
--- Log opened Wed Sep 26 00:00:37 2012
@brownieskanzure: you catch this? http://www.nature.com/news/open-access-deal-for-particle-physics-1.1146800:16
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-!- Topic for ##hplusroadmap: biohacking, nootropics, transhumanism, open hardware | sponsored by george church and the NRA | http://gnusha.org/logs http://diyhpl.us/wiki http://groups.google.com/group/diybio | friends don't let friends do super college04:16
-!- Topic set by kanzure [~kanzure@] [Fri Aug 10 08:01:18 2012]04:16
[Users ##hplusroadmap]04:16
[@brownies] [ chris_99 ] [ gedankenstuecke] [ Mariu ] [ Sanqui ] [ Thorbinator] 04:16
[@kanzure ] [ Coornail_ ] [ gnusha ] [ Mokbortolan_1] [ SDr ] [ upgrayeddd ] 04:16
[ AdrienG ] [ cpopell ] [ Guest76887 ] [ nathaniel ] [ sivoais ] [ Urchin ] 04:16
[ AlonzoTG] [ cpopell_ ] [ Helleshin ] [ nuba ] [ skorket ] [ Vicarious ] 04:16
[ alusion ] [ devrandom ] [ HEx1 ] [ obscurit1 ] [ smeaaagle ] [ wizzorb ] 04:16
[ archels ] [ docl ] [ ivan` ] [ OldCoder ] [ SolG ] [ ybit ] 04:16
[ audy ] [ drazak_ ] [ Jaakko96 ] [ OldCoder_ ] [ strages_1ome] [ yorick ] 04:16
[ augur ] [ ElixirVitae] [ jrayhawk ] [ ParahSailin_ ] [ strangewarp ] 04:16
[ bkero ] [ epitron ] [ Lemminkainen_ ] [ pasky ] [ streety ] 04:16
[ chido ] [ foucist_ ] [ lichen ] [ phryk ] [ superkuh ] 04:16
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@kanzurebrownies: yes i saw that07:26
@kanzurebrownies: although it's not super surprising, particle physics has always been like this07:27
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alusiongood morning08:51
@kanzureoh not this guy again08:52
alusionhttp://www.roadtovr.com/2012/09/26/augmented-reality-welding-mask-1344 interesting article08:53
alusionSup cancer08:53
alusiondo you even lift bro?08:54
alusionAnyhow, apply that welding mask idea08:54
alusionto the Oculus rift [which went live for pre-order today]08:54
alusionso apparently... transparent Aluminum has been commercialized08:58
jrayhawkuh... really09:01
jrayhawkwhere would this be09:01
jrayhawkthat's not an answer09:03
jrayhawkwhere is it being commercialized09:03
alusionOh one moment.09:04
alusiondepends how you want it?09:04
alusionSheets ? foil? Brick?09:04
jrayhawki am not picky09:04
@kanzurescienceexchange.com is now offering 'animal husbandry' services.09:05
alusionalibaba has tons of different kinds. I am wondering if graphene has made any breakthroughs in its manufacturing process?09:08
jrayhawklink me to one09:08
alusionAlso I was I had heard from a while ago that light microscopes had the ability to see to nano for around $500, wondering if ya'll had anything on that?09:09
alusionjeez you want everything handed to you?09:09
alusionI'm going to get some breakfast instead.09:10
jrayhawka "transparent aluminum door" is not made of transparent aluminum. a "transparent aluminum foil" is not made of transparent aluminum.09:11
jrayhawktransparent aluminum is made in laboratories with an ion cannon at uncommercializable cost.09:11
jrayhawkoh, no, x-ray lasers, excuse me09:18
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jrayhawki guess, more specifically, "'a transparent medium that happens to contain aluminum' is a rather substantially larger superset of 'transparent aluminum'"09:26
chris_99ooh hadn't heard of x-ray lasers09:27
@kanzureso what's going on here09:28
jrayhawkit appears to be limited to 2560, the upper practical resolution of most video setups09:30
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@kanzurethey seem to be the same image09:30
jrayhawkrather confusingly, it's scaling in my browser which doesn't do automatic scaling09:31
@kanzureokay then09:34
jrayhawkoh i see, i am just dumb, nevermind09:35
jrayhawkhave you played much with imagemagick or gd09:36
jrayhawkoh good. some people have a lot of problems conceptualizing this sort of automated graphics logic.09:36
jrayhawki guess GIMP is also a pretty good graphics library09:37
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@kanzurejrayhawk: imagemagick and gd are my go-to solutions for image manipulation stuff. no worries.09:59
@kanzurei just want their largest image instead of their scaled-down junk09:59
@kanzureso, that doesn't work because your palm is over the button.10:08
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jrayhawki am guessing that image isn't natively rasterized, so you're probably screwed in terms of perfection, but 512x512 seems good enough for most purposes10:59
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eudoxiachrist the dresden codak guy just never updates his comic11:30
archelshahaha I hear ya11:32
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@brownieskanzure: eh? what are you doing with Square?12:08
@kanzurebrownies: it was the only example someone could give me of a page with a video12:26
nmz787anyone in here unemployed and in NYC, I would be interested in paying someone to record a free lecture series this week12:28
@brownieswhat's the lecture series nmz787 ?12:31
nmz787Oscillating microscopic beads could be key to biolab on a chipMIT team finds way to manipulate and measure magnetic particles without contact, potentially enabling multiple medical tests on a tiny device12:40
nmz787"The balls used here are microscopic magnetic beads that can be "decorated" with biomolecules such as antibodies that cause them to bind to specific proteins or cells; such beads are widely used in biomedical research. The key to this new work was finding a way to capture individual beads and set them oscillating by applying a variable magnetic field. The rate of their oscillation can then be measured to assess the size of 12:41
nmz787"Rather than pumping the fluid and the particles through channels, as in today's microfluidic devices, the particles would be controlled entirely through changes in applied magnetic fields. By controlling the directions of magnetic fields in closely spaced adjacent regions, the researchers create tiny areas with extremely strong magnetic fields, called magnetic domain walls, whose position can be shifted along the track. "W12:41
nmz787that's about all that's interesting in that article12:42
archelsSo they have a grid of coils to generate the magnetic field?12:43
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@kanzureso now someone has changed http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biohacking12:52
@kanzureto flip the "popular" meaning -_-12:52
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [-o brownies] by kanzure12:52
@kanzurecatastrophe averted, good job guys.12:53
@kanzureoh it was yashgaroth, i'm sort of disappointed in him12:53
@kanzureit's a hilarious change but uh. not substantial.12:53
@kanzurehe didn't even add a reference12:53
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@kanzureso i know zotero can take a url and generate a wikipedia-formatted citation, but is there anything else?12:57
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archels"Undid revision by Brianhkerr - please don't use wikipedia to pimp your shitty blog, thanks"13:03
archelskanzure: As far as I can see, this is the only thing Yashgaroth did--or rather, undid.13:04
@kanzureoh i see13:04
@kanzurei didn't read the comment.13:04
archelsmeh, nmz787 left13:06
archelsThe chipMIT thing uses only a four-pole magnet that is enormously bigger than the chip itself.13:06
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archelsah but then they have electrodes lithographed onto the chip in various configurations. Nifty.13:09
archelsThose appaear to be used only for sensing right now, not for gating particles.13:11
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nmz787"He claims to have shaved 20 years off his biochemistry"14:17
nmz787sounds like he's dying 20 years earlier14:17
@kanzurenah, see, he had these parasites called Y. Earialis attached to his "biochemistries"14:18
@kanzureand it just got misinterpreted as years14:18
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@kanzurei dunno. sometimes i try to come up with plausible explanations for obviously wrong statements.14:21
nmz787y. Earialis didnt google14:21
@kanzurei was trying to make "years" sound like a bacteria name14:21
nmz787the examples section on DIYBio wiki sucks14:21
nmz787"included in the program of the Open Science Summit[12] at University of California, Berkeley."14:22
nmz787i didn't know OSS had any connection to UCB14:22
@kanzurescience house is at berkeley14:22
@kanzureand the summit rented the room14:22
@kanzureoops i mean, practically speaking, jojack rented the room14:22
@kanzurecheck the talk page.. i have a huge list of citations14:23
@kanzurewhich could be used to write a better article (they are already in wikipedia's format)14:23
@kanzurei'm actually updating that list at the moment.. slowly. it takes a while to convert diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/faq/news into that format because no tool seems to be able to extract "author name" from arbitrary blogs.14:24
nmz787also it seems biopunk vs diybio is more of blind experimentation vs doing legit literature research before beginning experiments14:24
@kanzurethere is no biopunk/diybio distinction14:24
@kanzuresplicer made it up14:25
@kanzureand he originally edited the wikipedia articles years ago to get his site (biopunk.org) more prominence14:25
nmz787well i would say all the magnet people are punks14:25
@kanzurea professor would eagerly label you a punk14:25
@kanzurearrrgh that bastard deleted http://marcuswohlsen.com/2010/12/02/biopunk-diy-scientists-hack-the-software-of-life-coming-spring-2011/14:31
@kanzurei think my diybio news list has outlived some of its articles14:32
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nmz787google cache?14:39
nmz787or archive.org?14:39
nmz787you could mirror the articles???14:39
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Mokbortolan_1what was it?14:44
nmz787the DIYbio news articles, some are disappearing from their original servers14:46
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@kanzurethere are a ridiculous number of included javascript things on this :/14:52
strangewarpToday I saw someone bring up the idea that maybe half the low-skill workforce would be replaced by robots in 50 to 100 years, and another person called it an unreasonable science-fictional opinion that would never happen.15:02
strangewarpAnd it made my mind grind to a halt, because.. really? Is this /still/ how regular people think about the future?15:03
@kanzurealso http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204124204577150801888929704.html15:03
@kanzurestrangewarp: yes it's unreasonable. i think it's safe to say that the low-skill workforce people will still exist in 50 years. unless you're saying they would be murdered?15:04
@kanzurei mean, in 100 years, sure, most of them wont live that long15:04
strangewarpIn context, the discussion was that they would not have any jobs, and would need basic income. And it struck me as ludicrous that people were calling some extremely conservative, braindead futurism "too science-fictional to happen".15:07
@kanzurei think you should look at it this way: the other person was arguing for extreme longevity or something15:09
strangewarpFrom my knowledge of the other person's history, I can assure you that they think of extreme longevity as even more science-fictional.15:10
strangewarpBut whatever.15:10
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eudoxiaI don't think there's that much of a dichotomy between being a transhumanist and a peak oilist15:13
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@kanzure"We believe it's possible that there is Peak Oil, but we don't believe he is our god"15:15
@kanzure.. or some other religious mumbojumbo15:15
eudoxiaor generally unoptimistic about the future15:15
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strangewarpI do think we're in a peculiar era where it's possible for a reasonable person to be a transhumanist and think the world is doomed, simultaneously, in some sense or another anyway15:19
@kanzureok here we go15:23
Mariucool, fighting aging15:28
@kanzurehe should use his real name.15:30
-!- Juul is now known as \Bob\15:39
-!- \Bob\ is now known as Juul15:40
jrayhawkthere is no bob, only juul15:43
Juulpraise "Bob"15:44
@kanzurei am really bad at writing wikipedia articles15:45
@kanzurebasically i have 186 citations. now what.15:46
skorketevening all15:46
Juulit's better than 186 [[citation needed]]15:46
jrayhawkSince XUL, like MXML, uses XML to define an interface rather than a document, its developers adopted the slogan: "There is no data, there is only XUL". Hence the XML namespace URI at the beginning of every XUL document: http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul15:47
@kanzure"This usually involves the manipulation of DNA, proteins, or other small molecules."15:47
@kanzurewell now i have to cite this statement15:47
jrayhawkis "usually" a weasel word15:48
Juulyou don't have to cite things if no-one will question them15:48
@kanzureand, then i have to come up with some bullshit ref for "also, biohacking tends to refer to non-institutional science, but it's certainly possible to hack shit together in a lab"15:48
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Juulkanzure, there must be an article about "garage biology" somewhere you can ref for that15:49
Juuljrayhawk, not usually15:49
@kanzureJuul: there's 186 of them. http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/diybio/citations.txt15:49
@kanzurei just got done converting it into wikipedia's format15:49
@kanzurebut, it's not a useful statement anyway. "hacks" can be made wherever.15:49
@kanzureand it doesn't give insight into the whole non-institutional bent of these articles15:50
Juulgreat, now you just need a 186-sided die15:50
@kanzureand then it becomes a semantic definition bullshit fest. i don't want that.15:51
Juulcan't you just say the first part: "it tends to refer to non-institutional science"15:52
Juuland leave it at that15:52
Juulalso, in unrelated news, did you guys see the hubble extreme deep field?15:53
Juulthey went and improved on my all time favorite astronomy photo15:53
Juulwell part of it anyway15:53
@kanzureno i haven't seen that photo yet15:54
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Juuldeep space: now with more galaxies15:55
ThomasEgifinally, i was already afraid we'd run out of galaxies one day.16:01
@kanzuremeh http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Biohacking&oldid=51472012816:02
@kanzurei'm bored. two sentences should be enough right?16:02
Juulkanzure, the part where you say "the first" and "the second" has no lead-in16:03
Juulotherwise I like it16:03
@kanzurei didn't write that bullshit16:03
@kanzurethat was whoever edited it last16:03
Juuloh ok16:04
@kanzurethat's why those "first" and "second" things make no sense16:04
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@kanzureJuul: lemme know if you get that artifactory source code drop16:26
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Juulkanzure, i will16:27
Juuli'm building something similar, with couch, for bio-parts-sharing16:27
Juuland security has been a bit... tricky16:27
Juuli'll probably be using a combination of replication filters and update-validations that use HMACs16:27
@kanzurenew plan: let's rewrite ezproxy in node.js and then install a backdoor. they pay for ezproxy, right? so something open source can probably replace them. (i only say node.js because otherwise i'd be bored)16:28
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Juulkanzure, :)16:28
@kanzureHMACs sound good to me16:28
@kanzuredid you see maradydd's sql injection parser grammar detector thingy?16:28
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Juulkanzure, no?16:28
@kanzureme either. wikipedia claims it's a thing that exists.16:28
@kanzurein practice i haven't seen anyone do that (parsing sql queries to determine if injection is occurring or not)16:29
@kanzureit seemed to be something like "only allow these certain types of expressions, anything else is probably an attack"16:29
Juuloh, well that seems like something that's not too hard to do16:29
Juulyou could even make it slightly intelligent16:29
Juulso it notices anything out of the ordinary16:30
Juulwithout needing more calibration than "we changed something, so expect changes for the next 5 minutes"16:30
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Juuli thought i lost my visa earlier today, but then it was magically and unpextectedly renewed16:31
Juulweird to be in that much limbo16:32
@kanzurehey so that ieee password leak the other day16:32
@kanzurewas done by some guy in copenhagen16:32
@kanzurecan you get one of your guys to go steal his laptop/hard drive?16:32
@kanzurei really really reeeallly want those passwords16:32
JuulI'll make some inquiries16:33
Juulit's not like there are that many people doing this kind of stuff in copenhagen16:35
@kanzurehttp://ieeelog.com/ his name is on the site16:36
Juulah ok16:37
@kanzure"Radu Dragusin"16:37
Mariuthat sounds romanian16:38
@kanzureit is.16:39
Juulit is unlikely that he is not a friend of a friend16:41
JuulCS at University of Copenhagen is a small group already, and he was a TA16:42
Juulthere we go16:44
Juulhe's invited to the same birthday party as me on the 19th of October16:44
@kanzuregood work, team16:44
Juulhm, i won't be able to go to Copenhagen then, but I'll reach out to him16:44
Juuldon't you think those passwords will all have been revoked by now?16:47
jrayhawkProbably, but they're still interesting statistically16:47
@kanzurepeople don't change their passwords on all of their sites16:47
@kanzurethis only means ieee passwords are changed16:47
@kanzureand besides, they might just login and change it back to the original one16:47
@kanzurefurther.. this is only a sample of logins/passwords that happened during the past few months16:48
@kanzurei posit that only idiots who don't understand cookies would be re-logging-in in that timespan16:48
Juulhaha http://www.oaklandlibrary.org/online-resources16:48
@kanzureso they are likely even more likely to not change their passwords everywhere16:48
@kanzureoh nice http://www.oaklandlibrary.org/online-resources/articles-and-databases16:49
@kanzureWarning: Table './autojvnj_oplweb/sessions' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: UPDATE sessions SET uid = 0, cache = 0, hostname = '', session = '', timestamp = 1348703397 WHERE sid = 'fa409fb0489085a1434bcc9b0b83d954' in /usr/www/users/autojvnj/includes/database.mysqli.inc on line 13416:50
@kanzurethere's probably a vulnerability here with their session id (sid) sql stuff. i bet it's by cookie and not encoded.16:51
@kanzureyep my cookie is "Cookie:SESSb0ed4294577fc5e92ed7c1f7a9d9b2d9=fa409fb0489085a1434bcc9b0b83d954"16:51
@kanzurefa409 looks the same to me16:51
@kanzuredamn. no.16:54
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@kanzureso my mom calls me and says, "hey, so, is this possible on my website? i don't want to call my web guy, so i thought i'd call you to ask if it was possible"17:51
@kanzure.. so in what possible world is it okay to bug me but not your person? basically this means i will probably have to fix all their crap anyway.17:51
ParahSailin_i find after breaking things enough for nonpaying "customers" they stop asking17:52
@kanzuremaybe i should just replace her site with dicks17:52
@kanzure"sorry mom, you were hacked"17:53
browniesoh my god. stop everything.18:17
brownieshey, what happened to my sweet hat!18:17
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@kanzure"professional work of many DIYbio enthusiasts, has led to a unique subculture among this community, with some members referring to themselves as biopunks"18:50
@kanzurewhat a load of crap. who writes this stuff?18:50
@kanzure"unique subculture".. subcultures all the way down.18:50
@kanzurethat was from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DIYbio18:51
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AdrienGstupid cunts thats who writes that.19:43
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@kanzurecould facebook conceivably host virtual servers for every one of their users?20:02
@kanzureit seems that they offer at least a large amount of photo storage for each user, and they don't expect everyone to use all of it20:03
@kanzurebut 900M virtual servers: would that be doable?20:03
@kanzure> And now I'm trying to interpret your interpretation. May I suggest20:22
@kanzure> that the discussion move to where such discussions are supposed to20:22
@kanzure> happen, which is the Wikipedia talk page for the article(s)?20:22
@kanzure>   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:DIYbio20:22
@kanzure> That way, I (and Kanzure, who is pitching in too) can more easily20:22
@kanzureso this guy is talking with me and is telling me about this "Kanzure" fellow20:23
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@kanzurenmz787: check the last bit of the log.. http://gnusha.org/logs/2012-09-26.log20:26
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nmz787OMG glo cats20:28
AdrienGkanzure: do you have access to sci journals20:29
@kanzureAdrienG: yes.20:29
AdrienGkanzure: how.20:29
@kanzuremad skills?20:30
AdrienGshare your skilz20:35
nmz787AdrienG: ^20:35
nmz787my ezproxy too20:35
AdrienGpl0x giev20:35
@kanzurejust ask for what you want.20:39
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@kanzurewtf now this guy is claiming i'm a wikipedia newbie. all of my edits have been fully referenced and properly formatted.20:46
@kanzurehow is it that wikipedia contributions deteriorate so rapidly? in 2006 when i first started poking around with wikipedia edits, it would take at least a week.20:46
-!- upgrayeddd [u2969@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-rktgiuscuxrijgwg] has joined ##hplusroadmap20:48
nmz787where does he say that?20:48
@kanzurein a private email he just sent20:49
@kanzureall of his emails are to me-only, but i reply publicly because the whole point was to talk about the articles on the mailing list20:49
@kanzure(so i quote his text that he sent me)20:49
nmz787whoa, he deleted examples though20:51
nmz787i thought the dremelFuge was perfect there, and openPCR and the pearl gel boxes maybe20:51
nmz787there was that bioweathermapping project a while ago, but AFAIK it went nowhere20:51
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@kanzureyeah that was jason bobe's thing20:55
nmz787I guess finger magnets deserve a spot20:56
nmz787do they?20:56
@kanzurealso apparently their used to be a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biopunk_movement page, but now it redirects to [[biopunk]]20:58
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nmz787spikerbox too21:00
@kanzurewell, they prefer things that can be cited21:01
@kanzureso pick things from the news21:01
@kanzurehere is a giant list of pre-formatted citations21:01
@kanzuredo <ref name="thing-goes-here">{{Cite ... </ref> to cite it in text21:01
@kanzureor <ref name="thing-goes-here" /> to reference an already-existing citation on the page without increasing its numbering21:02
nmz787== Examples ==21:06
nmz787To date most completed projects have focused on lowering the cost of laboratory equipment associated with biotechnology. This is due to the field leveraging a wide range of technologies, many of them commoditizing only recently.21:06
nmz787I don't like the last part of the last sentence21:06
@kanzureyeah it's silly21:06
@kanzurepick out one of the articles about openpcr, otyp's shit, the spectrometer projects got some news love, or the spikerbox stuff, etc.21:07
nmz787i'm not sure how to eloquently say shit is just now starting to get DIY level understanding and coverage, and cheap enough21:07
@kanzurethen don't say it21:07
@kanzurejust talk about the projects and cite with refs21:07
nmz787cathals site is down!21:08
@kanzureyeah i noticed that too :(21:08
@kanzurebut, he wouldn't be a good source to cite for dremelfuge anyway (biased source)21:08
nmz787well it /does/ exist, so do you really need to cite news?21:10
@kanzurewelcome to wikipedia editing21:11
nmz787i bet fastcompany still didnt add my comment21:12
nmz787how bout this http://make-digital.com/make/vol31?pg=79#pg7921:12
nmz787oh there's already this http://diybio.org/2010/03/21/906/21:13
nmz787the comments here are lively http://www.wired.com/reviews/2011/12/reviews_pcr/21:22
nmz787Abraham Ben JudeaCollapseCan anybody see the amateur biologist, trying to mix this virus with that other one from that other species?21:24
nmz787We have now a real danger from the tool shed biologist.21:24
@kanzurei think people misunderstand that to do molecular biology work you sort of need to be skilled anyway21:24
@kanzurebut, a newbie certainly isn't going to be able to make a virus just because he bought a thermocycler21:25
nmz787sous vide DNA21:26
nmz787ali baba doesn't have a sort by price huh?21:32
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nmz787how's that look21:39
@kanzureyou should say its name (dremelfuge)21:40
@kanzure"openPCR" should be "OpenPCR"21:40
@kanzure"micro centrifuge" should probably be "microcentrifuge" ?21:40
nmz787really the capital O?21:41
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@kanzureyeah it's always with a capital o21:41
@kanzureand it's never "Open PCR"21:41
nmz787openSpectrometer doesn't have a capital O21:41
@kanzurethat's because you're a bad person21:41
nmz787when did the FBI collab start?21:41
@kanzure2009 or earlier21:41
AdrienGcan we maybe setup a bot21:42
nmz7872008, 9, or 10?21:42
AdrienGthat would download full articlez?21:42
nmz787i mean the first meeting21:42
AdrienGfrom journals :D21:42
@kanzureAdrienG: paperbot is still in the garage.. but yes that its purpose21:42
@kanzure*that's its21:42
@kanzureAdrienG: just tell me what you need21:42
nmz787AdrienG: do you have any paper access?21:42
AdrienGkanzure: too many things.21:42
AdrienGnmz787: nope21:42
@kanzurenmz787: there was possibly a meeting before the 2011 one that i wasn't invited to21:42
@kanzurebut they had me for 2011 and 201221:43
@kanzureagents were showing up to meetings in 2009 for sure21:43
@kanzurei met edward you 2010-03-0121:44
@kanzureyashgaroth: when was the fbi person showing up to the seattle meetings?21:45
yashgarothright after I left, so...summer 2010?21:45
yashgaroththat was you21:45
yashgarother, agent you21:45
@kanzurewtf who reverted my edits to DIYbio21:45
@kanzuregod damn it21:45
@kanzure"DIYbio is open-source, meaning designs and projects are not patented"21:45
@kanzuremy edit was to fix that sentence21:46
@kanzureit's incomprehensible21:46
@kanzurenmz787: dude it was you21:46
yashgarothhmm wait no, spring 2010*21:46
nmz787i just clicked edit21:46
nmz787and added back the examples21:46
nmz787i though21:46
@kanzurelook at the changes on that link21:46
nmz787FBI says 2009 http://diyhpl.us/wiki/transcripts/fbi-diybio-2012/intro.txt21:47
@kanzurei would suggest undoing your change, and just copying the section you want21:47
@kanzurewikipedia is not git. it's terrible in comparison.21:47
nmz787can you do it?21:47
nmz787and just copy the block i added21:47
nmz787the current version21:48
nmz787of the examples*21:48
yashgarothoh and sorry about not modifying the biohacking wiki more, since it definitely needs a better sentence than "people create synthetic biology using DIYbio / mixing and matching genes and characteristics from different species"21:49
@kanzureok done.21:49
@kanzureyashgaroth: that's the most awful sentence i've ever seen on wikipedia. and i've read a lot of wikipedia. :(21:49
yashgarothwell I should've used an ellipsis rather than the /, but the article still looks like it was written by some jagoff21:50
yashgarothI just wanted to be snide to that kerr fucker before going to bed21:50
@kanzureso i think the consensus is that the 'biopunk' article has some useful content, and so does 'diybio', but the biopunk/biohacking distinction is worthless21:51
@kanzureand the biopunk article looks like it was originally there for the science fiction content21:51
nmz787how's this21:55
nmz787== Outreach ==21:55
nmz787Beginning in 2009 the FBI engaged active members of the DIYbio Google Groups mailing list much like they engage scientific boards at universities and businesses. The dialogue focused on safety issues and aimed to instill a sense of self-policing in the ad-hoc online community. Because DIYbio and biohacking takes place on an international level, the FBI is limited in its ability to monitor and investigate all activity.21:55
@kanzuresure why not21:55
nmz787should I cite... your transcripts?21:56
nmz787or this http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&ved=0CCcQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fbioethics.gov%2Fcms%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2FFBI-Perspective-Addressing-Synthetic-Biology-and-Biosecurity.ppt&ei=iNljUNOwIoq-0QGu24DwBQ&usg=AFQjCNGx5_CMEgqOcHIDMQjdn2PxkMxpdw&sig2=BVlhRzd-yE_Gk2-HCdIHQw21:56
@kanzurethe 2011 file is a joke - but it's all i have21:57
@kanzurethere was some news articles that mentioned it21:57
nmz787(sorry if I click the link it just downloads the file, so I cant copy the URL)21:57
@kanzurethe 2012 transcripts are probably citable21:57
@kanzurenmz787: curl -A "blah" -I "http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&ved=0CCcQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fbioethics.gov%2Fcms%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2FFBI-Perspective-Addressing-Synthetic-Biology-and-Biosecurity.ppt&ei=iNljUNOwIoq-0QGu24DwBQ&usg=AFQjCNGx5_CMEgqOcHIDMQjdn2PxkMxpdw&sig2=BVlhRzd-yE_Gk2-HCdIHQw"21:57
nmz787"Building Bridges Around Building Genomes”21:57
@kanzurehow about this one21:58
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@kanzureit's in my citations.txt file21:58
klafkahey kanzure21:58
@kanzureso you can just copy that with <ref>the thing in citations.txt that references burnafterreading</ref> in the wikitext21:58
@kanzureklafka: hello21:58
klafkaalso internet not fucked21:59
nmz787genspace did some outreach in central park i think22:00
nmz787doing demos for kids22:00
nmz787or maybe that was makerfaire22:00
@kanzurediybio-nyc prior to genspace was doing lots of dna extraction parades22:01
@kanzurethen genspace started doing those22:01
@kanzuremeanwhile, madlab diybio uk was doing tons of public exhibits or something. i don't care.22:01
nmz787ok i didnt mess up your stuff again did I?22:04
nmz787ok i dont think so22:04
nmz787kanzure: how do i find what this references? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Nmz787#Scientific_humor22:05
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yashgarothI'm guessing "What's a pirate's favorite amino acid? -- Arrrrr-ginine!"22:07
@kanzurehmmm. you would have to look for edits that you made around that timeframe.22:07
nmz787" (Scientific jokes encourage learning, please comment in the talk page if you disagree. Is the 50 or so bytes needed too many??? I think we need more arginine jokes!)"22:08
@kanzurenmz787: your {{cite}} thing has to be in <ref></ref> in wikitext format. i've made the edit for you:22:09
@kanzuresee diff: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=DIYbio&diff=514758691&oldid=51475834622:09
nmz787"What's a pirate's favorite equation for calculating chemical rates? -- The Arrrrr-henius equation! "22:09
nmz787ahh, i copied directly from citations.txt like you said :/22:10
@kanzurei also said to wrap it in <ref></ref> :P w/e22:10
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nmz787huh, you have to pay for MPEG-2??? http://www.raspberrypi.org/archives/183922:53
nmz787"software for hardware assisted h.264 video encoding??"22:55
nmz787"You cannot use the HW encoder - there is no licence for it. We hope to provide encoding at some point, but it requires licence payment to MPEGLA, which would have put the price up for everyone by $2 had it been included with every Pi. When the camera board is released, that will need a licence for the encoder."22:55
nmz787I don't need a camera board with USB HD cameras22:55
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nmz787wait, this dude is some biohacker guru and I've never heard of him?? http://www.sfgate.com/health/article/Biohackers-mining-their-own-bodies-data-3668230.php23:23
nmz787(found via yashgaroth's wiki edits)23:24
nmz787retraction edits23:24
brownieswhat is a pirate's favorite sciene? Arrrrrrrr-chaelogy!23:25
brownies*science. dammit.23:25
foucist_nmz787: i'm a biohacker guru and you've never heard of me23:26
nmz787foucist_: what's your speciality>23:41
nmz787foucist_: what rad hacks have you done?23:41
klafkaare you elite?23:41
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