
--- Log opened Fri Jan 23 00:00:32 2015
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tastybudsHi everyone05:20
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kanzureyou should show backtraces to brlcad people, not me05:56
tastybudsUhrrr wot06:25
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kanzuretastybuds: http://gnusha.org/logs/2015-01-22.log06:33
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archelscan anyone grab http://iopscience.iop.org/0967-3334/21/1/301/ ?06:46
yoleauxA comparison of modified Howland circuits as current generators with current mirror type circuits - Abstract - Physiological Measurement - IOPscience06:50
archelsok, I think I'm doing this wrong06:51
archelsfirst of all--thanks, that link works06:51
archelsI tried to access this via Google, Google Scholar, and via the library repositories of two different universities06:51
archelsand they kept redirecting me to the payment page06:51
archelsso not sure where exactly I went wrong06:52
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kanzurefwiw that link does not work for me07:06
kanzureyour mileage clearly varies here07:06
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tastybudsDo you think that the current economic and political system is keeping innovation back?07:11
tastybudsI think it does, with the cyclical crisis and all07:11
tastybudsAlso proprietary knowledge isn't helping07:11
kanzurewhy do you ask?07:11
tastybudsJust my thoughts07:12
tastybudsI wonder if anyone thought about it07:12
kanzurethere must be a reason for asking07:12
eudoxiakanzure: i was surprised when i read his original paper to find that a Jupiter brain would only have a 2km deep "crust" of processors, surrounding a vaster "mante" of interconnects and cooling systems07:12
kanzureeudoxia: what were you expecting?07:12
kanzuretastybuds: it is very easy to blame politics and economics for many problems, even when this is not a productive thing to do07:13
tastybudsI agree kanzure07:13
kanzuretastybuds: even if they are the source of those sorts of problems, it is a poor excuse07:13
eudoxiakanzure: i don't know, since i'd never thought about it deeply. i guess if someone had said "1/10th of the radius can be used for computation" i would have thought that to be reasonable.07:13
tastybudsGood point, kanzure07:14
kanzurehmm, i thought the majority of the volume would be used for computation and heat piping. you're saying the internal core is completely reserved for cooling/pipes?07:14
tastybudsHowever social institutions have to keep up with technologic growth, else we risk a new dark ages. So my suggestion is that alternative politics make part of this h+ movement.  Especially concerning copyright laws.07:16
eudoxiakanzure: that's what I understood from "daily life among the jupiter brains"07:16
kanzuretastybuds: http://diyhpl.us/wiki/declaration07:17
eudoxia"...we get a ratio between connection and node volume as ~2200, i.e. a very thin layer (1350 meters) of nodes on top of an interior filled with connections."07:17
kanzuretastybuds: i don't think that you should be surprised to learn that transhumanists write open-source software or know about copyleft and other schemes.07:17
tastybudsHaven't seen this yet!!07:18
kanzureoh man two exclamation point i regret engaging you07:20
JayDuggerNow, now...play nice.07:22
kanzureit's just so hard07:22
JayDuggerThat difficulty makes self-restraint a virtue.07:22
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JayDuggerWow...I have turned into my Dad.07:23
kanzurei suppose what i am upset about is that he does not treat open-source licensing as obvious07:24
kanzurebut rather as something unique that he expects people to have not already decided about on their own07:24
kanzurethis shows that he has extremely low expectations07:24
JayDuggerYou're right. I hope instead for correctable ignorance or naiveté.07:27
JayDuggerBut that's usually in vain.07:28
kanzureand also: most people don't invoke politics as the justification for open-source licensing, but rather business development and strategy.07:29
JayDuggerRight again.07:31
JayDuggerMy child-like faith in the innate goodness of human nature is taking a beating here.07:31
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kanzurei hope not, i'm just elaborating on my motivation for backing off when i saw exclamation marks07:32
kanzurei encourage you to continue on the path of optimism and uh stuff07:32
JayDuggerYeah...thanks. Let me go raid my wife's jar of Adderall. That should do it...if I can find it.07:33
kanzurehmm a jar is a good idea07:34
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the8thbit|workDoes anyone here have an account on the NEURON forums?08:50
the8thbit|workI need admin approval to post there, but my account has been sitting in limbo for a couple of weeks.08:51
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heathhm, i think the oculus rift or similar might be a worthwhile investment09:03
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heathback is starting to have problems looking down at the laptop constantly09:05
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justanotheruserheath: Interested in buying the original devkit?09:08
the8thbit|workheath: I'm thinking the virtuix omni could be good therapy for sitting in an office chair all day09:30
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bbrittain_maaku: yo, you worked at transcriptic, right?10:45
* bbrittain_ is pretty sure you did10:45
maakubbrittain_: yes?10:45
bbrittain_did you work with an intern named Jason Kang?10:45
maakuno, there were only 3 other employees when I was there10:46
maakuthey were just starting the intern program10:46
maakui was there in March/April 201310:46
bbrittain_ahhh dammit. I was hoping for a sidechannel reference, he just applied to Ginkgo10:47
maakuah sorry10:47
bbrittain_thanks anyways10:47
maakui can say if he was hired by Max and co., he must be pretty smart :)10:47
bbrittain_he sent us some pretty damn generic java code as a "look I can code" thing, which actually made me skeptical10:48
bbrittain_it had some swing in it10:49
* bbrittain_ shudders10:49
Qfwfqbbrittain_: Are you aware how difficult your company is to naively find search results about?10:50
QfwfqOh I guess it works better with the full name.10:51
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kanzure"who the hell is tom knight??? he needs a less generic name"10:53
justanotheruserIs bitcoin incentives.pdf being hosted and updated as a pdf anywhere?10:53
kanzurealso i haven't added to that in a while10:53
kanzureit's not easy enumerating those things10:56
kanzurebbrittain_: well, what do you guys need a programmer for specifically?10:56
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justanotheruserlisting off incentives is pretty smart actually. It would be cool if the same thing was made for the US government11:01
kanzurethat's pathetically simple: asymmetric power is dangerous and destroys individuals, therefore x i forget what x is but the solution is related to individual empowerment11:02
justanotheruserare you ancap?11:07
kanzuremy ideas were developed by myself in isolation during compulsory public education11:07
kanzurebtw the constitution and bill of rights is largely a bunch of warnings about asymmetrically large powers in society, so you shouldn't immediately jump to ancap11:08
kanzurealthough to be honest ancap is probably, in general, closer to generating things that look like my thoughts....11:09
kanzure(actually i haven't investigated ancap much, so maybe i shouldn't make that sort of statement.)11:10
bbrittain_Qfwfq: yes, add Bioworks to the end and it is fine11:12
Qfwfqbbrittain_: How hard is the B.S. requirement?11:13
bbrittain_Qfwfq: weak? for a dev position.11:13
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bbrittain_Qfwfq: shoot me a pm with some info11:14
kanzurebbrittain_: hire ParahSailin11:14
justanot1eruserkanzure: sounds like you're closer to minarchist11:14
kanzurejustanot1eruser: words, man11:14
bbrittain_market anarchism ftw11:15
bbrittain_no. minarchism vs ancap is soooo different11:15
justanot1eruserIn the strictest sense, it holds that states ought to exist (as opposed to anarchy), that their only legitimate function is the protection of individuals from aggression, theft, breach of contract, and fraud, and that the only legitimate governmental institutions are the military, police, and courts.11:15
kanzurei would hesitate to call myself a subscriber of any particular political group. i think they are all suspicious and you should be troubled by them.11:15
nmz787_iI have no idea what y'all are talking about11:15
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bbrittain_government, and it's inevitable evils11:16
justanot1eruserminarchism isn't a political group afaik11:16
justanot1eruserI wonder if this channel was less libertarian until it got intertwined with #bitcoin-wizards11:17
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p42___Zoltan for president! http://www.transhumanistparty.org/11:17
kanzurejustanot1eruser: extropians was originally a libertarian group11:18
justanot1eruserp42___: it's like I'm looking at the future of web design11:18
kanzurejustanot1eruser: cypherpunks/extropians/etc were libertarian long before bitcoin existed11:18
kanzurei mean, libertarian-seeming, if not explicitly libertarian11:19
maakujustanot1eruser: ancap is confused that efficiency doesn't in itself produce value alignment. unfortunately most human attempts at creating value also fail...11:19
kanzurep42___: do not confuse forming political groups with "doing good engineering work"11:19
kanzurep42___: otherwise you're just wasting everyone's time in here11:19
maakuthat's for sure11:19
bbrittain_Zoltan is a crazy statist11:19
bbrittain_and a poor writer11:19
maakui never understood why a transhumanist party would want a presidential candidate11:20
kanzuremaaku: "maybe if we form a big enough group, some super genius will descend from the heavens and make my work easier for me and do it for me. just gotta get political enough for it to happen!" hahahaa :(11:20
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maakujust get a congretional rep. a single rep whose only job is to get pork attached to bills funding nano/bio/whatever research11:21
kanzureeh, you're welcome to do that, but i don't think that will maintain mission integrity at all11:21
maakubah i don't want anything to do with politics11:21
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kanzureshut up and code :)11:22
justanotheruserkanzure: and democratic transhumanists were originally a socialist group11:22
kanzureyes well they are insane11:22
maakui even stopped voting years ago11:22
justanotheruserI guess you guys are extropians though :P11:22
archels.title http://journal.frontiersin.org/Journal/10.3389/fnins.2014.00379/full11:23
yoleauxFrontiers | FPGA implementation of a biological neural network based on the Hodgkin-Huxley neuron model | Neuromorphic Engineering11:23
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kanzurejustanotheruser: here is a description of what we do http://diyhpl.us/wiki/declaration11:24
maakuyou can call me whatever you want as long as it doesn't impede getting across the finish line11:24
maakuis this guy on here? http://lesswrong.com/r/discussion/lw/bp9/why_i_moved_from_ai_to_neuroscience_or_uploading/11:26
kanzurenot really, davidad doesn't come here anymore11:27
kanzurehe used to11:27
archelsso they got 150 neurons with current-based synapses to work at realtime11:27
kanzureif it was possible to convince davidad to show up it would be nice11:27
kanzuredalrymple is everywhere11:27
kanzure.g site:gnusha.org/logs davidad11:28
kanzurehrm wrong link11:29
p42___1) Hack banks. 2) Buy island/floating city. 3) Declare sovereignty. 4) Setup nukes to go off automatically if sovereignty is impinged. 5) Cure death and take over the rest of the world. 5) Go into space.11:29
kanzure3 is stupid11:29
kanzure1 is stupid11:29
kanzure2 is stupid. typical surface dweller attitude.11:29
kanzure3 doesn't matter at all. nobody gives a shit what you declare.11:30
maakuskip straight to 5 please11:30
p42___Can't get into space without a space program.11:30
maakup42___: spacex isn't good enough?11:31
p42___maaku: Nope.11:31
p42___And I don't trust Elon not to leave me behind11:31
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maakuleave you behind? not if you have money11:32
maakujust buy some bitcoins, put them somewhere safe, and work on the cure-death thingy11:32
p42___maaku: He may have a personal grudge against me.11:32
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maakuhaha ok that's your problem to solve then :P11:32
p42___It's easier to start my own space program.11:33
nmz787_i"with blackjack, and hookers"11:33
maakuincidentally i think all the free-state people have got it wrong. they should be working whatever good paying 9-5 job they can get, to cover mortgage on desireable real estate11:34
maakuthen sell it all and ship themselves to mars in 20 years11:34
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kanzuremaaku: i think most of those people are disillusioned about "work had -> build up capital"11:35
kanzureseeing as how cheap debt is at the moment11:35
kanzurehard work is hard, and at least doubly so when capital accumulation doesn't work11:35
kanzureor, doesn't work fast enough11:35
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p42___kanzure: Where would you like to dwell if not on the surface? Don't you like sunlight?11:39
bbrittain_oh, I know davidad. should I remind him to come around?11:45
kanzurebbrittain_: yes you should bribe him and coerce him, also use lbackmail if necessary11:47
kanzurealso guns use guns those usually work11:47
kanzurep42___: surface is where storms destroy your boats and shit11:47
p42___kanzure: Make them storm proof.11:48
kanzurealso, many locations are tax havens, so i'm not sure a tax haven is sufficient motivation, i see no reason why that economic arrangement would be better than land-dwelling economic arrangements11:48
kanzurestormproofing like, make them really really big?11:48
p42___kanzure: I dunno. Use your imagination.11:49
kanzuremy imagination says that bluesed needs like $500 million for their superboat11:49
kanzureand i am not prepared to spend $500 million on a stupid boat11:49
kanzurei have much better things to be doing with $500 million11:49
p42___see step 111:49
kanzuremaaku's ste 1 makes more sense11:49
kanzurebut again, why would that be particularly useful compared to performing those same activities on land?11:51
p42___fine. We'll get an island and a boat.11:52
kanzurewhy though?11:53
p42___Somewhere to put the labs.11:53
kanzurebut labs can exist in the currently populated areas11:53
kanzureso that's not a good explanation?11:53
p42___It's just more efficient if we all sleep together. See Xerox PARC.11:54
p42___And it's harder to do security in currently populated areas11:56
kanzurewhat are you comparing xerox parc to?11:56
p42___My dream hackspace11:56
kanzurehow are those not similar?11:56
kanzurexerox parc11:57
kanzureand your hackspace thing11:57
kanzurei asked you what you were comparing xerox parc to11:57
kanzureyou said it's more efficient11:57
kanzurexerox parc: people go into an office together11:57
kanzurehackspace: people go into the same room together11:57
kanzureso how is xerox parc more efficient there than your hackspace?11:57
p42___Cos we're not allowed to sleep here.11:58
kanzureinterwebs seems to work pretty well to me11:58
p42___IRL is more efficient.11:58
kanzureyou should be comparing efficiency of xerox parc (paying everyone millions of bucks to move to a certain area) to the efficiency of the interwebs, not the efficiency of your local hackerspace11:58
p42___interwebs is inefficient and unhealthy11:59
kanzureanyway, i'm not convinced that i can convince any of you lazy dirtbags to move to a specific area11:59
kanzurei was only ever able to convince fenn to move11:59
p42___I'm convinced.12:00
kanzureso therefore internet seems to be the only option for collaboration12:00
p42___Build it and the people will come.12:00
kanzurefuck you12:00
kanzurethat's the worst piece of advice ever, and everyone knows12:00
kanzure.g site:news.ycombinator.com "build it and they will come" fallacy12:00
p42___In my experience it works.12:01
p42___WTF is pipedrive? A hackspace?12:01
kanzuremany excellent reason why you should not believe in "build and they will come"12:02
kanzureif anything it should be "build because i want to" and not "because i believe that they will be forced by violence to give me money"12:02
p42___It doesn't apply to interweb things.12:02
kanzurealso, paying them to show up at your labor camp is another idea12:03
p42___huh? Who said anything about violence or money?12:03
p42___I don't think they'd be interested in money. There will be free cheese and stuff12:03
kanzureyou are the one who implied violence "build it and they will come"12:03
kanzure"build it" is obviously not a sufficient reason why people will do anything for you12:03
p42___I did not imply violence!12:03
kanzureof course it does, in the absence of sufficient reason my only conclusion can be that you meant violence12:04
kanzurebecause there's literally no other alternative12:04
p42___Don't make assumptions.12:04
kanzureit was not an assumption12:04
p42___They'll come for the cheese. No violence needed12:05
kanzureso you are going to be paying them?12:05
p42___only in cheese.12:05
p42___there will be free cheese when they want it.12:05
p42___As much as they can eat.12:05
kanzurei hate you get the hell out12:05
maakup42___: no one of any value will ever move anywhere you want them to12:06
p42___maaku: They will if I tempt them with nice labs and free cheese.12:06
maakubecause guess what? I have a wife. and kids. and extended family. and friends. and a social life.12:06
maakufuck your cheese12:06
p42___maaku: Bring them with you.12:06
kanzureyou are a moron12:06
kanzurethere's no reasoning with you at this point12:07
kanzureyou don't make things happen by adding arbitrary amounts of friction12:07
kanzureyou make things happen by making things have less friction12:07
maakup42___: that thing which when you experience too much of it you burst in flames and die12:12
p42___maaku: nice labs and free cheese. Where does the friction come from? Here at LHS rule 0 is 'Do not be on fire'12:13
maakup42___: reading comprehension12:14
maaku<maaku> because guess what? I have a wife. and kids. and extended family. and friends. and a social life.12:14
kanzureand also, seasteading is a bunch of extra effort12:14
kanzurewhereas labs on land work just fine12:14
p42___<p42___> maaku: Bring them with you.12:14
kanzure"and extended family. and frineds."12:14
kanzureall of them? this is insanely expensive dude.12:15
p42___which part of step 1 do you not understand?12:15
kanzureinstead of hacking a bank why can't i just use my own money?12:15
p42___sure, you can if you're insanely rich.12:16
kanzureyou don't have to be insanely rich if you avoid doing insanely stupid shit like "relocate an entire city of friends to very expensive seasteading infrastructure"12:16
kanzureyou can just be regularly rich12:16
* p42___ shrugs12:16
p42___Don't come then. Nobody is forcing you.12:17
kanzurecome where? what the fuck man12:17
p42___to the island.12:17
kanzureokay, so having an island with nobody on it, is much less useful12:18
kanzurei don't see your point12:18
kanzurehow does this prove that in-person is better than internet collaboration ?12:18
p42___huh? I want you to come, but I don't want to use violence.12:18
p42___I'm sure you'll turn up sooner or later when you see all the other people enjoying the labs and free cheese. Build it and the people will come.12:19
kanzureyou're just repeating yourself now12:20
kanzurestop wasting my time12:20
kanzurecan you clarify whether or not you are insanely rich?12:20
maakualready insanely rich?12:21
kanzureif i could offer you a plan that would more productively, more efficiently generate transhumanist technology, without an island involved, would you consider it?12:21
kanzureif you are wasting my time, why should i not nuke you from orbit?12:21
p42___Collateral damage12:22
maakuwas that a yes to kanzure? because seriously if you have money there are ways to get started on the conquer death thing12:22
maakuif not, get lost because you're wasting our time12:22
archelscan anyone grab this? http://www.sciencemag.org/content/early/2015/01/21/science.aaa303512:22
kanzuregimme pdf link instead12:22
kanzureno :(12:23
archelsk, thanks for giving it a try12:23
archelsit's all about 'photons coaxed to move slower than speed of light in vacuum in a vacuum', but I'm not certain they're not just talking about phase vs. group velocity12:24
archelsno I guess they really do mean group velocity12:26
kanzuresurely there's something on arxiv12:27
archelsthe effect is only on the order of 20 wavelength per metre, according to this sciencedirect article http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/01/150123144158.htm12:27
archelsmaybe this http://arxiv.org/pdf/1411.398712:28
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nmz787_ii can see it archels13:08
nmz787_isomeone might be able to just make a bookmarklet that hits the ECS URL in paperbpt13:08
nmz787_ipaperbot's source13:09
kanzure"Theory of interstellar trade" https://www.princeton.edu/~pkrugman/interstellar.pdf13:22
kanzureoh this was krugman?13:23
kanzuregiven his strange inability to comprehend bitcoin why should i expect him to comprehend interstellar trade13:23
kanzurewell, i guess it's not that strange, nobody know bitcoin13:23
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Douhetbitcoin seems more and more like a religion every time I see people talking about it13:38
justanotheruserDouhet: you're plobably listening in the wrong places13:39
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kanzureDouhet: there's an extremely limited number of people that understand how bitcoin works, so what you are observing is the effects of nobody understanding anything about it13:40
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justanotherusertheres reddit.com/r/bitcoin-is-amazing-stop-fudding-no-there-are-no-bad-security-practices-the-blockchain-is-useful-for-everything-invest-in-my-new-scamcoin13:41
kanzurewhich one is that?13:41
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justanotheruserthe bitcoin subreddit13:41
kanzurei was expecting you to say "all of them"13:42
justanotherusernah, there are some good ones13:42
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justanotheruserIf you want to risk clicking a reddit link, this is the top post on /r/askscience right now https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/2te8u6/how_can_we_tell_whether_a_galaxy_it_tinted_red/13:43
justanotheruserbasically if you're noise or speculating you get banned13:43
kanzurei'd rather not13:43
kanzurei lost interest in reddit back in 200813:43
kanzureit's just a giant engine for producing raging lunatics13:44
kanzure"but the subreddits are good!" is nonsense13:44
justanotheruserthat doesn't even make sense13:44
justanotheruserreddit is just a collection of subreddits13:44
Douhetdidn't reddit sell for a large quantity of money and everyone with sense has since moved on?13:44
justanotheruserif the subreddits are bad, what can be good about reddit? the logo?13:44
justanotheruserif the subreddits are good, what can be bad about reddit13:44
kanzurethe subreddits are not good13:45
kanzurethat is what is nonsense about "but the subreddits are good"13:45
justanotheruserI'm addressing that that argument doesn't make sense13:45
kanzureyes, the one you think i made does not seem to make sense13:45
justanotheruserI don't think you made it. It was in quotes13:45
kanzureand now i am too confused and disinterested13:45
kanzurei also don't have data to convince you with13:46
justanotheruserI know reddit is shit 99.9% of the tim13:46
justanotheruserthere are 2 good subreddits I know of (bitcoin obviously not one of them)13:46
nmz787_ireddit has always been low-activity IMO13:47
nmz787_ibut I only look in a few places there13:47
justanotheruserI can see yc going the way of reddit in the next 5 years13:47
kanzurei hope you mean hacker news13:48
justanotheruseryes, the VC guys will probably still be fine13:48
nmz787_iyou mean that kanzure will hate it too in 5 years?13:48
justanotherusernmz787_i: yes, my metric for a sites value is kanzure points13:48
kanzure~/local/jotmuch/jotmuch$ ./jot count13:48
justanotheruserWhich is why I'm building a website dedicated to ameteurs speculating about the cool stuff we will have in the future13:49
kanzurewhy speculators13:50
justanotheruserbecause futurology13:50
kanzurethat's just futurism. futurism doesn't work.13:50
kanzurethe only way to predict the future is to invent it13:50
justanotherusersorry, that was sarcasm13:50
justanotheruseranyways, am I not gonna be able to eat bananas soon?13:51
kanzurei haven't been tracking that, it sounds plausible13:51
justanotheruserthats so sad13:51
justanotheruserhumanities greatest fruit.. gone13:51
justanotheruseris the virus banana exclusive?13:52
kanzurejustanotheruser: if you want to get people excited, i think you should appeal to their greed ("someone is going to become very very wealthy making <x> work")13:52
justanotheruserkanzure: I was joking. I know how much you enjoy futurology13:52
nmz787_idoes git reset --hard HEAD^ remove uncommitted changes?13:52
kanzureit depends on what you mean by remove13:52
nmz787_igoogle told me it would only uncommit the last commit13:52
nmz787_ibut now the files I'd modified are gone!13:53
nmz787_ireset I guess13:53
kanzureif you have run that command and you regret it, you should recover the commit from git reflog13:53
nmz787_ii never committed the changed13:53
kanzureif you want the changes to appear in your working directory then you need to use --soft13:53
kanzureinstead of --hard13:53
nmz787_iI already lost the files13:53
kanzuregit reflog man13:54
kanzureyou're not listening13:54
nmz787_iI think I can ctrl-z in sublime text13:54
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kanzurewhy does nobody listen13:54
nmz787_ic861372 HEAD@{0}: checkout: moving from assigner_debugging to master13:54
nmz787_ic861372 HEAD@{1}: checkout: moving from master to assigner_debugging13:54
nmz787_ic861372 HEAD@{2}: reset: moving to HEAD^13:54
nmz787_i9e6a85c HEAD@{3}: commit: added file needed for recently added symbol unit-test13:54
nmz787_ithat top of reflog13:54
nmz787_ibut it says nothing about the uncommitted files that I'd modified13:55
kanzurewhen you say uncommitted do you mean you committed and then reverted?13:55
nmz787_ii never committed13:55
nmz787_ii commited that unittest file, but I was not up-to-date, so I couldn't push13:56
kanzuredid you `git add`?13:56
kanzuredouble ouch13:56
kanzureyou can always push even if you're not up-to-date by pushing to a different branch13:56
nmz787_ictrl-z and saving all the files in my text-editor it is13:56
kanzuregit push origin whateverlocalname:some-novel-remote-branch-name13:56
kanzurealso i recommend looking at git stash and git stash apply13:57
nmz787_igit needs a dumber-person compaitibility-layer13:57
kanzureit probably warned you14:00
kanzureif it did not warn you that you were about to blow away your working directory changes then that is a legitimate bug14:00
kanzureone reason why it may not warn you about those changes being blown away is if you had already used git add on them... in which case, you can still recover those files using git reflog.14:01
nmz787_ino I didn't git add them14:11
nmz787_ibecause I hadn't branched14:11
* nmz787_i needs to get into the habit of branching soon14:11
kanzuresometimes when i forget that i haven't saved my changes i often save a copy of the final version of the file (:w copy2.txt), revert back to where i had done the first feature and save the file to the original location, branch, git add, git commit, uno my reversions in my text editor, then delete the changes that were just committed, make a branch from the original branch again, then git add and git commit the changes14:14
kanzureof course, that's only if the features are logically separate and unrelated. otherwise, i will just keep the changes on the same branch.14:14
nmz787_ibasically I was debugging, then someone told me I forgot to commit a file needed by a new unit test I added yesterday14:15
nmz787_iI didn't have anything on git add14:16
nmz787_ibut I was also behind master by that point14:16
nmz787_iso when i git added the missing unit-test related file, committed it, then tried to push, it complained i was out of date14:16
nmz787_iwhich is stupid, because I was adding a file that the repo didn't already have14:16
kanzurewhy is that stupid?14:17
nmz787_iso IMO I can't tell why it wouldn't take it14:17
nmz787_iwell because why should it need to be up-to-date when the file didn't exist in the remote14:17
nmz787_iwhether I was up to date or not, that file did not exist in any git repos other than mine14:18
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kanzureyou were trying to push the latest commit on your local branch (called 'master' but this does not matter) to the remote repo's branch with the same name14:18
kanzureand it was telling you "no, because your commit does not reference previous commit history"14:18
nmz787_ibut it was a totally new file, so I don't see what history it could refer to other than DID NOT EXIST14:18
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kanzurethe history of the branch that you were pushing did not include references to previous history the remote repo knew about, which is basically a redaction and a dangerous operation14:19
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kanzureer, not quite a redaction, what's the right concept14:19
kanzurewhatever, it's a loss of some kind14:19
nmz787_iredaction makes me think of FOIA14:20
kanzureredactions are supposed to be intentional by some redacting party14:20
kanzureso it's the wrong word for me to be using here14:20
nmz787_iapparently I should learn also to not take the first stackoverflow answer as what I need14:21
nmz787_ireset soft seems like it would have kept those un-added uncommitted files around14:21
kanzure"--soft Does not touch the index file or the working tree at all"14:22
nmz787_ioh, apparently my old roommate made a TCDS machine (he's an EE) and said he's had some success14:24
nmz787_iI heard this last night second-hand from another ex-rommate, so I haven't gotten to scoop from the main man yet14:24
nightnmz787_i: is this just like hooking up a couple AAAs to your skull?14:25
nightor a bit more sophisticated?14:25
nmz787_iidk, I just emailed him14:26
nmz787_ikanzure: would know more14:26
kanzurenight: are you asking "what is tcds" or are you asking "is your friend a moron"?14:26
nmz787_ior maybe ParahSailin or ThomasEgi14:26
nightkanzure: I see articles every few months about another idiot hooking up batteries to their skulls in varying configurations and claiming superhuman abilities14:27
nightand as I understand it this has been going on for centuries14:28
kanzurei have not seen any claims of superhuman abilities, if you could provide those i would be amused greatly14:28
kanzurehmm i'm not sure if centuries is true, perhaps one century at least14:28
kanzureanyway, i think that it is possible that electrical stimulation is occurring, though i am not convinced anyone has figured out useful targetting14:28
nmz787_ihmm http://hackaday.com/2015/01/23/real-world-adblock/14:28
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kanzure"Readers who find Figure II puzzling should recall that a diagram of an imaginary axis must, of course, itself be imaginary."14:48
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kanzurealso these:15:01
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kanzure"if you do not know the present, how can you claim to know the future" well, hm15:36
kanzurehehe a babylon5 quote hah15:37
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narwh4lhi everyone15:57
nmz787_iwhat's the best mailing list etiquette guide?16:05
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kanzurehey look they find DPR's tumblr16:10
kanzureblah. let me try again.16:10
kanzurehey look they found DPR's tumblr account16:11
kanzure"Everybody knows. I am so screwed guys."16:11
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narwh4lLink kanzure ?16:11
narwh4lkanzure, also any links on attempts to build contracting on top of btc would be appreciated16:13
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narwh4l(not theory)16:14
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kanzurenarwh4l: i think that is a question better suited to #bitcoin-wizards16:18
kanzurenarwh4l: perhaps https://github.com/Blockstream/contracthashtool16:18
nmz787_iDPR or DPRK?16:19
narwh4lDread Pirate16:19
narwh4lThe trial is going on now16:19
* nmz787_i knows little more about this than what you just said16:19
kanzurehe kept a journal16:19
nmz787_ihe was the mt gox person and also silk road creator?16:20
kanzurewhere he mixed up his personal life and DPR16:20
kanzureit's hilarious16:20
kanzure"okay so today i learned php/mysql"16:20
kanzure"today i blabbed to a girl i liked that i am the greatest druglord of all time"16:20
chris_99haha, is it public?16:20
kanzurecourt records yo16:21
kanzurei think someone has uploaded a few16:21
kanzurei don't have a link at the moment16:21
narwh4lgreatest druglord of all time, please16:21
narwh4lkanzure, are you on doj.gov?16:22
narwh4lcan't find anything16:22
nmz787_ihuh, rhino3d student version can be used for commercial projects16:38
nmz787_ithat is indeed cool16:38
nmz787_i"RhinoScript is a scripting tool based on Microsoft's VBScript language. With RhinoScript, you can quickly add functionality to Rhino, or automate repetitive tasks."16:38
nmz787_ioh, huh, this exists too "Rhino.Python (RhinoCommon)"16:39
nmz787_i'Many of the features that once could only be done in a .NET plug-in can now be done in a python script'16:40
kanzurenarwh4l: nah, i literally don't have the link16:42
kanzurenarwh4l: name a better drug lord. like which one am i supposed to be rooting for if not DPR?16:43
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nmz787_iDPR in the DPRK16:44
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* nmz787_i waits for that movie to come out next year16:44
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kanzuregood overview of the various confusions around conventions for what gets to be called a 0day: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=893786317:01
narwh4lkanzure, escobar17:07
narwh4lhe's dead but17:07
narwh4l> DPR17:08
narwh4lkanzure, I'm sure there are a lot of s. american drug kings worth more than DPR currently alive17:13
narwh4lprobably chinese as well17:13
kanzureoh i'm sure17:13
kanzureyeah it's not because of the money, although he did earn a substantial amount17:14
narwh4lYou _could_ probably say he was the most peaceful drug lord ever17:14
kanzurewell, i was oging to claim something about bloodshed, but in general i'm sure there are many druglords who haven't killed or paid for any hits either17:14
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nmz787_igolden triangle yo17:18
justanotherusernarwh4l: as a ratio of drugs transmitter per persons killed?17:19
narwh4ljustanotheruser, yeah, if you did a ratio I think DPR's would be pretty decent17:20
justanotheruserWell I guess he didn't kill anyone, he just thought he killed someone17:20
narwh4lthat's an interesting point17:20
narwh4lOk, so he might have a perfect score17:20
nmz787_iidk wasn't silk road only around for a few years17:20
nmz787_ithere's no way a bunch of nerds spiked the worldwide drug consumption17:20
justanotheruserI'm sure there's plenty a dealers that don't hurt anyone with a score of infinity17:21
narwh4lwell, really it would be 0/#sales17:21
nmz787_inow compare 'dealers' ratio to big-pharma17:21
justanotheruserbeing a druglord probably involves killing a few people, unless you have a power monopoly17:21
justanotherusernmz787_i: does big pharma kill people?17:21
kanzureright, just because they are classified as criminals by the government doesn't mean they are actually criminals17:22
kanzureso i suspect there are people who are not DPR who have not murdered17:22
justanotheruserkanzure: crime is defined by the government17:22
justanotherusernmz787_i: how?17:22
nmz787_ieither giving you bad shit, or holding back the good shit17:22
kanzurehowever, are there that many code-slinging, tor-using druglords amassing that much capital?17:22
justanotherusernmz787_i: taking bad shit is your decision, holding back the good shit is the FDAs decision17:23
kanzureunfortunately things are not that black and white17:24
kanzurei mean, the FDA would like to think so17:24
kanzurethey think it be like it do but it ain't17:24
justanotheruserin what way?17:24
kanzurefor an organization such as the FDA the optimal strategy is deny everything17:24
kanzure*reject everything17:24
kanzureor nearly optimal, i mean17:25
kanzureanother important part of that strategy is increase the costs and friction for anyone to apply/waste their time17:25
justanotheruserkanzure: Is it illegal for me to make and use my own prosthetic? Or is it just to sell or give it to someone else?17:27
kanzurei'm not sure if there is any relevant case law17:27
kanzureas far as i know, there is no specific law making that illegal17:27
kanzurehowever, there may be some law regarding the manufacture of medical devices without prescriptions, i dunno17:27
kanzureassume the worst my friend17:27
kanzure(and then do it anyway)17:28
justanotheruserIs heroin good for ADD?17:28
kanzurenever tried17:28
kanzuregwern might know17:29
justanotheruserWell I don't have any need for prosthetics atm17:30
justanotheruserAre you ever worried the FDA will get mad at you and send people to take your food and drugs?17:30
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kanzurekuniholm runs an open-source prosthetics group for 3d printer enthusiasts17:30
kanzurei think he's ex-military17:30
justanotheruserSince you can cook and farm however you like, isn't it fair to assume you can make whatever medical devices you like as long as you don't give it to others (and it isn't in violation with the DEA)?17:31
kanzureis it fair to assume that, yes, and also it's fair to assume that you should be able to sell anything :P17:32
justanotheruserI can sell anything as long as no one kills or kidnaps17:33
kanzurewhat are we talking about, again?17:33
kanzure"whether law enforcement, upon finding out and being notified, would be interested in arresting you and pressing charges" ?17:33
justanotheruseryou already answered my question17:33
justanotheruseroh maybe you didn't17:33
nmz787_iwell you can't really farm how you like17:33
kanzurejustanotheruser: don't let worries abut law enforcement stop you from thinking of good ideas17:34
* nmz787_i you don't like it, go to Nepal17:35
nmz787_ithere you'll just get in trouble for giving drugs to the wrong cow17:35
kanzurethey jut all look so similar17:36
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justanotheruserkanzure: tell that to Giordano Bruno17:36
justanotheruserbut at least hes famous17:37
kanzureis he famous for mistaking cow identities?17:38
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maakujustanotheruser: only one of the paid hits was fake18:14
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justanotherusermaaku: someone died?18:37
nmz787neat, I am the only person that resulted in this sub-reddit being 'gilded' http://www.reddit.com/r/opencv/gilded19:39
nmz787wtf /is/ this? https://www.reddit.com/gold/about19:41
kanzure"del(camera) # shut off camera"19:41
kanzurewell that's one way to skin a cat i guess19:41
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nmz787yeaaa idk it was code the OP posted19:46
nmz787kanzure: is there an invert operation in python-brlcad? I saw XOR but idk if that could work19:47
nmz787I can get around my CAD problem a better way than this19:48
nmz787but not I'm just wondering19:48
justanotherusernmz787: what is gold? It basically allows you into an exclusive subreddit for premium quality users.19:49
nmz787i am not logged in now19:51
nmz787so does that mean the poster just paid reddit, or me, gold?19:51
justanotheruserhe paid reddit to give you a gold star19:52
justanotherusercan we delegate goldstars in this channel?19:52
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kanzureyes, however the hplusroadmap central bank of goldstars lost its private key 5 years ago19:53
nmz787kanzure: it would be cool to have a brlcad (and python)-limited online shell for ppl to use freely19:54
nmz787like sage math cloud19:54
nmz787actually, I wonder if we could just convince that guy to install those packages19:54
kanzureuse runnable.com19:55
kanzurei don't really want to write a shell for that19:55
kanzureand also, if people want to use their browsers then they should use verbnurbs19:55
kanzureor shapesmithcad19:55
kanzureor tinkercad19:56
kanzureor the one that the verbnurbs guy made19:56
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kanzure"Using recent filings in the trial of Ross Ulbricht, the 2014 leak by hackers of the Mtgox database, and a Mtgox insider, we identify Ulbricht's Mtgox account, the accessing IP, and trades made by it. The account information indicates that SR1 implemented its currency hedging system (intended to prevent vendor losses due to BTC fluctuations) by, starting in July 2011, connecting to Mtgox over the clearnet and trading through a Mtgox ...19:59
kanzure... account. Surprisingly, it seems that this IP information was not used by the US government investigation to de-anonymize SR1. The bulk of the account seems to have been stolen by a Mtgox or SR1 insider."19:59
nmz787don't browser shells exist already though?19:59
nmz787would it be something like a chroot?20:00
nmz787or vm20:00
nmz787verbnurbs isn't a shell either20:01
nmz787it's a library you still run locally20:01
nmz787i just mean some terminal that only let's you use brlcad binaries and python-brlcad20:01
nmz787which then gets into how you restrict python usage in general i guess20:02
nmz787I guess you'd turn off networking access20:02
nmz787at least20:02
nmz787runnable doesn't seem like it would be feasible to install brlcad on, and also python-brlcad20:03
kanzure"Specifically, the seizure lists the IP In other words, the SR1 backend server appears to have been connecting over the clearnet to Mtgox for its regular hedging transactions. "20:05
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kanzurenmz787: you would run verbnurbs in the user's browser (just like it's done on verbnurbs.com), probably something like jsfiddle20:18
kanzurenmz787: the modern way to provide arbitrary shells and capabilities to users is through docker containers (which is most likely what runnable.com is doing)20:18
kanzurei wouldn't want to be tasked with restricting python access, but if i had to then i would use google app engine20:18
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nmz787kanzure: any idea why I'm a LeafNode.extractName keyError? on line 152 here http://paste.pound-python.org/show/qOicjvMnUt1MwB7sfPCH/     error trace here   http://paste.pound-python.org/show/aWmbdew7O73jqBRu6g31/21:30
nmz787why I'm getting a*21:31
nmz787are underscores not valid in names?21:32
nmz787I need to pass the dict value in 'brldb_name'21:35
nmz787:/ now I'm just getting *** Error in `python': free(): invalid pointer: 0x0000000001ab2c90 ***21:41
nmz787Aborted (core dumped)21:41
nmz787so I cleaned it up some more, stopped producing cylinders for the screw holes and trying to subtract them... rather just using the 'hole' command... but the hole command isn't working http://paste.pound-python.org/show/n4iU8AL2K0dDRZygyqMN/21:57
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nmz787this is what it looks like http://imgur.com/L9k3aSm22:00
nmz787FYI this is the target part I am working to model http://robocraft.ru/files/datasheet/28BYJ-48.pdf22:02
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nmz787oh, yay! I was not passing an in-scope variable for the db-name in the final combination!23:07
nmz787kanzure: why was line 82 in http://paste.pound-python.org/show/n4iU8AL2K0dDRZygyqMN/  not throwing a readable python error?  It was emitting: *** Error in `python': free(): invalid pointer: 0x0000000001865960 ***Aborted (core dumped)23:08
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