
--- Log opened Wed Apr 18 00:00:40 2012
lichenkanzure: cool cool :)00:00
diginetI really want to make this stuff though00:01
yashgarothwell there's several other syntheses so00:03
diginetof what? dibromoindigo? I know but the other two I've seen either require silver as a catalyst, or the paper is just unintelligibly written00:05
yashgarothcatalyst means you don't need a lot00:06
diginetI know, but silver acetate is expensive00:06
yashgaroth5 grams $32.7000:07
diginetfrom where?00:07
diginetI assume I should be able to reuse it?00:08
diginetoh, darn00:09
diginetwell, can you take  a quick look at the paper which describes the process, but that I can't understand? Because that one shows the most promise, but I swear the writing is impenetrable00:10
yashgarothsure but I don't have access00:10
diginetI know I'm uploading it to dropbox00:10
nmz787kanzure: i posted the thread, http://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?p=387104500:12
diginetyashgaroth, here you go: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/58318055/tyrian.pdf00:13
yashgaroththis isn't the one with silver00:15
diginetI know00:16
diginetthis is the one without silver that seemed promising00:16
nmz787i would investigate the biosynthetic route00:16
nmz787IMO GMO is cooler, less FBI in your ass00:16
diginetthe silver one is too expensive to make any useful quantities00:16
* yashgaroth echoes nmz787's sentiment00:16
diginetwhat is the biosynthetic route?00:17
nmz787secretion from snails00:17
nmz787says it on second page00:17
diginetso, where am I supposed to get 12000 snails?00:17
diginetand that makes 1 gram00:17
nmz787that means its either good to get outta the cell on its own, or has a transporter, or is shuttled through golgi or something to get into a vesicle00:18
nmz787clone/synthetic DNA00:18
diginetoh, right00:18
yashgarothfind the biosynthetic pathway00:18
diginetwell, I did read a paper on brominated precursors in petunias00:18
nmz787find the snail, see what genes have been discovered... get 10 snails, grind up their feet or slime makers, get that sequenced (or see if its already sequenced)00:19
nmz787often special compounds genes are in a locus, an area of the DNA where all required genes reside00:19
nmz787but yeah, if you're no chemist, you're likely just as worth a synthetic biologist00:20
diginetI don't think it's nearly that simple00:21
diginetthe biosynthetic pathway is very complicated and involves the interaction of several different types of cells00:21
diginetI don't think a single enzyme manufactures it00:21
yashgarothof course not00:21
diginetso, making an artificial hypobrachial gland doesn't seem in anyway easier than direct synthesis00:22
nmz787dibromoindigo from x-gluc and glucuronic acid via GUS00:23
diginetno, that's dibromodichloroindigo00:24
diginetand it's 5,5'00:24
diginetdifferent isomer00:24
nmz787pretty close00:25
diginetexcept a completely different color00:25
nmz787the enzyme GUS might work on the other precursor00:26
digineturgh that paper I sent yashgaroth pisses me off so much, the authors mention this "superior" method of synthesis, and then it's never brough up again00:26
nmz787g2g sleep00:27
diginetwhoever wrote that should be shot, I have probably tried to read it like 10 times00:27
nmz787ttyl ppls00:27
nmz787find out what the molecule would be called if you cut the purple in half00:28
nmz787let me know, i'll try to dig up more info on biosynth00:28
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diginetso get this, an IGEM team is working on this very project00:29
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sylph_makoWhat.. This is nuts http://www.kurzweilai.net/fullerene-c60-administration-doubles-rat-lifespan-with-no-toxicity04:26
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sylph_makoNUTS. Great but like.. what? Eating fullerines? That's all there is to it?04:27
fennlook at the comments.. they only had 6 rats04:28
fennoh sorry, 60 rats04:30
fenni guess they liked the number04:32
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kanzureheh yep i was right07:24
kanzure"I presume you got the information from Joseph Jackson.  I'm not sure what you know about the used equipment business. Forgive me if I state the obvious.  Today is not good for a visit."07:24
kanzure"The items that interest you have been bid in a package in excess of $150K"07:24
kanzure"If the deposit arrives, this is a done deal."07:24
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kanzure"Please join us for the FBI-DIYbio Workshop hosted by BioCurious and the FBI, June 12-14, 2012 in Mountain View, California."07:26
kanzure"This three day event will focus on the interface of amateur biology and law enforcement, community laboratory issues, and dual-use research.  It will include presentations by representatives of the amateur biology and law enforcement communities."07:26
kanzure"The event will involve two days of presentations and interactive activities at NASA Ames Conference Center in Mountain View, CA and one day of laboratory activities at the BioCurious community laboratory in Sunnyvale, CA."07:26
kanzure"Lodging will be provided at the Hilton Garden Inn in Cupertino, California."07:27
kanzurenmz787: no i meant did you post the physicsforum thing07:28
kanzurejennicide: non-euclidean isn't exactly my specialty, but what's up?07:28
kanzureaha http://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?p=387104507:29
jennicideessay was submitted07:29
jennicidebut thanks07:29
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diginetnon-euclidian is awesome07:55
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nmz787kanzure: right about?08:09
nmz787did my gf send you her resume? i08:09
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nmz787165 views on my post, 0 replies .... i guess its still early08:18
nmz787this forum seems pretty active though08:18
nmz787i posted in a bunch of the bio threads... omre activity than diybio08:18
nmz787back to class...08:18
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Cat4Dnow that im out of the picture: http://hvo.wr.usgs.gov/cams/panorama.php?cam=R2cam08:40
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kanzuregeneforge colloseum ... gary mccleleun... serpentine bio? sold their legs to geneforge?09:39
kanzurekaufman 192 (not commercially available- contracted with something- modified vesion for Azco to sell in China)09:40
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kanzurebiolytics in freemont - he makes the blt 192, 384... dr. oligo09:40
kanzureGE AKTA09:40
kanzurejapanese have some09:40
kanzureoligo company - spinoff of Blue Heron - gen9bio -09:40
kanzureshoemaucker.. mermaid .. jeff shoemaucker - bioautomation in austin?09:40
kanzurechinese have some09:40
kanzuredna is after-market or custom design. Illumina has their own oligo maker design.09:40
kanzureolligator.. biosearch in nevada. their own design.09:40
kanzureoperon has their own design09:40
kanzuremetavine has their own09:40
kanzuresomething in denmark ... oligomaker09:40
kanzurebioautomation / mermaider09:40
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delinquentmeDNA synthesis projects?09:41
kanzurejust companies.09:41
kanzurehahah 3d printed aquarium pieces09:43
kanzurethat's quite a niche.09:43
kanzurefenn: so apparently azco biotech bought everything up09:46
kanzure3d printed aquarium pieces: http://www.advancedaquarist.com/blog/could-your-next-protein-skimmer-be-3d-printed09:47
kanzure"A 3D printable Mario Brothers RC controllable Turtle Shell Racer"09:47
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kanzuredoh it's Jeff Scheumack <jeff@bioautomation.com>09:58
kanzurei wonder why my meetlog.txt repo is 967 MB10:02
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kanzureheh.. so you could provide an aquarium simulation along with that 3d printed part for their aquarium10:21
Cat4Dvis the part in design10:21
* Cat4D did a rp fab which spit out thousands of game characters, porn figures a day... for a few months peak10:22
Cat4Dthe porn figures started getting bigger than the breakeven on the materials10:22
kanzurehuh there's no search results for this10:22
kanzurewhy isn't anyone doing custom aquarium pieces :(10:22
Cat4Di dont know about the biological aspects of hotglue10:23
Cat4Dotherwise id suggest hotglue10:23
Cat4D-- remember also plastics leech and are toxic10:23
Cat4Duse fda cert plastics10:23
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kanzurehmm.. http://lanyrd.com/guides/diybio/ links to http://lanyrd.com/2012/openly-disruptive/ http://openlydisruptive.org/ which looks like kristina hathaway/raymond mccauley10:48
kanzureconference topics look a little lame10:48
kanzureah it's dan reus. whatever.10:48
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_F7_huh? implants?11:39
_F7_not hot glue, ffs11:39
ThomasEgihow bout medical grade silicone^?11:39
_F7_Sugru sets up well11:40
_F7_siloxanes are varied11:40
_F7_I wouldn't hold the findings of Lepht Anonym to highly11:41
_F7_but silicone seems like solid advice. I'd like to see an animal study on hot-glue covered crap.11:42
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ThomasEgithe problem with hot glue and most silicones is the variation in quality.11:44
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ThomasEgiwhile high quality of each works out rather good. you can always get a batch of hot glue/silicone that has some impurities.11:45
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ThomasEgilike some heavy metal traces or so.11:45
ThomasEgigetting medical grade silicone is not that hard in most countries. it is often used to make molds and stuff.11:45
ThomasEgialtho it usualy isnt certified for implantation. at least you get a good quality controll.11:46
_F7_who is implanting what?11:46
kanzuresplicer: have you visited hackteria yet11:47
nmz787kanzure: i know someone at GE healthcare, I will ask about AKTA... though i dunno if they can get that info11:48
nmz787price i mean11:48
nmz787hah, oligator is a pretty good name11:49
nmz787kinda stupid, but funny stupid11:49
kanzurenah i'm sure the price is >$100k11:50
nmz787would be cool to see cathal in SF11:51
kanzurehaha chandni emailed me and introduced herself as "nathan mccorkle GF resume"11:53
kanzurethat makes me sad..11:54
kanzureshe thinks i don't know her name11:54
nmz787nah i told her to do that11:54
nmz787so it would hopefully not get lost in the 80 billion trillion other emails you get11:54
kanzuremy inbox is exploding today :(11:55
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nmz787so i'm drivin to sf for the june meeting11:57
nmz787not sure what route to take11:57
nmz787i guess it depends on if I also move out at the same time11:57
kanzurejetblue is showing me a $50 ticket haha11:57
kanzurefbi will pay you for gas i think11:57
nmz787already mentioned it11:57
kanzurelast year i asked them if they would let me charge a private jet to them11:58
kanzurethey weren't happy about that question11:58
nmz787govt has enough overhead already, and you want a private jet11:59
nmz787i'd be more pissed if they let you, since i didnt even think to ask that11:59
kanzureCat4D: that's one long email :) thank you11:59
Cat4Dits a horrible scribble11:59
Cat4Dwhich fbi? /me is from big island! haz great crack with volcano!12:00
nmz787there might be something interesting here:ftp://ftp.bbc.purdue.edu/12:00
kanzureCat4D: weapons of mass destruction directorate12:00
nmz787the u.s. fbi12:00
Cat4Dyou might like http://obsama.com/#snow12:01
Cat4Dlol ct bunnysuit12:02
* Cat4D places floppy pancake on head, kanzure knows why, spherical!12:03
kanzureoops my bad12:04
kanzureit's the Biological Countermeasures Unit12:04
kanzureunder the Weapons of Mass Destruction program12:05
Cat4Dya, the idiots who used me as a training target for 3 years, every time i went to supermarket, they said I dispersed toxins/etc, even tried to run me over with the balloon tire catapiller truck12:06
Cat4Dthey did do a good job of proving that contagens could be introduced through food packaging, took over then entire industry12:11
Cat4Dscratch and sniff boxes, especially12:11
Cat4Dand honey wheat thins pictures12:12
nmz787triscuits beat wheat thins IMO12:12
Cat4Dfor transporting and global distribution of bio weapons?12:13
nmz787nah, taste12:13
nmz787unless you're allergic to gluten, then both screw you up pretty bad12:13
* Cat4D pets Perro, the gluton12:14
kanzure"I saw your comment:  "C60 is actually available for around $40 per gram, and can even be purchased mixed into an anti-aging skin cream.  In theory, a bold person could begin taking it as a supplement now. Since he saw its effects firsthand, I aksed Dr Moussa if he started to take it.  ”No,” he said.  ”I do not consume C60 at this time.”"12:14
kanzure"The way Dr. Moussa said "consume" made me wonder if there was a way to consume C60 orally.  I came across this "blog", so I wonder if anyone saw this before:"12:14
kanzure"Novel, safe natural food supplement, hydrated fullerenes (C60-HyFn) or water-soluble buckyballs could make 50-60 % of the riskier synthetic drugs and pharmaceuticals obsolete by 2025-30"12:15
kanzure"UPDATE  Nov 2010: HYFNs have been approved for manufacturing as Fullerene Water Solution (FWS)  drink in Ukraine by the  Ministry of Health  as of Nov 2010. It's the first nanotech based health drink in the world. For information about availability  contact me privately by email.""12:15
* Cat4D notes c-60 erroneously in earlier context, references http://obsama.com/anfo.txt12:15
kanzureCat4D: what? hawaiin book burning due to kilauea?12:19
Cat4Dlibrary.royalgardens.us ?12:19
kanzurewhat's going on12:20
kanzurewhat am i looking at12:20
* Cat4D ponders what kanzure is looking at... there's quite a few options12:21
nmz787i don't see how fullerenes can be anti-oxidants,, they would have to be reduced, meaning gaining electrons, then wouldn't they either gain an H or the oxidative group12:22
nmz787i guess that could work12:22
nmz787cat4d the text you sent doesn't seem to say anything at all12:22
Cat4Dsheesh, which?12:22
Cat4Dof course obsama is not conclusive, they try to kill me frequently12:23
Cat4D.ie consulate disposed of it recovered from see-also:books12:23
Cat4Dthe ndrf/nisp12:23
Cat4Dmore important, of course, is that dhs made that disappear from regulations.gov12:24
Cat4Dmy crew pulled most of the firining lines off the boats with the ndrf staff, see also http://fleetrevealed.com << pretty pictures12:25
nmz787why were they toxic vessels?12:27
nmz787toxic aesthetically?12:27
Cat4Dbig topic,12:27
Cat4Dsuisun bay water quallity control board federal court case (searching)12:28
Cat4Dsf bay rather SFRWQCB?12:28
Cat4Dtry http://platinum-ii.in  in the videos see epa12:28
Cat4Dhere http://platinum-ii.in/vid/12:30
Cat4Dpaint chips, machine goo, oil, asbestos, pcb, any other leaking stuff12:31
Cat4Dalso that boat and the other one did the mumbai/bombay bombing attack, according to DEA who designed it (ATS.in)12:32
nmz787i'm sorry to say it, thought that site has interesting pics of a sinking ship, its written horribly and seems like most people would pass it up as fake/hype12:33
Cat4Dnot to mention the ss norway ( "sister ship link)12:33
Cat4Dyep, we've done a lot of work on this legal requirement12:33
Cat4Dexcept the linguistic analysis system tends to use 1999 jargon and phrase structure12:33
nmz787that still doesnt make sense12:33
Cat4Da syntatic analysis of all of those are generated from the same system (except anfo, but that follows the same structure)12:34
Cat4Dhttp://platinum-ii.in/bn  is more direct12:34
nmz787why would anyone do that?12:35
Cat4Dlegal liability? these are some potent problems12:36
Cat4Dit.never.says.anything.explicitly = true;12:36
nmz787legal liability in the age of torrent?12:36
Cat4Dnot to mention view-source:obsama.com12:36
Cat4Dgo read bluenorway bn archive12:37
Cat4Dsorry i got wrong url http://platinum-ii.in/bn/bluenorway.html12:37
nmz787videos say the ship was banned by u.s. epa12:39
nmz787sounds legit to me12:39
Cat4Dlegit how?12:39
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+o kanzure] by ChanServ12:39
nmz787that our government is keeping a ship with toxic paint out of our coasts12:40
@kanzureCat4D: please stick to CAD12:40
* Cat4D is a trans-temporal cat, sorry, got ahead for once12:40
Cat4Dits american12:40
Cat4Dit wasnt allowed to leave12:40
@kanzureif you can't do that, you should leave12:40
@kanzureopen knowledge foundation's hypothes.is alternative: https://github.com/okfn/annotator-store12:43
@kanzurewell, i think it's hypothesis.is12:43
Cat4Dwhich cad/cam systems use the gpu for nurbs rendering?12:43
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Cat4Dnah, those are meshing functions12:47
Cat4Dthe only few that are real is the surflab and the berkeley owned by solidworks12:47
Cat4D(ive not checked solidworks binary if its included)12:48
_F7_what is this fullerene nonsense12:48
@kanzure_F7_: beats me12:48
_F7_It sounds like something that a highly publicized and poorly conducted study would stir up12:49
_F7_soluble fullerenes? cool. In bottled water? WTF12:49
@kanzurehaha yeah i agree it sounds fishy12:49
ThomasEgi ><@°‣12:57
Cat4Dwhat is a trans-humanist?12:58
nmz787enhancing human experience through modification/technology12:59
nmz787or human performance12:59
ThomasEgiin short: refusing to accept your limitations and push the it13:00
* Cat4D double doses pramicetam with piramacetam and baarfs13:01
Cat4Dthen british customs blacklists you13:01
@kanzureCat4D: yep that's basically the story13:02
nmz787meh, who likes britain anyway13:02
Cat4Dqhi, but the result is an interpol listing13:02
Cat4Dfor pharmaceuticals13:02
nmz787(at least their govt) (i'm U.S.... didn't we dump their tea in the harbor and call it a day)13:02
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nmz787who is azonenberg?13:30
nmz787he was just referenced in ##electronics13:30
@kanzurenmz787: he does the homecmos project13:31
nmz787"kludge: ask azonenberg about using a microscope objective as a beam former.  It will take some machining work."13:32
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@kanzurehi rkos13:58
rkoshttp://neuroskeptic.blogspot.com/2012/04/fixing-science-systems-and-politics.html interesting article13:59
@kanzurecomments might be interesting on that14:01
@kanzurelooks like 2014:01
@kanzureehh... http://openscienceframework.org/14:01
@kanzuredunno why they don't team up with okfn14:01
rkoswell im off to sleep anyways....14:05
@kanzurePmc has 440k OA docs as a 1.2 TB FTP download, no need for bit torrent.14:07
@kanzureoh snap14:07
@kanzurepretty sure that's pubmedcentral.gvo14:07
@kanzureer, pubmedcentral.gov14:07
nmz787kanzure: so no progress on the forum, the electronics guys think the bluray laser wont cut clear stuff (when i mentioned that to simon he said to add black carbon was an option... but then we cant do optics).... so it seems that we should use CO2, which means Simon might not be happy to help more (though that could be wrong) since its more expensive.... but also means more expensive optics14:08
@kanzuresounds fine to me14:08
nmz787I guess I will stop by the EE shop i worked at this week to see if I can get some help14:08
@kanzurei am not sure why that youtube video shows a <1W bluray diode cutting things14:08
nmz787i also know another guy, but he's pretty busy14:08
nmz787well its black14:08
nmz787so absorbs better in vis14:09
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splicerkanzure: on hackteria, yes I've seen it. Do you like it?14:20
@kanzuresplicer: yeah of course14:20
@kanzurebut no i meant have you seen them /in person/14:20
@kanzurethey are in switzerland14:20
splicerno... I'm in sweden14:21
@kanzurei fail14:21
splicerI'd like to see someone create some form of ideology around biohacking...14:22
@kanzuredon't we have enough biohacking ideology already?14:22
splicerdo we have any that's new really?14:22
splicerthat would not just be someone trying to fit some old ideology into it14:23
@kanzurefeel free to rant about what you want to see14:23
splicerMy problem is... I mostly know what I don't want to see14:23
splicerbecause it's already been done14:24
splicerbiotech should give birth to something new... like info tech did14:24
Cat4Dwhat is the size and material for the mill?14:25
@kanzureCat4D: which mill?14:25
Cat4Dyour sanyo diode14:25
@kanzuredoing a laser cutter14:25
@kanzurei think we have a >6" stage at the moment14:25
@kanzure<1 micron step size14:25
@kanzurewant a laser spot size of 5-20 microns14:26
@kanzurewell.. 1-20 microns. whatever.14:26
Cat4Dthe blue 1w sanyos from the projectors ( wickedlasers.com ) are 69 retail, but their "1w" is not comperable to 1w of ir/red bands14:26
Cat4Ddo you have enough stability to use a big condensor above? otherwise your lense (microscope?) will be an issue14:27
@kanzurehaven't decided on lenses14:27
Cat4Dthe poly glass distorts green-blue-up bands14:27
@kanzurethe material moves, not the laser14:28
@kanzureer, not the laser/mirrors14:28
Cat4Dright, this is correct for small targets, so if you have a flat target surface, or control up stage, you can focus from outside14:29
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Cat4Dbut if you need 3d with large vert displacement, your condensor has to be designed accordingly14:29
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@kanzureCat4D: are you familiar with condensors and picking out correct lenses14:30
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@kanzureyo yashgaroth14:30
Cat4Dyou can also code/prisim smaller sources to the same target each below cooking threshold14:30
yashgarothwhy is the fbi meeting in the middle of the week14:30
@kanzureyashgaroth: because apparently nobody has jobs?14:30
nmz787biz day?14:30
nmz787the fbis job14:30
nmz787they dont work weekends14:30
* Cat4D schedules14:30
yashgarothbah, if I get a job I'm already taking 2 weeks in july, plus these 2 in SF, all on loaned vacation14:31
Cat4Dkan do you have a material target profile, a range of materials, etc?14:31
bkerojobs?  lul14:31
@kanzureCat4D: pdms, acrylic, maybe glass14:31
Cat4Dthe focal point, especially at size, is your biggest issue14:31
Cat4Dyou cant pass through something unless you plan for it14:32
Cat4Dwhat type of stages?14:32
nmz787via acme screw14:32
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Cat4Dat that resolution?14:33
* Cat4D checks http://pi.com14:33
Cat4Dthat fiberboard would prefer a 5w range14:34
@kanzuresee also http://buildlog.net/cnc_laser/laser_calcs.h14:34
nmz787we're not cutting fiberboard14:35
nmz787we're cutting 50-250 microns of silicone or acrylic14:36
nmz787and potentially glass14:36
nmz787we'll def need a beam expander14:36
nmz787from 2mm outta the laser to at least 15mm before being focused14:36
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nmz787great the lasersaur wants money to get on their mailing list14:37
@kanzurehaha ignore them14:38
@kanzurei remember when lasersaur was raising money14:38
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@kanzure2011-01-12.log:11:17 < kanzure> lasersaur got $20k and they haven't done /shit/14:38
@kanzure2011-02-04.log:10:08 < JayDugger> log.lasersaur.com redirects to a Flickr photo set14:38
@kanzure2011-02-11.log:20:34 < kanzure> otoh, i do want to avoid situations like lasersaurus or openpcr or biocurious where people get money upfront and then sit around dicking off14:38
nmz787well i g2g to class14:39
@kanzurethat was feb 2011 :(14:39
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Cat4Dlag, lemme look at specs14:56
@kanzureCat4D: here's some more details.. http://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?p=387104514:56
Cat4Dlol thats useless without material's valuse ;)14:57
Cat4D5w capable, depending on wavelength and material, is usually fine for small stuffs14:58
Cat4Di've cut circuit boards with 200 walmart 30cent pointers14:58
Cat4Dwhat constraints do you have?14:59
Cat4Dand please do NOT follow any instructions from reprap, they are disinfo15:00
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Cat4Dthe blue beam is easily focused, but you need to find out what your material responds to15:00
@kanzurehaha yes we are ignoring reprap15:01
Cat4Da co2 ired generates heat15:01
@kanzureall custom (except linuxcnc)15:01
Cat4Dbut 1w of ired is 10x g/b15:01
fenn"i've cut circuit boards with 200 walmart 30cent pointers"  really? how do you combine so many beams?15:01
Cat4Dor prism15:01
Cat4D4in polarizer just in case15:02
Cat4Dthen the condensor stack15:02
_F7_wait wtf you've made an array of cheap diod lasers?15:02
fenni can't visualize that15:02
Cat4Dbut 1watt r/g/b "output" are 50 $15:02
Cat4Dlook at wickedlasers adverts15:03
Cat4Dits a 69$ retail sanyo blue diode15:03
Cat4Dwith a good circuit and a battery15:03
Cat4Di use one of those for range scan in the volcano15:03
@kanzuresir i am in the market for an underground volcano lair15:03
Cat4Dyour typical overhead projector has the rest of the parts you need15:03
@kanzuredo you happen to have real estate available for these purposes15:04
Cat4D10k usd for 1/5 acre, 75ft of new lava surface, and very pretty views15:04
@kanzureis that per month15:04
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fennlocation location location15:05
fennyou need a volcano with nearby airstrip and slope suitable for space launch railgun15:06
yashgarothmake sure you hire someone to check for 007s15:06
@kanzurehawaii? we can smoke stuff with garrett or wherever he is these days15:06
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Cat4D_fking webchat15:06
Cat4D_many lots alohaliving subdivision:"kalapana vacation lots" lava on one side ocean on the other, outright purchase, 25$ tax per year.15:06
Cat4D_7-12k for 1/5 acre15:07
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@kanzureokay cool. i was also looking at old missile silos as an option.15:07
Cat4D_i got some of them too15:07
Cat4D_setting up a museum in one cluster15:07
fenngod i hate forums15:07
@kanzure"A is for autoclave, B is for burner"15:08
yashgarothC is for cross-contamination15:08
@kanzureD is for drosophila?15:08
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fennwhy does nathan want to use a blue diode instead of IR?15:09
@kanzureE is for ecoli15:09
fennam i missing something here?15:09
@kanzurefenn: simon quellen field from diybio was recommending it15:09
@kanzuresimon has some optics experience apparently15:09
fennokay but why?15:09
@kanzurebuut his answers to nathan's questions were really dismissive of using an actual laser tube15:09
@kanzureyeah, he sota dropped the ball on that15:09
@kanzureso anyway, we've been looking into it as an option15:09
@kanzureso far the consensus seems to be no15:09
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fenni mean we are getting close to the diffraction limit for IR but still..15:10
fenn"no" on what?15:10
@kanzurei don't know anyone with a diode-cutter anyway15:10
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@kanzureno on using a blue diode15:10
fennwhy no?15:10
@kanzurethey all seem to be <1W/mm or something15:11
@kanzure1W isn't going to cut glass15:11
fennwe're not cutting glass15:11
-!- Cat6D [182bd7e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap15:11
fennalso, the channel is tiny15:11
Cat6Da simple prism or mirror assy can easily merge beams, as long as you have them aligned sufficiently, otherwise you can do overlapping beam systems and have better continuity15:11
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fennwhat is the required power density to vaporize PDMS and/or acrylic?15:12
fennwithout these numbers we're flying blind15:12
Cat6Dzero, fenn15:12
Cat6Dits lim(0)15:12
@kanzurefenn: it might be nice to cut glass, but yes it's not a requirement15:12
fennCat6D: not true, there is thermal conductivity15:12
@kanzure"Petridish CEO Matt Salzberg on the Science Exchange Blog:" http://blog.scienceexchange.com/2012/03/guest-post-matt-salzberg/15:12
Cat6Dat point size also lim(0)15:12
fennwe're not dealing with points, the channel has a finite width15:13
Cat6Dthen you just flash it15:13
@kanzurethis is after pdms polymerizes15:14
@kanzurefenn: does this paper look useful?15:14
@kanzure"Relationships between laser power, pulses per inch, and laser traverse speed and ablation profile patterns are established. A strong linear relationship (R2=0.9951) between cut depth and laser power is demonstrated. "15:14
-!- Cat8D [182bd7e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap15:15
Cat8Dwebchat is throttling... wtf15:15
Cat8Dcut or print the mask, tie it to the ceiling mirror, which projects down through whatever lense (if needed) to the target15:15
@kanzureCat8D: you could use another irc client.. what os are you on15:15
@kanzureCat8D: we're not polymerizing pdms.. we're cutting it15:15
Cat8Dits the isp above here thats the problem15:15
Cat8Dwith the fool usdoj wire taps15:16
@kanzureerr, i mean, we're polymerizing pdms but then cutting it15:16
fenni'm not sure we're inhabiting the same reality tunnel15:16
Cat8Dso, figure out the cut energy required and your pass rate15:16
fennyes exactly, that's what we're doing15:16
Cat8Dand wether you need a direct target or passive material15:17
@kanzurefenn: is that the paper we need? also this should be in some charts somewhere on the interwebs..15:17
Cat8Dwhich then dictates your entry angle option15:17
@kanzureangle entry is perpendicular :P15:17
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@kanzure*entry angle15:17
Cat8Dbut you should be most concerned about the flashpoint energy, because your cut down deep will still heat the upper sections15:17
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Cat8Despecially with micro scale films15:18
Cat8Dor whatever you are building15:18
@kanzuremicrofluidic chips15:18
Cat8Ddna channels15:18
Cat8Dwhy not composit them? is there much difference in layup vs cut?15:18
Cat8Dand be sure to include what resulting surface characteristic you need, fenn15:18
Cat8Dboiling poly makes a toxic mess15:19
Cat8Dso your debris has to be accomoodated too, it will stick wherever you stick it15:19
Cat8Dwhich means, typically, you still need two additinoal layup processes, film on both sides15:20
Cat8Dafter the cut15:20
Cat8D-- this has to be part of the rig15:20
Cat8Dbonding can be done the same way15:20
Cat8DI assume you saw the solar furnace in the desert video last week?15:20
* fenn grumbles about paywalls15:21
Cat8Dhuman should never be near those15:21
fennhere's the paper15:21
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Cat8Dhaha not enuff pictuers in that15:23
fennwtf is all this % stuff, can't they use acutal units?15:23
Cat8Dno result graph either15:23
Cat8Dbut the words aer correct15:23
@kanzuregah "Power %"15:23
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@kanzurewhat the hell15:23
@kanzureoh fenn beat me to it15:23
Cat8Dok, so, you need a big tool and a gate15:23
Cat8Dso yo udont care15:23
Cat8Dyou can always filter or sunglass the source15:24
Cat8Dsee if you can find a sufficient diode with 1-5w with controllable power15:24
fennso it's a 60W CO2 laser tube running at 1060nm (prolly 1064nm)15:25
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fennand 254cm/s movement15:25
fennso, math time15:25
Cat8Dok, if you have this, great15:25
Cat8D60w co2 is massive15:25
Cat8Dwhat is its cut rate?15:25
fennthat doesn't make sense does it15:25
@kanzurefenn: says 60W15:26
Cat8Dwhat is that example cutting?15:26
@kanzuredamnit how is fenn reading faster than me15:26
fenn2 cups of oolong :P15:26
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Cat8Dwhat price for your 60w co2? couple hundred max15:27
@kanzurehaven't picked one out yet15:27
Cat8Djust remember your lenses have to be pure, especially at that power, you'll cook a microscope lense15:27
@kanzurewhat about 30W?15:27
* Cat8D thinks um channels should be about 3w15:28
fenntheir full-depth channel is 700 microns wide, that's huge15:28
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Cat8Dso its blasting the entire channel one pass15:28
@kanzureyes .. although we could just cut a channel w/ edges15:28
@kanzure100 micron-wide channels15:28
@kanzurebut min. feature size involves things like curves at <100 microns15:29
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n_benthayou use UPS Next Day Air Saver® ?15:29
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@kanzuren_bentha: did he kill your colonies again15:29
n_benthahaha yes15:29
Cat8Dya, dont try to cut those, just goo them and let it settle cleanly15:29
yashgarothI do occasionally why15:29
n_benthabut i redid the experiment w/ another minion, and they worked!15:29
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n_benthayashgaroth: i was wondering around what time you expect them to deliver15:29
@kanzureCat8D: "goo them"?15:30
yashgarothuhh 11ish?15:30
n_benthagoo them!15:30
Cat8Dvaporize debris, leave liquid material to coat the channel surface15:30
n_bentha11am or pm?15:30
@kanzureCat8D: if we cut just the edges of the channels, we will probably use tape or some peel-off method to extract stuff15:31
Cat8Dthere are special mix poly for that, i assume you already checked through the options15:31
@kanzuredon't assume anything like that :)15:31
azonenbergkanzure: i've done photolithography using homebrew technology at 20 micron feature sizes15:31
@kanzureazonenberg: so we're building a laser prototyping system so that i don't have to wait for things to set or make masks or do DLP15:31
azonenbergsorry for the slow response, was in a meeting on campus15:31
n_bentha:( they haven't delivered all day....stupid residential deliveries15:31
@kanzureazonenberg: how long was your build time?15:31
azonenbergkanzure: not very15:31
@kanzurewell, more than 30min?15:32
azonenbergi already had a spin coater, printer, and microscope15:32
@kanzureno i mean per photolithographed design15:32
azonenbergspin coat wafer = ~5 mins plus dry time on hot plate15:32
@kanzuresure sure15:32
azonenbergexposure depends on strength of the lamp but 5-10 mins15:32
azonenbergthen develop is a minute or two15:32
fennunits '60W/(700micron*0.25*254cm/s)' = 13.5 J/cm^215:32
Cat8Dcm3 fenn15:32
azonenbergi was etching copper about a micron thick15:32
azonenbergso the etch i used took like 15 seconds15:33
@kanzureazonenberg: exposure/curing took only 10min?15:33
yashgarothoh well residential's a different matter...they don't really deliver after 315:33
Cat8Dyour material spec should have an energy rating that you can convert juels15:33
azonenbergkanzure: this is for photoresist15:33
azonenbergi need a few hundred mJ/cm^215:33
azonenbergthis is exposure, not ablation15:33
n_benthaugh. i want to go to the gym from 6-915:33
@kanzurei think we could probably use photoresist ?15:33
azonenbergAlso, its positive resist15:34
azonenbergas in it starts out insoluble (in 1% NaOH)15:34
azonenbergupon exposure to light it becomes soluble15:34
azonenbergbut its only meant as a masking material for acidic or neutral etches15:34
yashgarothyou sure you have to sign for it?15:34
azonenbergnot for making permanent structures15:34
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fennfilm thickness is 0.015 inch, so 3542 J/cm^315:34
Cat8Dfenn reverse that math and solve based on material blasting value for the entire volume15:34
fennsorry 0.0015 inch15:34
azonenbergother resists, like SU-8, are negative15:34
@kanzureazonenberg: there was this pdms / silicone polymer paper that said that typical cure time is 2 days.. unless you do 80C, then it's 4 hours15:34
azonenbergmeaning they start out soluble15:34
azonenbergbut become completely insoluble on exposure15:35
azonenbergand two days??15:35
Cat8D.2m/sec is a lot of vibration too15:35
azonenbergnormal IC fab exposure times with a ~2 kW lamp15:35
* n_bentha is missing judo practice for this shit15:35
azonenbergare like 15 seconds15:35
@kanzurewell yeah that's 2 kW :)15:35
azonenbergi'm using a halogen which is only like 20W and doesnt emit very much UV15:35
yashgarothwell just judo the ups guy when he arrives15:35
azonenbergso after losses in the optics 10 mins is reasonable15:35
azonenbergbut anything longer sounds totally unrealistic15:36
azonenbergthat time, btw, is for the FOV of say a 10x microscope objective15:36
azonenberglarger is tricky15:36
Cat8Dfenn what is your actual dissipation?15:38
@kanzure"The recommended cure time for Dow Corning Sylgard 184 is 2 hours at 65C. Increasing the process temperature increases the cure rate, so this time can be reduced to 1 hr at 75C or 30min at 85C. Similarly, decreasing the process temperature to room temperature increases the cure time to two days."15:38
@kanzurethis is from http://gnusha.org/logs/2012-04-11.log15:38
@kanzurepaper http://dspace.mit.edu/handle/1721.1/6161515:38
@kanzureazonenberg: ^15:39
@kanzureoh actually, maybe sylgard 184 is not a photocurable?15:41
@kanzurethat would make more sense15:41
ParahSailinsylgard 184 is just a two part thingy mix to cure15:44
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fenn.015 inch is the correct thickness, so 354 J/cm^315:45
azonenbergkanzure: lol, that would make sense15:46
azonenbergbecause SU-8 cures in like 15 seconds of UV exposure i think15:46
ParahSailinsu-8 needs to be cooked after exposure15:46
azonenbergParahSailin: i'm talking about the exposure time15:46
azonenbergnot post-bake and such15:46
azonenbergi think its comparable to normal photoresist15:46
fennCat8D: i dont know actual power dissipation, presumably it can be calculated from materials reference values15:46
kanzurewell overall build time matters too15:46
azonenbergthough i will say the only stuff i've actually used myself is shipley SP24D photoresist15:47
ParahSailinoh, yeah just misunderstood "cures"15:47
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kanzurelaser cut for 10 minutes vs. photocure for 10min (but +2 hours baking) is way different15:47
fenn2 hours is not too ba15:47
fennhell i spend that long going over email and backlog each day :p15:48
kanzure2 hours per compile will suck15:49
fennhow the hell does their laser move at 2.5 meters per second?15:51
fenni'm finding this hard to believe15:51
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kanzurefenn: belt?15:53
fennblah the manufacturer spec sheet is damaged15:54
fenncan anyone read this document? http://www.assuredlaser.com.au/english/laser_systems/product_line/specs/9200.pdf15:54
fennnevermind it probably doesn't even say what the max speed is (unusual, that)15:56
fennwhat kind of spec sheet doesn't say how fast it goes15:56
Cat12Dall the ones youve looked at15:57
kanzureOCR says it says "#$!$#*(*(*><.,,>>#@"15:57
* Cat12D plays in lava 15:58
ParahSailinim not that good at regex kanzure15:59
n_benthai fixed ur pdf16:04
n_benthai'll upload it hold on16:05
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fenntheir spec sheets are useless, don't bother16:05
fenni emailed ULS asking to verify the info from the paper16:05
n_benthaand for future reference if your pdf's get jumbled: https://www.pdf-tools.com/osa/repair.aspx16:06
n_benthastupid XL-9200 lazers16:07
kanzurethe correct vernacular is lazors16:10
n_benthaoh. yashy: practice is at 7pm >.<16:11
n_benthabut still they better hurry up and deliver the goods!16:11
kanzuredo you have a tracking number16:11
Cat12Dlaser lazors16:12
fenni'm so sick of fucking companies and their bullshit price quote bullshit just fucking let me order it you fuckers16:12
n_benthahaha price quotes16:13
kanzureso how about a site that sits on top of these other sites16:13
kanzureand has pricing data from other users16:13
fenn"the product was not formulated for this application" SO FUCKING WHAT I WANT IT SELL IT TO ME16:13
Cat12Dshopping.google.com has a few in the 400 range16:15
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fennhow can a standard dna synthesizer be so expensive? it's just valves and tubes16:24
fenn$150k go blow it out your ass16:24
kanzurefenn: i was talking with joe kaufman today about this,16:25
kanzureapparently he has 30 years of oligo industry experience16:25
kanzureit's something about purity or error rates16:26
fennit's just parameter fiddling16:26
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fenni could write a computer program to do it in a day16:26
kanzurealthough he also gave me the argument that nobody wants a desktop synthesizer because "you can just order it for $2 online"16:26
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fennnobody want to pay $150k for a desktop synthesizer when you can order it online16:26
kanzurehe also claims that quake's pdms pressure valves don't work16:27
fennthat's a different issue16:28
diginetdoes anyone know roughly how long it would take to regenerate a pretty small plant from a callus culture? I've seen number s on the order of 2 months or so?16:28
fenna bunch of valves and tubes doesn't cost $150k, plain and simple16:28
fennif these machines were manufactured in the 80's, all the patents have expired by now16:28
fennor $37.5k either, whatever16:29
fenni imagine people would be interested in a modern device with ethernet+usb interface etc16:30
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kanzurealso: tacking on software to old devices might be nice16:31
fennoh like a interface kit?16:31
kanzureyes and replacing whatever version of DOS they are using :)16:31
fennwhat happened to these companies, are they still around?16:32
kanzureyes there are a few16:32
fennperhaps they could be persuaded to part with internal technical documentation16:32
fennschematics etc16:32
kanzureapplied bio got acquired and is no longer making them (joe k confirmed)16:32
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kanzureazco biotech is really just one guy who has a good site that makes him look larger16:32
fennif anyone can actually find the documentation by now16:32
kanzurekaufman is doing a 192-column machine "not commercially available- contracted with something- modified vesion for Azco to sell in China"16:33
kanzurebiolytics in freemont - he makes the blt 192, 384... dr. oligo16:33
kanzureGE bought AKTA and those are still being made http://www.gelifesciences.com/Images/highres/%C3%84KTA%20oligopilot%20w%20comp.jpg16:33
kanzurebut this is also AKTA so i'm confused. http://www.avecia.com/Avecia/files/images/sub/pic/oligo-pic1.jpg16:34
fennso many tubes16:34
kanzurehe knew about gen9 bio (the blue heron spinoff)16:34
fenndont they only need ~7 reagents16:34
fennyeah the first pic looks correct16:35
kanzurethese are still active: bioautomation, biolytics, azco, oligomaker in denmark, biosearch16:35
kanzurei think this is biosearch? http://www.biosearchtech.com/16:37
Cat12Djust take a picture of all of them, merge/solve, and make your own16:37
kanzurei think biosearch just does refurb16:37
kanzurejoe k claims that the after-market is enough to support all the synthesis companies16:38
fennwhat do these new machines cost?16:38
kanzureoligomaker is at least $60k euros16:38
kanzurejoe k sold those synths i showed you yesterday for >$150k16:38
kanzureazco bought them or something16:39
Cat12Di have countries that will sponsor you if you do it good...16:39
fennwhy is he selling used machines?16:39
kanzureCat12D: orly?16:39
kanzurefenn: some synthesis company was liquidating16:39
fennum, i mean why is azco selling used machines16:40
fennhe has his own product line16:40
Cat12Dyou gots some work to get clean tolerances16:40
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n_benthaomg i gots the package!!!!16:40
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katsmeow-afkdid the delivery guy live?16:40
kanzurefenn: i might have heard wrong :(16:41
fennazco does sell "refurb machines" but their website sucks too much to access that page16:41
n_benthai scared him real bad but i think he'll be alright16:41
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kanzure"Azco Biotech, Inc. 3626 Ocean Ranch Blvd, Oceanside, CA 92056" oh i thought they were in arizona16:42
kanzure"Prior to starting Azco, J was a Director of Business Develpment for Transgenomic from 1998 to 2004. He was a Business Development manager for Rohm and Haas from 1995 to 1998"16:43
kanzurehuh, biz dev for haas16:43
Cat12Dhey thats right next to my new googvoice fone number16:43
Cat12Dkan / fenn did you find suitable parts?16:43
fenni think raymond maccauley works for a synthesis company16:43
fennCat12D: what parts?16:43
kanzureno he worked for a sequencing company (illumina)16:43
fennah well that's boring16:44
kanzurewas it illumina? hrm16:44
kanzurehaha google suggests "raymond mccauley illumina" as a search16:44
kanzurepfft lists him as working at genomera16:45
kanzure"Research Fellow, Scientific Advisory Board, DIYgenomics, 2010"16:45
kanzureaha yes it was illumina (solexa)16:45
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fennwhat pdms thickness are we planning on using?16:47
fenncan we really spin coat whatever thickness we want?16:47
fennthey chose 0.015 inch film "because it was the thickest available" which seems like and odd choice16:48
kanzurehaven't determined yet16:49
kanzurebtw, if it really only takes 10 minutes to photocure, should we do that?16:49
kanzureper azonenberg's experience16:49
fenni was on the photocure bandwagon from the beginning16:50
azonenbergagain this is for IC fab photoresist so i dont have any experience with photocuring polymers16:50
azonenbergspin coating thickness is dependent on spin speed and viscosity of the liquid16:51
azonenbergup to bounds where it doesnt spread uniformly16:51
azonenbergi've done films ranging from probably a couple of microns to tens of nm16:51
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fennthis method of squeezing pdms between two plates has been used to make films down to 50um: http://blogs.rsc.org/chipsandtips/2012/04/18/easy-and-inexpensive-fabrication-of-pdms-films-of-different-thicknesses/16:57
fenni'm wondering what hardness is being used16:57
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fenni'm currently trying to sample some UV cure "flexible" epoxy (hardness 95 shore A)16:57
fennmanufacturer is being a bitch though16:58
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kanzure1) that's a really horrible blog name ("chips and tips".. and dip?)17:04
kanzure2) from today?17:05
fennthere are photocure PDMS resins available, i.e. gelest RMS-03317:07
fennanother terrible website.. submitted an info request17:07
fennchips and tips is interesting read http://blogs.rsc.org/chipsandtips/17:10
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kanzurei like17:24
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fenni'd imagine a harder material can be used if the film thickness is smaller17:30
fennepoxy might not have the porosity problems of PDMS17:30
kanzureacrylic too :p17:30
fenni guess you could make acrylic films by solvent evaporation (it dissolves in acetone i think)17:31
kanzureor you can just etch a depth into a thicker sheet and bond the exposed side to your other material17:34
fenn"We would like to acknowledge a grant provided by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India"17:37
fennwhy doesn't the US fund stuff like this?17:37
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fenn"stuff like this" = paper on how to connect tubing to microfluidics chips17:38
kanzurethere's lots of tubing papers out there :x17:38
fenni guess i'm just annoyed by the general poor quality of "how to" information17:39
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kanzureimagej gui18:17
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kanzurehackerspace space fed / darpa call going on at the moment.. https://atrium.schoolfactory.org/spacefed/node/106574#comment-328318:40
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browniesis that about hackerspaces, or about space, that big empty thing out there?19:44
kanzureOn Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 9:41 PM, David Treadwell wrote:19:44
kanzure> Bryan, excellent news!19:44
kanzure> Why yes, I do have some experience with photocurable polymers. Some years19:44
kanzure> ago, I was asked to develop a dental restoration composite, which I did. It19:44
kanzure> never did become a commercial product, but the system worked well.19:44
kanzure> Trust me, if dental composites took 15 minutes to cure, or had to be baked19:44
kanzure> at all, no dentist would ever use them. A typical dental composite might19:44
kanzure> take under a minute's exposure to high-intensity blue light. Other systems19:44
kanzure> can be much, much faster.19:44
kanzure> There are a number of systems in common use based on either radical or19:44
kanzure> acid polymerization. There may be a few others I don't know about (yet).19:44
kanzurebrownies: hackerspaces. some hackerspace org got a DARPA grant for space exploration. i don't know.19:44
kanzurefenn: implicitcad update?19:47
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brownieskanzure: interesting.19:53
kanzurenmz787: check backlog. http://gnusha.org/logs/2012-04-18.log19:53
kanzurehuh.. "The World Bank adopted an OA policy today for peer-reviewed articles, research reports, and monographs, to take effect July 1, 2012."20:16
kanzurewhat is this scraping? http://openingscience.org/archive20:17
kanzureit looks like it might be either (a) manually currated or (b) watching some RSS feeds20:18
kanzureeww it's tumblr?20:18
kanzurelinkbaity title from figshare :| http://figshare.com/blog/A%20YouTube%20%20for%20Scientists/1120:19
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nmz787ok up to speed kanzure21:04
nmz787kanzure: fenn: photocure + cast and peel won't let us do clean interconnects... becase if we have a post in the mold, the liquid PDMS will wick/surface tension up the post and will look like a volcano/mountain after being peeling, instead of just a hole21:06
nmz787its good to know the quake valves have some mistrust21:06
nmz787but they're all over the place in lit, so tho general concept seems alright21:06
katsmeow-afkcoat them with something PDMSphilic and maybe won't wick21:07
kanzureyeh i'd like to meet someone who can explain why they are so (apparently) "terrible"21:07
nmz787I can cut PDMS no prob with a 25W CO2 laser at ~110 micron spot, but I don't remember what speed that was21:07
kanzurewhat's the min. power to cut acrylic with standard laser cutters?21:08
kanzurei have a chart somewhere.. bleh21:08
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nmz787i dunno21:13
nmz787simon said 30W/cm^221:13
nmz787with 40W tube, 64,000 watts/sq mm into a 25*25 micron square21:14
nmz787sorry he said sq mm21:14
nmz787not cm21:14
nmz787"If you are cutting through 3 mil plastic, you will want 30 watts persquare millimeter, and you will be able to cut over 300 millimetersper minute"21:15
nmz7873 mil is 76.2 microns21:15
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nmz787we wanna cut 60-250 microns21:16
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Cat4Dyes, thats correct21:22
Cat4Dyou can always reduce the energy both between and typically on the device21:23
nmz787Cat4D: are you talkin to me ?21:23
Cat4Dbut you want to concentrate on how you will keep your edges clean and the response of the material after zapping21:24
Cat4Dabout you toward kanzure21:24
nmz787not sure what you mean by reducing the energy between or on the device21:24
Cat4Dthe light poly doesnt have much tendency to deform, but if you flash it too fast, it will pull21:24
fennnmz787: any reason we can't sandwich it between glass when casting? i don't think relying on surface tension for flatness is a good idea in the first place21:24
Cat4Dfilter, prism, % pass mirror, etc21:25
fennjust put a large circle in the photocure pattern in the first place21:25
Cat4Dfenn, unless its bound entirely, it may still pull21:25
Cat4Dbut this can be handled with a pulse pattern21:26
nmz787fenn: spin coating is a proven technique, i trust one plate vs two plates for flatness21:26
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Cat4Dor more complex tooling shape21:26
nmz787with spin coating, we know at least one side is smooth, the other side depends on the manufacturing tolerance of the surface... though i guess float glass should be pretty smooth21:27
fenni figure if we have to cast it at all, might as well cast it with the pattern we want in the first place21:27
ParahSailinpdms will stick to float glass21:27
nmz787Cat4D: we want to avoid pulsing, we don't want a dot matrix print job, we want REAL vector lines21:27
fennuse a mylar transfer layer21:27
ParahSailinthe thing with pdms is that smoothness doesnt matter21:28
ParahSailinthe stuff is an elastomer21:28
nmz787Cat4D: not sure why we'd have a filter, prism, or $ pass mirror21:28
Cat4Dwhat cooling/cure method do you need with those materials?21:28
nmz787well, by smoothness i mean uniform thickness21:28
fenner, wait, you're both wrong21:28
fennsay what you mean dammit :P21:29
fennflatness doesn't matter, smoothness does matter21:29
nmz787you mix PDMS with some crosslinking agent, spin-coat/press between plates in a sandwich, then bake at 80 C for two hours21:29
Cat4Dpdms wont pull away from the channel too much?21:29
nmz787uniform thickness matters to me21:29
fenn2 hours?21:29
ParahSailinpdms deforms real easily21:30
nmz787smoothness too, but that should be pretty good anyway as long as the plate is clean21:30
ParahSailinas long as there is no gross uniformity, it will flow to fill in21:30
kanzuremy materials dood is saying photocuring should take less than 10min21:30
Cat4Dif you use two modes (2d tool), you should be able to clear and then surface the target channel21:30
nmz787PDMS doesnt photocure21:30
kanzurecould we find a photocuring silicone polymer thing21:30
ParahSailinwhy you want photocure?21:31
kanzuredigital light projection21:31
kanzuremicromirror array from texas instruments21:31
kanzureshine light with picoprojector21:31
kanzurechange mask without fucken masks21:31
fenngelest RMS-033 is a photocure siloxane rubber21:31
nmz787then we're limited by pixel size and chip resolution21:31
ParahSailini dont think pdms is very photodefinable21:31
kanzurenmz787: true.. but same thing with a laz0r21:31
kanzurei suppose smooth movement with a stage would be nice21:32
fenna laser plotter would have higher resolution21:32
ParahSailinthought you guys were going with ablation etching21:32
nmz787except lazor is being designed for 6x6inch with 0.19 micron step resolution21:32
kanzureso did i21:32
fennDMD is just faster21:32
fennanyway, i'm buying cheap stuff on ebay just to see if it works21:32
nmz787oh I forgot to mention degassing21:32
nmz787before spinning and baking21:32
nmz787or sandwiching and baking21:33
nmz787what are we talking about to see if it works? the CNC gantry?21:33
fennwell i have some steppers + linear slides already21:33
fennso i got some $2 laser modules and lenses21:33
nmz787I already have done above steps from sylgard 184 from fedex to cutting with CO2 laser and metrology with interferometer21:33
fennif the spot size is so small, i don't believe the laser must have a high power21:34
fennhavent done the calculations yet21:34
nmz787i did exp with a 25 or 30W CO2 laser with a ~100 micron spot size21:35
nmz787so logically a smaller spot will work better21:35
nmz787or the same with less power21:35
fennyou fucked up the square conversion again21:35
fennunits 'sqrt(300mW/(30W/mm^2))' = 100 micron21:35
nmz787dunno where you're gettin 300mW21:36
fennits my $2 laser diode's rated power21:36
ParahSailinone of the nice things about solid photoresists is that the photoacid doesnt diffuse very quickly in solid phase21:36
kanzurefenn: send me ebay links to buy things :(21:36
ParahSailinallowing decent aspect ratios21:36
nmz787the actual measured beam width that i used was ~100 microns as measured21:36
fennoh sorry i misread that21:37
nmz787the actual laser tube power i used was 25 or 30W21:37
nmz787max power21:37
nmz787sry i am up 16 hours now on 3 hours sleep21:37
nmz787so i should really get to bed21:38
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fennyes go to bed, i will make some cad models21:38
nmz787can you please write down the maths you do21:38
fenni pushed to diyhpluswiki21:38
nmz787ok, what is the link :(21:38
nmz787i need to bookmark it to the back of my eyelids21:38
kanzurehistory: http://diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki21:39
kanzureactual file: http://diyhpl.us/wiki/projects/laser_etcher21:39
kanzureok fenn's link is prolly better21:39
nmz787fenn, the paper mentioned used 1064nm, CO2 is 10600nm21:40
fenni wish the u prefex for micro- worked by default in units21:40
fenner, really21:40
fennit was 10.6 something, guess that's not 106421:41
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nmz787yah, 1064 is some nd:yag or crap, one of those DPSS i think21:41
kanzurefenn: just fyi i don't think nmz787 knows about the all mighty magic of 'units'21:41
kanzurebut he's on ubuntu so he could install it / or already has it21:42
nmz787heh, i'm on windows 7 with a dual core i7 8gb ram... with virtualbox ubuntu21:42
nmz787theres also frink, which i've not learned, but a roomie uses for crazy conversions21:43
kanzurethat sounds completely unnecessary21:43
nmz787i like oneNote21:43
nmz787at least the i7 does some alright hardware virtualization support21:43
kanzureyeah i am using an i7 in my laptop too21:44
nmz787well physicsforums.com blows... 210 views 0 replies on the laser optics question i posted21:44
kanzureNEWB might be throwing them off21:44
kanzurewrite it out:P it's "newbie"21:44
fenn"Frink allows Object-Oriented Programming, which allows you to create complex data structures that are still easy to use."  er... okay21:45
nmz787guess i'm too hacker for the physisiststststs21:45
kanzureor noob, n00b, newbie, etc.21:45
yashgarothnub, nublar21:45
fennunits is just a calculator with unit conversion21:45
kanzureshow him a demo21:46
fennit doesn't have variables or arbitrary unit creation, unfortunately21:46
kanzureyou can modify the data file21:46
fennkitty:~/fab/diyhpluswiki/projects$ units inch mm * 25.421:46
fenner, that didn't paste right21:46
fennreally he should just install it and try it, there's no excuse not to21:47
nmz787we should tell people we're using wavelets... then they might think we are actually doing more than systems integration...21:47
nmz787lol, ok, i will install tomorrow21:47
kanzuresudo apt-get install units21:48
nmz787that package cant be authenticated21:48
nmz787that garbage popped up yesterday when i installed something too21:49
nmz787no idea why21:49
fennmaybe you messed up your keychain21:50
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nmz787i think it started after i dpkg -i a .deb21:51
nmz787which failed, then i aptget install -f it21:51
kanzurethat shouldn't cause it21:51
nmz787fixed the package deps21:51
kanzurejrayhawk: help?21:51
nmz787yeah, so whatev, its not broken21:51
nmz787unless my VM is somehow hacked21:51
nmz787all my sandbox sekrets!21:51
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nmz787so i said 5 mm21:57
nmz787then said microns21:57
nmz787and it spit out 5000 (newline) / 0.000221:58
nmz787dunno what the 0.0002 is21:58
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kanzureoh it might be just 'micron'22:00
nmz787kanzure: chandni is really good with complex maths, like all them symbols and abstract stuffs22:02
nmz787so if u know anyone note in security, but needin some math translator/fluent type22:03
nmz787send her resume that way too22:03
* kanzure sleeps22:11
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jrayhawkapt-cache search archive-keyring23:32
jrayhawkoh i guess it's just ubuntu-keyring in ubuntu-land23:34
jrayhawkkinda sad23:34
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