00:51
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archels``especially since this year seems to be the "Deep Learning is Eating Everyone's Lunch" year''02:09
archels-- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=763816302:09
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fenni wrote some notes about steamrollering the web: http://fennetic.net/irc/ontological_assimilator03:11
ebowdenWhat do you mean by steamrollering?03:13
fennsee the logs03:14
archels"ontological warfare" haha wat03:14
ebowdenAh, ok.03:16
ebowdenGot it from the notes you linked anyway.03:16
archelsfenn: it seems more like a presentational layer, can you really call it an ontology?03:17
fennunfortunately i've mixed in some presentation layer stuff in order to explain what you do with the data you've collected03:18
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archelsit would be great if you could get this thing to parse PDFs03:20
fennyes that is intended03:20
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fenni want to parse machinery's handbook and distill all those godawful scanned tables down into a few sets of preferred numbers and some formulae03:21
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fennor CRC handbook of chemistry for an equivalent example03:22
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fenni'm worried that there will be a lot of manual "elvi" creation03:25
fennsurely there is some teach by example software out there, anyway, time for bed03:25
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archelswhat's elvi?03:28
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ebowdenArchels, kanzure, fenn, ParahSailin, a really cool flavonoid, and a cooler still derivative: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3150605/pdf/nihms-253216.pdf, http://dc.etsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1027&context=honors, http://www.pnas.org/content/107/6/2687.full.pdf, http://www.spandidos-publications.com/or/28/1/353/download;jsessionid=92BA2F8CEE487289B404AB1AA9EDA42203:36
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archels"nobody will watch your TED talk if your sense of optimism is grounded in reality"03:46
ebowdenWhere's that from?03:47
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ebowdenOk, this is hilarious, loving it so far.03:58
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ebowdenpaperbot: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/2012/CP/c2cp42174g#!divAbstract05:50
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kanzure"There is no incentive for them to stop granting bad patents."05:54
kanzure"The author thinks he is "helping" the USPTO - to stop bad patents. But he is doing nothing of the sort. The USPTO are part of the problem. Do you really think that you can strike down a bad patent by simply sending some links for prior art to the USPTO ? Someone who applies for a patent must pay a fee to have it examined by an expert. I'm pretty sure that they're going to have to spend some time re-examining the patent and the new material ...05:55
kanzure... to decide if it's relevant or not. I don't think that's going to be free."05:55
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ebowden"Am I evil, or is killing patents just plain fun?"05:56
ebowdenFor a second, I thought it said:05:57
ebowden"Am I evil, or is killing patients just plain fun?"05:57
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xmji read that comment before / while drinking the first cup of coffee06:38
ebowdenOh, xmj, I'm not sure if I've already asked you this, but what things do you do? :D06:43
ebowdenOh, back.06:49
ebowdenWell, I don't do much of anything, accepting pretending to know things about neuroactive phytochemicals, so I mostly lurk here.06:51
xmjhow do you earn your living?06:51
ebowdenI'm still in my last year of high school.06:51
cluckjwho is your daddy and what does he do?06:51
ebowdenMy mother is the executive officer of the Tasmanian Acquired Brain Injury Service, and my father is a 72 year old impressionist artist, Jonathan Ambrose Bowden, who mainly works with pastels.06:53
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xmjebowden: seriously: out of highschool, no one gives a damn what your parents do06:54
xmjunless they're loaded.06:54
ebowdenI know.06:54
xmjthen for appearences sake06:54
ebowdenAnd my dad certainly isn't.06:55
ebowden(My dad has been through too many divorces to be loaded.)06:55
xmjDon't let yourself get divorce-raped - don't marry in the first place.06:57
xmjBut that only as an aside.06:57
ebowdenI don't plan on it, I assure you.06:57
xmjMarrying, or getting divorce-raped?06:57
ebowdenEither, at this point.06:57
ebowdenIt's funny, my grandfather was a scientist among the first to see the applications of PTFE in bearings and coatings(He thought teflon pans were a horrid idea due to off-gassing), but my father hated science.07:02
ebowden*scientist, among07:02
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cluckjteflon pans are dope as hell07:03
ebowdenThey are.07:04
ebowdenJust dangerous.07:04
ebowden(Especially to idiots.)07:05
ebowdenThe PTFE off-gasses under conditions commonly encountered in normal use of a pan in many households.07:07
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xmjebowden: i earn my living as bytepusher07:11
xmjfor fun i hack on UNIX07:11
ebowdenAh, ok.07:11
xmjParahSailin: mentioned it had nice decent smart people in here07:11
xmjnot convinced about nice nor decent07:11
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ebowdenHack, as in, use it for something other than it's original purpose?07:12
cluckjpick 3 out of 407:12
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ebowdenBut yeah cluckj, he knew from experience that a lot of people don't follow important safety instructions, especially in things where the dangers have not been highlighted by some deaths and cases of illness.07:14
cluckjlots of birds died from teflon pans that got too hot and gassed07:14
xmjebowden: these days i'm member of the freebsd development team so let's relativize the 'original purpose' a bit :D07:15
eudoxiai thought freebsd was pretty cool when i tried it07:15
xmjit is07:16
ebowdenCluckj, what? I haven't heard of bird deaths linked to that.07:16
cluckjpet birds are really sensitive to teflon off-gassing07:16
xmjcluckj: You can't make any decent food in teflon pans anyway07:17
ebowdenI do prefer iron.07:17
ebowdenI do prefer cast iron.07:18
cluckjno way, I have a teflon crepe pan that is magic07:18
xmjwhat's magic about it?07:18
cluckj...nothing sticks to it?07:18
xmjnothing sticks to a well-used cast-iron pan either07:19
cybermanmy teflon pot is so slick it slides off the burner07:19
cluckjyou can't use the cast iron for everything07:20
ebowdenI wonder if they sell DLC coated pots.07:20
ebowdenDLC is diamond like carbon.07:20
cluckjthe problem with cast iron is that to get nothing to stick to it, you have to heat it up to the right temperature07:23
cluckjfor delicate or thin things like crepes, that's too hot07:23
ebowdenLOL: http://news-hound.us/a-tattoo-artists-revenge-on-his-cheating-girlfriend-poop-tattoo/07:24
ebowdenSo, in other words, if you have it too hot, it all goes to, well, that girl's tattoo.07:26
ebowdenIs that right?07:26
cluckjI don't really use teflon pans for much of anything else07:27
ebowdenAlso, that is the most hilarious getting-back-at-cheating-partner story I've ever heard.07:27
ebowdenAh, ok cluckj.07:28
ebowdenIt was a whole back tattoo as well.07:28
ebowdenA big pile of poo with flies buzzing around it.07:29
cluckjseems harsh07:29
ebowdenIt was with his oldest friend.07:30
ebowdenAnd it was hilarious.07:30
ebowdenOh, one of the comments:07:33
ebowden"revenge is a dish best served steaming."07:33
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kanzurethere should be a c2.com except for hardware things09:44
kanzure"Instead, they waited for things to settle down, and now, two years later, the main problems, bundling and exorbitant prices, continue unabated: in 2013, Elsevier’s profit margin was up to 39%. (The profit is a little over £800 million on a little over £2 billion.) As for the boycott, the number of signatories appears to have reached a plateau of about 14,500."09:44
kanzurehttp://tqft.net/mlp/wiki/The_Mathematics_Literature_Project "The Mathematics Literature Project intends to survey the state of the freely accessible mathematics literature. In particular, it will index freely accessible URLs for mathematics articles. These are legitimately hosted copies of the article (i.e. at publishers, the arXiv, institutional repositories, or authors' homepages), which are freely available in any browser, anywhere in the ...09:47
kanzure... world."09:47
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entelechioskanzure: tmux/vim sure can act funny in certain terminals12:02
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kanzurerace conditions everywhere12:36
ParahSailinoh yeah, i think thats why i use screen12:37
ParahSailinits the cursor hopping around thing right?12:37
kanzurethe article is describing a worse bug12:38
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kanzurehttp://www.bio-protocol.org/ seems to be another protocol site12:43
kanzure"single worm PCR" http://www.bio-protocol.org/wenzhang.aspx?id=60#.U1lpZFRDs-M12:43
kanzure"Mitochondrial Isolation and Purification from Mouse Spinal Cord" http://www.bio-protocol.org/wenzhang.aspx?id=961#.U1lpmlRDs-M12:44
kanzurewell, it's not empty at least12:44
kanzure"Bio-protocol is efficient. Bio-protocol runs well on a very low budget. Our team is made up almost entirely of junior-level researchers, i.e. post-docs and junior faculty members. This has two benefits, 1) it keeps our costs low, and 2) junior-level researchers are very active at the bench and therefore, often the best equipped to evaluate protocol need and quality."12:45
kanzurehehehe post-docs are considered junior :)12:45
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kanzuresome biology preprint server thing http://biorxiv.org/collection/13:35
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fennguyz how do i h4ck teh weefees14:08
Viper168_with your butt14:10
nmz787_ifenn: i only know that WEP is easy to do14:25
nmz787_ifenn:  i've tried WPA, but haven't had success (I may have stopping trying too early)14:26
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nmz787_ifenn: aircrack-ng14:26
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kanzurei've been meaning to use firesheep14:41
kanzure.title https://www.simonsfoundation.org/quanta/20140424-early-life-in-death-valley/14:42
yoleauxAncient Fossils Suggest Complex Life Evolved on Land14:42
kanzurei don't know what this is, but it has strange icon-style graphics http://brikis98.blogspot.com/2014/04/bitcoin-by-analogy.html14:44
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kanzurethis person claims to work at sage and that "i am not a dinosaur" but who knows https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=764294415:34
kanzure"Throwing this out there for anyone working on a startup in the academic journal space. I'm on the board of SAGE Publications, which is (depending on how you count), the 5th or so largest publisher in the space. See this diagram for where SAGE fits: http://www.oii.ox.ac.uk/vis/images/?src=4e3c02ab/journal_publishers.png "15:35
kanzure"If you’re doing a startup in this space and want to reach out, please contact me. I live in SF and would happily take you out for coffee or meet up for a beer. My contact details are on my HN profile. SAGE is a 100% family owned business. My grandmother is chairwoman, my dad and I are on the board. I'm a coder working in an unrelated startup for my day job, living in SF. We’re not dinosaurs trying to bleed the system dry until our ...15:35
kanzure... business model collapses, but at the same time I wholeheartedly acknowledge the fundamentals of the journals business are antiquated and I believe they will radically change eventually. Academia is incredibly complicated and moves at a glacial pace. So if you’re interested in seeing the world of academic journals from the inside, please get in touch. I can get you in contact with anyone in the SAGE organization at every level."15:35
kanzureuser is https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=dougmccune15:35
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kanzuresomeone stalking blackmarkets online https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/280585369/2014-04-24-blackmarkettable-draft.html15:55
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kanzurehmm i wonder how trustable this video is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBh2LxTW0s0 "I have had Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery for Parkinson's Disease, and this is what happens when I turn off my neurostimulator."16:00
kanzureoh that quote is from parijata. i wonder what she's been up to.16:00
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kanzure"More than 100,000 people around the world have undergone DBS since it was first approved, in the 1990s, for the treatment of movement disorders. Today, besides providing relief for people with Parkinson’s disease, dystonia (characterized by involuntary muscle contractions) and essential tremor (Haning’s problem), DBS has been shown to be effective against Tourette’s syndrome, with its characteristic tics, and obsessive-compulsive ...16:04
kanzure... disorder. Add to that a wave of ongoing research into DBS’s promise as a treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder and other neuropsychiatric conditions, as well as early signs that it may improve memory in Alzheimer’s patients."16:04
kanzure"As co-directors of the UF Center for Movement Disorders and Neurorestoration, Foote and neurologist Michael Okun are at the forefront of the DBS field, refining operating techniques and establishing a rigorous standard of care that attracts patients from around the country and the world. Since teaming up at UF in 2002, Okun and Foote have done nearly 1,000 DBS procedures together and grown their two-man effort into an interdisciplinary ...16:05
kanzure... program with more than 40 staffers, including eight neurologists, a psychiatrist, a neuropsychologist and physical, speech and occupational therapists."16:05
kanzure"In the past, Okun explains, the big debate in the field was whether DBS worked by inhibiting abnormal circuits or exciting other brain activity. Both sides ended up being right: The neurons closest to the implanted leads are inhibited by the electrical current, while axons leading away from the targeted cells are stimulated. In addition to these changes, says Okun, in the last few years we’ve learned that DBS also alters brain chemistry ...16:07
kanzure... and blood flow, and even leads to the growth of new brain cells."16:07
kanzurehm, curious that there are numbers on how many patients have deep brain stimulation implants16:07
kanzureand also that they claim to have 1% of the market16:08
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kanzurepaperbot: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=671461016:17
kanzure"Three-Dimensional Transcranial Ultrasound Imaging of Microbubble Clouds Using a Sparse Hemispherical Array"16:17
kanzure"Passive acoustic mapping could offer a means for spatially monitoring microbubble emissions that relate to bubble activity [from bubble-mediated focused ultrasound (FUS) interventions in the brain]. In this study, a hemispherical receiver array was integrated within an existing transcranial therapy array to create a device capable of both delivering therapy and monitoring the process via passive imaging of bubble clouds. A 128-element ...16:18
kanzure... receiver array was constructed and characterized for varying bubble concentrations and source spacings."16:18
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QuadIngi""I have had Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery for Parkinson's Disease, and this is what happens when I turn off my neurostimulator."" Oh Kanzure i saw that a while back, spoke to the guy16:20
entelechioslol that poor kid just wanted to go back to somalia of all places in the world16:20
ParahSailinhes got a good career as a sherpa ahead of him16:20
kanzurepaperbot: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aapm/journal/medphys/40/8/10.1118/1.481242316:20
kanzure"Influence of the pressure field distribution in transcranial ultrasonic neurostimulation"16:20
entelechiospaperbot works again?16:20
entelechiosi was using some russian website16:20
kanzure"The primary goal of this paper is to investigate transcranial ultrasonic neurostimulation at low frequency (320 kHz) on anesthetized rats for different acoustic pressures and estimate thein situ pressure field distribution and the corresponding motor threshold, if any."16:20
QuadIngiit's very borky to just put some power on it though :/16:21
QuadIngiI look at current medical technology and a lot of it seems like cheap hacks16:21
kanzure"everal kinds of motor responses were observed: movements of the tail, the hind legs, the forelimbs, the eye, and even a single whisker were induced separately. Numerical simulations of an equivalent experiment with identical acoustic parameters showed that the acoustic field was spread over the whole rat brain with the presence of several secondary pressure peaks."16:22
-!- nsh is now known as [off|16:22
-!- [off| is now known as [arff]16:24
kanzure"Here, we gauged the ability of noninvasive FUS to causally modulate high-level cognitive behavior. Therefore, we examined how FUS might interfere with prefrontal activity in two awake macaque rhesus monkeys that had been trained to perform an antisaccade (AS) task. We show that ultrasound significantly modulated AS latencies."16:24
kanzure"Such effects proved to be dependent on FUS hemifield of stimulation (relative latency increases most for ipsilateral AS). These results are interpreted in terms of a modulation of saccade inhibition to the contralateral visual field due to the disruption of processing across the frontal eye fields. Our study demonstrates for the first time the feasibility of using FUS stimulation to causally modulate behavior in the awake nonhuman primate ...16:24
kanzure... brain."16:24
kanzurewas from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S096098221301270016:24
-!- [arff] is now known as muslamba16:26
-!- muslamba is now known as nsh16:26
kanzureebowden will like "Drug delivery across the blood–brain barrier using focused ultrasound16:26
kanzuresigh javascript copypaste spam16:27
kanzure<!--[if IE 6]><link href="/templates/jsp/_style2/_ashley/ie6.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/><![endif]-->16:29
ParahSailindang thats evil, it used to be that all the js copypaste spam was hosted on external domains that one could blackhole with hosts file16:30
kanzuregrg.org is claiming their site is going down since they can't pay their bills16:32
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streetythe design of that site is almost impressively dated17:05
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fennis there something wrong with the way informahealthcare.com is implemented?17:26
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kanzureit inserts spam into your paste buffer17:31
fennso, with the whole "user agent" model of the browser, why is it some sites are able to block right-click or whatever?17:33
fennis that just an implementation flaw?17:34
fenni can't think of any reason a site would legitimately need to know when i am copying text from it17:34
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kanzureugh i need a stimulopedia brain map thing17:41
fenn"The Libre: The Free of SSL" is a pretty awkward name17:41
entelechiosit reminds me of 'MANOS: THE HANDS OF FATE'17:42
kanzureopenbsd is still on cvs? really?17:42
fennwell, it's "stable"17:42
ParahSailinopenbsd still has no ssl web server?17:42
entelechiosyeah they are17:43
entelechiosyou get patches down manually and everything17:43
entelechiosit's fucking funny17:43
kanzurehold on let me connect my MUD client to get the patches17:43
entelechiosi had to patch openbsd boxes for this whole thing and17:43
entelechiosit was a lot more time consuming than it needed to be17:43
entelechiosoh yeah and they also keep the version of builtin apache before the new license17:43
entelechiosso like17:43
entelechios2002 vintage or some shit in the base install17:43
entelechiosi think i heard tell of them switching to nginx but17:44
eudoxiai think there are two openbsd sites and one has ssl17:44
eudoxiabut they look exactly alike17:44
entelechiosi still appreciate their approach17:45
fennrandom image of the cvs server? http://www.openbsd.org/images/rack2009.jpg17:45
entelechiosthey test on crappy olden architectures because it helps them uncover bugs that they dont find by keeping it to a more limited amount of archs17:45
kanzure"Misuse of the FDA's humanitarian device exemption in deep brain stimulation for obsessive-compulsive disorder"17:46
entelechiosthats all in theo de raadt's garage in calgary17:46
eudoxiaoh so that's where they test openbsd17:46
entelechioswhat gets me is that theo insists on living in calgary and then ran into a near budget shortfall17:46
entelechiosi mean they did manage to scrape together but17:46
entelechiosalberta power prices are fucking expensive as hell17:46
fennis calgary expensive?17:46
kanzure"To obtain approval for an HUD, an humanitarian device exemption (HDE) application is submitted to FDA. An HDE is similar in both form and content to a premarket approval (PMA) application, but is exempt from the effectiveness requirements of a PMA. An HDE application is not required to contain the results of scientifically valid clinical investigations demonstrating that the device is effective for its intended purpose."17:46
entelechioseveryones all brainwashed by oil out there17:46
entelechiosand thats what the operating cost reportedly was partly17:47
entelechiosin stupid ass alberta17:47
entelechioshe could move to vancouver and slash that bill so much17:47
fennhumanitarian device.. hmm. what is this exemption intended for?17:47
entelechiosseriously like i'd be paying 1/5th of the price on my power bill in BC17:47
kanzure"An Humanitarian Use Device (HUD) is a device that is intended to benefit patients by treating or diagnosing a disease or condition that affects or is manifested in fewer than 4,000 individuals in the United States per year. A device manufacturer`s research and development costs could exceed its market returns for diseases or conditions affecting small patient populations."17:47
kanzure<4k users17:47
fennwell, duh17:48
kanzurecan you just register a thousand different "humanitarian devices" and get 4 million users?17:48
fenn"this is for people with brain cancer and whose name begins with the letters 'ab'"17:49
kanzureah, here's a list of current exemptions (?) http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/ProductsandMedicalProcedures/DeviceApprovalsandClearances/HDEApprovals/ucm161827.htm17:49
fennundetectable secret homeopathic brain cancer I mean17:49
entelechiosokay, battery is drained. laters17:50
fennkanzure: "The Argus® II Retinal Prosthesis System is intended for patients aged 25 years and older" haha sucker17:51
fennno retina for you17:51
kanzure"Acticon™Neosphincter" "For the treatment of severe fecal incontinence in post-pubescent males and females who have failed, or are not candidates for, less invasive forms of restorative therapy."17:54
fennhow the hell does a deep brain stimulator get through with zero testing17:54
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kanzuremore approvals: http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/ProductsandMedicalProcedures/DeviceApprovalsandClearances/PMAApprovals/ucm392346.htm17:56
kanzureoh, these might not be qualified for the humanitarian exemption17:56
kanzure"Approval for an alternate welding process" wtf17:57
kanzure"Contract laboratory change."17:57
kanzuregah i regret even looking17:57
fennyeah all this is just "we notified the FDA"17:57
cpopellmet a guy who had a patent for a method of drawing collagen into ligaments for spinal repair tonight18:01
fennwhat was the method?18:03
cpopelldidn't come up, wasn't a science meetup but a business one, and other people were talking to him18:04
fennso, how did you know he wasn't deluded or full of shit?18:05
fenn"trust me, i'm a patent attorney"18:05
eudoxiaprobably had the right nerd cred18:05
kanzurei'm sure his claim that he has a patent is correct18:05
kanzurebut that itself can be sort of boring18:05
fennit's easy to verify that, but not so easy to verify that the method actually works18:06
Lemminkainenyou can patent a method with 0.1% efficacy18:06
Lemminkainenbut it'll never mean shit for the clinic at that rate18:06
fenndo they even check if it works at all? why not 0% efficacy?18:06
Lemminkainenbest case exit there is to sell the IP to someone who wants to sit on it18:06
LemminkainenUSPTO has no way of checking methods like that, it's all on claims and substantiated data18:07
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cpopellit sounded like he had gotten a grant to work on getting it through trials18:07
cpopellbut discussion passed to other stuff18:07
Lemminkainenhahahaha grants for trials18:07
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/324/5927/643.short18:07
yoleauxBurst Spiking of a Single Cortical Neuron Modifies Global Brain State18:07
cpopellLemminkainen: yeh, his other work was more interesting18:07
Lemminkainena Phase 1a for even a fatal orphan disease will set you back around $1.5M18:07
fennkanzure:  paperbot should be able to accept things that start with .title paperbot:18:08
Lemminkainenafter that you can apply for Breakthrough status but that ain't guaranteed at all18:08
fenn.title paperbot: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/324/5927/643.short18:08
yoleauxfenn: Sorry, that command (.title) crashed.18:08
fennyou know what i mean18:08
eudoxiawhy not put "title" after the url and a space18:09
fennactually i didnt expect yoleaux to crash18:09
fenneither way18:09
Lemminkainenpaperbot http://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/v32/n4/full/nbt0414-307b.html18:09
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fennor it could just automatically say the title as default behavior18:09
fenni mean, what's the point of having it in an irc channel if i can't see what other people are reading18:10
fenn"oh, he's reading something in nature" is not very informative18:10
LemminkainenI'm reading about camel dicks18:10
fenn.title http://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/v32/n4/full/nbt0414-307b.html18:10
yoleauxAround the world in a month18:10
fennokay that sucks too18:11
kanzure"Targeted single-cell electroporation of mammalian neurons in vivo" http://www.ucl.ac.uk/cabi/PDF/2009_Judkewitz_et_al._Nature_Protocols.pdf18:11
eudoxiai spotted pmetzger in the wild https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kV63Mf5Qb2Q18:17
eudoxiawhat a small world we live in18:17
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yoleauxLisp Interface Library18:20
fenneudoxia: technically, you are "living in" a ghetto18:20
fenneudoxia: https://michaelochurch.wordpress.com/2012/04/24/functional-programming-is-a-ghetto/18:20
dingoopenbsd does aa very good job of using cvs, btw18:21
dingothey work off head, no branching18:21
dingoyou can use -current, as its called, pretty reliably18:21
dingoyou commit after testing18:21
dingoand they do 6month release cycles with tagging18:21
dingoits a very polished development lifecycle18:22
dingogit or cvs, it doesn't matter at that point18:22
dingoits the actual release cycle that matters18:22
dingoevery 6 months on the dot18:22
eudoxiafenn: i know i shouldn't be surprised, but it's always fun when i run into someone on some other part of the internet18:22
dingoonce a release is cut -- everybody checks in their experimental stuff for all developers to eat18:22
fenndingo: how do you test changes before committing with no version control system?18:23
eudoxiai've also noticed a weird correlation between Common Lisp programmers and MNT fans. me, kirka, the author of CavityStuffer (MNT software written in CL), some guy who's working on a CL->LLVM compiler who was at some foresight.org panel18:23
dingoits a unix system... you make the new kernel and reboot it, or make the new binaries and install them18:23
fenni have the image of someone squatting in a dirt floor workshop with no benches18:23
dingoif it works, you commit18:24
dingoyou know they don't even use irc18:24
dingothey use icb18:24
fennwhat's icb?18:24
fennbut the entire internet is the citizen's band18:25
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dingoeverybody has to ssh or ssh tunnel to cvs.openbsd.org to connect to the icb server18:26
dingoso its actually quite a bit more secure than irc18:26
fennmost things are more secure than irc18:26
dingowhere only 1/2 of us are using ssl, the other half leak the rest of our stuff in the clear18:26
fennin fact, this channel is searchable on google18:26
dingoso i noticed18:26
kanzuremaybe if i take down the logs, i'll stop running into myself18:27
fennokay so why dont they just use ssh and talk (lol)18:27
fenn'talk' the unix command18:28
dingotoo many developers for talk, and ytalk is *way* better than talk18:28
dingo(allows more than 2 users, for example)18:28
dingoi grew up on ytalk, don't diss it18:28
dingoi once did a talk with the author of gimp18:28
dingoa blind guy18:29
dingoprobobly 15 or so other folk18:29
fenni grew up on, um, bzflag and circlemud18:29
kanzurebzflag? gah18:29
fennactually arena and dogfight, but you've probably never heard of that18:29
fennit was on SGI IRIX18:29
kanzureactually bzflag makes a lot of sense for you18:29
dingowell i grew up on renegade and teleguard, but i matured on the internet, with ytalk18:30
fenni was on a weird mud developed by a unix sysadmin who liked to add stuff like tab complete, for loops, shell expansion, etc.18:30
fennit's probably why i am the way i am today18:30
eudoxiamy first chat client thing was MSN :X18:32
fennisn't that a sorry excuse for a news channel?18:33
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eudoxiai always wondered if msnbc was microsoft-related18:34
eudoxiaah yes it is18:34
eudoxiathat makes sense18:34
fennit came out around the same time as MSN18:35
kanzure"Femtosecond optical transfection of individual mammalian cells" hmph18:35
fenni'll never forgive them for killing hotmail18:36
fennthat means the laser pulse lasts a femtosecond, not that they uptake the data in one femtosecond18:36
kanzurehrm. okay. also, i would probably be content with electroporation and ultrasound transfection.18:37
fennthe yields are pretty high. you could use it to selectively add DNA to whatever tissue you like18:37
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kanzurei wonder if the reason why we don't have an elaborate map of "we stimulated these neurons in the brain here" <-> "we got these results" is because nobody knows which tests to put the rats/monkeys/people through18:38
fennyeah "these results" is highly subjective18:38
kanzurealso, maybe 1 mm^2 is not enough for doing selective memory elicitation in humans18:39
fennno, it is not18:39
fennnot if you want more than the 100 or so different memories available from that spot18:40
kanzurethat's fine if it's the same 100 memories18:40
fennif you want to trigger the feeling of a ham sandwich, it works great18:40
kanzurealthough, i'm not sure i care about memory elicitation itself18:40
fennyes you do18:40
fennyou're welcome :P18:41
fenn(irc mediated memory elicitation)18:41
fenn"the memory is the message"18:41
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kanzureselection of targets for things to attempt to stimulate is not an obvious task18:44
kanzureyou can't just stimulate and get "improved math gland function" since there's no math gland18:45
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fenni agree we need more objective cognitive performance tests, is that what you are saying?18:45
kanzureif you ask your stereotypical transhumanist what they would want to try to stimulate, they would say "my ability to solve word problems faster"18:46
fennmore of objective performance tests (not more-objective tests, they're either objective enough or not objective at all)18:46
kanzurebut their answer- whatever it is- in most situations iwll not be directly controlled by a specific region of the brain18:46
fennof course not18:47
fennstimulating neurons is like sticking a wire into a computer and hoping something interesting happens18:47
kanzurethings that i am certain could be stimulated: memory elicitation (at minimum, generic playback of random crap), auditory input, visual input, motor cortex output, arousal, somatosensory crap, dyslexia (i mean, reading/comprehension can probably be disrupted)18:48
paskymm, a ham sandwich18:49
fennoops :P18:49
kanzurei suppose that might be enough to work with18:49
fennalso motor cortex input should be fun18:50
kanzurethat's been working in rats (or mice? sigh)18:50
fennno i mean, "you are now moving your arm"18:51
fennand then you look over and nothing is happening18:51
fennexcept it would probably be related to a robot that is moving18:51
fennso you feel like you're moving but you're not, the robot is moving18:52
kanzurethings that would be nice but don't have immediately obvious targets to stimulate: mathematical ability, working memory 'size', visualization memory fidelity/size, language acquisition/uptake timeliness, attention, uh.. what else.18:52
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kanzure'mathematical ability' is one of those wonky things18:52
fennisnt "mathematical ability" and "word recall" the sort of thing tDCS is supposed to modulate?18:52
fenni forget what has been claimed for tDCS18:53
fennit definitely helped with new task learning rate18:53
fennanyway you've got yourself a nice little combinatorial explosion18:54
fenntypes of stimulation, stimulation parameters, stimulation locations, types of tests, parameters of tests, representation schema18:54
fennby the time you're done, the brain is probably fried, nullifying your results18:55
fennso the only way is to get truckloads of fresh warm brains, and igor is held up at the border by customs18:56
kanzureyou can rule out certian regions of the brain as uninteresting18:56
fennO RLY18:57
fennthey said the same thing about DNA18:57
kanzureif it was removed through surgery and other interesting things were still happening (without time for learning or rewiring) then it is probably not relevant to whatever you're looking for18:57
fennsure bisecting works for deterining function/structure relationships, but it doesn't mean the other half is "uninteresting"18:58
kanzureotherwise how would you explain our knowledge of things like the auditory cortex18:58
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kanzureif you're looking for a way to stimulate audio input, and you know about the auditory cortex, why would you look in other places18:59
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Lemminkainenpaperbot http://www.genomeweb.com/sequencing/sequencing-blood-and-brain-samples-supercentenarian-unveils-background-somatic-m19:15
Lemminkainennmz787_i you available to send up a copy? my entire team is down the nerd foxhole on debating this and we need more info19:16
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fennheh grg.org the oldest living site on the internet19:22
fenn"made with SimpleText"19:24
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ParahSailinhm the focus fusion people are gonna do a kickstarter19:27
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kanzurethis guy is fun: http://scholar.google.com/citations?sortby=pubdate&hl=en&user=s7gOlh8AAAAJ&pagesize=100&view_op=list_works19:40
kanzure"Working memory capacity predicts dopamine synthesis capacity in the human striatum"19:41
kanzure"Impulsive personality predicts dopamine-dependent changes in frontostriatal activity during component processes of working memory"19:43
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kanzure"An FMRI study of working memory on and off ritalin in adolescents with ADHD" neat19:47
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kanzurehrm, methlyphenidate has been shown to enhance working memory http://www.adders.org/camb%20research.pdf (i thought the literature just said "linked" and not enhanced)20:06
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kanzurepaperbot: http://www.nature.com/neuro/journal/v10/n3/abs/nn1846.html20:11
ebowdenpaperbot: http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/abs/10.1089/scd.2009.026120:26
paperbotRuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in cmp (file "/usr/lib/python2.7/_weakrefset.py", line 73, in __contains__)20:28
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kanzurethis is a cool one,20:31
-!- everyone is now known as Adifex|pub20:31
kanzure"Alpha2A-adrenoceptors strengthen working memory networks by inhibiting cAMP-HCN channel signaling in prefrontal cortex" http://jackknife.med.yale.edu/mlab/pdfs/wang2007.pdf20:31
ebowdenAh, yes, guanfacine.20:32
xentracfenn: you've confused the Principle of Least Power with the Principle of Least Authority [or Privilege]20:32
fennoh silly me :P20:32
fennPower, Privilege, completely separate concepts20:32
kanzurehmm "Facilitation and restoration of cognitive function in primate prefrontal cortex by a neuroprosthesis that utilizes minicolumn-specific neural firing"20:34
xentracyeah, I think Tim maybe named the principle a bit wrong20:36
xentracbut the W3C's later renaming of it was even worse20:36
ebowdenpaperbot: http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/pdf/10.1089/scd.2009.026120:41
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fennxentrac: what did they rename it to?20:44
kanzureprinciple of xml20:44
fennprinciple of unreadable tags?20:44
dingoXML XML XMLXMXLMxlmxlmxlmxlmxlmxlmlmx YES20:45
dingoemploys thousands globally20:45
fennjobs jobs jobs jobs developers developers developers developers developers developers20:45
xentracI don't even remember20:46
ebowdenpaperbot: file: http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/pdf/10.1089/scd.2009.026120:48
ebowdenpaperbot: file:http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/pdf/10.1089/scd.2009.026120:48
fenn"principle of least complexity" would be better20:48
xmjgood morning20:49
fennbut then you have to fight people's preconceived notions of complexity20:49
kanzure"Frontal activations associated with accessing and evaluating information in working memory: an fMRI study.pdf" http://memlab0.eng.yale.edu/PDFs/2003_Zhang_Leung_Johnson_NeuroImage.pdf20:50
fennvanuatu eh, xmj you should talk to juyun kim (no not really)20:50
kanzuredid he fucking sneak in again20:51
fennunfortunately i forgot which nick he was using when i talked with him about his "contacts" in vanuatu20:51
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fennthis was a couple years ago20:52
kanzurehe came back a few times20:52
kanzurebut eventually i smelled his scent20:52
fennthe scent of the wild honeybadger20:52
* fenn hisses ferociously20:52
fennhis resume looks so boring20:53
xmjfenn: whothatguy20:53
fennjust some scam artist20:53
fennwanted to build a hackerspace in vanuatu20:54
xmji hope by the time i get there they have fast-enough internet20:54
fennhow fast is fast-enough?20:54
kanzurefenn: http://gnusha.org/logs/2014-01-30.log20:54
fennIRC over shortwave radio!20:54
xmjfenn: 10mbit/s is a start20:54
fenn100 baud is a start20:55
kanzurefenn: http://pastebin.com/1w1rbY9220:55
xmjfenn: wanna see you load jquery-rich websites over 100baud20:55
fennthat's why i'm building THE ASSIMILATOR20:55
kanzurefenn: and basically i only know one person that has this sort of pathology20:55
fenn"jquery-rich" what does that even mean20:55
fennyou could use an already-existing bloat-reduction proxy server i guess20:56
fennkanzure: the endless information updates with no prompting is what gives it away20:57
kanzureyes, but also other things like, he gave his mom's body to cryonics institute20:57
kanzureand the mention of xrumer20:58
fennwhy would he say stuff like that if he's trying to hide his identity?20:58
kanzurebecause he's a moron?20:58
fennaw, gradstudentbot20:59
* fenn weeps a single virtual tear20:59
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fenn"if only i could just work at home or something21:01
fenn^^ not a very talented spammer i guess21:01
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fennyou're ALIVE!!!21:01
fennnot you21:01
kanzuregradstudentbot: how goes the paper?21:01
gradstudentbotI saw that paper when it came out.21:01
fennhey what about automating mechanical turk21:04
fennwrite AI that does the task :P21:04
kanzurewhy are you bringing up mturk?21:05
fenneverybody wins21:05
fennreading that log you linked with dantespeaks, "Lemminkainen> avoid Mech Turk unless you want to make average $4/hr21:05
kanzurewhy are you reading that log, heh21:05
kanzurejust irc drama really21:06
fennwhy do anything21:06
kanzurebecause i told you to?21:06
fenni've been infected with the freedom virus21:06
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LemminkainenI did what now?21:08
LemminkainenI can't be held accountable to things I said months ago21:08
gradstudentbotI just finished my pset two days early.21:08
fennLemminkainen: what subjective effect does DHEA have? i tried it and it just made me extremely tired21:11
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LemminkainenI've only ever consumed DHEA after a destroying workout and then I'm generally mixing it with a lot of food and cartoons so I can't tell you for sure21:12
kanzure"Neural activity in the hippocampus predicts individual visual short‐term memory capacity"21:15
kanzurewell that's problematic.21:15
fennit's textbook level knowledge21:15
fennwhy is it problematic?21:15
kanzurethat's not textbook level knowledge21:16
kanzurehippocampus is often implicated in long-term memory, but not often short-term visual memory capacity (note the word isn't 'storage' or 'retrieval')21:17
LemminkainenI could see the hippocampus buffering signals from the visual cortex21:17
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fennfrom the beginning of the wikipedia article on hippocampus: "The hippocampus ... plays important roles in the consolidation of information from short-term memory to long-term memory and spatial navigation."21:18
kanzureif it is a correlate for prediction, and not the causal source, then is that still "playing a role"21:19
fenni have no idea what "correlate for prediction" means21:19
kanzurethe study was about prediction21:20
kanzureusing one variable to predict another21:20
fennit sounds like the same thing21:20
fenn"plays a role" vs "activity predicts"21:21
Lemminkainenyou want to link the study?21:21
kanzurenot really21:21
fennlet's continue the hippocampus-swinging contest instead21:21
kanzurei forget21:23
fennman, they should just start over and rename everything in the brain21:23
fenn"seahorse"? "boobies"?21:23
fenni can't believe we put up with this shit21:24
kanzurewell, what would be a better naming, identification, location scheme?21:24
fennsomething better than "the thing stuck to the other thing next to the thingy"21:25
kanzuregenotyping identification of individual neuron types seems to be doing pretty well21:25
kanzurepyramidal neurons and others are identifiable based on shape and mRNA expression profile crap21:26
fennsure there's a glut of data21:26
fennwe have enough detail about the function of different regions now to be able to make up meaningful names21:26
kanzureit's too bad that neural tube developmental "go in this direction" data is gone once the neuron is mature21:26
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fennso instead of "seahorse thingy (in greek)" it could be "memory consolidator"21:28
fennpeople almost always prefer the version they were first introduced to, so anyone who knows enough about the functions of everything to come up with a system wouldn't have any motivation to do so21:29
fenna naming system*21:29
fennthere are an awful lot of genes named "scooby doo" and the like, i hope that shit gets fixed eventually21:30
LemminkainenI actually have no problem with that21:31
kanzureyes and "SCX14" is such a better gene name?21:31
LemminkainenTiddlywinks and decapentaplegic21:31
fennit's fine as a placeholder when you have no idea what it does21:31
fennnot so good when you have to inform someone they're dying because  of a scooby doo mutation21:32
Lemminkainenyep, that's awesome21:32
Lemminkainensuch a better system21:32
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fennthere seems to be a trend away from trying to make meaningful abbreviations21:33
kanzurethere's a taxonomy of proteins and enzymes, maybe it should be reorganized into some sort of human-manipulatable grammar21:34
fennlike in the 1920's "communism international" became "ComIntern"21:34
kanzureoh right, IUPAC naming sort of did that21:34
fenn"signals intelligence" becomes "SIGINT"21:34
fennHistone-deacetylase-that-also-works-in-Golgi-but-not-in-mitochondria becomes "scooby doo"?21:35
LemminkainenSIRT7, actually21:35
fennmeh at least it's related to something21:35
fennno idea what SIRT actually stands for21:36
fennSIR2 -> sirtuin -> SIRT? that's bogus21:37
LemminkainenI didn't name it21:37
LemminkainenI did, however, name a line of transgenic mice "butt exploder"21:37
Lemminkainenbecause they lacked IL-10 and would sometimes develop spontaneous rectal prolapse21:37
gradstudentbotI am kind of curious what he has a Ph.D. in, I can't really find this anywhere, it could be underwater basket weaving for all I know.21:38
fenn The name Sir2 comes from the yeast gene 'silent mating-type information regulation 2' the gene responsible for cellular regulation in yeast.21:38
gradstudentbotWhatever, I'm really dating school anyway.21:38
fennLemminkainen: see, that's the kind of descriptive naming we need more of in science21:39
fennbutt exploder, not sir221:39
fennshouldn't it be SMIR2?21:39
fenngah, biologists21:40
yashgaroth"what do the test results say, doctor?" "it appears you have a mutation in the, uh, butt exploder gene"21:40
kanzurethankfully neosphincter(R) has been approved for "humanitarian use"21:41
fennok fine, "rectus explodicus"21:41
Lemminkainenthe Neosphincter is a prosthetic mechanic device that vibrates in response to flexion of the pubococcyxal muscles21:41
Lemminkainendammit yashgaroth not the mabs21:42
LemminkainenI have seen WAY too many biotech startups get founded on the basis of ONE promising monoclonal antibody21:42
fennwhat's the difference between a mab and a mib21:42
fennor a nib21:42
fennor a ulib21:42
yashgarothI've seen startups founded on the idea of a basis of one promising mab21:42
kanzurethat neosphincter description sounds like the start to a porn scene21:42
kanzureprosthetic mechanic device that vibrates, we all know where this is going21:43
fennit's no coincidence the medical device startup scene is in the bay area21:43
Lemminkainenit's true that we don't have enough cyborg porn21:43
fennyeah there's Tetsuo the iron man, what else21:44
gradstudentbotI don't know, I think that's kind of problematic.21:44
LemminkainenI want to see something serious with hydraulics and lasers21:44
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fenn.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uROMTzJsfOI21:46
yoleauxTetsuo: The Iron Man trailer21:46
jrayhawkpaperbot: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/333/6040/301.full.pdf21:47
kanzurewhat's peroglide21:50
fennPergolide (trade name Permax) is an ergoline -based dopamine receptor agonist used in some countries for the treatment of Parkinson's disease21:50
jrayhawkI'll show you my rod knocker if you show me your bushing pusher.21:51
kanzurethat's a lousy deal21:51
jrayhawkespecially since i do not have a rod knocker21:51
Lemminkainenyou could make one out of a stale baguette21:52
jrayhawkbut gliadin makes baby jesus cry21:53
jrayhawksourdough baguette. that's the solution.21:53
Lemminkainenremember to laminate it first21:53
jrayhawkbut estrogenic activity makes baby jesus girly21:54
fennpea protein and MCT oil from now on21:54
fennjrayhawk: what's a good anisotropic food21:55
fennpreferably shelf stable and relatively solid under most conditions21:56
ebowdenOh by the way, did anyone here know about the role of the hippocampus in imagination?21:56
fennimagination, what's that?21:56
ebowden(Those without one cannot create a scene, in their head.)21:56
fennis that a kind of consciousness?21:56
kanzurewhat do you mean "create a scene in their head"21:57
fennis it an ineffable qualia of truth?21:57
kanzurehow do i know if i have a scene or not?21:57
fennis it the juice that p-zombies are trying to suck out of brains?21:57
kanzuredopamine nectar juice21:57
ebowdenThey are asked to imagine themselves in a warm beach with blue sky, and white sand.21:58
fennkanzure: i think it's more to do with the sigma receptor21:58
ebowdenNormal people can do this.21:58
kanzurehow do i know if i am doing it or not?21:58
fennall people fall on the normal curve21:58
fennnormal people can do what?21:59
ebowdenBecause you can 'see' the scene in your head, as if you are remembering it.21:59
jrayhawk100% chocolate makes for weird fracture patterns; maybe there's a way to forge chocolate21:59
fennmaybe you are just remembering what you want to21:59
kanzureand if you've never been there, then it can't be remembering22:00
ebowdenThat's why I said 'see' as if you are remembering.22:00
fennjrayhawk: there is a whole science of chocolate metallurgy and studying the grain growth under various conditions, annealing and tempering and hardening etc22:00
jrayhawkoh neat22:00
ebowdenI did not say you would be remembering.22:00
kanzure"Working memory capacity predicts dopamine synthesis capacity in the human striatum"22:00
fennchocolate often goes on sale when it has been stored improperly or for too long and has the wrong crystal structure22:00
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.jneurosci.org/content/28/5/1208.short22:01
jrayhawkmaybe that would be a good room-temperature unspoilable anisotropic solid22:01
fennbut if you are just going to melt it and recast then it doesnt matter what the structure is22:01
jrayhawkthough if you had more of a "why" i could give a better answer22:01
fenni want to make a logistically optimized generic food. have you seen "serenity"?22:01
ParahSailinjust drink lb22:02
jrayhawknot recently enough to remember the food involved22:02
fenni am thinking something about 20mm on a side, a high fat high protein cube with two edible separators (rice paper?) stacked up in tubes22:02
fennin "serenity" they are toting these gold bars around, and in the end it turns out they're vitamin-enhanced clif bars or something22:03
fenneveryone knew this, the joke was on the viewer22:03
kanzurehrmm i can't find reports of exceptional working memory22:03
jrayhawkvarious bits of beef round have some pretty tough fibers; maybe they can be jerkied22:03
fennmy impression of pemmican is way different from the "pemmican" currently being sold by the sioux at REI22:04
jrayhawkthe jerky equivalent of string cheese22:04
fennthey're selling something more like a slim jim, that can't be right22:04
jrayhawka cube of smokey deliciousness22:04
fennshouldnt it be the texture of modeling clay?22:04
LemminkainenI need to cook with this!22:04
fennthe other option was to put pemmican in metallized plastic baby food pouches22:05
jrayhawki think pemmican is anywhere from pate to chunky meatball22:05
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fenn"chunky meatball" just seems like it would go bad22:05
Lemminkainenpemmican and bone marrow pasta bolognese22:05
Lemminkainenfresh black olives and buratta on top22:06
jrayhawkhuh, second result for "pemmican" is mark sisson22:06
ebowdenOh, interesting, oxford are recruiting people with exceptional working memory capacity.22:06
fennthat's probably where i heard of it22:06
fenn"weeks away from camp with nothing but pemmican to eat and snow to drink" sounds pretty good22:07
Lemminkainenliver dumplings are also pretty great for that22:08
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fennmark sisson's method is totally different from what i read about northern michigan tribes22:08
xmjso i'm finally done with those videos22:09
xmjjrayhawk: thanks again22:09
fennthey covered a glob of meat in clay, baked the clay ball in coals for like 2 days, then broke open the clay and powdered the now-ultra-dry meat22:09
xmjturns out i want more fish and less beans. otherwise i'm in the good22:09
jrayhawkbut, but, the magical fruit!22:09
jrayhawki suppose green plantains are more magical22:10
fennanyway i tried to find a commodity source of saturated fat; lard has been polluted with omega-6 and beef suet is super oxidized22:10
fenncoconut oil melts at a very low temperature, so i guess that leaves cocoa butter22:11
fennmaybe mix carnauba wax and coconut oil22:11
jrayhawktropical traditions sells five gallon buckets of coconut oil for $100-150 depending on quality22:11
jrayhawkI also have a five gallon bucket of grass-fed tallow from US Wellness meats, but I feel sorta crappy if I try to use it as a staple calorie source.22:12
gradstudentbotI really like him, but some of his work is really problematic.22:12
fennis beeswax edible?22:12
fenni mean it probably wont kill you, but eating nothing but beeswax + coconut oil for months?22:12
jrayhawkthese days I mostly just buy ten pound bags of frozen grain-finished ground beef suet.22:13
jrayhawkseems to do okay22:13
fennwhere do you get suet?22:13
jrayhawkSpecial order from grocery stores. $1-2/lb22:14
fennthat's pretty cheap22:14
fennthat's cheaper than paraffin22:14
jrayhawkI'm sure I could get it for less if I bothered to get to know any local cattle farmers or butchers.22:14
fennand it isn't oxidized to death?22:14
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jrayhawkNot that I've noticed.22:14
fenni had a bad experience with bird feeder cake22:15
kanzurehttp://cocomac.g-node.org/drupal/? "CoCoMac (Collations of Connectivity data on the Macaque brain) is our approach to produce a systematic record of the known wiring of the primate brain. The main database contains details of hundreds of tracing studies in their original descriptions. Further data are continuously added."22:15
kanzure"To overcome the problem of divergent brain maps we developed ORT (Objective Relational Transformation), an algorithmic method to convert data in a coordinate- independent way based on logical relations between areas in different brain maps."22:15
fennok, just a headache, but it was clearly caused by the suet22:15
jrayhawkYeah, most of that stuff is stored room temperature in transparent packaging for long periods of time.22:15
jrayhawkBeef suet should be frozen and fresh and stored in a dark freezer.22:16
fennjrayhawk: so i just go into safeway and say "buy me some frozen suet"?22:16
gradstudentbotOkay, someone really needs to do the lab dishes.22:16
kanzureweird site features http://cocomac.g-node.org/cocomac2/main/sitemap.php22:16
kanzure"Lookup brain site details for a given (list of) regions(s), which can be specified either by numeric ID, text ID, acronym or full name"22:16
jrayhawkThe more sophisticated the butchery setup in the store, the more likely they'll be able to do interesting special orders.22:17
fenndo you go to a co-op or something? or is it a franchise that might exist somewhere else in the country?22:17
jrayhawkI think the franchise I usually shop at is Oregon-only.22:18
fennwhy does it need to be frozen?22:18
fennor is that just a plus22:18
kanzurefenn: try this out, http://cocomac.g-node.org/drupal/?q=search_wizard click "brain sites", and then click "no" for "constraints", and then click "search"22:19
kanzurewhat a terrible system22:19
jrayhawkAdipose tissue is cellular and involves matricies of protein; gram-negative bacteria can set up shop pretty easily.22:19
kanzurebut apparently this is their idea of a brain map :(22:19
jrayhawkThough how vulnerable you are to endotoxemia is, of course, a matter of choice.22:19
jrayhawkTallow is the processed form that's just pure fat.22:20
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fennsuet is not rendered?22:20
fennso what percentage of it is fat?22:20
jrayhawkDepends on how careful they are cutting it.22:21
fennkanzure: it shows no results22:21
kanzureuh. hrm.22:22
kanzurewell it showed me a giant table/matrix of brain region connectivity22:22
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1162/jocn_a_00556#.U1nxIVRDs-M22:22
jrayhawkthere are paleo rotting meat enthusiast fringe groups22:22
jrayhawkthose are the best trolls22:23
* fenn gets out the can of ether to fire up the ol' chrome engine22:23
fennjrayhawk: i'm not interested in "cultured" anything unless i know exactly what is growing22:24
jrayhawkYeah, I can't actually deal with really really large LPS loads. I'm a lot more resiliant than most folks, at least.22:25
fennokay cocomac shows a table in chrome, but i still have no idea what it says22:25
kanzurethere's json output available if you select it22:26
fennjrayhawk: huh? gram-negative is in yogurt. you can't eat yogurt?22:26
fenni mean you're not injecting it22:26
fennkanzure: yeah but what the hell am i looking at?22:26
kanzureis this chrome or chromium?22:27
jrayhawkwhat strains are gram-negative?22:27
fennVersion 34.0.1847.14 beta22:27
fennanyway the point was that a bunch of tables with numbers in them doesn't really help me in anyway22:28
fennjrayhawk: e. coli, lactic acid bacteria, salmonella, um, just about anything that is not a pathogen22:28
jrayhawkI mean, in yogurt22:29
jrayhawkhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lactobacillus the common one sure ain't22:30
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fennokay i dont know what i am talking about22:32
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jrayhawkhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lipopolysaccharide LPS is one of those big reasons intestinal permeability is a gateway to autoimmunity22:33
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fennso is the idea to not have gram-negative bacteria growing in your gut in the first place?22:35
fennalso what's with mannan oligosaccharide supplements22:36
jrayhawkNo, the idea is to keep the tight junctions zipped up.22:36
xmjthat's one thing i haven't quite grokked22:37
xmjhow does one do that?22:37
fenni ate a bagel today. am i going to die?22:37
xmjUnless you want to live forever, which Queen tells me you don't22:38
fenni guess gram-negatives are not typically pathogens because we have such good defenses against them22:39
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fennxmj: where'd you get that idea?22:39
jrayhawkxmj: the only thing we know super-well mechanistically is a universal response to gliadin via chemokine receptor 3; observationally this seems to be pretty universal with low concentrations of grain prolamines, and more scattered responses to legumes, dairy (probably casein), nightshades (probably glycoalkaloids), yeast, and various kinds of intestinal dysbiosis22:40
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xmjfenn: Quee - Who wants to live forever?22:40
juri_i want to live forever.22:41
xmjjrayhawk: TLDR eliminate grains, legumes and dairy - and be happy?22:41
Lemminkainenfenn gram-negatives are definitely pathogens22:42
kanzurewhat is TLDR?22:42
fennJust gotta get out - just gotta get right outta here22:42
Lemminkainenenterohemorrhagic E. coli, Shigella, Cholera et al22:42
ZhwaziToo Long, Didn't Read22:42
jrayhawkEliminate grains, at least. May be prudent to demo a period of eliminating everything else just to get a baseline, but sensitivity varies.22:42
xmjReddit-speak for "Summary in one (short) sentence."22:42
kanzurefuck reddit22:42
jrayhawktechnically originated on SA.22:43
kanzurelike all evil22:43
fennwhat is "reddit"22:43
xmjSA ?22:43
fennis that short for "I read it"?22:43
kanzurexmj: the root of all evil on the internet22:43
fenn"I read your one sentence summary"22:43
kanzureanything terrible and ungood can be traced back to that community22:43
kanzureeven things they are not directly responsible for, like vaccinations22:44
gradstudentbotI just finished my pset two days early.22:44
fennSalk was secretly a member of SA22:44
xmjjrayhawk: cool22:45
fennjrayhawk: the reactions to dairy are probably to lectins from whatever the cow ate22:45
fenngliadin is a subset of lectins22:46
jrayhawkseparate thing22:47
jrayhawkWGA is the lectin, gliadin is a prolamine22:47
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fennman the wikipedia article on gliadin sucks22:50
xmjIt's wiki. Improving is allowed as long as you bring the [[quotation needed]]22:50
fennprolamine isn't a functional description22:50
fenn"Prolamines are a group of plant storage proteins having a high proline content"22:51
fennokay but what does it do22:51
xmjrewrite it22:51
jrayhawkstores nitrogen, elastically binds to basically everything22:51
fennokay so zein from corn22:52
fennzein, a prolamine, is it found in cow's milk?22:52
xmj"Eliminate dairy" basically means "No cream in my coffee" which will be hard.22:53
jrayhawkthe nitrogen content makes it extremely valuable, the proline content makes it nigh-indigestable, the random binding affinities make it highly immunogenic, and the incredibly long nature makes it mechanically complicated (similar to the albumin family)22:53
jrayhawkdairy protein is the (potential) issue; cream is probably fine22:54
jrayhawkghee is also pure fat22:54
fennchocolate or coconut oil, probably want an emulsifier like egg yolk22:54
xmjhow's there no protein in cream?22:54
xmjhow come*22:54
jrayhawkCream is what rises to the top; it's fat. Solids sink.22:56
gradstudentbotSo, people always joke about that, but I feel like weaving baskets underwater would not be the easiest thing in the world.22:57
fenncream contains 2% protein, probably mostly whey22:57
xmjthat'd make sense.22:57
fenn"solids sink" isn't quite accurate when talking about milk protein22:58
fenncream rises because fat is less dense than water22:58
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jrayhawkWell, sinks below the fat, anyway22:58
jrayhawkyou're right, it stays mostly solute in the water.22:58
fennthere is still water (and dissolved proteins) in the gaps between fat micelles in the cream22:58
fennwhat's wrong with dairy protein again?22:59
fenni thought all the "casein causes cancer" stuff was based on the (flawed) china study22:59
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fennand whey just stimulates IGF because of its amino acid profile23:00
jrayhawkInduces autoimmunity in some folks.23:00
fennor something23:00
fennwhy would dairy protein induce autoimmunity23:00
jrayhawkDon't know; intestinal permeability is a very new field.23:01
jrayhawkI mean, the stupid answer is "varying levels of adaptation based on genetics"23:01
jrayhawkbut it's not a particularly satisfactory one.23:01
fennwe know that gliadin causes intestinal permeability, so maybe there's something like gliadin in milk (and maybe it isn't casein or whey)23:01
fennthat's why i brought up lectins (I read this page but it didn't really "stick" http://krispin.com/lectin.html )23:03
fenn"Glucosamine is specific for wheat lectin and it is this specificity that may protect the gut and cartilage from cell inflammation and destruction in wheat (or gluten) responsive arthritis."23:03
jrayhawkThere may also be something about galactose and intestinal dysbiosis.23:04
jrayhawkYeah, I liked that theory a lot.23:04
jrayhawkanti-TTG is heavily involved in arthritis, so stopping both the permeability and the specific antigen response would sure make sense for improving joints23:05
fenni mean, cows eat grains, and they probably also have intestinal permeability, so it's not unreasonable that there's plant proteins in their milk23:05
fennplus cow blood in the milk23:05
jrayhawkhuh http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2362678623:06
fennwell there you go23:06
jrayhawki totally didn't mammary tight junctions were variable23:07
jrayhawki guess that makes sense; immune system's gotta get access somehow.23:07
yoleauxLipopolysaccharide disrupts the milk-blood barrier ... [PLoS One. 2013]23:07
jrayhawkanyway, seems to be an issue even with grass fed milk, and raw milk, though those things anecdotally help some23:08
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fenni'm sure getting your milk from one cow is better than from 1000 cows all mixed together23:09
jrayhawkone of the more amusing things is that people without lactase persistance genes can still adapt to pretty heavy dairy consumption just due to gut flora23:09
gradstudentbotThese findings indicate that extensive genetic engineering of human hematopoiesis can be achieved with lentiviral vectors.23:09
fenni definitely couldn't tolerate milk after being vegan for several years23:09
fennor cheese23:10
jrayhawkCheese is the highest protein form of dairy.23:10
jrayhawkGhee should be safe if ever you want to toy with buttery flavor again.23:10
fennoh, i can drink milk now23:10
jrayhawkoh good23:11
LemminkainenI don't understand this idea of human health as some hugely fragile thing23:11
fennLemminkainen: are you kidding23:11
Lemminkainengods forbid you eat milk from 1000 cows or a conventionally raised apple23:11
Lemminkainenthat will surely doom your to teh cancers23:11
jrayhawkHumans are on the cutting edge of what's metabolicly possible.23:11
Lemminkainennot like your metabolism isn't topologically robust and like you don't have multiple repair enzymes23:11
fennall that complexity just makes for multiple failure modes23:12
LemminkainenI'm not sure you understand complexity's relationship to resiliency in a nonhomogenous directed graph, then23:12
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fennyesterday i was reading about mesh networking protocols23:13
fennthere's a difference between complexity and redundancy23:13
Lemminkainenyour metabolism is not the same as a BATMAN23:13
fennLemminkainen: how do you explain the cancer epidemic?23:14
LemminkainenI don't understand how you see an epidemic in places where we lack rigorous historical data23:15
Lemminkainenthat's wobbly thinking23:15
jrayhawkor the atherosclerosis epidemic, or the obesity epidemic, or the hypertension epidemic, or the insulin resistance epidemic, or the autoimmune epidemic23:15
jrayhawkwe have quite good anthropological data on non-westernized societies23:15
Lemminkainenwho have also polluted their local environment with less industrial garbage23:16
Lemminkainenfenn http://www.barabasilab.com/pubs/CCNR-ALB_Publications/200010-05_Nature-OrganMetabolic/200010-05_Nature-OrganMetabolic.pdf23:16
fennso is a "conventional" (lol) apple a cause of cancer or not?23:16
Lemminkainenyou can't determine that23:17
jrayhawkgosh, i guess we can't know anything, guys23:17
jrayhawkbest pack up and go home23:17
Lemminkainenshow me an assay for causality between apples and tumorigenesis23:18
fenni quite like the explanation afforded by the china study23:18
fennthe mice who didn't get enough protein died before their cancer progressed enough to be noticed23:18
Lemminkainenso organic apples are...what?23:19
Lemminkainenmore proteinaceous?23:19
fennno, they just don't have "industrial garbage" on them23:19
Lemminkainenyou're stringing together distal correlations into a misguided idea of causality here23:19
fenni think the causality of cancer is anything but clear23:19
jrayhawkLemminkainen: warburg effect; mitochondria overloading causes mitochondrial damage causes cancer23:20
jrayhawkapples can also promote the growth of cancer by supporting the lactic acid pathway23:20
Lemminkainenand you're seeing mitochondrial overload from what?23:21
jrayhawkAny metabolic load that they're not prepared for for whatever reason. Nutrient deficiencies, inflammatory side-effects, etc.23:21
Lemminkainendo you know how mitochondrial biogenesis works?23:21
Lemminkainencells don't keep damaged mitochondria around23:21
gradstudentbotCan I get Saturday off?23:21
jrayhawkOptimally, yeah.23:21
jrayhawkShit goes wrong.23:22
fennlike not fasting23:22
Lemminkainenand the body has multiple levels of repair mechanisms23:22
jrayhawkI won't claim sugar is inherently deadly or anything (see: kitavans), but in the right context it's entirely capable of inducing pathological cellular signalling and oxidative stress.23:23
fennhuh i always wondered where they got the idea for DCA as a cancer therapy23:23
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fenn dichloroacetic acid (DCA), which promotes respiration and the activity of mitochondria, has been shown to kill cancer cells in vitro and in some animal models.[9] The body often kills damaged cells by apoptosis, a mechanism of self-destruction that involves mitochondria, but this mechanism fails in cancer cells where the mitochondria are shut down. The reactivation of mitochondria in cancer23:23
fenncells restarts their apoptosis program.23:23
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gradstudentbotThe results of my study indicate that the climate is about to get really weird.23:25
fenni'm pretty skeptical of "look at these healthy indigenous people" after it was revealed the Hunza people just didn't keep very good track of their age and exaggerated when the scientists asked how old they were23:25
entelechiosthis whole libressl thing is funny as hell23:25
dingo"shut up and hack"23:26
dingoits a good motto23:26
entelechiosthough it took a while for the patch for openbsd to come out compared to other OS's i had to patch23:26
entelechiosfor openssl23:26
entelechiosduring heartbleed23:26
entelechiosgod that was a pain23:26
entelechioscustom built it instead of the patch just to keep things running23:26
entelechiosthen got told by the goons in #openbsd that i made an irrevokable mistake and might as well reinstall23:26
xmjentelechios: that's bullshit thought23:27
fennsome people just keep ferrets23:27
entelechiosyes i realize hahaha23:27
xmjOpenSSL was *really fast* to providing binpatches.23:27
entelechiosfuck arrogant irc nerds23:27
dingo#openbsd is not openbsd23:27
dingothey are assholes there mostly23:27
Lemminkainenfenn and jrayhawk I still don't follow your logic here, it seems a bit random23:27
dingoi had a patch shit all over in there once23:27
xmjFreeBSD was *fast* for the Port and *not so fast == 20h* for the base patches.23:27
Lemminkainenwe're not made of glass23:27
dingoi was soliciting openbsd users to test my openbsd patch23:27
xmjdingo: so?23:28
dingoand i got these people going on about "I don't go applying some random stranger's patch, thats not secure"23:28
gradstudentbotIs there free food at that seminar?23:28
dingoand its like uhh dude... its source code, review it....23:28
jrayhawkThe normal evolutionary sciences analogy that is typically used is "Ferrari"23:28
xmjdingo: don't take it personally if they criticize you for your patch's lack of quality23:28
fennLemminkainen: if you have a health problem you very quickly learn that either a) the doctors know what they're talking about, or b) the doctor's don't know. if you end up in b you have to start thinking about why it is people get sick23:28
xmjdingo: better way to get a patch reviewed is via a mailing list, fwiw23:28
dingoi ended up leaving, but one of the devs contacted me and said hey man sorry those dudes don't speak for us23:28
entelechioswhat was really annoying was having to rebuild apache against the patch too23:28
dingoeyah well it got ignored anyway23:28
entelechiosopenbsd apache from like 2002 or some shit23:29
dingoon -tech23:29
xmjentelechios: you don't23:29
xmjopenbsd has nginx in base, and afaik it's not statically linked.23:29
entelechioswell, i did, because that's the only way i coulda gotten our mailserver working again23:29
dingoentelechios: hates openbsd like i hate djb's software23:29
xmjstop spilling bullshit non-information.23:29
Lemminkainenfenn you can definitely think about why people get sick; I've met a lot of people lately with the MTHFKR mutation in glutamate metabolism who are self-medicating quite well for it23:29
entelechiosnot my decicions here to use that23:29
entelechiosis it in 5.5 base?23:29
xmjit's obvious you're talking out of your ass when you reveal you don't know the difference between statically versus dynamically linked.23:29
Lemminkainenbut it takes a LOT to actually induce a huge pathology in almost anyone23:29
entelechiosif it is i'd way rather be seeing that used23:30
Lemminkainenmultiple mutations usually need to happen to induce cancer or some other disease pathology23:30
fennLemminkainen: self medicating how?23:30
dingoentelechios: if you're doing your job, then just do it -- if you're doing something for a home hobby, then chose something you want to work with23:30
jrayhawkCancer is not a disease of somatic mutation.23:30
entelechiosnope just doin my job23:30
jrayhawkIt is a metabolic disease.23:30
entelechiosand eh i enjoy it23:30
entelechiosi got a big old bonus23:30
entelechiosand a raise23:30
entelechiosout of the past couple weeks of bullshit from that on top of other things23:31
dingoif you were a surfer, you'd be mad that the waves sucked today, or it was too cold, or nobody appreciates your surfing style, or the how the lifeguards are always telling you to go somewhere else, etc. etc.23:31
entelechioslol some surfer bitching about how people dont appreciate his surfing style deserves to get attacked by sharks23:31
fennanyway there are large percentages of the american populace who are ill, it's not due exclusively to genetics (unless you consider the GLO- mutation "genetics")23:31
Lemminkainenjrayhawk wut cancer is not somatic?23:31
jrayhawkCancer is mutagenic; mutagenesis is not the primary cause of cancer.23:32
ebowden_By the way, can errors in protein synthesis trigger cancer?23:33
entelechiosand the biggest reason i found it a pain in the ass was having to pull down via cvs the base src23:34
entelechiosi don't live in a country with fast internet23:34
entelechiosso that meant some late as shit overtime23:34
entelechioscvs heh23:35
Lemminkainenjrayhawk you'll need to provide a source on that claim23:35
xmjentelechios: like git would be faster.23:35
entelechiosxmj, usually it is23:36
entelechioseg pulling down chromium sources23:36
entelechiosthats gigashits worth23:36
fennLemminkainen: he's just referring to the warburg hypothesis23:36
entelechiosand defintely takes less time via git than svn23:36
jrayhawkThomas Seyfried and Eugene Fine are the trailblazers on that front, AFAIK23:36
xmjentelechios: i got 200mbit/s downstream, i don't care about your DVCS bikeshed23:37
entelechiosi'm pulling a guess out of my ass here but maybe it opens a new conn per file23:37
entelechioswelcome to costa rica, can i serve you your opulence on a silver platter poisoned for your gringo ass?23:37
xmjdingo: is entelechios always like that?23:37
entelechiosno i don't really talk often in here23:37
xmjbikeshedding around non-issues, for instance?23:37
gradstudentbotI think I'll be done in 4 years.23:38
xmjMarketing and Sales determined that the optimal bikeshed color is 'transparent'.23:38
xmj... hence overruling engineering which claimed it was 'blue'.23:38
xmj'Blue' obviously does not sell that well as Sales lacks selling rigor for it.23:38
jrayhawkhttp://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1743-7075-7-7.pdf is probably the definitive paper23:39
entelechiosmy bikeshed is made of abalone shells23:39
fennentelechios: git packs diffs into blobs and compresses them23:39
entelechiosah that's the ticket then23:39
jrayhawkhttp://robbwolf.com/2013/09/19/origin-cancer/ is an okay layman article23:39
entelechiosanyways slang english isn't my forte wtf is a bikeshed23:40
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entelechiosahh i urbandictionaried it23:40
fennentelechios: http://bikeshed.com/23:40
entelechiosbikeshed: anything to do with openbsd ever on irc23:40
entelechiosstill makes a fantastic mailserver and firewall OS23:41
entelechiosanyways i now know why git does its thing faster and saves me time23:42
entelechiosthanks for the information fenn23:42
fennthat is the least important feature of git23:42
fennmichael ristow showed that exercise induces oxidative stress; cancer cells are operating at the edge of metabolism (which is why they need to use lactic acid metabolism) and are vulnerable to just a little bit more oxidative stress23:44
fenni met a plasma physicist at berkeley studying cold oxygen plasmas; they were testing it on cancer, haven't investigated it since then23:45
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entelechiosi eat a block of dark chocolate per week23:45
entelechiosnational tradition23:45
fenn.title https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3241555/23:45
yoleauxCold plasma selectivity and the possibility of a paradigm shift in cancer therapy23:45
fenna) cold plasma application selectively eradicates cancer cells in vitro without damaging normal cells; and (b) significantly reduces tumour size in vivo.23:46
entelechiosthat's pretty cool23:46
fenni think they have plasma based hand sterilizers for doctors who are tired of washing their hands all the time23:47
fennit's a pretty simple device really23:47
jrayhawkcryolipolysis also seemed like a cute concept23:47
jrayhawkdisproportionately apoptoses non-metabolic cells, stimulates BAT to eat up the result23:48
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fennyou inhale the oxygen plasma for cancer therapy, it's not a magic wand23:49
fennwhat's BAT?23:49
fennoh brown adipose tissue23:49
entelechiosso am i talking to oncologists in here at all?23:49
jrayhawkBrown adipose tissue.23:49
entelechiosanyone here familiar with some stuff done some years ago on inhibiting nitric oxide pathway controls23:50
entelechiosto prevent radiation damage in mice23:50
fenn"the term Cryolipolysis is trademark-protected"23:50
fennthat seems unfair23:50
fennentelechios: you mean just antioxidants?23:51
entelechiosnah this was something specific23:51
entelechioslemme dig around for what i had in mind exactly23:51
fenn.title http://stm.sciencemag.org/content/1/3/3ra7.abstract23:52
yoleauxRadioprotection in Normal Tissue and Delayed Tumor Growth by Blockade of CD47 Signaling23:52
entelechiosthis was it i think23:52
entelechiosthat was it23:52
entelechiosneat stuff23:53
fenni thought CD47 was a killer t-cell receptor23:54
fennwhat does that have to do with NO23:54
fenn"However, these isoforms are highly conserved between mouse and man" techno sample23:56
fennpaperbot: http://stm.sciencemag.org/content/1/3/3ra7.abstract23:57
fennah jeebus23:57
fennlet's try that again23:58
fennpaperbot: http://stm.sciencemag.org/content/1/3/3ra7.full23:58
fennno science for you!23:59
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