
--- Log opened Thu Mar 17 00:00:02 2016
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FourFireWhat is yashgaroth's project?00:25
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kanzureFourFire: his project is something about unifying various biological eschatological contexts06:16
JayDuggerGood morning.06:18
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kanzureeudoxia: sup06:37
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kanzure.title http://arxiv.org/abs/1603.0372006:59
yoleaux[1603.03720] Unexpected biases in the distribution of consecutive primes06:59
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kanzure"Stimulation-based control of dynamic brain networks" http://arxiv.org/pdf/1601.00987.pdf07:30
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kanzure"... studies in which significant portions (i.e.,  50%) of maternal rat cortical tissue were removed showed that severe parenting disturbances emerged, including the absence of or limited pup retrieval, licking/grooming, and nest building (e.g., Beach, 1937; Davis, 1939; Stone, 1938), but that other behaviors, such as mating, were spared (e.g., Davis, 1939)."07:52
kanzure"Studies of primates have reported similar findings. For instance, Franzen and Myers (1973) found that removal of PFC or anterior temporal cortex in Rhesus monkeys led to poorer parenting (e.g., less holding, cuddling, and infant retrieval from threat) and social deficits (e.g., increased aggression, and loss of grooming behaviors and dominance status) compared with controls and to those subjects wherein the ACC was removed (also see ...07:53
kanzure... Myers, Swett, & Miller, 1973)."07:53
archels"brain involved in thinking"07:54
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kanzurearchels: apparently not, though... 50%?08:00
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kanzuremaaku: you should consider talking with pmetzger more regularly because of his nanotech stuff. i think he was shooed out of this channel in 2010 (i thought it was because i told him to go fuck himself, but it turns out this is not the case)- http://gnusha.org/logs/2010-07-27.log08:28
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paskygnusha is a person?09:05
FourFirekanzure, you told him to "go away" and he was easily offended/scared of pissing off obviously important people09:07
FourFirepasky, obviously gnusha == kanzure09:08
maakukanzure he's been AWOL since? What was he working on?09:17
kanzuremaaku: he moderates the cryptography mailing list, he seems to still be alive, has been sending emails regularly and such09:23
kanzurepasky: gnusha is not a person09:23
kanzureFourFire: pmetzger considers himself much older and more important than me. so that's not a good explanation for why he left.09:23
cluckjolder + wiser = respects other peoples' wishes09:26
cluckjgnusha said "go away"09:26
maakuHe does nanotech work though?09:28
paskyFourFire: that's what i thought, i just confused myself :)09:32
FourFirekanzure, maybe invite him back?09:33
kanzuremaaku: he is a very old school extropian/cypherpunk.09:33
kanzureFourFire: i have been inviting him back for years but he refuses because "you told me to fuck off".09:33
kanzuremaaku: https://www.linkedin.com/in/perry-metzger-15971a409:34
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kanzure"You asked me to "go away" some months ago as I recall. I have done my best not to plague you since. It appears you wish to strike up a conversation with me again. Might I ask why?"09:39
kanzurehrm i'll send another email09:40
FourFireJawmare, what are you planning to do with the gum?09:41
FourFireI can get about the same amount for about three times the price, I think, let me check09:41
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doclvaping nicotine is super cheap, if you don't care about it being in gum form.10:15
doclI like the idea of a Sprengel pump as part of a self replicating toolkit, due to its simplicity.10:19
doclHowever, mercury can be toxic / has hysteria around it, so I've been considering replacements.10:20
maakukanzure tell him you are / were an immature punk with no people skills and he's welcome to be here10:20
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doclSomething like gallium or indium could work. But given the relative cost, and the fact that they are less dense than mercury, I'm leaning towards a lead based solder alloy. The system would need to be kept warm, but that seems like a modest complexity penalty.10:24
JayDugger.wik Sprengel pump10:24
yoleaux"Sprengel pump" — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sprengel_pump10:24
doclI believe the way it works is that the mercury drops attain greater than one atmosphere of pressure when they fall >760 millimeters. Lighter metals would have to fall further to get a similar effect.10:35
JayDuggerHah. Foc.us has a new sponge holders and headband for their transcranial electrical stimulator.10:41
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JayDuggerLooks nice, might even make tACS work while sleeping.10:41
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kanzure.title http://seclists.org/oss-sec/2016/q1/64510:46
yoleauxoss-sec: server and client side remote code execution through a buffer overflow in all git versions before 2.7.1 (unpublished ᴄᴠᴇ-2016-2324 and ᴄᴠᴇ‑2016‑2315)10:46
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JawmareFourFire, First day of using Nicotine gum (previously non smoker) : a little bit improvement of focus and mood?12:01
FourFireok, how much %?12:02
JawmareI'd say 20-30%12:03
FourFiremood? or focus?12:03
FourFirehmm, Interested in longterm effects once you reach acclimitization12:05
paskyi admire that you can measure that; my daily swings of focus+mood are easily 50% (for focus, maybe even >75%)12:06
FourFireI'm wondering what frequency of dosage for different noots are permissable/possible while avoiding decay in effacy12:06
Jawmarepasky, like a slight but notable effect...12:08
Jawmareor maybe I am not using it properly12:09
paskyif you see what you describe as "a little bit" now, I'd bet you couldn't statistically distinguish it from placebo in a 14-day trial12:10
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JawmareI dunno man12:11
kanzure"I am almost solely responsible for discovering a number of computing concepts, which is what makes me so good at DevOps. When people ask for my business card I simply write “DevOps” on something and give it to them."12:11
Jawmarein retrospec I probably chewed too much12:14
kanzure"Partial rocket re-use using mid-air recovery" (helicopters) http://www.ulalaunch.com/uploads/docs/Published_Papers/Evolution/PartialRocketReuseUsingMidAirRecovery20087874.pdf12:23
maakupasky that's the first thing to nail down -- eliminating variance. (I'm still on this step though)12:27
maakukanzure I saw that play out. An important lesson for anyone doing anything public facing...12:29
kanzurehelicopter recovery plan seems to suck because martian helicopters don't exist yet12:30
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fenntyranny by political correctness13:57
fenneverything tobey said was true, but apparently talking about it is not allowed13:57
fennre "this rocket executive pissed off everyone"13:57
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kanzurejollybard: welcome back15:02
jollybardjust lurkin'15:03
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Sishioliterally none of that was about political correctness15:32
SishioHe was made to resign because he embarrassed the company15:33
kanzureSishio: companies have internal politics15:36
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SishioWell, yes, but he wasn't fired over office politics.15:38
SishioHe was fired because he damaged the company's reputation and potential business.15:39
kanzuredon't you think being uncompetitive would be more damaging? :)15:39
SishioCould you explain how bragging about company business strategy to college kids is competitive15:41
kanzurehe was bragging? i thought he was complaining about his company being ineffective?15:49
SishioBrett Tobey, an aerospace industry veteran who worked at Lockheed Martin for 32 years before joining the space launch company United Launch Alliance in 2015, was visiting his alma mater to talk to engineering students (pdf). He spoke about his efforts to help the company, a joint venture of Lockheed and Boeing, cut costs in response to the challenge from SpaceX.15:53
SishioBut his candid description of ULA’s business, while no doubt educational, also proved likely to upset the company’s important relationship with everyone from contractors to competitors to their number one client, the US government. After an attendee at the seminar posted a recording of the audio on line, Tobey stepped down.15:53
Sishionot really.15:54
SishioHe was being an idiot15:54
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maakuSishio: i think the summary is not complete16:42
maakuSishio: he also e.g. made fun of SpaceX for doing uneconomical things like putting extra fuel in the booster so it can return to earth16:43
maakuas if he didn't realize that fuel costs pennies compared to the millions that go into each booster16:43
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SishioYeah, but that's still not an issue of political correctness17:16
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SishioHe didn't make some socially insensitive faux pas17:16
SishioHe just made his company look bad17:17
SishioAnd himself17:17
kanzurefor some reason matt blaze came up a few hours ago when i was stalking pmetzger (but also when i was stalking "ed_snowden@lavabit.com")17:28
kanzurei guess this makes sense because of his focus on cryptography. so it makes sense he would work with people (such as matt blaze) also interested in security.17:28
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kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXGMDdJ06HQ21:20
yoleauxHuman Anatomy Dissection 15 (part 1 of 2) Brain - YouTube21:20
kanzureat 9m 10sec finally freed up the brain21:21
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kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeObK9CeCaM21:25
yoleauxHuman Anatomy Dissection 15 (part 2 of 2) Brain - YouTube21:25
kanzureat 2min he pops out the brain21:27
kanzuremaaku: fenn has been trying to convince a friend against singularity-apocalypsism and has so far not been successful (eliezer camp)21:48
kanzuremaaku: and i don't think that goertzel's stuff has been effective at convincing any of them of anything at all21:49
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kanzuremaaku: i'm also not entirely convinced of the relevancy of friendliness in your post. who cares whether it is friendly? there's no proof that humans are friendly but we still let them hang out on this planet.21:58
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kanzure"BioSpaun: A large-scale behaving brain model with complex neurons" http://arxiv.org/pdf/1602.05220v1.pdf22:06
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jollybard"It would quite likely be sufficient to program an embodied AGI with drives somewhat similar to humans" Yeah, good luck with that.22:08
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNnMhF7rnYo22:09
yoleauxSpaun - Copy drawing - YouTube22:09
kanzurehttps://github.com/nengo/nengo_detailed_neurons "Enable Nengo to use neuron models simulated in NEURON."22:14
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kanzure    // Bahl A, Stemmler MB, Herz AV, Roth A (2012)22:20
kanzure    // Automated optimization of a reduced layer 5 pyramidal cell model based on22:20
kanzure    // experimental data. J Neurosci Methods 210:22-3422:20
kanzurethis seems quite similar to a model from randall oreilly22:25
kanzurethere was also another python implementation floating around somewhere (mentioned in hplusroadmap logs) like pynn or something.... not sure what it was called.22:25
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JayDuggerfenn, you have it right with "everything tobey said was true", but go read up the history of ULA, and then read about the history of bribery at Boeing and Lockheed.23:16
JayDuggerI don't mean to imply SpaceX actually bribed anyone. Hearing big aerospace complain about getting favorable laws passed reminds me of <insert funny hypocrisy here>.23:18
JayDuggerNeed denser air for Martian helicopters. All the more reason to fast-terraform that wasteland.23:19
FourFirewhy helicopters and not dirigibles?23:35
JayDuggerLockheed makes more helicopters than planes.23:36
FourFireblimps seem like less effort tbh, though they require more production capacity per vehicle they don't neccesarily require you to meaningfully alter a whole planet23:36
JayDuggerSorry, LM makes more helicopters than blimps.23:36
JayDuggerOh, on Mars?23:36
JayDuggerSorry. Blimps would probably take less effort to make than a helicopter, judging by their invention dates. Let's defer this until we arrive on Mars.23:37
-!- Aurelius_Home [~cpopell@c-73-200-185-48.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:53
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