
--- Log opened Tue Oct 26 00:00:18 2010
-!- archels [~neuralnet@541EEC68.cm-5-7d.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]00:29
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dbolserAn exciting journal entitled "Recent Patents on Biotechnology (BIOT)" was launched in February 2007. This journal publishes review articles written by experts on recent patents in the field of biotechnology. Please visit the journal's website at http://www.benthameditorial.org/biot   for the Editorial Board, first journal issue, abstracts of recent issues and other details.01:16
dbolserIf you would like to submit a review article to the journal on an important patent area in biotechnology, then please provide us the title of your proposed article and a tentative date of submission at editorial@pat-biot.org. Moreover in your reply, could you please suggest some specific keywords, keyword phrases related to your topic, so that detailed patents may be sent to you for the preparation of your manuscript.01:16
dbolserThis is not a spam message, and has been sent to you because of your eminence in the field. If, however, you do not want to receive any email in future from Journal of Forensic Research, then please reply with remove/unsubscribe01:18
dbolserwhat a joke01:18
memorexdoes anyone know how to get past the redirect on this website:
memorexit is suspended but I want to archive the site but I can't seem to do it.01:20
dbolserusing nc, all I see is "<body> <iframe src="http://searchportal.information.com/?a_id=47368&domainname=" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0"></iframe> </body>01:22
dbolsergoogle cache?01:22
memorextried it01:22
memorexthe site was only up for a few months, and was not even archived 01:23
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airMAXmvthewayback machine?01:45
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memorexbut i doubt it01:58
memorexdidnt work02:02
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-!- dachary [~loic@freenode/sponsor/dachary] has joined #hplusroadmap02:29
dacharyUtopiah: what does hplus stand for ? 02:29
UtopiahHumanity, just better02:30
Utopiahyes but too geek for the "general public" 02:30
dacharyhttp://graphsynth.com/~bryan/hplus-summit-2009/ is 40402:31
dacharyhttp://heybryan.org/ is timeout for me, can you see it ? 02:31
Utopiahyes lot of server issues recently and no way to change the topic (I guess)02:31
Utopiahyou can still have a look at http://www.hplusmagazine.com http://www.hplussummit.com/2010/east/ or http://fabien.benetou.fr/Events/HplusSummitHarvard02:32
Utopiahmore recently http://transvision2010.wordpress.com02:34
-!- killall-9 [~paulc@diana.null.ro] has joined #hplusroadmap02:37
dacharyHas h+ explored the implication of Free Software an the evolution of mankind ? 02:37
dacharys/an th/in the/02:38
Utopiahwell Id say most people here use FLOSS and http://wiki.opencog.org/w/Licenses goes in that direction too but a formal paper on that specifically, not that I know of02:39
dacharyI would go as far as to say that the future of humanity is shaped by the software. And therefore by who controls the software and its making. If you assume the current balance between Free Software and proprietary software will not change in the centuries to come, you will not draw the same conclusions as someone assuming that software is not controled (i.e. mostly Free Software).02:44
kanzuredachary: hplus stands for "transhuman"02:48
kanzuredachary: most of the transhumanism supporters are clueless about libre software02:48
Utopiahmakes me think of Architecture is Politics (and Politics is Architecture) http://blog.kapor.com/index9cd7.html?p=2902:48
dacharykanzure: thanks :-)02:48
dacharykanzure: this is weird isn't it ? Who controls the software make a big difference when each and every human uses software.02:50
UtopiahId to think that most people have a hard time dealing with what is not tangible and even more not tangible locks that you get trap into only later on02:52
kanzurefenn: just saw sebastien's messages :/02:54
kanzurei guess i didn't bother to check #reprap at the same time or something02:55
kanzuredachary: sorry about designfiles.org/heybryan.org being down. the first server was confiscated, the second one died02:56
dacharyUtopiah: I get that. 02:58
-!- superkuh [~hukrepus@unaffiliated/superkuh] has quit [Quit: comcast sucks.]03:01
kanzuredachary: for the record, i think exploring open source software and open source hardware in the context of transhumanism would be worthwhile03:05
dacharykanzure: maybe there is a general thread about "dealing with technology owners thru patents / copyright" ?03:06
-!- superkuh [~hukrepus@unaffiliated/superkuh] has joined #hplusroadmap03:07
kanzurefenn: what is "mmone-jtag-serial-cable"? http://projects.qi-hardware.com/index.php/p/mmone-jtag-serial-cable/source/tree/master/03:10
kanzuredachary: what? are you asking me for information about patents and open source hardware?03:10
dacharykanzure: no :-) I'm asking if there are articles/discussions about the general topic of "who controls the technology" in hplus. Sorry for being unclear.03:12
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kanzureno, everyone who has started those discussions tends to be just fearmonger "omg you assholes are going to keep all teh techz!"03:13
kanzurebut there are a few initiatives i'm aware of, such as Creative Commons' Open Patent License03:13
kanzureand the recently renewed interest in open source hardware (although, so far, no legal solutions have been proposed)03:14
archelsSolutions to what problem, exactly?03:14
mjroh there are legal solutions, just not ones that are popular with the powers that be ;]03:15
kanzuremjr: like, get rid of patents? heh03:16
kanzureanother idea going around is the idea of instantly making all patents usable for defensive purposes only03:19
kanzure(at this point there isn't enough public comprehension of patents and their negative aspects.. people think they are the best things ever)03:19
mjrsignaling agreement with the proposition03:20
kanzurei just gave you an example03:20
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-!- |Helleshin| [~Helleshin@cpe-71-67-103-109.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap03:22
kanzurecncmusic would totally kick the ass out of that03:24
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kanzurearchels: the problem in open source hardware (from a legal perspective) is that, so far, no one has figured out a way to require people to share designs of a manufactured derivative (presumably distributed along with the product itself?)03:25
* kanzure goes back to sleep for a few hours03:26
Utopiahdachary: like http://en.swpat.org/wiki/Defensive_patent_pools03:27
kanzurefenn: i meant git://projects.qi-hardware.com/mmone-jtag-serial-cable.git03:29
dacharyUtopiah: I'm not in favor of this. Mainly because it only works if you're in the top ten patent owner world wide. That being said I'm not against patents when it comes to hardware (i.e. when forces of nature are at work as opposed to software / thoughts )03:29
kanzureif you are going to do a defensive patent pool, for open source hardware, you should allow non-patent-holders to sign up, no?03:30
kanzurein general having patents is too high of a barrier to entry anyway03:30
kanzurethe whole principal of a patent is the ability to *exclude others* whereas in open source hardware we'd like to explicitly include everyone03:30
kanzurein software, we can just write code and slap on a copyright license (like the GPL) and we're good to go03:31
kanzurecopyrights are automatically granted, but patents are not (you have to go register for them, and then there's a first-to-file or first-to-patent thing going on, and your work has to be unique, etc.)03:31
kanzureCreative Commons' suggestion is to just provide some boilerplate text for an "open patent license" or "model patent license" so that license holders can make their patent explicitly shareable under some guidelines.. but again, the patent registration barrier03:32
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Jonanowww.diybio.biz page rank ? 10 !05:02
Jonanofrom 16 to 10, in a week, good.05:03
JonanoWhen it will be on page 1, the community will grow by itself05:03
JonanoI'm going to buy an article soon for this community on www.constant-content.com about 30$05:04
Jonanothe purpose of this article will be: How to build your own biotech laboratory05:04
JonanoI also need to buy the domain for 10 years, which will cost around 100$05:05
Jonanoall the project will be funded by my other web site, PRETp2p.com05:06
Jonanowhich has around 5000 members.05:06
dacharyhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extropianism is H+ ? 05:18
dbolserpatents ... interesting05:28
dbolserI'm trying (half heartedly) to convince a bunch of 'bioprenurs' that patents aren't 'fit for purpose', I never though about the problem of NOT applying a patent05:29
dbolserperhaps you just need to make dam sure you got your prior art in the public domain?05:29
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dbolserI only know from the uk perspective, but any disclosure can invalidate your patent application05:29
dbolseris the problem making the design viral like an copy left / share alike?05:30
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-!- codeshepherd [~Deepan@] has quit [Quit: codeshepherd]06:39
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-76-197.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap06:48
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JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.06:53
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kanzuredoes anyone remember me complaining about this? http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1248388728/remade-the-rebirth-of-the-maker-movement07:23
kanzurethey have a trailer now: http://vimeo.com/1572904707:23
JayDuggerHonestly? no.07:29
kanzureman the russians are crazy ???? ?????? ?????????? <matvey@transhuman.ru>07:35
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kanzurewhy did dachary leave07:42
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archelsWhy does anybody do anything?07:51
JayDuggerUnknown. 07:54
JayDuggerI had my telepathic abilities removed with a red hot coat hanger. Reading minds got to be too much: like gargling sewage morning, noon, and night.07:55
JayDuggerSo I can't say much about others' motives. :)07:55
-!- wolfspraul [~wolfsprau@lucia.q-ag.de] has quit [Quit: leaving]07:58
JonanoDIYbio.biz will become the largest site in DIYbio07:58
Jonanowith 4 applications installed and ready to use......07:59
JonanoI'm gonna buy the url for 10 years soon07:59
archelswait, this isn't /.08:00
Jonanothere are only 55 000 pages about DIYbio this is sad08:00
Jonanoon google08:00
Jonanokim jong-il will soon die and kim jong un will start08:03
Jonanoas a successof08:04
archelsDo you think Kim jr. will do much in transhumanism? Stem cell research? A(G)I projects?08:05
JonanoI think he should invest in anti aging or cryonics08:06
Jonanoand put more humans to it08:06
Jonanoin cryonics and then after in anti aging.08:07
Jonanowhen cryonics is perfect, your next goal must be anti aging.08:07
Jonano1000 people working to it would be good.08:07
Jonanobut they are at missile right now08:08
JonanoI'm gonna finance an article essay called:08:08
Jonano"How to start your own biotech laboratory in your garage", for 30$08:09
JonanoI will use this: www.constant-content.com08:09
archelsYes, you already mentioned that. Do you think you'll get much quality from a generic writer's house on such a specific topic, which (to me) would appear to require quite some know-how?08:10
Jonanoor maybe there is a better article title08:10
Jonanoarchels I don't know, I will select someone first from the site08:10
archelsYou could always ask kanzure. I bet he'll do it for free.08:11
Jonanothere must a way to select people08:11
Jonanoif kanzure wants, he is welcome to, I could pay him08:11
archelskanzure: business opportunities opening up!!!08:11
archelsmad cash, yo.08:12
kanzurei am so tempted to troll08:12
archelsJoin me; it's fun.08:12
JonanoI request dignity !08:14
archelsSorry, you'll have to earn it first.08:14
Jonanoyou don't know me08:14
archelsI've known you for upwards of 100 lines on this channel alone.08:15
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archels323, to be precise.08:16
Jonanoyou don't treat people accordingly08:16
archelsAdmittedly some of those were repeats, but that's your fault.08:16
Jonanoa human being is not limited to IRC08:17
archelsI was getting to that.08:17
Jonanokanzure do you want the money or not08:17
Jonanobecause I want to be fast08:18
Jonanoand so I will use a web site for that08:18
JonanoI wont beg you08:18
Jonanoyou see nobody is motivated enough08:19
kanzurepay me $3000.08:19
Jonanoyou are insulting me08:19
JonanoI will use constant-content.com, because they ask for 30$, so thank you08:20
archelsI expect for $3000 you'll get an article that's 100 times better in quality than what you'll get for $30.08:20
Jonanothis is logic08:20
archelsCommon sense, really.08:20
Jonanobut I dont trust kanzure intelligence enough for this08:20
archelsYeah, I'm not so sure about that either. I heard he has to log every conversation he has in a textfile, or he'll forget it ever took place.08:21
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Jonanoit does not surprise me08:22
Jonanoasking 3000$ for an article without providing details goes in that direction08:23
kanzuredo you want details?08:23
archelsJonano, shouldn't you be providing the details?08:23
Jonanoyes, provide it08:24
Jonanokanzure, I dont see you as a friend, but rather as a competitor08:25
Jonanoand you are not ready to write an article worth 3000$08:26
Jonanoand I dont have the money, so we are in a bad world08:27
JonanoI'll start small, slowly08:27
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Jonanoyou judge people being not honest, but I can call you a crook now, with your kind of requests08:29
Jonanothis is not the way we do business08:29
kanzureyou asked me how much i'd ask for, so i told you08:30
Jonanocontinue to believe in you08:31
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Utopiahridiculous, mildly entertaining08:58
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kanzurewhat is this? http://eit.europa.spigit.com/Page/Home09:51
kanzurewhy are people dumping money into this http://lifeboat.com/ex/donor.dollar.list?background=white09:54
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dbolseryeah, its pretty sweet10:11
Utopiahbut how do you qualify as "new user"?10:11
kanzurespace mission summary graph http://pics.livejournal.com/mi3ch/pic/00c8zzh710:15
dbolserkanzure: nice10:16
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kanzuretransvision conference is over http://giulioprisco.blogspot.com/2010/10/transvision-2010-october-22-24-2010.html10:46
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kanzurediybio-bangalore http://chaaraka.blogspot.com/2010/10/diybio-gets-little-more-localbangalore.html10:56
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kanzurecodeshepherd: just saw your blog post :)10:59
kanzureupdated: http://bit.ly/diybionews10:59
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kanzurehttp://www.simbiosys.com/ just called me.11:55
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Utopiahhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOwcDr-A3to#t=57m on uploading12:32
UtopiahLearning Control for Production Machines http://www.lecopro.org 12:33
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kanzureben goertzel podcast thing. http://singularityblog.singularitysymposium.com/ben-goertzel-on-singularity-1-on-1/14:02
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kanzurehas anyone seen latex being used on top of blueprints?14:37
jrayhawkAs a separate layer? TeX isn't really made for CAD, but I imagine it would be trivial to compile them as layers in a PDF.14:43
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kanzureQuantumG: this guy is awesome15:39
kanzureQuantumG: <315:39
QuantumGyeah, we're all fanboys of dennis15:41
kanzurewho is this guy15:42
kanzureyou claim he has money? doesn't that make him dangerous15:42
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QuantumGhe sold a company to EADS Astrium15:47
QuantumGOrbital Recovery Corporation15:47
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kanzurejonathan marsden needs to get me the reprap wiki database15:58
kanzurewhat's the other version of mendel? not tim's but uh..15:58
kanzurejrayhawk: can we make piny into an aggregator for multiple projects?15:59
kanzureer, uh15:59
kanzurei mean, i'm going to show you a ui shortly15:59
kanzurethen you'll yell at me for the amount of work involved15:59
kanzureand then you might say yes15:59
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kanzurei think the 'aggregator' part might be a bit much, but arguably it's useful in hardware projects16:04
kanzurei.e. projects that are separately revisioned but an overall wiki needs to be aggregated together16:05
kanzurei guess that's what branches are for.16:05
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jrayhawkWhat's their repository model, and how is it supposed to relate to their wiki model?16:21
kanzurereprap has their svn repo, and a giant mediawiki installation that is kind of separated (but it shouldn't be)16:22
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kanzureso the idea would be to store the wiki state with whatever individual project16:22
kanzureand move their users away from using mediawiki16:22
kanzureand to some other nebulous platform based on git and project hosting16:23
kanzure(sebastien is really worried about all of his precious users migrating to thingiverse all the time)16:23
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timschmidtI'm not sure killing the wiki (or moving it into git) is the right fix...16:23
jrayhawkwhy haven't you crushed thingiverse 'neath your overmotivated jackboot16:23
kanzureusing mediawiki for project development isn't ideal either :P16:24
timschmidta nice Step 1: would be to be able suck all the data out of thingiverse and shove it into a git repo.16:24
kanzuretimschmidt: got that.16:24
kanzureack where did my thingiverse scraper script go16:25
kanzurejrayhawk: because i want to do it right16:25
timschmidtit might even be worth sharing that with the thingiverse folks.  If, in the future, they implement it on their side, we could just 'git clone' the whole site, that would be nice16:25
kanzurebut zach has repeatedly expressed no desire to do that16:25
* timschmidt didn't know16:26
kanzureotherwise yes16:26
jrayhawkAnyway, there are a couple aggregation models; I've made 'meta' ikiwikis for a few other folks based on some fancy recursive linking and refreshing. If source information isn't necessarily available, then it's also possible to get ikiwiki to aggregate RSS et al.16:26
kanzurethingiverse scraper http://github.com/kanzure/skdb/blob/master/clients/thingiverse.py16:26
timschmidtStep 2: I think sebastien has pegged, in that we need something like a thingiverse frontend for a backend git repo16:26
jrayhawkLike creating a 'planet' in pure Ikiwiki is actually dirt simple.16:26
timschmidtwhether that encompases the wiki as well, I think is optional16:27
kanzurewhile i agree with you, sebastien is super-concerned about "regular" users being able to use this for some reason16:27
kanzurehe's convinced that their drive-by file uploads are of some utility16:27
kanzuremaybe he's totally wrong16:28
timschmidtI think they are...16:28
timschmidtbut only peripherally16:28
jrayhawkA low barrier to entry is a good way of getting people involved in communities.16:28
kanzureright now he thinks mediawiki is a low barrier to entry16:28
kanzurealthough i think he admits thingiverse is even lower (since it's just a file upload button)16:28
timschmidtside note...  it might be interesting to integrate this with the cloudscad stuff16:29
kanzure:P http://sourceforge.net/projects/filebin/16:29
kanzureyeah.. i have thingiverse's stl2pov scripts if that matters16:29
kanzurebut webgl is the new hotness16:29
kanzureso anyway, 16:30
kanzureis having a wiki aggregator really necessary here?16:30
timschmidtI don't think so16:30
jrayhawkIt would depend on your usage model.16:30
kanzurefor instance, let's say you have documentation in your parametric mendel repo16:30
kanzurewait, do you?16:30
timschmidtnot really16:30
timschmidtif I did, it would live in .txt files, or the scad files themselves16:30
kanzurewho is that other person with a mendel version? there's apparently some documentation on the mediawiki install?16:31
kanzureprusa, righto.16:31
timschmidtalthough not much ATM16:31
timschmidthe keeps changing things :)16:31
kanzuredoes  it reallly matter if prusa's docss are    on the same mediawiki installation as wiki.reprap.org ?16:31
kanzurei suppose it's nice to see a list of all of the changes everyone is making (but that's just RSS aggregation)16:32
kanzureand it's nice to have one login to viewing all of that content?16:32
timschmidtso this gets into project development workflow16:32
timschmidtwhich I am all about discussing16:32
timschmidtbut none of the core devs are16:32
kanzuremaybe i can make it a criteria of http://gadaprize.org/ 16:33
timschmidtwhich, to me, says we do whatever the fuck we want, implement it, and they get to deal with the fallout.16:33
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timschmidtmy dream workflow16:34
kanzurei'm still not sure who uses wiki.reprap.org or why16:34
jrayhawki am not sure it's kosher to announce a prize for a thing you're well prepared to claim16:34
kanzurejrayhawk: i meant add it as a criteria point16:35
kanzurethe other criteria haven't been met yet :P16:35
timschmidtI'd like to see maintainers for the various aspects of the project...  a doc maintainer, an electronics maintainer, CAD maintainer, etc.  Each working within branches of a git repo that periodically gets re-synced.  A.k.a. the Linux model.16:36
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kanzurejules is here! stop being productive16:37
jblakei'm not sure if that's a compliment or not16:38
kanzuretimschmidt: i'm inclined to say, forget about sebastien, and just do whatever we need to do16:38
kanzurehe probably installed the wiki be cause he doesn't understand workflows16:38
timschmidtbut for drive-by uploads and wiki edits, ikiwiki + a big file upload button ala thingiverse sounds great16:38
kanzurewhere should all that stuff go16:39
timschmidtinto a /misc_crap folder in the repo16:39
kanzureby anonymous committers?16:39
timschmidtactually, now that I think about it, the thingiverse clone should have it's own repo16:40
kanzurefor development work?16:40
kanzurethat's why i've been thinking of piny16:40
timschmidtno, serious development would happen in the repos of serious developers.16:40
jrayhawkre: reprap developers who won't get with the program: keep in mind that the only reason many projects switch to git is because some guy winds up running a git-svn gateway and everyone slowly winds up doing everything through it16:41
jrayhawklike postgres, for instance16:41
timschmidtalthough I have just started thinking about this...  so I might not have the best handle on the perfect situation yet.16:41
kanzurejsmiller was doing that git-svn gateway but i don't know if it's still maintained.. he seemed to give up?16:41
jrayhawkit's not a "hey can we migrate to git", it's "over half of this community has already migrated to git, why do we still support SVN"16:42
timschmidtreprap is already in that situation16:42
jrayhawkjsmiller wanted permission16:42
kanzurejsmiller isn't a core developer, he was doing a drive-by git-svn gateway ;)16:42
timschmidtonly the folks running reprap SVN have stuffed everything _and_ the kitchen sink into it16:42
kanzureexcept the mediawiki database16:43
kanzureso.. one giant .git for reprap, or multiple sub-projects on this github/thingiverse platform?16:43
timschmidtrepsnapper was the same way.  We ditched the 1Gb+ svn repo and moved to a 4Mb git repo16:43
timschmidtkanzure: thinking about that16:43
kanzurethere are certainly projects *for* reprap that should be in separate repos16:44
jblakeSeparate git repos is almost certainly preferable unless there's a large degree of interconnectedness; it's a pity that git submodules are sort of terrible.16:44
kanzureuh i mean 3d objects16:44
kanzureso fork out the firmware into a separate repo? yes/no?16:45
timschmidtwell right.  I think 'printable objects' should be it's own repo16:45
kanzuremy gut instinct is yes but everyone i've talked with is HORRIFIED by a separate firmware repo16:45
jrayhawkWell, depends on your idea of 'separate'. I think linux-2.6 is a better model than xorg.16:45
timschmidtala thingiverse16:45
kanzuremy idea of separate is "Congratulations, you have a reprap-like frame with equipment. Now choose your firmware, you have xyz release for this one, or this, or .."16:46
kanzureyeah this is stupid. if firmware is separated out, the firmware documentation should be in the firmware repo16:46
kanzurescrew wiki aggregators16:46
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timschmidtafter thinking about it a bit, I think many small repos is the way to go.16:47
kanzureso joe/jules, how can we hammer piny into this?16:48
timschmidtkanzure: mccoyn is a fellow reprap dev.  He's designed the electronics and firmware I use.16:48
kanzurelogs: http://gnusha.org/logs/2010-10-26.log16:48
* kanzure will bbl (family happens to be down the street..)16:49
kanzurehint: don't tell them where you live16:49
timschmidtmccoyn: basically we're (kanzure, sebastien, myself, and lots of others apparently) are re-imagining the reprap dev process...  from workflow to wiki to git to thingiverse16:50
jblakeWe'll probably do the best work on piny when we're given detailed scripts of desired-user-interactions. So, tell us what you want piny to do to make this work for you.16:50
jrayhawkSounds like you want to things, one of them being a wiki-like interface to documentation and possibly issue tracking, and the other is a means of accepting new files semi-anonymously.16:50
jrayhawks/to things/two things16:50
timschmidtjrayhawk: sounds correct16:50
timschmidtI'm not sure we need to do our own git hosting though...16:52
timschmidtwhat's wrong with github?16:52
jrayhawkThe semi-anonymous file submission is a complicated issue. It'd depend on what sort of person you're targetting. Technical people like either discussing patchsets on mailing lists or setting up a cloned repo for those changes to be shared, but nontechnical people would probably be happiest with 'upload one or more files for the world to look at', which requires vastly more infrastructure work.16:53
timschmidtjrayhawk: we're talking about the second case16:53
jrayhawkThe piny/ikiwki model is probably not useful for that, so we'd be effectively starting from scratch in terms of design and architecture.16:55
jrayhawkSo the question becomes 'what do producers want to happen' and 'what do consumers want to happen'16:55
jrayhawkConsumers being either collaborators or passive users.16:55
jblakeI could imagine a separate piny repo for random uploads that gets submoduled in the main repo, which would effectively reduce the kinds of damage that random uploaders could do.16:56
timschmidtthe random uploads can be their own repo without any submoduling...16:56
jrayhawkWell, the real question is 'why have it be in a git repo at all' at that point.16:56
timschmidtit can be completely separate16:56
jblakeJoe: Fair enough.16:57
jblakeTim: The submodule would just be an ease-of-use step for the "regular" users.16:57
jrayhawkHmm. I guess if we just want a low-barrier-to-entry packaging system, forcing users into git repos might not be a bad idea. We'd just have a cgi script that takes one or more files, possibly in containers (tar, zip, rar, etc.) and unpacks them and commits them naively, and then make that git repo available as either a git repo or as a zip or tar.gz snapshot.16:59
jrayhawkUsers have the option of either using that cgi or git directly.17:00
timschmidtjrayhawk: exactly17:00
timschmidtthat way grabbing > a handful of files doesn't require scraping the website.17:01
timschmidtas it currently does with thingiverse17:01
jrayhawkBut it'd probably be important to establish what-all this packaging system would be for. There's a strong risk that we'd wind up reimplementing a grown-up packaging system in a hacky, awful way.17:02
jblakeremember to store everything in ar archives17:02
timschmidtI don't think anything more sophisticated than 'let me clone the entire site' is necessary17:04
timschmidtso maybe git isn't the best way to do that17:04
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jrayhawkWell, it'd be tons and tons of tiny git repos.17:04
jrayhawkWe'd be able to have an aggregator that at least lists changes without too much trouble.17:05
timschmidtwhy not one big one?17:05
jblakeCloning giant repos really sucks for people who only want to work on one thing.17:05
timschmidtcurrently thingiverse has no support at all for tracking changes17:05
jrayhawkDealing with subdirectory-specific user authorization is not particularly workable.17:06
jblakeSmall repos is also nice because it turns out that git bundles are a nice way to ship around patchsets or packages as single files.17:06
jblakeAt least, among git users.17:06
jrayhawktimschmidt: have you played with Ikiwiki before?17:08
timschmidtI've looked at it17:08
jrayhawkHmm. I guess we can probably do all that with less than 20 hours work.17:12
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kanzurethe way i was doing anonymous uploads was a new branch... meh.17:14
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kanzuredon't let me be the party pooper17:42
jrayhawkIt's not particularly easy to do branch-specific authorization, either.17:44
kanzureno, i was thinking one-time created branches by anonymous users or something, then the repo maintainer gets to do whatever with those, but this is a bad architecture overall17:46
kanzureanyway, thingiverse doesn't have random uploaders, everyone registers17:48
kanzuresame with github17:48
kanzureif they can't be bothered to register, then they should just email me/someone the files to deal with17:48
kanzurejrayhawk: jules was saying something would require a lot of re-architecting, does that still hold?17:48
jblakewhat was i saying needed rearchitecting?17:49
jblakeoh that's not really what i meant17:49
kanzurejrayhawk: also "what this packaging system is for"- sounds like skdb to me (just, without the metadata / useful bits in place yet)17:49
jblakepiny is open to getting new features and filling new needs; we just would need to know with high precision what usecases are desired17:50
kanzuresure, ok.17:50
kanzurethat's actually kind of hard to give :)17:52
kanzurecgit/ikiwiki don't seem to be integrated much?17:54
jrayhawknot particularly. I intend to work on that.17:54
kanzurepossibly something about a main piny-view-of-everything-hosted-here, or whatever- a sense of "Hey, there are lots of different projects in this community" accessible through the same site17:54
kanzuregithub doesn't actually have that (they just do some social networking bullshit and RSS aggregation)17:55
kanzurethingiverse.com does17:55
jrayhawkWe don't really need much architecture, here. The main new feature would be a completely independant cgi that does something like 'either create new repo or clone existing one, take multipart upload, unpack anything that needs unpacking, shove in repo, push to bare repo owned by user uploading, redirect user there', which isn't too hard.17:55
jblakei sort of want a better hierarchy so you can group projects in broad categories17:55
jrayhawkWe already have most of the infrastructure to make that happen.17:56
jrayhawkConvincing Jules or somebody else to make web interfaces for some of this crap is going to be hard.17:56
jrayhawkIt will have to involve knives.17:56
kanzureturns out i have a web ui done for this17:57
kanzureHOW CONVENIENT17:57
timschmidtjrayhawk: that sounds about right17:57
jblakeknives do make an excellent ui17:57
jrayhawkI'm going to head off to eat.17:57
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kanzuredamn you jules17:58
kanzurewhat's his issue with waiting for us to get done17:59
timschmidtkanzure: where is this web ui?17:59
kanzurethis ui was done by a friend who was making a thingiverse killer more than a year ago17:59
kanzurehe kinda specializes in consumer-friendly webapps17:59
kanzurei'm trying to get him to email me the screenshots atm18:00
kanzurebut anyway..18:00
kanzurejrayhawk: there seems to be a need for some way to manage the "main" piny site for all the hosted repos on the site, is this implemented yet?18:01
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kanzureelevenarms' thingiverse clone.. thing18:13
kanzure(he just made it non-private)18:13
kanzuregee i wish required gems were written down18:18
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timothyschmidtok, just got done talking with sebastien19:05
kanzurewhat's up19:05
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timothyschmidtnot too much, just clarified my idea of what he was looking for.19:06
kanzurewill you type some notes out?19:06
kanzurelet's hear it :)19:07
timothyschmidthe said he'd email me with his notes shortly19:07
timothyschmidtI will flesh them out a lot19:07
kanzurehaha he says that all the time but never does19:07
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timothyschmidtok, give me a second to unload this tray of parts, and I'll start typing19:07
* timothyschmidt has 10 repraps worth of parts in his house at the moment19:08
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kanzuredo you name your repraps?19:09
timothyschmidtafter Dickens characters19:10
timothyschmidtI'm unloading Nicholas Nickelbot at the moment19:10
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timothyschmidtok, unloaded19:13
timothyschmidtalright...  sebastien's primary concern (and I agree with him) is that for all the current workflows - git, driveby uploads, wiki, etc - there is no central clearinghouse, no single point of convergence, no watercooler.  So development that happens here doesn't get noticed there, and vice versa.19:15
kanzurehaving both mailing lists and forums doesn't quite help19:15
timothyschmidtbut the point stands19:16
timothyschmidtThingiverse solves this by posting every new file with a big picture on the front page19:16
kanzure(well, there's mail2forum gateways, but that wouldn't help)19:16
timothyschmidtreprap.org doesn't (yet)19:16
kanzurewas that all19:17
timothyschmidtwe have a super-diverse group of users / developers, so we can't exactly ask everyone to do all their development in git.  Some people who may be geniuses also happen to be 50 year old machinists who can't handle CLI.19:18
timothyschmidtthat was the gist of it19:18
timothyschmidtthere's certainly room for a LOT of improvement in the wiki situation19:18
timothyschmidtbut mostly it's a lack of a feedback loop that's killing us19:19
kanzureweb guis handle git just fine19:19
timothyschmidtSo we need that19:19
kanzurealthough github isn't a good example of that19:19
kanzurei mean, in terms of editing files over a web interface19:19
timothyschmidtmake sense?19:20
timothyschmidtsomething like the current blog aggregator that also inclued git commits from all the various repos, thingiverse / reprap.org / our thingiverse killer part uploads, wiki edits, etc. would be amazing19:23
kanzureok. but would you be satisfied with an rss aggregator?19:23
timothyschmidtI think it would be a big step in the right direction...  but there's room for a lot more19:28
timothyschmidtwhat do you want to get out of this?19:28
timothyschmidtsebastien's ready to dump mediawiki for git / ikiwiki / skdb19:28
timothyschmidtbut we still need the aggregation19:28
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kanzuretimothyschmidt: i want an open source hardware project hosting site that doesn't suck and is architectured well19:33
timothyschmidtok, like sf.net (without the massive amounts of suck) for hardware / software projects19:34
kanzureprimarily for hardware projects, software development infrastructure is pretty well developed19:35
jrayhawk"like sf.net but without the suck" is exactly the project description for piny19:35
kanzure"like gitorious without the suck" is the new "like sf.net"19:35
kanzure(not really)19:35
timothyschmidtok, so reprap would be essentially the test case for this site?19:36
kanzurereprap is an ecosystem of open source hardware projects (unless we're talking about the svn repo proper)19:36
kanzure(and even then it's a mini-ecosystem)19:36
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kanzurei also think that the reprap community is presently not well served the way things are19:38
kanzurejrayhawk: see the questions from just after you left for eats19:38
timothyschmidtOK, I will take a look at piny tonight, and write up my thoughts with some more detail, about what extra features we may or may not need, specific user interaction cases, etc.19:39
timothyschmidtDetailed report for you guys tomorrow19:39
kanzurefyi http://piny.be/piny-web/19:39
kanzurejrayhawk: i should have called it pinycad19:39
kanzurejust to piss off the tinycad guy19:39
timothyschmidtall I get is: Holy Moses!19:39
jrayhawkthat's not a particularly useful site; better details are http://piny.be/piny-code/architecture/needed_user_facing_infrastructure/19:39
kanzuretimothyschmidt: one of the links goes to https://secure.piny.be/cgit/piny-web.git/19:40
jrayhawkyou can feel free to play around with it19:40
jrayhawkkanzure: yes, there's a cursory central configuration management system, now.19:40
kanzurejrayhawk: oh, btw,  what about         the "playing nicely with pre-existing repos"19:41
kanzureok cool19:41
kanzurebut does that include a public-facing centralized web page .. thing?19:41
jrayhawk'pinyconfig' allows you to tweak denynonfastforwards so you can overwrite whatever crap i shove in there as an initial commit.19:41
jrayhawkI don't really understand the question.19:41
kanzurei guess having a "central all-those-darn-repos webpage" on by default would realy suck19:41
kanzureimagine each of those "things" are a separate git repo19:42
jrayhawkOkay. So you'd want a way of categorizing and indexing those?19:42
kanzurethis frontpage is an index that needs to be built (preferably dynamically..)19:42
jrayhawkThat's certainly doable.19:43
kanzuresome way of saying "hello public, here's an overview of what is on this server"19:43
timothyschmidtthat would be asesome19:43
timothyschmidtawesome even19:43
kanzurei guess this doesn't need to be piny-specific19:43
kanzurebut it feels like it is?19:43
jrayhawkDoesn't matter either way to me.19:43
kanzureobviously i'd throw in an rss aggregator on the front page, if there was a front page like that19:43
kanzurewhich would carry over the html template to the sub-repos or something, whenever you get arouund tooooooo iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikwiki/cgit integration19:44
kanzurefuck this19:44
kanzurewhy can't my keyboard problems be fixed already19:44
jrayhawkperhaps you should replace your keyboard?19:44
QuantumGprobably just clean it19:45
timothyschmidtI can't agree more, a thingiverse-style front page + rss would be an amazing start at what we need19:45
kanzureit's not a dirt issue, something is wrong with my kernel (or something)19:46
kanzurejrayhawk: if that "hello world, here's what's on this site" page was a part of piny, how would that go?19:47
jrayhawkDoes weird stuff show up in dmesg when you have these keyboard problems?19:50
jrayhawkI've seen screwy stuff happen with the key repeat rate when hotplugging ps/2 keyboards before.19:50
jrayhawkIt might be that you have a loose connection somewhere.19:50
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jrayhawkRe: front page: it'd probably be a cron-generated page with both a project index and an aggregated list of recent changes until the project list gets too large.19:52
jrayhawkNot sure if I should aggregate Ikiwiki changes or git changes.19:53
jrayhawkThey're strictly one and the same at the moment, but I would like to actually support Ikiwiki subdirectories soon.19:53
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jrayhawkre: keyboard: it'd probably be the main connector if anything, so you might just want to yank that out, clean, and reseat it.19:56
jrayhawkwell, if it's easy.19:57
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kanzurejrayhawk: in dmesg "rtl8192_hw_wakeup(): RF Change in progress! schedule wake up task again" shows up >_<20:07
kanzurejrayhawk: maybe instead of a cron-generated page it should be a separate "main.git" repo or something which defines the layout for the overall site, front page, other things like this?20:08
jrayhawkThat'd be fine, too. I can even add you to that repo if you want to start mucking about.20:09
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jrayhawkwell, could, if you were to make an account20:10
kanzurenot sure what i'd do20:10
jrayhawkmister no-account20:10
kanzureseems like this is something that would be hard-coded into piny, but that feels icky.20:11
kanzureif it wasn't hardcoded, how would someone install/enable "rss aggregator on default index page" :P20:11
jrayhawkWell, that's what the cron script was for.20:12
kanzurewhy not just re-generate on each page load :P20:12
kanzureyou're really against this aren't you20:12
jrayhawkI would prefer to have an at least slightly scalable solution.20:13
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kanzureyou could probably convince me, but others would think it's absurd to use cron here20:13
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jrayhawkI care slightly about *what* they think I should implement. I do not care what they think about *how* I implement it.20:14
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kanzuretimschmidt: wow, what?20:37
kanzuresebastien actually posted the notes20:38
kanzure(to om)20:38
timschmidtI'm magical20:39
timschmidtyup.  he cc'd me20:40
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kanzurehi joshcryer 20:58
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