
--- Log opened Tue Sep 07 00:00:17 2010
joshcryerMemresistor talk: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKGhvKyjgLY00:07
joshcryerWatching it now, not sure if it's any good. :)00:07
joshcryer(it's good)00:13
joshcryeromg it's a chemical change00:22
joshcryerthat's so amazingly cool00:22
joshcryer14 mins in00:23
joshcryernow to see how long the memresitor holds its state 00:24
joshcryera day?00:24
joshcryera hundred days?00:24
CryptoQuickwhiaouw! www.google.com00:25
jmilgood job, thanks!00:25
jmilis that javascript?00:25
CryptoQuickjmil: HTML5 + JS, yeah00:26
jmiljoshcryer: what's a memresistor?00:29
jmilhe lost me in the first sentence00:29
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QuantumGit's a device that couples flux to charge with a state00:30
CryptoQuickbasically, it's a flux capactor.00:30
joshcryerjmil, short explaination, by pushing current through it, it will change its resistance, ie, scalar change. So you can tweak the resistance it holds arbitrarily. He doesn't say how long the state is held, however, it happens due to oxygen ion transfer between two layers, it could last a fairly long time. 00:31
CryptoQuickuntil you light it on fire00:32
QuantumGjoshcryer: at 21 minutes he says "at least in theory the state has a geological lifetime"00:32
jmilso why do you need it?00:33
joshcryerQuantumG, I heard that but I wasn't sure he meant that!00:33
joshcryerI mean, wow.00:33
joshcryerThat's epic.00:33
jmilisn't that a transistor?00:33
QuantumGtransistors don't have anything to do with flux00:33
QuantumG(and they're not fundamental)00:33
joshcryerhe says the state has an infinite lifetime at 25min00:33
jmiloh flux capacitor, i know all about that yeah00:33
CryptoQuick"it's what makes time travel possible"00:34
joshcryerjmil, it will let you save data at dram-like speeds.00:34
QuantumGwith nanoscale components00:34
CryptoQuickyeah, it's gonna be real cool in ten years when you can put an ARM chip in your SSD and call that your computer00:35
katsmeow-afkthey been working on memristors for a decade, HP "made a breakthru" a few yrs ago, still nothing on the market to buy tho00:35
joshcryer20 gb in 1cm00:35
joshcryerkatsmeow-afk, the early ones were super slow00:36
katsmeow-afki know00:36
joshcryerand he didn't discover the TiO2 approach until 4 years ago00:36
jmilkatsmeow-afk: correction: "still nothing to buy tho"... just buy HP00:36
katsmeow-afkbottom line: when's Mouser going to sell them?00:37
joshcryerprobably before 2015?00:37
* katsmeow-afk nods00:37
joshcryerI saw an article that said they were going to make them "in 3 years" and it was a 2010 article00:37
joshcryerlet me find it00:37
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katsmeow-afki saw an article saying the same thing! in 2009 , 2008, 2007, etc00:38
joshcryerHe said the company could have a competitor to flash memory in three years that would have a capacity of 20 gigabytes a square centimeter.00:38
joshcryerfair enough00:38
katsmeow-afkflash? last i heard they were skipping flash and going for desktop/laptop ram00:39
joshcryerthis thing could save data for thousands of years00:39
katsmeow-afkPublished: April 7, 201000:39
joshcryerwith no batteries00:39
joshcryerthere's your space probe chip right there :P00:40
CryptoQuickwell, how does it do against radiation?00:40
joshcryerbury it in a chunk of lead :P00:40
katsmeow-afki understand memristors, i even seem to remember something about them from Science magazine in the 1970s, but no oneis selling them <shrug>00:40
joshcryerkatsmeow-afk, this video is claiming that flash can't shrink much more than it already is so memresistors would be ideal for flash00:40
QuantumGRecently, a simple electronic circuit consisting of an LC network and a memristor was used to model experiments on adaptive behavior of unicellular organisms. It was shown that the electronic circuit subjected to a train of periodic pulses learns and anticipates the next pulse to come, similarly to the behavior of slime molds Physarum polycephalum subjected to periodic changes of environment.00:41
joshcryerbut granted it's a 9 month old video00:41
joshcryermemresistors are so much win00:41
joshcryer(that's going to be hard to learn to spell properly)00:41
CryptoQuickmoar liek memeristor00:42
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joshcryerdon't think I could make my own memristor though00:43
jmili don't get it, my memory is fine00:43
joshcryerthe effect fails at anything very much beyond nanoscale00:43
QuantumGjoshcryer: I can see the catchphrase already "now you can see the doping vacancies inherent in the system!"00:43
jmiloh, what day is it now?00:43
joshcryer36 mins in00:44
joshcryer"petabits in 1cm^2"00:45
QuantumGstored for geological timescales!00:45
joshcryerok crazy guy is hyping this beyond comprehension00:45
CryptoQuickradiation and flame resistant!00:45
joshcryerbut he sounds like he knows what he's talking about!00:46
QuantumGomg, that's incredible if it works.. I want my memristor non-volatile memory that is faster than sram and stores data for longer than the Earth will be around.00:48
QuantumGI wonder if you can grow memristor memory crystals in a petri dish too00:49
joshcryerwhat bugs me is that I'm not getting a geniunely crazy vibe from this guy00:49
jrayhawkjmil: does the git snapshot cron thing you wanted still need doing?00:49
jrayhawkif so, please describe it in detail.00:49
QuantumGjoshcryer: it's because he explains *everything*00:51
joshcryer"hey we gunna put a brain in a 1cm^2 chip kthx"00:51
QuantumGat 39 minutes he's explaining Mathematica00:51
joshcryerQuantumG, yeah, he's not leaving anything out, and that turns down the BS meter.00:51
QuantumGseriously, these things are so simple, and at the right scale, that I bet there are crystals you can grow that are memristors00:52
jmiljrayhawk: ya i have the script written in my home dir00:52
jmili just need to throw it in my crontab00:52
katsmeow-afkand then lay down the copper, and opamps, and stuff?00:53
joshcryeraww he ran out of time :(00:53
jmilcat /home/jsmiller/reprap_git_SVN.sh00:53
joshcryerskipped some good slides00:53
jmilit needs to be in my crontab tho00:53
jmiljrayhawk: 00:53
jrayhawkIs there an http namespace set up for you to throw the results in? I haven't checked up on what you and Bryan have been up to in a while.00:53
jmiljrayhawk: it needs to be in my crontab00:53
QuantumGlike, Avogadro's numbers of memristors.00:53
jmiljrayhawk: oh the results are automagically pushed to the SVN branch00:54
QuantumGinterconnected in some defined way.00:54
jmilso nothing else is needed00:54
jmilexcept to put it in my crontab for running every 15 min00:54
jmil15 min is actualy preferable to every 5 min in case of network congestion00:54
* joshcryer favorites that video00:55
jmilwhich could cause git failure00:55
QuantumG10^11 synapses on a cm^2 chip :)00:55
QuantumGthat video is gold00:56
joshcryerit really is00:56
jmiljrayhawk: i think i added to my crontab...00:57
jmilanyway to tell if it is running?00:57
jmilmaybe i should have it log somewhere?00:57
QuantumGhe talks about photonics at the end.. it's all optic fibres and memristor crystals in the future.00:57
QuantumGsci-fi everywhere got it right.00:57
jmilbecause i don't know if i edited my crontab correctly jrayhawk 00:57
jmilor if my crontab is active00:58
joshcryeromg voyager's neural gel packs are memristors00:58
jrayhawkman 5 crontab00:58
jrayhawkthe "MAILTO" variable is probably the thing you want00:59
jrayhawkAny thing going to stdout will wind up mailed to you.00:59
jrayhawkAssuming you set MAILTO to your address.00:59
jrayhawkOtherwise I think it'll wind up emailing me, if I understand the mail system correctly.00:59
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jrayhawkhttp://gnusha.org/logs/2010-09-07.log if you missed anything01:02
QuantumGso much arxiv.org01:04
QuantumGMemristor MOS Content Addressable Memory (MCAM): Hybrid Architecture for Future High Performance Search Engines01:04
jmiljrayhawk: ok thx01:04
jmili'm not gonna do the mail thing i think, b/c i don't think either of us want an email every 15 min01:04
QuantumGMemristor-based pattern recognition for image processing: an adaptive coded aperture imaging and sensing opportunity01:05
jmiljust knowing that my crontab should be working is good, i'll wait for adrian's next push into SVN and then check the cgit on gnusha01:05
jmilto see if it updated the SVN branch01:05
Utopiahjmil: I didn't read the whole story but I see SVN and crontab, did you consider hooks?01:05
jrayhawkYour git commands do not have -q, so it is going to be emailing *someone*01:05
jmilUtopiah: i don't have access to SVN repo01:06
jmilonly can pull from it01:06
jmiljrayhawk: stdout always gets mailed for crontab?01:06
jrayhawkYeah. Some people just close stdout, but sometimes useful diagnostic stuff winds up there.01:07
jrayhawkgit is made well enough for this; just add -q to all your commands.01:07
jrayhawkIt'll only print errors.01:07
QuantumG"neuromorphic computing"01:08
jmiljrayhawk: ok, done. just ran script manually, only output is result of pushing 01:08
jmillemme know if i should turn it off more01:10
QuantumGhttp://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=  nice short paper01:12
jmiljrayhawk: if you get too many mails (every 15 min?)01:12
jmili unfortunately don't know how to use pine, so i can't check email easy on command line01:13
jrayhawkpresumably you would have it MAILTO=jrdnmlr@gmail.com01:17
jmilhow do i do that?01:18
* jmil shrugs like a newbie01:18
jrayhawkman 5 crontab01:19
joshcryerQuantumG that is a god awful disturbing amazingly awesome paper.01:19
jmilwhy is there a 5 there?01:19
jrayhawkman man01:20
jmilwhatis man01:20
jmilthat's a good xkcd i think 01:20
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jrayhawkman man is also an excellent band01:25
jmilexcellente, will look it up01:26
jmilgot to see a man about a horse01:26
jmillaterz peeps01:27
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QuantumGhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5UTRTOfgo4&feature=related explains it even more04:38
joshcryerQuantumG <304:43
joshcryerI have to work soon though. :/04:43
QuantumGtonight, 7pm PDT, Propellant Depots talk on The Space Show04:44
QuantumGDan Adamo is planning to blow LEO prop depots out of the water.04:45
joshcryerMight check it out, but I expect to fall asleep as soon as I get home.04:48
QuantumGhow far east are you?04:48
joshcryerJust an hour.04:48
joshcryerI'll be just getting in, having something to eat, and passing out. :)04:49
joshcryerSlept all day Labor Day (American Holiday here), and been up all night.04:49
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QuantumGya know04:51
QuantumGit is funny04:51
QuantumGwhat this guy is saying is that all the talk about "Oh Noes! Moore's Law breaks down at the nanoscale!"04:51
QuantumG== memristors04:52
QuantumGcongrats, you just graduated to the next level04:52
joshcryerYou knew about 'em before I mentioned 'em though right?04:58
joshcryerSeems like there's a crapload of new stuff out (I was browsing arxiv earlier), but I admit I just forgot about them until last night.04:58
QuantumGI'd heard the term and understood it at the "what is it?" level04:58
QuantumGI had no idea how it worked04:58
joshcryerI knew that they did transition states and were possibly useful for a ternary computing system.04:59
joshcryerBut screw ternary computing now that we have synapse computing!04:59
QuantumG"the width of the tunnel barrier is the state variable"05:04
QuantumG"tremendously non-linear, the tunnel barrier is an exponential of an exponential"05:07
QuantumG"these circuits use picojoules"05:08
joshcryerI'm putting this on my netbook.05:18
QuantumGlast year 100 memristors was fabricated into a CMOS FPGA05:18
joshcryerIt just finished downloading.05:18
joshcryergtg, thanks again QuantumG05:19
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Utopiahdoes the SeaStanding project has refs. to the Navy Seabasing (Carderock, http://www.onrglobal.navy.mil/public/about/conferences/rd_partner/2007/docs/thursday_070802/Sea_Basing_Enablers_INP_Cooper.ppt )07:25
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kanzure< jmil> jrayhawk: oh the results are automagically pushed to the SVN branch07:44
kanzurefor the record, that sounds like an awful idea07:44
kanzureyou mean you're pushing .tar.gz files into svn? and the .tar.gz files are copies of the repository?07:44
jmili do it all the time07:44
jmilno no no07:44
jmili named an SVN branch in the git repo07:44
jmilthat should only ever be remote tracking of the reprap SVN official repo07:45
jmilother commits go into master07:45
jmilperiodically i will manually merge into master07:45
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jmiltwo branches, "master" and "SVN"07:46
jmilkanzure: you see what i mean?07:47
jmilhere's the original manual for doing this:07:47
kanzurethis isn't the thing that adrian was asking for07:49
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kanzureor am i confused?07:50
kanzurehttp://vimeo.com/10719012 Hojun Song "Open Source Satellite Project" (Lift Asia09 EN)07:54
jmilkanzure: you are confused i think...08:00
jmilforward-compatible tracking of SVN repo to include legacy devs who take a very long time to switch to git is one of my design criteria for the git reprap repo08:01
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kanzurejmil: yeah but wasn't adrian asking you to make some way to download individual folders without git commit history or something?08:16
kanzurei'm so confused08:16
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kanzurehttp://www.smlib.com/smlib.html has an interesting overview of a non-manifold topology library that "also does NURBS"10:41
kanzure"In theory, BREP modelers could build any real part that could be manufactured. A model consisting of a cylinder lying on a box can not be manufactured since the region of contact between the two parts is just a line."10:41
kanzure"In 1986 Kevin Weiler published his PhD thesis titled "Topological Structures for Geometric Modeling" and in it he generalized the twin edge boundary edge representation into a radial edge representation together with the ability to include points and curves."10:42
CryptoQuickcomputers can be really dumb sometimes10:42
CryptoQuick"how do I put a cylinder inside a box"10:42
CryptoQuickdurr hurr10:42
kanzureoh lovely they have a warped concept of what "open source" means10:52
kanzure"All of the software and documentation received with this release of SMLib is copyrighted by either Solid Modeling Solutions, IntegrityWare or GeomWare Inc(s). You may not distribute source code or documentation for this software outside of the company and the site which owns the license."10:52
kanzure" The standard license agreement allows you to freely distribute object code in any application which does not contain a programmatic interface. All software and documentation is considered proprietary information and the intellectual property of Solid Modeling Solutions, Inc., IntegrityWare, Inc., and GeomWare Inc."10:52
kanzure"This document contains trade secret information which these companies deem proprietary."10:53
kanzurenon-manifold data structures and operators http://web.archive.org/web/20030501141918/http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~gwaltz/db/10:55
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kanzuredoes this look like a solidworks importer to anyone else?11:12
kanzureseems to import a solidworks dll file though11:12
kanzureno clue what DLIList.hpp is.11:13
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kyledrakeHi, does Bryan live here? I'm seeking python EPOC hacking information.17:44
QuantumGhe does17:46
QuantumGand was just here.. so probably isn't far away17:46
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QuantumGpython EPOC hacking?17:52
kanzureemotiv epoc, the eeg headset17:54
QuantumG"Dynetics" it only sounds like an evil megacorporation. http://dynetics.com/employee-ownership.php18:05
kyledrakeQuantumG: Thanks!18:11
kyledrakekanzure: I'm trying to do some EPOC research, without having to get into .NET18:11
kyledrakekanzure: I just need raw EEG data for the most part18:12
kyledrakeSo yeah.. I'm very interested in the python development stuff mentioned here: http://www.emotiv.com/forum/forum4/topic97/18:16
jrayhawkThe services Bryan normally uses for hosting stuff are down, so it'll probably take him a bit to get that back up somewheres.18:22
kanzurekyledrake: http://diyhpl.us/irc/emotiv/epoc/kanzure_emotiv_epoc_egg.dat18:34
kanzureor just dig around in http://diyhpl.us/irc/emotiv/epoc/18:34
kanzurekanzure_emotiv_epoc_eeg.dat is unfortunately in the encrypted format18:34
kyledrakekanzure: Thanks!18:35
kyledrakekanzure: Encrypted format? I've heard of this, I'm confused as to what it means18:35
kanzureAES encryption is applied on top of the EEG readings18:36
kanzurepresumably somewhere in the epoc software it's unencrypted and then parsed (somehow)18:36
kyledrakekanzure: You can't get raw EEG data? I don't see how you can program for this thing then. I've heard that the development version doesn't do this, but I was told that by someone not fluent in programming18:38
kanzurethey have an sdk or something where you interface with their dll files or something18:39
kanzurebut i'm not a windows user so it's useless18:39
kanzure(and no running it under wine doesn't sound like a good idea)18:39
kyledrakekanzure: http://www.emotiv.com/forum/forum4/topic806/   <- Apparently its just so they can charge more for the other ones. Jesus these guys aren't shady.18:40
kanzurebtw we've talked about the eeg stuff a few times before in here18:40
kyledrakekanzure: Awesome, thank you so much. I have access to the "research" version, so I'm going to try to get it to spit out raw eeg. I'll share my code with you when I get it working18:42
jrayhawkDistributing circumvention tools is legally dangerous; I would suggest you do so anonymously if you get that far.18:44
kyledrakejrayhawk: Duely noted.18:44
kyledrakejrayhawk: I -think- it will spit out non-encrypted data for this version I have. Not sure yet. I'm going to try for it this weekend18:45
kanzurethere is also the other working hypothesis that there is no encryption and i just can't figure out their datastream format18:47
kyledrakekanzure: No, there is encryption. My colleague was accurate, the non-500 dollar ones have some kind of weird ugly encryption scheme going on18:48
QuantumGThe Space Show is starting now, tune in, hear Dan Adamo talk about propellant depots: how to make them work, and not. http://bit.ly/aAWpCJ19:02
-!- niftyzero1 [~miron@dsl081-070-214.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #hplusroadmap19:03
kanzureby depots you mean cement bunkers?19:03
QuantumGon-orbit ones :)19:04
katsmeow-afksand - plaster - mortar - "cinder block" - cement - concrete19:05
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joshcryerMemristors are going to change everything.20:56
bkeroRISC architecture is going to change everything.21:01
bkeroYea, RISC is good.21:01
joshcryerMemristors are way more simple than RISC man!21:03
joshcryerAnd way more awesome.21:03
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Daekenkatsmeow-afk: i'm gonna have an epoc by early next week at the latest :D21:14
Daekenkanzure, rather :P21:15
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Daeken( http://emotiv.com/ )  sorry, mis-tab-completed :P21:15
AlystairDaeken: you got one of those bad boys ordered21:20
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