
--- Log opened Thu May 15 00:00:05 2014
-!- Vutral [~ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:05
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abetuskI don't know a lot about the subject, but does anyone know about Gene Network Sciences "Diagrammatic Cell Language"?  Does anyone know of any open/unencumbered alternatives?05:20
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@kanzurei thought brain electrodes were a great idea06:15
@kanzurethen your time-until-reward is constrained mostly by your ability to recognize desired behavior, pressing a button, and speed of light constraints06:16
@kanzureas opposed to the time it takes for you to reinforce with food06:17
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-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [-o kanzure] by kanzure06:27
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kanzure"Autodesk expects to license the software inside its printer at no cost and will also let people copy the printer’s hardware design. Autodesk has not yet determined which of several standard open-source licenses it will use, if any"06:44
kanzureugh well then don't call it open source if you're not using an open source license06:44
kanzureway to alienate your users06:44
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-!- FourFire [~fourfire@111-213-15.connect.netcom.no] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:59
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kanzure"Well.. they should get their facts straight, OLGA Biohackerspace in Austria is a certified S1 GMO lab since 2013. The scene isn't that big."07:23
kanzurevia <openbiolabgraz@gmail.com>07:23
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kanzure"Two-dimensional atomic lithography by sub-micron focusing of atomic beams" http://arxiv.org/pdf/physics/0506022.pdf07:27
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cluckjis SL1 the same in austria as it is in the US?07:44
kanzurei dunno if they meant SL107:44
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cluckjoh, since december 201308:02
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sheenacan i ask pidgin not to show me the "entered" "left" notifications?08:16
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kanzurei think that's under preferences08:20
sheenai dont see it anywhere08:26
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kanzuresheena: it's the join/part plugin in the plugins list08:39
sheenaawesome. thanks08:40
cluckjkanzure, where was that message posted?08:58
kanzureone of the diybio-except-we-hate-kanzure-and-we-are-trying-to-get-away-from-him mailing lists08:59
cluckja secret list?09:00
kanzuretheir secret list has a secret list of its own09:00
kanzureit's just dumb09:00
cluckjthat's very interesting09:00
kanzureyeah, basically they didn't listen to me09:00
kanzurei told them that having lots of regional mailing lists will just fracture the community09:00
kanzureand now we have 400 different region-specific groups that never talk with each other09:01
dingodefinitely aagree09:02
dingoi haate exclusivity09:02
cluckjoooo blocked webpage09:02
dingoif you don't like somebody, just aask them to leave09:03
cluckjor broken web server09:06
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cluckjit's one thing to have a region-specific mailing list, but not making it publicly available, tsk tsk09:10
-!- chris_99 [~chris_99@unaffiliated/chris-99/x-3062929] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:13
cluckjhow am I supposed to keep up with what people are doing? like.....actually talk to them??? ughhhh09:26
kanzurei know, right?09:27
cluckjthere was a person who was doing hackerspace/biohackerspace work by mining mailing list data and watching livestreams of hackathons09:28
cluckjthey concluded that nothing was getting done because there wasn't any discussion of successes or completed projects on the mailing lists, only questions about how to fix things or problems with building stuff09:30
kanzureyes, the hackerspace mailing lists have not been particularly helpful09:31
cluckjno kidding09:32
cluckjI didn't want to start a personal conflict with the researcher, so one of my friends questioned their data gathering and analysis after the presentation09:33
cluckjand directly compared my work to theirs, because I came to literally the exact opposite conclusion09:34
kanzureto be fair, i think that in most hackerspaces, not much is really accomplished09:35
cluckjI've only been to a couple, but there seemed to be actual stuff happening09:36
kanzurelike what09:36
cluckjcool or interesting things being built, communities being formed09:37
kanzurethat is not a good answer09:37
cluckjone was nyc resistor though09:38
kanzurei am also skeptical of "any time people get together, it's net good because communities!" because i'm absolutely certain that a group of people can get together in a workshop and do absolutely nothing productive09:38
cluckjthat's sometimes true09:39
cluckjyou're underestimating the power of people getting together...they might not be doing things inside the space that you can see09:40
kanzurei'm not a micromanager09:40
kanzurei don't need to see hammers flying09:40
chris_99or do something worse than being un-productive09:40
-!- delinquentme [~dingo@] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:41
cluckjthey could be counterproductive or something09:42
kanzureor counterculture09:42
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kanzureor counter protoculture http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_IIiwunMZZmw/SCai3aiKZ9I/AAAAAAAAAlM/WDeLQdnurKo/s1600-h/Macross+since+1983_front.jpg09:43
cluckjthe CCL dudes are nice :P09:44
delinquentmeJA <3 the CCl kids09:45
delinquentmepaperbot http://link.springer.com/protocol/10.1385%2F1-59259-258-9%3A11909:45
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kanzure.title http://clearcrypt.org/tls/09:56
yoleauxNuke TLS From Orbit09:56
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-!- not_unoriginal [~helpcompu@] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:24
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kanzure"As user ufmace (and artificialidiot) points out, this is NOT nearly as big of a revolution as the media is making it out to be. You CAN buy CNC mills or lathes to build higher quality weapons with little or no licensure, for generally the same or less $$ than a 3D printer. You could also buy much of what is necessary to build a Liberator-style weapon in a Home Depot. You could also buy a czech-stamped 9x18 makarov pistol for under $150, and ...10:37
kanzure... put hundreds or thousands of rounds through it, all without talking to an FFL holder."10:37
kanzure"This was a perfect storm of tech interest and general wonderment in 3D printing meeting zealotry applied towards gun laws, from both directions. People from Defense Distributed are well aware of this; nonsense or not, it made a great launch pad and buzz mill. Mr. Wilson has already signed his book deal and on to his Dark Wallet project."10:37
-!- kyknos [~kyknos@37-48-38-94.tmcz.cz] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:37
kanzure"Me personally, I've always thought that building some STL files of the solvent trap adapter[0] or adapter used in the Econo-Can suppressor[1] would be more meaningful parts to distribute via 3D printers (If you're all into the freedom-of-weapons via technology bandwagon, which I'm not). Suppressors are a very real tactical advantage, and small threaded adapters are much more likely to stand up to the stresses of weapons use."10:37
kanzure10:20 <+nathaniel> <not_un> EnLilaSko: why is kanzure such a cock10:39
kanzuregee let's guess10:39
kanzureit's not a mystery10:40
caternhmm? is there actually a reason?10:40
caternwhat is it10:42
kanzurethis channel gets overrun with trash if i don't take out the garbage10:43
kanzurethis is not a transhumanism cheerleading circus10:43
kanzurethe purpose of hplusroadmap was to build things10:44
sheenagive me a T10:44
sheenagive me a R10:44
kanzurethat's going to be a very long cheer10:44
* sheena calls elephant to stand on pedastal10:44
kanzureno, she means the chair, not poop10:45
sheenaheh yeah. elephants on stools.10:45
kanzurecatern: also, in general, people think that if you disagree with them strongly that you must be an asshole/evil/a monster10:46
caternoh, ok10:48
cluckjtelling people to piss off also makes them think you're a jerk :P10:50
kanzureit's entirely possible that i am a jerk10:50
kanzurebut what does that matter; i don't seem them doing the job better10:50
cluckjit's also about how another person takes your demeanor10:54
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cluckjand if you were a real deep-down jackass I'd probably not want to talk to you at all10:56
sheenakanzure: you're aware that your social interactions are not always taken as you intend them10:57
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cluckjnobody's are10:59
kanzurecluckj: deep down inside, we're all just as creepy and chocolatey as you :)11:01
kanzureactually, chocolate isn't that much of a problem i think11:02
-!- kardan [~kardan@2001:470:75b7:1048:21a:4bff:fe61:2a6a] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:02
kanzure"frosted sugar blasted"11:02
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eudoxiathe one about the centrifuge noises speaks to me on a very personal level11:45
kanzuredoes it haunt you11:46
eudoxiawhen i was a kid and i had to poop while the washing machine was running i got scared because it made scary noises11:46
eudoxia(because the washing machine was in the bathroom and it shook a bunch)11:47
kanzuredid you consider turning it off11:47
eudoxiai was a little kid, i didn't know how to operate one. also i would have had to turn it back on again and ugghhhh11:48
kanzuresomeone posted videos of me as a little kid on facebook, if you want to stalk my former self11:51
kanzurei only know this because i finally checked facebook today :|11:51
eudoxiahm i don't think i have you on fb11:54
eudoxiaare the videos some kind of waldorf school security camera experiment thing11:54
kanzurejust showing off my talents as a street artist back in '9611:56
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FourFirekanzure, #12 is funny12:07
FourFireI've heard that a lot of the officially used psychology research is based solely on students in a small geographic area12:07
not_unoriginalthere's some pithy acronym for it12:10
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cluckjkanzure mmm creepy chocolate13:06
-!- kardan [~kardan@2001:470:75b7:1048:21a:4bff:fe61:2a6a] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:12
cluckjprocessed on the same equipment as tree nuts13:13
-!- mabblebrox [Lee@cpe-24-26-139-8.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:17
mabblebroxare we still taking steroids to type? :-P13:17
mabblebroxthere's like, addderall, you know13:17
not_unoriginalthat sounds great13:18
mabblebroxwhat's the bias, i don't get it13:20
mabblebroxtranscend human limitations, great, but there are limits13:20
mabblebroxhmm that's a bit more rational13:22
mabblebroxone user, on here, was tripping me out13:23
not_unoriginallilly took so much ketamine he had to wear a diaper13:23
mabblebroxlol that stuff is boring13:23
mabblebroxI did some bumps13:23
mabblebroxwell, idk, the dude's like, everything's for a reason13:23
not_unoriginalI've never done it13:24
mabblebroxand I end up at a bar and some chick's in a vulnerable state13:24
mabblebroxwithout the ketamine, I would have gone for it13:24
mabblebroxso maybe he was right? dunno13:24
mabblebroxdissociatives have very little to offer13:24
mabblebroxbut, my life is weird13:24
delinquentme+1 mabblebrox13:26
mabblebrox+1 for doing ketamine?13:26
mabblebroxthis is a strange room13:26
mabblebroxok maybe steroids for like 1-3 months, tops13:27
mabblebroxwith lots of weed to even out13:27
mabblebroxthen cycle stimulants?13:27
mabblebroxcause I have to get in top shape like, real fast13:27
not_unoriginaltren and clen13:27
mabblebroxme nub13:28
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not_unoriginalseriously, you're planning on steroids but do not know trenbolone and clenbutrol?13:28
mabblebroxi'm ill informed, what are these?13:28
mabblebroxi'm not 'planning' anything13:28
mabblebroxjust researching13:28
not_unoriginalwell, in my vast studies of steroid use, most recommend a "beginner's cycle" of solely testosterone13:29
mabblebroxbeing, trenbolone and clenbutrol?13:30
mabblebroxhold on, i'll google13:30
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@ParahSailinthese are what you use in the "cut" phase of the cycle13:39
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mabblebroxdamn NSA they crashed my Windows13:52
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mabblebroxhi, anyone home?13:55
-!- kardan [~kardan@2001:470:75b7:1048:21a:4bff:fe61:2a6a] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]13:55
kanzurewhat do you want to know13:56
mabblebroxdude, you use steroids for typing13:56
mabblebroxi'm not sure what I can learn from you13:56
FourFiremabblebrox, hello, that's encouraging ;P13:57
kanzurethen why are you asking if i'm at home?13:57
mabblebroxi was pinging13:57
mabblebroxto start a conversation13:57
not_unoriginalis kanzure using androgenics?13:57
mabblebroxwho knows13:57
FourFiremabblebrox, what brings you to this channel?13:57
mabblebroxi'm like, adderall is much better than steroids, for typing13:57
mabblebroxI need to get into top shape, real fast13:57
FourFiredo you do floor exercises?13:58
mabblebroxI don't exercise, right now13:58
mabblebroxI want to become a bicycle messenger13:58
FourFirePushups, Situps, & etc.13:58
not_unoriginaldo stronglifts 5x513:58
mabblebroxwell i'm a tub of lard13:58
mabblebroxand I want to be bruce lee13:59
mabblebroxso, need to break some rules, obviously13:59
FourFireso you'll want to train your aerobolic endurance as well as general fitness13:59
not_unoriginalokay... why not set a SMART goal13:59
mabblebroxvs anabolic?13:59
mabblebroxaerobolic is muscle mass, anabolic endurance right?13:59
FourFireok, for fat: what can you do about your diet?13:59
mabblebroxer, oxygen/no oxygen?13:59
FourFireAre you eating healthily, and if not, can you fix it?14:00
mabblebroxi'm eating, reasonbly healthily, a little bit of stress carbs14:00
mabblebroxif I improve my life situation, cut carbs and increase protein14:00
mabblebroxbut, really I'd like to be a bicycle messenger, and bump a few lines, and hope to God I keep it under control14:01
FourFireif you are a "tub of lard" there's obvious reasons for it, noone magically gets unhealthily overweight "because I have a slow metabolism" it's because of years of accumulative fat build up due to lifestyle14:01
mabblebroxyes, I have a fast metabolism, in a shitty life circumstance14:01
mabblebroxwell tub of lard is like 30 pounds overweight, no biggy14:01
FourFiremabblebrox, you benefit most from a short period of *Hard* exercise14:01
FourFiredo pushups, situps, for 2-10 minutes several times daily14:02
jrayhawkthere is no such thing as overweight14:02
jrayhawkwell, there is, but it is dumb14:02
FourFirejrayhawk, of course, but there is such a thing as an unhealthy fat-muscle ratio14:03
FourFireif your chest cavity has lots of fat in it your organs can get crowded out and that's bad14:03
mabblebroxno i'm not super fat14:04
mabblebroxjust pudge14:04
mabblebroxbut (and please don't kick me)14:04
FourFiremabblebrox, you exercise hard and fast, and you do it often, make it a goal to do it a certain amount of times, do it before a meal14:04
mabblebroxmy thought was, heavy lifting with a bit of cocaine, THC and nitrates to vasodilate14:05
FourFireyeah well I don't use stimulants, ask someone else about that14:05
mabblebroxor steroids, but i don't want to shrink my balls14:05
mabblebroxand I kind of like my liver14:05
jrayhawkuh, fat/muscle ratios are dominated by peripheral adipose tissue, "chest cavity" ectopic fat is miniscule and abysmally scary.14:06
jrayhawkYou should really decide which one you want to talk about.14:06
mabblebroxfat is easy to dissolve14:06
mabblebroxlike, MDMA at a rave, ankle/waist/wrist weights14:06
mabblebroxboom fast twitch14:06
not_unoriginalDO A KETOGENIC DIET BLEH BLAH14:06
kanzurei hate all of you14:07
mabblebroxI dont hate you14:07
mabblebroxI just think you should rethink your steroid use14:07
mabblebroxno comment, i don't want to incriminate14:08
kanzurehe thinks adderall is a steroid or something14:08
kanzurei don't know why i get stuck with these people14:08
jrayhawkHaha, awesome14:08
mabblebroxoh duh, low carb14:08
mabblebroxthat's obvious14:09
mabblebroxunless you're a marathonist14:09
mabblebroxbut like, I want to get FAST14:09
mabblebroxand STRONG14:09
mabblebroxreal qucik14:09
mabblebroxso my thought was, raves with weights14:09
mabblebroxketogenic helps with epilepsy, huh14:10
jrayhawkThere are three metabolic tiers of time/strength capacities, and you don't particularly seem to understand them.14:10
mabblebroxyou're right, i've done little research on this14:11
mabblebroxplease elucidate, or give a link14:11
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-!- entelechy [~elysium@] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:13
mabblebroxha, entelechos, nice14:13
kanzurehe's muted14:13
kanzurehow do you know him?14:14
mabblebroxI don't14:14
mabblebroxI know the term, entelechy, which is a fully actualized individual, from the Aristotle14:14
cpopellmabblebrox: if you want to get strong, fast, then follow a weightlifting plan14:15
mabblebroxbut I need boosters14:15
mabblebroxlike from 0 to bruce lee in 60 seconds14:15
cpopelland I want NZT from limitless14:15
cpopellsaying you want something doesn't make it real14:15
mabblebroxit's only a virtuality14:15
jrayhawkSo, if you want to optimize for max effort (e.g. 100% for ten seconds or less), you need to train for neurological activation and muscle mass and density. If you want to optimize for longer term metabolic activity (80% max effort for tens of minutes), you want to train for glucose delivery and utilization including cardiology, and if you want endurance effort (say, 30-60 max effort for essentially infinite amounts of time) you need ...14:16
jrayhawk... to train fat metabolism, usually through carb-fasted training.14:16
cpopell'it's only a virtuality' what?14:16
mabblebroxmy ideal, is a virtuality, in my mind, and I am researching the possible avenues by which it may be attained, rapidly14:16
jrayhawkThese modalities typically can't be trained at the same time.14:16
mabblebrox(withot shrinking my balls)14:17
cpopellWell, first of all14:17
jrayhawkGains in one are usually pretty good for others, though.14:17
cpopellwhile you can do steroids comparatively safely14:17
mabblebroxhow so?14:17
cpopellI wouldn't trust you do to the research with what you're showing here14:17
mabblebroxwell, i'm drunk on ritalin, so i'm not entirely rational right now14:17
cpopellvery, very carefully is how.14:17
mabblebroxin what way?14:17
jrayhawkis ritalin also a steroid in your mind14:17
mabblebroxno, it's just entertainment14:18
cpopellShrug, I've only come across it, I haven't really gone into the details14:18
cpopellI'm happy being natty14:18
mabblebroxbut, with alcohol you get methylphenidate14:18
sheenaeverone but mabblebrox understands that you cant just make up drug classes, and that stims aren't steroids.. right?14:18
mabblebroxas with cocaine, you get cocaethylene14:18
cpopellsheena: yes14:18
mabblebroxright, because stims drain14:18
cpopellmabblebrox: Second, if you want gains, commit yourself to it14:18
@fenn"with alcohol you get methylphenidate" what does that even mean14:18
cpopellmabblebrox: Explosive power means olympic lifting14:19
jrayhawkit means he really likes drinking rubbing alcohol.14:19
cpopellI also might recommend martial arts/gymnastics/parkour14:19
mabblebroxmethylphenidate (ritalin) will combine with ethanol in the liver to form methylphenidate, which slightly more potently blocks reuptake of dopamine14:19
mabblebroxno i've tried that, isopropyl does shit14:19
@fennx combines with y to form x?14:19
mabblebroxand then converts in the liver to pure acetone14:20
mabblebroxso, no.14:20
jrayhawkhey, that means you're already ketogenic!14:20
mabblebroxall i'm trying to surmise, is how I can be bruce lee within a 2 year timeframe14:20
jrayhawkvia terrifying and horrible pathways14:20
mabblebroxif you're just getting pissed of by me i'll leave.14:20
@fennbruce lee is dead14:20
kanzuredon't focus too much on bruce lee, he's dead14:20
kanzureget off my damn wavelength14:20
cpopella) you can't, b) he was a genetic freak, c) he was incredibly focused and studied hard too, d) train hard, that's it.14:20
sheenai suspect time spent exercising would be a good first step14:21
@fenndefine quantitative goals, come up with a plan to meet those goals14:21
mabblebroxonly because some dude shot him in the head with a blank14:21
cpopellBruce Lee didn't become Bruce Lee within 2 years.14:21
mabblebroxwell no14:21
@fennmy point is, you can't "be" bruce lee because bruce lee doesn't exist14:21
mabblebroxbut did he try LSD?  MDMA?  controlled use of cocaine?  cautious use of steroids?14:21
kanzureand he's a terrible role model, dying and all, what a jerk14:21
mabblebroxI'm not trying to 'be' bruce lee, that would be impossible14:21
mabblebroxI'm trying to attain to that level of awesome14:22
jrayhawkthe general belief is that he died due to drug experimentation14:22
@fenndefine awesome.14:22
mabblebroxI thought it was a blank too close to the head14:22
jrayhawkthat was his son14:22
cpopellfenn: I'll agree about the awesome14:22
jrayhawkand it wasn't quite blank14:22
mabblebroxoh is that the conspiracy theory?14:22
mabblebroxthey loaded with a real bullet?14:22
kanzurebruce lee died because of tylenol or something14:22
mabblebroxdude wtf14:22
cpopellkanzure: muscle relaxant14:22
mabblebroxyou have to take like 6 grams of tylenol to die14:22
kanzureaw damn14:22
cpopellkanzure: Equagesic14:23
mabblebroxbelieve me, i've contemplated it14:23
jrayhawkspecifically http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandon_Lee#Death14:23
mabblebroxbut decided that acetaminophen was a really shitty way to suicide14:23
cpopellmabblebrox: You weightlift and train in martial arts, hard.14:23
cpopellthat's it14:23
cpopellthat's the only way to become like him.14:23
mabblebroxok, so how did Bruce Lee die?14:23
mabblebroxwas it cocaine and weightlifting?14:23
mabblebroxcause if i'm just gonna tear a tendon in half i'l just go steroids for a month or two14:24
cpopelllike I said above, interaction between painkillers and a headache medicine14:24
mabblebroxwut? that's lame14:24
cpopellhe had a bad drug interaction14:24
mabblebroxlike vicodin?14:24
mabblebroxwhat a shitty way to die14:24
jrayhawkand probably more illicit drugs. Lee was all about doing anything it took to be the greatest martial artist ever to live.14:24
cpopelljrayhawk: long term, tho14:25
mabblebroxwell yeah, what i'd heard is he had a heart attack bench-pressing14:25
@fenn"Lee died from an allergic reaction to the muscle relaxant (meprobamate) in Equagesic, which he described as a common ingredient in painkillers."14:25
cpopellmabblebrox: ...but he didn't have a heart attack14:25
@fennit was ruled a "death by misadventure"14:25
@fenn.d misadventure14:25
yoleauxmisadventure (/mɪsədˈvɛntʃə/): n. 1. Death caused by a person accidentally while performing a legal act without negligence or intent to harm: the coroner recorded a verdict of death by ⁓ — http://is.gd/V3a4yH14:25
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mabblebroxthat is so. lame.14:26
cpopellShit happens.14:26
mabblebroxI want to die epically14:26
cpopellPoint is.14:26
@fennhence why i don't care about jeet kun do14:26
cpopellLift weights, work your body, eat well, sleep well, study.14:26
mabblebroxwell, jeet kun do is a valuable contribution to the martial arts14:26
kanzurecpopell: you should add "build shit"14:26
cpopellEh, I've heard JKD is a decent MMA style14:26
mabblebroxmy question is simply, with a bit of cocaine will I tear a tendon14:26
cpopellkanzure: his body will at least probably fix itself14:26
@fennok but what is the point of learning martial arts if you're just going to die essentially randomly14:27
cpopellmabblebrox: cocaine is not regularly used as a weightlifting focus enhancer.14:27
cpopellfenn: JKD didn't lead to his death though O_o14:27
mabblebroxwell, no, because it vasodconstricts14:27
@fennwhat is the all-cause contribution to mortality of martial arts training (positive or negative)14:27
mabblebroxBUT if you counteract with THC, nitrates, maybe even prescription vasodilator14:27
jrayhawkis "cocaine" also a steroid in your mind14:27
cpopellmabblebrox: WHY would you bother using cocaine14:27
cpopellin the gym14:27
mabblebroxto increase performance14:27
mabblebroxthis is the reason I am asking14:27
cpopellWhy do you assume it would increase performance14:27
jrayhawkyou don't get stronger by increasing performance, you increase performance by getting stronger14:28
mabblebroxuh because it's a stimulant14:28
jrayhawkyou are engaging in crazy cargo cultism14:28
mabblebroxno i'm just looking for shortcuts14:28
@fenncocaine has terrible pharmacokinetics; why not use a well tested and "safe" bodybuilding stack like ECA?14:28
jrayhawkso were cargo cultists14:28
cpopellor even ECY14:28
cpopellI like how you're not interested in steroids but cocaine is totally cool14:28
mabblebroxi don't know ECA/ECY14:28
cpopelllook it up.14:28
mabblebroxwell cocaine doesn't shrink your balls14:28
mabblebroxwill do14:28
mabblebroxoh ephedrine caffeine aspirin14:29
mabblebroxisn't ephedrine a vasoconstrictor?14:29
jrayhawkdoes it matter14:29
@fenncaffeine is a vasoconstrictor14:29
cpopellmabblebrox: cocaine just fucks up your brain, but I guess that doesn't matter to you14:29
mabblebroxdepends how you use it14:29
mabblebroxthe trick, is to run in terror when you've gone too far14:30
mabblebroxand get stoned and sleep14:30
@fennephedra is also a vasoconstrictor14:30
mabblebroxit can cause psychosis, yes14:30
@fenni mean ephedrine14:30
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mabblebroxbut i've been through massive psychosis anyway, i can keep my shit together14:30
@fennlol that is barely a sensible thought14:30
mabblebroxi'm just like, ok one bump, 3 bowls and some nitrates14:30
@fenn"trust me bro, i'm insane, it's cool"14:31
mabblebroxi'll admit to clinical insanity, it's no biggy14:31
cpopellCocaine will not give you superpowers in the gym.14:31
@fenncocain is also expensive, illegal, addictive, and has bad pharmacokinetics14:31
jrayhawkand superpowers are not a good idea; competition kills you, training is not done at competition levels of activity14:31
cpopelljrayhawk: ehhhhh :P14:32
cpopelljrayhawk: I shoot for upping my 1rm slightly every 2 weeks or so14:32
kanzurewhat did that have to do with superpowers?14:32
cpopellkanzure: regarding his statement on 'training is not done at competition levels of activity'14:33
cpopellcompetition is probably less strenuous than an average training day14:33
cpopellfor weightlifting14:33
kanzureso superpowers are a bad idea because competitions are less strenuous?14:33
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cpopellno, superpowers are a bad idea because they don't exist14:33
jrayhawkArtificially increasing the limits of your ability will not help make you stronger, it will, in fact, make you weaker.14:34
kanzurethat sounds just like semantics ("what's real power, blah blah blah")14:34
jrayhawkNo, I mean elite athletes exit a competition vastly less healthy than they enter it.14:35
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jrayhawkThey are operating at the very edge of their abilities and their bodies suffer for it.14:35
cpopelljrayhawk: depends on the competition14:35
jrayhawkTraining happens at much lower levels.14:35
cpopelljrayhawk: you lift 9 times in a powerlifting comp14:35
cpopellThat is true, however, for most other sports14:36
jrayhawkAnd those lifts are all at the edge of your abilities, seriously risking injury.14:36
cpopellNo, you usually actually end up lifting slightly less at comp than when you're training14:36
cpopellbecause it's a binary success thing in comp14:36
cpopellwhereas it's ok to fail in training14:37
jrayhawkComps usually involve three tries.14:37
jrayhawkWhich isn't quite binary, but it's close.14:37
cpopellyeah, but you're increasing each time14:37
cpopellif you planned it right14:37
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kanzurecpopell: there's this ancient youtube video of björnsson doing a 1000 pound squat and screaming something like "there is no life without strength", do you know where it is? :\14:42
jrayhawkI will say powerlifts are one of the safest sorts of comps one can do, but they're somewhat anomalous in that regard.14:42
cpopellkanzure: no :(14:42
kanzureit was a very strange video14:43
cpopelljrayhawk: yeah, I agree. It's way safer than dance competitions haha14:43
kanzurehe was giving a speech basically14:43
jrayhawkPeople who powerlift at elite levels (like, higher than 2000) typically exit the competition unhealthy because they enter it unhealthy, though14:43
cpopellare you talking about people in the superheavyweight class?14:44
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jrayhawkAnd below, but yeah. At least oly lifters have working knees and shoulders.14:44
cpopellEh :P14:44
cpopellI'm elite level, but at 16514:44
mabblebroxa friend is doing olympic squats with knee problems14:44
kanzureknees can be replaced14:44
mabblebroxkinda like fixy bikes14:44
mabblebroxmy mother got new knees14:45
mabblebroxstill not a pretty sight14:45
kanzureknees are not for looking14:45
cpopellmy total is only ~124014:45
mabblebroxlike, glucosamine or whatever14:45
kanzureaha! here we go14:46
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWUcHKAj_tc14:46
yoleauxThere is no reason to be alive if you can't do deadlift.14:46
sheenasquats done correctly and within proper resistance ranges can help knee problems14:46
jrayhawkAlso non-immunogenic dieting. Anti-tissue-transglutaminase is hell on joints.14:47
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eudoxiaso in the end does kanzure use steroids to type faster or not?14:48
mabblebroxhe told me he does14:48
sheenai want to know what hypothetical steroids increase.. typing speed? ...?14:48
jrayhawkSo, you know all those stupid "shortcuts" you want to take to get bigger?14:48
mabblebroxuh huh14:48
jrayhawkthe primary activity of a steroid is to decrease inflammation14:48
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jrayhawkHow much trouble your body is in determines what sort of investments your body is willing to make.14:49
eudoxiathe thing is i'm such a biopleb i can never know when he's joking or being serious about these things14:49
mabblebroxno, i'm usually very serious about what i talk about14:49
jrayhawkFat is money in the bank, muscle is a long-term illiquid asset.14:49
mabblebroxfat == potential energy14:50
jrayhawk"Trouble" always eventually comes around to inflammation; anything that goes wrong needs to be cleaned up. Steroids turn off inflammation, which tricks your body into making the long term investment in muscle.14:50
mabblebroxmuscle == energy lifter14:50
mabblebroxbut, also shrink balls, and turn you into an aggressive asshole14:51
jrayhawkMuscle is also potential energy; glycerol backbones can be put to gluconeogenesis.14:51
mabblebroxmuscle is active neergy14:51
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jrayhawkSo, the not-stupid way to make gains is to avoid ever facing substantial inflammatory insults in the first place.14:51
jrayhawkThis is what cpopell means when he talks about "eating well"14:52
jrayhawkand "sleeping well"14:52
mabblebroxi'm not trying to insult anybody14:52
mabblebroxwell yeah, that's why i like cocaine, it lets you sleep14:53
mabblebroxamphetamines, don't14:53
jrayhawkCocaine does nothing at all for inflammation other than fuck up the HPA axis.14:53
@fennjrayhawk: you may be wasting your time14:54
-!- Burnin8 is now known as Burninate14:54
mabblebroxno not at all, i'm researching this in earnest14:55
kanzurewasting time has long been a past time of irc14:55
mabblebroxI don't want to fuck myself over14:55
mabblebroxok wiki says HPA is a stress hormone or somethnig14:55
jrayhawkokay, definitely14:55
@fenn"president francois hollande has vowed to reduce his country's dependence on nuclear power by around 2025 to 50% of all electricity produced"  why the hell would he do that?14:56
mabblebroxwhat's the connection to inflammation14:56
mabblebroxjust put a reactor on the moon, duh14:56
mabblebroxmoonreactor -> laser transmitted power14:56
@fennsomehow nobody makes the connection between "dangerous nuclear power" and the 250+ coal miners that just died14:56
mabblebroxthis shit is all really obvious14:56
mabblebroxgood call14:56
mabblebroxand yet coal miners complain about job loss14:57
@fenndeaths from fukushima: 014:57
mabblebroxbut what, inflammation is a bigger problem than performance?14:57
mabblebroxwhat about NSAIDs?14:57
jrayhawkperformance does not determine gains14:58
jrayhawkcorrelation is not causation14:58
mabblebroxso inflammation is the problem14:58
jrayhawkIn large part. You also need some hormetic stimulous for tissue growth, but it doesn't have to be much.14:59
mabblebroxhormetic?  like steroids?14:59
@fenneconomic impact of turning off your ENTIRE FUCKING COUNTRY's nuclear power: 4% of GDP or 240 billion dollars14:59
mabblebroxok but what about fallout?14:59
jrayhawkwhat would steroids be hormetic for?14:59
mabblebroxthe technology has evolved, but you've still got natural disasters15:00
mabblebroxdude -------> me. nub15:00
jrayhawkgosh if only there was some sort of information resource for looking up words15:00
@fenn.wik hormetic15:00
yoleaux"Hormesis (from Greek hórmēsis "rapid motion, eagerness," from ancient Greek hormáein "to set in motion, impel, urge on") is the term for generally favorable biological responses to low exposures to toxins and other stressors. A pollutant or toxin showing hormesis thus has the opposite effect in small doses as in large doses." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hormetic15:00
mabblebroxyeah, how bout that15:00
mabblebroxbut i'm lazy15:00
mabblebroxok fine i'll wiki15:00
jrayhawkthis isn't a class; you aren't going to get an A for the effort of random word association15:01
@fennin this case i guess "hormetic stimulus" is exercise?15:01
cpopellmabblebrox: if you're lazy, then you won't get stronger.15:01
mabblebroxtrue dat15:01
mabblebroxso hormetic is toxin buildup?15:01
jrayhawkyou're just going to get sick and dead because you don't give a shit about epistemology and you're fucking around with your health15:01
mabblebroxdude i'm just trying to learn here15:01
@fennjrayhawk: will radiation make me buff?15:01
cpopellmabblebrox: then go read some books15:01
mabblebroxno i'm not currently using cocaine15:01
jrayhawkwhat about radioactive steroids15:01
@fennbuff as nutz i mean15:02
mabblebroxno not buff as nutz15:02
@fennyeah positron emission testosterone15:02
cpopellI don't give a shit if you think it's 'fun'15:02
mabblebroxtoo much muscle stresses the heart15:02
mabblebroxi didn't say anything was15:02
mabblebroxjesus, i'm just trying to research15:02
mabblebroxa friend told me this is a good place to learn stuff15:02
mabblebroxif ya gonna be assholes i'll just find somewhere else15:03
@fenngo to a bodybuilding forum15:03
cpopellor a powerlifting one15:03
mabblebroxI don't want to bodybuild15:03
cpopelldepending if you want to be strong or big15:03
mabblebroxI want to bruce.lee15:03
cpopellI told you15:03
cpopelllift weights15:03
mabblebroxlike ffffaaaaast15:03
cpopelldo martial arts15:03
cpopellthat's it.15:03
cpopellyou can't be bruce lee fast15:04
mabblebroxbut that's not enough, I need to accelerate15:04
mabblebroxsure you can15:04
cpopellThen fuck off15:04
mabblebroxdude there's 2 years until the next election15:04
mabblebroxif we don't get shit working by then, it's over15:04
@fenni didn't follow that line of thought15:04
cpopellwhat the fuck does bruce lee have to do with the next election?15:04
eudoxiais that a new TTLD15:04
cpopellalso, you can't accelerate15:04
mabblebroxdo you want a republican in office?15:04
cpopellthe most 'acceleration' you can do is to go and work your ass off.15:04
mabblebroxbut, steroids accelerate15:05
cpopellmabblebrox: I generally don't give a shit, the overton window is shifting as is15:05
mabblebroxbut make you an asshole15:05
* fenn facepalms15:05
mabblebroxapathy will be our demise15:05
cpopellI'm not apathetic, I'm simply not particularly in either party's lap.15:05
mabblebroxwell ok that would explain the absolute inefficacy of Obama15:06
jrayhawk15:06 <jrayhawk> op ##hplusroadmap jrayhawk15:06
jrayhawk15:06 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- You are not authorized to perform this operation.15:06
mabblebroxbecause the public is so damn ignoranc15:06
cpopellhow does this have anything to do with fitness15:06
mabblebroxnothing, i was just responding to that tangent15:06
cpopellyou brought it up.15:07
mabblebroxok fine my bad15:07
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [-o fenn] by ChanServ15:07
mabblebroxall i'm saying, is I need to be highly effective within a 2 year time frame15:07
cpopell...why 2 years15:07
mabblebroxbecause 2016 is the next election year15:07
mabblebroxand God help me if Mitt Romney gets elected15:08
cpopellI want you to spell out your train of thought, precisely.15:08
cpopellAre you threatening to murder a political candidate?15:08
fennhm did i do that15:08
mabblebroxI have nothing against obama, he has demostrated nothing particularly offensive except inefficacy15:08
mabblebroxwhat I want to do15:08
eudoxiai think he wants to run15:08
eudoxiai mean that's the vague implication i got from this15:08
mabblebroxis mobilize the inner city population and take down China, North Korea, and Iran, and establish holistic regimes15:09
fenndammit chanserv15:09
mabblebroxI need to be really, really fucking strong15:09
eudoxiajesus christ this channel15:09
mabblebroxthe military is a joke15:09
cpopelldoes strength15:09
mabblebroxyou have x10 the numbers in the inner cities15:09
cpopellhave to do with the election15:09
cpopellwait, what15:09
mabblebroxhave you ever tried to lead a gang?15:09
cpopellAre you schizophrenic?15:09
mabblebroxi'm insane15:09
fennyou're also stupid15:10
mabblebroxlike, tryi walking into south central and not die15:10
mabblebroxas a white person15:10
mabblebroxthat sort of thing15:10
jrayhawkhave you?15:10
fenntry leading a gang and not die, as anyone15:10
mabblebroxunless you can gain popular support with rhetoric15:10
mabblebroxno, i have not15:10
mabblebroxbut I hope to15:10
eudoxiamaybe it's just me, but has there been an increase in the number of schizophrenics reaching this channel lately?15:10
mabblebroxI would love to just cruise through Compton and throw weed out the window15:10
mabblebroxjust me15:10
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+o fenn] by ParahSailin15:11
@fenngo do it then15:11
jrayhawkit's pretty much constant15:11
mabblebroxyeah I hope to, I need funding though15:11
mabblebroxand the gates family won't talk to me15:11
@fennoh i am an op again15:11
jrayhawkooh ooh op me op me15:11
cpopellmabblebrox: if I was the gates family I wouldn't talk to you either15:11
mabblebroxyeah no doubt, they're conservo's15:12
cpopellno, because you're -insane-15:12
@fennmabblebrox: with the power invested in me by ParahSailin, i am expected to notify you that you are lowering the signal to noise ratio of this channel15:12
cpopelland your ideas have to do with a literal civil uprising15:12
mabblebroxwell, my bad15:12
mabblebroxyeah, duh15:12
mabblebroxdude where do you think crack came from?15:12
mabblebroxto fund Iran-Contra15:12
mabblebroxso we need some justice15:12
@fennplease don't talk about politics, philosophy, dumb drugs, intentional violence, and other extremely off-topic things15:13
mabblebroxjust kick me if i'm being annoying15:13
mabblebroxok fine15:13
jrayhawkPlease do15:13
mabblebroxw/e all i was trying to ascertain is the best way to attain ultimate fitness, rapidly15:13
mabblebroxbut i'll go bleh elsewhere if this is offensive15:13
jrayhawkAnd the majority of the stuff you're saying is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Not_even_wrong due to abysmally bad epistemology15:14
eudoxiai think late 2013 was the peak in terms of paranoid schizophrenics/everyone else15:14
jrayhawkit is mostly just nonsesnse15:14
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ruphoslife is hard, being so misunderstood15:14
mabblebroxthe moment may have passed, and we are all doomed15:14
mabblebroxI just have this tendency to hope15:14
mabblebroxbut if this is the wrong room for me to mabble i'll quit and bleh elswewher15:15
@fenni find actual schizophrenics to be fascinating to talk to15:18
@fennit depends on the personality of course, but you can get drawn into their alternate reality15:18
mabblebroxmental illness is awesome15:18
mabblebroxpsychotic people are so entertaining15:19
mabblebroxit's beautiful15:19
FourFirekanzure, can you critique my post here please? http://www.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/25llwz/my_immortal_dreamhayk_amirbekyan/chj07xu15:19
mabblebroxnormal people are just boring15:19
@fennyes normal people are boring, but also they are starved for genuine contact and communication15:19
mabblebroxthat's what Lateralus (of Tool) is all about15:19
FourFireI'm trying to, haltingly, improve the discourse and amount of stuff being done in that location15:19
@fennwhen it takes an investment just to be able to understand what you're saying, people don't generally try to talk to you15:19
mabblebroxyeah true15:20
cpopellFourFire: Don't bother15:20
mabblebroxbut, people read Deleuze15:20
mabblebroxpeople can't even get my level15:20
FourFireI know that I can't write, but maybe if I say the right things then other people will be inspired to spread the message (?)15:20
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mabblebroxyou'd hope15:21
mabblebroxthat's why I play music15:21
mabblebroxpeople will never read15:21
mabblebroxbut they'll listen to a song15:21
kanzure15:01 < jrayhawk> this isn't a class; you aren't going to get an A for the effort of random word association15:21
cpopellmabblebrox: I prefer to read than listen to songs15:21
cpopellmabblebrox: Songs don't have supporting references, generally15:21
mabblebroxwell you're not normal then :-P15:21
mabblebroxdude listen to the Chili Peppers15:21
mabblebroxthey say all you need to know15:21
cpopellAlso, I don't care for metaphor when someone's trying to make a point on policy or science.15:22
mabblebroxso, no answer to the original question?15:22
mabblebroxi'm getting bored15:22
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cpopellyour original question is 'how can I be an anime character'15:23
cpopellthe answer is 'you can't'15:23
mabblebroxno 'how can I attain to the level of Bruce Lee rapidly'15:23
cpopellyes, this is the same thing15:23
cpopellyou want a training montage15:23
mabblebroxreal fast too15:23
-!- Viper168 [~Viper@unaffiliated/viper168] has joined ##hplusroadmap15:23
cpopellbruce lee trained for something like 17 years15:23
mabblebroxi don't have that much time15:23
mabblebroxthis is transhumanism, i thought somebody might have an idea15:23
mabblebroxapparently it's up to me15:24
mabblebroxthanks for the help15:24
cpopellsorry, 20 years15:24
eudoxiaexactly, this is an h+ channel, so people are more likely to take the long view on some things :>15:24
mabblebroxyeah i've done basics, tai chi, etc15:24
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+o kanzure] by ChanServ15:24
mabblebroxwell i need results, fast15:24
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+o jrayhawk] by kanzure15:24
cpopellmabblebrox: What if you can't have them?15:24
@fennyou can study what scientists have learned about muscle metabolism in order to learn what does and doesn't work15:24
mabblebroxall i thought was, either cocaine, or steroids, cautiously used15:24
mabblebroxcall me a fool then15:25
@fenn"an hour in the library saves months in the lab"15:25
mabblebroxi'll let the planet die without a second though15:25
@kanzurean hour in irc makes a bunch of transhumanists angry at you15:25
mabblebroxyes, apparently so.15:25
@fennyeah we're not really a library, not even a reference desk15:25
@kanzurehi how can i help you go fuck yourself?15:26
mabblebroxwell, like i said, i'm a nub15:26
mabblebroxi'm just asking questions nobody would ask15:26
@kanzurei don't care how much of a nub or doorstop you are15:26
mabblebroxbecause i'm insane15:26
mabblebroxwell fine15:26
@fennwe get these questions from people all the time, and it's annoying15:26
cpopellmabblebrox: Do the ground work, or get out.15:26
mabblebroxnobody has ever had to deal with what I have to15:26
cpopellmabblebrox: I'm sure there are plenty of insane men who decided they wanted to take over the country.15:26
mabblebroxwell w/e i'll stop bothering you guys15:26
mabblebroxapparently it's not the right locale15:27
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [-o entelechy] by kanzure15:27
@kanzurewait, hm15:27
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [-q entelechy!*@*] by kanzure15:27
mabblebroxbut, as i leave, I say: Kanzure,15:27
mabblebroxsteroids ... for typing.15:27
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+b *!*mabblebro@*] by jrayhawk15:27
@kanzureadderall is not a steroid15:27
@fenndon't feed the troll15:27
eudoxiayou've said goodbye like three times15:27
-!- mabblebrox [~mabblebro@cpe-24-26-139-8.columbus.res.rr.com] has quit []15:28
@jrayhawkoh, yes, -q would be better, huh15:28
* kanzure snickers15:28
@fennd00dz i need to exercise my op skilz so i can megaban like lightning bruce.l33t15:29
@kanzurebruce l33t hah15:29
FourFire"<eudoxia> i think late 2013 was the peak in terms of paranoid schizophrenics/everyone else" the peak where, in this channel?15:29
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+q mabblebrox!*@*] by jrayhawk15:29
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [-b *!*mabblebro@*] by jrayhawk15:29
cpopellwhat's +q?15:29
@kanzureit's like gagging them15:30
FourFirekanzure, is that a negative then?15:30
eudoxiawhy can't it just say quiet15:30
@fennhow do we deliver cheese whiz over IRC15:30
eudoxiait's like those goddamn unix permission numbers15:30
@kanzureit's almost like irc was a poorly designed piece of crap?15:30
FourFirecpopell, why should I not bother, are there far superior ways of attaining what I want?15:30
-!- Vutral [~ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral] has joined ##hplusroadmap15:31
cpopellFourFire: You aren't going to improve the signal noise ratio of futurology15:31
@kanzurejrayhawk: so you got that last one wrong15:31
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [-b *!*mabblebro@*] by kanzure15:31
@kanzurewow why did the x disappear?15:31
@jrayhawkWhat was wrong?15:32
@kanzureit was mabblebrox15:32
@kanzureoh the ban was mabblebro15:32
@jrayhawkNot the localpart, no15:32
@kanzureoh right, local15:32
@kanzureyes i see now15:32
@kanzurei should feel less bad about my instincts about irc users15:33
@kanzurehave i had any false positives?15:33
FourFirecpopell, so, are there places that you suggest frequenting instead which already have a greater signal/noise ratio and which discuss similar topics?15:34
@kanzurei mean, false positives when detecting terrible people15:34
cpopellFourFire: Topical, really15:34
@fennwhy is there no ##bodybuilding15:35
FourFirethis channel is a bit small, and I don't really feel like I have anything to add, there's like 8-12 regularly active here15:35
@kanzurei gave escapist a fair shot, but he was just pissed that i was answreing his questions15:35
@kanzureplus, i didn't actually ban him15:35
FourFireso kanzure nothing?15:35
@fennbut you were asking about "detecting"15:35
@fenni think it's generally good to explain to people why they suck before banning them15:35
@fennunless it's a repeat offender15:35
@kanzuregood point, yes i did say detecting15:36
@fennalso, mental illness is not an excuse for being an ass15:37
@kanzureFourFire: the only solution is not to seek out signal/noise like that, but produce your own signal15:37
FourFirekanzure, so, what I'm doing in the subreddit is wrong, or correct or do you mean I should be active in here with interesting and relevant things?15:38
@kanzurei used to think that there's no bodybuilding irc culture because the cultures are non-intersecting, but now i'm not so sure15:38
@kanzurewhich subreddit?15:38
@fennthere are zillions of bodybuilding forums, either way it's text-based communication15:38
FourFiredid you even look at my post?15:38
@kanzurefenn, yes and there's a bunch of thoughtful bodybuilder people. jojack for instance.15:38
@jrayhawk'bodybuilding' is pretty narrow; maybe 'exercise physiology' or, more primitively, 'fitness' would get better results?15:39
@fenn'fitness' is too broad15:39
@kanzurebodybuilding is narrow but it has wide scope in terms of "people who have been unnecessarily ostracized"15:40
@kanzureor at least, some of them15:40
@fenn"Strength is not an absolute value. To be strong is to evolve. Mutability is strength. Evolution is a string of victories by the strong over the meek. The meek shall not inherit the Earth."15:40
@kanzurei shouldn't glamorize it too much, there's a bunch of idiots i'm sure15:40
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@fennnot exactly the quote i was looking for, but it'll do15:41
@kanzureFourFire: sorry, which post?15:42
@jrayhawkgoogle indicates irc://irc.chat4all.net/#bodybuilding.com might be relevant15:42
@kanzureoh yeah, "the 4chan of steroid users".. so that's bound to be interesting.15:42
FourFirekanzure, http://www.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/25llwz/my_immortal_dreamhayk_amirbekyan/chj07xu15:42
paskyfrankly, i'd have strong tendency to ostracize bodybuilders too, isn't that just an exercise in vanity, to look in a particular way? i admire people who are strong, have high endurance etc., but bodybuilders?15:43
FourFireI want you to critique it, maybe there's something I can say better, or less stupidly15:43
@kanzureFourFire: well, a plan is an okay direction15:43
@kanzurealmost like a roadmap or something15:43
@kanzuresome sort of roadmap for hplus things, i dunno15:43
eudoxiahas the lifeboat foundation actually done anything15:44
@kanzurethe lifeboat foundation did mastercoin15:44
eudoxiaother than  recruit half the united states into their board15:44
FourFireeudoxia, I was only outlining that there are lots of causes people can follow15:44
FourFirenot that i endorsed any of them in particular15:44
@kanzure.d vanity15:44
yoleauxvanity (/ˈvanɪti/): n. (vanities) 1. Excessive pride in or admiration of one’s own appearance or achievements: it flattered his ⁓ to think I was in love with him — http://is.gd/5gowSQ15:44
FourFirenote that I didn't link SENS in the post15:44
@fennpasky: but then you start ostracising the bodymodders and transgenders and where does it stop?15:45
eudoxiaFourFire: i don't know much about SENS. why is it bad or something?15:45
paskyi don't know about transgenders15:45
@kanzurepasky: it's not just about appearances htough15:45
@fenni'd rather encourage what's important than discourage "sins"15:45
@kanzurepasky: it's about showing that you can manipulate the body in certain ways15:45
FourFireeudoxia, I'm the sort of person who would support/advocate SENS over other causes15:45
@kanzureirc.chat4all.net/#bodybuilding.com is kinda small15:46
paskyi guess i borrowed the word "ostracize" rather carelessly, they just seem kind of silly to me, no strong feelings :)15:46
@kanzureyes it's partly silly15:47
@fenni feel the same way about cars15:47
@kanzurebut it's not morally evil because steroids, or because they are strong when others are not15:47
@fenntransport is important, propulsion engineering is important, but "go faster" is kinda pointless in an internal combustion engine15:47
@fennthe difference between mr. Bjornsson and me is miniscule in the scale of the universe15:47
paskykanzure: you have a good point there, but i'll still much more admire people who *use* the way they modify their body rather than just *show* it15:47
paskyoh of course, i didn't mean to imply it's morally evil15:48
@kanzureyeah, i didn't mean to imply that you implied that, but it's something in the popular consensus rather15:48
paskyi guess15:48
@kanzurei am not sure there are any jobs that require you to be really jacked up like that15:48
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@kanzure3d models are better at it15:49
@kanzureuncanny dungeon and such15:49
@fennmutagenic menagerie15:49
@fennhow bout them cows15:49
@fenn.wik bull terrier15:49
yoleaux"The Bull Terrier is a breed of dog in the terrier family. There is also a miniature version of this breed which is officially known as the Miniature Bull Terrier." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bull_terrier15:49
@fennwrong dog15:50
@kanzurejrayhawk: if i was to add you and fenn to the op list, do i want SOP, AOP, HOP, or VOP?15:51
@kanzureit looks like at least HOP?15:51
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@kanzure/query chanserv flags ##hplusroadmap fenn +o15:52
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@kanzurehmm i didn't consider this but maybe the reason for the new influx of users is because reddit.com added http://reddit.com/r/futorology to the front page15:55
@fenngee thanks reddit15:56
@kanzureno kidding15:56
eudoxianot that many results15:57
@kanzurebut i also worry about second-order effects15:57
@kanzurehow many hops from http://reddit.com/r/futorology to something that gets them here15:57
eudoxiawithout direct linking, it seems this channel is a little too obscure for the average r/futurologist to find it15:57
eudoxiahaha i found cpopell http://www.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/zq56m/im_dr_ben_goertzel_artificial_general/c66s6e815:58
* eudoxia waves15:58
@kanzure"Humanity+ doesn't represent the movement in an adequate manner, otherwise groups like hplusroadmap wouldn't have splintered off."15:58
@kanzure"They were the originals. The splinter groups should re-brand themselves rather than stealing the More's hard from the past 2 decades."15:58
@fenn"fantastic resources for when you need questions answered RIGHT THIS MOMENT" - delinquentme15:58
@kanzureno no no we're the people's front of fucking judiah15:58
@kanzurefenn: "My method of learning is to ask ParahSailin until he cries" - delinquentme15:59
eudoxiahttp://www.reddit.com/r/bioinformatics/comments/owgx0/im_recruiting_awesome_brains_for_a_few_irc/ and this was by delinquentme15:59
@kanzure"hplusroadmap is invite only" i wish15:59
@kanzurethe problem with invite only is that i wouldn't ever be able to convince the hardware people to show up16:00
@kanzure"well first you have to register with this thing called nickserv.."16:01
delinquentmeI wonder if Ill ever learn that some people just want to be fucks for no good reason16:01
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [-o kanzure] by kanzure16:02
delinquentmeincluding those thoe navel-gaze to infinity16:02
kanzureyes.. navel-gazing. that's exactly what's happening here. sure..16:02
delinquentmekanzure with the " dont post shit from reddit "16:02
kanzurexentrac posted a really good reddit link16:02
delinquentmekanzure, "but it's not morally evil because steroids, or because they are strong when others are not"16:02
kanzureunfortunately it was a reddit link to his own comment on reddit, which wouldn't have been there if it wasn't him16:02
delinquentmelike thats not fucking 30 lines up16:02
delinquentmefuck off about it or dont help16:03
kanzureyou should read that as "just because it is steroids does not mean it is morally evil"16:03
delinquentmekanzure, I read 'navel-gazing'16:03
kanzurei'm confusede16:03
cpopellmarshallp is crazy btw.16:06
delinquentmeseriously kanzure leaders do not behave the way you do16:06
kanzurethey don't kick and ban people?16:07
delinquentmebut theres fuck all I can do about it if your leadership style is derived from 4chan16:07
delinquentmeIDK if fenn  is any better here with the typical " SHAME PEOPLE WHO DO IT DIFFERENTLY"16:08
delinquentmebut thats a choice, again, that is up to either of you16:08
kanzureuh yeah, shame... sure.16:08
@fennproblem is that shame doesn't work on morons16:09
FourFireso kanzure is there anything more you have to say about my post besides that I should have linked diyhpl.us/wiki/ in my post?16:09
kanzureFourFire: i don't think i said that though16:09
delinquentmefenn, I do believe I shoved your face in shit the other day and consequently was quiet and cool about it16:09
kanzureFourFire: you might want to include some metric for evaluating whether or not a plan is working, or whether or not a plan is a good idea16:09
delinquentmeHow do you deal with it when you show people up? Looks like you dance around.16:09
delinquentmefucking half males16:10
@fennyeah you're so mature16:10
kanzurelet's have a database that keeps track of how much face everyone has, and then redistribute face from the facerich to the facepoor16:10
delinquentmefenn, YES good default behavior ... " BUT HE DID IT FIRST ! "16:10
eudoxiawait that might collide with a facepunch studios project16:11
kanzurephew glad we avoided that catastrophe16:11
kanzurefor a moment there i thought it was a genuinely bad idea16:11
@fennkanzure: it's called whuffie, or at least it was supposed to be before it was raped by twitter and abandoned on an exit ramp of the information superhighway16:11
delinquentmewho the fuck taught you how to behave?16:11
kanzurefenn: i don't actually believe in face in this context16:11
kanzurefenn: i'm obviously being sarcastic.. face doesn't matter at all.16:12
delinquentmeagain. stupid conversations.16:12
delinquentmefuck this.16:12
* fenn waves16:12
kanzurebtw, "shame people who do it differently" is just in your head16:13
delinquentmeNah I think i'm learning life lessons here16:14
delinquentmethat you can be quite accepting of people and some people are just going to be fucks16:14
@fennyou can abuse a resource and then pretend you have been abused16:14
kanzurewhere do you get this from16:14
@jrayhawkkanzure: I would suggest ignoring the templates and go through the flags yourself16:15
delinquentmefenn, I'm projecting here, yes, but I guess I'm wrong to think that people can be decent to one another16:15
kanzurejrayhawk: is there any problem with just setting +o on you16:15
delinquentmeespecially when were talking non-zero sum resources16:15
kanzurebeing decent just to be decent is disgusting16:16
kanzureand wrong16:16
kanzureit's a complete violation of the concept of decency16:16
@fennsomebody think of the children16:16
@jrayhawksounds fine to me16:16
kanzureSTOTC doesn't seem to apply there?16:17
delinquentmekanzure, you're a funny fat fuck16:17
delinquentmeFunny people are good for that16:17
delinquentmeIt sucks that you carry that baggage into adulthood16:17
kanzureenlighten me16:18
delinquentmebut I don't suppose that you have something funny to say about that16:18
cpopelldelinquentme: I like how you're now trying to psychoanalyze him now.16:18
delinquentmecpopell, what are you contributing here?16:18
delinquentmecpopell, yes thats exactly what im doing.16:18
kanzurehe is telling you that he likes something16:18
cpopellIt amuses me.16:19
kanzurehe is telling you that it amuses him16:19
delinquentmeand why is it funny16:19
delinquentmecome on in now16:19
kanzureget back to me16:19
delinquentmecontribute to the circle jerk!16:19
eudoxiai think the implication is that you should have psychoanalyzed him earlier?16:19
cpopelldelinquentme: I have no idea what my role in this channel is except at the moment, but at least in the last year I've usually refrained from popping up with inane ideas and then disappearing again when people are frustrated with me (with a couple exceptions)16:20
kanzurecpopell: that's not the only problem at play.. there's other issues like a really broken theory of mind or learning.16:20
delinquentmeconsider the environment you want to foster here kanzure16:20
kanzurecpopell: ("learning can only be achieved by talking to ParahSailin")16:21
kanzurefrankly this is a great enivronment16:21
delinquentmecpopell, I dont really have anything to say to you16:21
kanzureit is the strongest transhumanism group ever, by orders of magnitude16:21
delinquentmekanzure, hahahaha16:21
kanzurei am glad it amuses you, because frankly it makes me cry16:22
delinquentmeI would bet that mantra is more fun than porn for you huh?16:22
delinquentmeSpeaking of being productive !16:22
-!- delinquentme [~dingo@] has left ##hplusroadmap ["Leaving"]16:22
cpopellWhere the fuck does his money come from?16:22
cpopellhe's always buying shit and lives in SF16:23
kanzureintegrated plasmonics, a few ruby/rails gigs16:23
FourFirekanzure, well I'm not really sure, do you think I'm onto something with this thing I call "Progress" or am I just talking out of my ass?16:23
FourFirebecause an indication of whether "a plan" is working would be a greater amount of observed effects of "progress"16:23
juri_i build printers. :)16:24
kanzureFourFire: dunno what to tell you16:24
kanzurelike, "and it is important that different people work in parallel on all of the different causes" is a cheap way of dodging important questions16:25
kanzure"well, instead of figuring it out, i'm just going to allocate resources in parallel to everything"16:25
kanzurewhich seems like a possibly wrong allocation strategy16:26
dingodoing everything very poorly, generally, is the outcome16:28
@jrayhawki am sad because delinquentme didn't criticize me16:30
kanzurehe probably doesn't even know you exist16:30
kanzureyou are like a shadow16:30
cpopellI have him on facebook for some ungodly reason16:31
kanzurei've opted not to ban him because for all of his problems he does actually tend to tinker around with hardware16:31
kanzurebut this may be wrong on my part16:31
@jrayhawkI am not a shadow! I am totally worth devaluing/externalizing!16:32
@jrayhawkgrumble grumble16:32
@jrayhawkThis was pretty uncharacteristic for him, so it may have just been a bad day or something.16:32
@jrayhawkA temporary regression to a black and white thinking.16:33
kanzurehave we ever made any progress on him in any area whatsoever?16:33
kanzuregee i hope i didn't tell him to move to sf, i hope that's not the only thing he's listened to16:35
kanzureseems like he got that idea from other directions anyway16:35
-!- eudoxia [~eudoxia@r186-50-140-59.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has quit [Quit: leaving]16:38
kanzure    //modified by NIZHNY-MZV  Thu Apr 20 09:34:33 200016:43
kanzure    //see comments at the top of file TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder1.cxx16:43
kanzure    //about using of this global variable16:43
kanzure    GLOBAL_USE_NEW_BUILDER = Standard_True;16:43
FourFirekanzure, ok I surely worded that one poorly16:44
@fennStandard_True is better than Custom_True16:44
kanzureDone(); return; what was the point of this?16:45
kanzureglobal state locking?16:45
FourFirewhat I meant was that there are loads of different things which must be worked on, and we, humans can do so much more efficiently with specialization, so, even though I don't know much about or show interest in *all of these specialized areas* they are still important to humanity's efforts as a whole16:45
kanzurei am not interested in making statements about humanity-as-a-whole16:46
kanzuremaking broad statements on that topic is probably much more difficult than making the normal kind of statement16:46
@ParahSailinwow, now i understand "need questions answered RIGHT THIS MOMENT"16:47
FourFirekanzure, so avoiding even mentioning that relevant topic entirely is a less cheap method than doing it poorly?16:47
@fennpretty sure i wrote something about this16:48
kanzurecan you be more specific, the "relevant topic" is the reddit thread that i didn't read?16:48
@ParahSailinno reddit16:48
FourFire""well, instead of figuring it out, i'm just going to allocate resources in parallel to everything"" when I say this what I mean is that other people should specialize in the other areas16:49
kanzurei'm having trouble determining if the Perform() method in that file is the entirety of the boolean operation code.. i thought there was a bunch of knot stuff you had to do for surface-surface intersection.16:50
FourFireI'm trying to make myself more credible by pinting out that I don't think that "the one true way" is to work on anti-aging and regenerative medicine technology16:50
@fennFourFire: an outline of thoughts on "what is important" from a year ago ish http://fennetic.net/irc/hplusroadmap.draft16:51
FourFireI'm trying to defanaticise myself in the eye of the reader, and clearly I'm not doing it very well16:51
@ParahSailinunsafeLaunchMissiles is totally safe16:51
-!- delinquentme [~dingo@] has joined ##hplusroadmap16:51
delinquentmeSo listen. What exactly is it that you guys want to see out of this channel?16:51
kanzureFourFire: transhumanism is more of a process rather than a list of "one true way" things16:52
@ParahSailinlack of googling16:52
kanzureFourFire: it's about building technology16:52
delinquentmeThe specifics on how I use it in asking questions here, adding efficiencies to what I'm looking into ... is bad?16:52
kanzureFourFire: with some bounds on it16:52
@fenndelinquentme: yes16:52
@ParahSailinperhaps r/askscience or something is what you actually want16:52
delinquentmeHow is this channel better used fenn?16:52
@fennthat is called "taking and not giving back"16:52
delinquentmeOkay, how should a good member of the channel be giving back?16:53
delinquentmeyes I know I could be working on paperbot16:53
delinquentmewhos still not present16:53
@fennanswer as many questions as you ask16:53
@ParahSailinis present16:53
FourFirekanzure, yeah, exactly, I'm saying that I don't think *what I happen to be into* is a "one true way" I even say "There is no single greatest cause for everyone to follow so far as I can determine, just a vague direction which I will tentatively call "Progress""16:54
kanzurepaperbot is an okay example, but in general, hardware projects16:54
delinquentmepaperbot is something everyone uses so thats a good " tides raise all the ships " kind of thing16:54
@ParahSailini would probably be more forgiving of dumb questions if you proved yourself useful somehow16:55
kanzureyour prototype of a pipetting machine is one of the reasons i haven't permabanned you yet16:55
delinquentmethis channel is listed on the codebase16:56
@fennspeaking of hardware projects, i'm talking to clock in #brlcad and he's pointing at his hardware directory and asking for donations to finish the latest project http://www.twibright.com/hw.php16:56
@fenni told him he should accept bitcoin and that i had no bitcoins16:56
kanzurehow much money does he want16:56
kanzureand what is the project16:56
@fennfeeding himself i guess. the project was a water distillation device for third world something something16:57
kanzureum, aren't there 1000 million orgs that are doing water distillation device funding16:57
@fennthat's what i thought but i could be wrong16:57
@fennNGOs have terrible efficiencies at actually doing stuff16:57
kanzureyes, but many of them do <$5k grants on random projects, which a water distillation thing would probably qualify for16:58
kanzuremy point is, i'm not going to give him $2.5k for that heh16:58
@ParahSailinnobody in third world actually needs water distillation device16:58
@fennright, i'm not sure what to say16:58
@ParahSailinclean drinking water is a solved problem16:58
@fennuh, what?16:58
@fenni think distillation is overkill, but clean water is not a solved problem16:59
@ParahSailinyeah, you fill liter water bottles up with water and you sit them in the sunshine for a day16:59
@ParahSailinthis is ghetto tek and it works 100% of the time all the time16:59
delinquentmeI'm not sure thats denaturing viruses *16:59
@ParahSailindelinquentme: listen to the experts16:59
delinquentmeAm I wrong?16:59
@ParahSailinyou are17:00
@jrayhawkviruses are pretty fragile17:00
@fennwhat about water with high turbidity, pesticides, heavy metals17:00
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@ParahSailinfenn yeah, those are still problems17:00
delinquentmejrayhawk, sure but I'm missing how they're getting destroyed17:01
delinquentme" the sunshine protocol "17:01
@fennthymidine dimer formation i think17:01
@ParahSailinsunshine contains vitamin d and x rays17:01
@fennand happiness17:01
@fennlittle known fact: happiness is ionizing radiation17:02
@fennthis is why thunderstorms smell good17:02
kanzurei always wondered about that17:02
@fennParahSailin: the sun trick is good to know though; why did it take so long to become general knowledge? (is it?)17:03
delinquentmeParahSailin, so the Xrays make sense  ... vitamin D is created within the body which is assisted by vitamin D17:03
@ParahSailindelinquentme: false, vitamin d is an isotope of heavy oxygen formed by cosmic rays17:04
delinquentmelol sorry sunlight17:04
@ParahSailinfenn: i think theres a stigma https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_water_disinfection17:04
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@ParahSailinfenn: it makes you feel like a third worlder if you have hundreds of water bottles on the corrugated roof of your shack17:05
@fenni see17:05
@fenndying of dysentery is so much more dignified17:06
@fenndoes this work on overcast days17:07
kanzuremaybe you can use a giant lense on overcast days17:07
@fennyou can make a giant lens out of water.. coincidence?!17:08
@fenni hate those crinkly bottles17:08
@ParahSailinsend crinkly bottles to rhodesia17:09
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kanzurewhy isn't clock in here?17:10
@fenn"You need sunny weather, or two days of overcast sky, to reach the maximum effectiveness. SODIS becomes less effective as you travel away from the equator. You cannot use it in rain; it offers no residual disinfection; it may be less effective against bacterial spores and cyst stages of some parasites"17:10
kanzurei wonder if you can have a material that will track sunlight17:11
kanzureand then you can look at the color to determine whether or not the bottle is ready17:11
@fennfor a second i was thinking MEMS mirror array paint17:11
kanzurecould just be a dye17:11
@ParahSailinlol, no you need to go more russian ghetto tek17:11
FourFire"<ParahSailin> nobody in third world actually needs water distillation device" what?17:12
delinquentmefenn, thats a process used in making really large lenses... You'll get a nice big parabola when you spin a liquid while it sets17:12
@ParahSailinit needs to be a monkey model17:12
delinquentme+1 How its made17:12
@fenndelinquentme: you can put water over a stretched plastic film and it will make a catenary (hyperbola)17:12
@ParahSailinbangladesh needs water distillation, but generally, water bottles in the sun will do it for most people17:13
@fennkinda hard to control the focal length though17:13
FourFireParahSailin, direct your attention to the "water" section: http://www.worldometers.info/17:14
kanzurea single photodiode will probably work17:14
kanzureor even a thermometer17:14
kanzuretemperature correlates with sunlight exposure. have one thermometer per 10 m^2 of bottles.17:14
@fennhow about e. coli17:14
@ParahSailinFourFire: you are probably not paying attention to this conversation, so i wont bother responding17:14
@fennlactobacillus spores17:14
kanzurefenn, and then check under a microscope?17:14
@fennno, plate on agar17:14
FourFireParahSailin, I am so!17:14
kanzureplating on agar takes too long i think?17:14
kanzuretakes more than an hour to see a colony17:15
kanzureyou should just be able to look at a bottle and "know"17:15
@ParahSailindo you have some ability to not read messages i say?17:15
@fenni can't think of anything else that measures what you want to measure17:15
kanzureyou should instantly know "This is less likely to kill me" without wondering "how many clouds passed over me yesterday"17:15
FourFireI have the disability to not be able to read everything that's going on all at once17:15
@ParahSailink, scroll up, and im not gonna give you any hints where to look17:15
sheenawhat us airport has the most direct flights to locations around the us?17:16
@jrayhawkYeah, I'm not finding anything about distillation on this page.17:16
@jrayhawkor possibly Denver17:16
kanzuresheena: atlanta, charlotte, dallas-fort worth, houston, detroit, in that order17:17
sheenakanzure: source?17:18
kanzuremy ass :(17:18
FourFireParahSailin, if you looked at my link you would see that there are still plenty of people dying due to waterborne disease17:18
kanzuresheena: oh, how about this http://www.bbc.com/travel/blog/20130205-which-are-the-best-us-airports-for-connections (but this isn't direct)17:18
@jrayhawkFourFire: That is orthogonal to ParahSailin's claim.17:18
FourFireso, unless those statistics are incorrect, or people really do kill themselves due to pride "100% of the time" then it isn't a solved problem17:18
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@fennpretty sure education is a big component of the problem17:19
@jrayhawkA distribution and education problem is not the same as a methodological or production problem.17:19
kanzureanother lowtech way is to just get weather reports from the interwebz17:20
kanzureand if it was cloudy the whole day, less sunlight17:20
@fennor just leave stuff out for two days instead of one17:20
kanzurebut chances of it being cloudy two days in a row are.. actually i don't know.17:20
kanzureit's not impossible17:20
@fennthe sun goes around like clockwork :P17:20
sheenakanzure: how do you know this stuf? it's just a fact you keep in your brain?17:20
@fenni think 2 days of overcast is enough17:20
kanzuresheena: lots of travel.. i get routed to a bunch of places. but also, i am superfast at google.17:21
kanzure"gee i wonder why i keep going through houston"17:21
@ParahSailinthere might be places in the world where people are dying of cholera and dont even have access to crinkly water bottles17:22
sheenai tried to google. just did not work. poop17:22
@ParahSailinin that case, we should promote distribution of crinkly water bottles to them, not stills17:22
sheenadog group wants to hold a seminar but doenst care where. seems logical to me for them to hold it in the most accessible city via airport.. ye?17:22
kanzureParahSailin: maybe they can just go to the shore and find a few dying water bottle turtles17:23
@jrayhawkpeople still go hungry in the world, we need to develop portable soylent factories!17:24
kanzuresheena: also pick somewhere with lots of dog people?17:24
@jrayhawkstructure collapses still happen in the world, we need to develop carbon fiber factories!17:24
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@jrayhawkpeople still die of exposure, we need to develop artifical mink coats!17:25
kanzurefor your dog brain surgery, would you be willing to do it in the US? opens up your options for who17:25
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clockhi all17:27
@fennhello we are talking about solar water disinfection17:27
kanzureyou may be interested in the backlog about solar water phased arrays http://gnusha.org/logs/2014-05-15.log17:27
kanzurefenn, langton labs should rename their burner group from phage to phase17:28
clockfenn, yes related topic to my http://ronja.twibright.com/distillcooker/ :)17:28
@fennkanzure: naw, the whole point is it's a mind virus17:28
kanzuresee, i always thought twibright.com was that other guy that was in here17:28
@fennclock``? :P17:29
kanzurethat's the guy!17:29
kanzureclock: https://github.com/kanzure/python-brlcad17:29
@fennjrayhawk: i wish there were talented people who actually thought like that17:30
@jrayhawkit's true, i could use a mink coat17:30
@fennpretty sure "quorn" comes close to a portable soylent factory17:31
@fennammonia + molasses in, high quality protein out17:31
@fennthose stupid vegans messed it all up though17:31
@jrayhawk"after changing production methods to ensure that only free-range eggs were used, the Vegetarian Society gave the product a seal of approval."17:32
@jrayhawkwell, egg-based is less horrifying than i was expecting17:32
@jrayhawknot sure how vegans could get involved with that, though17:32
@fennbasically it was threatening gardenburger's profits, so the hired CSPI as thugs to "take em out"17:33
@fennhey the patent is expired17:33
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kanzurehrm what was wrong with lolcad, again?17:38
@fennthe maintainer abandoned it17:38
@fennwhat is lolcad17:39
kanzurelolcad is many things, but part of it was my silly idea of implementing step compatibility without ISO EXPRESS17:39
kanzureand without step class library17:39
@fennhuh cgit doesn't parse README.mdwn?17:39
kanzurebut the other aspect was pure python nurbs curves and surfaces (?)17:40
@fennwell that sounds okay17:40
kanzurei see arc, circle, polyline, NurbsSurface17:40
clockfenn, I think its unfair to call vegans stupid17:41
kanzurepart of the problem was that i was implementing something i didn't completely comprehend17:41
@fennheh clock i used to be a vegan and canvassed for CSPI17:41
clockI don't think being a vegan is a good idea, but that doesn't mean the people are stupid17:42
clockand I am not vegan :)17:42
clockneither a vegetarian :)17:42
kanzurebad ideas are wrong17:42
@fennwrong ideas are bad!!17:43
@fennhey people can eat whatever they want17:43
kanzurethat doesn't make it a good idea17:43
@ParahSailinfenn: how did you de-vegan?17:43
@fennwhat am i trying to say. i want quorn to exist and be cheap and accessible and safe17:43
kanzure.title https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=775253717:43
yoleauxShow HN: Take It Apart17:43
kanzurei think this is nmz787's thing17:43
@fenni want to be able to air-drop a quorn factory into a harsh and unforgiving desert, and have it bake curious meat patties17:44
@fenni recognize that space colonies probably will not have space for cows or salmon17:44
@fennso the sooner we learn to live healthy the more easy it will be to transition to a space based lifestyle17:44
@fennother people have other motivations for their vegan diet17:44
cluckjI want a space-based lifestyle17:44
@fennuh "live healthy on a synthetic diet" i mean17:45
@fennand yes "space based lifestyle" means you live in outer space17:45
@fennbut where's the sense in suing to death the greatest invention in nutrition in decades?17:46
clockI actually ate quorn17:46
clockbut then it wasn't available in my grocery anymore so now I eat something similar but its made conventionally out of vegetables or whatever17:47
clockand I like the taste more17:47
@fennParahSailin: first it was realizing that an entire gallon of ice cream cost less than a bag of vegan chocolate chips17:48
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cluckjanimal-produced fats are pretty great17:49
@ParahSailinso the economics of using animals?17:49
@fennParahSailin: then it was "the anti-aging zone" by barry sears (zone diet) and carolyn ray (a person on sifter) talking about fish oil and the difference in difficulty of getting protein RDA on a vegan diet vs omnivorous diet17:50
@fennbasically a quantitative argument17:51
@fennvisualizing the amount of beans you need vs meat for 50 grams of protein17:51
clockfenn, what means "a person on sifter"? :) is sifter some kind of drug? :)17:52
@fennsifter is an "atheist church" i guess, just a group of people trying to find the truth17:52
@jrayhawkha ha oh barry "arachidonic acid is a toxin" sears17:52
clockfenn, what animal fat cheap? what I heard animals are like energy guzzlers when it comes to efficiency of production17:52
cluckjsoy protein is pretty available17:52
@fennjrayhawk: that's not what he says if you read the book17:52
@jrayhawkthat's what the says to the media17:52
@ParahSailinanimals can yield food off of non-arable land17:52
@fennjrayhawk: well, it's true in people who eat an inflammatory diet :\17:52
@fennwhich is most people17:53
@jrayhawkyeah, lots of things are pathological in the context of other pathologies17:53
clockactually I go to gym so I made calculations which protein is the cheapest for me to eat17:54
clockand its "magerquark"17:54
@fennwell right now i have sitting on the counter: a huge bok choy plant, a can of chub mackerel, some kumquats, garlic, and barbecue sauce17:54
clocka low-fat quark, a type of fresh dairy product17:54
@jrayhawkincluding, but not limited to, methionine, vitamin a, vitamin d, DHA, AA, carbohydrates, fat, protein17:54
clockwhich is illogical because thats so expensive to produce17:54
clocktofu is much more expensive17:54
@jrayhawkcalling these things "toxic" is gibbering idiocu17:54
@fennvitamin A will kill you regardless of your diet17:55
clockyou know that water is highly toxic it has therapeutic index only 1?17:55
@jrayhawkNo, vitamin A toxicity is mediated by vitamin D levels.17:55
clockA daily dosis - 3.2 L accoridng to WHO - can kill you if drank at once17:55
clockso people should go to bathroom probably in hazmat suits17:56
@fenn.d quark17:56
yoleauxquark¹ (/kwɑːk, kwɔːk/): n. Any of a number of subatomic particles carrying a fractional electric charge, postulated as building blocks of the hadrons. Quarks have not been directly observed but theoretical predictions … — http://is.gd/vZccdJ17:56
@fenn.wik magerquark17:56
yoleaux"Quark is a type of fresh dairy product. It is made by warming soured milk until the desired degree of coagulation (denaturation) of milk proteins is met, and then strained." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quark_(dairy_product)17:56
@jrayhawkIt's one of those things that we've RCT'd with pathological norms.17:56
@ParahSailineven the eskimos cannot eat the liver of the animals there17:56
@jrayhawkEskimos, notably, have really shitty vitamin D status.17:56
@ParahSailinand they throw it away so it doesnt poison their dogs either17:57
@jrayhawkThough yeah, polar bear livers are pretty extreme.17:57
@fenni'd expect eskimos to have okay vitamin D status from all the fish17:57
clockcouldnt eskimos chop the livers and sell them over a webshop?17:58
@fennFISH,HALIBUT,GREENLAND,RAW                                85.0 g      23.3 mcg17:58
clockas a vitamin supplement?17:58
@fennFISH,SALMON,SOCKEYE,COOKED,DRY HEAT                       85.0 g      19.8 mcg17:59
clocksounds like the USDA database?17:59
@jrayhawkSo, that's 400-600 IU per-fish?17:59
@jrayhawkor is it per-serving17:59
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clockI had to scan the USDA database because my machine produces distilled water and people are scared of it18:00
clocktelling myths like its unhealthy to drink etc.18:00
@jrayhawkoh, 1 mcg is 40IU18:00
clockso I had to figure out how much Ca and Mg reduction you get from it and which is the cheapest food to replace that18:00
@fennone serving of fish is about 1000 IU18:00
clockand then calculate that into the cost of operation18:00
@jrayhawkso 800-100018:00
@fennalso i'd expect it to vary a lot18:01
@fenni just pulled the top "D2+D3 per serving" from USDA18:01
clockso if you want to calculate your Ca and Mg I can give you reference to pages in the document with a comprehensive table :)18:01
* clock loves fenn for using the USDA18:01
sheenaclock: what machine?18:02
clocksheena, http://ronja.twibright.com/distillcooker/18:02
@fennclock: most people are super way under their RDA for magnesium regardless of the water they drink18:02
clockfenn, yep and you know what is the cheapest source of Mg in Switzerland and what in Cambodia?18:02
@fenni use nut-nutrition to look up data18:02
@jrayhawkhuh http://www.circumpolarhealthjournal.net/index.php/ijch/article/view/18001/html18:03
@fennhmm cheapest source... magnesium sulfate probably. but bioavailable, spinach?18:03
clockSwitzerland: supplements18:03
@fennsea salt without the sodium chloride?18:03
clockCambodia: bananas18:03
clockSwitzerland except supplements: peants18:04
@fennpeanuts contain phytic acid so you'll have to factor that in18:04
@fennalso peanuts have lots of omega-6 so i don't feel comfortable telling people "just eat lots and lots of peanuts every day forever"18:04
clockfenn, why factor phytic acid? is something I can overdose?18:04
@fennno, it just reduces the amount of magnesium absorbed18:05
clockoh :(18:05
clockfortunately none of my price calculation was based on peanuts18:05
clockso I don't have to change my document now :)18:05
@jrayhawkPlants generally store minerals bound to phytate and humans are sorta bad at phytase expression.18:05
clockI ate a bag of peanuts at once once18:05
@fennfactual accuracy? what's that?18:05
clockam I going to pop?18:05
@jrayhawkSome folks have better gut flora for it than others.18:05
cluckjall plants are trying to kill us18:06
@jrayhawkPhytate breakdown can be done with arduous food preparation protocols.18:06
clockjrayhawk, what do these protocols approximately involve?18:06
clockphytic acid: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/45/Phytic_acid.svg/300px-Phytic_acid.svg.png18:07
@jrayhawkfor nuts, some combination of soaking, drying, and roasting, the order of which i do not remember18:07
clockIf I didn't know it is a real substance I would think that is a drawing of a chemist on LSD18:07
clock"to a lesser extent, also macro minerals such as calcium and magnesium; " (phytic acid wikipedia)18:08
@ParahSailinare those gmo pigs with phytase on the market yet?18:11
@jrayhawkwhoa, hadn't heard of those18:11
@jrayhawkthat's a fascinating idea18:11
sheenacan i make a goat that makes cows' milk so i dont have to deal with the idiocy that is the gov't mandated cows milk sale shit?18:11
@jrayhawkwhat's wrong with goat milk18:12
sheenaits not very delicious?18:12
@ParahSailinyou are hurting my goats' feelings18:13
sheenaok it doesnt taste LIKE cow's milk?18:13
sheenaso if one wants to drink cows milk18:13
sheenagoats milk is a poor substitute?18:13
sheenaalso if i mix vinegar and bleach, will i die?18:13
@ParahSailinapologize to little julia and caprica https://plus.google.com/photos/108592484668460515128/albums/5838517469299267185?authkey=CITGk5Cfu5DdrQE18:14
clocksheena, if you do it it will smell like an attack of million swimming pools in your bathroom18:14
clockthen you probably realize you may get seriously hurt18:14
clockso you will hold your breath, run to the windows, open them all, get out of your apartment, and then resume breathing18:15
sheenawhy does the internet tell you to put vinegar on bleach to neutralize it?18:15
@jrayhawkwell, i guess in the sense that a match will neutralize dynamite pretty fast18:16
clockmixing vinegar and bleach will neutralize you ;-)18:16
cluckjit depends how much you mix18:17
sheenaParahSailin: you milk those goats?18:17
@ParahSailinnah, city made me give them away :(18:17
clockvinegar has pH 218:18
clockthats a perfect match to get the chlorine out :)18:18
clockmy eyes are burning when I just talk about it :)18:19
@fennmixing vinegar and bleach will do nothing18:19
clockoh and the inside of my nose too :)18:19
@fennyou will have some vinegar mixed with bleach18:19
@ParahSailinit would take a lot of vinegar to take it to ph 218:19
sheenaim bleaching a carpet18:19
sheenaits working well for its purpose, but i'm concerned the smell may not dissipate quickly enough for my comfort18:19
clocksheena, I am concerned the organics of the dirt is actually turned into chloramines18:20
@fennso, it's worth noting that vinegar also smells18:20
@fenndo you have a shopvac or some kind of water resistant vacuum18:21
apexcut it with hydrogen peroxide18:21
clockthe more chemicals you mix, the better18:21
apexto neutralize the smell18:21
@fennapex: that doesn't make any sense either18:21
@fennmy recommendation: put water on it, remove the water+bleach somehow18:22
clockhas anyone seriously scientifically investigated18:22
clockwhat all compounds get created when you mix all existing household chemicals together?18:22
apexit makes meth18:22
apexim p shure18:22
sheenafenn: ideal, but no. could like, towel it all up as best i could, but icky. it'll disspate eventually. if i could get sunshine in there....18:22
@jrayhawkCream of Anarchists Cookbook18:23
@fenn"I got hot water and filled my carpet cleaner almost to the top, then added half of a small bottle of vinegar and cleaned the carpet. It completely took the bleach smell away instantly."  the vinegar is added to the water to prevent mold from growing in the carpet18:23
clockbleach creates so called "chlorination byproducts"18:23
clockI had to accidentally study it for my machine again18:23
@fenn"the anarchist gourmet"18:24
apexand then use baking soda to cut the vinager18:24
clockso you can read their list on...18:24
kanzureclock: does this page speak to you in any meaningful way http://diyhpl.us/wiki/projects/heuristics18:24
sheenawell, i KNOW the chlorine smell will dissipate. the poop smell that it has replaced wouldn't have. so.. win?18:24
clockhttp://ronja.twibright.com/distillcooker/distillcooker_preview.pdf page 918:26
clocksheena, I think chlorine and chloramines smell similar, but I think the latter are more nasty18:26
clocksheena, how large areas of carpet are you treating and can you put the whole carpet outside?18:27
sheenalarge. no.18:27
clockoh I would be careful then18:27
clockespecially when you say poop, that sounds like ammonia or urea containing substance18:27
@jrayhawkwhile we're discussing funding twibright, who do i have to throw money at to get links-hacked, links2, and elinks to merge18:27
clockjrayhawk, I don't think thats possible18:28
sheenathat part doesnt worry me so much, clock. i've used bleach on similar stains before lots18:28
clockjrayhawk, or it would be rather prohibitively expensive18:28
clockjrayhawk, but you may write to Mikulas Patocka mikulas@artax.karlin.mff.cuni.cz hes the head of Links to ask more detail about the possibility18:29
clocksheena, can you sprinkle the carpet with activated charcoal and cover with plastic foil?18:31
clocksheena, according to my state of knowledge, that should absorb the yummies emitted by the carpet18:31
sheenanope. at this point, i'll just wait until tonight (its sprayed... fans and window open) and close up my end of the house away from it for sleeping if needed18:31
sheenaif its still bad in the morning, i'll just close the bedroom door and not open it for 4 days18:31
sheenathat ought to do ti18:32
clocksheena, oh if you can leave windows open and isolate rest of house I think thats perfectly fine18:32
sheenawas juste hoping to cheat and hurry things along18:32
clocksheena, I think if it was chlorine emitted you could absorb it into baking soda18:32
clockbut I believe its rather chloramines18:32
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clockI know bleach starts smelling disproportionately when it gets into contact with the actual dirt I bleach18:33
sheenathats interesting clock18:33
clockapex, whats the rationale for peroxide?18:33
sheenathe chloramine is more toxic? or just more icky?18:33
apexit neutralises the belach when your done with it18:33
clocksheena, I think more toxic to breath18:33
clockhowever for eating its harmless because its destroyed by stomach acid18:33
sheenawill try not to breathe it in high concentrations18:34
sheenalow concentrations (ie: whats coming out the window outside where my dogs are hanging out) wont be too bad?18:34
clockapex, how come peroxide neutralizes bleach? both are oxidizers afaik. Some different mechanism?18:34
-!- Adifex|zzz is now known as Adifex18:34
clocksheena, i suspect they may be carcinogenic you would have to google it up18:36
sheenawell if im dead tomorrow18:37
sheenayou'll know why18:37
clockyou may actually live too much18:38
clocksome parts of you may start living too vigorously18:38
@fennhuh i guess peroxide + bleach = water + oxygen + salt18:39
sheenawhat is bleach chemically?18:39
sheenaits not HCl, right?18:39
@fennsodium hypochlorite18:39
clockhypnotizes you18:39
@ParahSailinperoxide steals electron from chlorine18:39
@fennapparently the peroxide reaction also makes chlorine as a byproduct (side reaction yielding sodium hydroxide)18:40
clocksheena, you just apply the bleach but not remove it in any way e.g. by washing with plenty of water?18:41
clocksheena, how did the poop smell? Like pis or like dead bodies?18:42
@ParahSailinClO− + H2O + 2e− → Cl− + 2OH- +0.89;  2 H2O2(aq)arrow.gif (874 bytes)2 H2O(l) + O2(aq) +1.0918:43
@fennclock "just curious" haha18:43
clockfenn, no, I might suggest next time use just vinegar and not create such complicated carpet18:43
sheenalike dogs who ate too many rotten eggs then shit all over the carpet, mostly18:44
@ParahSailinsteam cleaner18:44
@fennjust get rid of the carpet, you'll enjoy life much more not having to deal with it18:44
sheenafenn: yes, that will be happening int he next month or so, this is just a stopgap18:44
sheenaclock: no, dont remove the bleach.. it evaporates over time, like it does from swimming pools.. or so i've always been told/believed18:45
sheenai tried vinegar first. blah18:45
clocksheena, didn't help?18:45
sheenaextremely insufficient18:45
sheenai'd have needed gallons18:45
sheenaand even then maybe not18:45
sheenableach is stronger18:45
@fenngamma radiation?18:45
@fennion bombardment18:46
@fennnuke it from orbit18:46
clocksheena, oh in that case, vinegar surely wouldn't help :)18:46
clocksheena, you see, fenn is suggesting you a plenty of very practical opportunities18:46
clocklike everybody has some nukes in orbit in his household18:47
@ParahSailinyou know, oxyclean has no odor18:47
sheenai know18:47
sheenabut im in buttfuck nowhere18:47
sheenaand i didnt want to drive to the store18:47
kanzureyou can cover the existing carpet with more carpet, until you remove both carpets18:47
@fennplus oxyclean doubles as circuit board etchant18:47
sheenakanzure: that wont solve the odour problem18:47
clockfenn, thanks, I will try next time :)18:48
clocksheena, sounds like your dog is good at fermenting stuff?18:48
@ParahSailinshe has a puppy mill18:48
@fennhow do you grind up the teeth into powder18:49
sheenaugh. he got into like 2 dozen really old eggs18:50
sheenathey were being laid where ididnt know they were there18:50
sheenaand thten he had the diarrhea18:50
kanzureis that enough to teach him to avoid eggs?18:50
sheenaoverlal thats not a bad thing tho18:51
sheenateaches ME to find them before they rot18:51
@ParahSailinthis is where the electroshock comes in?18:51
kanzureParahSailin: your set of beliefs about her dog training business is very perplexing18:51
kanzurein your mind, she's running a puppy mill that uses negative reinforcement via electrocution?18:51
@ParahSailinthe puppy mill was to breed compliant ones?18:52
sheenasomeone else wanted to breed compliant dogs18:53
* clock thinks 2 dozen really old eggs would be a good material for a "is it a good idea to distill this?" show which his users will probably create after the distiller design is released18:53
sheenawith a username beginning with E?18:53
@fenndoes your distiller remove H2S?18:53
sheenatalking, compliant, floppy eared dogs?18:53
sheenathat one18:54
clockfenn, yes it does18:54
@ParahSailinkanzure: sorry, i am not used to thinking white hat science18:55
@fennred hat science, for enterprise vampire sadists18:56
@fennif you inject blood from a young dog into an old dog, does it reverse aging? (come on people what am i paying you for)18:57
kanzurehplusroadmap profits are up 4000%18:58
clockfenn, haha I actually don't know :)18:59
@ParahSailinno, you have to hook the young dog up to the old dog with catheters18:59
@ParahSailinyou cant just inject blood18:59
caternthey also providing hosting and guidance for the Fedora Science project for hobbyist atheists, who are basically scientists right18:59
kanzureParahSailin: deep brain stimulation is white hat science?18:59
kanzurei really ought to put blackhatbio.com to better use19:00
@fennParahSailin: that's what i thought until a week or so ago19:00
kanzuremaybe i'll write a satirical "military blackhat bio manifesto" text and slap it up there19:00
clock(most famously the tale that she bathed in the blood of virgins to retain her youth)19:00
@ParahSailinits white hat science unless it involves dangerous shortcuts19:01
clockWell old rich Swiss seem to think that having everyday sex with a young Thai reverses aging19:01
@fennisn't "deep brain stimulation" basically a dangerout short circuit19:01
QuantumGclock: couldn't hurt19:01
kanzurei think only the initial implantation is dangerous, it depends on whether you have to expose it through skin19:01
@fennhm. the mackerel is calling19:01
kanzurei forget, are we definitely not using through-skin interfaces in everything in the future?19:02
kanzurethat's medically stupid, right?19:02
@fennantler horns can make a nice transdermal port19:02
kanzurethere are many ways to interface with devices under the skin19:02
kanzurefor power transfer, my favorite is inductive coupling19:02
clockyou know why human brain runs at such tiny voltages like 70mV19:03
@fennskin grows right up to the edges of the horn and stops, and it's infection-proof19:03
clockand not lik 1V common in today processors?19:03
@fennonly problem is humans don't have antlers :\19:03
kanzurehow are antlers infection proof?19:03
clockthe total capacitance of all brain neurons is like 180 mF19:03
@fennthey're solid bone with no blood vessels19:03
kanzurebut the skin interface?19:03
@fennuh i don't have more details at hand19:04
clockcharging and discharging all this capacitance  at a higher voltage, even considering that only a portion of neurons fires, would dissipate disproportionate amount of heat19:04
kanzuresheena: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wireless_power19:04
kanzureclock: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/Electrical%20stimulation%20of%20the%20human%20brain:%20perceptual%20and%20behavioral%20phenomena%20reported%20in%20the%20old%20and%20new%20literature.pdf19:04
@fennbrain dissipates 25W anyway, quite a lot19:04
clockwell its a portable supercomputer19:05
clockfor a supercomputer I think 25W is damn little19:05
@fennno it's not19:05
kanzureclock seems like the type that would prefer animaltronics19:05
@fennwell anyway. bigger reason is metabolic energy efficiency, you don't have to eat so much19:05
clockfenn, in my opinion it is a portable supercomputer19:05
@fennthe brain does a lot of "something" but whatever that "something" is, it's not computation19:06
kanzurethere is some computation involved in a few places19:06
sheenai just want to reward my dog with a remote control button wherever he's standing19:06
clockI feel disrespected when I tell you that in my opinion it is a portable supercomputer, and you say " the brain does a lot of "something" but whatever that "something" is, it's not computation"19:06
kanzuresheena, it would probably be something that involves strapping the dog with a device on the outside that is bluetooth-compatible, and then the bluetooth thing would communicate with your phone19:07
@fennthere have been many efforts to replicate brain function with supercomputers, all of which have failed19:07
@fennwe can talk about the brain emulation roadmap if you like19:07
kanzurethe bluetooth device would be placed near the device that is implanted under the skin; and that device would have a looong wire to the electrode in the brain19:07
clockI feel disrespected when you say "there have been many efforts to replicate brain function with supercomputers, all of which have failed", and I actually did such an attempt, and it was successful19:08
kanzureare you interested in respect, or are you interested in making stuff19:08
QuantumGkanzure: I typically just say "good boy"19:08
clockfenn, I believe brain does computation, a damn clever one19:08
clockfenn, with exception of your brain of course, which just does fine particle filtering of blood19:08
kanzureyes it's a giant chromatography machine19:08
@fennthere is a trend in popular science to compare the latest poorly understood scientific phenomenon (quantum physics, neuroscience, biology) with the latest technology of the time (clockwork, computers, markets)19:09
QuantumGmost everything is computation19:09
kanzure"the brain is like a giant cell phone"19:09
QuantumGprotein folding, computation19:09
@fennone is one because everything is everything if you throw out the units19:09
QuantumGsaying the brain does computation is like saying wind does dynamics19:10
kanzureQuantumG: elaborate?19:10
clockfenn, neuroscience is not a phenomenon, its a science19:10
@fennclock: please tell us more about your brain emulation software (?)19:10
clockfenn, I tried to program a PC prgram that would emulate the visual cortex19:11
@fennwas this based on "on intelligence" by jef hawkins?19:12
kanzurethe visual cortex is the most studied; there's tons of emulators that do an okay job19:12
clockand I realized, that - in my opinion - brain is a damn cleverly designed computer, much more elegant than the von neumann architecture19:12
clockfenn, no it wasnt because I don't even know about ""on intelligence" by jef hawkins"19:12
clockfenn, but i will google it now sounds interesting19:12
kanzureuh, and so that you don't go off on a wild goose chase, also consider biologically accurate emulations19:13
@fenndharmendra modha is doing some stuff.. i should look into that some time19:13
clockoh on intelligence sounds to me like it might be a wishwash19:14
@fennabsolutely not biologically accurate at all19:14
clockthe principles I realized don't depend on how the actual firing is encoded19:14
@fennit's not about firing really19:14
@fennnot any more than an FPGA is about the signals.. hm19:15
kanzurebrain matter is mostly dendrites19:15
clockfenn, if you really want to understand how the brain works19:15
clockI suggest you don't study the brain at all19:15
clocktake the input data19:15
clockholiday pictures19:15
clockeveryday sounds19:16
clockand think "how would I design a machine that understands these data"?19:16
kanzureno, we have enough people not looking at the brain19:16
clockthats what I did when I couldn't find scientific articles on how some parts of the cortex are wired19:16
clockor often, scientists find out, that everything is wired with everything, correlated with everything, and statistically insignificant19:16
clockthey present a meticulously described, methodically absolutely immaculately measured, data garbage19:17
@ParahSailinnoam chomsky gave a lecture similar to that19:17
clockwhich may be great to get citations in some journal19:17
clockbut not when you are a hobbyist trying to build a brain with crude knowledge on your desktop19:17
clockParahSailin, noam chomsky lecture similar to what?19:18
@ParahSailinwhat you are saying right now19:18
clockActually I was surprised to realize19:18
clockthat the structure of primary visual cortex pops out from a single holiday photo19:18
clockyou don't need a training set of 100 or 1000 of them19:18
clockyou need a single holiday photo19:18
clockPrdo you have some name or reference to that lecture?19:19
clockI like Chomsky very much but hes so old now he would need some rejuvenation19:19
clockwhich is the topic of this channel am I right?19:19
clockby the way19:20
clockthe things that go on in the brain aren't much groundbreaking19:20
clockthe idea is to make a number of simple steps, chained together19:21
clockOr even a simple way how to explain19:23
clockImagine you are a cell in the retina19:23
clockAll your life all you know are neural impulses19:23
clocksometimes they come, and you relay them19:24
clocksometimes they don't, and you don't19:24
clockyou don't have any sidewards connection19:24
clockjust one input and one input19:24
clockthats all your boring mental life19:24
clockand now I do an interview with you19:24
clockI know you must be a damn specialist on relaying single channel retinal information19:24
clockWhat will you tell me about your life? About your work?19:24
clockyou know nothing19:25
clockyou don't know if the data that pass through you are red, green or blue19:25
clockyou don't know that there are other retinal cells19:26
clockyou could never compare your data with them19:26
clockwhat will you tell me?19:26
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@fennyeah the kumquats are a good addition to the mackerel and bok choy19:55
@fennclock: another constraint to the neuron problem is that everything is hot and there are molecules flying around everywhere so there is a lot of noise in the system19:59
clockfenn, yes the signals are noisy20:00
@ParahSailinbayesian blocks is a pretty sweet algorithm20:00
@fenniirc you get better performance out of deep belief networks if you restrict the input to some small fraction of the data per time slice20:00
@fennstochastic signaling ends up working better in this environment and it prevents over-fitting the model to the data20:01
clockI think because the brain had to evolve incrementally from something very simple20:03
clocksimple models were tried the first20:03
clockso if they worked they were adopted20:04
delinquentmeSo one thing thats kind of crapping on my thought process *STILL* with biology/ chemistry is the volume of interactions we're talking20:04
clockand if more complicated models overfit and disturb the survivability, they die out, the better :)20:04
delinquentmeSay I get a purified sample at .98 ... Theres still crap in there that could be nearly anything20:04
clockdelinquentme, like the neural interactions?20:04
cluckjdelinquentme, nearly anything isn't as anything as it sounds20:05
clockI get an impression many people overemphasize intelligence20:06
cluckjfor particular extraction processes, you pull things with similar chemical properties out20:06
clockalmost putting it into a some kind of mystical cosmical position, something which has to be ultimately cracked to get an infinite enlightement20:06
clockI believe this:20:06
clock1) Intelligence is a tool for survival20:06
clock2) its a tool specific to primates, and requested by the specific living environment20:07
cluckjimagine how many proto-sapiens had to die to make you so smart20:07
clock3) The ultimate "goal" (if it can be called like that at all, because I believe that's an antropomorphisation) is not intelligence, but survival20:07
delinquentmeclock, you're basically a sentient AI with a connection to IRC i think20:07
delinquentmeOne hell of a near-monologue20:08
clock4) its survival, because those, who happen to be better at survival, surpriuse surprise - survive better and tend to accumulate in the environment!20:08
delinquentmeParahSailin, http://space.mit.edu/cxc/analysis/SITAR/bb_experiment.html20:08
clockdelinquentme, I feel disrespected and insulted when you say "you're basically a sentient AI with a connection to IRC i think"20:08
@ParahSailini mean, yeah, im familiar with bayesian blocks, otherwise i would not have mentioned the subject20:09
clockand disrespected and unfairly criticized when you say "One hell of a near-monologue"20:09
@ParahSailinbut i respect the attempt20:09
@ParahSailinright now im using bblocks to cluster stuff that isnt a time series and its pretty nice20:10
delinquentmeclock, No offense intended20:12
delinquentme+1 for thinking20:12
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@fennclock: that's a very practical way to look at things, something that's all too rare in AI circles20:17
@fennwe tend to poo-pooh "intelligence" stuff because it's not even wrong most of the time20:17
clockfenn, thanks20:18
@fennthat said, it's hard to find good quantitative metrics of cognitive function20:18
@fennseth roberts used balancing as a metric (standing upright)20:18
clockphilosophres have this "hard problem of consciousness" or what its called20:18
clockthere is some Australian Philosopher I forgot the name20:19
clockdebating that we may never find the answer etc.20:19
clockI wrote him an e-mail with algorithm to find the answer20:19
clock1) simulate brains of all philosophers on Earth20:19
@fennis that the end of the algorithm?20:20
clock2) Find such textual or graphic input, which, when presented, ellicits a response "wow! oh gog! thats ingenious! Yes, that's the true solution to the hard problem of consciousness"20:20
@fenn42 etc20:20
clockAll you need, is 1) abaility to simulate brain, 2) enough computational power to try out large number of various inputs20:20
clockoh gog -> oh god20:21
clockbecause - sorry for capitalization---20:21
@fenn.wik hard problem of consciousness20:21
yoleaux"The hard problem of consciousness is the problem of explaining how and why we have qualia or phenomenal experiences — how sensations acquire characteristics, such as colours and tastes.David Chalmers, who introduced the term "hard problem" of consciousness, contrasts this with the "easy problems" of explaining the ability to discriminate,  …" — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard_problem_of_consciousness20:21
cluckjwhy waste the electricity on modeling philosopher brains20:21
cluckjI mean besides schadenfreude20:22
@fennseems like a reasonable use of electricity20:22
clockcluckj, to satisfy the Australian's need for solution of hard problem of consciousness20:22
@fennbeats arguing about it for eternity20:22
clockor for sake he can simulate his own brain20:22
cluckjisn't that the point, tho?20:22
clockand find out which "solution" would satisfy him20:23
clockand then, finally, present it to himself20:23
@fenn.wik stones of significance20:23
yoleaux"The Black Stone (Arabic: الحجر الأسود‎ al-Ḥajar al-Aswad) is the eastern cornerstone of the Kaaba, the ancient stone building toward which Muslims pray, in the center of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is revered by Muslims as an Islamic relic which, according to Muslim tradition, dates back to the time of Adam and Eve." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Stone20:23
@fennah dammit20:23
clockI think its time that philosophers finally realize, that20:24
clockTHEY EXIST20:24
@fenngoogle's link munging is interfering with my literary vicarious piracy20:24
clockthat means, they are real beinds, og bones, flesh and brains, and their thoughts are impulses running in their heads20:24
clockand stop treating them as abstract ephemeral entities20:25
clockand start treating them as people20:25
@fennlocalhost to the rescue: http://fennetic.net/irc/david_brin_-_stones_of_significance.pdf20:26
@fennunfortunately as soon as you start saying "give beings rights and responsibilities according to their capability" people freak out and think you're going to start murdering their babies20:29
@fennor that it's some kind of racist plot to exterminate <insert minority here>20:29
@fennwe had some guy come in here who kept saying how he hated peter singer "because i love my brother"20:30
clockfenn, why should it mean murdering their babies I don't see the implication?20:31
cluckjthat poor guy20:31
cluckjletting philosophers get him down :(20:31
@fennif that didn't make sense it's because https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Singer#Abortion.2C_euthanasia_and_infanticide20:32
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cluckjfenn, I think that it also implies taking rights and responsibilities away from *people* according to their abilities20:34
cluckj(why people freak out)20:34
@fennwell would you let a 16 year old vote? a 5 year old? an embryo?20:35
@fennthe line has to be somewhere20:36
@fenni guess you could do a "three fifths compromise"20:36
cluckjthat sounds like a good plan20:36
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@fenni'm not really a fan of voting in general20:37
clockI looked at the page with Singer and frankly I don't understand it at all because "being holding a preference" sounds so vague to me that virtually anything could fit it20:37
cluckjvoting is a bad example too20:37
@fennyeah like "is the worm squirming because it feels pain, or because its basal ganglion is firing in response to stimulus"20:38
@fennin the end we all see whatever comes in our eyes and have to make sense of it20:38
clockfenn, yes that fits my view20:39
cluckjlets reduce all philosophical problems to squirmin' worms20:41
@fennis the cat meowing because it thinks i'm just holding out, because it wants food, to go out, it's bored, it wants me to turn off the rain?20:41
@fennnobody can know20:41
cluckjnot until my cat translator is out of the pre-alpha stage of development20:42
clockor, because, cats which meow in this situation, tend to make it through the evolution?20:42
cluckjall it says right now is "feed me" but I don't believe it20:42
QuantumGmy cat only meows when she's in a cage20:42
clockin its own ribcage?20:42
QuantumGand the meaning is entirely obvious.. "what's with the cage?"20:42
clockI would like to ask Peter Singer whether a cat is in its own ribcage20:43
clockMaybe his philosophical brain would pop on that20:43
QuantumGor you could just punch him in the crotch and move on20:43
clockQuantumG, LOL20:43
cluckjhe's like 1000 years old, don't hit him20:44
clockso he already mastered the anti-senescence project?20:44
cluckjnah, I'm pretty sure he's against "unnatural" life extension20:44
clockby the way recently something happened to me which showed, how virtual some our philosophical categories are20:45
cluckjall of our categories are virtual20:45
@fennyou sat on a cardboard box and realized it was a chair?20:45
clockbut in this case a mismatch was highlighted20:45
clocksome years ago I used to type particular command often on my computer20:46
clockand then I changed from english keyboard to german20:46
clockrecently I had to type these commands again and I typed then with Z and Y swapped20:46
@fennok the cat is definitely bored, she's walking on her front legs20:47
clockI think conventional wisdom would expect that when we want to type something, we retrieve the sequence of letters, then translate that sequence into type strokes20:47
clockobviously there are some motoric programs stored directly which get activated20:47
clockso it probably goes partially this and partially that way20:48
clockYou can get diarrhoea from drinking water20:50
clockBut can you get drinking water from diarrhoea?20:51
clockI can get drinking water from urine20:51
@fennit's still water either way20:52
clockonw, translate these 3 sentences into a different language20:52
@fennD20 is toxic20:52
* fenn quacks like a duck20:53
clockyou can also notice that in sentence 1, the term "drinking water" clearly includes unsafe drinking water, whereas in sentence 2 the same term clearly excludes unsafe driknking water20:53
clockso the same term is self-contradctory20:53
clockthen, the term diarrhoea is used to refer to the disease and the physical stuff at the same time20:54
clockand "get" to refer to "catch" and "manufacture" at the same time20:54
clockI think it shows, how wishy washy the language terms actually are20:55
clockI think they are good for survival, but not good for too deep philosophing20:55
@fennalso not good for formalizing data to feed to computer programs20:56
cluckjcomputers don't do too well with mush20:56
@fennno way dude, i learned to computer on a mush20:56
cluckjI mushed on a computer20:57
cluckjan iMush20:57
@fenn.wik MUSH20:57
yoleaux"In multiplayer online games, a MUSH (a backronymed pun on MUD most often expanded as Multi-User Shared Hallucination, though Multi-User Shared Hack,Habitat, and Holodeck are also observed) is a text-based online social medium to which multiple users are connected at the same time. MUSHes are often used for online social intercourse and  …" — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MUSH20:57
cluckjahahaha social intercourse20:57
@fennother types of intercourse :\20:57
clockdoes AI have to show social intelligence to pass?20:58
@fennto pass what?20:58
clockand then, when it passes, is it a problem when the researches, who build it, don't show social intelligence?20:59
clockfenn, to pass as AI20:59
@fenni don't even know what tha tmeans20:59
cluckjI know some people who are still people, without social intelligence20:59
@fenn"is this AI AI?" type error20:59
@fennyou two have very similar names21:00
@fennone is blue, the other is dark teal21:00
@fenni wish yoleaux had urban dictionary support21:01
cluckjno plugin for it?21:01
@fennoh there are a zillion plugins21:02
clocksomething has developed sentience in my fridge21:02
cluckj...but not installed?21:02
clockits either the mayonnaise, the carrots or the celery21:02
@fenncluckj: http://en.wikifur.com/wiki/Yiff21:02
cluckjthat's pretty deep in my no-click zone21:02
@fenneh. it's just etymology21:03
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@fennbut wait, how can we be descended from pigs AND apes?21:05
cluckja very lazy god21:05
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@fennsomething about a rib21:06
QuantumGmmm ribs21:06
cluckjit was a babyback rib21:06
@fennthat's perfect21:06
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@fennhow weird that at the same time the US was passing "Human-Animal Hybrid Prohibition Act of 2008" the normally anti-GMO UK passed "ensure regulation of "human-admixed" embryos created from a combination of human and animal genetic material for research"21:44
@fennhm "Human-Animal Hybrid Prohibition Act of 2008" died in committee and wasn't passed21:48
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kanzurewelp now i want a godzilla22:38
kanzureclock is too often disrespected, he should work on that22:41
kanzurei feel disrespected by his constant state of respect-interest22:41
kanzureclock: btw, consciousness is half-banned from this channel22:41
kanzureclock: also most things ai, because people are terrible at thinking about ai (or why anyone should care whether it's "artificial" or not- and until i get a good solid answer, i'll continue to banhammer)22:44
@fennkanzure: it seems like he was saying exactly the same thing you do22:44
kanzurego look again22:44
kanzurehe was complaining that he was insulted for someone claiming he didn't have qualia22:44
kanzure20:08 < clock> delinquentme, I feel disrespected and insulted when you say "you're basically a sentient AI with a connection to IRC i think"22:45
@fennthat's a quirk i don't mind22:45
kanzuresorry to disappoint22:45
kanzurethe world is much more awful than etc22:45
@fenni thought you were talking about the brain emulator stuff22:46
@fenn'hard problem of consciousness'22:46
kanzurehere's the really hard problem of consciousness:22:46
kanzure"Consciousness—The having of perceptions, thoughts, and feelings; awareness. The term is impossible to define except in terms that are unintelligible without a grasp of what consciousness means. Many fall into the trap of equating consciousness with self-consciousness—to be conscious it is only necessary to be aware of the external world. Consciousness is a fascinating but elusive phenomenon: it is impossible to specify what it is, what ...22:46
kanzure... it does, or why it has evolved. Nothing worth reading has been written on it.[19]"22:46
kanzurein other words, avoid like the plague22:47
@fennan AI connected to IRC would probably have no survival instincts22:47
kanzurebut why is it artificial?22:47
kanzuream i artificial? is it because a person made me?22:47
@fenn.d artificial22:48
yoleauxartificial (/ɑːtɪˈfɪʃ(ə)l/): adj. 1. Made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally, especially as a copy of something natural: her skin glowed in the ⁓ light — http://is.gd/ZQvnv222:48
kanzurethen why bother caring about whether it's a dog on irc or jupiter's third nostril22:48
@fenni believe "doge" is now the preferred term22:49
kanzure"artificial" is fucked up anyway, humans do natural things22:49
@fennnope, not according to the dictionary22:49
kanzure"rather than occurring naturally, since man definitely isn't a part of nature, and rather lives above and beyond it because god said so"22:49
kanzure.ety artificial22:49
yoleauxartificial (adj.): "late 14c., in the phrase artificial day "part of the day from sunrise to sunset," from Old French artificial, from Latin artificialis "of or belonging to art," from artificium (see artifice)." — http://etymonline.com/index.php?term=artificial22:49
@fennhay guyz check out my art intelligence (you can't say it's not art!)22:50
kanzure.ety art22:51
yoleauxart (n.): "early 13c., "skill as a result of learning or practice," from Old French art (10c.), from Latin artem (nominative ars) "work of art; practical skill; a business, craft," from PIE *ar-ti- (cognates: Sanskrit rtih "manner, mode;" Greek arti " …" — http://etymonline.com/index.php?term=art22:51
@fenni am currently looking at this and facepalming every other line https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mainstream_Science_on_Intelligence22:51
kanzuregreat now you know which researchers to avoid22:52
@fenn"intelligence is intelligence! we don't know what it is, but tests measure something... to do with the brain. and genetics. or race. whatever that is. but we can definitely make statements about "blacks" and "whites" because this is a newspaper and things are in black and white."22:53
kanzurea lot of these have a bunch of basic reasoning errors22:53
kanzurewithout even looking at the studies, i'm pretty sure some of these are not falsifiable statements22:54
@fennthey aren't even internally consistent statements22:54
@fennunless they're tautologies22:54
kanzuredoes this qualify as work? were they paid for this?22:55
@fennin fact it was probably a net negative to the career of anyone signing it22:55
@fennlots of names from UT Austin on there22:56
kanzure"joint statement on our collective incompetence, volume 1"22:57
@fenni wonder if people would get so hot and bothered about "the link between balancing and race"22:57
@fennyou know, standing up and not falling over22:58
@fennat least it would resolve the "culturally biased" criticisms, i think22:58
kanzurei wonder if this fungus can be intentionally cultured and airdropped22:59
@fennanother banana scare? this happens every year22:59
kanzure"The story of the African farm is the story of a threat to the world’s largest fruit crop. Commercially, bananas generate $8 billion annually and, according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, more than 400 million people rely on the fruit as their primary source of calories."22:59
kanzureoh it does?22:59
kanzuresurely someone is testing for the fungus and making financial decisions based on that22:59
@fenn"the future looks bleak. what will we ever do without bananas"22:59
@fennactually that's misleading23:00
kanzurei wonder if you could do directed evolution for fungal resistance, without going through entire full-cycle generations of banana trees (or any other crop that sucks at fighting something)23:00
@fennthe banana at risk is the cavendish banana, but most people who eat "bananas" as a large portion of their caloric intake are actually eating "plantains"23:00
kanzurefor example, you could do a basic cell culture and artificially complete the life cycle through inducement23:01
@fennthe problem is it's a clone; all the bananas are the same plant23:01
@fennand it has no seeds23:01
kanzurewhy is that a problem for cell culture?23:01
@ParahSailinis cavendish the wrong ploidy to make zygotes?23:01
@fenni, er... no comment23:02
@fennwhy not just clone it in cell culture and modify the genome23:02
@fennis that not a thing?23:02
kanzuregreat, what modification do you make23:03
@ParahSailinhey thats cool A recent development is the use of "somaclones" in banana cultivation. Micropropagation involves growing plants from very small amounts of source tissue, sometimes even a single cell, under sterile conditions using artificial techniques to induce growth. The purpose of micropropagation is often to produce a large number of genetically identical offspring. However, by inducing mutations through various means, it is23:03
@ParahSailinpossible to produce plants which differ slightly from the "parent" plant and from each other ("somaclonal variations"). By growing on these somaclones and selecting those with desirable features, new cultivars can be produced which are very similar to an existing cultivar, but differ in one or two features, such as disease resistance. Somaclones may only be distinguishable by genetic analysis.23:03
kanzureis that from the article?23:03
kanzurei wonder how many selection rounds are required to get disease resistance23:04
kanzurei'm not interested if it's going to take 100 billion rounds23:04
@fennyou could just inject random shotgun fragments of other banana species23:05
kanzureare other banana species resistant?23:06
@fenni dunno23:06
kanzurewhy would that help then?23:06
@ParahSailinapparently useful http://apsjournals.apsnet.org/doi/pdf/10.1094/PDIS.2004.88.6.58023:06
@fennbecause the people demand a pink banana23:06
yoleauxAn Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie23:06
kanzuresomeone turn on paperbot23:06
* fenn looks around23:06
kanzurei'll do it..23:09
-!- paperbot [~paperbot@] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:10
@fennhow do i get a scihub password23:11
kanzureit doesn't work anyway23:11
dingonext version will be rockbot23:11
dingorockbot beats paperbot23:11
dingoor is it scissors23:11
kanzurenext version is papermonk https://github.com/kanzure/papermonk23:11
@fennscissorbot mopes in his castle and makes topiaries23:11
kanzurefollowed by paperpunk23:12
kanzurebe nice to the bot23:13
@fennok so just take your gene shotgun and dope it up with zombie bananas, then blam blam and bob's your uncle23:16
kanzure"when a customer withdraws bitcoin from a Circle account, it automatically converted back into a local currency to be transferred into an existing bank account"23:17
kanzurethis is the worst idea ever. how do you withdraw just your bitcoins from their website?23:17
@fennyou aren't withdrawing bitcoins, you're withdrawing "money" from "your account"23:17
@fenntrust me, i'm from the internet23:18
kanzurewhy can't you be one of the useful time travelers, like one that remembers schematics of future technology23:19
@fenni remember schematics of future technology all the time...23:19
@fenni don't know what to do with all this crap23:19
kanzureyeah but they're all just hexagons over and over again23:19
kanzureanyone can travel forward in time, big deal23:20
@fennhey lay off my hexagon system23:20
-!- JayDugger [~jwdugger@pool-173-74-79-151.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]23:20
@fennhexagons are the language of self assembly23:20
@fennactually i never shared any of that23:20
kanzurei assumed it23:20
@fennfair enough23:20
kanzurei mean what else is it going to be23:20
kanzureaquaman's trident?23:21
@fennpenrose tilings23:21
@fennghost diagrams23:21
@fenntopological manifolds23:21
@fennwhat is "it"23:21
-!- clock [~clock@84-72-11-5.dclient.hispeed.ch] has quit [Quit: Leaving]23:21
kanzurewell, it's because of bee hives23:22
kanzurenuclear bee hives23:22
kanzurein space23:22
@fennnewcomer, i welcome you to the church of hexagonalism23:22
@fennhave you heard of the prophet graham?23:22
kanzureuh maybe?23:23
@fennshould i even bother reading that thread on twister?23:23
kanzurethe transhumanism thread?23:23
kanzurethe answer is no23:23
@fennshe ended up saying something about mormons and i was briefly confused but decided i didn't really care23:24
@fenni mean of all the religions in the world you pick mormonism?23:24
@fennthat's quite a leap23:25
@fennhow about something nice and noncommittal like taoism23:25
kanzurewhen i saw the thread first i was going to mention transfigurism/mormonism just because the person seemed unaware23:25
@fennor jainism23:25
kanzurebut then i realized i didn't care23:25
@fenn.wik jainism23:25
yoleaux"Jainism /ˈdʒeɪnɪz(ə)m/, traditionally known as Jaina dharma, is an Indian religion that prescribes a path of non-violence towards all living beings and emphasizes spiritual independence and equality between all forms of life. Practitioners believe that non-violence and self-control are the means by which they can obtain liberation." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jainism23:25
@fennthat sounds pretty reasonable doesn't it?23:25
kanzuretwister is too full of itself, for a group of people that never speaks23:25
kanzureyou would expect the epic lurkers to have the most to say, but instead it's just a pile of crap like everywher elese23:26
@fenni like reading rex kerr's comments23:26
kanzure.title https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=775358923:28
yoleauxMS Security Essentials reporting false positives in the Bitcoin blockchain23:28
kanzure"So a joker decided to embed some Anti Virus bait in the blockchain, just a few bytes is enough to make the software go nuts deleting a whole lot of files the Bitcoin client needs. The solution the Bitcoin developers suggest is pure old-school malware style, XOR the blocks to hide it from the Anti Virus suites. Classic." https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/406923:28
@fenngosh that actually works?23:29
kanzure"I seem to remember just having some text copy+pasted into IRC channels used to send peoples anti virus software into meltdown.. but this was sometime like 2000-2001"23:30
kanzure"For a while, some security suites would freak out and terminate an IRC connection if they saw the text "start keylogger" show up. You could get people to drop by saying it in a channel, for instance."23:30
-!- paperbot [~paperbot@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]23:30
@fennoh i remember that23:30
@fennobviously paperbot is running the same software23:30
-!- paperbot [~paperbot@] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:31
@fennstart keylogger23:31
-!- paperbot [~paperbot@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]23:31
kanzurestop doing that23:31
-!- paperbot [~paperbot@] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:31
@fennmust ... resist ... start ... key ... no!23:33
@fennmaybe if anti-ecoterroriests *ahem* killed all the bananas, consumers would finally accept GMO foods23:37
kanzuremonsanto compelled me to do it, your honor23:38
@fennsomebody think of the GMO children!23:38
sheenahttps://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1453211280/cleverpet-a-console-that-teaches-and-feeds-your-do/ probably i need this23:39
kanzureuh circle.com gives out bitcoins for credit cards? wtf http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid3565727796001?bckey=AQ~~,AAAAAAABkyY~,NsA8xqWnIh_OFp1f8gq7kAsRpDHRjsjN&bctid=356947118800123:40
@fennsheena it's like this? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_(game)23:41
@fennhow many credit cards can i buy with 1 bitcoin?23:42
sheenayeah but for dogs23:42
kanzureoh, they are not allowing you to withdraw bitcoins at all, so it just stays in their system. that's fucked up.23:42
@fennkanzure: you're just now realizing this?23:43
kanzurewell, they didn't release their product until today23:43
kanzureso yes?23:43
@fenni got it from "when a customer withdraws bitcoin from a Circle account, it automatically converted back into a local currency to be transferred into an existing bank account"23:44
kanzureas far as i can tell, they don't even let you deposit bitcoins23:44
@fennat least gmail lets you download mail with POP3/IMAP23:45
kanzureand if you also can't withdraw, then how are you going to make any payments? what's the product for23:45
@fennyou put "money" in23:45
@fennyou send them hate mail with proof of work attached23:46
kanzureprovable hate is a nice concept23:46
kanzuresheena: the arduino/raspberrypi project you picked out is a good intro project23:47
@fenni hate you *this much* 23fc6625a54f86ce0c9002dbaa2fed9646e40d9a23:47
kanzuresheena: i mean, you'll want to wire up a blinkenlights thing first, but a vending machine mechanism is pretty basic23:47
@fenn"lumosity for dogs" only works if you believe in lumosity23:48
kanzurei think it's more like, "for people who feel bad about leaving dogs home alone all day"23:48
@fennugh auger dispensers are the worst23:48
sheenalumosity in the "keep peolpe busy doing things" sense, not the "make them genises" sense?23:48
@fenngenii penii what's the difference23:49
@fenn.ety genius23:49
yoleauxgenius (n.): "late 14c., "tutelary god (classical or pagan)," from Latin genius "guardian deity or spirit which watches over each person from birth; spirit, incarnation, wit, talent;" also "prophetic skill," originally "generative power," from root of  …" — http://etymonline.com/index.php?term=genius23:49
@fenn.ety penis23:49
yoleauxpenis (n.): "1670s, perhaps from French pénis or directly from Latin penis "penis," earlier "tail," from PIE *pes- "penis" (cognates: Sanskrit pasas-, Greek peos, posthe "penis," probably also Old English fæsl "progeny, offspring," Old Norse fösull,  …" — http://etymonline.com/index.php?term=penis23:49
@fennhow the heck do you get "penis" from "fösull"23:50
kanzure.ety genius23:51
yoleauxgenius (n.): "late 14c., "tutelary god (classical or pagan)," from Latin genius "guardian deity or spirit which watches over each person from birth; spirit, incarnation, wit, talent;" also "prophetic skill," originally "generative power," from root of  …" — http://etymonline.com/index.php?term=genius23:51
@fennsheena: yoleaux works for me23:52
@fennthe bot23:52
@fennaka "completeley automated system to entertain computers and humans alike"23:53
kanzuresheena: you can get a kit from sparkfun.com i bet23:53
sheenaoh instead of lumosity23:54
@fennthe smartest dog would do nothing, and continue receiving food "for free"23:54
@fennthat would require time travel though23:54
-!- JayDugger [~jwdugger@pool-173-74-79-151.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:55
kanzure"As China's economy continues to cool, companies are waiting longer and finding it harder to get paid for goods and services they've already sold, leading to record amounts of receivables - and potential write-offs - on corporate balance sheets. As one Chinese business owner exclaimed: "If you don't pay me and I pay others, aren't I just a sucker? I'm not that stupid." Receivables on average (across 2300 firms) reached $160.49 million at the ...23:55
kanzure... end of last year, more than double the $65.9 million average at the end of 2009 and median collection time for billings crawled up from 71.4 days to 90.42 days (the first time above 90 days)."23:55
kanzureso wait... i can just buy equipment. and not pay?23:55
kanzureas long as i'm not their largest customer, they probably don't have any incentive to pursue legal action23:56
@fenntaking delayed payments to the limit and you get communism23:57
kanzureoh wait, you have to find someone willing to ship before payment23:58
QuantumGthat's mostly everyone who isn't dealing with end-users23:59
kanzurealibaba merchants?23:59
QuantumGI think so, yes23:59
kanzurei guess they already ship free samples, so why not23:59
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