
--- Log opened Tue Apr 17 00:00:39 2012
-!- AdrianG [~amphetami@unaffiliated/amphetamine] has quit []00:14
fenntoo bad it's not a general purpose browser00:28
fennwould have been simple to pipe w3m or whatever to their pager00:28
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jrayhawkthat would turn GoogleBBS into a portal, which would turn it into AOL02:02
jrayhawkIts BBS legacy is/was one of the giant culture problems at AOL.02:03
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Utopiah(philosophy warning) http://avaxhome.ws/ebooks/Politics_Sociology/ApocalypticAI.html05:20
delinquentmeits tracking the yellow ball and gets distracted by other large yellow objects =]05:31
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delinquentmedoes anyone know of free online software to read text?05:42
ThomasEgito read text??05:46
ThomasEgilike.. your browser??05:46
phrykI think he means text-recognition.05:50
phrykdelinquentme: http://www.gnu.org/software/ocrad/ocrad.html, http://jocr.sourceforge.net/ no clue about the quality, I'd probably go with the gnu one.05:51
delinquentmeOh nah i wanted to do pushups while my machine reads peter theils class to me05:52
delinquentmeThe pithy, wry version of this is the line about Rhodes Scholars: they all had a great future in their past.05:52
phrykAh you mean text-to-speech :P05:52
phrykThere's stuff like festival…05:53
delinquentmecan i open it up in a browser and paste text in?05:54
delinquentmemaz 70 chars05:54
phrykMaybe someone did a wrapper for that, but normally no :P05:55
delinquentmetotes useless05:55
phrykhuh? what max. 70 chars?05:55
phrykah the demo :D05:56
phrykwell, then run it on your own machine?^^05:56
delinquentmei need to install something?06:18
delinquentmeisnt that.. unsanitary?06:18
phrykhttp://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lenxybNu9H1qdruxt.gif Can't tell if full-on retard or just trolling.06:21
delinquentmelol me?06:22
delinquentmeno haha i mean im not into installing non repo code06:22
delinquentmephryk, are you a windows user?06:22
phrykdelinquentme: no.06:25
phrykdelinquentme: festival is one of the biggest text-to-speech engines, if your os doesn't have it in it's repo, your os sucks.06:25
delinquentmewell ubuntu doesnt suck06:27
delinquentmeand its installing now06:27
phrykYou have an 'nt' there that doesn't belong.06:27
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delinquentmelol phryk i know i know windows is cool for being a dj06:33
delinquentmeor an artist06:33
phrykthe only thing that windows is a first choice for is games…06:39
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delinquentmephryk, im </trolling>06:42
delinquentmephryk, tell me aboot your skillsets06:43
delinquentmetell me you're into biotech06:43
phrykI'm into biotech.06:43
* phryk shrugs.06:43
phrykI'm a pretty average nerd, I guess…06:44
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phrykdelinquentme: Better than you though :F06:51
delinquentmefenn thinks that too06:51
delinquentmewell see06:51
delinquentmephryk, you an EE?06:51
delinquentmeim in the market for an optimist06:51
phrykiirc fenn was quite competent.06:51
delinquentmeah its his personality which sucks06:52
delinquentmedont quote me on talking about soft shit like personality though06:52
delinquentmeill learn to love him im sure06:52
phrykI'm not an engineer.06:52
phrykYou could say that I guess.06:52
delinquentmekanzure, you around? I'm trying to figure out the name of that lab standards exchange conglomerate06:53
phrykbunch, none of them really good.06:53
phrykwork as php codewhore… but that's not really a language it's what happens when an idiot gets perl to rape C and the forced child has down syndrome…06:54
delinquentmequote worthy ^06:54
delinquentmefeminine views of competition vrs male views of competition06:55
phrykdone a small bit of C/C++ (only playing around, no real projects, few blinking leds a few years back), about one and a half cm-systems in python, a few ugly perlhacks… current site done in common lisp, next will be done in haskell, prolly with yesod.06:55
phrykdelinquentme: stop trolling.06:56
delinquentmeno im serious aha06:56
phrykThen you're retarded.06:56
delinquentmegirls really like emoting about how compeition is hard06:56
delinquentmemales grunt and take it06:56
delinquentmebut really i posted something about competition on FB and all the females come out of the woodwork06:57
phrykdelinquentme: I'm really beginning to dislike you. No wonder fenn has problems with you.06:57
delinquentmefenn doesnt like me because he fucked up / gave up on his liquid handler06:58
delinquentmeself projection is everyones issue06:58
delinquentmespecifically why do you dislike me?06:58
phrykYou talk a *lot* of dumb shit.06:58
phrykThe first thing you said sounded to me like 'trololol windows teh suck I r use ubnutu lunix, i so 1337'06:59
delinquentmeevaluate it then!06:59
phrykAnd the thing about male vs. female views on anything is plain stupid.06:59
delinquentmeyou might be right06:59
delinquentmetheres not really anything constructive in it06:59
delinquentmejust observations06:59
delinquentmei gotta go run07:00
phrykGoing male 'vs.' female on anything is too lmited for just about everything concerning social interaction.07:00
phrykdelinquentme: How am I to evaluate your stupidity if you just run off?07:01
ThomasEgicall them foolish humans. both of them. and you are right in pretty much all cases.07:01
phrykThomasEgi: That's a generalization I can generally agree with :P07:01
* ThomasEgi +1's himself07:03
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kanzureok let's have a vote.. kick him off the island?08:23
ThomasEgifrom what island?08:24
kanzure> Federal authorities have arrested eight men accused of distributing more than08:27
kanzure> $1 million worth of LSD, ecstasy, and other narcotics with an online08:27
kanzure> storefront that used the TOR anonymity service to mask their Internet08:27
kanzure> addresses.08:27
archelskanzure: n08:27
kanzure> "The Farmer's Market," as the online store was called, was like an Amazon for08:27
kanzure> consumers of controlled substances, according to a 66-page indictment08:27
kanzure> unsealed on Monday. It offered online forums, Web-based order forms, customer08:27
kanzure> service, and at least four methods of payment, including PayPal and Western08:27
kanzure> Union. From January 2007 to October 2009, it processed some 5,256 orders08:28
kanzure> valued at $1.04 million. The site catered to about 3,000 customers in 3508:28
kanzure> countries, including the United States.08:28
archelsThe main dude behind that site was a Dutchie. :\08:28
archelsSites like that probably remain on Tor...08:28
kanzureLarge-scale connectivity diagrams of the human brain using Diffusion Spectrum Imaging08:29
phrykkanzure: kick delinquentme?08:30
kanzurephryk: is that a request or a question08:31
phryka question.08:31
phrykIf you meant that earlier.08:31
phrykI'm not having a vote for or against that, but I do kind-of loathe him :P08:31
phrykI'll bow to the public opinion.08:31
kanzurewhere's yashgaroth, nmz787, juul, and ctobin?08:34
delinquentmenot really a new application of TOR08:37
_F7_'The Farmers Market' should've accepted BITCOIN08:42
_F7_with exclusivity08:42
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-80-91.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]08:44
delinquentme_F7_, thats silk road :D08:44
_F7_There are guys in the houston area that'll just meet you in a parking lot and give cash for bitcoin.08:45
_F7_They'll whip out a smartphone and sit until the transaction is confirmed.08:45
_F7_It's seedy in a comically cyberpunk way08:46
delinquentmethats phenomenal08:46
delinquentmei think thats fantastic08:46
delinquentmego humans08:47
delinquentmeThat would be incredibly valuable. If nothing has happened in an industry for a long time, and you come along and dramatically improve something important, chances are that no one else will come and do that again, to you.08:48
delinquentmecan someone logic through that for me?08:48
delinquentmeare you saying that its illogical?08:50
delinquentmei guess it predicates on "old industry >> no one wants to mess with it" ?08:50
kanzureno i am saying i am cranky08:50
kanzurewhat are you trying to do ?08:50
delinquentmeso do that and then you have monopoly08:50
delinquentmejust reading Thiels lecture notes08:50
delinquentmeOO he ends on a juicy bit!!08:52
delinquentmeThis raises the question that we’ll discuss next week: kinds of people do you want to take with you as you head off into the frontier?08:52
delinquentmeso romantic :P08:52
chris_99http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-17744314 - 3D printer for drugs08:53
ParahSailinthiel lecture notes08:58
-!- delinquentme [~asdfasdf@c-24-3-85-154.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]08:59
_F7_Theil makes delinquentme swoon with his allusion to gay fronteirsmen09:05
ParahSailindid diginet go to last week's txrx open house?09:09
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kanzurenmz787: hi09:34
_F7_If he did, I missed him09:41
_F7_We never arranged pickup09:41
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yashgarothhey did you guys see that paper about buckyballs doubling lifespan in rats10:37
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kanzureyashgaroth: haven't read it yet10:45
yashgarothit's a weird combination of [high-impact journal + low p-values] and [intraperitoneal injection of olive oil control also extends lifespan 50%] but still10:46
yashgarothtoo bad it'll take 6 years to replicate10:49
ThomasEgifullerene... one of my professor has a fullerene fetish^10:53
ThomasEgihe's totaly into that thing10:53
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kanzurehttps://github.com/twitter/innovators-patent-agreement/issues/1 "Section 2(a) unnecessarily uses term "intellectual property""10:57
kanzure"Our company 3scan just got funded by Breakout labs."11:03
kanzurefenn: you should go congratulate them11:03
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kanzure"3Scan, to develop 3-D digital reconstruction of brain tissue, using a novel, faster, less expensive microscope technology. Building a map of connections in the brain—the connectome—is a critical step to understanding what makes the human brain unique."11:07
kanzure"Arigos Biomedical, to develop methods of cooling organs for long-term storage."11:07
kanzure"Immusoft, to re-program human immune cells to produce therapeutics in the body."11:07
kanzure"Inspirotec, to develop a universal system for collecting and identifying virtually any airborne agent."11:07
kanzure"ongevity Biotech, to develop an entirely new class of therapeutics via artificial protein technology (“Hybridtides”). Hybridtides are targeted biologic-like molecules which are highly-resistant to breakdown by natural digestive enzymes and tunable to very stable molecular structures. These features have demonstrated potent therapeutic activity with the possibility of oral biologic delivery."11:08
kanzure"Positron Dynamics, to enhance the production and collection of positrons, a class of elementary particles. Positrons have many near-term applications, for example, in medical imaging; in the long run, they may be a source of energy—antimatter propulsion—for space travel"11:08
kanzurehttp://www.3scan.com/ http://immusoft.com/ http://inspirotec.com/ http://positrondynamics.com/11:13
ParahSailinis there any linux chat program as good as skype?11:58
ParahSailini use skype with a group of friends as a sort of persistent conference chat11:59
ParahSailinirc is shitty; irony intended11:59
archelspersistent conference chat is almost the definition of IRC.11:59
kanzureParahSailin: http://pigin.im/ is what i use11:59
kanzurehowever, i use irssi on a remote server for irc12:00
ParahSailindoes irc send you messages sent to the room when your client wasnt connected? does it handle multiple locations connected to the same account?12:00
ParahSailinis it as easy to use as skype is?12:00
kanzureskype is not easy to use on linux12:00
ParahSailinthats why i bring up the question12:01
ParahSailinmy friends are windows users12:01
kanzureyou might try google hangouts for persistent video chat12:02
ParahSailini just use text though12:02
ParahSailinsometimes we do voice with a subset of our group12:02
ParahSailindoes any xmpp thing do something equivalent in function?12:06
ParahSailinhttp://www.disruptivetelephony.com/2010/12/skype-and-the-incredible-power-of-persistent-group-chats.html these are exactly my thoughts12:31
bkerouse bitlbee12:37
bkeromore persistent12:37
bkeroalso B) -er12:37
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kanzuretechnical info http://jordanmechner.com/wp-content/uploads/1989/10/popsource009.pdf12:41
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Cat4DHas anyone seen WebGL based gpu processing of nurbs/splines ?13:01
Cat4Dor a functioning openGL lib for such? (the "shader")13:02
ThomasEgii think nvidia has an example on how to use shaders to interpolate nurbs and stuff.13:04
kanzureCat4D: not webgl, sorry :/13:04
ThomasEgisomewhere in their cg-tutorials13:04
kanzureglu had a nurbs tessellation thing going on13:04
ThomasEgiprobably not too hard to convert into a gl shader13:04
Cat4DopenGL, etc next option13:11
kanzureCat4D: what are you trying to do13:11
Cat4DI have three topics, all generally the same:13:11
Cat4Dspline/knot based generation of data structure inside the gpu, preferably generating splines13:12
kanzurewhy is "inside the gpu" a constraint?13:12
Cat4Dspline math functions, for example old elasticity node examples or similar with collision/displacement, and generation of renderable triangle mesh for some gpu13:13
Cat4Ddirect spline shader function in GPU for rendering as above13:13
Cat4Dwebgl, kanzure13:13
kanzurei never looked into how much of the glu/glut nurbs compatibility was opengl standards vs. how much custom code they wrote13:14
Cat4Dwe use spherical poly splines for data representation for the volcano, which is great for modeling and math, but the gpu devices are troubled13:14
kanzurehave you seen shapesmith? he tessellates the nurbs objects on the server-side and sends them back to the client13:14
kanzureas triangle meshes13:15
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Cat4Dnot at this density13:15
Cat4Dand that should be easily processed by the js/gpu anyways13:15
Cat4Dim mainly in need of a verified gpu processing framework that handles data management, even if I have to build the recursive poly spline function into a "shader" anyways13:16
-!- ybit is now known as diddlybits13:17
kanzurehave you seen glu/sgi/libnurbs/internals ? that's all software-defined nurbs13:17
Cat4D-- i was assuming someone ported that to the shaders sometime in the last two decades13:18
Cat4Dthere is one cubic bezier patch demo with webgl13:19
katsmeow-afkParahSailin, actually a small script in the irc client to dl from a log location (or 3 or 4 locations) and preload the channel window back in time to when you disconnected, is easy13:24
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: i think he's saying that his friends wouldn't think that is easy :(13:25
ParahSailini want software to work for me, not the other way around13:25
ParahSailinmy friends are even more "normal" like that13:25
katsmeow-afkto 1) dl script 2) install script ?13:25
katsmeow-afkhmm, ok13:25
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katsmeow-afksome irc clients have an option to preload the channel window from their own local log, but obviously that does not include the ability to load what wasn't seen by virtue of being disconnected,, but praps such a script can be tricked to dl from remote url than local path13:27
kanzurequad tessellation with opengl 4 http://prideout.net/blog/?p=4913:33
kanzuretriangle tessellation http://prideout.net/blog/?p=4813:33
kanzureis pyeuclid a python version of matra datavision's euclid cad system?13:33
Cat4Dnow how to get glu/glut/etc into webgl13:34
Cat4Dto the gpu13:34
kanzurepez looks like an ok glut replacement http://prideout.net/blog/?p=3613:34
Cat4Dpez is using meshes13:35
nmz787pyeuclid sounds like puklid13:35
* Cat4D needs to get bez poly splines into gpu13:36
Cat4Dcuz i know gpu can mesh/tess faster than cpu (especially webgl js)13:36
kanzurecharlieschwabach: maybe you have an idea?13:36
charlieschwabachi haven't done anything w/ that, but three.js in general is nice and the project is very active13:40
Cat4Dnot even close13:40
charlieschwabachCat4D: cool, yeah.. i probably won't be much help then13:41
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Cat4Dsorry webchat crashed13:49
kanzure13:45 <@jblake> Uh yeah, there are a few ways. The easiest is to use a geometry shader to just create the interpolated vertices on the fly, but that requires newish hardware.13:49
kanzure13:46 <@jblake> If you don't have geometry shaders, then you can use a vertex shader - just use some uniforms to store the parameters of the spline, and hardcode in13:49
kanzurethe shader that it's going to be interpolated on N points, and send N vertices to the shader with their positions as indexes into the interpolation or something.13:49
kanzure13:48 <@jblake> Depending on usecase, like if you're using the spline as the boundary of some object, you might be able to do it in a pixel shader too. Just render the13:50
kanzureobject as strictly larger than the projection of its bounding spline, and do a inside/outside test in the pixel shader to cull the pixels on the wrong side of the spline.13:50
kanzure13:49 <@jblake> If you haven't got shaders at all, then you'll have to fuck with the fixed function pipeline. I think both NVidia and ATI have extensions that do some13:50
Cat4DThere is concern that the WebGL is bound to a minimal ES2 function set, and might be further reduced (CL was stripped out)13:50
kanzuresort of polynomial interpolation in the style of a vertex shader, but I don't know off-hand how to use them.13:50
Cat4Dhttp://www.ibiblio.org/e-notes/webgl/models/bezier_col.html  was the only initial demo that came up13:51
kanzure13:51 <@jblake> OpenGL ES 2.0 has programmable shaders.13:51
kanzure13:51 <@jblake> Hell, it doesn't have a fixed-function pipeline at all.13:52
Cat4Dthere are a few webglu attempts showing up13:54
kanzure13:54 <@jblake> I don't really feel like reading through a crapload of javascript right now, and answering implied questions via a proxy is sort of irritating. What13:55
kanzureare you trying to do that you can't make work?13:55
Cat4DGPU based shader that takes only bspline/nurbs/polyspline from webgl13:55
kanzure13:57 <@jblake> OpenGL ES 2 is derived from OpenGL 2, which means without extensions you don't get geometry shaders.13:57
kanzure13:58 <@jblake> So create a vertex shader. The idea of this shader is that you're going to feed it N vertices, each with position <0,0,0,n> for n=0 to N-1 or something, and it's going to use them to build the N-order interpolation of whatever beizer spline you're trying to draw.13:59
kanzure13:59 <@jblake> To give that shader the parameters of the spline to interpolate, just use some uniforms or something.13:59
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kanzurecat4d_hateswebch: check the logs.. http://gnusha.org/logs/2012-04-17.log14:00
kanzure14:00 <@jblake> Or I guess some random buffer object could hold all the splines you intend to draw, and your vertices could be <i,n,0,0> where i indexes into that buffer and n is the interpolation point.14:01
kanzure14:02 <@jblake> Anyway, it's not really a hard shader to write, and I can't see any obvious difficulties or serialization you'd get from the naive implementation.14:02
cat4d_hateswebchI see no reason why it wouldnt be fine14:04
cat4d_hateswebchhowever there is need to do composite math, splines connected from knots of others, typical translation of the function14:05
cat4d_hateswebchwhich dictates an intermediate buffer because the shader cannot cary the math for the spline projection with the rendering process14:05
cat4d_hateswebchbut otherwise, a single spline in final coordinate space should be very simple vertex shader14:06
cat4d_hateswebchhow does this apply to nurbs/patch and surfacing with procedural textures or coloration functions?14:06
-!- cat4d_hateswebch is now known as Cat4D14:06
Cat4Dsorry for these basics, last time i worked on these topics was before 200114:07
Cat4Dwe are using a brute force poly (spherical function) spline to model a huge selection of curved surfaces, here for the volcano and archeology sites for the last decade14:07
kanzure14:07 <@jblake> The critical point here is just seeing the spline sampling operation as a transform from the vector space of "point along one particular spline" to "point in 3-space". If you can write that transform, then you can write a vertex shader. If you need to do something complicated like multiple14:07
kanzureinteracting splines or shit it gets harder.14:08
Cat4Dyes, the positioning on the mesh (nurbs) or the composite locations of the system or offset translation would be the slight challenge14:08
Cat4DI recall vrml and numerous other bspline elasticity demos, which is where I derived the initial system from14:09
Cat4Dthis solver, within the gpu, should have no problems except the buffering of data for the knot locations14:09
-!- jmil [~jmil@2607:f470:8:3148:2d7c:dc04:11de:a1eb] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:10
kanzurehi jmil14:10
kanzureare you published yeeet?14:10
jmillol not yet14:11
jmilpaper is back in peer review tho14:11
jmilso now we sit back and wait lol14:11
Cat4Dcomposite splines would also have similar arrangement as fur/fragments I would assume http://www.ibiblio.org/e-notes/webgl/models/fur.html14:13
Cat4DI assume you all saw this, but includes methods of spline rendering (though choppy) http://prideout.net/blog/?p=6114:27
Cat4DThe composite splines were popular in the 90s, http://www.ibiblio.org/e-notes/Hash/Hash.htm14:31
Cat4DThe volcanic data here, though, has an entire set of characteristics include, everything from material and color to sensor effect characteristics and extrapolation lineage14:31
kanzurenmz787: what do we need before we decide on a co2 laser tube vs. bluray?14:37
-!- kvltist [~Kvltist@p5B33E7A7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:39
kanzurehi kvltist.. what's up?14:41
kanzurenmz787: were you going to go look at some laser the other day?14:41
Cat4Dlol kanzure is bryan... gotcha14:42
* Cat4D lagged14:42
kanzurehi, yes14:42
kanzurenice to meet you14:42
Cat4Dim remembering far too many arguments in the 98-2000 era regarding nurbs/polyline rendering in gpus, all of our chips were exponentially faster with accurate output than the fool triangle based gpus...14:48
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kanzureCat4D: show me some implementatiosn :314:51
Cat4Dof which?14:52
kanzurenurbs rendering in gpus14:52
Cat4Dthats the intended point14:52
Cat4Di dont see many, and im surprised hash.com didnt come up with one14:52
Cat4Dthe ibiblio one transforms to mesh14:54
Cat4Drunning through bezierview webgl now14:55
fennoh hey nurbs woo14:56
* Cat4D thinks nurbs awol14:56
fennare we talking about implicitcad?14:56
nmz787kanzure: i have to make a post on a physics forum.... i started writing it, but haven't finished14:59
kanzurenmz787: annnd you were going to try out some cutter on campus?14:59
kanzureor your friend's bluray laser or something14:59
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Cat4Dblog.shayanjaved.com  explains the webgl vs openCl issues15:06
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kanzure<Cat4D> google "nurbs gpgpu" is finally generating responses15:41
kanzurealso. why did everyone just leave?15:41
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Cat4Dthere is a set of demos of hash.com 's beta for the nurbs renderer in the forum's latest15:44
Cat4Dunfortionately he hasnt evolved much in a decade, but we'll see15:45
Cat4D-- there are some quad, nurbs, and bspline functions in shaders ... finally15:45
Cat4Dfuk that, hash.com is bad15:48
* Cat4D resorts to nfoogle.com15:48
kanzureah i didn't know hackteria did one. http://hackteria.org/wiki/index.php/DIY_spectrophotometer15:51
* Cat4D loads IDA and says "it will be there tomorrow"15:51
kanzureCat4D: IDA on what?15:52
Cat4Dida-pro, hex-rays.com15:52
kanzureyeah i know about ida, dunno why you are mentioning it15:54
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Cat4Dfix that dumb "free public beta" claim16:07
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* Cat4D methinks solidworks stole it16:30
fenn40W UV led, $165 http://www.mouser.com/ledenginlzcuv/16:59
kanzurei don't know what wavelengths we want for reals :(16:59
fennprobably 365nm17:00
kanzurea 40W led.. hrm17:00
fennlumens brightness sensitivity curve bullshit makes comparison difficult17:01
fennanyway back to implicitcad17:01
kanzurei'm pretty sure 40W is more powerful than my co2 tube laser cutter17:01
bkerokanzure: what's your opinion of piracetam?17:03
kanzurehaven't consumed enough of it17:03
kanzureask fenn17:03
bkeroand choline17:03
bkerofenn: ^17:03
fennbkero: it's not particularly cost effective because the dosage is so high17:03
fenni've had great results with alpha GPC, unfortunately it's also expensive17:03
bkeroprohibitively expensive?17:04
fenncurrently playing around with noopept, which is not exactly the same as piracetam17:04
fennnot prohibitive, i just don't have much money17:04
bkeroi see17:04
bkerofenn: try choline?  Supposedly it intensifies the effects17:04
fennyes, alpha GPC is a high availability form of choline17:05
bkeroI see17:05
fennalso DMAE is interesting17:05
fenni take choline to help build up cell membrane reserves of phosphatidyl choline17:06
bkero"the choline molecule is charged and cannot pass the blood-brain barrier."17:06
bkero(from dmae article)17:06
bkeroHow is pubmed's coverage for nootropics?17:07
fennresearch is lacking in general, mostly because it's not intended for the treatment of any specific disease as defined by the FDA and as such hard to market and thus get funding to do studies in the first place17:09
bkeroI see17:11
bkeroHow much experimentation have you done?17:11
fennsome ad-hoc "try it and see" subjective tests with various things17:13
bkeroanecdotal evidence is totally awesome and reliable17:13
fenna project desperately needed in this realm is an open source battery of standard cognitive/motor tests17:13
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fennthe tests exist, but the software does not, simply because nobody has written it17:14
fennlumosity is an example of the sort of tests i want17:14
bkeroholy christ, 5-24g per day?17:15
fenneh, beyond 6g is useless17:16
bkerolooks like 24g varieties are given for prescription treatments17:17
kanzurehi juul17:18
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kanzure"I think that the solution is not on voluntary agreements, but on a pivotal change in the way the law deals with patents.17:39
kanzureThe solution, I believe, is that ALL patents should be RANDR by requirement of law."17:39
kanzure"I propose an arbitrary upper limit of 10% (could be any other value, but not too high) of the product value when leaving the hands of the manufacturer to be reserved to share amongst patent holders."17:39
kanzure"It would be the duty of the patent holder to set how much it wants for each patent or package. If all patents involved set the cost to less than the 10%, the better for the manufacturer."17:40
kanzure" If the sum of the licensing costs are more than 10%, the licensing costs for each patent are used as a weight and the 10% are divided proportionally between all patent holders."17:40
Cat4Dpatents are a delusional belief system17:41
fenn"patent law was made in a time where one could actually be an inventor just making crazy contraptions in his basement/garage/barn"  gee it's so different now17:49
fennman, tesseract sucks balls17:51
kanzurethe android app was pretty terrible17:51
kanzure"OH MY GOD your page has a slight 2 degree curvature! NOPE can't detect that"17:51
Cat4Dunfortionately, my function generated complex spline with composite knot functions doesnt seem to have a conventional name --- decade and half after the fact17:51
fennwhy isnt there a "don't insert non-alphanumeric non-punctuation characters" option17:51
kanzureCat4D: you should publish17:51
Cat4Ddid in 200017:51
kanzureCat4D: link?17:51
Cat4Dgot disappeared after a fight with usn17:51
kanzurefenn: because clearly 99% of all english text is #(W)$U!*($*10924`190117:51
* Cat4D is practical, haz volcano at scientific resolution model, plus everything else17:52
Cat4Dits the embedded function which is based at a function generated knot location17:54
Cat4Dits a tiny function, only about 30 variables17:54
Cat4Dincludes most sensor data regeneration or extrapolation17:54
Cat4Dcolor, material, etc17:55
Cat4Dcute: mvps.org/directx/articles/shadeland/17:57
Cat4Dif only that was GL, i could tell others to read it17:58
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kanzuredereks' talk at tedxvictoria about biocurious http://www.makerspace.ca/wp/tedxvictoria/18:22
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Cat4Dsome are calling this cat's procedural spline stuff "multivariate polyspline"18:25
kanzureCat4D: how'd you find out about this channel18:27
kanzurehuh? what did i do18:27
Cat4Dsome log with you bitching at something about not having nurbs18:28
kanzureyep sounds like me18:28
kanzurealso: i've ported pokecrystal from hg to git and have setup on github now18:29
kanzureno more mergecurial for me18:29
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fenngah firefox doesn't save your tabs in a crash?18:47
jennicideit does18:48
fennaha i have to do "restore from previous session"18:50
Cat4Ddoes anyone have enough math background to help identify this polynomial spline system with function offset knot systems?18:55
kanzurelink to the paper18:57
Cat4Di cant write the paper without finding or inventing language18:58
fennhrmph well aside from the very first example code being wrong and misleading implicitcad seems to work fine19:02
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kanzuresend a pull request :p19:04
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kanzurefenn: please see email and pick out some equipment19:08
kanzureakta oligo pilot 100 - complete with computer19:08
kanzureaww shit19:08
yashgarothwhat was wrong with that dubious beckman machine19:09
kanzureit's in san rafael19:09
kanzureExpedite Nucleic Acid Synthesis System-7 Units Millipore+ 2 Computers/control.19:09
kanzureAKTA- Oligo Pilot-100 –complete with computer.19:09
yashgarothman for the money you'd spent on an akta you could buy a car to go pick it up, and still come out ahead19:09
kanzureDNA Synthesizer HTP (2x96) Dr. Oligo-192 Biolytic Lab. Performance. Updated V4.419:09
kanzureDNA Synthesis System. Milligen-BioSearch 370019:09
kanzureUniProbe 204 Packard Robotic System = Computer.19:10
kanzureSpectrophotometer UV-1601 Shimadzu.19:10
kanzureHPLC Sytem with solvent organizer. SONNTEK. UV and RI detector + computer.19:10
kanzureHPLC System. Transgenomic. Complete with Fraction Collector.19:10
fennwhat "factory" is this?19:11
kanzurea synthesis company near san rafael19:11
fennwell that's convenient19:11
kanzurecould you arrange transportation to pick these things up if they're cheap enough19:12
kanzureyashgaroth: what looks good on that list?19:12
fennyeah probably19:12
yashgarotheveryone needs a spec19:13
kanzurewhat about the hplc columns19:13
yashgarothwhen will you be doing hplc19:13
kanzureshut up19:13
yashgaroththey're probably gonna be expensive, also they probably won't come with columns19:14
kanzurefenn: when could you go look at them?19:15
kanzuretomorrow ?19:15
kanzureand time range19:15
yashgarothI suppose hplc purification may be necessary for oligo purification, but damn it'll be super-low throughput for 64 thousand19:15
kanzurei'm shooting an email to the guy19:16
fenni've never been to san rafael, looks like there's a bus that goes there19:18
kanzurethat guy's card is ridiculous: "OPENS DOORS - CLOSES DEALS"19:18
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kanzureyou could probably arrange transportation with joseph jackson19:18
kanzurejoseph is interested in some of them19:18
fenni have no idea what these should cost19:19
kanzure>$200k new19:20
fennsure but what about "on fire sale"19:20
kanzurewell, you'll look at the items and make a decision, then call me and we can discuss negotiation19:20
fenni mean i don't even know what i'd do with 90% of it19:21
kanzurewe'd only want one i think :)19:21
fennwhat would i do with a dna synthesizer?19:21
kanzuredecrease our bullshit coefficient19:21
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fenncan you just email him and be like "how much for the synthesizer"19:22
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yashgarothdoes biocurious even have a spec? they don't seem to19:22
kanzurefenn: no. that's not how you negotiate.19:22
fennwell, i'm not good at bullshit19:22
kanzuresometimes people don't care and would accept a $200 check19:23
kanzurebut if you ask them thy will say $10k19:23
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fennoh man, "with computer" means a PC19:25
fennprobably with a ginormous CRT19:25
kanzurefrom the 80s/90s19:25
kanzureno way it's from the 2000s19:25
yashgarothDr. Oligo-192 USA List Price19:26
yashgaroth$130,000 - offer them $200019:26
kanzurethat's only $2k if it *works*19:26
kanzure$500 if it has "software problems"19:26
yashgarothoooh see if they'll throw in some pamidites, not like they're gonna be needing those19:26
kanzurewhere'd you find the list price?19:27
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fennmailing joseph jackson..19:34
kanzurecc me :p19:35
fennis there an address? how did you find out about this anyway?19:36
kanzurethrough joseph -_-19:36
diginetParahSailin, hey, I didn't go if you were wondering19:36
ParahSailinyeah i was in chicago myself19:37
diginetcool! I've always wanted to go there19:37
diginet(mostly to see Fermilab)19:37
diginet(curse you Rick Perry, we could've had something better here if it wasn't for your idiocy)19:37
kanzureParahSailin: did you go to the chicago open science meetup?19:37
kanzureben hyink runs that group and is pretty extremely transhumanist19:37
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diginetso, I got sleeping pills from my shrink today19:38
diginetfeels weird man19:38
kanzuresleep is defeat19:38
ParahSailindidnt have a chance to do much other than visit parents19:39
ParahSailinill trade you adderall for sleeping pills19:39
diginetI already have Methylphenidate19:39
ParahSailinone pill makes you larger, the other pill makes you small19:39
diginetas in fat?19:40
diginetI'm a pretty small guy19:40
yashgarothas in wonderland19:40
* fenn mumbles something about "great internet migratory box of drugs"19:40
diginetwhat do you mean?19:40
yashgarothgood god man19:40
ParahSailingo ask alice when you're ten feet tall19:40
kanzurefenn: they won't get the reference19:40
diginetI don't use them for weird stuff, I'm dealing with legitimate issues19:40
kanzuresleep *is* weird stuff19:41
kanzurestop doing it19:41
fenn##hplusroadmap, missing references since 200719:41
diginetno. . .it's fairly normal19:41
diginetwait do you guys use this stuff as hallucinogens or something?19:41
kanzuresleep? yes they are called dreams19:41
fenni thought those were illegal19:41
fennor at least highly regulated19:42
* fenn leaves19:42
diginetwhy does ParahSailin want ambien?19:42
yashgarothoh man I pulled an allnighter to unsuccessfully reset my sleep schedule, most vivid dreams ever19:42
diginetif you have sleep problems just go to a shrink19:42
ParahSailinevery time i get out of whack its hard to get back in whack19:43
ParahSailinlike jet lag and stuff19:43
diginetah right19:43
kanzurei was out of whack for three weeks when i got back from vietnam19:43
diginetI take paxil, methylphenidate, and now ambien19:43
kanzuretry not sleeping19:43
JayDuggerYeah. That works for a couple of days.19:44
kanzurejust sleep whenever you want to19:44
kanzurescrew daylight19:44
JayDuggerThen the paranoid fantasies start...and your co-workers start getting that weird look.19:44
diginetkanzure, that's really not good advice at all19:45
kanzureit's what fenn does19:45
kanzureseems to work for him19:45
fenni want some ambien19:46
diginetI want to try polyphasic19:47
diginetbut I'm kind of suspicious as to whether it's viable long term19:49
diginetI'm kind of scared it might be dangerous19:53
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diginetanyone here know anything about it?20:00
diginetI know sleep deprivation can be detrimental to one's health20:01
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kanzurefenn: it over?20:18
joshcryerSleeping whenever fucks up your productivity.20:18
kanzurejoshcryer: i mean don't care about time of day20:19
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joshcryerAhh, OK, just saying, don't underestimate the power of a regular sleep cycle. Which, btw, I've never had or been able to attain. :(20:21
diginetdoes anyone know of a good refresher on organic chemistry for people who don't need their hand held too much?20:28
joshcryerOr maybe Google "handbook" "organic chemistry" or something like that.20:35
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Steel3kanzure you around?20:53
kanzurehi Steel320:54
Steel3anyone you know that I should talk to at nano2012?20:54
kanzureno results found20:54
kanzurewhat is nano201220:54
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Steel3http://alumni.rpi.edu/s/1225/2col.aspx?sid=1225&gid=1&pgid=1213&contentbuilder=1 some big conference20:56
Steel3also, is there any decent documentation on nanoengineer-1?21:01
kanzuredepends on what decent means, sir21:01
kanzurewiki is here: http://www.nanoengineer-1.net/mediawiki/index.php?title=Main_Page21:02
kanzureoh man that wiki has been spammed21:03
auguranyone know of interesting attempts to solve the frame problem?21:03
Steel3cuz I interested a couple people in working in nanoengineer-1 a bit and getting into nanotech21:04
Steel3one for the dna side and one for the inorganic side21:04
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jmilaugur: what is the frame problem?21:55
jmilaugur: oh i thought you were talking about nanoengineering22:00
augurno :P22:00
katsmeow-afki thought the frame problem was solved with an xml table and each process watching for changes that may affect it?22:02
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kanzurenmz787: yo22:27
kanzurefenn: you around?22:27
nmz787kanzure: i don't know anyone with a blueray laser.... we've got a CO2 tradition laser cutter downstairs.... but i've already cut22:30
nmz787i shined a green laser through a microscope... it got smaller, but its <5mW so didnt change the color of thermal paper22:31
nmz787i don't see why we would use a microscope objective, it seems like it would only be good if it was used in a microscope optic system, otherwise its just a lens22:32
kanzurenmz787: what about fenn's 40W UV LED22:32
nmz787never heard of that22:32
nmz787i know the main difference is coherence22:35
nmz787between LED and lasers22:35
diginetwow, I really hate sigma aldrich22:41
kanzurewhen you're worth $50 billion, everyone hates you22:41
yashgarothsigma being sigma doesn't help either22:44
jmilwhy do you hate sigma?22:44
yashgaroththey're fine if you work for academia or industry, but not for biohacking purposes22:45
kanzureoops, sorry, it's dow who is work $50 billion22:46
kanzuresigma only does $2.2 billion/year22:46
kanzurewhereas dow does $53.647 billion22:46
kanzureyes only $53 billion22:47
diginetsigma is evil because of their outrageous prices22:50
fennthe LED was more wrt the UV cure resin + DLP stereolithography machine22:50
diginetis there anything they sell that isn't at least $100?22:50
kanzurenmz787: i bet we could replace dow with microfluidic dow :P22:50
yashgarothalmost every one of their products has an acceptably shitty chinese knockoff22:50
kanzurewhy do you need 200 foot tall fractioning towers anyway22:50
diginetwhere would one buy  p-toluidine for cheap?22:52
yashgarothare you comfortable buying one metric ton?22:53
diginetproooobbbbbably not22:54
diginetI wish there was some database on how to synthesize such chemicals22:54
yashgarothplease be advised that sigma chemicals tend to be the most expensive on the market, for somewhat good reason22:55
kanzurehm i can't find the 20,000 acre dow facility in texas22:55
kanzureon google maps i mean22:55
yashgarothaww I envisaged you circling amarillo on a horse22:56
kanzuremy cyborg horse22:56
kanzureinstead of legs it has jet packs22:56
kanzureit's quite terrifying22:56
yashgarothI'm sure there'd be a market for that regardless22:57
nmz787ya its nice that sigma often offers 3 or 5 diff purity levels,23:00
nmz787all with a certificate of proof of purity level, often with purification tech used23:00
yashgarothalso the 99% is 70x cheaper than the 99.7%, and actually quite reasonably priced23:03
kanzurefenn: ok. so we're definitely going with a co2 tube?23:06
nmz787kanzure fenn, lemme make this physics forum post re optics23:06
diginetIf I were to start with toulene, how would I get an NH2 to attach opposite of the CH3 on the phenyl group?23:07
Mariuthere was a game where you had a horse with an antigrav device, you could store objects in it, you could use like an R2-D2 to interface with doors, systems,23:08
fenni think we should try both and see which is better :P23:08
fennalso a cd-r should be fine, blu-ray is not necessary23:09
kanzurefor cutting acrylic? o.o23:09
fenni thought it only had to go through the pdms23:09
nmz787nah we need bluray23:09
kanzurei'd like to be able to cut acrylic23:10
nmz787its lower wavelength, smaller spot23:10
nmz787more power per photon23:10
kanzurepower per photon?23:10
nmz787if we went cddrive route, we should use bluray23:10
nmz787ya, per photon, higher freq has more energy23:10
kanzureyeah but.. nobody says power per photon :P23:11
fenncaptain, we canna increase power to the photons any longer23:12
kanzureso we have to abandon ship?23:12
kanzureincrease forward shiels by 83%23:12
kanzureNow, like all great plans, my strategy is so simple an idiot could have devised it. On my command all ships will line up and file directly into the alien death cannons, clogging them with wreckage.23:13
nmz787homer simpson plan23:13
yashgarothzap brannigan plan23:14
kanzurezap brannigan plan23:14
nmz787oh, yes23:14
nmz787def zap23:14
yashgarothdiginet: please read up ochem before you accidentally make TNT23:16
yashgarothlike, literally23:17
kanzuremy one regret is not memorizing all umpteen zillion reactions23:17
yashgarothpfft, if you just remember the five billion basic rules, you'll be set23:18
nmz787all i remember without lookin at the chem you're talkin about is... para, meta, ortho23:18
yashgarothyeah I seem to recall one position is favored, but not which one23:19
yashgarothoh whoops the p-toluidine should stay solid at room temp so whatever, just separate that out23:20
nmz787btw, googling toluidine toluene synthesis, comes up with hits of interest23:21
yashgarothalso you may have more trouble getting reagents since, y'know, TNT23:21
yashgaroth$43/kg is pretty cheap what do you even want it for diginet23:22
nmz787yashgaroth: thats the responsible question to ask23:24
nmz787cover our asses in writing*23:25
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yashgaroth^ the smartest move23:26
kanzurefbi is sending out invites for the next diybio meeting soon23:26
kanzurenmz787: you up for this?23:27
nmz787talked to joe a day or two ago23:27
nmz787he said 12-17th june23:27
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nmz787and mentioned internationals23:28
kanzurehaha it's almost may and they haven't sent out invites23:28
nmz787so i guess maybe those flu virus reconstruction ppl23:28
kanzurei doubt it.. that's not diybio23:28
nmz787but pretty long, tha last was 2 days23:28
nmz787why would he say international23:28
yashgarothwhy the fuck do they need 6 days23:28
nmz787maybe its not just diy then23:28
nmz787biosec ?23:28
kanzureyashgaroth: biocurious will be hosting the event for one of the days for training23:29
nmz787so i def liked genspace more than biocurious23:29
yashgarothok so I can skip that one, but friday-sunday's about my limit23:29
kanzuregenspace is running an institution for sure23:29
nmz787and the fact that they had, umm, actual biologists running some shit23:29
kanzureright right23:29
kanzurebiocurious is still sorta stricken by its management team that hates each other23:30
nmz787ya i dont know much23:31
nmz787cali is also much more spread out than nyc23:31
yashgarothbut has infinity times more biotech23:31
nmz787so seems like less chance of SF peeps makiin it down there23:31
nmz787kids, that sort of thing23:31
nmz787maybe better for hackers23:31
diginetyashgaroth, I'm trying to synthesize 6,6'-dibromoindigo, it's a pigment23:32
nmz787kanzure fenn: looks more likely that i'm heading to NYC rather than SF for work post-school.... so we'll have to figure out how to collaborate and get this project off the ground23:33
kanzurehow do i stop that23:33
nmz787umm, get my foreign gf a job in comp/app sec23:33
kanzuresecurity or do you mean sector23:34
kanzurethat's right23:34
kanzureok i'll see what i can do. have her email me her resume.23:34
nmz787some company out there told her they're setting up an interview... but they havent yet23:35
kanzurelichen: my tmeline has sorta slipped for you, but there's this boston gig i am trailing to nail down for you23:35
-!- archels [~foo@sascha.esrac.ele.tue.nl] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:38
diginetso how does one target a specific type of arene substitution?23:42
diginetor do you not?23:42
yashgarothif you're nitrating toluene, no23:43
kanzurenmz787: did you post it23:46
nmz787the resume?23:46
diginetyashgaroth, so you basically just assume that roughly 1/3 will be the type you want, and filter it out? (since p-toluidine is solid at room temp)23:47
yashgaroththe ratios won't be even since some sites are favored, but basically yes the p- should crystallize out or something23:48
diginetah I see, well thanks23:48
diginetin case you're wondering, dibromoindigo is the famous "Tyrian purple" that came from murex snails23:49
diginetI wanted to make some, just because23:49
yashgarothpick a chemical where the synthesis won't have feds investigating you23:50
diginettoulene is simple enough to get though, right?23:50
jennicidekanzure, are you familiar with non-euclidean geometry?23:51
yashgarothyes, but not nitric acid, and especially not when you're buying it with toluene23:51
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diginetis there any other way to nitrify toulene other than with nitric acid?23:53
yashgarothnot really23:53
diginethmm, google reveals several ways to make nitric acid23:54
yashgarothsaid feds would be back up your ass23:54
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