
--- Log opened Thu Jan 07 00:00:58 2016
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archelskanzure: cheers02:27
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pink_vampirefirst time here..05:18
pink_vampiresounds like a very cool place.05:18
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pink_vampirekanzure: ?05:31
fennhi pink_vampire05:32
pink_vampirehi fenn05:33
fenni'm sort of curious how you ended up here05:34
pink_vampireI like biology05:34
pink_vampireand I'm also in to meta working..05:35
pink_vampirefenn: ^05:35
pink_vampireand I think I remember you from linuxcnc05:36
kanzureyou're not wrong05:37
pink_vampireand you also...05:37
fenni am currently trying to find information on the chemistry of sharp cheddar cheese, but this is harder to find than i expected05:40
fennmy understanding was that aged/sharp cheeses had high levels of free amino acids, so they improved flavor the same way MSG does (because they include "natural" MSG)05:40
pink_vampireI'm not in to cheese at alll05:41
pink_vampirelactose intolerance..05:41
fenni have this weird numbness/tingling/hypersensitivity thing going on in my hand that i haven't experienced in almost a year, and i've also just eaten sharp cheddar cheese for the first in about the same amount of time, so i'm trying to figure out what's the connection05:42
pink_vampirefenn: do you want to make cheddar cheese?05:44
fenni'm trying to figure out why my hand feels strange05:44
pink_vampireI'm lost05:45
fennjrayhawk any ideas?05:45
kanzurepink_vampire: i think you have mistaken fenn's messages for statements directed towards you in particular (they aren't)05:46
fennmy problem with the "quinolinic acid endogenous neurotoxin" theory of mental illness is: why doesn't everybody benefit from NMDA antagonists?05:47
fenn"how to build a general intelligence: lots of boxes and arrows"05:55
kanzurefenn: that's not fair. most agi people have ignored large chunks of neuroanatomy for a very long time.05:56
fenni don't know what "project AGI"/agi.io is05:57
kanzurelooks like some random blog05:58
pink_vampireI need AFM.05:59
fennall the posts are by "dave rawlinson"05:59
c0rw1nfenn: can you rct it? neeeds placebo cheese that tastes just like the cheddar05:59
fennc0rw1n: no, but it's an obvious enough effect that i'm not worried about placebo06:00
kanzurean earlier post mentions a recent (2015) jeff hawkins paper, "Why neurons have thousands of synapses: A theory of sequence memory in neocortex" http://arxiv.org/abs/1511.0008306:00
kanzurepink_vampire: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/AFM/06:01
c0rw1nthere are fully interconnected nets... someone should make nets with connections graphs similar to the natural ones also; maybe there are, but in the little subset of papers i stumble across i haven't seen such yet06:02
fennagi.io has a nice set of topics/tags/labels06:03
kanzurehas svg diagram06:05
archelsthat only needs about 9000 more boxes and arrows to approximate actual physiology06:05
fenni mean these are topics i think are promising areas of research: cortical learning algorithm, general long short-term memory, hierarchical temporal model, memory prediction framework, recurrent neural networks, retina, thalamocortical, visual object recognition06:05
fenn9 billion06:06
fenn19 billion*06:06
fenn"how many squares are on a chess board"06:07
kanzurethat's a very nihilist approach06:07
archelsa finite number06:07
kanzureplus, you already know that human brain matter seems to do interesting things even when forced into very small volumes or weird shapes (hydrocephaly)06:07
fennthe answer is greater than 6406:07
kanzureyes i'm aware that the answer is greater than 64 -_-06:08
fennmost people aren't aware06:08
archelsif you're the person painting them on, you might say 3206:08
kanzurewhat's a quick way to stitch up the cognitive consilience google map tiles06:09
kanzuresomething something imagemagick, right?06:09
fenngoogle says 204 www.teachingideas.co.uk/maths/chess.htm06:09
fenn"the 8th pyramid number"06:09
fennwhat pyramid number is around 19 billion?06:10
fenni watched "computer chess" and was thoroughly disappointed. kanzure you should be ashamed for being from the same city this film was produced :D06:11
kanzureaustin has many terrible film people.06:11
kanzuremontage -border 0 -geometry 16384x -tile 64x48 8-*.jpg final.jpg06:14
kanzuremontage -border 0 -geometry 16384x -tile 1x48 8-1-*.jpg final.jpg06:14
kanzuremontage -border 0 -geometry 512x -tile 1x2 8-31-6.jpg 8-31-7.jpg testing-0001.jpg06:16
fennpython -c "print sum(x**2 for x in range(4000))"06:16
fenn4000 hierarchical squares have ~21 billion squares total06:16
kanzure.py print sum(x**2 for x in range(4000))06:16
yoleaux<html><head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"><title>404 Not Found</title></head><body text=#000000 bgcolor=#ffffff><h1>Error: Not Found</h1><h2>The requested URL <code>/py/print%20sum(x**2%20for%20x%20in%20range(4000))</code> was not found on this server.</h2><h2></h2></body></html>06:16
fenn4000 levels of hierarchy i mean06:17
kanzurei wonder if i should downsample these tiles before tiling the tiles....06:18
fennare you just making a concatenation of a bunch of images?06:18
kanzurecognitive consilience google maps thing06:18
kanzurethey did not provide a download of their high-resolution image06:18
kanzurei was able to get their tiles though06:18
kanzureindex of tiles http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/cognitiveconsilience/c_all/tiles/06:19
kanzureeach one is 256x256 px06:19
JayDuggerGood morning everyone.06:19
fennoh heh this is a pretty similar problem in that it's a hierarchical set of squares that each contain some square number of squares06:20
fenna map tile contains a square number of map tiles at a higher zoom level06:20
fenni would do rows and then columns (or the other way around) instead of trying to figure out montage's tile 64x48 syntax to work and put the images in correct order06:24
kanzurepartly this is a RAM problem06:25
kanzurei think my original syntax was correct06:25
fenni think -geometry 16384x is wrong06:25
kanzure8-64-48 is the "last" tile.06:26
kanzureoh that parameter is the height, apparently...06:26
kanzureso the value should be 1228806:26
fennless than a gigabyte of ram :P06:27
kanzuremaybe montage is just very very bloaty06:27
fennyeah imagemagick is not very optimized06:28
kanzureit's taking more than a few seconds. i'm pretty sure that's unlikely here.06:28
kanzuremontage.im6: unable to acquire cache view `No space left on device' @ fatal/cache-view.c/AcquireAuthenticCacheView/121.06:28
kanzuremontage -border 0 -geometry 12288x -tile 1x48 8-31-*.jpg testing-0002.jpg06:28
kanzurewelp i guess i'll write my own pile of shit then06:28
juri_laser tube imploded.06:29
kanzureswitch to solid state lasers06:29
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fennif i had a laser i'd laser engrave a hallmark "sorry you lost your laser tube" card with just the right mix of sympathy and humor and sagacity06:32
fennno wait, i wouldn't06:33
kanzureit's widely known that sharks with freaking laser beams attached to their freaking heads were clearly using solid state lasers06:33
fennor liquid state lasers06:33
fennor jello-state lasers http://www.popularmechanics.com/science/energy/a6503/how-to-make-a-laser-from-a-gin-and-tonic/06:34
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pink_vampirefenn: you can make laser TEA06:39
fennyes i've done it06:39
fennnot a cup of tea, but rather some plates of aluminum foil and saran wrap and a high voltage06:40
pink_vampireit's cool!06:46
-!- Houshalter [~Houshalte@oh-71-50-56-224.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:47
kanzurecc archels06:48
fennlarge PNG warning!06:49
fennshouldn't it be a .jpg anyway?06:49
kanzure$ file stitched-diagram.png06:49
kanzurestitched-diagram.png: PNG image data, 2048 x 1536, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlaced06:49
fennit was made from .jpg tiles06:50
kanzure70 MB source image (for the love of god don't open this) http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/cognitiveconsilience/stitched-mega-hyper-diagram.png06:50
fennit should be a 15MB jpg...06:50
kanzurei wrote this for stitching http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/cognitiveconsilience/stitch.py06:51
kanzureseems that converting from jpg to png is a possible thing06:51
fennno that's a bad thing to do06:51
fennbad bad bad06:51
* kanzure grumbles and untars the tiles again....06:51
kanzure11 MB source image http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/cognitiveconsilience/stitched-mega-hyper-diagram.jpg06:55
kanzure0.5 MB http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/cognitiveconsilience/stitched-diagram.jpg06:55
fennshit i opened it :(06:56
kanzureRIP fenn's computer06:57
fennthrash thrash06:57
fennhitting your swap limit is always fun06:58
kanzurei can resize smaller if anyone wants06:58
fennstitched-diagram.jpg contains all the relevant information in the bigger one06:59
fennbut it's probably worth keeping both files06:59
poppingtonicI'm running htop as I open that image. Whoa.07:00
kanzurehere's a legend,07:00
kanzurenot sure about the abbreviations like T07 etc...07:01
kanzurethose shortcodes don't appear in this file http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/cognitiveconsilience/fusiontables/2172063.dat.txt07:02
kanzure2172063.dat.txt seems to have coordinates for where to put information markers07:02
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kanzureoh actually, it seems that i did not get all of the fusiontable data07:05
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kanzurei think this is everything (1 MB) http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/cognitiveconsilience/fusiontables/2120514.dat.txt07:26
kanzureand the "L96" stuff on the image is "first letter of the first author's name, followed by the two-digit year of the publication".07:28
kanzurehmm c_all does not include the axons and projections. i'll have to grab that separately at some point.07:34
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kanzurehttp://www.deepspace.ucsb.edu/projects/directed-energy-planetary-defense "DE-STAR or Directed Energy System for Targeting of Asteroids and exploRation is a proposed system to deflect asteroids, comets, and other near Earth objects (NEOS) that pose a credible risk of impact. We propose an orbital planetary defense system capable of heating the surface of potentially hazardous objects to the point of vaporization.  DE-STAR is a modular ...07:49
kanzure... phased array of kilowatt class lasers powered by photovoltaics (PV)."07:49
kanzureasteroid ablation stuff.07:49
kanzure"De-Spinning Asteroids: Using Laser Ablation to Manipulate Asteroid Motion" http://www.deepspace.ucsb.edu/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Aidan-Gilkes-RMP-Paper-Final-correct-fig-4.pdf07:50
kanzure"Orbital simulations on the deflection of Near Earth Objects by directed energy" http://www.deepspace.ucsb.edu/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/zhang_spie2015_ASTEROID-r812b.pdf07:51
kanzure"Simulations of directed energy thrust on rotating asteroids" http://www.deepspace.ucsb.edu/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Griswold_etal_SPIE2015_AsteroidRotation_Paper_R42.pdf07:51
kanzure"Local phase control for a planar array of fiber laser amplifiers" http://www.deepspace.ucsb.edu/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Steffanic_etal_SPIE2015_PlanarArrayControl_Paper_R02.pdf07:51
kanzure"Space Debris Mitigation Utilizing Laser Ablation" http://www.deepspace.ucsb.edu/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Final-Draft-Paper.pdf07:51
kanzure"Optical modeling for a laser phased-array directed energy system" http://www.deepspace.ucsb.edu/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Hughes_etal_SPIE2014_OpticalSimulation_Paper_R05.pdf07:52
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doclIt would be cool if you could use a phased array to print asteroids to make more lasers.08:16
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doclkanzure: did you get a chance to look at this one? http://www.physics.uci.edu/tajima/Ebisuzakietal2015.pdf08:51
doclfrom http://gnusha.org/logs/2015-12-05.log08:52
JayDuggerThank you for posting those links, kanzure.08:52
kanzuresorta, yes.08:54
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FourFireHey, anyone who has collections of textbooks, do they have http://www.amazon.com/Advanced-Engineering-Mathematics-Erwin-Kreyszig/dp/0470458364/ref=mt_hardcover?_encoding=UTF8&me= ?09:16
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kanzure"A new empirical constraint on the prevalence of technological species in the universe" (2015) http://arxiv.org/pdf/1510.08837.pdf10:50
jrayhawkfenn: well, things get arbitrarily screwy with e.g. nmda receptor antibodies10:56
kanzurehere is a journal of "science fiction studies" http://www.jstor.org/journal/sciefictstud10:59
kanzurewhich apparently benford has written for http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5612/sciefictstud.42.issue-111:00
Diablo-D3.title http://www.nature.com/news/alien-life-could-thrive-in-ancient-star-clusters-1.1912411:01
yoleauxAlien life could thrive in ancient star clusters : Nature News & Comment11:01
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FourFireinvited Patthseeker to the channel, he has some problems he'd like to discuss11:21
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atomicali can give emotional support11:54
Pathseekerwhats this channel about12:12
kanzureit's about single-neuron electroporation, tool wrench topology optimization, epistemology, dna synthesis, open-source software, and total world domination.12:25
gnusha_https://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=d1123255 Bryan Bishop: fix typo in hplusroadmap description >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/hplusroadmap/12:26
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kanzurehttp://gnusha.org/logs/hashes/loghashes.003.txt 93cc643753fc0de59acb96c818ad84c80a6b54d4fdf88f29cc265b369edbfa4c12:44
kanzurehttp://gnusha.org/logs/archives/hplusroadmap-2016-01-07.tar.gz 9a083d7e58cefd90f4a6fac7d29ecdf599e7e86b55a2a18335a23c1ab4805cdd12:45
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kanzurelog files: 2008: 277, 2009: 337, 2010: 357, 2011: 362, 2012: 366, 2013: 365, 2014: 365, 2015: 365, 2016: 712:55
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atomicalkanzure: what's your day job?13:16
nmz787_i1bitcoin wizard13:16
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kanzure"Homogeneous cosmology with aggressively expanding civilizations" http://arxiv.org/pdf/1411.4359.pdf15:30
kanzure"On the visible size and geometry of aggressively expanding civilizations at cosmological distances" http://arxiv.org/pdf/1512.01521.pdf15:32
-!- night [~Adifex@unaffiliated/adifex] has joined ##hplusroadmap15:36
doclxentrac: http://www.jove.com.sci-hub.io/video/4299/fabricating-metamaterials-using-the-fiber-drawing-method15:48
yoleauxFabricating Metamaterials Using the Fiber Drawing Method | Protocol15:52
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doclthe shrink indium wire to 10 micrometers, with plastic preforms.15:56
kanzurevarious doi prefixes https://gist.github.com/TomDemeranville/869923216:18
kanzurehalp i have dropped into the weird area of the internet again16:25
kanzurenmz787_i1: pffft "Nothing is really off-topic unless it is obviously non-productive."16:41
nmz787_i1:D I wasn't sure how to word it better, so I figured I'd better get back to paying work16:46
nmz787_i1if it doesn't propel humanity forward, it isn't productive and therefore not for ##hplusroadmap16:47
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docl"A centimetre-sized preform is assembled by stacking indium wires surrounded by Zeonex29 (a polymer with low absorption at terahertz frequencies) into a hollow polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) tube. This is heated and drawn to fibre, forming a tapered transition region where the polymer is viscous and the metal is liquid. The end product is a fibre containing a long continuous array of metal microwires.17:51
doclThe fibre can be cut into a large number of smaller length devices."17:51
docl.title http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2013/131028/ncomms3706/full/ncomms3706.html17:53
yoleauxMetamaterial fibres for subdiffraction imaging and focusing at terahertz frequencies over optically long distances : Nature Communications : Nature Publishing Group17:53
vicarionso what are we going to use them for? seeing through clothes?17:56
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doclit seems to be a relatively cheap vector for bootstrapping nanofactories, for one thing18:00
doclwith plastic fibers, you don't need as much heat as with glass. if you could get away with a shorter style of drawing tower, it would be roughly as difficult as a reprap or similar plastic extrusion based 3d printer.18:06
doclthey use indium for the wire. I wonder if solder would work just as well?18:09
docl(I'm assuming you need a core with a lower melting point than the plastic.)18:32
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kanzure"Multimodal optogenetic neural interfacing device fabricated by scalable optical fiber drawing technique" https://www.osapublishing.org/ao/abstract.cfm?uri=ao-54-34-1006819:12
kanzure"Enhancement of magnetic resonance imaging with metasurfaces" http://arxiv.org/pdf/1507.01411.pdf19:18
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xentracI just wrote a super-simple 2-d K-means visualization: http://canonical.org/~kragen/sw/81hacks/kmeans/20:29
xentracoops, wrong channel! sorry20:30
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vicariona bit off topic, what's the best way to search all the psych and sociology literature at once?22:31
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