
--- Log opened Wed Aug 27 00:00:47 2014
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ebowdenpaperbot: http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/jocn_a_0006600:39
ebowdenpaperbot: http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1162/jocn_a_00066?journalCode=jocn#.U_2L5ZEdsXo00:40
ebowdenpaperbot: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2167173400:44
-!- nmz787_i [~nmccorkx@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]00:49
ebowdenpaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/016643288690011200:50
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ebowdenIt doesn't work.00:55
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ebowdenDoes this link work for anyone else? http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/%0A%20The%20effects%20of%20hippocampal%20lesions%20upon%20spatial%20and%20non-spatial%20tests%20of%20working%20memory%0A%20.pdf01:01
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nmz787_ebowden: nope01:27
ebowdenPaperbot is putting out crap links...01:28
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dpk.u 000A01:39
yoleauxU+000A LINE FEED (LF) [Cc] (␊)01:39
dpkprobably the issue01:39
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kanzurebugfix it08:08
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kanzurepaperbot: http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.004001308:11
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eudoxia_some guy on HN googled the Connection Machine Lisp paper and found a link to the PDF on diyhpl.us, which I'd downloaded on july 201308:20
eudoxia_what a small world08:20
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kanzurethere are not many pdfkeepers anymore08:25
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nmz787_iParahSailin_: do I send some shipping goons, or would I be required to come in person?09:29
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chris_99nmz787_i, you seen this new wifi module09:31
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chris_99this https://nurdspace.nl/ESP826609:37
chris_99theres a site that's selling it for $3.3409:37
nmz787_iany drivers out there for it?10:10
chris_99it just uses at commands by the looks of it, so shouldn't be too hard to code for it.  I'm not sure, seems very new10:14
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kanzure11:23 < gmaxwell> In any case, I've now resigned my dayjob effective sept 5th and will be able to spend some more time on bitcoin core.11:23
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bbrittainbut daala11:26
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bbrittainkanzure: where/when did he say that?11:29
bbrittainhe was amazed that the news made it to me that fast11:32
kanzurestalk everything11:32
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bbrittainnmz787_i: you actually respond to every single DIYbio post :P11:47
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kanzurepaperbot: http://journal.frontiersin.org/Journal/10.3389/fncom.2014.00086/full12:00
yoleauxIntracellular calcium dynamics permit a Purkinje neuron model to perform toggle and gain computations upon its inputs12:00
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kanzure"It investigates and demonstrates the computational power of just a single neuron: the cerebellar Purkinje neuron. Furthermore, it suggests that the sodium-potassium pump is not simply a homeostatic, "housekeeping" molecule - but that it can be a computational element, utilised by the brain for information processing. "12:01
kanzurehrm how did paperbot not get that12:01
kanzure"Without synaptic input, Purkinje neurons can spontaneously fire in a repeating trimodal pattern that consists of tonic spiking, bursting and quiescence. Climbing fiber input (CF) switches Purkinje neurons out of the trimodal firing pattern and toggles them between a tonic firing and a quiescent state, while setting the gain of their response to Parallel Fiber (PF) input. The basis to this transition is unclear. We investigate it using a ...12:02
kanzure... biophysical Purkinje cell model under conditions of CF and PF input. The model can replicate these toggle and gain functions, dependent upon a novel account of intracellular calcium dynamics that we hypothesize to be applicable in real Purkinje cells."12:02
kanzurewhy did the editor catch "Parallel Fiber (PF) input" but not "Climbing fiber input (CF)"12:03
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nmz787_ipaperbot: http://journal.frontiersin.org/Journal/10.3389/fncom.2014.00086/pdf12:46
nmz787_ioh, hmm, it may not have got it because I didn't retrofit all the other if clauses near the sciencedirect section12:46
nmz787_ibut it also doesn't look like it tried asking for the HTML  through the proxy12:47
nmz787_iit could have just not found it, i guess12:47
nmz787_iappears that zotero just hasn't been helpful lately12:48
nmz787_ibbrittain: cool! I wish there was more chatter over there... it got lonely after kanzure and cathal left ;(12:49
nmz787_iit was how he lured me here12:49
nmz787_iis .wik design patterns12:52
kanzurei am still reading all emails, i didn't leave and you have no evidence to the contrary12:52
nmz787_iworth anything?12:52
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nmz787_iyou left ME!12:52
nmz787_icold and alone on the mailing list12:52
nmz787_inever again to linkdump12:52
kanzurei think everyone just filters emails from me12:53
nmz787_idid they rate-limit you?12:53
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nmz787_inot me12:53
nmz787_i.wik design patterns12:53
yoleaux"A design pattern in architecture and computer science is a formal way of documenting a solution to a design problem in a particular field of expertise. The idea was introduced by the architect Christopher Alexander in the field of architecture and has been adapted for various other disciplines, including computer science. An organized  …" — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Design_patterns12:53
nmz787_iwait, what12:54
nmz787_i.wik Design Patterns12:54
yoleaux"Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software is a software engineering book describing recurring solutions to common problems in software design. The book's authors are Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides with a foreword by Grady Booch." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Design_Patterns12:54
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nmz787_ithere we go, that's what I was asking about12:54
kanzureis this news to you12:54
bbrittainkanzure, nmz787_i: I wish people talked more about projects they were doing. and not biosafety.12:55
kanzurebbrittain: nick bostrom is in the news again complaining about biosafety of virulence research :(12:55
nmz787_ithe book kanzure? yes12:55
kanzuredesign patterns should not be news to you12:55
nmz787_ithe concepts don't seem new12:55
bbrittainwhat a tool12:56
kanzurebecause they aren't12:56
nmz787_ithe existence of the book iteself is12:56
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nmz787_ibbrittain: there's plenty of project talk12:56
nmz787_ibbrittain: i think you were asking about numbers when you first showed up in here... and were surprised at how low they were12:57
bbrittainyea :/12:57
nmz787_ibbrittain: there's also the rest of the world (mainly europe) that apparently despises talking in english12:57
nmz787_ithe indians are pretty good with english posting12:58
kanzurei wish people would just post in their native language12:58
nmz787_ithere were some malaysians I think too, but they didn't post much... and i don't think we've seen any/much from elsewhere in asia12:58
nmz787_ii don't really understand the swedish/norweigian on the biologigaragen list12:58
bbrittainI doubt there is much diybio stuff going on in china12:58
nmz787_i'cept organ stealing12:59
nmz787_ii'd read about that12:59
bbrittainI would too12:59
bbrittainmaybe some stuff in taiwan12:59
nmz787_i'show proof of your sterile technique'12:59
nmz787_i'did he heal and survive'12:59
nmz787_ithere was that guy in china that made a dialysis machine13:00
bbrittainthat would be taiwain. :P unlike china, most of the reason they wear the masks is for when they are sick.13:00
nmz787_ibut i don't think he was an internet generation person13:00
bbrittainand when you go into the country, they scan you for a fever13:00
nmz787_ihappened to me in tokyo13:00
nmz787_iduring plane connections13:00
nmz787_ithat was during bird flu though13:00
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bbrittainnah, taiwan always has it now13:00
bbrittainchina? it's cool to piss on the streets13:01
nmz787_ipeople do that in downtown here13:01
bbrittain(actually, I'm quite fond of that part of chinese culture)13:01
bbrittainnmz787_i: where?13:01
nmz787_ieverycity USA13:01
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nmz787_inot taiwan, china: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/china/9817855/Chinese-man-kept-alive-by-self-built-dialysis-machine.html13:02
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kanzurethere was a diybio thread about that13:02
nmz787_ioh, 43, not 73, i guess he's part of teh internet generation13:02
nmz787_ii copied the link from that thread13:02
bbrittaindamn. he is awesome13:03
nmz787_ii think it's funny when people send messages 'we removed the previous messages as SPAM, sorry' and I'm thinking, well I still have them!13:03
kanzureyes they are morons that don't know how email works13:03
nmz787_ithere was that wikipedia editor that was arguing with me13:04
nmz787_i'OK. Um ... so ... there's this science where they try to understand13:04
nmz787_ihow homo sapiens manages resources using this symbolic intermediary13:04
nmz787_iresource that homo sapiens calls "money" (in one of its myriad13:04
nmz787_iauditory signaling systems, at least). The science is called13:04
nmz787_i"economics". There's a subdiscipline of economics called "experimental13:04
nmz787_ieconomics", where they'll gather members of this species into a room13:04
nmz787_iand put them through various simulation games using this money stuff,13:04
nmz787_ito better understand economic behavior in this biological organism.13:04
nmz787_iIf I were to conduct my own economics experiment, would I be doing DIYbio?'13:04
nmz787_ii never responded that yes, I'd think it was diybio if they presented it that way13:05
kanzurewhy are you bringing this up13:05
kanzurethis is a stupid topic13:05
nmz787_iit was the last message in that dialysis thread13:07
nmz787_ii chuckled13:07
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nmz787_ikanzure: was the allegro you were talking a game library?13:22
nmz787_isome game library is obfuscating my PCB related searches13:22
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archelspaperbot: http://www.nature.com/neuro/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nn.3776.html13:24
kanzurepaperbot v2 needs unit tests13:24
kanzurethen i'll switch it on13:24
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heathi'm guessing others in here have read that vernor vinge predicted the internet as well?13:31
heathit this a common misconception?13:31
heathi can't find the name of the book he published which is associated with this13:31
kanzurewell in 1991 he predicted that entire galaxy-spanning civilizations would devote all of their computational resources to writing angry emails for an intergalactic usenet, does that count?13:33
mulleinmaybe this? "Vinge began writing sci-fi in the late 60s. In 1981 his novella True Names invented the concept of cyberspace, three years before William Gibson's Neuromancer was credited as doing so. Considered eerily prescient, True Names told of hackers, living for the net (addictively) who don alternate online personae to attempt to battle a worldwide artificial intelligence."13:36
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heathoh, okay, so it was before arpanet13:37
kanzureyeah but damien did "virtual reality" like 10 years earlier etc13:37
mulleinapparently mark twain predicted the internet as well13:37
heathoh, 1981, nevermind13:37
kanzuresocrates was the first usenet troll13:37
mulleinhello btw, i came across this channel mentioned on HN and thought i'd lurk.13:38
kanzurethere are also logs in the /topic13:38
heathhi mullein13:38
heathwas just talking with a company here in nashville, they are wanting me to write the HUD for some glasses and potentially start playing with a cyclone 513:40
heathanyway, for some reason, vinge's "rainbows end" seemed appropriate to bring up, and I started to think about the statement I had heard once of Vinge predicting the internet13:42
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nmz787_i1paperbot: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=11486514:57
kanzureunit. tests.14:58
nmz787_i1could be a pdf link parsing issue too14:58
kanzurethat can be tested too14:58
nmz787_i1i think i'm backpacking this weekend in the mountains, so I doubt I will work on it14:59
nmz787_i1oh, huh14:59
nmz787_i1'Xplore is under maintenance.'14:59
kanzuregetting the sequencer? yes/no?14:59
nmz787_i1never heard back from ParahSailin_14:59
nmz787_i1paperbot: http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/rts/docs/DAC-1964-2006/PAPERS/1990/DAC90_266.PDF15:00
nmz787_i1oh geeze15:01
nmz787_i1that may be an ezproxy error15:01
nmz787_i1but it's strange that paperbot didn't just copy the file15:02
nmz787_i1since it's just right there15:02
nmz787_i1have you ever heard of the topic in that paper kanzure?15:02
nmz787_i1CAD-specific language15:02
nmz787_i1hmm, book: http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&id=v8l72QBDzD0C&dq=cad+scripting+languages+quan+nguyen&printsec=frontcover&source=web&ots=uZK-wNj8fU&sig=egRkej0Rb0MhIvh_ONBqZc50KUA&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=1&ct=result#v=onepage&q=cad%20scripting%20languages%20quan%20nguyen&f=false15:05
nmz787_i1'CAD Scripting Languages: A collection of Perl, Ruby,Python,TCL & SKILL'15:05
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dpkSKILL skills15:12
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kanzureno i have not read that paper15:17
kanzurebut i know various things about cad scripting. what do you need?15:17
kanzuredpk: do you feel like being tricked into writing unit tests15:18
dpki feel like most of the time i've written unit tests, i've been tricked into doing it15:19
kanzuredo you regret it15:19
dpki wish Python's unit test features didn't suck so badly15:20
dpkdoes that count as regret?15:20
dpkprobably not. no15:20
dpki don't regret it15:20
kanzurewhat particular sucky suckness concerns you?15:20
dpk.g unittest python15:20
kanzurewhat about it?15:21
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kanzurei have written an embarrassingly large amount of code using that module15:21
dpkfeels like using Java. maybe because it is, actually, using Java15:21
kanzureyou don't have to use the unittest.TestCase subclassing stuff15:21
dpkdeltab told me that it's a Python port of a Java testing module15:21
kanzureoh, probably15:21
dpkwhich in turn is a port of a Smalltalk testing module15:22
dingo_i think py.test is great15:23
dingo_just write functions15:23
dingo_fuck all that bullshit15:23
dingo_just write simple asserts, 'assert x == y'15:23
dingo_py.test will decorate and display value of x and y15:23
dpkbut they didn't even bother trying to make it remotely Pythonic, so you have (or had) to subclass things and use their special comparator methods and they didn't even bother de-camel-casing the names so it actually looks like Java15:23
kanzuredingo_: i was going to ask you about what your resident functional programming person prefers to unittest15:24
kanzurebut now that you mention it i do remember him liking py.test15:24
dingo_py.test also15:24
* dpk will look at py.test, from that description it sounds good15:24
dingo_it has a nice plugin that lets it run unit tests in a loop when they fail, and watches for file changes, he uses that and keeps it in a window while he codes15:24
kanzurei think you cna do that with nose/unittest anyway15:24
kanzure(that does not sound particularly special)15:25
dpkanyway. what needs unit testing?15:25
kanzureso many typos15:25
kanzuredpk: paperbot15:25
dpkwhich part?15:25
kanzurewell, all of it, i think15:25
kanzureretries across multiple proxies15:25
kanzurewhen to retry15:25
dpkin my experience there's no point trying to unit test an IRC bot because everything externally breaks so easily15:25
kanzurepaperbot v2 has no irc infrastructure15:26
dpkoh, the download bit15:26
dpknot the actual IRC bit15:26
kanzurei was going to expose it over http and then an irc thing could just ping the http service15:26
dpku mad bro??15:26
kanzureirc bit can be safely ignored i think15:26
dpkah, k15:26
dpkthen you could even use yoleaux to do it!15:26
kanzurei am not mad, just lagging. why is irssi lagging all of the sudden? :(15:26
dpkbecause of internet weather15:27
kanzurepaperbot is not architected to be used by lots of people15:27
kanzureor by lots of other bots15:27
kanzureover its entire history it has only processed 2000 requests15:28
* dpk nods15:28
kanzurealthough i would be open to thinking about a decentralized implementation15:29
kanzurewhere ezproxy loaners are compensated possibly in bitcoin15:29
dpkas an educated guess, i think yoleaux has processed about 5,000 commands in the last 18 months15:29
* dpk may be able to loan an ezproxy starting next year15:29
kanzureeww look who's going to school15:30
dpkheh, heh15:30
dpkdingo_: how do you assert an error in py.test, then? catch it then assert isinstance on the exception object or what?15:31
kanzureso your main concern about unittest is the javaness, right?15:33
dingo_its quite simple15:33
dingo_just have 'test' in the function name15:33
dingo_and just use vanilla python 'assert'15:34
kanzurepytest.assertRaises is my guess15:34
dingo_oh for exception? one second,15:34
kanzureand a with statement15:34
dingo_there you go15:34
kanzurescope/context. i don't even remember the right word.15:35
dingo_looks like the one's i did i did by hand15:35
dpkah, nice15:35
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nmz787_i1kanzure: just wondering about CAD stuff, need to script a bunch of Allegro stuff coming up I think16:25
nmz787_i1(allegro the EDA tool, not game engine thing)16:25
kanzureworst case scenario you can hijack their dlls/shared libraries16:26
kanzurectypes etc16:26
nmz787_i1yeah there may be some c++ interface16:28
nmz787_i1i was thinking libboost16:28
nmz787_i1unless it's easy enough to wrap calls in extern 'c'16:28
nmz787_i1i really don't want to write their config files by hand in case they upgrade and decide to change all their formats... my hope is any API they expose would be less prone to change16:29
kanzureif it is windows then instead of libboost you should just use comtypes/com/dcom16:29
nmz787_i1ah, hmm, i guess we're already using com, and one team member has experience with it16:30
kanzureyou should use com16:31
kanzurecomtypes is a python library that makes working with com less awful16:33
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nmz787_i1for one thing looks like we're using win32com and pythoncom16:39
kanzureyou can replace that with comtypes pretty easily16:40
dingo_win32com is an effective library16:43
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nmz787_i1huh 'anti-viral' kleenex tissues... contains ~2% SLS and ~7% citric acid18:49
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nmz787_i1wow... http://www.gq.com/news-politics/newsmakers/201409/the-last-true-hermit/19:08
kanzurewhy wow19:09
nmz787_i1"That was nice. But still, I pressed on, there must have been some grand insight revealed to him in the wild. He returned to silence. Whether he was thinking or fuming or both, I couldn't tell. Though he did arrive at an answer. I felt like some great mystic was about to reveal the Meaning of Life.19:18
nmz787_i1"Get enough sleep."19:18
kanzurethat is wow?19:21
kanzurei feel let down19:22
nmz787_i1"As the evenings began to chill, he grew his beard to the ideal length—about an inch, long enough to insulate his face, short enough to prevent ice buildup."19:32
nmz787_i1hmm, i am not sure of how that works19:32
nmz787_i1'I asked him if he just slept all the time, a human hibernation. "Completely wrong," he replied. "It's dangerous to sleep too long in winter." When seriously frigid weather descended, he conditioned himself to fall asleep at 7:30 P.M. and get up at 2 A.M. "That way, at the depth of cold, I was awake." If he remained in bed any longer, condensation from his body could freeze his sleeping bag. "If you try and sleep through that kind of19:33
kanzureyou suck at pasting on irc19:34
nmz787_i1'Some said that he must immediately be released from jail. Stealing cheese and bacon are not serious crimes. The man was apparently never violent. He didn't carry a weapon. He's an introvert, not a criminal. He clearly has no desire to be a part of our world. Let's open a Kickstarter, get him enough cash for a few years' worth of groceries, and allow him to go back to the woods. Some people were willing to let him live on their land,19:36
nmz787_i1how so?19:36
nmz787_i1(do i suck at pasting?)19:36
nmz787_i1they look like single contiguous blocks to me19:37
nmz787_i1pretty cool article19:39
nmz787_i1idk what you're complaining about kanzure, guess you never half-froze during sleep19:39
nmz787_i1to know why it's cool19:39
kanzurenmz787_i1: check the logs http://gnusha.org/logs/2014-08-27.log19:44
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kanzurenifty http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cognitive_biases20:54
kanzuremy bias is -3 mV20:54
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kanzurei think the other ones were more impressive22:15
kanzurewhat happened to the leety leetness liquid cooling stuff22:16
dingo_there, now i'm a famous streaming programmer :)22:16
kanzuresuch fame22:17
kanzurei appreciate the authentic typing sounds22:17
dingo_ahh too late i already fixed the bug22:18
dingo_now just boring github activity22:18
justanotheruserIt's a bit silly that chinese tax payers are subsidizing the bitcoin network22:21
kanzureis it?22:21
justanotheruserI have said it22:22
justanotherusernow it is true22:22
kanzureyou are linting before it lets you exit the file?22:24
dingo_annoying flake8 plugin22:24
kanzurei just got ognid :(22:25
justanotheruserThoughts on a new address type that is just a serialized script?22:25
kanzurei feel like that was proposed somewhere else before22:25
kanzurepossibly one of the bips?22:26
justanotherusernot that I know of.22:26
justanotherusermaybe you're thinking of p2sh22:26
justanotheruserwhich has the hash of the script as the address22:26
kanzurethere was something about pay to script22:26
kanzurehm maybe22:26
justanotheruserpay to script hash?22:26
kanzurecould be, yeah22:26
justanotheruseranyways, p2sh has a few limitations like lack of OP_RETURN abilities22:27
justanotheruserand 512bytes22:27
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dingo_worst part of pexpect its 10 fucking years of bad python22:35
dingo_you want to clean it up every time you see it22:36
dingo_but you can't, thousands of folk use it22:36
dingo_you can't just go changing stupid shit22:36
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nmz787_kanzure: I don't see anything new in the logs22:47
kanzureyour messages22:51
kanzurethey are being cutoff22:51
kanzurecheck the logs22:51
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-!- trotsky [~ruthie@CPEbcc810070371-CMbcc81007036e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:53
-!- trotsky [~ruthie@CPEbcc810070371-CMbcc81007036e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]23:58
--- Log closed Thu Aug 28 00:00:48 2014

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