
--- Log opened Thu Sep 02 00:00:17 2010
-!- jmil [~jmil@cpe-98-154-246-74.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap00:26
jmilkanzure: who do you work with at UT?00:28
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QuantumGVisions of the Future: The Biotech Revolution  is on tv04:29
QuantumGrandom chick identified as a "transhumanist"04:29
QuantumGI already forgot her name.. something like "cerwan"04:30
QuantumGI hate Michio Kaku.04:31
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kanzurejmil: matt campbell07:02
jmiloh wow cool http://www.me.utexas.edu/~campbell/index.htm07:02
jmilare you grad student?07:03
jmili'm in chris chen's lab at penn07:03
jmilfor 2 years as postdoc07:03
jmilkanzure: how long u been there?07:04
kanzurenah, i was an undergrad when i was working with matt07:05
kanzurebut i was living the life of a grad student :)07:05
kanzurejrayhawk: mah user sez "can't delete the hooks directory in reprap.git ..." hmm07:06
kanzurejrayhawk: did you want me to get rid of hooks or hooks_OLD07:06
kanzurejmil: did you want me to get rid of hooks or hooks_OLD07:07
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jmilkanzure: hooks_OLD07:12
jmili was able to rename it, just not delete it07:12
kanzurethe deed has been done07:14
jmilkanzure: thx. but when i do ls -la i get "s" for some of the file permissions. what is "s" ? is that keeping us from listing the file directory?07:17
kanzurewhy are all of the author email adresses broken in the commit messages07:17
kanzureit's sticky bit07:17
kanzureit means that when you create a file in the subdirectory that all of the permissions of the folder apply to the file07:18
jmilkanzure: what do you mean? not broken for me07:18
jmilah, the sticky bit07:18
jmilbut now we cannot browse: https://secure.diyhpl.us/repos/reprap/07:18
kanzureerikdebruijn <erikdebruijn@cb376a5e-1013-0410-a455-b6b1f9ac8223>07:18
kanzurei know that this is not erik's email address07:18
jmilhow do you browse the git repo when it is named reprap.git and you don't have an active tree checked out?07:19
kanzurejmil: you mean https://secure.diyhpl.us/repos/reprap/ikiwiki.cgi but it doesn't matter for this project07:19
kanzurei think the cgit link would be more relevant07:19
jmiloh i didn't know where the right link was07:24
kanzuresorry i forget to tell people these impotant things07:24
jmilto browse the git repo07:24
jmilbut how can i run "git status" from the command line?07:24
jmilit always tells me it's not a repo07:24
kanzurei gues you should clone it into your home directory somewhere07:25
kanzure/srv/git/reprap.git/ is technically not a repo (like a git repo that you work in and edit files in)07:25
kanzurealso, brb (just woke up)07:26
jmilkanzure: me too. there's something wrong with the files that were uploaded, i'm getting different browsing in my home computer 07:28
jmili'm going to recreate the entire repo on your server from scratch, see if that fixes it07:30
-!- eridu [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/eridu] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]07:31
kanzuredo you need me to install git-svn?07:31
jmiloh ya! please07:31
jmilmaybe it's the --use-log-author option07:32
jmilthe reprap SVN server is very slow so the command takes a while07:32
jmila long while07:32
jmilkanzure: lemme know when u have it installed07:33
kanzureFailed to fetch http://debian.cs.pdx.edu/pool/main/g/git/git-svn_1.7.1-1_all.deb  404  Not Found07:34
jmilkanzure: does SVN not have the email address contained in a commit? maybe the data are not there to pull into git?07:35
jmile.g. on sourceforge SVN i don't see any email addresses for the authors:07:36
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jmilkanzure: u there? if you can get git svn installed i can update08:16
kanzureone sec08:18
jmiloh, it looks like i just need to do git svn rebase08:18
jmilthat will fix it08:18
jmilall my local repos on this HD have no email addresses either08:18
jmilI think it's not in SVN repos08:18
jmilso don't worry about it actually08:18
kanzurebasically git-svn doesn't exist in this debian repository08:19
kanzurei'm trying to figure out why08:20
-!- Phreedom [~quassel@] has joined #hplusroadmap08:21
kanzureok http://debian.cs.pdx.edu/pool/main/g/git/git-svn_1.7.1-1.1_all.deb i'll take it08:21
kanzurejmil: it should be installed now08:21
jmilkanzure: i can't find it. i just ssh'ed in again, it's not in my path though08:25
jmiloh, found in /usr/lib/git-core/08:29
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kanzurehuh it really should be in your path09:00
kanzuremaybe it was "git svn" not "git-svn"09:00
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-!- Alystair [Alystair@bas1-toronto10-1279397903.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #hplusroadmap09:26
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jmilkanzure: u there? i try to run git clone http://diyhpl.us/srv/git/reprap.git10:37
jmilbut no go10:37
-!- jennifer2 [~jennifer@c-67-180-253-94.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap10:41
jmilkanzure: have you pushed/pulled successfully via git with this server before?10:41
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kanzurejmil: check the email again11:04
kanzuregit clone git+ssh://..11:04
jmiloh i thought the git+ssh meant you can use git or ssh with that :// URL... lol11:08
jmillemme try again11:08
jmilthat is working, thanks11:09
jmili had to do git_ssh://username@....11:09
jmilgit+ssh://... rather11:09
jmilhow can we enable unrestricted checkout? i am finishing testing then i will post back to the reprap-dev listserv11:10
jmilkanzure: ping in case you went afk11:10
jmilkanzure: how can we enable just the git:// URL instead of git+ssh:// ? i'm new to git-based serving11:13
epitronyou need to run a git daemon for git://11:17
epitrongit can also be served over http11:17
epitronalso, i think git+ssh is a legacy thing... it should just be ssh://, or what i use, user@host:path/to.git11:18
jmilepitron: thank you. kanzure is the server admin, so i think he has a plan already11:21
jmilwe are playing with moving reprap from SVN to git. would be WAY better11:21
epitroni'd just use a git daemon. it's fastest. :)11:22
epitronsvn is the new cvs11:22
epitronyou could host it on github btw... that has a lot of nice features. :)11:22
epitronthe forking and "pull requests" are nice11:22
epitronplus free public exposure11:22
jmilgithub is sub-optimal because it only allows 10 collaborators and 2 GB storage. the repo is 2GB already, and we need way more people to commit to the main trunk11:25
jmilso i'm trying to host it on kanzure server, then we can push a read-only copy up onto github so people can fork as desired11:26
kanzurejmil: "unrestricted checkout" should alerady work11:26
kanzurejmil: git:// should be working..11:27
kanzurehm hold on11:27
jmili tried with git:// and didn't get it11:27
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kanzurejmil: still looking into it11:36
kanzurejmil: try git clone http://diyhpl.us/reprap.git11:37
kanzurejrayhawk: it says that i have to run git update-server-info; shouldn't a daemon somewhere be taking care of this eventually?11:40
epitronjmil: maybe you should prune your repository :)11:46
epitronwith git, you have to download the entire commit history11:46
jmilprune repo for what purpose?11:46
epitronremove some ancient history11:46
epitronto reduce the repo size11:46
jmilnaw, we need for posterity :P11:46
epitrondo you really? :)11:47
epitronDO YOU REALLY???!?11:47
jmilwell, it's academic project. so i would say yes11:47
epitronwell, just ask yourself11:47
epitronwhat would linus do11:47
kanzurekill babies?11:47
epitroni think he makes a new git repo for each version11:47
jmillinus does not build physical objects... :D11:48
jmilI think he is h-minus11:48
epitronyeah but he's a smart mofo11:48
epitronand he made git for himself11:48
jmilya wrote git in 1 week11:48
epitronso if you don't act a little like him, there's going to be an impedence mismatch11:48
jmilGit itself has complete history11:48
jmilcheckout git repo of git, and read first commit. it's hilarious11:48
jmilfirst commit is something like "well, shit this may actually work"11:49
epitronanyhow, 2gb is a big fuckin repo11:49
epitronthat's unwieldy11:49
epitronit's easy to break it up by versions11:49
epitronthat's how VLC does it11:50
kanzurewhy do we need 2 GB to represent a few hundred components and parts in an assembly with maybe less than 5000 revisions?11:50
epitronno idea!11:51
kanzurejmil: is anonymous clone working now?11:53
epitronthere she is 11:54
kanzurewhat am i thinking11:54
kanzureokay, so basically 2 GB is pretty normal for a project that doesn't know what it's doing in terms of revision control11:55
kanzurei mean, people still use .doc format for revision control sometimes11:55
epitronhahah so true11:55
kanzureso on vehicleforge, the whole military vehicle stint11:55
kanzurethere's no way in hell that the projects are going to be less than 10 GB a pop11:55
kanzurei'm thinking multiple terabytes per war machine11:55
kanzure(especially when you add up all the simulation results that people want to keep around for laughs and giggles)11:55
epitrongit isn't designed for huge binary repos11:56
epitronthat's the thing11:56
epitronit's designed for little textfiles11:56
kanzureyeah :(11:56
epitronthere's probably something for those11:56
kanzurenot to my knowledge11:56
kanzureunless you want to go proprietary11:56
kanzurewhich, i don't11:56
epitronrsync with snapshots? :)11:56
kanzureyou are crazy11:56
epitronsnapshots are hardlinks11:56
epitronthey're quite efficient11:56
epitronshare those inodes11:57
epitroni guess rsync snapshots don't support modifying one byte in a big file11:57
kanzurejoe is probably going to suggest revision control on top of RAID3 or something crazy like that11:57
epitronit supports synching that one byte efficiently, but probably not storing it11:57
kanzurehow about this: no binary files to describe your warmachine11:57
kanzurei like that policy.11:57
kanzureyeah, i think i'll adopt it11:57
epitronthat sounds good!11:58
epitronalso who's making warmachines here?11:58
kanzureepitron: DARPA thing for SKDB11:58
epitronyou're getting funded by darpa?11:58
epitronyeee :)11:58
epitronbtw, this is an interesting alternative SCM: http://www.fossil-scm.org/index.html/doc/tip/www/index.wiki11:59
kanzurethey want to support "complex, realistic cyber-electro-mechanical war fighting machines"11:59
epitronzed shaw uses it for his projects... (eg: mongrel2)11:59
kanzure"fossil scm" is an awful name11:59
epitronit's an analogy for old commits11:59
epitronwhat's neat about it is that it's kinda a hybrid between svn and git... optional centralization for efficiency12:00
epitronbut still distributed12:00
epitronand it has a built-in wiki/bug tracker12:00
epitronthis is a fossil webserver: http://mongrel2.org/home12:00
kanzureepitron: i like bugs everywhere12:00
epitronall the pages are fossil wiki pages12:00
kanzureit keeps your bug state in your dcvs 12:00
kanzureunder a folder called .be/12:00
epitronyeah, fossil does that too12:00
epitronand the wiki12:00
kanzurereprap.git on diyhpl.us doubles as an ikiwiki12:01
kanzureactaully wait12:01
kanzurejrayhawk: why is that content still there? jmil changed the repo i thought12:01
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jmilkanzure: i just modified the reprap.git folder, nothing else12:28
jmili don't know what ikiwiki is, nor what you mean by the entire repo is also a wiki12:28
jmilfigured you would tell me eventuallly12:28
kanzureikiwiki is a front-end to the wiki12:28
kanzureugh i screwed that up12:28
kanzureikiwiki is a front-end to the git repository12:28
jmilright, like this: 12:29
jmilugh can't find the link12:31
jmilbut i thought you had it working with cgit12:31
jmilsomething or other12:31
jmili was browsing the repo on your site12:31
kanzureright, cgit is another front-end12:31
jmilgoing afk for a bit...12:31
epitronikiwiki converts some datafiles (that can be stored in a git repo) into html pages12:40
epitronapparently you can edit these datafiles somehow12:40
-!- gnusha_ [~gnusha@] has joined #hplusroadmap12:43
-!- Topic for #hplusroadmap: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-n39RK4inzg http://designfiles.org/~bryan/hplus-summit-2009/ http://heybryan.org/12:43
-!- Topic set by kanzure [] [Mon Jan 11 11:14:52 2010]12:43
[Users #hplusroadmap]12:43
[ [X-Pro]Endos] [ davemenninger] [ fenn ] [ jmswatcher ] [ nchaimov ] [ QuantumG ] 12:43
[ Alystair ] [ dbolser ] [ ferrouswheel] [ joshcryer ] [ niftyzero ] [ saurik ] 12:43
[ any19811340 ] [ drazak ] [ ghchinoy ] [ jrayhawk ] [ nimak ] [ splicer ] 12:43
[ augur ] [ dustbin ] [ gnusha ] [ kanzure ] [ nsh ] [ superkuh ] 12:43
[ bkero ] [ egeste ] [ gnusha_ ] [ kardan ] [ Overand ] [ ToyKeeper ] 12:43
[ CIA-36 ] [ elmom ] [ Ian_Daniher ] [ kive ] [ panax ] [ uniqanomaly__] 12:43
[ clemux ] [ ENKI-][ ] [ JayDugger ] [ kristianpaul] [ patrickmclaren] [ Utopiah ] 12:43
[ clever ] [ epitron ] [ jennifer2 ] [ mage2 ] [ Phreedom ] 12:43
[ Daeken ] [ eridu ] [ jmil ] [ masked ] [ phryk ] 12:43
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jmilkanzure: found it: https://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/reprap/12:57
jmilthat one works12:57
-!- eridu [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/eridu] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]12:59
jmilkanzure: this command works now too:12:59
jmilgit clone http://diyhpl.us/reprap.git12:59
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kanzurehi jrayhawk_13:06
kanzurejrayhawk_: there were notes and questions i left for you http://gnusha.org/logs/2010-09-02.log13:06
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kanzureoh shit, solidworks 201113:15
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jrayhawk_oh hewwo13:19
-!- jrayhawk_ is now known as jrayhawk13:20
jmilkanzure: is jrayhawk server admin for gnusha?13:23
jmilniiiice. hi jrayhawk  good to meet u13:23
jrayhawkInsofar as I occasionally break stuff claiming to make improvements.13:24
jrayhawkSo do you want Ikiwiki up and running or not?13:25
jmili dunno kanzure has plans for reprap git hosting, i think ikiwiki is part of that, but i dunno how it works with a git repo13:25
jmilkanzure: this is excellent written piece: http://gnusha.org/13:25
jmilwell done sir13:25
jrayhawkNormally there's a post-update hook that checks the log for updated files and renders and/or publishes those to a directory tree.13:26
jrayhawkOptionally, there is also a web interface for editing the contents of the tree and commiting them back to the git repository.13:27
-!- genehacker [~chatzilla@wireless-128-62-175-233.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]13:28
jrayhawkThere are some compelling features within Ikiwiki for managing and aggregating data stored within markdown files for whatever purposes you would like; it's often used for blogging and bug tracking.13:29
kanzurejrayhawk: maybe the reason why the wiki front hasn't been changed is because jmil changed the hooks13:29
kanzuremakes sense to me.13:29
jrayhawkYeah. I can fix that if you want.13:29
* kanzure nods13:29
jmiloh don't we need my hooks directory instead of what was there? kanzure you said i think that i should replace the reprap.git directory13:30
jmilso that's what i did13:30
kanzuredo you have any special hooks of your own?13:30
jmilwhat do hooks do? ;)13:30
jmili actually don't know13:30
jmili just copied my git svn directory up there13:30
kanzurewhen you push changes to a git repository, there are "post commit hooks" that are "hooked" into the process13:31
jmilcorrection: i was able to rename the hooks directory to hooks_OLD. actually tho kanzure deleted it for me, so blame him :)13:31
jrayhawkI'm working on it.13:31
kanzurethese can do just about anything- i used to have some that would tweet on twitter and complain in here (in this channel)13:31
jmilkanzure: ah. so the are like cgi scripts that jump to work13:31
kanzurethere's also pre-commit hooks you can throw in13:31
jrayhawkThe most common hook is to send commit messages to a mailing list.13:31
jmilkanzure: is the idea to give every reprap developer a login account to this git server?13:32
jrayhawkThe scariest hooks are the ones that reject commits on the basis of static analysis or coding style restrictions13:32
kanzurejmil: i'd be happy to13:32
kanzure"your code sucks" would be an awesome hook13:32
jmilkanzure: wow that would be cool13:32
jmillol good hook too13:32
jmilit would be cool if reprap dev's had login/commit access13:33
kanzurethat can be done13:33
jmilya i think that tiny shell would be fine for just commit access13:33
jrayhawkI assume they only need commit access?13:33
jrayhawkYeah, you can do that13:33
kanzurejmil: i guess i should have mentioned that to you13:33
jmilya that's it. i couldn't remember what you said13:33
kanzurei know you logged in and were wondering wtf13:33
jmiland you got my vi skillz pulled out of the back of my memory. thanks!13:33
jmillol ya13:33
jrayhawkjmil: ssh into gnusha and run 'newuser'13:33
kanzurejmil can do that? i thought sudoers only13:34
jrayhawkfor whomever you want to create an account.13:34
jrayhawkOh, aybe. Hmm.13:34
jmiloh that creates new pinyshell user account?13:34
kanzureyeah it's sudoers only13:34
jrayhawkIkiwiki should be working again, FWIW13:35
jrayhawkI'll go make that command workable for you.13:35
kanzurejrayhawk: wait, shouldn't it to be sudoers only?13:35
kanzurei'm not really sure i care either way13:35
jrayhawkI'll add an exception for jsmiller.13:35
* kanzure shrugs13:36
jrayhawkOkay, that should work for the jsmiller user, now.13:38
jrayhawkjmil: You can assign an arbitrary password and users can log in with and change with 'passwd'13:38
jrayhawkalso, if you want to play around with ikiwiki without polluting reprap.git with commits, you can 'newrepo whatever-you-want-it-to-be-named'13:39
kanzurewhen it asks for an email address for the user13:39
kanzureit would be nice if you use their actual email address :P13:39
kanzureso that we can keep track of it13:39
jrayhawkoh yeah, 'addaccess reprap whatever-username-you-created' will also be necessary13:40
kanzurehm i think i forgot that part for jmil13:41
jrayhawkHe's the owner, it looks like.13:41
kanzurewell that's weird13:41
jmilok, we'll have to ask adrian how he wants to handle things13:41
jrayhawkoh, no, i guess not13:41
jrayhawkI'll make him the owner.13:41
jmilwait, owner of what?13:41
jmilteh reprap.git dir?13:41
jmilthen i could rename it13:42
kanzurewhy would you rename it13:42
jrayhawkLooks like that directory isn't shared. I should fix that, too.13:42
kanzurei think what happened was that jmil just overwrote the entire directory13:42
jmilmy server at home went on the fritz, but it's the one i was using to pull makerbot SVN down into git, then push back up onto github every 5 min13:42
kanzurewith his scp move13:42
uniqanomaly__"How God propelled Stephen Hawking into the bestsellers lists13:42
uniqanomaly__Tim Radford suspects divine intervention was partly responsible for the miraculous success of A Brief History of Time"13:42
jmiluniqanomaly__: i heard he was in a black hole for a while. that did it.13:43
jmilkanzure: i was trying to avoid overwriting the directory, so i was trying to rename it and push a new one up, but i didn't have write access to the parent dir13:43
jmili don't need to rename it now tho, you are right13:44
jmildamage already done13:44
kanzureare you one of those users that do crazy things? :)13:44
kanzurelike connect to irc via cronjobs13:44
jrayhawkI'm going to break that git repo for about fifteen minutes to sort some problems out.13:45
jmili am a cronjob. you have just failed the turing test. do not pass go. do not collect $200.13:45
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jmiljrayhawk: you can delete the whole thing, i have the real one in my home dir on gnusha now13:45
jmili was trying to learn how to push it --mirror into that git dir13:46
jmilkanzure: no i won't do crazy things, for the most part ;)13:46
kanzurei only act like an admin13:49
kanzureoops, scroll error13:49
jmilyour debian-fu is awesome, this is my first time on a debian box. will have to nix ubuntu for debian on our lab computer13:53
kanzureubuntu is based off of debian13:53
kanzurejmil: so, the gnusha.org text is a little old by now13:54
kanzureit was written earlier this year as a project update13:54
kanzurethere's a few additional parts of the story that are worth telling13:54
kanzurei have some funding for these and other crazy projects13:55
kanzureso i was going to invest $50 in anybody that would write me a grant proposal13:55
kanzureand then if they complete and carry it out, i'd pay them $100 next time, and keep on doubling it13:55
kanzureuntil i run out of money or until they fail (or something)13:55
kanzurei can afford to waste $50 (it's like a bad dinner or something) but not $50,000 on a failed super reprap or whatever13:55
jmilwow that's dangerous13:59
jmil<starts writing grant>13:59
kanzureheh :)13:59
kanzurethere's a reason i haven't announced it yet though13:59
kanzurei've been working on some software infrastructure issues..13:59
dustbinI like the idea13:59
kanzurejrayhawk has been working on piny (which actually saves me a huge pain in the ass)13:59
jmilyou just did announce it lol14:00
kanzureand in the meantime, i've been working on a usable open source CAD kernel14:00
jmilfirst post!14:00
kanzurejmil: well, i mean, "money serving time is open"-sorta-announce14:00
jmilCAD kernel?14:00
jmilwhat does that do?14:00
jmillike linux kernel?14:00
kanzureit's a ridiculously technical piece of software that you shouldn't have to worry about14:00
kanzurebasically, it's a way to design mechanical components14:00
jmilnow i have to know14:00
jmillike openscad?14:01
kanzurehave you ever used solidworks, autocad, pro/e, or catia?14:01
jmiland mscad?14:01
jmilkanzure: i'm all blender, baby14:01
kanzuresorta like openscad, except openscad only exports STL files (which are not CAD)14:01
kanzureblender is not CAD either14:01
kanzurein fact, i wrote a whole wiki page on this14:01
jmilyou can export .DXF from blender14:01
kanzure.DXF is rarely CAD14:01
jmillucy, you have some 'splainin to do14:01
kanzurefor various reasons, trust me ;)14:01
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jmilomg did you just write that whole web page in 17 seconds?14:02
kanzurei would love to use openscad but the fact that it only does STL output makes it more or less useless for my purposes14:02
jrayhawkthis does not look like a git-svn repository14:02
jmilso you need to join openscad dev team14:02
jmiljrayhawk: howso?14:02
jmiljrayhawk: check the one in my home dir14:03
kanzurejmil: openscad is just cgal+opencsg+otherstuff.. opencsg isn't what i want, and CGAL certainly isn't either14:03
jmilok i will need to do some more reading14:03
dustbinkanzure: I would be interested in investing some programming time working on a CAD project14:03
kanzurejmil: there are two open source CAD kernels out there though14:03
kanzuredustbin: one sec14:03
kanzurejmil: http://brlcad.org/14:03
kanzurejmil: http://opencascade.org/14:03
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kanzureand i guess http://pythonocc.org/ for python wrappers for opencascade14:04
kanzurefor various reasons neither kernel is quite what i need14:04
kanzurebrlcad doesn't export STEP, for instance14:04
jmil"user Bryan Bishop wrote a script in Perl to create geometry via MGED. Bryan shows in http://brlcad.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/brlcad/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/spiral.pl how to procedurally generate a spiraling pattern of hollowed-out boxes."14:04
kanzureand opencascade is such a bloated mess and retarded that it's not worth spending any more of my time with14:04
kanzurejmil: oh shit, that's right!14:04
kanzurei forgot about that14:04
kanzureit was for the automatic design of a spiral microfluidic algae/water separator14:05
kanzuredustbin: so, uh, the CAD kernel i've been writing is all in python14:05
kanzurethe main goal of the kernel is STEP export, nothing else matters to me at the moment14:05
kanzurein the future i'll implement an actual SDAI interface for STEP standards compliance, but right now it's just raw and whatever-the-hell-makes-it-work14:06
jmilhttp://www.step.org/ ?14:06
kanzurejmil: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STEP-File14:06
kanzuredustbin: the idea is to have a python interpreter open and just type out commands14:06
kanzureand such..14:06
kanzurebut nobody is going to use this if they can't see what they are making14:06
kanzureso for the past week i've been dabbling with an opengl/glut or maybe wxpython viewer/visualizer14:07
jrayhawkhum dee dum14:07
kanzuredustbin: do you have any experience with python or OpenGL or wxWidgets/wxPython?14:07
dustbinI have opengl experience not much python experience though14:07
kanzureso uh, i actually have a question then14:08
dustbinheh k14:08
kanzurei've been making the visualizer and i need to figure out the user interaction model14:08
kanzurei have no idea wtf i want14:08
kanzurelike, should i implement rotation with arrow keys? or is that panning only14:08
dustbinI can only offer opinions on that stuff14:09
kanzureplease :)14:09
kanzurejrayhawk: was that hum dee dum you being annoyed14:09
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dustbinI don't have any research knowledge to back it up atm, but IMO you should use meta keys and mouse or arrow keys14:09
jrayhawkno i am waiting for a push and checkout to finish because this repo is the size of the moon14:09
dustbinso shift plus hold left mouse and drag causes one movement type14:10
dustbinalt plus left click and drag does something else14:10
dustbinthe same thing should happen with shift plus arrow keys14:10
kanzurejmil: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solid_modeling14:11
jrayhawkhmm. I should add spaces to the list of allowed ikiwiki characters, apparently.14:11
jmiljrayhawk: it's all the binaries. it's because they are design files so we don't want to trash them. even the old ones should be saved for posterity14:11
jmilnot really my decision to make tho, prolly Adrian would agree tho as he said his plan would be to migrate all commits as well14:11
kanzurejrayhawk: i was meaning to ask you about this14:12
kanzurethe DARPA project wants 200 MB *minimum* expected repository size14:12
kanzureand seeing how reprap.git is 1 GB (although someone said yesterday 2 GB)14:12
kanzurei suspect that some are multiple terabytes for any modern war machine14:12
kanzurewhat do i dooooooo14:12
jmilkanzure: what darpa project?14:14
kanzurejmil: DARPA announced that they wanted to fund a "sourceforge for vehicles and other cyber-electromechanical systems" (aka SKDB)14:14
kanzureso i have a team going after it..14:14
jmilkanzure: ya reprap.git is 1 GB, i thought 2 GB because i was also measuring the current working directory14:14
jmilkanzure: how can i help?14:15
kanzuredo you know a prime contractor?14:15
kanzurei have a few leads at the moment but i don't know which (or if any) will work out14:15
jmilwe can write a shell script if you just need some prime numbers14:16
jmilyou mean to ironworks things?14:16
jmilfor robotz?14:16
jmili just assume you mean big metal robotz14:16
kanzurein the defense contracting industry, a "prime contractor" is the company that formally submits the offer/proposal/grant-application to DARPA or the DoD14:17
kanzurelittle small time guys usually don't submit it directly14:17
jmiloh. university then?14:17
kanzurethat's one of my options but no, not necessarily14:17
kanzurean example of this would be if i knew some guys at boeing'14:17
jmiloh some of the reprap guyz can help with that maybe14:17
jmilask in #reprap14:17
kanzureask for what?14:18
jmilcontacts at boeing14:18
kanzurejmil: btw, i should mention that management of the gada prize is being transferred over to me14:19
kanzurejust so you know..14:20
jmiloh shit lol14:20
jmilgood to know your conflicts of interest14:20
kanzurewhat's the conflict?14:21
kanzurei was just trying to explain my reaction in #reprap14:21
jmiloh lol14:21
kanzurewoo it's working14:22
kanzureReceiving objects:   8% (3898/44969), 2.82 MiB | 352 KiB/s     14:22
kanzurenot a bad speed14:22
jmiljrayhawk: the git:// link now updates object pull, thanks!!!!!!!!!!!14:23
jmili'm getting 1.4 MiB/s14:23
jmiljrayhawk: oh shit, you already made a commit to it, we have to reverse that14:24
kanzurewhat's wrong with a commit?14:24
jmilwe need master to be a pristine pull and rebase from the SVN because we are not ready to finalize the move yet14:24
jrayhawkoh, troublesome14:24
kanzureso then what was the point14:24
kanzureer, i mean..14:24
kanzuredidn't people already fork the repos on github anyway14:24
jrayhawkI'll go see if I can fix that.14:26
jmilkanzure: no it's never been on github14:32
kanzuremy bad14:32
kanzuremakerbot has been, i think?14:32
jmilgithub only allows 10 collaborators (read: commit access) and 2 GB max14:32
jmilthey have been talking about transitioning to git for a year or two14:32
jmilnow they are finally going to do it, but i don't want it to go badly, it has to be right the first time14:33
kanzureyeah i saw adrian just raw committing svn files?14:33
kanzurei mean, without commit history14:33
jmilso we need complete SVN history, easy commit access14:33
jmilya kanzure check that thread... i corrected him that we can get total SVN history and he said14:34
jmilI'm not proposing to do it this way as the final solution - I'm just14:34
jmilexperimenting at the moment.14:34
jmilWhen it's all sorted, I'll re-do it with the svn history intact.14:34
jmilIndeed, what I may well do is to re-organise the svn repository to the14:34
jmilstructure of the git repository as the last thing done in svn, then14:34
jmilmove the lot across.14:34
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jmilso my planned infrastructure is one server (yours?) where the main git repo lives, all official devs have commit access there14:36
kanzurejmil: i was wondering, can i have a shell account on seas.upenn.edu (or w/e) for grabbing papers?14:36
jmilkanzure: i can't do that because you said that...14:36
jmili can pull papers for you and send them to you if you send me the links to the papers14:36
jmilbecause it's all for academic purposes...14:36
kanzure"all official devs have commit access there" sometimes it's just one dev with commit access, but either way is ok14:36
kanzurejmil: i usually grab about 100 papers/day14:36
kanzurei recommend not offering your manual services :D14:37
jmilkanzure: i'm trying to keep it the same as what I think reprap SVN is used to, and it has multiple committers14:37
kanzurejmil: sounds good to me14:37
jmilthen i want a cron job to push changes onto github14:37
jmilso there is a read-only there for the vast majority of other uses to fork and pull14:37
kanzurehow about a commit hook :)14:37
kanzureothers can fork, pull and clone from the gnusha/diyhplus domain btw14:38
jmilkanzure: oh ya, a hook! but prolly a cron job just in case, right?14:38
kanzureif you do a hook then whenever something gets committed, github gets updated too14:38
jmilkanzure: but it's not as good as including all the people that are very familiar with github14:38
jrayhawkOnly if github is unreliable.14:38
jmiloh github is reliable. i have the makerbot repo working this way, with a cron job14:38
jmilthe only difference is people would have commit access14:38
QuantumGkanzure: you should track down Ben Brockert .. he'd be local to you now (working at Armadillo Aerospace) and I just saw him asking about laser cutting.14:39
kanzureBen Brockert <wikkit@gmail.com>14:39
kanzuregot it14:39
QuantumGyou could invite him to some techshop event or something.. if you've found any of those that are worthwhile14:40
kanzureQuantumG: you mean in the austin area?14:40
kanzurealso do you prefer your biodome or gmail address14:40
QuantumGI dunno how far he is away from you.. but it's the same state.14:40
QuantumG(biggest state in the US, but anyway..)14:41
dustbinabout 3 to 4 hours14:41
kanzurewait where is he?14:42
dustbinarmadillo indicates dallas14:42
kanzurehah, yeah that's not happening14:42
kanzureQuantumG: but thanks :)14:42
jrayhawkOkay, that git repo should be in better shape.14:43
QuantumGjust an idea.  know anyone in Texas that does laser cutting/drilling?14:43
jmiljrayhawk: now how do i not break it by committing to it?14:43
kanzureQuantumG: tons.. i just wrote out this huge email to him and discarded it14:43
jrayhawkuse git tools rather than manual filesystem operations :)14:43
jmiljrayhawk: ok14:43
jmiljrayhawk and kanzure this is what i follow for makerbot and reprap svn repo:14:44
jrayhawkSo, git push ssh://diyhpl.us/srv/git/reprap master or what have you14:44
kanzurejrayhawk: you should probably read that fnokd.com link and complain about how wrong it is or something14:44
jmilthen basically i envision every reprap dev has his/her own branch. Then only one committer is responsible for merging to master14:44
jmilbut all branches are pushed onto github14:44
kanzureoh wait it looks relatively right14:44
jrayhawkThere's no real branch security for git, so I'm not sure how well your plan will work out in practice.14:45
jrayhawkI guess it depends on the people involved.14:45
kanzurewon't someone say "hey that shouldn't be in master"?14:46
jrayhawkThe git model is more designed for people to each maintain their own repositories.14:46
jmiljrayhawk: you gotta see linus' philosophy on it14:47
jmilhe has it *exactly* right14:47
jmilthat's what we will do here14:47
jmilkanzure: you too14:47
kanzureoh, you mean i should see linus talk about git14:48
jmilwe're taking linus' philosophy14:48
kanzureyeah, i remember his talks on git14:48
jmilkanzure: so when people say "that shouldn't be in master" then it's up to the maintainer to make a decision. since anyone can be a node and all git repos are equal, it's up to the community to prune or support the "main" master trunk14:50
QuantumGRockwell, Texas14:50
QuantumGguessing that's a suburb of Dallas14:51
jmilthen if something breaks, the maintainer doesn't have to fix it. the maintainer instead says to the committer... this is broken, please fix it, rebase, and send back to me14:51
jmilit's less of a problem with reprap where it's mostly design files tho14:51
jmilso i think (maybe naively) taht it has a better chance of working for us14:51
jmilit's worked very well for MakerBot/G3Firmware, for which I have commit access14:51
kanzureheh i can imagine some flame wars now14:52
kanzureabout whether or not to commit before or after physical test14:52
kanzurenever commit untested code, right? right?14:52
jmilbasically, here:14:52
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jmila bunch of us can commit onto github, but phooky is really the one with his head wrapped around the code best14:53
jmilso he prunes or rejects our changes as he sees fit. it's up to us to convince him14:53
jmilor do better and replace his value14:53
jmilbut it'd be impossible to do better and replace him, so instead socially he ends up holding the keys14:53
kanzureTitle: Growth and replication of red rain cells at 121 oC and their red fluorescence14:53
kanzurepdf: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1008.4960v114:53
jmilwhat's a rain cell??14:54
jmiloh, a thermophile14:54
kanzurecommentary: http://science.slashdot.org/story/10/09/02/1958231/DNA-Less-Red-Rain-Cells-Reproduce-At-121-C14:55
kanzurered rain is something like acid rain i think?14:55
kanzureso yeah, extremophile14:55
superkuhOr someone mistaking complex lipid structures for living cells.14:56
jmilkanzure: lol they autoclave, then claim the reaction is simply from temp14:56
jmilbut autoclave is very high pressure too14:56
jmilthey completely ignore14:56
jmil<smacks head>14:56
* jmil smacks head14:57
jmil121 C for 2 hours at atmospheric pressure == no liquid growth medium left14:58
superkuhUnless you are refluxing it...14:58
jmilcounting cells is also not the *best* way to do this, you need to do optical absorbance measurements14:59
jmilsuperkuh: good point14:59
kanzure"My research field is hyperthermophilic Archaea that grows at 90C or more and I know the existence of microbes that can grow at even higher temperatures, so this part of the claim is feasible." i want some14:59
jmilwhy do you want some? they might be toxic15:00
jmilwhy didn't they isolate the DNA????15:00
kanzurejmil: read the comments.. wikipedia delivers, as usual15:00
jmilyou mean slashdot?15:01
kanzurebut the comments were talking about the wikipedia article15:01
jmili don't see wikipedia link15:08
jmilbut this quote is good: To go from "our test found no DNA" to "there is no DNA" to "they must be extraterrestrial" to "they look like the dust clouds in Monocerous" is a series of leaps that go wayyy ahead of the available evidence, in my view.15:08
kanzureread the child comments15:09
jmili think prions should have voting rights in the US.15:09
jmiljust saying...15:09
jmili had so much trouble getting them to sign an NDA tho.15:10
jmilkanzure: he's also not saying they could possibly grow in the rain or the clouds, as they need LB medium15:11
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jmilI like the TEM of the emulsion though. it's easy to make lipid bilayers and double membranes in a test tube. any size you want.15:12
QuantumGprions are overqualified to vote in the US15:14
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jmilQuantumG: i resemble that comment15:23
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[X-Pro]Endosanyone here know a little about setting up pbs for the management of scientific computing clusters?16:10
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jmilkanzure: don't you have pub access through UT?16:25
kanzurei can always use backups16:32
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kanzurejmil: would you like to email the reprap-dev list with the deets or should i?17:30
kanzurelet's flood this guy's inbox with suggestions for ridiculous courses17:32
kanzure"If you could learn any subject at this very moment without applying it toward a degree, which would it be?"17:32
jmilkanzure: let's wait... i'd like to have a plan with Adrian first17:33
jmilfor migration and user management, commits, etc17:33
jmilthe problem is that neither of us know how people usually function with the SVN repo17:34
kanzurepresumably "poorly"17:34
jmilprolly we'll keep master as the main tracking SVN pristine, then have a second branch people can commit to as they migrate to git17:34
jmilthen at some point adrian will pull the plug on SVN, and we'll tell people to commit to master isntaead17:35
jrayhawkIs there some room I should monitor and provide information on infrastructure limitations and opportunities?17:35
jmilwe can try in #reprap but i don't think any of the committers are in there (even though 100 peeps)17:36
jmili asked earlier17:36
jrayhawkBTW you are free to rape a shitload of bandwidth on that system.17:37
jrayhawkThat colocation facility also hosts, e.g. freedesktop.org17:37
jmili asked anyone have commit access to SVN reprap repo? We're trying to setup the git version and wanted to get more info on the workflow for the SVN repo17:38
jmil[8:37PM] jmil: so we can assist with the migration17:38
jmil[8:37PM] jmil: it will be grand17:38
jmilresponse: crickets17:39
kanzurejmil: irc is a variable lag communication medium17:39
jmili'll just ask Adrian17:39
jmilkanzure: #reprap is usually quite populous but it's mostly on Euro time17:39
jmilso now's not the best time17:39
jmilkanzure and jrayhawk i'm trying one more git-svn flag to try to get the author email address back... might work17:43
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kanzureah so it was there?17:44
kanzureXPSkeith: hi17:44
jrayhawkFrom previous conversions I've seen done, you need to manually parse commits in order to preserve everything you'd want to, and it takes *forever* because SVN is painfully slow.17:46
jrayhawkI can probably dig up some expertise on the subject if you want.17:46
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jrayhawkAnd you'd need to make a pretty sophisticated system if you wanted to move stuff back and forth.17:53
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jmiljrayhawk: what do you mean we'd want to manually parse commits?18:24
jmiljrayhawk can you make me a new .git folder to test a new git repo push?18:26
kanzurejmil: just run "newrepo"18:26
jmildo i have to cd into the git folder? I don't have write perms there18:26
kanzureyou could make the git folder in your home directory if it's non-critical that it's on /srv/git/18:27
jmili want to test it in /srv/git with the cgit system in my browser18:27
kanzurewhat repo name would you like18:28
jmilreprap_test would be great, thanks!18:28
jmilkanzure: i found the command to change adrian-bowyer@cb376a5e-1013-0410-a455-b6b1f9ac8223 to adrian-bowyer18:29
kanzureer, what about his actual email address?18:29
jmilit's not in the SVN commits as far as i can tell18:29
kanzureoh it's sourceforge.. the commits are probably just sourceforge usernames :(18:29
jmilya, that's what i figure18:29
kanzurethe commit *authors18:30
jmildo you think the @ string means anything?18:30
kanzurea funky hash no doubt.. i don't know what the meaning is, however18:30
jmilthey're all the exact same it seems like18:30
kanzurefor each author or for all authors?18:30
jmilall authors18:30
kanzurehuh. uh..18:30
jmilhow do i wipe the git repo in reprap.git and re-push up a fresh copy?18:31
kanzurejrayhawk: did you do some work on reprap.git in particular?18:31
jmili tried git push --mirror but it didn't work, says everything is up to date18:31
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jmilkanzure: ya jrayhawk said to keep from messing it up i need to use git instead of file copy/rm18:32
kanzureso wait, you want to re-upload the repository? may i ask why18:32
jmilsee above...18:32
jmilto re-upload a repo without the @ string18:33
jmilbut i don't want to undo jrayhawk 's efforts18:33
kanzurethere's a way to use git tree filters to edit all of the commit messages/authors18:33
kanzureso if joe did something worth keeping, i can throw some filter-foo at it18:33
kanzureand if not, i'll scratch the repository?18:34
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kanzurehi kristianpaul 18:34
kanzurejmil: how about you upload the fresh one to reprap_test for now?18:34
jmiljoe got the folder shared, the cgit working, the git daemon running correctly...18:34
jmilok, i'll try that18:35
kanzureor do you need me to reset reprap_test first18:35
jmilreset it how?18:35
kanzureback to when i first created it - i haven't checked if you have done anything with it in the past few min18:35
jmili bet gnusha has fatter pipe than me here, so i'll prolly create a new one in my home dir on gnusha instead18:35
jmiloh no didn't do anything yet18:36
kanzurejrayhawk: reprap_test.git has a commit message that says the following:18:36
kanzurecommit f5d0b4f6fb0bd84a421046eb2c08b9d8df94405e18:36
kanzureAuthor: root <root@gnusha.svcs.cs.pdx.edu>18:36
kanzureDate:   Mon Jul 19 00:08:14 2010 -070018:36
kanzureInitial content.18:36
kanzurei'm guessing this is the ikiwiki initial content commit18:36
kanzureuh i guess i was thinking the date was weird but nevermind, it's probably just a copied repo18:39
kanzurewhich makes for interesting mergers in the future?18:39
jmili will wipe the dir?18:40
kanzurewhich one?18:40
kanzurehave at it18:40
jmili started a new svn fetch in a screen instance. did control-a-d to detach18:40
jmilnow when i type fg it doesn't get me back in!18:41
kanzurescreen -x18:41
jmilit says no such job18:41
jmilthat got it thanks!!!18:41
jmiloh i don't have perms to wipe that reprap_test.git18:42
kanzureyeah.. one sec, i'll do it18:42
kanzurewait, how wiped do you want it?18:42
jmilbut i'll need to be able to push git repo into there too...18:42
jmilrm -rf18:42
jmilunless it has setup stuff i can push on top of?18:42
kanzurewhy does it have to be in /srv/ then?18:42
kanzureoh right, cgit18:43
jmilwill cgit just automagically do everything for any .git it finds in /srv?18:43
jrayhawkYeah, sorry, part of the pain in the ass of git and ikiwiki is not having initial content, so newrepo arbitrarily creates some.18:43
jrayhawkI got rid of this on the main reprap.git18:43
jmilwhat is reprap-backup.git?18:43
kanzureprobably joe being safe18:43
jmiloh good :)18:43
jmilthanks joe18:43
kanzureso wait, you don't have push privledges on reprap_test.git?18:44
jmilis joe jrayhawk ?18:44
jrayhawkThe old one you had in place with the wonky permissions.18:44
kanzurejrayhawk: yes18:44
kanzurejrayhawk: i created reprap_test.git with newrepo and addaccess; shouldn't this cover it?18:44
kanzurei mean, the jsmiller user should be able to push to it right?18:44
jrayhawkHe might need to relogin since Unix permissions aren't dynamic.18:45
jmili think i need to git clone --mirror18:45
jrayhawkDepends on what he's doing.18:45
kanzurejrayhawk: i think he's running git svn and wants to push stuff into reprap_test.git18:45
jmilyes that's it kanzure 18:45
kanzurei guess if you're running git svn it's going to create its own repository18:45
jrayhawkYeah, he's doing that locally on gnusha; he'll need to relogin.18:46
jrayhawkSorry, unix sucks.18:46
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kanzureah right because i added him to the user group18:46
jmilya i'm making repo in home18:46
kanzurejrayhawk: in this case, reprap_test.git is already created, so his repo in ~ will have to be copied over to /srv/git/? i'm not sure on the flow in this case18:46
jmili was able to do it for reprap.git because i had write perms18:47
kanzureif you relogin you'll have write permission18:47
jmilso i rm -rf the contents of the folder, then git clone --mirror18:47
kanzureaha you rm -rf'd..18:47
jmilok thx18:47
jmilum what?18:47
jrayhawkoh, different folder18:48
kanzurejrayhawk: right18:48
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kanzurebut still, rm -rf'ing stuff shouldn't be necessary18:48
jrayhawkIt's necessary for clones.18:48
jmilya i think so too18:48
jrayhawkTo get rid of clones, specifically.18:48
kanzurei guess piny doesn't really let you pick a repository already in existence18:48
jrayhawkYeah, I should correct that.18:48
kanzureok. so rm -rf goodness for now18:48
jmilbetter to be safe and clean since we want this to be source for lots of people 18:48
jmilif it were for just me i wouldn't care about dangling clones18:49
jmili've never met an rm -rf i didn't like18:49
* jmil just wants to make sure he never gets admin privileges18:49
jrayhawkI'm going to do some work to make this a little less screwy for you.18:50
jmilok, thx. maybe i can learn more about the hooks you did for reprap.git so we can move them to reprap_test.git, then potentially delete reprap.git and rename _test to reprap.git18:51
jmilthen we'd be golden, i think18:51
jmilthen we could delete the _backup.git18:51
jmiland then make a new _backup.git18:51
jmiland then we'd be ready to rock18:51
jrayhawkwhy aren't you just pushing to reprap.git18:52
jmilbecause i need to overwrite it completely, see above18:52
kanzurehe's redoing the svn conversion to fix the author strings18:53
kanzurei suggested we just use a git tree filter18:53
jmilall authors have an @HASH string18:53
* kanzure shrugs18:53
jrayhawkI think you can git push -f18:53
jmili don't know what is git tree filter, so i'm doing the hard way18:53
jmilgit push --mirror -f ?18:53
jrayhawkWhat's the 'mirror' for?18:53
kanzurejmil: filters are nasty and evil and only crazy people use them :P18:53
jmil--mirror is supposed to overwrite the contents completely, and keep remote refs etc.18:54
jmilbut it wasn't working18:54
kanzure"Lets you rewrite git revision history by rewriting the branches mentioned in the <rev-list options>, applying custom filters on each revision. Those filters can modify each tree (e.g. removing a file or running a perl rewrite on all files) or information about each commit."18:54
jmilbecause i tried that already18:54
jmili'm also making a text file (damn you vi!!!!!!!) so i can remember what i did18:55
jmiland then i will write down what you did18:55
jmilif i understand...18:55
jrayhawkWhy would a bare repo need a remote?18:55
jrayhawkAnd you have no tags.18:55
jrayhawkAnd only one branch.18:55
jmili'm considering the working tree in my home directory on gnusha the main tree where i'm slurping down the git svn18:57
jmili don't want to do this directly in the /srv/git folder18:57
jrayhawkYeah, that makes sense.18:57
QuantumGheh, kanzure: Bryan, I'll contact you off list in the next couple of weeks. (Your website is timing out, btw.)   .. there you go, answering the question asked has benefits18:57
jmilbut the stuff in /srv/git will eventually need to also know that there's an SVN remote18:58
jmilso i was trying to mirror my home git repo into /srv/git18:58
kanzurei'm trying to overcome my anxiety of redoing all of heybryan.org's url paths.. it's like, what, 5 years of posting links on the web? that will now all be broken if i finally fix my apache config?18:58
jmilkanzure: you need perl18:59
kanzureno, you never need perl18:59
kanzurei really don't want to write redirects for each and every incoming link (a few hundred thousand)18:59
kanzureoh well. i'll get over it.19:00
jmilwhy you need to redo the url paths? just keep the old ones and make new ones fit the new schema19:00
jmilthen you have some historic caché19:00
kanzurebecause legacy support is already the name of the game19:00
jmiland character19:00
kanzurethere's no point in adding on new legacies19:00
jmil"back in my day... the URLs used to read like this..."19:01
jrayhawkYou can use rewriterules to translate the old to new.19:01
jrayhawkYou can also hit yourself in the head with a hammer.19:01
jrayhawkIt feels basically the same!19:01
kanzureyeah that was what i was trying to avoid with "i really don't want to write redirects for each and every incoming link (a few hundred thousand)"19:01
jrayhawkWell, it would be classes of links.19:01
* kanzure goes off to hit his head with a hammer19:01
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jrayhawkI assume most of your stuff is static anyway, so most of the namespaces translation could be pretty well automated.19:02
jmilyou could do the CNN way, where every 404 redirects to your homepage. that won't piss off anyone.19:02
kanzureuh won't it? 19:02
kanzuremaybe i'll 404 redirect to the internet archive :)19:02
jmilyou miss my sarcasm19:02
kanzureCNN and sarcasm don't mix well :(19:02
jrayhawkYou can brute force it with md5sums and directory paths for long enough to get search engines redirected permanently, at least.19:03
jmilwhat is old schema, and what is new schema?19:04
kanzurethere was no old schema (it was just legacy support)19:04
kanzureand there is no new schema (yet)19:04
jmil?? what??19:04
kanzurethere was no schema, it was a pile of crap accumulated over a decade19:04
jmili just mean how do old urls look19:04
jmili can't browse your site to find out b/c it is down, naturally19:04
kanzurenaturally :)19:04
jrayhawkGet a list of md5sums and old paths, get a list of md5sums and new paths, create 301s programatically based on those lists.19:05
jrayhawkAfter a few weeks, get rid of the redirect rules.19:05
jrayhawk(I assume they will be a little slow)19:05
kanzureokay maybe i'll spend some time thinking up new paths19:05
kanzurejmil: here's a 2008 version http://web.archive.org/web/20080729061837/http://heybryan.org/19:05
jmilso you want new URL style for your 11,000 bookmarks?19:07
jmilthe bookmark links don't work in the way back machine, so i can't see what happens when you click one of those number-ordered links19:08
kanzurewell, if it's the bookmarks then i'd just want to write a better parser for the bookmark format that i was using19:08
jmilso what is it then?19:08
kanzureit's the crap spewed on /19:09
kanzureand some other stuff, like /~bbishop/docs/* and /books/* and /~bryan/*19:09
kanzureoh and /docs/*19:09
kanzurebasically it looked something like this :P http://eugen.leitl.org/19:09
jrayhawkI'm working on your push problem, jmil, just so you know.19:10
jmiloh thanks jrayhawk !19:10
jrayhawkOkay, it looks like refs/remotes/ are not preserved during a clone operation, so there isn't any point trying to push remotes to a bare repository.19:12
jrayhawkoh wait, I meant to mirror, didn't I19:12
jrayhawkhum dee dum ignore me i am dumb19:12
jrayhawkNope, even on git clone --mirror19:14
jmilso i had copied the .git/svn/.metadata file19:15
jmilthat's all we need19:15
jmili think19:15
jmilgoing afk for a while...19:15
jrayhawkjrayhawk@gnusha:~$ git clone ~jsmiller/reprap_test/19:19
jrayhawkInitialized empty Git repository in /home/jrayhawk/reprap_test/.git/19:19
jrayhawkwarning: remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout.19:19
jrayhawkperhaps you should stop manually screwing around inside of git repos19:21
gnusha_it hurts19:21
jrayhawkjmil is going to keep us on our toes19:24
kanzurewait until you meet the reprap developers19:24
jrayhawkthis is why god invented pinysell19:24
jrayhawkjmil is one of those people who are never 'lost', merely 'exploring', isn't he19:25
jrayhawki call those people 'scientists'19:25
jrayhawkand they are sadistic bastards19:25
jrayhawkAnyway, when you have what you want, just git push --force /srv/git/reprap.git master19:32
jrayhawkDangling objects will be garbage collected whenver cron.daily does its thing.19:34
kanzurei'm still suspicious about crond19:34
kanzure20:50 < fenn> can't you run a cron job?19:35
kanzure20:50 < kanzure> probably, but cron and i have never got along19:35
kanzure20:51 < pmetzger> ???19:35
kanzure20:51 < pmetzger> what's hard about cron?19:35
kanzure20:51 < pmetzger> put script in file. put line in crontab saying "run script every day at hour X"19:35
kanzure20:52 < kanzure> and then it doesn't happen19:35
kanzure20:55 < fenn> that's been my experience too :\19:35
kanzure^ from http://gnusha.org/logs/2010-07-01.log19:35
kanzure20:55 < fenn> maybe something's just broken on davinci19:35
jrayhawkI've had some problems with cron and ubuntu, but I think that's just because upstart is a giant pile of garbage and doesn't take well to being containerized.19:36
jrayhawkBecause for some reason upstart wants to handle all hotplug stuff.19:36
kanzureis upstart some cron-specific stuff on ubuntu?19:36
jrayhawkUpstart is Ubuntu's nutty init replacement.19:37
kanzureor is that rc0-3?19:37
kanzurei see19:37
kanzureyeah that doesn't sound safe19:37
jrayhawkOther distributions have tragicly started using it.19:37
jrayhawkSome people are working on something more like what OS X has that looks a lot less insane.19:37
jrayhawkThey're on the fence about whether or not to replace cron, I think.19:38
jrayhawkkanzure: it's possible your cron woes are caused by system downtime, in which case anacron might be more your speed...?19:51
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kanzurenah, davinci had 100+ day uptimes and the cronjobs i wanted were much less than 100d lengths19:53
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jrayhawkOther cron gotchas are the need to make things in /etc/cron.x executable, and that cron does not source /etc/profile20:37
jrayhawkWhich means, for instance, that, even when running as root, the various sbins are not in the PATH20:37
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jrayhawkThis is all mitigated somewhat by the fact that cron emails root under all but perfect execution, so any problems should make themselves real obvious if you've properly configured mail.20:39
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jrayhawkit can also mail other people if you set the MAILTO variable20:45
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kanzurelong and relatively boring thread about sourceforge vs. github21:52
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jmilkanzure jrayhawk i'm back... trying to nuke the contents of reprap_test.git22:04
jmilbut don't have permission (yes i logged out, and logged back in)22:04
kanzurejmil: both joe and i are suggesting that you don't use file utilities.. just use git22:07
kanzure19:32 < jrayhawk> Anyway, when you have what you want, just git push --force /srv/git/reprap.git master22:07
kanzureor, in this case, reprap_test.git22:07
jmilgit clone --mirror ~/reprap_test22:09
jmilfatal: destination path 'reprap_test.git' already exists and is not an empty directory.22:09
kanzurethat's not what we said to do22:09
jmili want to push a bare .git directory22:10
jmilwill that work or will it try to checkout that .git into /srv/git/22:10
kanzuregit push --force /srv/git/reprap_test.git master22:10
jmilgit push --force /srv/git/reprap_test.git master22:11
jmilfatal: '/srv/git/reprap_test.git' does not appear to be a git repository22:11
jmilfatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly22:11
kanzurewow wtf happened to this repository22:12
jmilwell i didn't do it to reprap_test...22:12
kanzureit's been oblitterated22:12
jmili don't have perms :)22:12
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jrayhawkOkay, so, explain to me one more time why you're not using git push --force /srv/git/reprap.git master22:12
kanzure"su gnusha" has a funny ring to it22:12
kanzurejmil: ok try pushing again to reprap_test22:14
kanzurejrayhawk: is there some reasonable way for us to keep track of what we're doing separately on a server? maybe a log file somewhere "don't touch /blah/blah/blah because it's a bomb"22:15
jmiljrayhawk: because you did a lot of work on the hooks directory and i didn't want to overwrite your efforts22:15
kanzurejrayhawk: because reprap.git is the only good copy right now22:15
jrayhawkYOU WILL NOT DO THAT22:15
kanzurejrayhawk: i wouldn't be so sure.. he's been using rm -rf everywhere22:15
jmilok, well i'm new to hooks (obviously) and when i asked kanzure to delete the renamed hooks_OLD directory it broke cgit display and git:// checkout22:16
jmilor something22:16
jrayhawkJust use git commands and be aware that things like --force can delete history and we'll all be happy.22:16
jrayhawkThere is no way to modify hooks through git commands.22:17
jmilkanzure nuked it for me because i was uploading to the folder via SFTP because the git:// command wasn't working22:17
jrayhawkwrites would need to happen through ssh:// (or git+ssh://, which is the same thing)22:18
jrayhawkThe git:// interface is read only since the only means of identifying or authorizing people over it is about as complicated as just using SSH.22:19
jmilgit push --force /srv/git/reprap_test.git master22:19
jmilCounting objects: 45033, done.22:19
jmilDelta compression using up to 4 threads.22:19
jmilCompressing objects: 100% (15629/15629), done.22:19
jmilfatal: Unable to create temporary file: Permission denied22:19
jmilerror: pack-objects died of signal 1322:19
jmilerror: pack-objects died with strange error22:19
jmilerror: failed to push some refs to '/srv/git/reprap_test.git'22:19
jrayhawk< jrayhawk> Okay, so, explain to me one more time why you're not using git push --force /srv/git/reprap.git master22:19
kanzurejmil: i redid the reprap_test repo and you'd have to relogin to fix that22:20
kanzurebut again, you should probably just push to reprap.git22:20
jmili'm really sorry guys, please go easy on me22:21
jmili'm pushing to reprap.git now22:21
kanzureis it working?22:21
jmilso far22:21
jrayhawkI am just an angry person in general, don't mind me :)22:21
jmiljrayhawk: really i was trying to save you work22:21
kanzurejoe is an angry sysadmin22:21
jmilbecause kanzure nuked hooks_OLD for me and you then had to go recreate it and fix stuff22:21
jmilso when u weren't here i asked kanzure to make me a new dir so as not to disturb you more22:22
jmilremote: error: denying non-fast-forward refs/heads/master (you should pull first)22:22
jmilTo /srv/git/reprap.git22:22
jmil ! [remote rejected] master -> master (non-fast-forward)22:22
jmilerror: failed to push some refs to '/srv/git/reprap.git'22:22
jrayhawkDon't pull.22:22
jmilthis is why i was trying to do a --mirror instead of a --force22:22
kanzureare the commit hashes different?22:23
jmildifferent than what?22:23
jrayhawkYeah, but the --force is supposed to ignore that.22:23
jmilUsually, the command refuses to update a remote ref that is not an ancestor of the local ref used to overwrite it. This flag disables the check. This can cause the remote repository to lose commits; use it with care.22:23
jrayhawkAnd just push the new ref, consequences be damned22:23
jmili think git clone --mirror is best22:24
jrayhawkOh, I bet I know. Just a second.22:24
jmilif i just nuke the contents of the dir then it will be fine22:26
jmilkanzure: since we are taking away the @ hash author string, the sha1 of each commit will necessarily be different22:26
jmiljrayhawk: i will just nuke the contents and try again then? or will that mean you will have to recreate the hooks again22:27
jrayhawkI'm going to work out how to do this the "right" way22:28
jmillook at --mirror22:28
jmilgit clone --mirror ~/reprap_test/22:28
jmilfatal: destination path 'reprap_test.git' already exists and is not an empty directory.22:28
jmilso just nuke the dir22:29
jmiljrayhawk and kanzure the commits are completely and totally different. There are ZERO common ancestors22:29
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jrayhawkYeah, that's what the --force is for.22:30
jrayhawkAll the old objects will become disconnected and cleaned up on the next garbage collect.22:30
jmilis the hooks dir all you need to keep?22:35
jrayhawkAh, I see, it's a configuration variable.22:37
jrayhawkgit init --bare --shared puts receive.denyNonFastForwards = true in place22:39
jrayhawkSorry about that :(22:39
kanzurehm? who should do that?22:39
kanzureand on which repository22:39
kanzureer, i mean, in which .git folder22:39
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jrayhawkIt's on the bare repo in /srv/git22:40
jrayhawkI'm pushing the force update now.22:40
jrayhawkIt's really spectacularly irritating that it rejects the ref update *after* all the objects are uploaded.22:41
jmilkanzure: doesn't matter to me which one, either one should allow us to test the cgit functionality?22:42
jrayhawkOkay! That's in betterish shape.22:42
jmilshould i try again?22:42
jmilto the reprap.git or reprap_test.git?22:42
kanzurejmil: jrayhawk just did it22:42
kanzureso, no22:42
jmiltaht is beautiful, thank you jrayhawk and kanzure 22:43
jrayhawkAre you planning on completely overwriting the development history again, or can I put that config safeguard back in place?22:44
kanzurejrayhawk: i like how cgit gives a hexdump -A output on binary files :)22:44
jmiljrayhawk: you can put the safeguard back in place. THANKS!22:45
jmilpending adrian's approval22:45
kanzurejmil: huh? shouldn't it be disabled until the final svn conversion is done22:45
jrayhawkI will wait for that, then.22:46
jmilkanzure: naw, future pushes will be from the one in my home dir which will have ancestors in the current reprap.git22:46
jmilso in my home dir I will continue to git svn fetch and git svn rebase22:46
jmilthis ends up being a straight fast-forward because we are never going to commit to master directly22:47
jmiljust yet22:47
kanzureok. i didn't know about git-svn-fetch22:47
jmilb/c the one in my home dir has the correct author flag to suppress the @ hash author tag on future fetches22:47
jmilnice fat pipes, btw22:48
jmili'm getting 1 mb/sec pulling down to local hd22:48
jmilgit clone git://diyhpl.us/reprap22:48
kanzureour davinci server was doing 10 MB/sec before it died and went to compuheaven22:49
kanzure(it was on me.utexas.edu)22:49
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jrayhawkI've seen 100MB across the NERO network, but I guess that's probably cheating.22:52
jrayhawkerr 100Mb22:52
kanzureno man's porn should ever come that fast22:52
kanzurewhat am i sayingBBBBBBBB?22:52
jrayhawkI am sorry for internet yelling :(22:53
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jrayhawkno wait, it was 100MB i am just dumb22:59
jrayhawkkanzure: so might '< jrayhawk> Which means, for instance, that, even when running as root, the various sbins are not in the PATH' explain your troubles with and subsequent distrust of cron?23:00
jrayhawkbecause i think cron should be your friend23:00
kanzurewhat about normal bin?23:01
jrayhawkNormal bin works fine.23:02
kanzurethis requires some experimenting23:02
jrayhawkI usually use full paths out of paranoid habit, though.23:02
kanzurei should become more paranoid23:02
jrayhawkKeeping in mind that things that get executed out of bin will inherit the non-sbin PATH23:03
jrayhawk#hplusroadmap: for all your sysadmin and version control needs23:04
jrayhawk'/window 123:05
jrayhawkall discussions of transhumanism should be subsequently redirected to #git23:07
jrayhawkAnd, of course, you should set up proper mail handling.23:12
jmiljrayhawk kanzure can we plan how to execute git commit to that reprap repo for 20 developers?23:15
jmilshould they all share a git@gnusha login or each user gets own account, or what?23:15
jmilthen they have to use git+ssh for commit?23:15
jrayhawkEveryone gets their own account. You are free to add them with the 'newuser' command.23:15
jrayhawkYou will subsequently need to 'addaccess reprap that-user-you-just-created'23:16
jrayhawkThey will have a severely limited shell that will essentially only allow them access to git and the 'passwd' command.23:16
jmilok i will try a little more testing and then send instructions to adrian23:16
jmilhow do i setup a password for them? is one auto generated?23:17
jmiland for testing i will do some commits, but then how do i reverse them? with jsmiller account I can git reset?23:17
jmilcan all accounts that i create execute git-reset?23:18
jrayhawkYou'll specify a password. The password doesn't really matter since they can change it later.23:18
jmildoes gnusha have command line password generator so it is pseudo secure?23:18
jrayhawkI just installed apg and pwgen, use whichever you like.23:19
jmilcan jsmiller account execute git reset? and can accounts i create execute git-reset?23:20
jrayhawkYou can run that locally and push whatever refs you like.23:20
jrayhawkWell, other than that denyNonFastForwards part23:20
jrayhawkIf I were to disable that, you could push whatever you liked!23:21
jmilso i commit in ~, then push to reprap.git. then i git-reset in ~, then push --mirror?23:21
jrayhawkI suppose if you wanted? Most people manually push their tags and branches so as not to clutter things.23:23
jmilno i'm asking about git-reset since i will be doing test commits right now23:23
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jmilwhat would keep other users from doing git push --mirror and overwriting things?23:24
jrayhawkWell, they're not allowed to delete history, what with the receive.denyNonFastForward23:25
jmilbut that means i also could not delete the test commits i'm about to do23:25
jrayhawkProbably not, no.23:26
jrayhawkYou can revert them, though.23:27
jrayhawkOr branch.23:27
jrayhawkIkiwiki won't pay attention to the new branch, but it'll be accessible through cgit.23:27
jmilwhat do you mean revert them. is that not the git-reset command?23:29
jrayhawkIf you'd like, I can remove the receive.denyNonFastForwards restriction for the time being.23:29
jrayhawkA revert is a commit that undoes a previous commit.23:29
jrayhawkBoth commits are in the commit log.23:29
jmilya, maybe let's do that, removing the receive.denyNonFastForwards restriction23:29
jrayhawks/are in/wind up/23:29
jrayhawkIn that case you can --force whatever pushes you like.23:30
jrayhawkThat's all set.23:30
jmilexcellent, thx23:30
jmilok i'm gonna try user creation, committing, reverting23:30
jmiloh... how do we setup ssh-keys for committing?23:31
jmileasy or hard?23:31
jrayhawkI... haven't really provisioned for that and I really should.23:31
jrayhawkFor the time being you can send them to me and I'll set them up manually.23:31
jmilsend them to me? the public key?23:31
jmilcan you email me your email address using the upenn.edu address you have?23:32
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jrayhawkYou, at least, can manage your own SSH keys unless you don't know how, anything you can't deal with can be sent to me at jrayhawk+reprap@omgwallhack.org or over IRC23:33
jrayhawkor XMPP jrayhawk@omgwallhack.org23:33
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jrayhawkOr you can wait for me to provide something within pinyshell to deal with that.23:34
-!- wolfspraul [~wolfsprau@lucia.q-ag.de] has joined #hplusroadmap23:34
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