
--- Log opened Tue Jun 19 00:00:44 2012
brownieswhat's a chorded keyboard?00:22
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sylph_makobrownies, essentially it can handle more keys being pressed at once than normal keyboards. As many keys as there are, often.00:26
sylph_makoFewer keys are needed.00:27
browniesoh. interesting.00:27
sylph_makoIt'd be good to have one for a wearable computer.00:28
kanzurebrownies: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b9/Septambic_key_numbering.jpg/220px-Septambic_key_numbering.jpg00:29
brownieswell, that's just ridiculous00:31
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paskykanzure: any tips on getting nanoengineer to work on a modern system? it seems that numarray module has been deprecated in favor of numpy04:10
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kanzure"The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) today awarded contracts for the creation of three new centers tasked with responding to the threat of future pandemics and biological attacks, Nature News Blog reports."07:37
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kanzure"The largest award — $176 million over five years — went to Texas A&M University."07:38
kanzure"HHS projects that the centers will be able to produce 25% of the country’s pandemic flu vaccine supply within four months of an outbreak, with the infrastructure in place by 2014 or 2015."07:38
kanzurepasky: nanoengineer is a tricky beast!07:38
kanzurepasky: nmz787 spent some time fixing the numarray issues in his fork07:39
kanzureright now i have it working on ubuntu 7.04 in a chroot07:40
kanzureor you can get the 1.2 GB chroot here.. http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/nanoengineer/nanoengineer-chroot.tar.gz07:40
kanzuremy plan was to slowly upgrade the chroot environment to ubuntu 8, then 9, then 10, etc. and fix bugs and failing tests along the way07:40
kanzurei am open to better ideas though :)07:40
delinquentmeanyone in here programmed in octave?07:41
kanzuresorta. yes..07:41
kanzureoops the first link is wrong07:49
-!- Technicus [~Technicus@108-209-12-110.lightspeed.oshkwi.sbcglobal.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:50
kanzureok so he's asking for $2k/mo for 3 months to build it07:51
kanzuretarget price is <$10007:51
ThomasEgiall it has to do is heating and cooling right?07:52
kanzureyes it's absurdly simple07:53
ThomasEgispending 6k bucks on a cool/heat device is a tiny bit crazy07:53
ThomasEgibesides the idea drawn is ... not.. so .. well thought through if you ask me07:53
ThomasEgii mean you could just get 2 water tanks, and a thermocycle chamber wich is filled with water.07:54
ThomasEgiand pump in hot and cold water as you need07:54
ThomasEgia simple temperature sensor and 2 cheap pumps and you are don07:55
ThomasEgiputting one bottle in the fridge, an hanging a aquarium heater in the other to provide enough heat/cooling capacity should do the trick07:55
kanzure"It's like I've been talking about on the list -- based on a rotor that spins a carousel07:57
kanzurevia an inexpensive motor with encoder marks on the carousel to generate the stirring breeze07:57
kanzurethat makes temps stay all together across the interior of the machine.  A separate chamber07:57
kanzurewill have a heater and doors that let air flow through or not.  Rapid cooling to near 30 deg C07:57
kanzurecan be had without much complexity by closing the doors to the hot chamber, and opening the07:57
kanzureone(s) to ambient room temperature.  If your target cool temperature is above 45 deg C, that method07:57
kanzureshould work even in equatorial Africa."07:57
kanzure"Where I noted piezo flap doors, it could end up being a solenoid or two driving a stainless steel thin wire07:57
kanzureformed to link to two flap doors each, and the flap doors could be 3DP by shapeways then less expensive ways.07:57
kanzureThe PCR body and lid can be designed to be 3D CNC machinable from HDPE or polycarbonate at Endesign."07:57
delinquentmekanzure, did you see the FB link that i threw up about microfluidic tutorials?07:58
delinquentmesome french company doing OS stuff07:58
delinquentmeIDK if they were any good ... havnt looked over them yet07:59
delinquentmeshot them an email though07:59
ThomasEgikanzure, if rapid cooling is desired. water has a much higher heat capacity than air.08:01
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kanzuredelinquentme: so you shot them an email.. before reading?08:05
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kanzure"osuosl receives $300,000 from google"10:09
kanzure"Now if they could donate to pdx.edu to keep their mirrors up... that'd be great..."10:09
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kanzurehi nmz787_10:15
kanzuresomeone was asking about your numarray/numpy upgrades to nanoengineer10:15
kanzurei pointed pasky to https://github.com/nmz787/nanoengineer/tree/ubuntu-fixes10:15
kanzurebut i don't recall where you got to?10:15
nmz787_The gui started10:19
nmz787_But a demo file wouldnt load (the program crashed)10:25
nmz787_We just got to SPC10:25
nmz787_there is a great belgian waffle place10:25
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kanzurewhy does that solvebio guy from startupsci have 27000 facebook subscribers? http://www.facebook.com/kaganovich/subscribers10:39
chidokanzure: is that the biology-is-easy guy?10:40
kanzurethis guy http://diyhpl.us/wiki/transcripts/startup-science-2012/mark-kaganovich-solvebio.txt10:40
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chidooh that one10:43
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nmz787_Kanzure fenn said he woukd like soludwieks10:48
nmz787_But that his comp cant run it10:48
nmz787_Maybe we can find aa good laptop on slickdeals.net10:49
kanzureoh i should have left my laptop with him10:51
kanzurenmz787_: john griessen is asking for $2k/mo @ 3 months to make a <$100 thermocycler that "doesn't suck"10:54
kanzurenmz787_: http://gnusha.org/logs/2012-06-19.log has his details, though i agree it could be improved10:54
kanzurejust wondering what your thoughts are on that10:54
nmz787_Sounds OK for him... if it works out10:55
nmz787_Starting to drive again10:55
nmz787_Another 12 or more hours today10:56
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kanzureand sometimes i wonder why i miss out on facebook:12:20
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kanzurehtml/css/svg compatability with browsers http://caniuse.com/ looks a little like the quirks mode site13:28
kanzureerm i mean http://www.quirksmode.org/compatibility.html13:29
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kanzurepretty old though- from 200914:46
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kanzurekendoka: hi15:03
kanzurenmz787_: welcome back?15:03
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nmz787_Middle of Wyoming with cruise on 8015:04
delinquentmewyoming O_o;;;15:04
kanzurethe american dream.15:04
delinquentmeyee haw15:05
delinquentmein a vacuum tub train under water traveling at 2500 mph?15:05
nmz787_Ok 80 again15:06
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delinquentmewe lost him!15:06
kanzurei wasn't aware that the delorean was able to get up to 95 mph15:06
delinquentmeyou guys finished up in SF kanzure ?15:08
delinquentmemany new things to think about?15:09
kanzurei am in austin15:09
kanzurei don't think there's anything new that was mentioned15:09
delinquentmedid nathan drive down?15:09
delinquentmewishing there was some wormhole for him15:10
delinquentmethats hella drive if he did15:10
delinquentmealso stanford is hiring a rails programmer15:10
kanzureyes nathan drove15:12
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kanzure"The competition amongst open access journals is getting intense, with one publisher announcing that it will pay prominent authors to write review papers for them (with lots of citations), in order to attract more authors." http://scholarlyoa.com/2012/06/12/hindawis-isrn-brand-offers-to-pay-for-articles/15:22
kanzure"Cairo-based Hindawi Publishing Corporation is apparently launching a new strategy to invigorate its ISRN (International Scholarly Research Network) brand. The strategy involves paying scholars to write papers to help make the brand’s 106 journals more attractive to other potential authors."15:22
kanzure"Normally, ISRN operates using the author-pays model, charging authors upon acceptance of their articles. These “article processing charges” can cost $1,000 or more."15:22
kanzure"Hindawi is currently undertaking a spam campaign to solicit articles for the ISRN journals. In emails sent to researchers, ISRN offers to pay $1,000 for each accepted article."15:23
kanzureso if you usually pay $5k to publish through them, their $1k offer means they are only charging you $4k or they are are really writing you a check for $1k?15:23
kanzure$1k for 10,000 words on a highly technical topic sounds pretty low to me?15:23
delinquentmewords are also pretty easy to come up with15:24
delinquentmeits everywhere .. but i guess they need a way to quantify15:24
delinquentmethey removed more stuff from their website =[15:26
delinquentmebeautiful: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/214831794103664640/photo/1/large15:28
kendokahi, nice to meet another ultrasound enthusiast15:29
kendokahows the ultrasounic septal stimulator coming along?15:29
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kendokai kept pestering dave pearce about Tyler's work15:29
delinquentmeis this a TCDS?15:32
kanzureno it's not a tdcs15:34
kanzurekendoka: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/ultrasound/15:34
kanzurepearce seems to be more interested in zerostates or some shit, i dunno15:34
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kendokai bought into the dave's hype over amineptine15:41
kendokamanaged to get a 15 day supply15:41
kendokanothing to write home about :(15:41
kendokai need to get a price for one of these phased array transducers15:47
kendokadont think i can fab one myself15:47
kanzurei was talking with someone about doing the fabrication15:48
kanzureone of the papers mentions that per transducer their cost was about $100 including some custom pcb board15:48
kanzurei don't recall what the bottleneck in that price was15:48
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eudoxiaso what's that zerostate thing all about anyways?15:50
kanzureyet another segregated community15:50
eudoxiaanother "let's create a transhuman nation/city/religion/space station"?15:50
kanzureno i think it's "let's create a super group to unite everyone under, but under the shared goal of no state authority" or something15:51
kanzureexcept, uh, the supergroup15:51
kendokasome professor on youtube was testing this on himself at 8mhz...said it was interesting15:52
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kendoka8mhz is too high15:52
kanzurewas this the crazy physicist who believes in quantum bullshitting and other things, like conciousness? -_-15:53
kendokaah yes thats the one15:53
kanzureyeah, no thanks15:53
kanzurehe's not to be trusted, and when i watched the video i wasn't convinced that he said he tried it himself15:53
kanzurethe other video of interest is the mouse stimulation one:15:54
kanzurehttps://github.com/cathalgarvey/OpenPyCR cathal is trying to make sense of openpcr's terrible setup16:03
kendokalooks like you need a gelpad to help propagate the waves to the skull..plus a stereotactic frame or headgear of some kind16:07
kendoka using talairachts or reicharts polar coordinate system to calibrate16:07
kendokathere's some kind of opiod peptide out there thats on par with fentanyl16:08
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kendokaapparently there are people who have tried to get loperamide (anti-diarhea drugs) past the blood brain barrier16:12
kanzuredo you know of any open source or free software library for doing talairacht or reichart coordinates?16:12
kendokaby binding to some ester of vitamin c and smuggle it through via ascorbic acid transport pumps16:12
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kanzurei was looking at dipy the other day.. seems to do diffusion imaging / tractography stuff, but no coordinate mapping stuff.16:13
kendokano open-source16:13
kanzureokay, well. i'm willing to write that software.16:13
kanzurebut i'm not entirely confident that it will be correct16:13
kanzurei have approximately none to a very small amount of experience with steoretactic coordinate systems16:13
kanzuremanchester microbe map stuff .. https://github.com/asacalow/microbe-map-hacking16:15
yashgarothwhy do they need to add "hacking" to the name? is that just a prerequisite for projects on github?16:17
kanzurein this case it's being used to say "this is just a pile of stuff that probably doesn't do anything"16:17
kanzurealso, he was at the diybio workshop.16:18
yashgarothyeah I remember, it was interesting stuff, just..."hacking!"16:18
yashgarothignore me I'm just carlagged16:19
_F7_loperamide catching a ride to the brain on vitamin C esters?16:19
_F7_For diarhea of the mind?16:19
yashgarothI assumed cryonics somehow16:20
yashgarothdon't worry about freezing water in the brain if there's no water16:20
yashgarothoh wait it's an *anti*-diarrheal16:21
kanzureyashgaroth: check the backlogs for something about freezing hamsters and goldfish16:21
kanzureby backlogs i mean today's backlog16:21
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yashgarothya I remember that yesterday16:23
_F7_will do16:23
yashgarothhamsters are pretty hardcore, to be fair16:24
chidokanzure: is it possible to port pokemon between games using the emulator?16:24
chidoyashgaroth: guess what, I passed the exam16:24
kanzurechido: yes.. lookup 'virtualboy trade pokemon' on youtube16:24
chidonot sure how though, I was in a comatose state of mind16:25
chidokanzure: thanks!16:25
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kanzureoops i mean visualboy16:31
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kendokaf7: normally it binds only to opiod receptors in the intestine; but folks get desperate sometimes16:55
kanzurekendoka: how'd you find us?16:55
kendokayou could also theoretically use ultrasound to disrupt the BBB for drug delivery16:55
kendokai was browsing transhumanist/singularity groups, not a true believer yet though16:57
yashgarothI would really not recommend disrupting the BBB16:57
kanzurewhat do you mean.. you don't believe that i exist?16:57
kendokain the rapture i mean16:57
kanzurethe what now16:57
yashgaroththe nerd rapture16:57
kanzuresounds unrelated16:58
kendokasimilar circles of people16:58
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kendokafor cancer drugs it be great though16:59
kanzurei don't think anyone in here is believing in nerd rapture.. we just want to build things and poke at things with very sharp sticks16:59
yashgarothif you've got cancer, injection into the cerebrospinal fluid is easier16:59
kendokanot that i'm against it happening; i just think folks have to actively work for it instead of just preaching that better times are around the corner17:02
yashgarothsounds like this is the channel for you then17:02
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kendokai still havent seen the roadmap17:05
kanzureit needs to be rewritten17:06
kanzurei'm sorry about that17:06
kendokathere's some korean dude that's been working on similar stuff, ultrasonic stim to the thalamus and affecting gaba levels in rats17:10
kendokaFDA be damned, he should try with parkinsons patients next17:11
kendokaor maybe try waking up some folks from their comas17:11
kanzuredo you have refrences on your korean dude or why you think stimulation would wake coma patients?17:16
delinquentmenerd rapture17:16
kanzure"Glutamate and GABA were directly sampled from the frontal lobe of the rat brain via a direct microdialysis technique before, during, and after the sonication"17:18
kanzuredirect microdialysis... heh17:18
Dr_Patrickif we could make hormone filters so ppl didnt get so emotional about things17:19
Dr_Patrickwe could make stim pumps17:20
kendokastimulation to the damaged thalamus has revived a few people temporarily17:20
kendokaare we talking about women here patrick?17:20
superkuhWhat part of the thalamus? Lower order relays? Or higher order?17:20
kanzurei don't understand what stim pumps has to do with "getting so emotional"17:20
kanzurewhy can't you make stim pumps regardless of that? what??17:20
kendokai could see where having a thermostat for the limbic system would help17:21
kanzuresuperkuh: do you know a better map than this? http://interstitiality.net/BD/brainEngDiagram.html17:21
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kanzurelike preferably one made out of data, and not "pretty pictures"17:21
kendokaor resetting the thermostat i should say, since the hypothalamus is supposed to manage that17:21
kanzurean adjacency matrix or something.17:22
superkuhI don't recall anything. I've seen lots of similar flowcharts, or even data models represented as flow charts for ease of interpretation, but only for sub-systems. Not whole brain stuff.17:24
kanzuresuperkuh: i was thinking of making a small project to help chart that info from multiple (possibly conflicting?) sources.17:30
kanzuresuperkuh: the data structure i was thinking of is: source, destination, inhibitory/excitatory or cell type, citations, density(?)17:31
kanzurebut i'm not sure if this captures all of the details that would be useful for things like mapping it to stereotactic systems in the future, or figuring out what subsystems to stimulate with tdcs or focused ultrasound or tms; maybe there are other details that i should keep track of17:31
kendokai believe they activated the reticular nuclei and they became responsive17:35
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kendokakanzure:  the medial forebrain bundle/nacc/reward circuit is pretty straightforward....17:41
kendokaanybody try binaural beats or isochronic tones?17:43
kendokathe theta and gamma frequencies are pretty effective for falling asleep17:43
superkuhAs of right now I consider them placebo.17:44
kanzurehey wait, don't knock the singularitytards and then come in here talking about binaural beats17:44
kanzureerm singularitards17:44
kendokauh, would a personal anecdote suffice?17:45
kanzureit might entertain me17:45
kendokai can't vouch for the alpha or beta freqs though17:45
Dr_Patrickthe ganzfeild experiment17:45
Dr_Patrickis also a thrill17:45
kendokathey might be decent for studying17:45
kendokabut with gamma i was asleep in 10 minutes17:46
kendokait helps if your eyes are closed...heh17:46
kendokaive seen some systems that have tones and led flashing lights apparently this syncs brainwaves better17:47
Dr_Patricksure, but idk what this is going to accomplish that ppl havent been trying to achieve with chemicals17:47
Dr_Patrickfor thousands of years17:47
Dr_Patrickit is a good safe legal alternative for the beginner psychonaut17:48
kendokaits more brain "entrainment" then chemical dependency17:49
kendokaits kind of a poor mans version of CES stimulation17:50
Dr_Patrickbut whats the end goal of entrainment17:55
Dr_Patricksome sort of personal evolution?17:55
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kendokaeventually the brainwave activity is reset to a new baseline17:56
kendokaor so the theory goes17:56
Jorawhats the theory17:57
kendokabinaural beats and brainwave entrainment17:58
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kanzurekendoka: i think the brainwave theory has been thoroughly discredited by now18:21
Dr_Patrickthere could be something deeper though, related to chanting and quantum entanglement -18:21
kanzureor, it's not the most useful model.. it's not like these potentials are accurately describing activity18:21
kanzureDr_Patrick: are you trolling?18:22
Dr_PatrickMass conciousness18:22
Dr_Patrickperhaps putting the mind in certian states would assist this18:23
Dr_Patrickif such a thing were real18:23
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Dr_PatrickI'm not superstitious myself, but ppl claim Monks have achieved some 'superhuman' things18:24
kanzureyashgaroth: you deal with this18:24
kanzureyashgaroth: feel free to kick all of them18:24
Dr_Patrickkung-fu / chi focusing18:24
kendokaDo not deny the power of OM18:24
Dr_PatrickIDK if there is anythign to it18:24
Dr_PatrickBut if technology could facilitate this.18:24
kanzuresee, this is why we can't have nice things. we talk about brains for a few minutes, and suddenly everyone is masturbating about quantum entanglement and brainwaves and shit.18:25
Dr_Patrickyou masturbait your way18:25
Dr_Patricktheres no difference18:25
kendokawe're on the fringe here anyway18:25
kanzurekendoka: what fringe?18:26
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kendokabiohacking nootropics transhumanism open hardware etc18:26
@kanzurehow is that fringe?18:26
kendokaits not exactly mainstream topics18:27
@kanzurethese topics appear in the NYT all the time18:27
@kanzurethe hell you smoking?18:27
kendokaso does meditation and quatum mechanics18:27
Dr_Patrickso does supernatural bs im sure18:27
Dr_Patrickwho reads the nyt these days anyway18:27
kendokai have no opinion on quantum consciousness though18:28
@kanzurekendoka: we're not big believers in consciousness in here.18:28
@kanzuremuch less /quantum/ consciousness.18:28
kendokawell, awareness then18:28
@kanzurethis sounds like philosophy.18:28
kendokahowever you wish to define self-aware processes or the mind itself18:28
@kanzurei don't wish to. thanks.18:29
_Sketch_I really want to implant eink into my arm. Always have a watch, pda, etc.18:37
_Sketch_More extreme: All my skin is eink.18:37
_Sketch_Probably not possible.18:37
kendokae-ink tatoos?18:38
@yashgarothalways good to come back from making dinner and have ops18:39
ThomasEgimake it bioluminiscent e-ink. and i'm in :)18:39
kendokasubdermal microbeads could work.18:41
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panaxas far as binaural brainwave entrainment does anyone know why it is contraindicted for people with heart disease or pacemakers19:42
panaxi know it is for people at risk for stroke because of increased bloodflow to the head but was wondering if that was the only reason for heart disease as well19:42
kendokaprobably a standard disclaimer; assuming some kind of adverse biofeedback effect19:43
panaxpeople with that are typically at higher risk of stroke so maybe they got lumped into that19:44
panaxit would seem like it could otherwise be beneficial for that though19:44
kendokadepends on the effect you're going for i guess and what kind of blood pressure problems you have19:45
panaxi only induce theta waves and never really had a problem19:46
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panaxits hard to find any real studies on that though19:47
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kendokasupposedly signals from the auditory channels affect the thalamus over time19:49
@kanzurehttp://failthing.com/ pics of broken 3d printed stuff19:55
@kanzureor failing 3d prints19:55
kendokalooks like an accident on the transporter pad again19:57
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kendokamaybe they can stick these in a modern art show somewhere20:02
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@kanzurearchels: do you know antti tenetz?23:41
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@kanzurehi russ__23:45
russ__do you prefer to not use the gchat option?23:46
@kanzurethis is somewhat more public, and other people can chime in23:46
russ__ok cool23:46
@kanzuremostly when i am wrong or being silly23:46
russ__what kind of projects do most people pursue?23:46
russ__im looking for something to get started on23:47
russ__but am somewhat unsure of where to place my time23:47
@kanzureit depends on what your interests are.. some people do bioinformatics, some people build things23:47
@kanzuresome people play around with plasmids and transfect some bacteria23:47
russ__ok, like i said i am doing a lot of reading right now trying to get a better handle on things23:48
russ__hopefully ill come across something23:48
russ__that peaks my interest23:48
russ__im pretty interested in climate change, and like the idea of tweaking something to uptake a lot of carbon dioxide and use the carbons to transform it into something else23:52
@kanzuresomeone proposed a giant terraforming project.. something about dumping some silver-related compound into the ocean to offset climate change.23:53
russ__yea i think i read about it23:54
russ__that doesnt really seem...like a good idea23:54
@kanzuresome of us particularly excel in that category23:54
russ__i think the problem with dumping chemicals on something though is that isnt really a sustainable approach23:55
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russ__it also opens you up into a wide range of not knowing what exactly will happen23:55
@kanzure_F7_: hi.23:56
@kanzuresame. good night.23:58
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