
--- Log opened Sat Mar 05 00:00:10 2011
ybittimschmidt: pong00:03
ybittimschmidt: i know you weren't pinging me, but i couldn't resist00:04
timschmidtI've discovered a way to get nearly infinite funding00:04
* ybit wants to hear!00:04
ybito right, i have something that i would like to share as well00:04
ybiti saw that00:04
timschmidtadapt this technology to print large penises00:04
ybiti like it! :P00:05
timschmidtsomeone rich has to be willing to pay for that00:05
ybitmaybe if we could make reprapped dildos softer, that might be a way to go about it00:05
ybitreprapped sex toys, there's a niche00:07
ybitso i was thinking about skdb, i want a database of not just hardware, but projects of all sorts00:08
ybite.g. how to extract dna from *00:08
ybiti want a whole category of these projects in the db00:08
ybiti'm not really sure where the line is drawn though, e.g. people might want to start including recipes for their custom built kitchen bots00:11
ybiti don't mind having everything, but then there has to be a limit, right?00:12
ybitat some point, most of skdb could be filled with 4chan and urbandictionary stuff00:12
ybit..if there isn't some distinction for what is allowed in00:13
ybittimschmidt: thoughts?00:13
ybitor if anyone else wants to chime in, feel free00:14
* ybit highlights the entire channel in his head00:14
-!- anelma is now known as elmom00:19
ybitalso what's with h+ using elluminate :\00:28
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-75-194.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:39
ybits/skdb/gitduino whatever it's called now00:47
ybit06:30 < kanzure> joshcryer: gitduino is github+thingiverse00:50
ybit06:30 < kanzure> joshcryer: skdb is still what it was00:50
ybitwell, there we have it00:50
JayDuggerThank you, ybit.00:50
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ybitJayDugger, check out the logs from tonight before you joined and feel free to comment00:51
ybiti want revision control for projects, not just for physical hardware01:00
ybitcriticism, scolding, all welcome01:03
ybitJayDugger: whenever that coffee settles :)01:13
timschmidtI'm back01:13
timschmidtybit: what you're really talking about with recipes, 4chan, etc. is skdb distributions01:13
timschmidtala linux distributions01:13
ybitpackage management distributions, interesting thought!01:14
timschmidtwe can start out with everything in some official skdb tree, but we'll probably end up with more than one01:14
timschmidtwhat gets included becomes a per-distribution policy01:15
ybiti like this idea01:17
JayDuggerGood morning, timschmidt.01:17
-!- ThomasEgi [~thomas@panda3d/ThomasEgi] has joined ##hplusroadmap01:19
archelsCould someone grab this? http://www.sciencemag.org/content/early/2011/03/02/science.119970201:35
archelsStrangely, neither of the two universities that I can SSH to have access to Science Express...01:35
ybitalso, tim schmidt/win 1501:35
ybitwhoops :D01:35
ybitwas just telling someone about your comment01:36
* ybit sleeps01:36
ybitbut first, archels, i can't access that. my access to academic papers probably sucks harder than your access01:37
timschmidtybit: do you have some sort of tim schmidt win-o-meter?01:38
ybittimschmidt: yeah, you set it off 30 minutes ago01:38
timschmidtfor the 15th time?01:38
ybityeah, the printable dildo was 1401:39
ybitarchels: speak with phreedom01:39
ybithe can't access your paper, but he probably wants your ssh access01:39
timschmidtI don't think dildos are a win...  to get the big money, you'd need to be able to print the real thing01:39
ybitwhy is that?01:39
timschmidtbecause I'm sure there are some not-very-well endowed rich folk out there who would like to permanently change that01:40
wrldpc2the flesh will atrophy and rot01:40
timschmidtnot once it's attached to a person :P01:40
wrldpc2oh you're talking about transplantation?01:40
timschmidtI'm talking BIG money01:41
wrldpc2i thought we were talking about the dildo market still01:41
wrldpc2yeah there is huge money in that01:41
ybitoddly enough, i talked about penises for about an hour yesterday, one concern that i would have about this is the maxiumum size penis that a person can have01:41
wrldpc2Dong is a buzzword on #noisebridge01:42
ybitthere was supposedly a story about a guy who had such a large penis that he was unable to get an erection01:42
timschmidtyeah, there's a video01:42
ybitor something like if he did, he would die01:42
ybiti didn't pay too much attention01:42
ybit04:41 < timschmidt> I'm talking BIG money01:43
ybitmostly in the asian market ;D01:43
wrldpc2what happens to a penis under myostatin inhibition?01:43
wrldpc2particularly, India, ybit.01:44
ybiti was thinking japan01:44
wrldpc2Indian penises are the smallest in Asia.01:44
ybitthough i'm sure china suffers01:44
ybitwrldpc2: this i did not know01:44
wrldpc2Oh yeah, Japan would be a "big" market.01:44
timschmidtdisturbingly large penis guy used this stuff: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Site_enhancement_oil#Non_muscle-developing_methods01:44
wrldpc2legions of asian men with massive penises.01:44
wrldpc2I wonder if there would be a weight to performance ratio problem if you didn't replace the testicles as well.01:45
wrldpc2okay i'm done.01:45
ybitno, no. keep going! :P01:45
ybiti declare the next 15 mintues penis time01:45
wrldpc2ooh i found a wikipedia typo.  i love fixing these.01:46
wrldpc2" many brands are available o the internet"01:47
timschmidtI just thought, you know, we can print organs.  What's stopping us from making improved versions? (by some definitions of improved)01:47
timschmidtwrldpc2: no, that was correct.  Grammar is different o the internet.01:48
wrldpc2well if you're looking to make a quick billion you could do that01:48
wrldpc2you'd have to train up a bunch of surgeons01:48
wrldpc2which wouldn't be hard01:48
wrldpc2i wonder if plastic surgeons could perform that kind of work01:49
timschmidtpretty sure a few have already done this surgery...01:49
wrldpc2i don't want to know.01:49
timschmidtwhat with John Bobbit01:49
wrldpc2ah yes01:49
wrldpc2let's print the organ first.01:49
timschmidtit seems that's the last thing left to do01:49
wrldpc2i haven't watched this ted talk yet01:51
wrldpc2are these the organovo people?01:51
timschmidtThere's also quite a lot of knowledge in the area of sexual reassignment surgeries.01:51
timschmidtwhich would undoubtedly be applicable01:51
wrldpc2yes, protocol development would take less than a month.01:52
wrldpc2i guess we would print to order.01:52
wrldpc2or whoever.01:52
wrldpc2fedex the pen0r01:52
wrldpc2you'd probably use preexisting shipping methods01:53
wrldpc2I assume organs are shipped all the time.01:53
wrldpc2is there a dedicated courier service for something like that?01:53
ybiteek, 3:53am01:53
ybitpenis time is almost over :\01:53
wrldpc2i think it's reached its climax.01:54
ybituhum, i have nothing interesting to add, doing good to type and keep my eyes awake01:54
ybittimschmidt: thanks for the wonderful image of printable penises before sleeping01:55
wrldpc2yeah, thanks for that.01:55
wrldpc2You know some freak is going to request tentacle-sized prints.01:55
timschmidttentacle _shaped_ prints01:56
wrldpc2you're going to have people requesting multiple penises01:56
wrldpc2they won't have enough blood to power them.01:57
timschmidtthe fork, the trident, the curly straw...01:57
wrldpc2the loop-de-loop01:57
wrldpc23 minutes, 3 minutes.01:57
timschmidtso    much     laughing01:58
wrldpc2black men secretly wish they had smaller penises.01:58
wrldpc2it would be interesting to watch the frequency of operative requests spanning the gamut of human customer ..01:58
wrldpc2if some sick fuck asks for you to print a dog or cat penis i would request a full investigation be launched.01:59
wrldpc2dna tests should confirm the species of the transplant recipient.01:59
timschmidtI'm just going to leave this here: http://www.bad-dragon.com/toys02:00
wrldpc2if someone wants somebody elses dick, that person should have the ability to license them the penis.02:00
wrldpc2does Penis time extend to 7:01 or is it technically finished at 7?02:00
wrldpc27pm japan time.02:00
wrldpc2is that a real orca dick?02:01
JayDuggerAt that point it will switch topics to other body parts.02:01
wrldpc2LOLWTF the naga02:01
JayDuggerYou'll also have to handle key-and-lock chastity prints.02:02
JayDugger"Make certain your lover stays faithful--by design!"02:02
timschmidtoh god, the dreaded penisDRM02:03
JayDuggerYeah, not original to me.02:03
JayDuggerGreg Egan had it in a short story.02:03
wrldpc2Egan is a master.02:03
wrldpc2penisDRM  i am rofl02:04
wrldpc2my entire room is in hysterics right now02:04
JayDuggerDiscreetly, organs in matched pairs that would only physically fit into the other member of the set. Key-and-lock, so to speak.02:04
wrldpc2of course the males will get shafted with having to undergo the operation first02:05
JayDuggerDoes such a reduction in human sexual freedom doesn't strike me as progress, but hey--I just won't get one.02:05
wrldpc2people could still cheat02:05
wrldpc2take a mold of the vaginal lock02:06
JayDuggerI think Egan avoided that with having erectile tissue on both sides.02:06
JayDuggerWith pegs and holes on the organs of both individuals.02:07
JayDuggerThis raised gender identity questions, which, IIRC, was the story's ,ain theme.02:07
JayDuggerNo, I don't recall the title.02:07
JayDuggerI think it appeared in a Year's Best SF collection.02:08
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LukasGood morning03:48
JayDuggerGood morning, Lukas.03:51
LukasThis place has been empty for a while03:51
Lukaswhat's going on?03:51
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JayDuggerCheck the logs.04:52
JayDuggerI could tell you, but you wouldn't believe me.04:52
JayDuggerNothing so exciting, but probably NSFW.04:52
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JayDuggerCan anyone confirm Robert Bradbury's death?05:15
JayDuggerTwitter doesn't count.05:15
JayDuggerI read the KurzweilAI obit.05:16
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kanzureybit: re: elluminate, ben goertzel wants h+ to be like 'singularity university' so he decided to use elluminate... i think he misses the point07:07
kanzureJayDugger: yep, he's dead. david kekich confirmed with his brothers, and that's how amara from kurzweilai knew about it07:12
kanzuretimschmidt: delayed-pong07:14
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kanzureFossils of Cyanobacteria in CI1 Carbonaceous Meteorites http://journalofcosmology.com/Life100.html08:00
kanzurehttp://journalofcosmology.com/images/1HooverFigure4b.jpg "Figure 4.a. FESEM image of permineralized remains in the Orgueil meteorite of polarized tapered filaments (diameter ~ 1 to 2.5 μm) with recognizable heterocysts interpreted as morphotypes of the cyanobacterium Calothrix spp. and. b. living filament of Calothrix sp. with a diameter ~ 0.8 μ and a basal heterocyst from the White River, Washington"08:04
kanzure5 microns http://journalofcosmology.com/images/HooverFigure4a.jpg08:04
kanzurejournal of cosmology is weird08:07
kanzurewhy do they have all of these links to amazon?08:07
-!- jmil [~jmil@c-68-81-252-40.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:19
timschmidtkanzure: my billion dollar idea is in the logs from this morning08:25
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kanzureoh god, people are mistaking tom for a "yale math professor"?09:31
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fenn heh heh heh. these people want to do a reality tv show about hackerspaces: http://intuitivellc.com/11:33
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ybitfenn! hi.11:34
fenngender identity was not the main theme of schild's ladder11:37
fennalso the lock and key thing was a local custom on a backwater colony, the point of it was that people could choose pretty much any aspect of their identity11:38
JayDuggerFair enoughl11:38
JayDuggerFair enough.11:38
JayDuggerI don't remember the short story, and it certainly wasn't Schild's Ladder.11:38
JayDuggerI remember the colonists telling the visiting starship it was an isolated custom, but I think the last few paragraphs reveal they lied to their visitors.11:39
JayDuggerNo point arguing about fiction, though.11:39
JayDuggerFeel free to look it up.11:40
JayDuggerYou can also pre-order his new book, The Clockwork Rocket, at Amazon.11:41
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ENKI-][kanzure: http://humanityplus.org/h-seminars-and-salons-online/ <-- do you have any involvement with this divine nonsense?12:06
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kanzureENKI-][: nope :)12:31
kanzurealthough i did argue against it..12:31
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kanzureanyone else see todd's pic on the front page of the wall street journal a few days ago? :)16:31
ybitkanzure: concerning what?16:32
kanzureBIL/joseph jackson/diybio16:32
kanzuregrandma just emailed me "Did you go to CA an was it to the TED/BIL as per the article I sent you????"16:33
kanzurewhy is she getting so good at lasering in on my friends16:33
ybitmaybe you got the stalking snp from her16:33
kanzureprobably just the 'crazy'16:33
ybitwere there plans for videos to be uploaded?16:34
kanzurefor BIL?16:34
kanzurejoe should know16:34
ybitfeel like i should get an e-book reader16:35
ybitan old one16:35
ybitthe first kindle e.g. with its 0hz refresh rate :)16:35
ybitHz *shrug*16:36
kanzurelol joe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmTNtSs1UQY16:39
kanzurehe tried to call himself 'the arnold of open science' in that bieberhess video but i think the editing was just so awful it failed16:41
ybitkanzure: i know why you have it16:45
ybitdon't try to act like you don't watch that each night before sleeping16:45
kanzurei also have *your* embarrassing video too16:45
ybito? which one?16:46
kanzuredon't play dumb16:46
ybitgl finding my gay sex vid on youtube16:46
kanzureblargh i just killed my sound system on linxu16:46
kanzurealsa force-reload -> now nothing?16:47
ybitlistening to epic game soundtracks makes me almost want to watch something like Atlantis16:51
ybitfenn: what are you doing these days in ca?16:53
kanzuresound was fixed.16:54
kanzureybit: what do you think of the autogifter email16:57
ybitkanzure: i think it's a decent idea, i'm not interested in doing the company thing again. as a matter of fact, this week the current company ends16:58
kanzurewhat's the current company?16:59
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ybiti have limited bandwidth (in the brain) unfortunately, i'm also going back to school16:59
kanzureoh that's right, you're busy pissing away your life16:59
kanzurehave fun with that :)16:59
ybityep :D17:00
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Tyranthey kanzure, may  I use some of the graphics in your H+ presentation such as the graph of DIYbio news exposure and some of the pictures of open source stuff?19:20
kanzurenews graph http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers/diybio/diybio-news-accumulative.png19:22
kanzuresource data: http://bit.ly/diybionews19:23
kanzurecaltech presentation http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/caltech_presentation.pdf19:24
kanzurei have the others laying around if you want to use those specifically19:25
kanzureah here we go, the diy transhuman tech presentation http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/diy-transhuman-tech.pdf19:25
Tyrantthank you19:28
kanzurei better get some shout outs :( or kickbacks19:28
kanzurei also accept bribes19:29
Tyrantill try to get you or humanity+ in there somewhere19:32
kanzuredon't bother with h+19:33
kanzurealthough http://gadaprize.org/ if you meet any reprappers19:33
Tyrantim only staying for my presentation and a few others19:34
Tyrantwont have time to mingle unfortunately ;(19:34
Tyranti'll mention the gada prize19:35
Tyrantin the presentation19:35
TyrantI'll be going over hackerspaces, diybio, and a few of the DIY stuff out there19:35
TyrantCNCs, reprap, the DIY STM and AFMs, etc.19:35
kanzureiirc this crowd knows about that19:39
Tyrantyeah im guessing19:39
Tyrantbut tahts a small part19:39
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kanzureanyone getting the espernet #biopunk spam?20:57
ybitthat's the first i've herad of the channel21:00
kanzurewho put this up? http://www.cyberpunked.org/bpkdir/21:01
kanzureprobably splicer nevermind21:01
kanzurethere's also #biohack trying to get more users21:08
kanzurei wonder why people are bothering to wait 'til now for their irc channels21:08
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kanzurewtf? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netochka_Nezvanova21:27
kanzurei think i need to be stoned to read that21:28
Tyrantcrap i won't be presenting tomorrow21:40
Tyrantfucking russian consulate21:40
kanzureyeah i thought it was an unconference anyway21:43
kanzurei don't understand how joe can be promising all these talks21:43
ybit19:59 < kanzure> what's the current company?21:43
ybiti didn't see that21:43
ybitit is a company with its main purpose "to make science affordable and accessible"21:45
ybitwe bought like 3-4 license to do businesses, we're legit, but i don't have time or skill to make anything of it right now21:46
ybitgenebid was the first project21:46
kanzuregenebid still doesn't make sense21:46
Tyrantkanzure, yeah after i heard how the time slots were filled i was like "wtf?"21:49
Tyrantearliest i can get there is like 3pm so I wont get a slot21:50
ybitdamn, that sucks21:50
ybiti was hoping to see the credits with a picture of me giving it to kanzure from behind21:50
kanzurefor that you'd need to actually have a dick, ybit21:51
ybitor a strap-on21:51
kanzureit goes without saying21:51
Tyrantybit what's the company?21:56
Tyrantjust read what you wrote above :p21:56
ybitTyrant: i called it humcie, but meh21:58
ybitposts per month on diybio21:59
ybitwas curious what the graph was21:59
Tyrantwhat was genebid?21:59
kanzurecrowd-based negotiation on DNA synthesis prices21:59
ybitan idea kanzure came up with22:00
ybiti'd be curious to know how many of the emails are from people introducing new projects22:01
Tyrantkanzure, so you're idea still doesnt make sense to you? :P22:01
kanzureTyrant: yep22:01
kanzureto be honest, i'd rather just try my hand at better dna synthesis techniques to get the price lower22:01
kanzureall this synthetic biology wankery has been focusing on next-generation dna sequencing22:01
kanzurebut writing is still expensive unless you're willing to ligate and use libraries like crazy22:02
Tyrantmeh it'll run its course22:02
kanzurenot really.. if you look it up, nobody has next-generation dna synthesis techniques22:02
Tyranthas done or working on?22:02
Tyranti thought halcyon got all that funding for next gen22:03
kanzurefor sequencing22:03
Tyrantoh sorry misread22:03
Tyrantstarting to do that a lot these days22:03
kanzurepacbio is doing sequencing-by-synthesis so they might turn it into a synthesis tech22:03
kanzurebut still..22:03
kanzurethe only other thing was a 2002 improvement on traditional oligonucleotide synthesis22:03
kanzurereducing the reactions from four down to two22:03
kanzure(for phosphoramidite additions)22:04
Tyrantthat was the last innovation?22:04
ybiti'm curious if we remove all of kanzure's emails on diybio, how that graph would look :D22:04
Tyrantybit, sparse at best22:04
kanzureybit: just -169322:04
ybitoh, that's not much at all22:04
kanzureso about 2 months.22:05
ybiti mean it's a large contribution, but it doesn't take much away22:05
kanzureybit: crazy thing i noticed the other day22:05
kanzurehplusroadmap's biohacking stuff started in early 200822:05
kanzureand mac started emailing us about it22:05
kanzurethen in april started diybio.org22:05
kanzurei totally forgot about that :)22:05
ybithrm, i never even thought about it22:06
kanzureyeah crazy22:06
kanzureof course, atillas and others have been yapping about "BioDIY" for years22:06
ybiti liked timothyschmidt's comment yesterday about different distribution of skdb22:07
kanzurebefore there can be different distributions there has to be more packages, i think22:07
kanzurejust having everything from thingiverse is nice and all..22:07
kanzurebut it's not the best data in the world22:08
kanzurealso i don't think skdb-get.py can access the skdb packages of thingiverse things22:08
kanzure(at the moment) (for various technical reasons)22:08
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QuantumGhttp://archived.thespaceshow.com/shows/1522-BWB-2011-03-04.mp3 listening to this one twice.. it's that good22:20
kanzuregood night22:21
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