
--- Log opened Sun Jan 23 00:00:10 2011
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fennomg it uses eval()00:06
fennoh, btw i'm talking about http://www.linux.com/community/blogs/python-stl-model-loading-and-display-with-opengl.html?blogger=Oliver+Marks00:08
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fennok so i just need to see if this works on gnusha now01:53
-!- Lukas_ [44c29d04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap01:55
Lukas_Good morning01:56
fennhm, need python-opengl and probably pygame and osmesa01:56
fennand imagemagick too. pleases and thanks yous02:01
fennoh, pygame specifically depends on x1102:04
fennalso note that my crappy hack rotates in two axes :)02:05
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-75-194.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap02:37
JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.02:39
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Lukas_Good morning02:51
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ferrouswheelkanzure - the full time workers are the 6 (soon 7) person group working in Hong Kong that I'm the team leader for. I relocated from New Zealand for it, even though the pay is relatively crappy.03:06
ferrouswheel2 of them are from Xiamen.03:06
Lukas_full time workers?03:12
JayDuggerferrouswheel, what project do you discuss?03:17
ferrouswheelJayDugger: project in Hong Kong using OpenCog to create intelligent game characters.03:23
ferrouswheelLukas_: in that we get to spend all our time working on OpenCog and intelligent agents - for a long time we'd been only doing OpenCog stuff part time or in our own free time.03:25
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Lukas_How is it progressing?03:28
ferrouswheelwe have a simple game world which we're building upon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SHQvw0j6Kk03:29
ferrouswheelbut most of the work is focussed on the back end at the moment, since that's the core of our project (that video was the result of a single person working on it)03:30
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kanzurehttp://fennetic.net/irc/screenshot.png looks almost as bad as the povray output05:51
kanzurelibosmesa6 is now installed05:52
kanzurewhy don't you have root or sudo05:52
Lukas_Morning Kanzure05:59
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-!- RadiVis [~quassel@pD9F8BCB3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:59
JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.07:22
Lukas_Good morning07:33
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kanzureigniteamherst february 8th will have a talk on diybio called 'The past, present, and future of making stuff through biology'09:07
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Lukas_Kanzure, do you have a general price has to how much starting a DIYbio lab would cost (just equipment)?09:38
kanzuremeh at most a few grand09:41
Lukas_few: 2,5, 10?09:45
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archelsDepends on what you would want to do, I guess?10:16
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kanzurethingiview.js http://replimat.com/thingiview/examples/ (uses three.js)10:24
kanzureis broken on my phone10:31
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kanzurehow about this? http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/stl2pov/dremelfuge.png11:32
kanzureletters are all flipped around incorrectly...11:32
kanzurethe x-axis label is in the wrong spot, unless it's labeling the x-axis itself (which is red)11:36
-!- strages [~strages@c-71-207-215-204.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:24
kanzurehuh it occurs to me that the character 'z' is all wrong on thingiverse http://www.thingiverse.com/image:2244012:34
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kanzurekartik wants the grand prize to be for non-open source... ughh13:10
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kanzurewhat's the point of requiring "monthly blogging of contestants' progress" if they are not required to publish schematics, source code, or other actually useful details?13:14
kanzurewhat's worse is that forrest higgs was the one suggesting this..13:14
Lukas__Did the contest already begin?13:25
kanzureLukas__: has for a year..13:39
kanzurefenn: my solution to the gada prize nonsense; an extra clause in the GPL license, or a secondary license to apply with it, for whether or not derivatives can be submitted to the gada prize, or if derivatives-with-prize-sharing are allowed, or what.13:39
kanzureI guess including a "no derivatives in the gada prize" would make it "not quite GPL" but after the prize is over, that extra license wouldn't matter13:51
-!- CIA-11 [~CIA@] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:12
kanzure"Hey guys, I need a bit of help here. My friends and I are exploring a temporary genetic modification by introducing a plasmid into our cells ( I am currently unsure of whether or not we will be using an AAV vector)."14:17
kanzure"Should things go well, we will attempt to work towards a more permanent modification, though I am currently unsure of what form it will take."14:17
kanzure"Here is our main problem - the immune system. If we introduce the plasmid, and it makes its way into the nucleus, any protein it produces will be instantly zerged by the immune system, effectively killing us in the process or at best severely damaging our tissue. I'd like to avoid that happening."14:17
kanzureheh "Cause I mean, surely an educated biochemist would have better resources of information than a fairly low population gaming forum."14:18
Lukas__20+ rep points for finding that14:19
Lukas__(I was hoping you wouldn't)14:19
kanzureI SEE EVERYTHING incl. my ass14:20
QuantumGhard to miss it14:20
-!- lichen [~lichen@c-67-171-133-57.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving]14:22
Lukas__Anyway, in the issuing shit storm I managed to get someone interested in DIYbio14:22
Lukas__which was worth it IMO14:22
Lukas__thank you14:25
Lukas__I need to get off the computer and actually write something with my hands14:25
kanzureeh.. http://f.cl.ly/items/1g1q1D3T3h0i0u3n332X/grinder2-01.png14:27
Lukas__yup, what about it?14:28
kanzureconspiracy theories are way overblown14:29
Lukas__conspiracy theories?14:30
kanzureon "khannea suntzu"'s blog she lists faye kane next to eliezer yudkowsky and ben goertzel.. nice?14:58
Lukas__What did you mean by conspiracy theories?14:59
kanzureit's not a conversation if i have to have both sides of it14:59
kanzurethe "mythical eye".. way overplayed15:00
Lukas__I think they were just going for a cool factor15:01
Lukas__Do you suggest something else?15:06
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-!- delinquentme [~delinquen@c-76-125-247-186.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap15:10
kanzureha the biohack.me people are super-defensive "Well, we don't want to use any other community because I put a lot of time into this one, so we're not about to let you poach this." oh please..15:10
kanzurei don't need this bullshit drama15:10
-!- lichen [~lichen@c-67-171-133-57.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap15:13
kanzurelichen: i just got a super-drama-inducing email from the biohack.me person..15:13
kanzureOn Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 3:57 PM, Sovereign Bleak <sovereign.bleak@biohack.me> wrote:15:14
kanzure>     Thanks Bryan, we dig you! Stop by the forums and say hello.15:14
kanzureme: no i refuse to use yet another silo. Please join the broader community.15:14
kanzuresovereignbleak: "Bullshit. A broader community is not an IRC channel and repo with zero media attention. I worked hard to put us where we are and you're not about to poach us with false overtures of kindness."15:14
kanzureme: "Oh please. An IRC channel isn't the broader community, and I was never claiming otherwise."15:14
kanzuredidn't know how to write a better response15:14
Lukas__are you kidding me?15:14
kanzurei'd like to minimize the drama so i'm just going to say i don't care15:15
Lukas__this will be take care of15:15
lichenkanzure: wat15:18
lichenkanzure: ill see what i can do15:25
licheninfighting is fucking dumb15:25
lichenbut i also dont think shutting down biohack.me is the answer15:25
kanzurei didn't suggest that15:25
kanzurebut creating new silos isn't particularly cool.. why not join diybio?15:26
Lukas__separate, isolated groups15:31
licheni dont think any of this should be isolated15:31
Lukas__Neither do I15:31
lichenbiohack.me just hasnt really been assimilated into the rest of the community since its largely a bunch of people who found each other without any knowledge of the rest of the community15:31
Lukas__sounds about right15:32
licheni dont really see sovereign doing much to help join the community with the larger activities going on15:32
lichenim not sure he realizes things have been going on prior to biohack.me15:33
* lichen shrugs15:33
kanzuresounds like a reasonable assessment to me (including the shrug)15:33
lichenin either case, the irc channel i'm running isn't directly associated with that site, and isn't meant to be a replacement or in competition to the existing areas of discussion15:33
lichenit's just a much more laid back place to talk than here, i guess15:33
lichenfrom my idling15:33
licheni'll stick around here but i don't have much to add usually15:34
Lukas__I believe there is some value of maintaining biohack.me - there is nothing wrong with the some 'friendly competition'  ( but the shit talking needs to go)15:36
lichenif everything gets tied into the same websites/framework/community then it gets a little bit too incestual15:36
stragesthere's nothing wrong with there being multiple communities, especially if they're all open.  cross pollinated and make new things15:37
lichenthus why i'm keeping #biohack open15:38
lichendespite other irc channels being around15:38
strageshaving a non-ditributed community only brings about stagnation15:38
Lukas__again, agreed15:38
stragesI'm just offering constructive thoughts15:39
Lukas__sorry, I didn't intend to say you weren't15:39
Lukas__I am just glad we are thinking along the same lines15:40
stragesno worries15:40
Lukas__there needs to be a little more competition IMO, the open source is excellent for creating different forms of the same tech (since people can freely tinker), but I think a little 'racing' will get more people moving15:41
lichenfrom what i'm seeing15:41
lichen#biohack and biohack.me are built more about the low-tech (grinding) end of transhumanism15:41
lichenthis one seems to be a lot more involved15:42
strageswhere is #biohack?15:42
licheni made it like... a week and a half ago15:43
lichenthe channel, that is15:43
strageswhy that network?15:43
lichenbecause i'm a services operator on it15:43
lichenand my friend owns the network15:43
Lukas__that makes sense15:43
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Lukas__Lichen, what is your name at biohack.me?15:48
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Lukas__I sent you a pm15:52
lichenyou know you could have just pmed me here15:52
Lukas__as you can see, I am a newb15:54
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kanzurefenn: you have sudo now16:31
kanzuredoes openscad do headless yet?16:31
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kanzurehrm that's not good17:39
kanzurewhy would the tree be different?17:39
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kanzurehi SovereignBleak19:58
kanzureSovereignBleak: have you been to biologigaragen or the other hackerspace in your area?19:59
SovereignBleakkanzure: I haven't, no. Are we cool man?20:06
kanzureif you're going to attack me, no20:07
kanzureotherwise sure20:08
SovereignBleakI hope not. Just got a little thrown off by the email is all.20:08
kanzureSovereignBleak: lichen made some comments in the backlog http://gnusha.org/logs/2011-01-23.log20:10
lichenwe've already discussed it20:11
kanzurewell, good work then20:12
SovereignBleakkanzure: Okay, read through. I think lichen's last comments in the log covers it. We're definitely more about the low-tech, right-now-what-can-we-shove-into-ourselves stuff. I have no problem with cross pollination and I don't think there needs to be. I'd rather not have us brushed off as "another silo" not worth anyone's attention however.20:14
kanzurediybio is also about low-tech20:15
kanzurehttp://bit.ly/diybionews ("no publicity" what?)20:15
SovereignBleakkanzure: I'm not really seeing the stuff we're working on in there. Many of us are total amateurs getting by on whatever we can scrounge and I think we serve that appeal. Lepht's a strong example of that ethic.20:17
kanzurediybio is like that too, except with some caution and anesthetic20:18
kanzurei think you're just posturing20:18
SovereignBleakkanzure: To me, that kind of language is super inflammatory. Let's be respectful here. I don't think that's fair to say.20:19
kanzure"many of us are total amateurs" implying that everyone else is not? come on..20:19
kanzureflattering but strange20:20
kanzurewas the anesthetic comment unfair?20:20
SovereignBleakNo, the posturing comment. kanzure, I think the only way we're going to get out of this without inflaming this is to agree-to-disagree. I don't want us to be enemies.20:22
kanzureso you're disagreeing that diy bio/diybiohacking is amateur biohacking?20:23
licheni think what SovereignBleak is saying20:24
lichenis that the community of biohack.me is closer related to body modding and piercing20:24
lichenthan low budget hard science20:24
SovereignBleakI'd be inclined to agree.20:24
lichennot that there's no overlap20:25
lichenjust a tendency of the community20:25
kanzurei see.20:25
SovereignBleakOkay, 5:30am, I have got to get some sleep. I love that anyone out there is doing the stuff we're doing and I think if we can avoid any shit talking (don't follow my example) we'll both do just fine.20:30
* kanzure added http://diyhpl.us:9000/s/george-whitesides-a-lab-the-size-of-a-postage-stamp20:31
lichenwhy'd you dcc me sov20:33
SovereignBleakWanted to thank you for helping us come to a resolution. Okay, that's the last line I'll write for the night.20:35
lichengood night sov20:35
fennwhy is it called "grinding"? is it actually called that? does anyone self-identify as a grinder?20:42
fennthat's just a tech/transhumanist blog with occasional body mod articles20:44
kanzurelichen: ping20:44
kanzureyay the pingcon works maybe you know the answer for fenn20:45
lichenits from the comic dr. sleepless i think20:45
lichenthere's a group of people called the grinders20:45
kanzuredoktor sleepless20:45
lichenwho are body modders20:45
lichenso grinding was picked up as a term for diy transhumanism20:45
lichenive never read the comicf20:46
licheni like the term though20:46
fennwhy are they called grinders?20:46
lichen>ive never read the comic20:46
fennit makes me think of repetitive video games20:46
ybitsame here20:47
lichenyeah i dont play mmos20:48
fenn"By the eighth issue, he has claimed that the world is merely a source of food for a race of tenth-dimensional animals (based on the Cthulhu Mythos stories) that feed on souls and live in a realm similar to Heaven; he claims these creatures killed his parents and that while he originally wanted to organise people against these creatures, he now just wants to kill the whole world to spite the monsters by starving them."20:48
kanzureurghh i'm going to have to recompile openscad aren't i20:51
kanzurethis is stupid20:51
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delinquentmekanzure, you have anything on the gibson method offhand?20:52
delinquentmeas related to PCR / thermocycling20:52
kanzurefor ligating dna?20:53
delinquentmehaha amazing20:54
fennbased on various conversations i've overheard, there's a lot of picky little things that can go wrong that aren't in that protocol20:55
kanzurelike any other protocol?20:56
fennapparently the master mix is very sensitive to tiny changes in concentration20:56
fennso you have to make a huge batch of it20:56
fenn(which gets expensive quick)20:56
kanzuretimschmidt: is there a headless openscad?20:58
fennit's probably worth getting someone to download the original paper http://www.nature.com/nmeth/journal/v6/n5/full/nmeth.1318.html20:58
kanzureon another note, that's not venter is it?20:59
kanzureiirc gibson works for venter?20:59
kanzureoh venter is listed as a coauthor in the middle20:59
delinquentmethats the way it looks from the paper21:01
delinquentmegibson is @ the jcraig venter institute21:01
delinquentmedamn thermo fisher is a big player in the research market huh21:05
kanzureand sigma-aldrich, merk, carolina biosciences, etc.21:06
kanzurewhy does openscad depend on libglu1-xorg21:08
delinquentmemerck no?21:08
delinquentmetheres a TF building here in pitt .. walk past it quite often .. lovely place .. and would be wild to work there21:09
delinquentmebut i dont think they're looking for someone to stir things up21:10
delinquentmeid imagine very much so .. standardized operations21:10
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kanzurejrayhawk: do you have any suggestions for how i should deal with openscad?21:28
kanzureit is heavily dependent on qt4 and other gui madness21:28
kanzureshould i break down and install xorg on gnusha? :/ or fail to support openscad files21:28
kanzurei'm inclined to not support .scad in spite21:28
fenntoday's fun phyics fact: the planck mass expressed as energy is equivalent to 15 gallons of gasoline21:33
kanzurepeak planck?21:34
kanzureyou read it here first21:35
kanzure10^70 years before anyone else21:35
fenneventually we're going to run out of mass to fuse21:37
fennafter accellerating a significant fraction of the universe back towards the center, of course21:37
kanzureshould i make an extra effort (right now) to support openscad?21:41
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kanzurefascinating.. i think all of my iges2png and step2png scripts require xorg22:02
kanzurei don't want to encourage users to be committing stl files22:02
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--- Log closed Mon Jan 24 00:00:10 2011

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